예제 #1
파일: simulation.c 프로젝트: bszcz/c
double react_system(struct sys33* sys) {
	double rnd = 1.0 - ((double)rand() / RAND_MAX); // interval: (0.0, 1.0]
	double dt = (-1.0) * log(rnd) / sys->props_tot;
	int next_react = react_search(sys);
	react_execute(sys, next_react);
	return dt;
예제 #2
파일: simulation.c 프로젝트: bszcz/c
struct sys33* init_system(char** argv) {
	struct sys33* sys = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sys33));
	if (sys == NULL) {
		printf("init_system() error: cannot allocate memory\n");

	for (int i = 0; i < NREACT; i++) {
		sys->rates[i] = strtod(argv[i + 1], NULL);
	sys->W = strtod(argv[NREACT + 1], NULL);
	sys->X = strtod(argv[NREACT + 2], NULL);
	sys->Y = strtod(argv[NREACT + 3], NULL);
	sys->Z = strtod(argv[NREACT + 4], NULL);
	return sys;
예제 #3
파일: explorefft.c 프로젝트: bretonr/presto
static double find_peak(float inf, fftview * fv, fftpart * fp)
   int ii, lobin, hibin, maxbin = 0;
   float maxpow = 0.0;
   double inr, viewfrac = 0.05, newmaxr, newmaxz;
   rderivs derivs;
   fourierprops props;

   inr = inf * T;
   lobin = inr - (fv->numbins * 0.5 * viewfrac);
   hibin = inr + (fv->numbins * 0.5 * viewfrac);
   for (ii = lobin - fp->rlo; ii < hibin - fp->rlo + 1; ii++) {
      if (fp->rawpowers[ii] > maxpow) {
         maxpow = fp->rawpowers[ii];
         maxbin = ii + fp->rlo;
   maxpow = max_rz_arr(fp->amps, fp->numamps, maxbin, 0.0,
                       &newmaxr, &newmaxz, &derivs);
   newmaxr += fp->rlo;
   calc_props(derivs, newmaxr, newmaxz, 0.0, &props);
   print_candidate(&props, idata.dt, N, r0, 2);
   return newmaxr;
예제 #4
void output_harmonics(GSList * list, accelobs * obs, infodata * idata)
   int ii, jj, numcols = 13, numcands;
   int widths[13] = { 5, 4, 5, 15, 11, 18, 13, 12, 9, 12, 10, 10, 20 };
   int errors[13] = { 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0 };
   char tmpstr[30], ctrstr[30], notes[21], *command;
   accelcand *cand;
   GSList *listptr;
   fourierprops props;
   rzwerrs errs;
   static char *titles1[] = { "", "", "", "Power /", "Raw",
      "FFT 'r'", "Pred 'r'", "FFT 'z'", "Pred 'z'",
      "Phase", "Centroid", "Purity", ""
   static char *titles2[] = { "Cand", "Harm", "Sigma", "Loc Pow", "Power",
      "(bin)", "(bin)", "(bins)", "(bins)",
      "(rad)", "(0-1)", "<p> = 1", "Notes"

   numcands = g_slist_length(list);
   listptr = list;

   /* Print the header */

   for (ii = 0; ii < numcols - 1; ii++) {
      center_string(ctrstr, titles1[ii], widths[ii]);
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
   center_string(ctrstr, titles1[ii], widths[ii]);
   fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s\n", ctrstr);
   for (ii = 0; ii < numcols - 1; ii++) {
      if (obs->nph > 0.0 && ii == 3)    /*  HAAACK!!! */
         center_string(ctrstr, "NumPhot", widths[ii]);
         center_string(ctrstr, titles2[ii], widths[ii]);
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
   center_string(ctrstr, titles2[ii], widths[ii]);
   fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s\n", ctrstr);
   for (ii = 0; ii < numcols - 1; ii++) {
      memset(tmpstr, '-', widths[ii]);
      tmpstr[widths[ii]] = '\0';
      fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s--", tmpstr);
   memset(tmpstr, '-', widths[ii]);
   tmpstr[widths[ii]] = '\0';
   fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s\n", tmpstr);

   /* Print the fundamentals */

   for (ii = 0; ii < numcands; ii++) {
      cand = (accelcand *) (listptr->data);
      for (jj = 0; jj < cand->numharm; jj++) {
         if (obs->nph > 0.0) {
            double tmp_locpow;

            tmp_locpow = cand->derivs[jj].locpow;
            cand->derivs[jj].locpow = obs->nph;
            calc_props(cand->derivs[jj], cand->hirs[jj],
                       cand->hizs[jj], 0.0, &props);
            cand->derivs[jj].locpow = tmp_locpow;
         } else {
            calc_props(cand->derivs[jj], cand->hirs[jj],
                       cand->hizs[jj], 0.0, &props);
         calc_rzwerrs(&props, obs->T, &errs);
         comp_psr_to_cand(&props, idata, notes, 0);
         if (jj == 0)
            sprintf(tmpstr, " %-4d", ii + 1);
            sprintf(tmpstr, "     ");
         center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, widths[0]);
         fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
         sprintf(tmpstr, "%-4d", jj + 1);
         center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, widths[1]);
         fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
         sprintf(tmpstr, "%.2f", candidate_sigma(props.pow, 1, 1));
         center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, widths[2]);
         fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
         write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, props.pow, props.powerr,
                            errors[3], widths[3]);
         sprintf(tmpstr, "%.3g", props.rawpow);
         center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, widths[4]);
         fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
         write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, props.r, props.rerr,
                            errors[5], widths[5]);
         sprintf(tmpstr, "%.2f", cand->r * (jj + 1));
         center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, widths[6]);
         fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
         write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, props.z, props.zerr,
                            errors[7], widths[7]);
         sprintf(tmpstr, "%.2f", cand->z * (jj + 1));
         center_string(ctrstr, tmpstr, widths[8]);
         fprintf(obs->workfile, "%s  ", ctrstr);
         write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, props.phs, props.phserr,
                            errors[9], widths[9]);
         write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, props.cen, props.cenerr,
                            errors[10], widths[10]);
         write_val_with_err(obs->workfile, props.pur, props.purerr,
                            errors[11], widths[11]);
         fprintf(obs->workfile, "  %.20s\n", notes);
      listptr = listptr->next;
   fprintf(obs->workfile, "\n\n");
   command = malloc(strlen(obs->rootfilenm) + strlen(obs->accelnm) + 20);
   sprintf(command, "cat %s.inf >> %s", obs->rootfilenm, obs->accelnm);
예제 #5
파일: quicklook.c 프로젝트: aarchiba/presto
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   FILE *fftfile;
   double flook, dt, nph, t, maxz, pwr, hipow = 0.0;
   double zlo = -30.0, zhi = 30.0, dr, dz = 2.0;
   double hir = 0.0, hiz = 0.0, newhir, newhiz;
   fcomplex **ffdotplane, *data;
   float powargr, powargi;
   int startbin, numdata, nextbin, nr, nz, numkern;
   int i, j, realpsr, kernel_half_width, numbetween = 4;
   int n, corrsize = 1024;
   char filenm[80], compare[200];
   rderivs derivs;
   fourierprops props;
   infodata idata;
   struct tms runtimes;
   double ttim, utim, stim, tott;

   tott = times(&runtimes) / (double) CLK_TCK;
   if (argc != 3) {
      printf("\nUsage:  'quicklook filename fftfreq dt'\n\n");
      printf("   'filename' = a string containing the FFT file's name.\n");
      printf("                (do not include the '.fft' suffix)\n");
      printf("    'fftfreq' = the central fourier frequency to examine.\n");
      printf("  Quicklook will search a region of the f-fdot plane\n");
      printf("  of a file containing a long, single precision FFT\n");
      printf("  using the Correlation method (i.e. Ransom and \n");
      printf("  Eikenberry, 1997, unpublished as of yet).\n");
      printf("  The search uses a spacing of 0.5 frequency bins in\n");
      printf("  the fourier frequency (r) direction, and 2 'bins' in\n");
      printf("  the fdot (z) direction.  The routine will output\n");
      printf("  statistics for the best candidate in the region.\n\n");
      printf("  The routine was written as a quick but useful hack\n");
      printf("  to show the power of the Correlation method, and the\n");
      printf("  forthcoming power of Scott Ransom's Pulsar Finder\n");
      printf("  Software.\n");
      printf("                                        2 March 2001\n\n");
   printf("  Quick-Look Pulsation Search\n");
   printf("     With database lookup.\n");
   printf("      by Scott M. Ransom\n");
   printf("         2 March, 2001\n\n");

   /*  Initialize our data: */

   sprintf(filenm, "%s.fft", argv[1]);
   readinf(&idata, argv[1]);
   flook = atof(argv[2]);
   dt = idata.dt;
   dr = 1.0 / (double) numbetween;
   fftfile = chkfopen(filenm, "r");
   nph = get_numphotons(fftfile);
   n = chkfilelen(fftfile, sizeof(float));
   t = n * dt;
   nz = (int) ((zhi - zlo) / dz) + 1;

   /* Determine our starting frequency and get the data */

   maxz = (fabs(zlo) < fabs(zhi)) ? zhi : zlo;
   kernel_half_width = z_resp_halfwidth(maxz, HIGHACC);
   numkern = 2 * numbetween * kernel_half_width;
   while (numkern > 2 * corrsize)
      corrsize *= 2;
   startbin = (int) (flook) - corrsize / (2 * numbetween);
   numdata = corrsize / numbetween;
   data = read_fcomplex_file(fftfile, startbin, numdata);

   /*  Do the f-fdot plane correlations: */

   ffdotplane = corr_rz_plane(data, numdata, numbetween, kernel_half_width,
                              zlo, zhi, nz, corrsize, LOWACC, &nextbin);
   nr = corrsize - 2 * kernel_half_width * numbetween;

   /*  Search the resulting data set: */

   for (i = 0; i < nz; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < nr; j++) {
         pwr = POWER(ffdotplane[i][j].r, ffdotplane[i][j].i);
         if (pwr > hipow) {
            hir = j * dr + kernel_half_width;
            hiz = i * dz + zlo;
            hipow = pwr;

   /*  Maximize the best candidate: */

   hipow = max_rz_arr(data, numdata, hir, hiz, &newhir, &newhiz, &derivs);
   newhir += startbin;
   calc_props(derivs, newhir, newhiz, 0.0, &props);

   printf("Searched %d pts ", nz * nr);
   printf("(r: %.1f to %.1f, ", (double) startbin + kernel_half_width,
          (double) startbin + kernel_half_width + dr * (nr - 1));
   printf("z: %.1f to %.1f)\n\n", zlo, zhi);

   printf("Timing summary:\n");
   tott = times(&runtimes) / (double) CLK_TCK - tott;
   utim = runtimes.tms_utime / (double) CLK_TCK;
   stim = runtimes.tms_stime / (double) CLK_TCK;
   ttim = utim + stim;
   printf("    CPU time: %.3f sec (User: %.3f sec, System: %.3f sec)\n",
          ttim, utim, stim);
   printf("  Total time: %.3f sec\n\n", tott);

   printf("The best candidate is:\n");

   print_candidate(&props, dt, n, nph, 2);
   realpsr = comp_psr_to_cand(&props, &idata, compare, 1);
   printf("%s\n", compare);

   /* Cleanup and exit */

예제 #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   int ii;
   double ttim, utim, stim, tott;
   struct tms runtimes;
   subharminfo **subharminfs;
   accelobs obs;
   infodata idata;
   GSList *cands = NULL;
   Cmdline *cmd;

   /* Prep the timer */

   tott = times(&runtimes) / (double) CLK_TCK;

   /* Call usage() if we have no command line arguments */

   if (argc == 1) {
      Program = argv[0];

   /* Parse the command line using the excellent program Clig */

   cmd = parseCmdline(argc, argv);

#ifdef DEBUG

   printf("    Fourier-Domain Acceleration Search Routine\n");
   printf("               by Scott M. Ransom\n\n");

   /* Create the accelobs structure */
   create_accelobs(&obs, &idata, cmd, 1);

   /* Zap birdies if requested and if in memory */
   if (cmd->zaplistP && !obs.mmap_file && obs.fft) {
      int numbirds;
      double *bird_lobins, *bird_hibins, hibin;

      /* Read the Standard bird list */
      numbirds = get_birdies(cmd->zaplist, obs.T, cmd->baryv,
                             &bird_lobins, &bird_hibins);

      /* Zap the birdies */
      printf("Zapping them using a barycentric velocity of %.5gc.\n\n", cmd->baryv);
      hibin = obs.N / 2;
      for (ii = 0; ii < numbirds; ii++) {
         if (bird_lobins[ii] >= hibin)
         if (bird_hibins[ii] >= hibin)
            bird_hibins[ii] = hibin - 1;
         zapbirds(bird_lobins[ii], bird_hibins[ii], NULL, obs.fft);


   printf("Searching with up to %d harmonics summed:\n",
          1 << (obs.numharmstages - 1));
   printf("  f = %.1f to %.1f Hz\n", obs.rlo / obs.T, obs.rhi / obs.T);
   printf("  r = %.1f to %.1f Fourier bins\n", obs.rlo, obs.rhi);
   printf("  z = %.1f to %.1f Fourier bins drifted\n\n", obs.zlo, obs.zhi);

   /* Generate the correlation kernels */

   printf("Generating correlation kernels:\n");
   subharminfs = create_subharminfos(obs.numharmstages, (int) obs.zhi);
   printf("Done generating kernels.\n\n");
   printf("Starting the search.\n");
   /* Don't use the *.txtcand files on short in-memory searches */
   if (!obs.dat_input) {
      printf("  Working candidates in a test format are in '%s'.\n\n",

   /* Start the main search loop */

      double startr = obs.rlo, lastr = 0, nextr = 0;
      ffdotpows *fundamental;

      while (startr + ACCEL_USELEN * ACCEL_DR < obs.highestbin) {
         /* Search the fundamental */
         print_percent_complete(startr - obs.rlo,
                                obs.highestbin - obs.rlo, "search", 0);
         nextr = startr + ACCEL_USELEN * ACCEL_DR;
         lastr = nextr - ACCEL_DR;
         fundamental = subharm_ffdot_plane(1, 1, startr, lastr,
                                           &subharminfs[0][0], &obs);
         cands = search_ffdotpows(fundamental, 1, &obs, cands);

         if (obs.numharmstages > 1) {   /* Search the subharmonics */
            int stage, harmtosum, harm;
            ffdotpows *subharmonic;

            for (stage = 1; stage < obs.numharmstages; stage++) {
               harmtosum = 1 << stage;
               for (harm = 1; harm < harmtosum; harm += 2) {
                  subharmonic = subharm_ffdot_plane(harmtosum, harm, startr, lastr,
                                                    &subharminfs[stage][harm - 1],
                  add_ffdotpows(fundamental, subharmonic, harmtosum, harm);
               cands = search_ffdotpows(fundamental, harmtosum, &obs, cands);
         startr = nextr;
      print_percent_complete(obs.highestbin - obs.rlo,
                             obs.highestbin - obs.rlo, "search", 0);

   printf("\n\nDone searching.  Now optimizing each candidate.\n\n");
   free_subharminfos(obs.numharmstages, subharminfs);

   {                            /* Candidate list trimming and optimization */
      int numcands;
      GSList *listptr;
      accelcand *cand;
      fourierprops *props;

      numcands = g_slist_length(cands);

      if (numcands) {

         /* Sort the candidates according to the optimized sigmas */

         cands = sort_accelcands(cands);

         /* Eliminate (most of) the harmonically related candidates */
         if ((cmd->numharm > 1) && !(cmd->noharmremoveP))
             eliminate_harmonics(cands, &numcands);

         /* Now optimize each candidate and its harmonics */

         print_percent_complete(0, 0, NULL, 1);
         listptr = cands;
         for (ii = 0; ii < numcands; ii++) {
            print_percent_complete(ii, numcands, "optimization", 0);
            cand = (accelcand *) (listptr->data);
            optimize_accelcand(cand, &obs);
            listptr = listptr->next;
         print_percent_complete(ii, numcands, "optimization", 0);

         /* Calculate the properties of the fundamentals */

         props = (fourierprops *) malloc(sizeof(fourierprops) * numcands);
         listptr = cands;
         for (ii = 0; ii < numcands; ii++) {
            cand = (accelcand *) (listptr->data);
            /* In case the fundamental harmonic is not significant,  */
            /* send the originally determined r and z from the       */
            /* harmonic sum in the search.  Note that the derivs are */
            /* not used for the computations with the fundamental.   */
            calc_props(cand->derivs[0], cand->r, cand->z, 0.0, props + ii);
            /* Override the error estimates based on power */
            props[ii].rerr = (float) (ACCEL_DR) / cand->numharm;
            props[ii].zerr = (float) (ACCEL_DZ) / cand->numharm;
            listptr = listptr->next;

         /* Write the fundamentals to the output text file */

         output_fundamentals(props, cands, &obs, &idata);

         /* Write the harmonics to the output text file */

         output_harmonics(cands, &obs, &idata);

         /* Write the fundamental fourierprops to the cand file */

         obs.workfile = chkfopen(obs.candnm, "wb");
         chkfwrite(props, sizeof(fourierprops), numcands, obs.workfile);
      } else {
         printf("No candidates above sigma = %.2f were found.\n\n", obs.sigma);

   /* Finish up */

   printf("Searched the following approx numbers of independent points:\n");
   printf("  %d harmonic:   %9lld\n", 1, obs.numindep[0]);
   for (ii = 1; ii < obs.numharmstages; ii++)
      printf("  %d harmonics:  %9lld\n", 1 << ii, obs.numindep[ii]);

   printf("\nTiming summary:\n");
   tott = times(&runtimes) / (double) CLK_TCK - tott;
   utim = runtimes.tms_utime / (double) CLK_TCK;
   stim = runtimes.tms_stime / (double) CLK_TCK;
   ttim = utim + stim;
   printf("    CPU time: %.3f sec (User: %.3f sec, System: %.3f sec)\n",
          ttim, utim, stim);
   printf("  Total time: %.3f sec\n\n", tott);

   printf("Final candidates in binary format are in '%s'.\n", obs.candnm);
   printf("Final Candidates in a text format are in '%s'.\n\n", obs.accelnm);

   g_slist_foreach(cands, free_accelcand, NULL);
   return (0);