예제 #1
attrd_peer_sync(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml)
    GHashTableIter aIter;
    GHashTableIter vIter;

    attribute_t *a = NULL;
    attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
    xmlNode *sync = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);

    crm_xml_add(sync, F_ATTRD_TASK, "sync-response");

    g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes);
    while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) {
        g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values);
        while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & v)) {
            crm_debug("Syncing %s[%s] = %s to %s", a->id, v->nodename, v->current, peer?peer->uname:"everyone");
            build_attribute_xml(sync, a->id, a->set, a->uuid, a->timeout_ms, a->user, v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current);

    crm_debug("Syncing values to %s", peer?peer->uname:"everyone");
    crm_xml_add_int(sync, F_ATTRD_WRITER, election_state(writer));
    send_cluster_message(peer, crm_msg_attrd, sync, TRUE);
예제 #2
파일: commands.c 프로젝트: lge/pacemaker
attrd_peer_sync(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml)
    GHashTableIter aIter;
    GHashTableIter vIter;

    attribute_t *a = NULL;
    attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
    xmlNode *sync = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);

    crm_xml_add(sync, F_ATTRD_TASK, ATTRD_OP_SYNC_RESPONSE);

    g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes);
    while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) {
        g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values);
        while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & v)) {
            crm_debug("Syncing %s[%s] = %s to %s", a->id, v->nodename, v->current, peer?peer->uname:"everyone");
            build_attribute_xml(sync, a->id, a->set, a->uuid, a->timeout_ms, a->user, a->is_private,
                                v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current);

    crm_debug("Syncing values to %s", peer?peer->uname:"everyone");
    send_attrd_message(peer, sync);
예제 #3
attrd_current_only_attribute_update(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml)
    GHashTableIter aIter;
    GHashTableIter vIter;
    attribute_t *a;
    attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
    xmlNode *sync = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);
    gboolean build = FALSE;    

    crm_xml_add(sync, F_ATTRD_TASK, ATTRD_OP_SYNC_RESPONSE);

    g_hash_table_iter_init(&aIter, attributes);
    while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&aIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & a)) {
        g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values);
        while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, NULL, (gpointer *) & v)) {
            if (safe_str_eq(v->nodename, attrd_cluster->uname) && v->seen == FALSE) {
                crm_trace("Syncing %s[%s] = %s to everyone.(from local only attributes)", a->id, v->nodename, v->current);

                build = TRUE;
                build_attribute_xml(sync, a->id, a->set, a->uuid, a->timeout_ms, a->user, a->is_private,
                            v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current,  (a->timeout_ms && a->timer ? TRUE : FALSE));
            } else {
                crm_trace("Local attribute(%s[%s] = %s) was ignore.(another host) : [%s]", a->id, v->nodename, v->current, attrd_cluster->uname);

    if (build) {
        crm_debug("Syncing values to everyone.(from local only attributes)");
        send_attrd_message(NULL, sync);
예제 #4
attrd_peer_update(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml, bool filter)
    bool changed = FALSE;
    attribute_value_t *v = NULL;

    const char *host = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST);
    const char *attr = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE);
    const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_VALUE);

    attribute_t *a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr);

    if(a == NULL) {
        a = create_attribute(xml);

    v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host);

    if(v == NULL) {
        crm_trace("Setting %s[%s] to %s from %s", attr, host, value, peer->uname);
        v = calloc(1, sizeof(attribute_value_t));
        if(value) {
            v->current = strdup(value);
        v->nodename = strdup(host);
        crm_element_value_int(xml, F_ATTRD_IS_REMOTE, &v->is_remote);
        g_hash_table_replace(a->values, v->nodename, v);

        if (v->is_remote == TRUE) {

        changed = TRUE;

    } else if(filter
              && safe_str_neq(v->current, value)
              && safe_str_eq(host, attrd_cluster->uname)) {
        xmlNode *sync = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);
        crm_notice("%s[%s]: local value '%s' takes priority over '%s' from %s",
                   a->id, host, v->current, value, peer->uname);

        crm_xml_add(sync, F_ATTRD_TASK, "sync-response");
        v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host);
        build_attribute_xml(sync, a->id, a->set, a->uuid, a->timeout_ms, a->user, v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current);

        crm_xml_add_int(sync, F_ATTRD_WRITER, election_state(writer));
        send_cluster_message(peer, crm_msg_attrd, sync, TRUE);

    } else if(safe_str_neq(v->current, value)) {
        crm_info("Setting %s[%s]: %s -> %s from %s", attr, host, v->current, value, peer->uname);
        if(value) {
            v->current = strdup(value);
        } else {
            v->current = NULL;
        changed = TRUE;

    } else {
        crm_trace("Unchanged %s[%s] from %s is %s", attr, host, peer->uname, value);

    a->changed |= changed;

    /* this only involves cluster nodes. */
    if(v->nodeid == 0 && (v->is_remote == FALSE)) {
        if(crm_element_value_int(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID, (int*)&v->nodeid) == 0) {
            /* Create the name/id association */
            crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer(v->nodeid, host);
            crm_trace("We know %s's node id now: %s", peer->uname, peer->uuid);
            if(election_state(writer) == election_won) {
                write_attributes(FALSE, TRUE);

    if(changed) {
        if(a->timer) {
            crm_trace("Delayed write out (%dms) for %s", a->timeout_ms, a->id);
        } else {
예제 #5
파일: commands.c 프로젝트: lge/pacemaker
attrd_peer_update(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml, const char *host, bool filter)
    bool changed = FALSE;
    attribute_t *a;
    attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
    int dampen = 0;

    const char *op = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_TASK);
    const char *attr = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE);
    const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_VALUE);
    const char *dvalue = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_DAMPEN);

    if (attr == NULL) {
        crm_warn("Peer update did not specify attribute");

    a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr);
    if(a == NULL) {
        if (op == NULL /* The xml children from an ATTRD_OP_SYNC_RESPONSE have no F_ATTRD_TASK */
            || safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_UPDATE)
            || safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_UPDATE_BOTH)) {
            a = create_attribute(xml);
        } else {
            crm_warn("Update error (attribute %s not found)", attr);
    if (op == NULL /* The xml children from an ATTRD_OP_SYNC_RESPONSE have no F_ATTRD_TASK */
        || safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_UPDATE_BOTH)
        || safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_UPDATE_DELAY)) {
        if (dvalue) {
            dampen = crm_get_msec(dvalue); 
            if (dampen >= 0) {
                if (a->timeout_ms != dampen) {
                    a->timeout_ms = dampen;
                    if (dampen > 0) {
                        a->timer = mainloop_timer_add(a->id, a->timeout_ms, FALSE, attribute_timer_cb, a);
                        crm_info("Update attribute %s with delay %dms (%s)", a->id, dampen, dvalue);
                    } else {
                        a->timer = NULL;
                        crm_info("Update attribute %s with not delay", a->id);
                    //if dampen is changed, attrd writes in a current value immediately.
                    if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_UPDATE_DELAY)) {
                } else {
                    if (safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_UPDATE_DELAY)) {
                        crm_trace("Unchanged attribute %s with delay %dms (%s).(ATTRD_OP_UPDATE_DELAY)", a->id, dampen, dvalue);
            } else {
                crm_warn("Update error (A positive number is necessary for delay parameter. attribute %s : %dms (%s))", a->id, dampen, dvalue);
        } else {
            crm_warn("Update error (delay parameter is necessary for the update of the attribute %s)", a->id);

    if(host == NULL) {
        GHashTableIter vIter;
        g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values);

        crm_debug("Setting %s for all hosts to %s", attr, value);

        xml_remove_prop(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID);
        while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, (gpointer *) & host, NULL)) {
            attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, filter);

    v = attrd_lookup_or_create_value(a->values, host, xml);

              && safe_str_neq(v->current, value)
              && safe_str_eq(host, attrd_cluster->uname)) {
        xmlNode *sync = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);
        crm_notice("%s[%s]: local value '%s' takes priority over '%s' from %s",
                   a->id, host, v->current, value, peer->uname);

        crm_xml_add(sync, F_ATTRD_TASK, ATTRD_OP_SYNC_RESPONSE);
        v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host);
        build_attribute_xml(sync, a->id, a->set, a->uuid, a->timeout_ms, a->user, a->is_private,
                            v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current);

        crm_xml_add_int(sync, F_ATTRD_WRITER, election_state(writer));
        send_attrd_message(peer, sync);

    } else if(safe_str_neq(v->current, value)) {
        crm_info("Setting %s[%s]: %s -> %s from %s", attr, host, v->current, value, peer->uname);
        if(value) {
            v->current = strdup(value);
        } else {
            v->current = NULL;
        changed = TRUE;
    } else {
        crm_trace("Unchanged %s[%s] from %s is %s", attr, host, peer->uname, value);

    a->changed |= changed;

    if(changed) {
        if(a->timer) {
            crm_trace("Delayed write out (%dms) for %s", a->timeout_ms, a->id);
        } else {

    /* this only involves cluster nodes. */
    if(v->nodeid == 0 && (v->is_remote == FALSE)) {
        if(crm_element_value_int(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID, (int*)&v->nodeid) == 0) {
            /* Create the name/id association */
            crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer(v->nodeid, host);
            crm_trace("We know %s's node id now: %s", peer->uname, peer->uuid);
            if(election_state(writer) == election_won) {
                write_attributes(FALSE, TRUE);
예제 #6
attrd_peer_update(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml, const char *host, bool filter)
    bool changed = FALSE;
    attribute_value_t *v = NULL;

    const char *attr = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE);
    const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_VALUE);

    attribute_t *a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr);

    if(a == NULL) {
        a = create_attribute(xml);

    if(host == NULL) {
        GHashTableIter vIter;
        g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values);

        crm_debug("Setting %s for all hosts to %s", attr, value);

        xml_remove_prop(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID);
        while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, (gpointer *) & host, NULL)) {
            attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, filter);

    v = attrd_lookup_or_create_value(a->values, host, xml);

              && safe_str_neq(v->current, value)
              && safe_str_eq(host, attrd_cluster->uname)) {
        xmlNode *sync = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);
        crm_notice("%s[%s]: local value '%s' takes priority over '%s' from %s",
                   a->id, host, v->current, value, peer->uname);

        crm_xml_add(sync, F_ATTRD_TASK, ATTRD_OP_SYNC_RESPONSE);
        v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host);
        build_attribute_xml(sync, a->id, a->set, a->uuid, a->timeout_ms, a->user, a->is_private,
                            v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current);

        crm_xml_add_int(sync, F_ATTRD_WRITER, election_state(writer));
        send_attrd_message(peer, sync);

    } else if(safe_str_neq(v->current, value)) {
        crm_info("Setting %s[%s]: %s -> %s from %s", attr, host, v->current, value, peer->uname);
        if(value) {
            v->current = strdup(value);
        } else {
            v->current = NULL;
        changed = TRUE;

    } else {
        crm_trace("Unchanged %s[%s] from %s is %s", attr, host, peer->uname, value);

    a->changed |= changed;

    if(changed) {
        if(a->timer) {
            crm_trace("Delayed write out (%dms) for %s", a->timeout_ms, a->id);
        } else {

    /* this only involves cluster nodes. */
    if(v->nodeid == 0 && (v->is_remote == FALSE)) {
        if(crm_element_value_int(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID, (int*)&v->nodeid) == 0) {
            /* Create the name/id association */
            crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer(v->nodeid, host);
            crm_trace("We know %s's node id now: %s", peer->uname, peer->uuid);
            if(election_state(writer) == election_won) {
                write_attributes(FALSE, TRUE);
예제 #7
attrd_peer_update(crm_node_t *peer, xmlNode *xml, const char *host, bool filter)
    bool update_both = FALSE;
    attribute_t *a;
    attribute_value_t *v = NULL;
    gboolean is_force_write = FALSE;

    const char *op = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_TASK);
    const char *attr = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_ATTRIBUTE);
    const char *value = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_VALUE);
    crm_element_value_int(xml, F_ATTRD_IS_FORCE_WRITE, &is_force_write);

    if (attr == NULL) {
        crm_warn("Could not update attribute: peer did not specify name");

    update_both = ((op == NULL) // ATTRD_OP_SYNC_RESPONSE has no F_ATTRD_TASK
                   || safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_UPDATE_BOTH));

    // Look up or create attribute entry
    a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, attr);
    if (a == NULL) {
        if (update_both || safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_UPDATE)) {
            a = create_attribute(xml);
        } else {
            crm_warn("Could not update %s: attribute not found", attr);

    // Update attribute dampening
    if (update_both || safe_str_eq(op, ATTRD_OP_UPDATE_DELAY)) {
        const char *dvalue = crm_element_value(xml, F_ATTRD_DAMPEN);
        int dampen = 0;

        if (dvalue == NULL) {
            crm_warn("Could not update %s: peer did not specify value for delay",

        dampen = crm_get_msec(dvalue);
        if (dampen < 0) {
            crm_warn("Could not update %s: invalid delay value %dms (%s)",
                     attr, dampen, dvalue);

        if (a->timeout_ms != dampen) {
            a->timeout_ms = dampen;
            if (dampen > 0) {
                a->timer = mainloop_timer_add(attr, a->timeout_ms, FALSE,
                                              attribute_timer_cb, a);
                crm_info("Update attribute %s delay to %dms (%s)",
                         attr, dampen, dvalue);
            } else {
                a->timer = NULL;
                crm_info("Update attribute %s to remove delay", attr);

            /* If dampening changed, do an immediate write-out,
             * otherwise repeated dampening changes would prevent write-outs

        if (!update_both) {

    // If no host was specified, update all hosts recursively
    if (host == NULL) {
        GHashTableIter vIter;

        crm_debug("Setting %s for all hosts to %s", attr, value);
        xml_remove_prop(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID);
        g_hash_table_iter_init(&vIter, a->values);
        while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&vIter, (gpointer *) & host, NULL)) {
            attrd_peer_update(peer, xml, host, filter);

    // Update attribute value for one host

    v = attrd_lookup_or_create_value(a->values, host, xml);

    if (filter && safe_str_neq(v->current, value)
        && safe_str_eq(host, attrd_cluster->uname)) {

        xmlNode *sync = create_xml_node(NULL, __FUNCTION__);

        crm_notice("%s[%s]: local value '%s' takes priority over '%s' from %s",
                   attr, host, v->current, value, peer->uname);

        crm_xml_add(sync, F_ATTRD_TASK, ATTRD_OP_SYNC_RESPONSE);
        v = g_hash_table_lookup(a->values, host);
        build_attribute_xml(sync, attr, a->set, a->uuid, a->timeout_ms, a->user,
                            a->is_private, v->nodename, v->nodeid, v->current, FALSE);


        /* Broadcast in case any other nodes had the inconsistent value */
        send_attrd_message(NULL, sync);

    } else if (safe_str_neq(v->current, value)) {
        crm_info("Setting %s[%s]: %s -> %s from %s",
                 attr, host, v->current, value, peer->uname);
        v->current = (value? strdup(value) : NULL);
        a->changed = TRUE;

        // Write out new value or start dampening timer
        if (a->timeout_ms && a->timer) {
            crm_trace("Delayed write out (%dms) for %s", a->timeout_ms, attr);
        } else {

    } else {
        if (is_force_write && a->timeout_ms && a->timer) {
            /* Save forced writing and set change flag. */
            /* The actual attribute is written by Writer after election. */
            crm_trace("Unchanged %s[%s] from %s is %s(Set the forced write flag)", attr, host, peer->uname, value);
            a->force_write = TRUE;
        } else {
            crm_trace("Unchanged %s[%s] from %s is %s", attr, host, peer->uname, value);

    /* Set the seen flag for attribute processing held only in the own node. */
    v->seen = TRUE;

    /* If this is a cluster node whose node ID we are learning, remember it */
    if ((v->nodeid == 0) && (v->is_remote == FALSE)
        && (crm_element_value_int(xml, F_ATTRD_HOST_ID, (int*)&v->nodeid) == 0)) {

        crm_node_t *known_peer = crm_get_peer(v->nodeid, host);

        crm_trace("Learned %s has node id %s",
                  known_peer->uname, known_peer->uuid);
        if (attrd_election_won()) {
            write_attributes(FALSE, FALSE);