예제 #1
파일: suggest.c 프로젝트: PierreBougon/42sh
int		suggest(t_sh *sh, char *cmd)
  t_suggest	sugg;

  sugg.nb_bin = 0;
  sugg.dist_min = -1;
  if (!cmd)
    return (0);
  if (!(sugg.binaries = malloc(sizeof(char *) * 1)))
    return (1);
  sugg.binaries[0] = NULL;
  if (check_all_path(sh, &sugg) == 1)
    return (1);
  if (!(sugg.tab_dist = malloc(sizeof(int) * sugg.nb_bin)))
    return (1);
  calc_all_distances(&sugg, cmd);
  print_minimal_dist(&sugg, 0, 0);
  return (0);
예제 #2
파일: kmeans.c 프로젝트: megion/premir_cpp
void kmeans(
            int  dim,		                     // dimension of data 

            double *X,                        // pointer to data
            int   n,                         // number of elements
            int   k,                         // number of clusters
            double *cluster_centroid,         // initial cluster centroids
            int   *cluster_assignment_final  // output
    double *dist                    = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * n * k);
    int   *cluster_assignment_cur  = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
    int   *cluster_assignment_prev = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
    double *point_move_score        = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * n * k);
    if (!dist || !cluster_assignment_cur || !cluster_assignment_prev || !point_move_score)
      fail("Error allocating dist arrays");
   // initial setup  
    calc_all_distances(dim, n, k, X, cluster_centroid, dist);
    choose_all_clusters_from_distances(dim, n, k, dist, cluster_assignment_cur);
    copy_assignment_array(n, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_assignment_prev);

    double prev_totD = BIG_double;
    int batch_iteration = 0;
    while (batch_iteration < MAX_ITERATIONS)
//        printf("batch iteration %d \n", batch_iteration);
//        cluster_diag(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid);
        // update cluster centroids
         calc_cluster_centroids(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid);

        // deal with empty clusters

        // see if we've failed to improve
         double totD = calc_total_distance(dim, n, k, X, cluster_centroid, cluster_assignment_cur);
         if (totD > prev_totD)
          // failed to improve - currently solution worse than previous
            // restore old assignments
             copy_assignment_array(n, cluster_assignment_prev, cluster_assignment_cur);
            // recalc centroids
             calc_cluster_centroids(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid);
             printf("  negative progress made on this step - iteration completed (%.2f) \n", totD - prev_totD);
            // done with this phase
        // save previous step
         copy_assignment_array(n, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_assignment_prev);
        // move all points to nearest cluster
         calc_all_distances(dim, n, k, X, cluster_centroid, dist);
         choose_all_clusters_from_distances(dim, n, k, dist, cluster_assignment_cur);
         int change_count = assignment_change_count(n, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_assignment_prev);
         printf("%3d   %u   %9d  %16.2f %17.2f\n", batch_iteration, 1, change_count, totD, totD - prev_totD);
        // done with this phase if nothing has changed
         if (change_count == 0)
             printf("  no change made on this step - iteration completed \n");

         prev_totD = totD;

cluster_diag(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid);

/* The online update prtion of this code has never worked properly, but batch update has been adequate for our projects so far.
    int online_iteration = 0;
    int last_point_moved = 0;
    int cluster_changed[MAX_CLUSTERS];
    for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
      cluster_changed[ii] = 1;
    int cluster_member_count[MAX_CLUSTERS];
    get_cluster_member_count(n, k, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_member_count);
    while (online_iteration < MAX_ITERATIONS)
//        printf("online iteration %d \n", online_iteration);

       // for each cluster
        for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
          if (cluster_changed[ii])
            update_delta_score_table(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid, cluster_member_count, point_move_score, ii);
       // pick a point to move
       // look at points in sequence starting at one after previously moved point
        int make_move = 0;
        int point_to_move = -1;
        int target_cluster = -1;
        for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
            int point_to_consider = (last_point_moved + 1 + ii) % n;
           // find the best target for it
            int best_target_cluster = -1;
            int best_match_count    = 0;
            double best_delta        = BIG_double;
           // for each possible target
            for (int jj = 0; jj < k; jj++)
                double cur_delta = point_move_score[point_to_consider*k + jj];

               // is this the best move so far?
                if (cur_delta < best_delta)
                 // yes - record it
                    best_target_cluster = jj;
                    best_delta = cur_delta;
                    best_match_count = 1;
                else if (cur_delta == best_delta)
                 // no, but it's tied with the best one

           // is the best cluster for this point its current cluster?
            if (best_target_cluster == cluster_assignment_cur[point_to_consider])
             // yes - don't move this point

           // do we have a unique best move?
            if (best_match_count > 1)
             // no - don't move this point (ignore ties)
             // yes - we've found a good point to move
                point_to_move = point_to_consider;
                target_cluster = best_target_cluster;
                make_move = 1;

        if (make_move)
           // where should we move it to?            
            printf("  %10d: moved %d to %d \n", point_to_move, cluster_assignment_cur[point_to_move], target_cluster);

           // mark which clusters have been modified          
            for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
              cluster_changed[ii] = 0;
            cluster_changed[cluster_assignment_cur[point_to_move]] = 1;
            cluster_changed[target_cluster] = 1;

           // perform move
            perform_move(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid, cluster_member_count, point_to_move, target_cluster);

           // count an iteration every time we've cycled through all the points
            if (point_to_move < last_point_moved)

            last_point_moved = point_to_move;


//    printf("iterations: %3d %3d \n", batch_iteration, online_iteration);
   // write to output array
    copy_assignment_array(n, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_assignment_final);    