예제 #1
파일: readers.c 프로젝트: Moteesh/reactos
/* Make the buffer count in the pool match the pool size. */
static int bc_fill_pool(struct bufferchain *bc)
	/* Remove superfluous ones. */
	while(bc->pool_fill > bc->pool_size)
		/* Lazyness: Just work on the front. */
		struct buffy* buf = bc->pool;
		bc->pool = buf->next;

	/* Add missing ones. */
	while(bc->pool_fill < bc->pool_size)
		/* Again, just work on the front. */
		struct buffy* buf;
		buf = buffy_new(0, bc->bufblock); /* Use default block size. */
		if(!buf) return -1;

		buf->next = bc->pool;
		bc->pool = buf;

	return 0;
예제 #2
파일: reader.c 프로젝트: jeefo/xash3d
// make the buffer count in the pool match the pool size.
static int bc_fill_pool( bufferchain_t *bc )
	// remove superfluous ones.
	while( bc->pool_fill > bc->pool_size )
		// lazyness: Just work on the front.
		buffy_t *buf = bc->pool;
		bc->pool = buf->next;
		buffy_del( buf );

	// add missing ones.
	while( bc->pool_fill < bc->pool_size )
		// again, just work on the front.
		buffy_t *buf = buffy_new( 0, bc->bufblock ); // use default block size.
		if( !buf ) return -1;

		buf->next = bc->pool;
		bc->pool = buf;

	return 0;
예제 #3
파일: readers.c 프로젝트: Moteesh/reactos
/* Delete this buffy and all following buffies. */
static void buffy_del_chain(struct buffy* buf)
		struct buffy* next = buf->next;
		buf = next;
예제 #4
파일: reader.c 프로젝트: jeefo/xash3d
// delete this buffy and all following buffies.
static void buffy_del_chain( buffy_t *buf )
	while( buf )
		buffy_t *next = buf->next;
		buffy_del( buf );
		buf = next;
예제 #5
파일: readers.c 프로젝트: Moteesh/reactos
/* Either stuff the buffer back into the pool or free it for good. */
static void bc_free(struct bufferchain *bc, struct buffy* buf)
	if(!buf) return;

	if(bc->pool_fill < bc->pool_size)
		buf->next = bc->pool;
		bc->pool = buf;
	else buffy_del(buf);
예제 #6
파일: reader.c 프로젝트: jeefo/xash3d
// either stuff the buffer back into the pool or free it for good.
static void bc_free( bufferchain_t *bc, buffy_t* buf )
	if( !buf ) return;

	if( bc->pool_fill < bc->pool_size )
		buf->next = bc->pool;
		bc->pool = buf;
	else buffy_del( buf );