예제 #1
 * Build ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES command(s) for single pg_default_acl entry.
 *	type: the object type (TABLES, FUNCTIONS, etc)
 *	nspname: schema name, or NULL for global default privileges
 *	acls: the ACL string fetched from the database
 *	owner: username of privileges owner (will be passed through fmtId)
 *	remoteVersion: version of database
 * Returns TRUE if okay, FALSE if could not parse the acl string.
 * The resulting commands (if any) are appended to the contents of 'sql'.
buildDefaultACLCommands(const char *type, const char *nspname,
						const char *acls, const char *owner,
						int remoteVersion,
						PQExpBuffer sql)
	bool		result;
	PQExpBuffer prefix;

	prefix = createPQExpBuffer();

	 * We incorporate the target role directly into the command, rather than
	 * playing around with SET ROLE or anything like that.	This is so that a
	 * permissions error leads to nothing happening, rather than changing
	 * default privileges for the wrong user.
	appendPQExpBuffer(prefix, "ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE %s ",
	if (nspname)
		appendPQExpBuffer(prefix, "IN SCHEMA %s ", fmtId(nspname));

	result = buildACLCommands("", NULL,
							  type, acls, owner,
							  prefix->data, remoteVersion,


	return result;
예제 #2
 * Build ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES command(s) for single pg_default_acl entry.
 *	type: the object type (TABLES, FUNCTIONS, etc)
 *	nspname: schema name, or NULL for global default privileges
 *	acls: the ACL string fetched from the database
 *	owner: username of privileges owner (will be passed through fmtId)
 *	remoteVersion: version of database
 * Returns TRUE if okay, FALSE if could not parse the acl string.
 * The resulting commands (if any) are appended to the contents of 'sql'.
buildDefaultACLCommands(const char *type, const char *nspname,
						const char *acls, const char *racls,
						const char *initacls, const char *initracls,
						const char *owner,
						int remoteVersion,
						PQExpBuffer sql)
	PQExpBuffer prefix;

	prefix = createPQExpBuffer();

	 * We incorporate the target role directly into the command, rather than
	 * playing around with SET ROLE or anything like that.  This is so that a
	 * permissions error leads to nothing happening, rather than changing
	 * default privileges for the wrong user.
	appendPQExpBuffer(prefix, "ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE %s ",
	if (nspname)
		appendPQExpBuffer(prefix, "IN SCHEMA %s ", fmtId(nspname));

	if (strlen(initacls) != 0 || strlen(initracls) != 0)
		appendPQExpBuffer(sql, "SELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(true);\n");
		if (!buildACLCommands("", NULL, type, initacls, initracls, owner,
							  prefix->data, remoteVersion, sql))
			return false;
		appendPQExpBuffer(sql, "SELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_record_init_privs(false);\n");

	if (!buildACLCommands("", NULL, type, acls, racls, owner,
						  prefix->data, remoteVersion, sql))
		return false;


	return true;
예제 #3
 * Dump commands to create each database.
 * To minimize the number of reconnections (and possibly ensuing
 * password prompts) required by the output script, we emit all CREATE
 * DATABASE commands during the initial phase of the script, and then
 * run pg_dump for each database to dump the contents of that
 * database.  We skip databases marked not datallowconn, since we'd be
 * unable to connect to them anyway (and besides, we don't want to
 * dump template0).
static void
dumpCreateDB(PGconn *conn)
	PQExpBuffer buf = createPQExpBuffer();
	PGresult   *res;
	int			i;

	printf("--\n-- Database creation\n--\n\n");

	if (server_version >= 80100)
		res = executeQuery(conn,
						   "SELECT datname, "
						   "coalesce(rolname, (select rolname from pg_authid where oid=(select datdba from pg_database where datname='template0'))), "
						   "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
						   "datistemplate, datacl, datconnlimit, "
						   "(SELECT spcname FROM pg_tablespace t WHERE t.oid = d.dattablespace) AS dattablespace "
			  "FROM pg_database d LEFT JOIN pg_authid u ON (datdba = u.oid) "
						   "WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1");
	else if (server_version >= 80000)
		res = executeQuery(conn,
						   "SELECT datname, "
						   "coalesce(usename, (select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=(select datdba from pg_database where datname='template0'))), "
						   "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
						   "datistemplate, datacl, -1 as datconnlimit, "
						   "(SELECT spcname FROM pg_tablespace t WHERE t.oid = d.dattablespace) AS dattablespace "
		   "FROM pg_database d LEFT JOIN pg_shadow u ON (datdba = usesysid) "
						   "WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1");
	else if (server_version >= 70300)
		res = executeQuery(conn,
						   "SELECT datname, "
						   "coalesce(usename, (select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=(select datdba from pg_database where datname='template0'))), "
						   "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
						   "datistemplate, datacl, -1 as datconnlimit, "
						   "'pg_default' AS dattablespace "
		   "FROM pg_database d LEFT JOIN pg_shadow u ON (datdba = usesysid) "
						   "WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1");
	else if (server_version >= 70100)
		res = executeQuery(conn,
						   "SELECT datname, "
					"(select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=datdba), "
						   "(select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=(select datdba from pg_database where datname='template0'))), "
						   "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
						   "datistemplate, '' as datacl, -1 as datconnlimit, "
						   "'pg_default' AS dattablespace "
						   "FROM pg_database d "
						   "WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1");
		 * Note: 7.0 fails to cope with sub-select in COALESCE, so just deal
		 * with getting a NULL by not printing any OWNER clause.
		res = executeQuery(conn,
						   "SELECT datname, "
					"(select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=datdba), "
						   "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
						   "'f' as datistemplate, "
						   "'' as datacl, -1 as datconnlimit, "
						   "'pg_default' AS dattablespace "
						   "FROM pg_database d "
						   "ORDER BY 1");

	for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
		char	   *dbname = PQgetvalue(res, i, 0);
		char	   *dbowner = PQgetvalue(res, i, 1);
		char	   *dbencoding = PQgetvalue(res, i, 2);
		char	   *dbistemplate = PQgetvalue(res, i, 3);
		char	   *dbacl = PQgetvalue(res, i, 4);
		char	   *dbconnlimit = PQgetvalue(res, i, 5);
		char	   *dbtablespace = PQgetvalue(res, i, 6);
		char	   *fdbname;

		fdbname = strdup(fmtId(dbname));


		 * Skip the CREATE DATABASE commands for "template1" and "postgres",
		 * since they are presumably already there in the destination cluster.
		 * We do want to emit their ACLs and config options if any, however.
		if (strcmp(dbname, "template1") != 0 &&
			strcmp(dbname, "postgres") != 0)
			if (output_clean)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP DATABASE %s;\n", fdbname);

			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE DATABASE %s", fdbname);

			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " WITH TEMPLATE = template0");

			if (strlen(dbowner) != 0)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " OWNER = %s", fmtId(dbowner));

			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " ENCODING = ");
			appendStringLiteral(buf, dbencoding, true);

			/* Output tablespace if it isn't default */
			if (strcmp(dbtablespace, "pg_default") != 0)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " TABLESPACE = %s",

			if (strcmp(dbconnlimit, "-1") != 0)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " CONNECTION LIMIT = %s",

			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

			if (strcmp(dbistemplate, "t") == 0)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = 't' WHERE datname = ");
				appendStringLiteral(buf, dbname, true);
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

		if (!skip_acls &&
			!buildACLCommands(fdbname, "DATABASE", dbacl, dbowner,
							  server_version, buf))
			fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not parse ACL list (%s) for database \"%s\"\n"),
					progname, dbacl, fdbname);

		printf("%s", buf->data);

		if (server_version >= 70300)
			dumpDatabaseConfig(conn, dbname);



예제 #4
 * Dump tablespaces.
static void
dumpTablespaces(PGconn *conn)
	PGresult   *res;
	int			i;

	 * Get all tablespaces except built-in ones (which we assume are named
	 * pg_xxx)
	res = executeQuery(conn, "SELECT spcname, "
					   "pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(spcowner) AS spcowner, "
					   "spclocation, spcacl "
					   "FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace "
					   "WHERE spcname !~ '^pg_' "
					   "ORDER BY 1");

	if (PQntuples(res) > 0)
		printf("--\n-- Tablespaces\n--\n\n");

	for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
		PQExpBuffer buf = createPQExpBuffer();
		char	   *spcname = PQgetvalue(res, i, 0);
		char	   *spcowner = PQgetvalue(res, i, 1);
		char	   *spclocation = PQgetvalue(res, i, 2);
		char	   *spcacl = PQgetvalue(res, i, 3);
		char	   *fspcname;

		/* needed for buildACLCommands() */
		fspcname = strdup(fmtId(spcname));

		if (output_clean)
			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP TABLESPACE %s;\n", fspcname);

		appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE TABLESPACE %s", fspcname);
		appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " OWNER %s", fmtId(spcowner));

		appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " LOCATION ");
		appendStringLiteral(buf, spclocation, true);
		appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

		if (!skip_acls &&
			!buildACLCommands(fspcname, "TABLESPACE", spcacl, spcowner,
							  server_version, buf))
			fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not parse ACL list (%s) for tablespace \"%s\"\n"),
					progname, spcacl, fspcname);

		printf("%s", buf->data);


예제 #5
파일: pg_dumpall.c 프로젝트: 454135329/gpdb
 * Dump commands to create each database.
 * To minimize the number of reconnections (and possibly ensuing
 * password prompts) required by the output script, we emit all CREATE
 * DATABASE commands during the initial phase of the script, and then
 * run pg_dump for each database to dump the contents of that
 * database.  We skip databases marked not datallowconn, since we'd be
 * unable to connect to them anyway (and besides, we don't want to
 * dump template0).
static void
dumpCreateDB(PGconn *conn)
	PQExpBuffer buf = createPQExpBuffer();
	PGresult   *res;
	int			i;

	fprintf(OPF, "--\n-- Database creation\n--\n\n");

	res = executeQuery(conn,
					   "SELECT datname, "
					   "coalesce(rolname, (select rolname from pg_authid where oid=(select datdba from pg_database where datname='template0'))), "
					   "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
					   "datistemplate, datacl, datconnlimit, "
					   "(SELECT spcname FROM pg_tablespace t WHERE t.oid = d.dattablespace) AS dattablespace "
			  "FROM pg_database d LEFT JOIN pg_authid u ON (datdba = u.oid) "
					   "WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1");

	for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
		char	   *dbname = PQgetvalue(res, i, 0);
		char	   *dbowner = PQgetvalue(res, i, 1);
		char	   *dbencoding = PQgetvalue(res, i, 2);
		char	   *dbistemplate = PQgetvalue(res, i, 3);
		char	   *dbacl = PQgetvalue(res, i, 4);
		char	   *dbconnlimit = PQgetvalue(res, i, 5);
		char	   *dbtablespace = PQgetvalue(res, i, 6);
		char	   *fdbname;

		fdbname = strdup(fmtId(dbname));


		 * Skip the CREATE DATABASE commands for "template1" and "postgres",
		 * since they are presumably already there in the destination cluster.
		 * We do want to emit their ACLs and config options if any, however.
		if (strcmp(dbname, "template1") != 0 &&
			strcmp(dbname, "postgres") != 0)
			if (output_clean)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP DATABASE %s;\n", fdbname);

			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE DATABASE %s", fdbname);

			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " WITH TEMPLATE = template0");

			if (strlen(dbowner) != 0)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " OWNER = %s", fmtId(dbowner));

			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " ENCODING = ");
			appendStringLiteralConn(buf, dbencoding, conn);

			 * Output tablespace if it isn't the default.  For default, it
			 * uses the default from the template database.  If tablespace is
			 * specified and tablespace creation failed earlier, (e.g. no such
			 * directory), the database creation will fail too.  One solution
			 * would be to use 'SET default_tablespace' like we do in pg_dump
			 * for setting non-default database locations.
			if (strcmp(dbtablespace, "pg_default") != 0)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " TABLESPACE = %s",

			if (strcmp(dbconnlimit, "-1") != 0)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " CONNECTION LIMIT = %s",

			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

			if (strcmp(dbistemplate, "t") == 0)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = 't' WHERE datname = ");
				appendStringLiteralConn(buf, dbname, conn);
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

		if (!skip_acls &&
			!buildACLCommands(fdbname, "DATABASE", dbacl, dbowner,
							  server_version, buf))
			fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not parse ACL list (%s) for database \"%s\"\n"),
					progname, dbacl, fdbname);

		fprintf(OPF, "%s", buf->data);

		dumpDatabaseConfig(conn, dbname);



	fprintf(OPF, "\n\n");
예제 #6
파일: pg_dumpall.c 프로젝트: 454135329/gpdb
 * Dump tablespaces.
static void
dumpTablespaces(PGconn *conn)
	PGresult   *res;
	int			i;

	 * Get all tablespaces execpt built-in ones (named pg_xxx)
	 * [FIXME] the queries need to be slightly different if the backend isn't
	 * Greenplum, and the dump format should vary depending on if the dump is
	 * --gp-syntax or --no-gp-syntax.
	if (server_version < 80214)
		/* Filespaces were introduced in GP 4.0 (server_version 8.2.14) */
		res = executeQuery(conn, "SELECT spcname, "
						 "pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(spcowner) AS spcowner, "
						   "fsname, spcacl, "
					  "pg_catalog.shobj_description(t.oid, 'pg_tablespace') "
						   "FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t, "
						   "pg_catalog.pg_filespace fs "
						   "WHERE t.spcfsoid = fs.oid AND spcname !~ '^pg_' "
						   "ORDER BY 1");

	if (PQntuples(res) > 0)
		fprintf(OPF, "--\n-- Tablespaces\n--\n\n");

	for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
		PQExpBuffer buf = createPQExpBuffer();
		char	   *spcname = PQgetvalue(res, i, 0);
		char	   *spcowner = PQgetvalue(res, i, 1);
		char	   *fsname = PQgetvalue(res, i, 2);
		char	   *spcacl = PQgetvalue(res, i, 3);
		char	   *spccomment = PQgetvalue(res, i, 4);

		/* needed for buildACLCommands() */
		spcname = strdup(fmtId(spcname));

		if (output_clean)
			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "DROP TABLESPACE %s;\n", spcname);

		appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE TABLESPACE %s", spcname);
		appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " OWNER %s", fmtId(spcowner));
		appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " FILESPACE %s;\n", fmtId(fsname));

		/* Build Acls */
		if (!skip_acls &&
			!buildACLCommands(spcname, "TABLESPACE", spcacl, spcowner,
							  server_version, buf))
			fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not parse ACL list (%s) for tablespace \"%s\"\n"),
					progname, spcacl, spcname);

		/* Set comments */
		if (spccomment && strlen(spccomment))
			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "COMMENT ON TABLESPACE %s IS ", spcname);
			appendStringLiteralConn(buf, spccomment, conn);
			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

		fprintf(OPF, "%s", buf->data);


	fprintf(OPF, "\n\n");
예제 #7
 * Dump tablespaces.
static void
dumpTablespaces(PGconn *conn)
	PGresult   *res;
	int			i;

	 * Get all tablespaces except built-in ones (which we assume are named
	 * pg_xxx)
	if (server_version >= 90000)
		res = executeQuery(conn, "SELECT spcname, "
						 "pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(spcowner) AS spcowner, "
						   "spclocation, spcacl, "
						   "array_to_string(spcoptions, ', '),"
						"pg_catalog.shobj_description(oid, 'pg_tablespace') "
						   "FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace "
						   "WHERE spcname !~ '^pg_' "
						   "ORDER BY 1");
	else if (server_version >= 80200)
		res = executeQuery(conn, "SELECT spcname, "
						 "pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(spcowner) AS spcowner, "
						   "spclocation, spcacl, null, "
						"pg_catalog.shobj_description(oid, 'pg_tablespace') "
						   "FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace "
						   "WHERE spcname !~ '^pg_' "
						   "ORDER BY 1");
		res = executeQuery(conn, "SELECT spcname, "
						 "pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(spcowner) AS spcowner, "
						   "spclocation, spcacl, "
						   "null, null "
						   "FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace "
						   "WHERE spcname !~ '^pg_' "
						   "ORDER BY 1");

	if (PQntuples(res) > 0)
		fprintf(OPF, "--\n-- Tablespaces\n--\n\n");

	for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
		PQExpBuffer buf = createPQExpBuffer();
		char	   *spcname = PQgetvalue(res, i, 0);
		char	   *spcowner = PQgetvalue(res, i, 1);
		char	   *spclocation = PQgetvalue(res, i, 2);
		char	   *spcacl = PQgetvalue(res, i, 3);
		char	   *spcoptions = PQgetvalue(res, i, 4);
		char	   *spccomment = PQgetvalue(res, i, 5);
		char	   *fspcname;

		/* needed for buildACLCommands() */
		fspcname = strdup(fmtId(spcname));

		appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE TABLESPACE %s", fspcname);
		appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " OWNER %s", fmtId(spcowner));

		appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " LOCATION ");
		appendStringLiteralConn(buf, spclocation, conn);
		appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

		if (spcoptions && spcoptions[0] != '\0')
			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "ALTER TABLESPACE %s SET (%s);\n",
							  fspcname, spcoptions);

		if (!skip_acls &&
			!buildACLCommands(fspcname, NULL, "TABLESPACE", spcacl, spcowner,
							  "", server_version, buf))
			fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not parse ACL list (%s) for tablespace \"%s\"\n"),
					progname, spcacl, fspcname);

		if (spccomment && strlen(spccomment))
			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "COMMENT ON TABLESPACE %s IS ", fspcname);
			appendStringLiteralConn(buf, spccomment, conn);
			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

		fprintf(OPF, "%s", buf->data);


	fprintf(OPF, "\n\n");
예제 #8
 * Dump commands to create each database.
 * To minimize the number of reconnections (and possibly ensuing
 * password prompts) required by the output script, we emit all CREATE
 * DATABASE commands during the initial phase of the script, and then
 * run pg_dump for each database to dump the contents of that
 * database.  We skip databases marked not datallowconn, since we'd be
 * unable to connect to them anyway (and besides, we don't want to
 * dump template0).
static void
dumpCreateDB(PGconn *conn)
	PQExpBuffer buf = createPQExpBuffer();
	char	   *default_encoding = NULL;
	char	   *default_collate = NULL;
	char	   *default_ctype = NULL;
	PGresult   *res;
	int			i;

	fprintf(OPF, "--\n-- Database creation\n--\n\n");

	 * First, get the installation's default encoding and locale information.
	 * We will dump encoding and locale specifications in the CREATE DATABASE
	 * commands for just those databases with values different from defaults.
	 * We consider template0's encoding and locale (or, pre-7.1, template1's)
	 * to define the installation default.	Pre-8.4 installations do not have
	 * per-database locale settings; for them, every database must necessarily
	 * be using the installation default, so there's no need to do anything
	 * (which is good, since in very old versions there is no good way to find
	 * out what the installation locale is anyway...)
	if (server_version >= 80400)
		res = executeQuery(conn,
						   "SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding), "
						   "datcollate, datctype "
						   "FROM pg_database "
						   "WHERE datname = 'template0'");
	else if (server_version >= 70100)
		res = executeQuery(conn,
						   "SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding), "
						   "null::text AS datcollate, null::text AS datctype "
						   "FROM pg_database "
						   "WHERE datname = 'template0'");
		res = executeQuery(conn,
						   "SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding), "
						   "null::text AS datcollate, null::text AS datctype "
						   "FROM pg_database "
						   "WHERE datname = 'template1'");

	/* If for some reason the template DB isn't there, treat as unknown */
	if (PQntuples(res) > 0)
		if (!PQgetisnull(res, 0, 0))
			default_encoding = strdup(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0));
		if (!PQgetisnull(res, 0, 1))
			default_collate = strdup(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1));
		if (!PQgetisnull(res, 0, 2))
			default_ctype = strdup(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 2));


	/* Now collect all the information about databases to dump */
	if (server_version >= 80400)
		res = executeQuery(conn,
						   "SELECT datname, "
						   "coalesce(rolname, (select rolname from pg_authid where oid=(select datdba from pg_database where datname='template0'))), "
						   "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
						   "datcollate, datctype, datfrozenxid, "
						   "datistemplate, datacl, datconnlimit, "
						   "(SELECT spcname FROM pg_tablespace t WHERE t.oid = d.dattablespace) AS dattablespace "
			  "FROM pg_database d LEFT JOIN pg_authid u ON (datdba = u.oid) "
						   "WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1");
	else if (server_version >= 80100)
		res = executeQuery(conn,
						   "SELECT datname, "
						   "coalesce(rolname, (select rolname from pg_authid where oid=(select datdba from pg_database where datname='template0'))), "
						   "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
		   "null::text AS datcollate, null::text AS datctype, datfrozenxid, "
						   "datistemplate, datacl, datconnlimit, "
						   "(SELECT spcname FROM pg_tablespace t WHERE t.oid = d.dattablespace) AS dattablespace "
			  "FROM pg_database d LEFT JOIN pg_authid u ON (datdba = u.oid) "
						   "WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1");
	else if (server_version >= 80000)
		res = executeQuery(conn,
						   "SELECT datname, "
						   "coalesce(usename, (select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=(select datdba from pg_database where datname='template0'))), "
						   "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
		   "null::text AS datcollate, null::text AS datctype, datfrozenxid, "
						   "datistemplate, datacl, -1 as datconnlimit, "
						   "(SELECT spcname FROM pg_tablespace t WHERE t.oid = d.dattablespace) AS dattablespace "
		   "FROM pg_database d LEFT JOIN pg_shadow u ON (datdba = usesysid) "
						   "WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1");
	else if (server_version >= 70300)
		res = executeQuery(conn,
						   "SELECT datname, "
						   "coalesce(usename, (select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=(select datdba from pg_database where datname='template0'))), "
						   "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
		   "null::text AS datcollate, null::text AS datctype, datfrozenxid, "
						   "datistemplate, datacl, -1 as datconnlimit, "
						   "'pg_default' AS dattablespace "
		   "FROM pg_database d LEFT JOIN pg_shadow u ON (datdba = usesysid) "
						   "WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1");
	else if (server_version >= 70100)
		res = executeQuery(conn,
						   "SELECT datname, "
					"(select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=datdba), "
						   "(select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=(select datdba from pg_database where datname='template0'))), "
						   "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
						   "null::text AS datcollate, null::text AS datctype, 0 AS datfrozenxid, "
						   "datistemplate, '' as datacl, -1 as datconnlimit, "
						   "'pg_default' AS dattablespace "
						   "FROM pg_database d "
						   "WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY 1");
		 * Note: 7.0 fails to cope with sub-select in COALESCE, so just deal
		 * with getting a NULL by not printing any OWNER clause.
		res = executeQuery(conn,
						   "SELECT datname, "
					"(select usename from pg_shadow where usesysid=datdba), "
						   "pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
						   "null::text AS datcollate, null::text AS datctype, 0 AS datfrozenxid, "
						   "'f' as datistemplate, "
						   "'' as datacl, -1 as datconnlimit, "
						   "'pg_default' AS dattablespace "
						   "FROM pg_database d "
						   "ORDER BY 1");

	for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
		char	   *dbname = PQgetvalue(res, i, 0);
		char	   *dbowner = PQgetvalue(res, i, 1);
		char	   *dbencoding = PQgetvalue(res, i, 2);
		char	   *dbcollate = PQgetvalue(res, i, 3);
		char	   *dbctype = PQgetvalue(res, i, 4);
		uint32		dbfrozenxid = atooid(PQgetvalue(res, i, 5));
		char	   *dbistemplate = PQgetvalue(res, i, 6);
		char	   *dbacl = PQgetvalue(res, i, 7);
		char	   *dbconnlimit = PQgetvalue(res, i, 8);
		char	   *dbtablespace = PQgetvalue(res, i, 9);
		char	   *fdbname;

		fdbname = strdup(fmtId(dbname));


		 * Skip the CREATE DATABASE commands for "template1" and "postgres",
		 * since they are presumably already there in the destination cluster.
		 * We do want to emit their ACLs and config options if any, however.
		if (strcmp(dbname, "template1") != 0 &&
			strcmp(dbname, "postgres") != 0)
			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "CREATE DATABASE %s", fdbname);

			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " WITH TEMPLATE = template0");

			if (strlen(dbowner) != 0)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " OWNER = %s", fmtId(dbowner));

			if (default_encoding && strcmp(dbencoding, default_encoding) != 0)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " ENCODING = ");
				appendStringLiteralConn(buf, dbencoding, conn);

			if (default_collate && strcmp(dbcollate, default_collate) != 0)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " LC_COLLATE = ");
				appendStringLiteralConn(buf, dbcollate, conn);

			if (default_ctype && strcmp(dbctype, default_ctype) != 0)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " LC_CTYPE = ");
				appendStringLiteralConn(buf, dbctype, conn);

			 * Output tablespace if it isn't the default.  For default, it
			 * uses the default from the template database.  If tablespace is
			 * specified and tablespace creation failed earlier, (e.g. no such
			 * directory), the database creation will fail too.  One solution
			 * would be to use 'SET default_tablespace' like we do in pg_dump
			 * for setting non-default database locations.
			if (strcmp(dbtablespace, "pg_default") != 0 && !no_tablespaces)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " TABLESPACE = %s",

			if (strcmp(dbconnlimit, "-1") != 0)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " CONNECTION LIMIT = %s",

			appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

			if (strcmp(dbistemplate, "t") == 0)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_database SET datistemplate = 't' WHERE datname = ");
				appendStringLiteralConn(buf, dbname, conn);
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

			if (binary_upgrade)
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "-- For binary upgrade, set datfrozenxid.\n");
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_database "
								  "SET datfrozenxid = '%u' "
								  "WHERE datname = ",
				appendStringLiteralConn(buf, dbname, conn);
				appendPQExpBuffer(buf, ";\n");

		if (!skip_acls &&
			!buildACLCommands(fdbname, NULL, "DATABASE", dbacl, dbowner,
							  "", server_version, buf))
			fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not parse ACL list (%s) for database \"%s\"\n"),
					progname, dbacl, fdbname);

		fprintf(OPF, "%s", buf->data);

		if (server_version >= 70300)
			dumpDatabaseConfig(conn, dbname);



	fprintf(OPF, "\n\n");