예제 #1
float QgsHillshadeFilter::processNineCellWindow( float *x11, float *x21, float *x31,
    float *x12, float *x22, float *x32,
    float *x13, float *x23, float *x33 )
  float derX = calcFirstDerX( x11, x21, x31, x12, x22, x32, x13, x23, x33 );
  float derY = calcFirstDerY( x11, x21, x31, x12, x22, x32, x13, x23, x33 );

  if ( derX == mOutputNodataValue || derY == mOutputNodataValue )
    return mOutputNodataValue;

  float zenith_rad = mLightAngle * M_PI / 180.0;
  float slope_rad = atan( sqrt( derX * derX + derY * derY ) );
  float azimuth_rad = mLightAzimuth * M_PI / 180.0;
  float aspect_rad = 0;
  if ( derX == 0 && derY == 0 ) //aspect undefined, take a neutral value. Better solutions?
    aspect_rad = azimuth_rad / 2.0;
    aspect_rad = M_PI + atan2( derX, derY );
  return qMax( 0.0, 255.0 * ( ( cos( zenith_rad ) * cos( slope_rad ) ) + ( sin( zenith_rad ) * sin( slope_rad ) * cos( azimuth_rad - aspect_rad ) ) ) );
예제 #2
float QgsHillshadeFilter::processNineCellWindow( float *x11, float *x21, float *x31,
    float *x12, float *x22, float *x32,
    float *x13, float *x23, float *x33 )

  float derX = calcFirstDerX( x11, x21, x31, x12, x22, x32, x13, x23, x33 );
  float derY = calcFirstDerY( x11, x21, x31, x12, x22, x32, x13, x23, x33 );

  if ( derX == mOutputNodataValue || derY == mOutputNodataValue )
    return mOutputNodataValue;

  float slope_rad = std::atan( std::sqrt( derX * derX + derY * derY ) );
  float aspect_rad = 0;
  if ( derX == 0 && derY == 0 ) //aspect undefined, take a neutral value. Better solutions?
    aspect_rad = mAzimuthRad / 2.0f;
    aspect_rad = M_PI + std::atan2( derX, derY );
  return std::max( 0.0f, 255.0f * ( ( mCosZenithRad * std::cos( slope_rad ) ) +
                                    ( mSinZenithRad * std::sin( slope_rad ) *
                                      std::cos( mAzimuthRad - aspect_rad ) ) ) );
예제 #3
float QgsAspectFilter::processNineCellWindow(
  float *x11, float *x21, float *x31,
  float *x12, float *x22, float *x32,
  float *x13, float *x23, float *x33 )
  float derX = calcFirstDerX( x11, x21, x31, x12, x22, x32, x13, x23, x33 );
  float derY = calcFirstDerY( x11, x21, x31, x12, x22, x32, x13, x23, x33 );

  if ( derX == mOutputNodataValue ||
       derY == mOutputNodataValue ||
       ( derX == 0.0 && derY == 0.0 ) )
    return mOutputNodataValue;
    return 180.0 + std::atan2( derX, derY ) * 180.0 / M_PI;
예제 #4
QgsRasterBlock *QgsHillshadeRenderer::block( int bandNo, const QgsRectangle &extent, int width, int height, QgsRasterBlockFeedback* feedback )
    Q_UNUSED( bandNo );
    QgsRasterBlock *outputBlock = new QgsRasterBlock();
    if ( !mInput )
        QgsDebugMsg( "No input raster!" );
        return outputBlock;

    QgsRasterBlock *inputBlock = mInput->block( mBand, extent, width, height, feedback );

    if ( !inputBlock || inputBlock->isEmpty() )
        QgsDebugMsg( "No raster data!" );
        delete inputBlock;
        return outputBlock;

    QgsRasterBlock *alphaBlock = nullptr;

    if ( mAlphaBand > 0 && mBand != mAlphaBand )

        alphaBlock = mInput->block( mAlphaBand, extent, width, height, feedback );
        if ( !alphaBlock || alphaBlock->isEmpty() )
            // TODO: better to render without alpha
            delete inputBlock;
            delete alphaBlock;
            return outputBlock;
    else if ( mAlphaBand > 0 )
        alphaBlock = inputBlock;

    if ( !outputBlock->reset( Qgis::ARGB32_Premultiplied, width, height ) )
        delete inputBlock;
        delete alphaBlock;
        return outputBlock;

    double cellXSize = extent.width() / double( width );
    double cellYSize = extent.height() / double( height );
    double zenithRad = qMax( 0.0, 90 - mLightAngle ) * M_PI / 180.0;
    double azimuthRad = -1 * mLightAzimuth * M_PI / 180.0;
    double cosZenithRad = cos( zenithRad );
    double sinZenithRad = sin( zenithRad );

    // Multi direction hillshade: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1992/of92-422/of92-422.pdf
    double angle0Rad = ( -1 * mLightAzimuth - 45 - 45 * 0.5 ) * M_PI / 180.0;
    double angle1Rad = ( -1 * mLightAzimuth - 45 * 0.5 ) * M_PI / 180.0;
    double angle2Rad = ( -1 * mLightAzimuth + 45 * 0.5 ) * M_PI / 180.0;
    double angle3Rad = ( -1 * mLightAzimuth + 45 + 45 * 0.5 ) * M_PI / 180.0;

    QRgb myDefaultColor = NODATA_COLOR;

    for ( qgssize i = 0; i < ( qgssize )height; i++ )

        for ( qgssize j = 0; j < ( qgssize )width; j++ )

            if ( inputBlock->isNoData( i, j ) )
                outputBlock->setColor( i, j, myDefaultColor );

            qgssize iUp, iDown, jLeft, jRight;
            if ( i == 0 )
                iUp = i;
                iDown = i + 1;
            else if ( i < ( qgssize )height - 1 )
                iUp = i - 1;
                iDown = i + 1;
                iUp = i - 1;
                iDown = i;

            if ( j == 0 )
                jLeft = j;
                jRight = j + 1;
            else if ( j < ( qgssize )width - 1 )
                jLeft = j - 1;
                jRight = j + 1;
                jLeft = j - 1;
                jRight = j;

            double x11;
            double x21;
            double x31;
            double x12;
            double x22; // Working cell
            double x32;
            double x13;
            double x23;
            double x33;

            // This is center cell. It is not nodata. Use this in place of nodata neighbors
            x22 = inputBlock->value( i, j );

            x11 = inputBlock->isNoData( iUp, jLeft )  ? x22 : inputBlock->value( iUp, jLeft );
            x21 = inputBlock->isNoData( i, jLeft )     ? x22 : inputBlock->value( i, jLeft );
            x31 = inputBlock->isNoData( iDown, jLeft ) ? x22 : inputBlock->value( iDown, jLeft );

            x12 = inputBlock->isNoData( iUp, j )       ? x22 : inputBlock->value( iUp, j );
            // x22
            x32 = inputBlock->isNoData( iDown, j )     ? x22 : inputBlock->value( iDown, j );

            x13 = inputBlock->isNoData( iUp, jRight )   ? x22 : inputBlock->value( iUp, jRight );
            x23 = inputBlock->isNoData( i, jRight )     ? x22 : inputBlock->value( i, jRight );
            x33 = inputBlock->isNoData( iDown, jRight ) ? x22 : inputBlock->value( iDown, jRight );

            double derX = calcFirstDerX( x11, x21, x31, x12, x22, x32, x13, x23, x33, cellXSize );
            double derY = calcFirstDerY( x11, x21, x31, x12, x22, x32, x13, x23, x33, cellYSize );

            double slopeRad = atan( mZFactor * sqrt( derX * derX + derY * derY ) );
            double aspectRad = atan2( derX, -derY );

            double grayValue;
            if ( !mMultiDirectional )
                // Standard single direction hillshade
                grayValue = qBound( 0.0, 255.0 * ( cosZenithRad * cos( slopeRad )
                                                   + sinZenithRad * sin( slopeRad )
                                                   * cos( azimuthRad - aspectRad ) ) , 255.0 );
                // Weighted multi direction as in http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1992/of92-422/of92-422.pdf
                double weight0 = sin( aspectRad - angle0Rad );
                double weight1 = sin( aspectRad - angle1Rad );
                double weight2 = sin( aspectRad - angle2Rad );
                double weight3 = sin( aspectRad - angle3Rad );
                weight0 = weight0 * weight0;
                weight1 = weight1 * weight1;
                weight2 = weight2 * weight2;
                weight3 = weight3 * weight3;

                double cosSlope = cosZenithRad * cos( slopeRad );
                double sinSlope = sinZenithRad * sin( slopeRad );
                double color0 = cosSlope + sinSlope * cos( angle0Rad - aspectRad ) ;
                double color1 = cosSlope + sinSlope * cos( angle1Rad - aspectRad ) ;
                double color2 = cosSlope + sinSlope * cos( angle2Rad - aspectRad ) ;
                double color3 = cosSlope + sinSlope * cos( angle3Rad - aspectRad ) ;
                grayValue = qBound( 0.0, 255 * ( weight0 * color0 + weight1 * color1 + weight2 * color2 + weight3 * color3 ) * 0.5, 255.0 );

            double currentAlpha = mOpacity;
            if ( mRasterTransparency )
                currentAlpha = mRasterTransparency->alphaValue( x22, mOpacity * 255 ) / 255.0;
            if ( mAlphaBand > 0 )
                currentAlpha *= alphaBlock->value( i ) / 255.0;

            if ( qgsDoubleNear( currentAlpha, 1.0 ) )
                outputBlock->setColor( i, j, qRgba( grayValue, grayValue, grayValue, 255 ) );
                outputBlock->setColor( i, j, qRgba( currentAlpha * grayValue, currentAlpha * grayValue, currentAlpha * grayValue, currentAlpha * 255 ) );

    delete inputBlock;
    if ( mAlphaBand > 0 && mBand != mAlphaBand )
        delete alphaBlock;
    return outputBlock;
예제 #5
QgsRasterBlock *QgsHillshadeRenderer::block( int bandNo, const QgsRectangle &extent, int width, int height )
  Q_UNUSED( bandNo );
  QgsRasterBlock *outputBlock = new QgsRasterBlock();
  if ( !mInput )
    QgsDebugMsg( "No input raster!" );
    return outputBlock;

  QgsRasterBlock *inputBlock = mInput->block( mBand, extent, width, height );

  if ( !inputBlock || inputBlock->isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "No raster data!" );
    delete inputBlock;
    return outputBlock;

  if ( !outputBlock->reset( QGis::ARGB32_Premultiplied, width, height ) )
    delete inputBlock;
    return outputBlock;

  double cellXSize = extent.width() / double( width );
  double cellYSize = extent.height() / double( height );
  double zenithRad = qMax( 0.0, 90 - mLightAngle ) * M_PI / 180.0;
  double azimuthRad = -1 * mLightAzimuth * M_PI / 180.0;
  double cosZenithRad = cos( zenithRad );
  double sinZenithRad = sin( zenithRad );

  QRgb myDefaultColor = NODATA_COLOR;

  for ( qgssize i = 0; i < ( qgssize )height; i++ )

    for ( qgssize j = 0; j < ( qgssize )width; j++ )

      if ( inputBlock->isNoData( i, j ) )
        outputBlock->setColor( i, j, myDefaultColor );

      qgssize iUp, iDown, jLeft, jRight;
      if ( i == 0 )
        iUp = i;
        iDown = i + 1;
      else if ( i < ( qgssize )height - 1 )
        iUp = i - 1;
        iDown = i + 1;
        iUp = i - 1;
        iDown = i;

      if ( j == 0 )
        jLeft = j;
        jRight = j + 1;
      else if ( j < ( qgssize )width - 1 )
        jLeft = j - 1;
        jRight = j + 1;
        jLeft = j - 1;
        jRight = j;

      double x11;
      double x21;
      double x31;
      double x12;
      double x22; // Working cell
      double x32;
      double x13;
      double x23;
      double x33;

      // This is center cell. It is not nodata. Use this in place of nodata neighbors
      x22 = inputBlock->value( i, j );

      x11 = inputBlock->isNoData( iUp, jLeft )  ? x22 : inputBlock->value( iUp, jLeft );
      x21 = inputBlock->isNoData( i, jLeft )     ? x22 : inputBlock->value( i, jLeft );
      x31 = inputBlock->isNoData( iDown, jLeft ) ? x22 : inputBlock->value( iDown, jLeft );

      x12 = inputBlock->isNoData( iUp, j )       ? x22 : inputBlock->value( iUp, j );
      // x22
      x32 = inputBlock->isNoData( iDown, j )     ? x22 : inputBlock->value( iDown, j );

      x13 = inputBlock->isNoData( iUp, jRight )   ? x22 : inputBlock->value( iUp, jRight );
      x23 = inputBlock->isNoData( i, jRight )     ? x22 : inputBlock->value( i, jRight );
      x33 = inputBlock->isNoData( iDown, jRight ) ? x22 : inputBlock->value( iDown, jRight );

      double derX = calcFirstDerX( x11, x21, x31, x12, x22, x32, x13, x23, x33, cellXSize );
      double derY = calcFirstDerY( x11, x21, x31, x12, x22, x32, x13, x23, x33, cellYSize );

      double slope_rad = atan( mZFactor * sqrt( derX * derX + derY * derY ) );
      double aspectRad = atan2( derX, -derY );

      double colorvalue = qBound( 0.0, 255.0 * (( cosZenithRad * cos( slope_rad ) ) +
                                  ( sinZenithRad * sin( slope_rad ) *
                                    cos( azimuthRad - aspectRad ) ) ), 255.0 );

      outputBlock->setColor( i, j, qRgb( colorvalue, colorvalue, colorvalue ) );
  return outputBlock;