static cairo_test_status_t preamble (cairo_test_context_t *ctx) { cairo_t *cr; const char *filename = "svg-clip.out.svg"; cairo_surface_t *surface; if (! cairo_test_is_target_enabled (ctx, "svg11") && ! cairo_test_is_target_enabled (ctx, "svg12")) { return CAIRO_TEST_UNTESTED; } surface = cairo_svg_surface_create (filename, WIDTH_IN_POINTS, HEIGHT_IN_POINTS); if (cairo_surface_status (surface)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Failed to create svg surface for file %s: %s\n", filename, cairo_status_to_string (cairo_surface_status (surface))); return CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; } cr = cairo_create (surface); test_clip (cr, WIDTH_IN_POINTS, HEIGHT_IN_POINTS); cairo_show_page (cr); cairo_destroy (cr); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); printf ("svg-clip: Please check %s to make sure it looks happy.\n", filename); return CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; }
static cairo_test_status_t preamble (cairo_test_context_t *ctx) { cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *cr; cairo_status_t status; size_t i; char *filename; const char *path = cairo_test_mkdir (CAIRO_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR) ? CAIRO_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR : "."; if (! cairo_test_is_target_enabled (ctx, "pdf")) return CAIRO_TEST_UNTESTED; xasprintf (&filename, "%s/%s.pdf", path, BASENAME); /* The initial size passed here is the default size that will be * inheritable by each page. That is, any page for which this * initial size applies will not have its own /MediaBox entry in * its dictionary. */ surface = cairo_pdf_surface_create (filename, INCHES_TO_POINTS(8.5), INCHES_TO_POINTS(11)); cr = cairo_create (surface); cairo_select_font_face (cr, CAIRO_TEST_FONT_FAMILY " Sans", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size (cr, TEXT_SIZE); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH (pages); i++) { cairo_pdf_surface_set_size (surface, pages[i].width_in_points, pages[i].height_in_points); cairo_move_to (cr, TEXT_SIZE, TEXT_SIZE); cairo_show_text (cr, pages[i].page_size); cairo_show_text (cr, " - "); cairo_show_text (cr, pages[i].orientation); cairo_show_page (cr); } status = cairo_status (cr); cairo_destroy (cr); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); free (filename); if (status) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Failed to create pdf surface for file %s: %s\n", filename, cairo_status_to_string (status)); return CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; } printf ("pdf-features: Please check %s to ensure it looks/prints correctly.\n", filename); return CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; }
int main (void) { cairo_test_context_t ctx; cairo_t *cr; const char *filename = "svg-surface.svg"; cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_test_init (&ctx, "svg-surface"); if (! (cairo_test_is_target_enabled (&ctx, "svg11") || cairo_test_is_target_enabled (&ctx, "svg12"))) { cairo_test_fini (&ctx); return CAIRO_TEST_UNTESTED; } surface = cairo_svg_surface_create (filename, WIDTH_IN_POINTS, HEIGHT_IN_POINTS); if (cairo_surface_status (surface)) { cairo_test_log (&ctx, "Failed to create svg surface for file %s: %s\n", filename, cairo_status_to_string (cairo_surface_status (surface))); cairo_test_fini (&ctx); return CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; } cr = cairo_create (surface); draw (cr, WIDTH_IN_POINTS, HEIGHT_IN_POINTS); cairo_show_page (cr); cairo_destroy (cr); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); printf ("svg-surface: Please check svg-surface.svg to make sure it looks happy.\n"); cairo_test_fini (&ctx); return CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; }
static cairo_test_status_t preamble (cairo_test_context_t *ctx) { Display *dpy; unsigned char *reference_data; unsigned char *test_data; unsigned char *diff_data; cairo_surface_t *reference_surface; cairo_bool_t use_pixmap; cairo_bool_t set_size; cairo_bool_t offscreen; cairo_test_status_t status, result = CAIRO_TEST_UNTESTED; int stride; if (! cairo_test_is_target_enabled (ctx, "xlib")) goto CLEANUP_TEST; dpy = XOpenDisplay (NULL); if (!dpy) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "xlib-surface: Cannot open display, skipping\n"); goto CLEANUP_TEST; } if (!check_visual (dpy)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "xlib-surface: default visual is not RGB24 or BGR24, skipping\n"); goto CLEANUP_DISPLAY; } stride = cairo_format_stride_for_width (CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, SIZE); reference_data = xcalloc (ctx, SIZE, stride); test_data = xcalloc (ctx, SIZE, stride); diff_data = xcalloc (ctx, SIZE, stride); reference_surface = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data (reference_data, CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, SIZE, SIZE, stride); draw_pattern (reference_surface); cairo_surface_destroy (reference_surface); result = CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; for (set_size = 0; set_size <= 1; set_size++) for (use_pixmap = 0; use_pixmap <= 1; use_pixmap++) for (offscreen = 0; offscreen <= 1; offscreen++) { status = do_test (ctx, dpy, reference_data, test_data, diff_data, use_pixmap, set_size, offscreen); if (status) result = status; } free (reference_data); free (test_data); free (diff_data); CLEANUP_DISPLAY: XCloseDisplay (dpy); CLEANUP_TEST: return result; }
static cairo_test_status_t preamble (cairo_test_context_t *ctx) { cairo_t *cr; cairo_test_status_t ret = CAIRO_TEST_UNTESTED; struct { double x, y; } ppi[] = { { 600, 600 }, { 600, 72 }, { 300, 300 }, { 300, 72 }, { 150, 150 }, { 150, 72 }, { 75, 75 }, { 75, 72 }, { 72, 600 }, { 72, 300 }, { 72, 150 }, { 72, 75 }, { 72, 72 }, { 72, 37.5 }, { 37.5, 72 }, { 37.5, 37.5 }, }; unsigned int i; int n, num_ppi; num_ppi = sizeof (ppi) / sizeof (ppi[0]); #if GENERATE_REFERENCE for (n = 0; n < num_ppi; n++) { char *ref_name; xasprintf (&ref_name, "fallback-resolution.ppi%gx%g.ref.png", ppi[n].x, ppi[n].y); generate_reference (ppi[n].x, ppi[n].y, ref_name); free (ref_name); } #endif for (i = 0; i < ctx->num_targets; i++) { const cairo_boilerplate_target_t *target = ctx->targets_to_test[i]; cairo_surface_t *surface = NULL; char *base_name; void *closure; const char *format; cairo_status_t status; if (! target->is_vector) continue; if (! cairo_test_is_target_enabled (ctx, target->name)) continue; format = cairo_boilerplate_content_name (target->content); xasprintf (&base_name, "fallback-resolution.%s.%s", target->name, format); surface = (target->create_surface) (base_name, target->content, SIZE, SIZE, SIZE, SIZE, CAIRO_BOILERPLATE_MODE_TEST, 0, &closure); if (surface == NULL) { free (base_name); continue; } if (ret == CAIRO_TEST_UNTESTED) ret = CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; cairo_surface_destroy (surface); if (target->cleanup) target->cleanup (closure); free (base_name); /* we need to recreate the surface for each resolution as we include * SVG in testing which does not support the paginated interface. */ for (n = 0; n < num_ppi; n++) { char *test_name; cairo_bool_t pass; xasprintf (&test_name, "fallback-resolution.ppi%gx%g", ppi[n].x, ppi[n].y); xasprintf (&base_name, "%s.%s.%s", test_name, target->name, format); surface = (target->create_surface) (base_name, target->content, SIZE + 25, SIZE + 25, SIZE + 25, SIZE + 25, CAIRO_BOILERPLATE_MODE_TEST, 0, &closure); if (surface == NULL || cairo_surface_status (surface)) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Failed to generate surface: %s.%s\n", target->name, format); free (base_name); free (test_name); ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; continue; } cairo_test_log (ctx, "Testing fallback-resolution %gx%g with %s target\n", ppi[n].x, ppi[n].y, target->name); printf ("%s:\t", base_name); fflush (stdout); if (target->force_fallbacks != NULL) target->force_fallbacks (surface, ~0U); cr = cairo_create (surface); #if SET_TOLERANCE cairo_set_tolerance (cr, 3.0); #endif cairo_surface_set_device_offset (surface, 25, 25); cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution (surface, ppi[n].x, ppi[n].y); cairo_save (cr); { cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 1, 1); cairo_paint (cr); } cairo_restore (cr); /* First draw the top half in a conventional way. */ cairo_save (cr); { cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, SIZE, SIZE / 2.0); cairo_clip (cr); draw (cr, SIZE, SIZE); } cairo_restore (cr); /* Then draw the bottom half in a separate group, * (exposing a bug in 1.6.4 with the group not being * rendered with the correct fallback resolution). */ cairo_save (cr); { cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, SIZE / 2.0, SIZE, SIZE / 2.0); cairo_clip (cr); cairo_push_group (cr); { draw (cr, SIZE, SIZE); } cairo_pop_group_to_source (cr); cairo_paint (cr); } cairo_restore (cr); status = cairo_status (cr); cairo_destroy (cr); pass = FALSE; if (status) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Failed to create target surface: %s\n", cairo_status_to_string (status)); ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; } else { /* extract the image and compare it to our reference */ if (! check_result (ctx, target, test_name, base_name, surface)) ret = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; else pass = TRUE; } cairo_surface_destroy (surface); if (target->cleanup) target->cleanup (closure); free (base_name); free (test_name); if (pass) { printf ("PASS\n"); } else { printf ("FAIL\n"); } fflush (stdout); } } return ret; }
static cairo_test_status_t preamble (cairo_test_context_t *ctx) { Display *dpy; XRenderPictFormat *orig_format, *format; cairo_surface_t *surface; Pixmap pixmap; int screen; cairo_test_status_t result; result = CAIRO_TEST_UNTESTED; if (! cairo_test_is_target_enabled (ctx, "xlib")) goto CLEANUP_TEST; dpy = XOpenDisplay (NULL); if (! dpy) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: Cannot open display: %s, skipping.\n", XDisplayName (NULL)); goto CLEANUP_TEST; } result = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; screen = DefaultScreen (dpy); cairo_test_log (ctx, "Testing with image surface.\n"); surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 1, 1); format = cairo_xlib_surface_get_xrender_format (surface); if (format != NULL) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: expected NULL for image surface\n"); goto CLEANUP_SURFACE; } cairo_surface_destroy (surface); cairo_test_log (ctx, "Testing with non-xrender xlib surface.\n"); pixmap = XCreatePixmap (dpy, DefaultRootWindow (dpy), 1, 1, DefaultDepth (dpy, screen)); surface = cairo_xlib_surface_create (dpy, pixmap, DefaultVisual (dpy, screen), 1, 1); orig_format = XRenderFindVisualFormat (dpy, DefaultVisual (dpy, screen)); format = cairo_xlib_surface_get_xrender_format (surface); if (format != orig_format) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: did not receive the same format as XRenderFindVisualFormat\n"); goto CLEANUP_PIXMAP; } cairo_surface_destroy (surface); XFreePixmap (dpy, pixmap); cairo_test_log (ctx, "Testing with xlib xrender surface.\n"); orig_format = XRenderFindStandardFormat (dpy, PictStandardARGB32); pixmap = XCreatePixmap (dpy, DefaultRootWindow (dpy), 1, 1, 32); surface = cairo_xlib_surface_create_with_xrender_format (dpy, pixmap, DefaultScreenOfDisplay (dpy), orig_format, 1, 1); format = cairo_xlib_surface_get_xrender_format (surface); if (format != orig_format) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: did not receive the same format originally set\n"); goto CLEANUP_PIXMAP; } cairo_test_log (ctx, "Testing without the X Render extension.\n"); cairo_boilerplate_xlib_surface_disable_render (surface); format = cairo_xlib_surface_get_xrender_format (surface); if (format != NULL) { cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: did not receive a NULL format as expected\n"); goto CLEANUP_PIXMAP; } result = CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; CLEANUP_PIXMAP: XFreePixmap (dpy, pixmap); CLEANUP_SURFACE: cairo_surface_destroy (surface); XCloseDisplay (dpy); CLEANUP_TEST: return result; }
int main (void) { cairo_test_context_t ctx; cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *cr; cairo_status_t status; const char *filename; size_t i; char dsc[255]; cairo_test_init (&ctx, "ps-features"); if (! cairo_test_is_target_enabled (&ctx, "ps")) { cairo_test_fini (&ctx); return CAIRO_TEST_UNTESTED; } filename = ""; /* We demonstrate that the initial size doesn't matter (we're * passing 0,0), if we use cairo_ps_surface_set_size on the first * page. */ surface = cairo_ps_surface_create (filename, 0, 0); cairo_ps_surface_dsc_comment (surface, "%%Title: ps-features"); cairo_ps_surface_dsc_comment (surface, "%%Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat, Inc."); cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_setup (surface); cairo_ps_surface_dsc_comment (surface, "%%IncludeFeature: *PageSize letter"); cairo_ps_surface_dsc_comment (surface, "%%IncludeFeature: *MediaColor White"); cr = cairo_create (surface); cairo_select_font_face (cr, "Bitstream Vera Sans", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size (cr, TEXT_SIZE); for (i=0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pages); i++) { cairo_ps_surface_set_size (surface, pages[i].width_in_points, pages[i].height_in_points); cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_page_setup (surface); snprintf (dsc, 255, "%%IncludeFeature: *PageSize %s", pages[i].page_size_alias); cairo_ps_surface_dsc_comment (surface, dsc); if (i % 2) { snprintf (dsc, 255, "%%IncludeFeature: *MediaType Glossy"); cairo_ps_surface_dsc_comment (surface, dsc); } cairo_move_to (cr, TEXT_SIZE, TEXT_SIZE); cairo_show_text (cr, pages[i].page_size); cairo_show_text (cr, " - "); cairo_show_text (cr, pages[i].orientation); cairo_show_page (cr); } status = cairo_status (cr); cairo_destroy (cr); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); if (status) { cairo_test_log (&ctx, "Failed to create ps surface for file %s: %s\n", filename, cairo_status_to_string (status)); return CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE; } printf ("ps-features: Please check %s to ensure it looks/prints correctly.\n", filename); cairo_test_fini (&ctx); return CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; }