예제 #1
void Routing::generateRouteSetup(Point start, Point goal, Direction currDir)
  Point pointBehindStart = pointBehind(start, currDir);
  if( ! maze->contains(pointBehindStart))
    pointBehindStart = start;
  nodeList.resetList(goal, start, pointBehindStart, calcHeuristic(start,goal));
예제 #2
 *                                  Construcot
 * ***********************************************************************************************/
Solver::DeepSearch::DeepSearch(const Game::Game& field):
    for(uint i=0; i< field.getField().getSizeX(); ++i){
        currentValue[i].resize(field.getField().getSizeY(), 0);
    for(uint x=0; x<field.getField().getSizeX(); ++x){
        for(uint y=0; y<field.getField().getSizeY(); ++y){
            currentValue[x][y] = field.getField().getField(x,y);
    for(uint i=0;i<gameField.getTileCount(); ++i){
        positionsMax.push_back(Pos<uint>(field.getField().getSizeX() - field.getTile(i).getSizeX()+1,1+ field.getField().getSizeY() - field.getTile(i).getSizeY()));
        std::cout << "Max Pos: " <<positionsMax[i] << std::endl;

    heuristicValue = calcHeuristic();

    std::vector<bool> used;
    used.resize(field.getTileCount(), false);
    for(uint i=0; i<used.size(); ++i){
        uint filledValue(9999999);
        uint filledNumber(0);
        for(uint tile=0; tile<field.getTileCount(); ++tile){
            if(used[tile]) continue;
            if(gameField.getTile(tile).getCountSet() < filledValue){
                filledValue = gameField.getTile(tile).getCountSet();
                filledNumber = tile;
        used[i] = true;
        tileObserveList[i] = filledNumber;

    maxFlips.resize(field.getTileCount(), false);
    maxFlips[field.getTileCount()-1] = field.getTile(tileObserveList[field.getTileCount()-1]).getCountSet();
    for(int i=field.getTileCount()-2; i>=0;--i){
        maxFlips[i] = maxFlips[i+1] + field.getTile(tileObserveList[i]).getCountSet();

예제 #3
bool Routing::classifyPoint(Point adjacentPt, Point current, Point parentOfCurrent, Point goal)
  unsigned int adjacentPtCost = calcCost(parentOfCurrent, current, adjacentPt) + nodeList.calcCost(current);
  //Make it OPEN if it is NONE; if it is OPEN check if we can get there faster via the current node, if so we change the parent
  switch (nodeList.getListType(adjacentPt))
    case NodeList::OPEN:
      nodeList.update(adjacentPt, current, adjacentPtCost);
    case NodeList::NONE:
      if( ! maze->isPassable(adjacentPt))
	nodeList.update(adjacentPt, current, adjacentPtCost, calcHeuristic(adjacentPt, goal));
    case NodeList::GOAL:
      nodeList.update(adjacentPt, current, adjacentPtCost);
      return true;
  return false;
double AI::DLMM(boardState* nodeOrig, int depth, int QS_Depth, bool maximizingPlayer, double alpha, double beta){
	bool terminal = false;
	double newAlpha = alpha;
	double newBeta = beta;
	double newVal = alpha;
	int moverid = playerID();
	map<string, int>::iterator it1;

	if (!maximizingPlayer){
		if (moverid == 0){ moverid = 1; }
		else{ moverid = 0; }
	vector<fakePiece> blank;
	if (kingInCheckmate(nodeOrig, moverid)){
		double retVal = calcHeuristic(moverid, nodeOrig, blank);
		return (retVal);

	else if ((depth == 0 && nodeOrig->QS_State == false) || (depth == 0 && QS_Depth == 0)){
		double retVal = calcHeuristic(moverid, nodeOrig, blank);
		return (retVal);

	else if (maximizingPlayer){
		newBeta = beta;
		newAlpha = alpha;
		newVal = alpha;

		possibleMovesStruct* possibleMovesMax = new possibleMovesStruct;
		allPossibleMoves(nodeOrig, possibleMovesMax, moverid);

		if (possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.size() > 0){			
			int size = possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.size() - 1;
			for (int i = size; i >= 0; i--){				
				boardState* nodeNew = new boardState;
				*(nodeNew) = *(nodeOrig);
				int fileFrom = possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.top().fileFrom;
				int rankFrom = possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.top().rankFrom;
				int fileTo = possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.top().fileTo;
				int rankTo = possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.top().rankTo;
				nodeNew->unofficialMove(fileFrom, rankFrom, fileTo, rankTo, moverid, 0, 2);
				if (depth != 0){
					newVal = DLMM(nodeNew, depth, QS_Depth - 1, false, newAlpha, newBeta);
					newVal = DLMM(nodeNew, depth - 1, QS_Depth, false, newAlpha, newBeta);

				if (newVal <= newAlpha){ // Fail low
				else if (newVal >= newBeta){ //Fail high -> prune because fail high on max
					size = -1;
					it1 = myHistoryTable.find(possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.top().historyTableVal);
					while (possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.size() > 0){
				else{ // New best value/alpha
					newAlpha = newVal;
					it1 = myHistoryTable.find(possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.top().historyTableVal);
				delete nodeNew;
			delete possibleMovesMax;

			//History table updates and inserts
			int currentCount = it1->second;
			string currentString = it1->first;
			myHistoryTable[currentString] = currentCount + 1;
			return newAlpha;
			return alpha;
	else{ //Min player
		newAlpha = alpha;
		newBeta = beta;
		if (alpha != 0){
			newBeta = alpha;
			newBeta = 1000;
		newVal = 0;
		possibleMovesStruct* possibleMovesMax = new possibleMovesStruct;
		allPossibleMoves(nodeOrig, possibleMovesMax, moverid);
		if (possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.size() > 0){
			int size = possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.size() - 1;
			for (int i = size; i >= 0; i--){
				boardState* nodeNew = new boardState;
				*(nodeNew) = *(nodeOrig);
				int fileFrom = possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.top().fileFrom;
				int rankFrom = possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.top().rankFrom;
				int fileTo = possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.top().fileTo;
				int rankTo = possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.top().rankTo;
				nodeNew->unofficialMove(fileFrom, rankFrom, fileTo, rankTo, moverid, 0, 2);
				if (depth == 0){
					newVal = DLMM(nodeNew, depth, QS_Depth - 1, true, newAlpha, newBeta);
					newVal = DLMM(nodeNew, depth - 1, QS_Depth, true, newAlpha, newBeta);
				if (newVal <= newAlpha){ // Fail low on min -> prune
					size = -1;
					it1 = myHistoryTable.find(possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.top().historyTableVal);
					while (possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.size() > 0){

				else if (newVal >= newBeta){ //Fail high on min -> dont use this one
				else{ //We found a new value which is lower than the highest beta
					newBeta = newVal;
					it1 = myHistoryTable.find(possibleMovesMax->availiableMoves.top().historyTableVal);
				delete nodeNew;
			delete possibleMovesMax;

			//History table updates and inserts
			int currentCount = it1->second;
			string currentString = it1->first;
			myHistoryTable[currentString] = currentCount + 1;

			return (newBeta);
			return (beta);

예제 #5
		bool AStarPlanner::computePath(std::vector<Util::Point>& agent_path,  Util::Point start, Util::Point goal, SteerLib::GridDatabase2D * _gSpatialDatabase, bool append_to_path)
		std::cout << goal << std::endl;
		gSpatialDatabase = _gSpatialDatabase;

		//Build node trees/sets
		priorityQueue openNodes = priorityQueue();
		std::vector<SteerLib::AStarPlannerNode> closedNodes;

		double max = 10000;

		//Build start node
		SteerLib::AStarPlannerNode startNode = SteerLib::AStarPlannerNode(start, 0, max-(0+HEURISTICWEIGHT*calcHeuristic(start, goal, false)), -1);
		startNode.gridIndex = gSpatialDatabase->getCellIndexFromLocation(start);
		int expandedCount = 0;	
		while(!openNodes.heap.empty()) {
			SteerLib::AStarPlannerNode currNode = openNodes.pop();
			//Found goal, trace back for path
			if(currNode.gridIndex == gSpatialDatabase->getCellIndexFromLocation(goal)) {
				std::cout << std::endl << "PATH LENGTH: " << currNode.g << std::endl << "NODES EXPANDED: " << expandedCount << std::endl;
				currNode.point = goal;
				int currIndex = currNode.gridIndex;
				while(currIndex != gSpatialDatabase->getCellIndexFromLocation(start)) {
					Util::Point currPoint;
					gSpatialDatabase->getLocationFromIndex(currIndex, currPoint);
					agent_path.insert(agent_path.begin(), currPoint);
					currIndex = closedNodes[searchClosed(closedNodes, currIndex, 0, 0, gSpatialDatabase)].parentIndex;
				agent_path.insert(agent_path.begin(), start);

				return true;
			//Update neighbors
			unsigned int xIndex, zIndex;
			gSpatialDatabase->getGridCoordinatesFromIndex(currNode.gridIndex, xIndex, zIndex);

			//aligned neighbors
			//check if neighbor is valid (out of bounds of grid)
			if(xIndex-1 >= 0 && canBeTraversed(gSpatialDatabase->getCellIndexFromGridCoords(xIndex-1, zIndex))) {
				//Is in closed set?
				if(searchClosed(closedNodes, currNode.gridIndex, -1, 0, gSpatialDatabase)==-1) {	
					//Is in open set?
					openNodes.update(currNode, -1, 0, gSpatialDatabase, goal);

			if(xIndex+1 < gSpatialDatabase->getNumCellsX() && canBeTraversed(gSpatialDatabase->getCellIndexFromGridCoords(xIndex+1, zIndex))) {
				if(searchClosed(closedNodes, currNode.gridIndex, 1, 0, gSpatialDatabase)==-1) {	
					openNodes.update(currNode, 1, 0, gSpatialDatabase, goal);
			if(zIndex-1 >= 0 && canBeTraversed(gSpatialDatabase->getCellIndexFromGridCoords(xIndex, zIndex-1))) {
				if(searchClosed(closedNodes, currNode.gridIndex, 0, -1, gSpatialDatabase)==-1) {	
					openNodes.update(currNode, 0, -1, gSpatialDatabase, goal);
			if(zIndex+1 < gSpatialDatabase->getNumCellsZ() && canBeTraversed(gSpatialDatabase->getCellIndexFromGridCoords(xIndex, zIndex+1))) {
				if(searchClosed(closedNodes, currNode.gridIndex, 0, 1, gSpatialDatabase)==-1) {	
					openNodes.update(currNode, 0, 1, gSpatialDatabase, goal);
			//diagonal neighbors
			if(zIndex-1>=0 && xIndex-1>=0 && canBeTraversed(gSpatialDatabase->getCellIndexFromGridCoords(xIndex-1, zIndex-1))) {
				if(searchClosed(closedNodes, currNode.gridIndex, -1, -1, gSpatialDatabase)==-1) {	
					openNodes.update(currNode, -1, -1, gSpatialDatabase, goal);
			if(zIndex+-1>=0 && xIndex+1<gSpatialDatabase->getNumCellsX() && canBeTraversed(gSpatialDatabase->getCellIndexFromGridCoords(xIndex+1, zIndex-1))) {
				if(searchClosed(closedNodes, currNode.gridIndex, 1, -1, gSpatialDatabase)==-1) {	
					openNodes.update(currNode, 1, -1, gSpatialDatabase, goal);
			if(zIndex+1<gSpatialDatabase->getNumCellsZ() && xIndex-1>=0 && canBeTraversed(gSpatialDatabase->getCellIndexFromGridCoords(xIndex-1, zIndex+1))) {
				if(searchClosed(closedNodes, currNode.gridIndex, -1, 1, gSpatialDatabase)==-1) {	
					openNodes.update(currNode, -1, 1, gSpatialDatabase, goal);
			if(zIndex+1<gSpatialDatabase->getNumCellsZ() && xIndex+1<gSpatialDatabase->getNumCellsX() && canBeTraversed(gSpatialDatabase->getCellIndexFromGridCoords(xIndex+1, zIndex+1))) {
				if(searchClosed(closedNodes, currNode.gridIndex, 1, 1, gSpatialDatabase)==-1) {	
					openNodes.update(currNode, 1, 1, gSpatialDatabase, goal);


		std::cout<<"\nIn A*";

		return false;