예제 #1
typename std::iterator_traits<iterator1>::value_type calculate_correlation_coefficient( iterator1 first_begin, iterator1 first_end, iterator2 second_begin, iterator2 second_end )
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iterator1>::value_type value1_t;
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iterator2>::value_type value2_t;
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iterator1>::difference_type diff1_t;
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iterator1>::difference_type diff2_t;
    static_assert( ( std::is_same<value1_t, value2_t>::value ), "Value type of iterators not equal" );

    value1_t result = value1_t();

    diff1_t length1 = first_end - first_begin;
    diff2_t length2 = second_end - second_begin;

    if ( length1 != length2 )
        return result;

    value1_t mean1 = calculate_mean( first_begin, first_end );
    value1_t mean2 = calculate_mean( second_begin, second_end );

    value1_t std_dev1 = calculate_stddev( first_begin, first_end );
    value2_t std_dev2 = calculate_stddev( second_begin, second_end );

    result = calculate_correlation_coefficient( first_begin, first_end, mean1, std_dev1, second_begin, second_end, mean2, std_dev2 );
    return result;
예제 #2
void FeatureStatistics::set_d2Features(){

	int nCols = this->get_featureObject()->get_nCols();
	int nRows = this->get_featureObject()->get_nRows();

	// memory allocation
	m_d2Feature = (SAMPLE**)malloc(nCols*sizeof(SAMPLE*));
	for (int i = 0; i < nCols; ++i){
		m_d2Feature[i] = (SAMPLE*)malloc(nRows*sizeof(SAMPLE));
	m_d2Mean = (SAMPLE**)malloc(m_nStatCols*sizeof(SAMPLE*));
	for (int i = 0; i < m_nStatCols; ++i){
		m_d2Mean[i] = (SAMPLE*)malloc(m_nStatRows*sizeof(SAMPLE));
	m_d2Var = (SAMPLE**)malloc(m_nStatCols*sizeof(SAMPLE*));
	for (int i = 0; i < m_nStatCols; ++i){
		m_d2Var[i] = (SAMPLE*)malloc(m_nStatRows*sizeof(SAMPLE));
	m_d2Std = (SAMPLE**)malloc(m_nStatCols*sizeof(SAMPLE*));
	for (int i = 0; i < m_nStatCols; ++i){
		m_d2Std[i] = (SAMPLE*)malloc(m_nStatRows*sizeof(SAMPLE));
	// calculate
	SAMPLE** feature = this->get_d1Feature();
	m_d2Feature = calculate_delta(feature);
	m_d2Mean = calculate_mean(m_d2Feature);
	m_d2Var = calculate_var(m_d2Feature, m_d2Mean);
	m_d2Std = calculate_var2std(m_d2Var);
예제 #3
double calculate_stddev(const std::vector<double>& values, double mean)
    std::vector<double> deviations;

    std::transform(values.begin(), values.end(), std::back_inserter(deviations),
        [=](auto v) {
            return std::pow(v - mean, 2.0);

    return std::sqrt(calculate_mean(deviations));
예제 #4
calculate_similarity_transform(const Points3d &points, int height, int width)
  cv::Point3_<double> mean = calculate_mean(points);

  double maximum = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
  double minimum = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

  for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
    maximum = std::max(maximum, points[i].x - mean.x);
    maximum = std::max(maximum, points[i].y - mean.y);
    maximum = std::max(maximum, points[i].z - mean.z);

    minimum = std::min(minimum, points[i].x - mean.x);
    minimum = std::min(minimum, points[i].y - mean.y);
    minimum = std::min(minimum, points[i].z - mean.z);    

  // calculate the hypotenuse of the cube defined by minimum and
  // maximum as this represents the widest two points.
  double side_length = maximum - minimum;
  double distance = std::sqrt( 3*side_length*side_length );

  // widen the debug to this distance.
  minimum -= (distance - side_length)/2.0;
  maximum += (distance - side_length)/2.0;

  // calculate the similarity transform
  double target_max = 0.98*std::min(height, width);
  double target_min = 0.02*std::min(height, width);

  double a = ( target_max - target_min ) / (maximum - minimum);
  double b = target_max - a*maximum;

  cv::Mat_<double> translation = cv::Mat_<double>::eye(4,4);
  translation(0,3) = -mean.x;
  translation(1,3) = -mean.y;
  translation(2,3) = -mean.z;

  cv::Mat_<double> scaling = cv::Mat_<double>::eye(4,4);
  scaling(0,0) = a;
  scaling(1,1) = a;
  scaling(2,2) = a;
  scaling(0,3) = b;
  scaling(1,3) = b;
  scaling(2,3) = b;

  return scaling * translation;
예제 #5
 * Returns the variance of the given array.
 * NOTE: This expects a sorted array!
float calculate_variance(float data_array[], size_t array_size, int data_position, bool print_value)
    float mean = calculate_mean(data_array, array_size, data_position, false),
          sum = 0.0,
          variance = 0.0;
    int i = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < data_position; i++)
        sum += pow(data_array[i]-mean, 2);

    variance = sum / (data_position-1);

    if (print_value)
        printf("%5.2lf", variance);

    return variance;
예제 #6
void FeatureStatistics::set_d0features(){
	// memory allocation
	this->m_mean = (SAMPLE**)malloc(m_nStatCols*sizeof(SAMPLE*));
	for (int i = 0; i < m_nStatCols; ++i){
		m_mean[i] = (SAMPLE*)malloc(m_nStatRows*sizeof(SAMPLE));
	this->m_var = (SAMPLE**)malloc(m_nStatCols*sizeof(SAMPLE*));
	for (int i = 0; i < m_nStatCols; ++i){
		m_var[i] = (SAMPLE*)malloc(m_nStatRows*sizeof(SAMPLE));
	this->m_std = (SAMPLE**)malloc(m_nStatCols*sizeof(SAMPLE*));
	for (int i = 0; i < m_nStatCols; ++i){
		m_std[i] = (SAMPLE*)malloc(m_nStatRows*sizeof(SAMPLE));
	// calculate feature variables
	SAMPLE** feature = this->get_featureObject()->get_feature();
	m_mean = calculate_mean(feature);
	m_var = calculate_var(feature, m_mean);
	m_std =calculate_var2std(m_var);
예제 #7
int main (void)
	FILE *infile = NULL, *outfile = NULL;
	double	gpa1 = 0.0, gpa2 = 0.0, gpa3 = 0.0, gpa4 = 0.0, gpa5 = 0.0,
			age1 = 0.0, age2 = 0.0, age3 = 0.0, age4 = 0.0, age5 = 0.0,
			sum_gpa = 0.0, sum_class_standing = 0.0, sum_age = 0.0,
			mean_gpa = 0.0, mean_class_standing = 0.0, mean_age = 0.0,
			gpa1_dev = 0.0, gpa2_dev = 0.0, gpa3_dev = 0.0, gpa4_dev = 0.0, gpa5_dev = 0.0, 
			gpa_variance = 0.0, gpa_std_dev = 0.0, min_gpa = 0.0, max_gpa = 0.0;
	int 	id1 = 0, id2 = 0, id3 = 0, id4 = 0, id5 =0,
			class_standing1 = 0, class_standing2 = 0, class_standing3 = 0, class_standing4 = 0, class_standing5 = 0;	
	//Opens an input file "input.dat" for reading;
	infile = fopen ("input.dat", "r");
    //Opens an output file "output.dat" for writing;
	outfile = fopen ("output.dat", "w");
	//Reads five records from the input file (input.dat); You will need to use a combination of read_double ( ) and read_integer ( ) function calls here!
    id1 = read_integer (infile);
	gpa1 = read_double (infile);
	class_standing1 = read_integer (infile);
	age1 = read_double (infile);

	id2 = read_integer (infile);
	gpa2 = read_double (infile);
	class_standing2 = read_integer (infile);
	age2 = read_double (infile);

	id3 = read_integer (infile);
	gpa3 = read_double (infile);
	class_standing3 = read_integer (infile);
	age3 = read_double (infile);

	id4 = read_integer (infile);
	gpa4 = read_double (infile);
	class_standing4 = read_integer (infile);
	age4 = read_double (infile);

	id5 = read_integer (infile);
	gpa5 = read_double (infile);
	class_standing5 = read_integer (infile);
	age5 = read_double (infile);

	//Calculates the sum of the GPAs;
	sum_gpa = calculate_sum (gpa1, gpa2, gpa3, gpa4, gpa5);

    //Calculates the sum of the class standings;
	sum_class_standing = calculate_sum (class_standing1, class_standing2, class_standing3, class_standing4, class_standing5);

    //Calculates the sum of the ages;
	sum_age = calculate_sum (age1, age2, age3, age4, age5);

    //Calculates the mean of the GPAs, writing the result to the output file (output.dat);
	mean_gpa = calculate_mean (sum_gpa, 5);
	fprintf (outfile, "The mean GPA is %lf\n", mean_gpa);

    //Calculates the mean of the class standings, writing the result to the output file (output.dat);
	mean_class_standing = calculate_mean (sum_class_standing, 5);
	fprintf (outfile, "The mean class standing is %lf\n", mean_class_standing);

    //Calculates the mean of the ages, writing the result to the output file (output.dat);
	mean_age = calculate_mean (sum_age, 5);
	fprintf (outfile, "The mean age is %lf\n", mean_age);
    //Calculates the deviation of each GPA from the mean (Hint: need to call calculate_deviation ( ) 5 times)
    //Calculates the variance of the GPAs
    //Calculates the standard deviation of the GPAs, writing the result to the output file (output.dat);
    //Determines the min of the GPAs, writing the result to the output file (output.dat);
    //Determines the max of the GPAs, writing the result to the output file (output.dat);
    //Closes the input and output files (i.e. input.dat and output.dat)
	fclose (infile);
	fclose (outfile);

	return 0;
예제 #8
run_program(int argc, char **argv)
  CommandLineArgument<std::string> points_pathname;

  Configuration cfg;
  cfg.width = 640;
  cfg.height = 480;
  cfg.window_title = "";
  cfg.circle_radius = 2;
  cfg.circle_thickness = 1;
  cfg.circle_linetype = 8;
  cfg.circle_shift = 0;
  cfg.circle_colour = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255);
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    std::string argument(argv[i]);
    if (argument == "--help") {
      return 0;
    } else if (argument == "--width") {
      cfg.width = get_argument<int>(&i, argc, argv);
    } else if (argument == "--height") {
      cfg.height = get_argument<int>(&i, argc, argv);
    } else if (argument == "--window-title") {
      cfg.window_title = get_argument(&i, argc, argv);
    } else if (argument == "--circle-radius") {
      cfg.circle_radius = get_argument<int>(&i, argc, argv);
    } else if (!assign_argument(argument, points_pathname)) {
      throw make_runtime_error("Unable to process argument: %s\n", argument.c_str());

  if (!have_argument_p(points_pathname)) {
    return -1;

  if (cfg.window_title == "") 
    cfg.window_title = points_pathname->c_str();

  std::vector<cv::Point3_<double> > shape3D;
  try {
    shape3D = load_points3(points_pathname->c_str());
  } catch (std::exception &e) {
    throw make_runtime_error("Encountered error when reading file '%s': %s", points_pathname->c_str(), e.what());

  cv::Point3_<double> mean = calculate_mean(shape3D);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < shape3D.size(); i++) {
    shape3D[i] -= mean;

  cv::Mat_<double> projection = cv::Mat_<double>::eye(3,4);
  if (cfg.height < cfg.width) {
    projection(0,3) = double(cfg.width - cfg.height) / 2.0;
  } else {
    projection(1,3) = double(cfg.height - cfg.width) / 2.0;

  cv::Mat_<double> starting_A = calculate_similarity_transform(shape3D, cfg.height, cfg.width);
  cv::Mat_<double> A(starting_A.clone());
  bool quit = false;
  while (!quit) {
    int key = cv::waitKey(1);
    switch (key) {
    case 27:
      quit = true;
    case 'z':
      A = A * scaling_matrix(1.1);
    case 'x':
      A = A * scaling_matrix(0.9);
    case 'a':
      A = A * rotation_about_y_axis(-0.1);
    case 'd':
      A = A * rotation_about_y_axis(0.1);
    case 'w':
      A = A * rotation_about_x_axis(-0.1);
    case 's':
      A = A * rotation_about_x_axis(0.1);
    case 'q':
      A = A * rotation_about_z_axis(0.1);
    case 'e':
      A = A * rotation_about_z_axis(-0.1);
    case 'r':
      A = starting_A.clone();

    display_points(cfg, projection * A, shape3D);

  return 0;
예제 #9
typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type calculate_stddev( iterator begin, iterator end )
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type value_t;
    value_t mean = calculate_mean( begin, end );
    return std::sqrt( calculate_variance( begin, end, mean ) );
예제 #10
typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type calculate_mean_stddev( iterator begin, iterator end )
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type value_t;
    value_t mean = calculate_mean( begin, end );
    return calculate_mean_stddev( begin, end, mean );