예제 #1
파일: NS.cpp 프로젝트: mariotan7/NS_solver
    real * * const pu,
    real * * const pv,
    real * * const pp,
    const real dt,
    const Mesh & mesh
    const real Re = 3200.0;

    real * & u_0 = *pu;
    real * & v_0 = *pv;
    real * & p   = *pp;

    // RK 1
    const real dt_1 = dt / 2.0;
    real * u_1 = new real[mesh.size()];
    real * v_1 = new real[mesh.size()];

    calc_nu( u_1, u_0, v_0, p, dt_1, Re, u_0, mesh );
    calc_nv( v_1, u_0, v_0, p, dt_1, Re, v_0, mesh );
    boundary_update_u_v( u_1, v_1, mesh );

    real * phi = new real[mesh.size()];

    calc_phi( phi, u_1, v_1, dt_1, mesh );
    correct_u_v_p( u_1, v_1, p, phi, dt_1, mesh );

    boundary_update_u_v( u_1, v_1, mesh );

    // RK 2
    const real dt_2 = dt;
    real * u_2 = new real[mesh.size()];
    real * v_2 = new real[mesh.size()];

    calc_nu( u_2, u_1, v_1, p, dt_2, Re, u_0, mesh );
    calc_nv( v_2, u_1, v_1, p, dt_2, Re, v_0, mesh );

    boundary_update_u_v( u_2, v_2, mesh );

    calc_phi( phi, u_2, v_2, dt_2, mesh );
    correct_u_v_p( u_2, v_2, p, phi, dt_2, mesh );

    boundary_update_u_v( u_2, v_2, mesh );

    delete[] u_0;
    delete[] v_0;
    delete[] u_1; u_1 = NULL;
    delete[] v_1; v_1 = NULL;
    delete[] phi; phi = NULL;

    u_0 = u_2; u_2 = NULL;
    v_0 = v_2; v_2 = NULL;
예제 #2
파일: NS.cpp 프로젝트: mariotan7/NS_solver
    real * const nu,
    real * const nv,
    real * const p,
    const real * const u,
    const real * const v,
    const real dt,
    const Mesh & mesh
    const real Re = 1000.0;
    //const real Re = 1.0;

    calc_nu( nu, u, v, p, dt, Re, u, mesh );
    calc_nv( nv, u, v, p, dt, Re, v, mesh );

    boundary_update_u_v( nu, nv, mesh );

    static int i = 0;
    real * phi;
    if ( i == 0 ) {
        phi = new real[mesh.size()];
        make_initial_value_0( phi, mesh );

    calc_phi( phi, nu, nv, dt, mesh );

    const Iter iter = calc_phi( phi, nu, nv, dt, 1.5, 10000, 1.0e-4, mesh );
    correct_u_v_p( nu, nv, p, phi, dt, mesh );

    //delete[] phi; phi = NULL;

    boundary_update_u_v( nu, nv, mesh );

    return iter;
/* compute function */
static int compute(void* km)
   /* local variables */
   intptr_t* pkim = *((intptr_t**) km);
   double R;
   double Rsqij;
   double phi;
   double dphi;
   double dEidr = 0.0;
   double Rij[DIM];
   int ier;
   int i;
   int j;
   int jj;
   int k;
   int numOfPartNeigh;
   int currentPart;
   int comp_energy;
   int comp_force;
   int comp_particleEnergy;
   int comp_virial;
   int IterOrLoca;
   int HalfOrFull;
   int NBC;
   const char* NBCstr;
   int numberContrib;

   int* nParts;
   int* particleSpecies;
   double* Rij_list;
   double* coords;
   double* energy;
   double* force;
   double* particleEnergy;
   double* virial;
   int* neighListOfCurrentPart;
   double* boxSideLengths;
   int* numContrib;

   /* Determine neighbor list boundary condition (NBC) */
   /* and half versus full mode: */
    * HalfOrFull = 1 -- Half
    *            = 2 -- Full
   ier = KIM_API_get_NBC_method(pkim, &NBCstr);
   if (KIM_STATUS_OK > ier)
      KIM_API_report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "KIM_API_get_NBC_method", ier);
      return ier;
   if (!strcmp("NEIGH_RVEC_H",NBCstr))
      NBC = 0;
      HalfOrFull = 1;
   else if (!strcmp("NEIGH_PURE_H",NBCstr))
      NBC = 1;
      HalfOrFull = 1;
   else if (!strcmp("NEIGH_RVEC_F",NBCstr))
      NBC = 0;
      HalfOrFull = 2;
   else if (!strcmp("NEIGH_PURE_F",NBCstr))
      NBC = 1;
      HalfOrFull = 2;
   else if (!strcmp("MI_OPBC_H",NBCstr))
      NBC = 2;
      HalfOrFull = 1;
   else if (!strcmp("MI_OPBC_F",NBCstr))
      NBC = 2;
      HalfOrFull = 2;
   else if (!strcmp("CLUSTER",NBCstr))
      NBC = 3;
      HalfOrFull = 1;
      ier = KIM_STATUS_FAIL;
      KIM_API_report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "Unknown NBC method", ier);
      return ier;

   /* determine neighbor list handling mode */
   if (NBC != 3)
       * IterOrLoca = 1 -- Iterator
       *            = 2 -- Locator
      IterOrLoca = KIM_API_get_neigh_mode(pkim, &ier);
      if (KIM_STATUS_OK > ier)
         KIM_API_report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "KIM_API_get_neigh_mode", ier);
         return ier;
      if ((IterOrLoca != 1) && (IterOrLoca != 2))
         printf("* ERROR: Unsupported IterOrLoca mode = %i\n", IterOrLoca);
         return KIM_STATUS_FAIL;
      IterOrLoca = 2;   /* for CLUSTER NBC */

   /* check to see if we have been asked to compute the forces, particleEnergy, energy and virial */
   KIM_API_getm_compute(pkim, &ier, 4*3,
                        "energy",         &comp_energy,         1,
                        "forces",         &comp_force,          1,
                        "particleEnergy", &comp_particleEnergy, 1,
                        "virial",         &comp_virial,         1);
   if (KIM_STATUS_OK > ier)
      KIM_API_report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "KIM_API_getm_compute", ier);
      return ier;

   /* unpack data from KIM object */
   KIM_API_getm_data(pkim, &ier, 9*3,
                     "numberOfParticles",           &nParts,         1,
                     "particleSpecies",             &particleSpecies,1,
                     "coordinates",                 &coords,         1,
                     "numberContributingParticles", &numContrib,     (HalfOrFull==1),
                     "boxSideLengths",              &boxSideLengths, (NBC==2),
                     "energy",                      &energy,         (comp_energy==1),
                     "forces",                      &force,          (comp_force==1),
                     "particleEnergy",              &particleEnergy, (comp_particleEnergy==1),
                     "virial",                      &virial,         (comp_virial==1));
   if (KIM_STATUS_OK > ier)
      KIM_API_report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "KIM_API_getm_data", ier);
      return ier;

   if (HalfOrFull == 1)
      if (3 != NBC) /* non-CLUSTER cases */
         numberContrib = *numContrib;
         numberContrib = *nParts;
   { /* provide initialization even if not used */
      numberContrib = *nParts;

   /* Check to be sure that the species are correct */
   ier = KIM_STATUS_FAIL; /* assume an error */
   for (i = 0; i < *nParts; ++i)
      if ( SPECCODE != particleSpecies[i])
         KIM_API_report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "Unexpected species detected", ier);
         return ier;
   ier = KIM_STATUS_OK; /* everything is ok */

   /* initialize potential energies, forces, and virial term */
   if (comp_particleEnergy)
      for (i = 0; i < *nParts; ++i)
         particleEnergy[i] = 0.0;
   if (comp_energy)
      *energy = 0.0;

   if (comp_force)
      for (i = 0; i < *nParts; ++i)
         for (k = 0; k < DIM; ++k)
            force[i*DIM + k] = 0.0;

   if (comp_virial)
      for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
         virial[i] = 0.0;

   /* Initialize neighbor handling for CLUSTER NBC */
   if (3 == NBC) /* CLUSTER */
      neighListOfCurrentPart = (int *) malloc((*nParts)*sizeof(int));

   /* Initialize neighbor handling for Iterator mode */

   if (1 == IterOrLoca)
      ier = KIM_API_get_neigh(pkim, 0, 0, &currentPart, &numOfPartNeigh,
                               &neighListOfCurrentPart, &Rij_list);
      /* check for successful initialization */
         KIM_API_report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "KIM_API_get_neigh", ier);
         ier = KIM_STATUS_FAIL;
         return ier;

   /* Compute energy and forces */

   /* loop over particles and compute enregy and forces */
   i = -1;
   while( 1 )

      /* Set up neighbor list for next particle for all NBC methods */
      if (1 == IterOrLoca) /* ITERATOR mode */
         ier = KIM_API_get_neigh(pkim, 0, 1, &currentPart, &numOfPartNeigh,
                                  &neighListOfCurrentPart, &Rij_list);
         if (KIM_STATUS_NEIGH_ITER_PAST_END == ier) /* the end of the list, terminate loop */
         if (KIM_STATUS_OK > ier) /* some sort of problem, return */
            KIM_API_report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "KIM_API_get_neigh", ier);
            return ier;

         i = currentPart;
         if (*nParts <= i) /* incremented past end of list, terminate loop */

         if (3 == NBC)     /* CLUSTER NBC method */
            numOfPartNeigh = *nParts - (i + 1);
            for (k = 0; k < numOfPartNeigh; ++k)
               neighListOfCurrentPart[k] = i + k + 1;
            ier = KIM_STATUS_OK;
         else              /* All other NBCs */
            ier = KIM_API_get_neigh(pkim, 1, i, &currentPart, &numOfPartNeigh,
                                     &neighListOfCurrentPart, &Rij_list);
            if (KIM_STATUS_OK != ier) /* some sort of problem, return */
            KIM_API_report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "KIM_API_get_neigh", ier);
            ier = KIM_STATUS_FAIL;
            return ier;

      /* loop over the neighbors of particle i */
      for (jj = 0; jj < numOfPartNeigh; ++ jj)

         j = neighListOfCurrentPart[jj]; /* get neighbor ID */

         /* compute relative position vector and squared distance */
         Rsqij = 0.0;
         for (k = 0; k < DIM; ++k)
            if (0 != NBC) /* all methods except NEIGH_RVEC */
               Rij[k] = coords[j*DIM + k] - coords[i*DIM + k];
            else          /* NEIGH_RVEC_F method */
               Rij[k] = Rij_list[jj*DIM + k];

            /* apply periodic boundary conditions if required */
            if (2 == NBC)
               if (abs(Rij[k]) > 0.5*boxSideLengths[k])
                  Rij[k] -= (Rij[k]/fabs(Rij[k]))*boxSideLengths[k];

            /* compute squared distance */
            Rsqij += Rij[k]*Rij[k];

         /* compute energy and force */
         if (Rsqij < MODEL_CUTSQ) /* particles are interacting ? */
            R = sqrt(Rsqij);
            if (comp_force || comp_virial)
               /* compute pair potential and its derivative */
               calc_phi_dphi(R, &phi, &dphi);

               /* compute dEidr */
               if ((1 == HalfOrFull) && (j < numberContrib))
                  /* HALF mode -- double contribution */
                  dEidr = dphi;
                  /* FULL mode -- regular contribution */
                  dEidr = 0.5*dphi;
               /* compute just pair potential */
               calc_phi(R, &phi);

            /* contribution to energy */
            if (comp_particleEnergy)
               particleEnergy[i] += 0.5*phi;
               /* if half list add energy for the other particle in the pair */
               if ((1 == HalfOrFull) && (j < numberContrib)) particleEnergy[j] += 0.5*phi;
            if (comp_energy)
               if ((1 == HalfOrFull) && (j < numberContrib))
                  /* Half mode -- add v to total energy */
                  *energy += phi;
                  /* Full mode -- add half v to total energy */
                  *energy += 0.5*phi;

            /* contribution to virial tensor */
            if (comp_virial)
               /* virial(i,j) = r(i)*r(j)*(dV/dr)/r */
               virial[0] += Rij[0]*Rij[0]*dEidr/R;
               virial[1] += Rij[1]*Rij[1]*dEidr/R;
               virial[2] += Rij[2]*Rij[2]*dEidr/R;
               virial[3] += Rij[1]*Rij[2]*dEidr/R;
               virial[4] += Rij[0]*Rij[2]*dEidr/R;
               virial[5] += Rij[0]*Rij[1]*dEidr/R;

            /* contribution to forces */
            if (comp_force)
               for (k = 0; k < DIM; ++k)
                  force[i*DIM + k] += dEidr*Rij[k]/R; /* accumulate force on particle i */
                  force[j*DIM + k] -= dEidr*Rij[k]/R; /* accumulate force on particle j */
      } /* loop on jj */
   }    /* infinite while loop (terminated by break statements above */

   /* Free temporary storage */
   if (3 == NBC)

   /* everything is great */
   ier = KIM_STATUS_OK;
   return ier;
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* output file pointers */    
    FILE *rlfp=NULL, *taufp=NULL, *e21fp=NULL;
    FILE *e31fp=NULL, *e32fp=NULL, *plnfp=NULL;
    FILE *f1fp=NULL, *l1fp=NULL;
    FILE *thetafp=NULL, *phifp=NULL, *dirfp=NULL;
    FILE *erfp=NULL, *irfp=NULL, *qrfp=NULL;
    FILE *headerfp=NULL, *pfiltfp=NULL, *sfiltfp=NULL;
    FILE *nfiltfp=NULL, *efiltfp=NULL;
 //   FILE *pkur=NULL, *skur=NULL; 
        /* temporary file for trace headers */
			 /* (one 3C station only) */
    char *file=NULL;         /* base of output file name(s) */
    char *fname=NULL;        /* complete output file name */
    char *angle=NULL;        /* unit used for angles theta and phi */
    char *win=NULL;          /* shape of used time window */
    float fangle=0.0;   /* unit conversion factor applied to angles theta and phi */
    int iwin=0;           /* time window shape identifier */
    /* flags (see selfdoc) */
    int rl,theta,phi,tau,ellip,pln,f1,l1,dir,amp,verbose,all;
    int i,j,icomp;      /* indices for components (in loops) */
    int it;             /* index for time sample in main loop */
    int iwl;            /* correlation window length in samples */
    int nstat;          /* number of 3-component datasets */
    int nt;             /* number of time samples in one trace */
//    int kwl;            /* kurtosis window length in seconds */    

    float **data3c;     /* three-component data ([1..3][0..nt-1]) */
    float **a;          /* covariance matrix (a[1..3][1..3]) */
    float **v;          /* eigenvectors of covariance matrix (v[1..3][1..3]) */
    float *d;           /* the corresponding eigenvalues (d[1..3]) */
    float *w;           /* time window weights for correlation window */
    float dt;           /* sampling interval in seconds */
    float rlq;          /* contrast factor of rectilinearity */
    float wl;           /* correlation window length in seconds */

    float *data_e21=NULL;    /* main ellipticity */
    float *data_e31=NULL;    /* second ellipticity */
    float *data_e32=NULL;    /* transverse ellipticity */
    float *data_er=NULL;     /* eigenresultant */
    float *data_f1=NULL;     /* flatness coefficient */
    float *data_ir=NULL;     /* instantaneous resultant */
    float *data_l1=NULL;     /* linearity coefficient */
    float *data_phi=NULL;    /* horizontal azimuth phi */
    float *data_pln=NULL;    /* planarity */    
    float *data_qr=NULL;     /* quadratic resultant */
    float *data_rl=NULL;     /* rectilinearity factor */
    float *data_tau=NULL;    /* polarization parameter tau */
    float *data_theta=NULL;  /* inclination angle theta */
    float *data_pfilt=NULL;  /* P (vertical) polarization filter */
    float *data_sfilt=NULL;  /* S (horizontal) polarization filter */
    float *data_zfilt=NULL;  /* Z Filtered Trace */
    float *data_nfilt=NULL;  /* N Filtered Trace */
    float *data_efilt=NULL;  /* E Filtered Trace */
//    float *data_kwl=NULL;   /* Data for Kurtosis Window */
//    float *data_pkur=NULL;   /* Kurtosis detector for P */
//    float *data_skur=NULL;   /* Kurtosis detector for S */
    float **data3c_dir=NULL; /* 3 components of direction of polarization ([1..3][0..nt-1]) */
    /* initialize */
    initargs(argc, argv);
    /* get info from first trace */
    if(!gettr(&tr)) err("can't get first trace");
    nt = tr.ns;
    /* get parameters ... */
    if (!getparstring("file", &file)) file="polar";
    if (!getparstring("angle", &angle)) angle="rad";
    if (!getparstring("win", &win)) win="boxcar";
    if (!getparfloat("wl", &wl)) wl = 0.1;
    if (!getparfloat("dt", &dt)) dt = ((double) tr.dt)/1000000.0;
    if (!getparfloat("rlq", &rlq)) rlq = 1.0;
    if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
//    if (!getparint("kwl", &kwl)) kwl = 5 * ((int) 1/dt);    

    /* ... and output flags */
    if (!getparint("all", &all))       all = 0;
    if (!getparint("rl", &rl))          rl = (all) ? all : 1;
    if (!getparint("dir", &dir))       dir = (all) ? 1 : 1;
    if (!getparint("theta", &theta)) theta = (all) ? all : 0;
    if (!getparint("phi", &phi))       phi = (all) ? all : 0;
    if (!getparint("tau", &tau))       tau = (all) ? 1 : 0;
    if (!getparint("ellip", &ellip)) ellip = (all) ? 1 : 0;
    if (!getparint("pln", &pln))       pln = (all) ? 1 : 0;
    if (!getparint("f1", &f1))          f1 = (all) ? 1 : 0;
    if (!getparint("l1", &l1))          l1 = (all) ? 1 : 0;
    if (!getparint("amp", &amp))       amp = (all) ? 1 : 0;


    /* get time window shape */
    if      (STREQ(win, "boxcar"))   iwin=WBOXCAR;
    else if (STREQ(win, "bartlett")) iwin=WBARTLETT;
    else if (STREQ(win, "hanning"))  iwin=WHANNING;
    else if (STREQ(win, "welsh"))    iwin=WWELSH;
    else err("unknown win=%s", win);
    /* get unit conversion factor for angles */
    if      (STREQ(angle, "rad")) fangle=1.0;
    else if (STREQ(angle, "deg")) fangle=180.0/PI;
    else if (STREQ(angle, "gon")) fangle=200.0/PI;
    else err("unknown angle=%s", angle);

    /* convert seconds to samples */
    if (!dt) {
        dt = 0.004;
        warn("dt not set, assuming dt=0.004");

    iwl = NINT(wl/dt);
    /* data validation */
    if (iwl<1) err("wl=%g must be positive", wl);
    if (iwl>nt) err("wl=%g too long for trace", wl);
    if (!strlen(file)) err("file= not set and default overridden");

    /* echo some information */
    if (verbose && (theta || phi)) warn("computing angles in %s", angle);
    if (verbose) warn("%s window length = %d samples\n", win, iwl);
    if (rl && theta) warn("computing filtered phase");

    /* open temporary file for trace headers */
    headerfp = etmpfile();
    /* set filenames and open files */
    fname = malloc( strlen(file)+7 );
    sprintf(fname, "%s.rl", file);    if (rl) rlfp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.theta", file); if (theta) thetafp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.phi", file);   if (phi) phifp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.tau", file);   if (tau) taufp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.e21", file);   if (ellip) e21fp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.e31", file);   if (ellip) e31fp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.e32", file);   if (ellip) e32fp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.pln", file);   if (pln) plnfp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.f1", file);    if (f1) f1fp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.l1", file);    if (l1) l1fp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.dir", file);   if (dir) dirfp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.er", file);    if (amp) erfp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.ir", file);    if (amp) irfp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.qr", file);    if (amp) qrfp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.pfilt", file); if (rl && theta) pfiltfp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.sfilt", file); if (rl && theta) sfiltfp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.nfilt", file); if (rl && theta) nfiltfp = efopen(fname, "w");
    sprintf(fname, "%s.efilt", file); if (rl && theta) efiltfp = efopen(fname, "w");
  //  sprintf(fname, "%s.pkur", file); if (rl && theta) pkur = efopen(fname, "w");
  //  sprintf(fname, "%s.skur", file); if (rl && theta) skur = efopen(fname, "w");
    /* allocate space for input data and analysis matrices */
    /* index ranges used here: data3c[1..3][0..nt-1],      */
    /* a[1..3][1..3], v[1..3][1..3], d[1..3]               */
    data3c = ealloc2float(nt,3); data3c-=1;
    a = ealloc2float(3,3); a[0]-=1; a-=1;
    v = ealloc2float(3,3); v[0]-=1; v-=1;    
    d = ealloc1float(3); d-=1;

    /* calculate time window weights */
    w = ealloc1float(iwl);
    memset((void *) w, 0, iwl*FSIZE);
    calc_window(w, iwl, iwin);

    /* allocate and zero out space for output data */
    if (rl) { 
        data_rl = ealloc1float(nt); 
        memset((void *) data_rl, 0, nt*FSIZE);
    if (theta) {
        data_theta = ealloc1float(nt);
        memset((void *) data_theta, 0, nt*FSIZE);
    if (phi) {
        data_phi = ealloc1float(nt);
        memset((void *) data_phi, 0, nt*FSIZE);
    if (tau) {
        data_tau = ealloc1float(nt);
        memset((void *) data_tau, 0, nt*FSIZE);
    if (ellip) {
        data_e21 = ealloc1float(nt);
        data_e31 = ealloc1float(nt);
        data_e32 = ealloc1float(nt);
        memset((void *) data_e21, 0, nt*FSIZE);
        memset((void *) data_e31, 0, nt*FSIZE);
        memset((void *) data_e32, 0, nt*FSIZE);
    if (pln) {
        data_pln = ealloc1float(nt);
        memset((void *) data_pln, 0, nt*FSIZE);
    if (f1) {
        data_f1 = ealloc1float(nt);
        memset((void *) data_f1, 0, nt*FSIZE);
    if (l1) {
        data_l1 = ealloc1float(nt);
        memset((void *) data_l1, 0, nt*FSIZE);
    if (amp) {
        data_er = ealloc1float(nt);
        data_ir = ealloc1float(nt);
        data_qr = ealloc1float(nt);
        memset((void *) data_er, 0, nt*FSIZE);
        memset((void *) data_ir, 0, nt*FSIZE);
        memset((void *) data_qr, 0, nt*FSIZE);
    if (dir) {
        data3c_dir = ealloc2float(nt,3); data3c_dir-=1;
        for (i=1;i<=3;i++) memset((void *) data3c_dir[i], 0, nt*FSIZE);
    if (rl && theta) {
        data_pfilt = ealloc1float(nt);
        memset((void *) data_pfilt, 0, nt*FSIZE);
        data_sfilt = ealloc1float(nt);
        memset((void *) data_pfilt, 0, nt*FSIZE);
/*        data_3Cfilt = ealloc2float(nt,3);
        for (i=1;i<=3;i++) memset((void *) data_3Cfilt[i], 0, nt*FSIZE); */
        data_zfilt = ealloc1float(nt);
        data_nfilt = ealloc1float(nt);
        data_efilt = ealloc1float(nt);
        memset((void *) data_zfilt, 0, nt*FSIZE);
        memset((void *) data_nfilt, 0, nt*FSIZE);
        memset((void *) data_efilt, 0, nt*FSIZE);

 //       data_pkur = ealloc1float(nt);
//        data_skur = ealloc1float(nt);
//        memset((void *) data_pkur, 0, nt*FSIZE);
//        memset((void *) data_skur, 0, nt*FSIZE);
        /* Allocate data for kurtosis window arrays */
//        data_kwl = ealloc1float(iwl);
//        memset((void *) data_kwl, 0, kwl*FSIZE);        

/* ************************ BEGIN CALCULATION ******************************* */    

    /* loop over traces */
    // Need to convert this do while loop into a for loop so as to be easier
    // to parallelize
    warn("Trace Start Time: %d %d %d %d %d", tr.year, tr.day, tr.hour, tr.minute, tr.sec);    
    do {
        /* store trace header in temporary file and read data */
        efwrite(&tr, HDRBYTES, 1, headerfp);
        memcpy((void *)data3c[icomp], (const void *) tr.data, nt*FSIZE);
        /* process 3-component dataset */
        if (icomp==3) {
            icomp = 0;
            if (verbose) 
                fprintf(stderr,"%s: analyzing station %d \r",argv[0], nstat);

            /* start loop over samples */

            for (it=iwl/2;it<nt-iwl/2;it++) {
                //warn("Sample %d", it);
                /* covariance matrix */

                for (i=1;i<=3;i++) 
                    for (j=i;j<=3;j++) 
                        a[i][j]=a[j][i]=covar(data3c[i], data3c[j], it-iwl/2, iwl, w);                    
                /* compute eigenvalues and vectors */
                /* polarization parameters */
                if (rl) data_rl[it]=calc_rl(d,rlq,rl);
                if (theta) data_theta[it]=calc_theta(v, theta) * fangle;
                if (phi) data_phi[it]=calc_phi(v, phi) * fangle;
                if (tau) data_tau[it]=calc_tau(d);
                if (ellip) {
                if (pln) data_pln[it]=calc_plan(d);
                if (f1) data_f1[it]=calc_f1(d);
                if (l1) data_l1[it]=calc_l1(d);
                if (amp) data_er[it]=calc_er(d);
                if (dir) calc_dir(data3c_dir,v,it);
                if (rl && theta) 
                    data_zfilt[it] = data3c[1][it] * calc_pfilt(rl, theta);
                    data_nfilt[it] = data3c[2][it] * calc_sfilt(rl, theta);
                    data_efilt[it] = data3c[3][it] * calc_sfilt(rl, theta);
                    data_pfilt[it] = data_zfilt[it];
                    data_sfilt[it] = (data_nfilt[it] + data_efilt[it]) / 2;                 
//                    data_pkur[it] = kurtosiswindow(data_pfilt,data_kwl,it - kwl/2,kwl,nt);     
//                    data_skur[it] = kurtosiswindow(data_sfilt,data_kwl,it - kwl/2,kwl,nt);

            } /* end loop over samples */

            /* compute amplitude parameters */
            if (amp) ampparams(data3c, data_ir, data_qr, nt, iwl);

/* *************************** END CALCULATION ****************************** */
/* ***************************** BEGIN WRITE ******************************** */

            /* write polarization attributes to files */
            if (rl) fputdata(rlfp, headerfp, data_rl, nt);
            if (theta) fputdata(thetafp, headerfp, data_theta, nt);
            if (phi) fputdata(phifp, headerfp, data_phi, nt);
            if (tau) fputdata(taufp, headerfp, data_tau, nt);
            if (ellip) {
                fputdata(e21fp, headerfp, data_e21, nt);
                fputdata(e31fp, headerfp, data_e31, nt);
                fputdata(e32fp, headerfp, data_e32, nt);
            if (pln) fputdata(plnfp, headerfp, data_pln, nt);
            if (f1) fputdata(f1fp, headerfp, data_f1, nt);
            if (l1) fputdata(l1fp, headerfp, data_l1, nt);
            if (amp) {
                fputdata(erfp, headerfp, data_er, nt);
                fputdata(irfp, headerfp, data_ir, nt);
                fputdata(qrfp, headerfp, data_qr, nt);
            if (dir) fputdata3c(dirfp, headerfp, data3c_dir, nt);
            if (rl && theta) 
                fputdata(pfiltfp, headerfp, data_pfilt, nt);
                fputdata(sfiltfp, headerfp, data_sfilt, nt);
                fputdata(nfiltfp, headerfp, data_nfilt, nt);
                fputdata(efiltfp, headerfp, data_efilt, nt);
               // fputdata(pkur, headerfp, data_pkur, nt);
               // fputdata(skur, headerfp, data_skur, nt);

/* ****************************** END WRITE ********************************* */
        } /* end of processing three-component dataset */
    } while (gettr(&tr)); /* end loop over traces */
    if (verbose) {
        if (icomp) warn("last %d trace(s) skipped", icomp);
    /* close files */
    if (rl) efclose(rlfp);
    if (theta) efclose(thetafp);
    if (phi) efclose(phifp);
    if (tau) efclose(taufp);
    if (ellip) {
    if (pln) efclose(plnfp);
    if (f1) efclose(f1fp);
    if (l1) efclose(l1fp);
    if (amp) {
    if (dir) efclose(dirfp);
    if (rl && theta) {
//        efclose(pkur);
//        efclose(skur);
예제 #5
/* compute function */
static int compute(void* km)
   /* local variables */
   intptr_t* pkim = *((intptr_t**) km);
   double R;
   double Rsqij;
   double phi;
   double dphi;
   double Rij[DIM];
   int ier;
   int i;
   int j;
   int k;
   int comp_energy;
   int comp_force;
   int comp_particleEnergy;
   int comp_virial;

   int* nAtoms;
   int* particleTypes;
   double* cutoff;
   double* epsilon;
   double* sigma;
   double* A;
   double* B;
   double* C;
   double* cutsq;
   double* coords;
   double* energy;
   double* force;
   double* particleEnergy;
   double* virial;

   /* check to see if we have been asked to compute the forces, particleEnergy, and virial */
   KIM_API_getm_compute(pkim, &ier, 4*3,
                        "energy",         &comp_energy,         1,
                        "forces",         &comp_force,          1,
                        "particleEnergy", &comp_particleEnergy, 1,
                        "virial",         &comp_virial,         1);
   if (KIM_STATUS_OK > ier)
      KIM_API_report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "KIM_API_getm_compute", ier);
      return ier;

   /* unpack data from KIM object */
   KIM_API_getm_data(pkim, &ier, 7*3,
                     "numberOfParticles", &nAtoms,         1,
                     "particleTypes",     &particleTypes,  1,
                     "energy",            &energy,         comp_energy,
                     "coordinates",       &coords,         1,
                     "forces",            &force,          comp_force,
                     "particleEnergy",    &particleEnergy, comp_particleEnergy,
                     "virial",            &virial,         comp_virial);
   if (KIM_STATUS_OK > ier)
      KIM_API_report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "KIM_API_getm_data", ier);
      return ier;

   /* unpack the Model's parameters stored in the KIM API object */
   KIM_API_getm_data(pkim, &ier, 7*3,
                     "cutoff",             &cutoff,  1,
                     "PARAM_FREE_epsilon", &epsilon, 1,
                     "PARAM_FREE_sigma",   &sigma,   1,
                     "PARAM_FIXED_A",      &A,       1,
                     "PARAM_FIXED_B",      &B,       1,
                     "PARAM_FIXED_C",      &C,       1,
                     "PARAM_FIXED_cutsq",  &cutsq,   1);
   if (KIM_STATUS_OK > ier)
      KIM_API_report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "KIM_API_getm_data", ier);
      return ier;

   /* Check to be sure that the atom types are correct */
   ier = KIM_STATUS_FAIL; /* assume an error */
   for (i = 0; i < *nAtoms; ++i)
      if ( SPECCODE != particleTypes[i])
         KIM_API_report_error(__LINE__, __FILE__, "Unexpected species type detected", ier);
         return ier;
   ier = KIM_STATUS_OK; /* everything is ok */

   /* initialize potential energies, forces, and virial term */
   if (comp_particleEnergy)
      for (i = 0; i < *nAtoms; ++i)
         particleEnergy[i] = 0.0;
   if (comp_energy)
      *energy = 0.0;

   if (comp_force)
      for (i = 0; i < *nAtoms; ++i)
         for (k = 0; k < DIM; ++k)
            force[i*DIM + k] = 0.0;

   if (comp_virial)
      for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
         virial[i] = 0.0;

   /* Compute energy and forces */

   /* We'll use a half list approach                                  */
   /* Don't need to consider the last atom since all its interactions */
   /* are accounted for eariler in the loop                           */
   for (i = 0; i < *nAtoms-1; ++i)
      for (j = i+1; j < *nAtoms; ++j)
         /* compute relative position vector and squared distance */
         Rsqij = 0.0;
         for (k = 0; k < DIM; ++k)
            Rij[k] = coords[j*DIM + k] - coords[i*DIM + k];

            /* compute squared distance */
            Rsqij += Rij[k]*Rij[k];

         /* compute energy and force */
         if (Rsqij < *cutsq) /* particles are interacting ? */
            R = sqrt(Rsqij);
            if (comp_force || comp_virial)
               /* compute pair potential and its derivative */
               calc_phi_dphi(cutoff, epsilon, sigma, A, B, C, R, &phi, &dphi);
               /* compute just pair potential */
               calc_phi(cutoff, epsilon, sigma, A, B, C, R, &phi);

            /* contribution to energy */
            if (comp_particleEnergy)
               particleEnergy[i] += 0.5*phi;
               particleEnergy[j] += 0.5*phi;
            if (comp_energy)
               *energy += phi;

            /* contribution to virial tensor */
            if (comp_virial)
               /* virial(i,j) = r(i)*r(j)*(dV/dr)/r */
               virial[0] += Rij[0]*Rij[0]*dphi/R;
               virial[1] += Rij[1]*Rij[1]*dphi/R;
               virial[2] += Rij[2]*Rij[2]*dphi/R;
               virial[3] += Rij[1]*Rij[2]*dphi/R;
               virial[4] += Rij[0]*Rij[2]*dphi/R;
               virial[5] += Rij[0]*Rij[1]*dphi/R;

            /* contribution to forces */
            if (comp_force)
               for (k = 0; k < DIM; ++k)
                  force[i*DIM + k] += dphi*Rij[k]/R; /* accumulate force on atom i */
                  force[j*DIM + k] -= dphi*Rij[k]/R; /* accumulate force on atom j */
      } /* loop on j */
   }    /* loop on i */

   /* everything is great */
   ier = KIM_STATUS_OK;
   return ier;
예제 #6
int main(){
  int i, j, iter,isource,idir,step,irec;
  clock_t start = clock();

/*** Initial Condition ***/

  printf("Start calculation\n");
/*** Calculating for iteratively ***/
    printf("%03d th iterative\n",iter);

//***********  Start backward calculation  **********//

/*** Calculating for step ***/
          backpropagation(idir, irec, step);
          copytoEcal_b(EX,EY,EZ,step,idir, irec,ofe1,ofe2,ofe3);
          if(step%(it/20)==it/20-1) printf("#");
      } // END loop for direction
    }// END loop for ireceiver

//***********  Start of FWD calculation  **********//
/*** Calculating for each source ***/
      printf("This is %2d loop for Transmitter \n",isource);

      read_Eobs(isource); // Read observed value of Ex
      //init_FILE2(isource, iter);
      printf("[PROGRESS  =>]  ");

/*** Calculating for step ***/
        fwdpropagation(isource, step);
        if(step%(it/20)==it/20-1) printf("#");
      } // END loop for step

      // Calculation of residual error
      // Convolution of Greenfunc and conjugated delE
      // Calculation of gamma
    } // END loop for isource

    // Calclulation of delta model
    //printf("sig2  %e\n",sig[0]);

//***********  again FWD calculation  **********//
      printf("This is %2d loop for AGAIN Transmitter \n",isource);
      printf("[PROGRESS  =>]  ");
/*** Calculating for step ***/
        fwdpropagation(isource, step);
        if(step%(it/20)==it/20-1) printf("#");
      } // END loop for step

    } // END loop for isource

  } // END loop for iter
  printf("%f [s] \n",(double)(clock()-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);