예제 #1
Custom_person*  add_custom_person( int reference, short x, short y, const FONTINFO* font_ptr, int parent_number )
	Custom_person* Cp_ptr ;

	Cp_ptr = (Custom_person*) checked_malloc( sizeof( Custom_person ) ) ;
	if( Cp_ptr )
		if( font_ptr )
			Cp_ptr->font_ptr = (FONTINFO*) checked_malloc( sizeof( FONTINFO ) ) ;
			if( Cp_ptr->font_ptr )
				*(Cp_ptr->font_ptr) = *font_ptr ;
				free( Cp_ptr ) ;
				Cp_ptr = NULL ;
		else  Cp_ptr->font_ptr = NULL ;

	if( Cp_ptr )
		if( custom_tree.end_person != NULL )
			custom_tree.end_person->next_person = Cp_ptr ;
			Cp_ptr->list_number = custom_tree.end_person->list_number + 1 ;
			Cp_ptr->list_number = 1 ;
			custom_tree.start_person = Cp_ptr ;
		Cp_ptr->reference = reference ;
		Cp_ptr->x = x ;
		Cp_ptr->y = y ;
		Cp_ptr->status = CUST_SELECTED ;
		Cp_ptr->attributes = 0 ;
		Cp_ptr->font_ptr = NULL ;
		Cp_ptr->parent_number = parent_number ;
		Cp_ptr->coupling_list = NULL ; 	/* initialised zero, set by		*/
		Cp_ptr->couplings = 0 ;		/* draw_custom_person if necessary	*/
		Cp_ptr->couplings_drawn = 0 ;
		Cp_ptr->parent_line_data = NULL ;
		Cp_ptr->previous_person = custom_tree.end_person ;
		custom_tree.end_person = Cp_ptr ;
		Cp_ptr->next_person = NULL ;

				/* When adding to tree, calculate box. When		*/
				/* loading from file don't calculate.			*/
				/* Likewise for setting tree changed flag.		*/
		if( reference != 0 )
			Cp_ptr->box = calculate_box( reference, x, y,
				Cp_ptr->attributes, Cp_ptr->font_ptr, Cp_ptr->parent_number ) ;
			custom_tree_changed = TRUE ;
	return Cp_ptr ;
예제 #2
파일: zoom.c 프로젝트: antdvid/FronTier
EXPORT	void rotate_and_zoom_rect_grid(
	double	  *L,
	double	  *U,
	double	  **Q)
	double	     **Qi = NULL;
	int	     i, j, dim = gr->dim;
	static double **pc = NULL;

	if (pc == NULL)
	if (Q != NULL)
	    static double** M = NULL;
	    if (M == NULL)

	    Qi = M;
	    for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
	    	for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
	    	    Qi[i][j] = Q[j][i];
	for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
	    gr->gmax[i] = irint(_scaled_separation(pc[1<<i],pc[0],gr->h,dim));
	    if (gr->gmax[i] < 1)
		gr->gmax[i] = 1;
	if (Qi != NULL)
}		/*end rotate_and_zoom_rect_grid*/
예제 #3
파일: zoom.c 프로젝트: antdvid/FronTier
EXPORT INTERFACE *i_zoom_interface(
	INTERFACE	*given_intfc,
	double		*L,
	double		*U,
	double		**Q)
	INTERFACE	*cur_intfc;
	INTERFACE	*zoom_intfc;
	RECT_GRID	*t_gr;
	int		dim = given_intfc->dim;
	int		i, j;
	double		**Qi = NULL;
	static double	**pc = NULL;

	debug_print("zoom","Entered zoom_interface()\n");

	cur_intfc = current_interface();
	if ((zoom_intfc = copy_interface(given_intfc)) == NULL)
		Error(ERROR,"Unable to copy interface.");

	if (debugging("zoom"))
		(void) output();
		(void) printf("INTERFACE before zoom:\n\n");

	if (Q != NULL)
		static	double** M = NULL;
		if (M == NULL)

		Qi = M;
		for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
			for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
				Qi[i][j] = Q[j][i];

	if (pc == NULL)


	/* Shrink topological grid to cutting boundary */
	t_gr = &topological_grid(zoom_intfc);
	case 1:
	    /* TODO */
	    return NULL;
	case 2:
	case 3:
	    /* TODO */
	    return NULL;

	if (set_boundary(zoom_intfc,t_gr,component(pc[0],given_intfc),
			 grid_tolerance(gr) != FUNCTION_SUCCEEDED))
	    screen("ERROR in i_zoom_interface(), set_boundary failed\n");

	if (debugging("zoom"))
	    (void) printf("INTERFACE after zoom:\n\n");
	debug_print("zoom","Leaving zoom_interface()\n");
	return zoom_intfc;
}		/*end i_zoom_interface*/
예제 #4
Custom_couple*  add_custom_parents( Custom_person* Cp_ptr )
	Custom_couple* Cc_ptr ;
	int siblings[MAX_CHILDREN] ;
	Custom_person* mCp_ptr = NULL ;		/* pointer to male parent		*/
	Custom_person* fCp_ptr = NULL ;		/* pointer to female parent		*/
	Person* pptr ;
	Couple* cptr ;
	int parents ;
	int father, mother ;
	int ref ;				/* temporary reference					*/
	short child ;			/* loop counter							*/
	short children ;		/* number of siblings, inc original		*/
	char* child_refs_ptr ;	/* pointer to references				*/
	short base_position_y ;		/* y position of original child		*/
	short upper_limit, lower_limit ;
	short leftest_sibling_x, rightest_sibling_x ;
	short highest_position_y ;
	short father_x, mother_x ;
	GRECT box_father, box_mother ;
	short parent_box_bottom ;
	short block ;			/* block number for get_[p/c]data_ptr	*/
	Cc_ptr = new_custom_couple() ;
	if( Cc_ptr == NULL )  return Cc_ptr ;
	pptr = get_pdata_ptr( Cp_ptr->reference, &block ) ;	
	assert( pptr != NULL ) ;
	parents = pptr->parents ;
	assert( parents != 0 ) ;
	Cc_ptr->reference = parents ;
	Cp_ptr->parent_number = Cc_ptr->list_number ;

	cptr = get_cdata_ptr( parents, &block ) ;
	child_refs_ptr = cptr->children ;
	assert( child_refs_ptr ) ;

					/* Force temporary father number in order that	*/
					/* auto_fname will work for add children.		*/
					/* Note that male_reference is wrongly used, it	*/
					/* will later be replaced with list number.		*/
	Cc_ptr->male_number = couples[parents].male_reference ;

				/* if person has auto fname, their size will change	*/
				/* with the addition of their father. Adjust their	*/
				/* position to allow for this if they are coupled.	*/
	if( cptr->male_reference != 0
		&& ( Cp_ptr->attributes & FNAME_AUTO_BIT
			|| ( (Cp_ptr->attributes & FNAME_BITS) == 0
				&& custom_tree.attributes & FNAME_AUTO_BIT ) ) )
		Custom_couple* xCc_ptr ;
		short old_edge_x ;		/* active edge of person's box	*/
		short x_correction ;
		short reversed = FALSE ;
		short not_reversed = FALSE ;
		short coupling_index = 0 ;
		BOOLEAN left_partner = FALSE ;
		if( Cp_ptr->couplings_drawn != 0 )
			while( *(Cp_ptr->coupling_list + coupling_index) )
				xCc_ptr = get_Cc_ptr( *(Cp_ptr->coupling_list + coupling_index) ) ;
				assert( xCc_ptr ) ;
				if( xCc_ptr->status & CUST_REVERSED )  reversed = TRUE ;
				else  not_reversed = TRUE ;

				coupling_index++ ;
				/* check if adjustment is possible, i.e. all	*/
				/* couplings on same side						*/
			if( reversed && !not_reversed || not_reversed && !reversed )
				if( !reversed && xCc_ptr->male_number == Cp_ptr->list_number )
					left_partner = TRUE ;
				if( left_partner )
					old_edge_x = rect_end( &(Cp_ptr->box) ) ;
				else  old_edge_x = Cp_ptr->box.g_x ;
		Cp_ptr->box = calculate_box( Cp_ptr->reference, Cp_ptr->x, Cp_ptr->y,
				Cp_ptr->attributes, Cp_ptr->font_ptr, Cp_ptr->parent_number ) ;

		if( Cp_ptr->couplings_drawn != 0 )
			if( left_partner )  x_correction = old_edge_x - rect_end( &(Cp_ptr->box) ) ;
			else  x_correction = old_edge_x - Cp_ptr->box.g_x ;
			Cp_ptr->x += x_correction ;
			Cp_ptr->box.g_x += x_correction ;

	child = 0 ;
	while( ( ref = form_ref( &child_refs_ptr ) ) && ( child < MAX_CHILDREN ) )
		siblings[child] = ref ;
		child++ ;
	siblings[child] = 0 ;
	children = child ;

				/* find current person in sibling array				*/
	child = 0 ;
	while( siblings[child] != Cp_ptr->reference )  child++ ;

	Cc_ptr->child_numbers = (int*) checked_malloc( (children + 1) * sizeof( int ) ) ;
	if( Cc_ptr->child_numbers == NULL )
		Cp_ptr->parent_number = 0 ;
		remove_custom_coupling( Cc_ptr ) ;
		return NULL ;
	Cc_ptr->child_numbers[child] = Cp_ptr->list_number ;
	Cc_ptr->child_numbers[children] = 0 ;						/* terminate list	*/

	upper_limit = Cp_ptr->box.g_x + Cp_ptr->box.g_w / 2 ;
	leftest_sibling_x = upper_limit ;	/* initialise limits to centre of original	*/
	rightest_sibling_x = upper_limit ;
	lower_limit = Cp_ptr->box.g_x ;
	base_position_y = Cp_ptr->box.g_y - Cp_ptr->box.g_h / 2 ;
	highest_position_y = Cp_ptr->box.g_y ;
												/* add any children to the left		*/
	if( child >= 1 )  fail = add_children( siblings, child-1, Cc_ptr, FALSE, upper_limit, lower_limit,
								base_position_y, &leftest_sibling_x, &highest_position_y) ;
	else  leftest_sibling_x = Cp_ptr->x ;
	if( fail )
		Cp_ptr->parent_number = 0 ;
		remove_custom_coupling( Cc_ptr ) ;
		return NULL ;
												/* add any children to the right	*/
	if( child+1 < children )  fail = add_children( siblings, child+1, Cc_ptr, TRUE, upper_limit, lower_limit,
								base_position_y, &rightest_sibling_x, &highest_position_y) ;
	else  rightest_sibling_x = Cp_ptr->x ;
	if( fail )
		if( child >= 1 )
			while( --child >= 0 )
				remove_custom_person( get_Cp_ptr( Cc_ptr->child_numbers[child] ) ) ;
		Cp_ptr->parent_number = 0 ;
		remove_custom_coupling( Cc_ptr ) ;
		return NULL ;

	if( father = couples[parents].male_reference )
		box_father = get_box_size( father, 0, 0, custom_tree.attributes, NULL, 0 ) ;
	if( mother = couples[parents].female_reference )
		box_mother = get_box_size( mother, 0, 0, custom_tree.attributes, NULL, 0 ) ;
	if( father )  Cc_ptr->y = highest_position_y - box_father.g_h - generation_gap ;
	else  Cc_ptr->y = highest_position_y - box_mother.g_h - generation_gap ;
	Cc_ptr->x = (leftest_sibling_x + rightest_sibling_x) / 2 ;
	if( father && mother )
		father_x = Cc_ptr->x - box_father.g_w / 2 - couple_gap ;
		mother_x = Cc_ptr->x + box_mother.g_w / 2 + couple_gap ;
		father_x = Cc_ptr->x ;
		mother_x = Cc_ptr->x ;
	if( father )
		mCp_ptr = add_custom_person( father, father_x, Cc_ptr->y, NULL, 0 ) ;
		if( mCp_ptr != NULL )
			mCp_ptr->couplings_drawn = 1 ;
			Cc_ptr->male_number = mCp_ptr->list_number ;
			mCp_ptr->coupling_list = (int *) checked_malloc( 2 * sizeof( int ) ) ;
			if( mCp_ptr->coupling_list != NULL )
				*(mCp_ptr->coupling_list) = Cc_ptr->list_number ;
				*(mCp_ptr->coupling_list + 1) = 0 ;	/* terminate list	*/
			else  fail = TRUE ;
			parent_box_bottom = rect_bottom( &(mCp_ptr->box) ) ;
		else  fail = TRUE ;
	if( !fail && mother )
		fCp_ptr = add_custom_person( mother, mother_x, Cc_ptr->y, NULL, 0 ) ;
		if( fCp_ptr != NULL )
			fCp_ptr->couplings_drawn = 1 ;
			Cc_ptr->female_number = fCp_ptr->list_number ;
			fCp_ptr->coupling_list = (int *) checked_malloc( 2 * sizeof( int ) ) ;
			if( fCp_ptr->coupling_list != NULL )
				*(fCp_ptr->coupling_list) = Cc_ptr->list_number ;
				*(fCp_ptr->coupling_list + 1) = 0 ;	/* terminate list	*/
			else  fail = TRUE ;
		else  fail = TRUE ;
		if( father )
			if( rect_bottom( &(fCp_ptr->box) ) > parent_box_bottom )
				parent_box_bottom = rect_bottom( &(fCp_ptr->box) ) ;
		else  parent_box_bottom = rect_bottom( &(fCp_ptr->box) ) ;

	Cc_ptr->hline_x0 = leftest_sibling_x ;
	Cc_ptr->hline_x1 = rightest_sibling_x ;
	Cc_ptr->hline_y = parent_box_bottom + generation_gap / 2 ;

	if( fail )
					/* remove children			*/
		child = 0 ;
		while( child < children )
			if( Cc_ptr->child_numbers[child] != Cp_ptr->list_number )
				remove_custom_person( get_Cp_ptr( Cc_ptr->child_numbers[child] ) ) ;
			child++ ;
		if( mCp_ptr )  remove_custom_person( mCp_ptr ) ;
		if( fCp_ptr )  remove_custom_person( fCp_ptr ) ;
		Cp_ptr->parent_number = 0 ;
		remove_custom_coupling( Cc_ptr ) ;
		Cc_ptr = NULL ;
	return Cc_ptr ;