예제 #1
void CvPlayerAI::AI_conquerCity(CvCity* pCity, PlayerTypes eOldOwner)
	// Liberate a Minor's City?
	if (pCity->getOriginalOwner() != eOldOwner && pCity->getOriginalOwner() != GetID() && CanLiberatePlayer(eOldOwner))
		if (GET_PLAYER(pCity->getOriginalOwner()).isMinorCiv())
			if (GetDiplomacyAI()->DoPossibleMinorLiberation(pCity->getOriginalOwner(), pCity->GetID()))

	// Do we want to burn this city down?
	if (canRaze(pCity))
		// Burn the city if the empire is unhappy - keeping the city will only make things worse or if map hint dictates
		if (IsEmpireUnhappy() || (GC.getMap().GetAIMapHint() & 2))

	// Puppet the city
	if (pCity->getOriginalOwner() != GetID())
예제 #2
void CvPlayerAI::AI_conquerCity(CvCity* pCity, PlayerTypes eOldOwner)
	PlayerTypes eOriginalOwner = pCity->getOriginalOwner();
	TeamTypes eOldOwnerTeam = GET_PLAYER(eOldOwner).getTeam();

	// Liberate a city?
	if(eOriginalOwner != eOldOwner && eOriginalOwner != GetID() && CanLiberatePlayerCity(eOriginalOwner))
		// minor civ
			if(GetDiplomacyAI()->DoPossibleMinorLiberation(eOriginalOwner, pCity->GetID()))
		else // major civ
			bool bLiberate = false;
			if (GET_PLAYER(eOriginalOwner).isAlive())
				// If the original owner and this player have a defensive pact
				// and both the original owner and the player are at war with the old owner of this city
				// give the city back to the original owner
				TeamTypes eOriginalOwnerTeam = GET_PLAYER(eOriginalOwner).getTeam();
				if (GET_TEAM(getTeam()).IsHasDefensivePact(eOriginalOwnerTeam) && GET_TEAM(getTeam()).isAtWar(eOldOwnerTeam) && GET_TEAM(eOriginalOwnerTeam).isAtWar(eOldOwnerTeam))
					bLiberate = true;
				// if the player is a friend and we're going for diplo victory, then liberate to score some friend points
				else if (GetDiplomacyAI()->IsDoFAccepted(eOriginalOwner) && GetDiplomacyAI()->IsGoingForDiploVictory())
					bLiberate = true;
			// if the player isn't human and we're going for diplo victory, resurrect players to get super diplo bonuses
			else if (!GET_PLAYER(eOriginalOwner).isHuman() && GetDiplomacyAI()->IsGoingForDiploVictory())
				bLiberate = true;

			if (bLiberate)
				DoLiberatePlayer(eOriginalOwner, pCity->GetID());

	// Do we want to burn this city down?
		// Burn the city if the empire is unhappy - keeping the city will only make things worse or if map hint dictates
		// Huns will burn down everything possible once they have a core of a few cities (was 3, but this put Attila out of the running long term as a conqueror)
		if (IsEmpireUnhappy() || (GC.getMap().GetAIMapHint() & 2) || (GetPlayerTraits()->GetRazeSpeedModifier() > 0 && getNumCities() >= 3 + (GC.getGame().getGameTurn() / 100)) )

	// Puppet the city
	if(pCity->getOriginalOwner() != GetID() || GET_PLAYER(m_eID).GetPlayerTraits()->IsNoAnnexing())