예제 #1
    void FalagardListbox::render()
    	Listbox* lb = (Listbox*)d_window;
        // render frame and stuff before we handle the items

        // Render list items
        Vector3 itemPos;
        Size    itemSize;
        Rect    itemClipper, itemRect;
        float   widest = lb->getWidestItemWidth();

        // calculate position of area we have to render into
        Rect itemsArea(getListRenderArea());

        // set up some initial positional details for items
        itemPos.d_x = itemsArea.d_left - lb->getHorzScrollbar()->getScrollPosition();
        itemPos.d_y = itemsArea.d_top - lb->getVertScrollbar()->getScrollPosition();
        itemPos.d_z = System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getZLayer(3) - System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getCurrentZ();

        float alpha = lb->getEffectiveAlpha();

        // loop through the items
        size_t itemCount = lb->getItemCount();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i)
            ListboxItem* listItem = lb->getListboxItemFromIndex(i);
            itemSize.d_height = listItem->getPixelSize().d_height;

            // allow item to have full width of box if this is wider than items
            itemSize.d_width = ceguimax(itemsArea.getWidth(), widest);

            // calculate destination area for this item.
            itemRect.d_left = itemPos.d_x;
            itemRect.d_top  = itemPos.d_y;
            itemClipper = itemRect.getIntersection(itemsArea);

            // skip this item if totally clipped
            if (itemClipper.getWidth() == 0)
                itemPos.d_y += itemSize.d_height;

            // draw this item
            listItem->draw(lb->getRenderCache(), itemRect, itemPos.d_z, alpha, &itemClipper);

            // update position ready for next item
            itemPos.d_y += itemSize.d_height;

예제 #2
	Perform the actual rendering for this Window.
void Listbox::populateRenderCache()
    // get the derived class to render general stuff before we handle the items

    // Render list items
    Vector3	itemPos;
    Size	itemSize;
    Rect	itemClipper, itemRect;
    float	widest = getWidestItemWidth();

    // calculate position of area we have to render into
    Rect itemsArea(getListRenderArea());

    // set up some initial positional details for items
    itemPos.d_x = itemsArea.d_left - d_horzScrollbar->getScrollPosition();
    itemPos.d_y = itemsArea.d_top - d_vertScrollbar->getScrollPosition();
    itemPos.d_z = System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getZLayer(3) - System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getCurrentZ();

    float alpha = getEffectiveAlpha();

    // loop through the items
    size_t itemCount = getItemCount();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i)
        itemSize.d_height = d_listItems[i]->getPixelSize().d_height;

        // allow item to have full width of box if this is wider than items
        itemSize.d_width = ceguimax(itemsArea.getWidth(), widest);

        // calculate destination area for this item.
        itemRect.d_left	= itemPos.d_x;
        itemRect.d_top	= itemPos.d_y;
        itemClipper = itemRect.getIntersection(itemsArea);

        // skip this item if totally clipped
        if (itemClipper.getWidth() == 0)
            itemPos.d_y += itemSize.d_height;

        // draw this item
        d_listItems[i]->draw(d_renderCache, itemRect, itemPos.d_z, alpha, &itemClipper);

        // update position ready for next item
        itemPos.d_y += itemSize.d_height;

예제 #3
    void FalagardMultiColumnList::render()
        MultiColumnList* w = (MultiColumnList*)d_window;
        const ListHeader* header = w->getListHeader();
        const Scrollbar* vertScrollbar = w->getVertScrollbar();
        const Scrollbar* horzScrollbar = w->getHorzScrollbar();

        // render general stuff before we handle the items

        // Render list items
        Vector3f itemPos;
        Sizef itemSize;
        Rectf itemClipper, itemRect;

        // calculate position of area we have to render into
        Rectf itemsArea(getListRenderArea());

        // set up initial positional details for items
        itemPos.d_y = itemsArea.top() - vertScrollbar->getScrollPosition();
        itemPos.d_z = 0.0f;

        const float alpha = w->getEffectiveAlpha();

        // loop through the items
        for (uint i = 0; i < w->getRowCount(); ++i)
            // set initial x position for this row.
            itemPos.d_x = itemsArea.left() - horzScrollbar->getScrollPosition();

            // calculate height for this row.
            itemSize.d_height = w->getHighestRowItemHeight(i);

            // loop through the columns in this row
            for (uint j = 0; j < w->getColumnCount(); ++j)
                // allow item to use full width of the column
                itemSize.d_width = CoordConverter::asAbsolute(header->getColumnWidth(j), header->getPixelSize().d_width);

                ListboxItem* item = w->getItemAtGridReference(MCLGridRef(i,j));

                // is the item for this column set?
                if (item)
                    // calculate destination area for this item.
                    itemClipper = itemRect.getIntersection(itemsArea);

                    // skip this item if totally clipped
                    if (itemClipper.getWidth() == 0)
                        itemPos.d_x += itemSize.d_width;

                    // draw this item
                    item->draw(w->getGeometryBuffer(), itemRect, alpha, &itemClipper);

                // update position for next column.
                itemPos.d_x += itemSize.d_width;

            // update position ready for next row
            itemPos.d_y += itemSize.d_height;