static void apply_fe_corrections(
    uhd::property_tree::sptr sub_tree,
    const uhd::fs_path &db_path,
    const uhd::fs_path &fe_path,
    const std::string &file_prefix,
    const double lo_freq
    //extract eeprom serial
    const uhd::usrp::dboard_eeprom_t db_eeprom = sub_tree->access<uhd::usrp::dboard_eeprom_t>(db_path).get();

    //make the calibration file path
    const fs::path cal_data_path = fs::path(uhd::get_app_path()) / ".uhd" / "cal" / (file_prefix + db_eeprom.serial + ".csv");
    UHD_MSG(status) << "Looking for FE correction at: " << cal_data_path.c_str() << "...  ";
    if (not fs::exists(cal_data_path)) {
        UHD_MSG(status) << "Not found" << std::endl;

    UHD_MSG(status) << "Found, loading...  ";

    //parse csv file or get from cache
    if (not fe_cal_cache.has_key(cal_data_path.string())){
        std::ifstream cal_data(cal_data_path.string().c_str());
        const uhd::csv::rows_type rows = uhd::csv::to_rows(cal_data);

        bool read_data = false, skip_next = false;;
        std::vector<fe_cal_t> datas;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const uhd::csv::row_type &row, rows){
            if (not read_data and not row.empty() and row[0] == "DATA STARTS HERE"){
                read_data = true;
                skip_next = true;
            if (not read_data) continue;
            if (skip_next){
                skip_next = false;
            fe_cal_t data;
            std::sscanf(row[0].c_str(), "%lf" , &data.lo_freq);
            std::sscanf(row[1].c_str(), "%lf" , &data.iq_corr_real);
            std::sscanf(row[2].c_str(), "%lf" , &data.iq_corr_imag);
        std::sort(datas.begin(), datas.end(), fe_cal_comp);
        fe_cal_cache[cal_data_path.string()] = datas;
        UHD_MSG(status) << "Loaded" << std::endl;
    } else {
예제 #2
 * Store data to file
static void store_results(
    shd::smini::multi_smini::sptr smini,
    const std::vector<result_t> &results,
    const std::string &XX,
    const std::string &xx,
    const std::string &what
    //extract eeprom serial
    shd::property_tree::sptr tree = smini->get_device()->get_tree();
    const shd::fs_path db_path = "/mboards/0/dboards/A/" + xx + "_eeprom";
    const shd::smini::dboard_eeprom_t db_eeprom = tree->access<shd::smini::dboard_eeprom_t>(db_path).get();
    if (db_eeprom.serial.empty()) throw std::runtime_error(XX + " dboard has empty serial!");

    //make the calibration file path
    fs::path cal_data_path = fs::path(shd::get_app_path()) / ".shd";
    cal_data_path = cal_data_path / "cal";
    cal_data_path = cal_data_path / str(boost::format("%s_%s_cal_v0.2_%s.csv") % xx % what % db_eeprom.serial);
    if (fs::exists(cal_data_path)){
        fs::rename(cal_data_path, cal_data_path.string() + str(boost::format(".%d") % time(NULL)));

    //fill the calibration file
    std::ofstream cal_data(cal_data_path.string().c_str());
    cal_data << boost::format("name, %s Frontend Calibration\n") % XX;
    cal_data << boost::format("serial, %s\n") % db_eeprom.serial;
    cal_data << boost::format("timestamp, %d\n") % time(NULL);
    cal_data << boost::format("version, 0, 1\n");
    cal_data << boost::format("DATA STARTS HERE\n");
    cal_data << "lo_frequency, correction_real, correction_imag, measured, delta\n";

    for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); i++){
            << results[i].freq << ", "
            << results[i].real_corr << ", "
            << results[i].imag_corr << ", "
            << results[i].best << ", "
            << results[i].delta << "\n"

    std::cout << "wrote cal data to " << cal_data_path << std::endl;
예제 #3
 * Store data to file
static void store_results(
    const std::vector<result_t> &results,
    const std::string &XX, // "TX" or "RX"
    const std::string &xx, // "tx" or "rx"
    const std::string &what, // Type of test, e.g. "iq",
    const std::string &serial)
    //make the calibration file path
    fs::path cal_data_path = fs::path(uhd::get_app_path()) / ".uhd";
    cal_data_path = cal_data_path / "cal";
    cal_data_path = cal_data_path / str(boost::format("%s_%s_cal_v0.2_%s.csv") % xx % what % serial);
    if (fs::exists(cal_data_path))
        fs::rename(cal_data_path, cal_data_path.string() + str(boost::format(".%d") % time(NULL)));

    //fill the calibration file
    std::ofstream cal_data(cal_data_path.string().c_str());
    cal_data << boost::format("name, %s Frontend Calibration\n") % XX;
    cal_data << boost::format("serial, %s\n") % serial;
    cal_data << boost::format("timestamp, %d\n") % time(NULL);
    cal_data << boost::format("version, 0, 1\n");
    cal_data << boost::format("DATA STARTS HERE\n");
    cal_data << "lo_frequency, correction_real, correction_imag, measured, delta\n";

    for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); i++)
            << results[i].freq << ", "
            << results[i].real_corr << ", "
            << results[i].imag_corr << ", "
            << results[i].best << ", "
            << results[i].delta << "\n"

    std::cout << "wrote cal data to " << cal_data_path << std::endl;