unsigned char J1939_ReceiveOneMessage(struct J1939_message *msg, unsigned char buff_id) { unsigned long id; unsigned char data[8]; unsigned char len; unsigned char ret=0; ret = can_Receive(buff_id,&id,data,&len); if (ret) { for (ret=0; ret<len; ret++) msg->data[ret] = data[ret]; msg->dataLen = len; clear_CPU_operation_detection(); msg->sourceAddr = id&0x000000FF; msg->PDUspecific = (id&0x0000FF00)>>8; msg->PDUformat = (id&0x00FF0000)>>16; msg->dp = (id&0x01000000)>>24; msg->r = (id&0x02000000)>>25; msg->priority = (id&0x1C000000)>>26; return 1; } return 0; }
/** * \brief int ioctl(int fd, int request, ...); the CAN controllers control interface \param fd The descriptor to change properties \param request special configuration request \param ... traditional a \a char *argp The \a ioctl function manipulates the underlying device parameters of the CAN special device. In particular, many operating characteristics of character CAN driver may be controlled with \a ioctl requests. The argument \a fd must be an open file descriptor. An ioctl request has encoded in it whether the argument is an \b in parameter or \b out parameter, and the size of the argument argp in bytes. Macros and defines used in specifying an \a ioctl request are located in the file can4linux.h . The following \a requests are defined: \li \c COMMAND some commands for start, stop and reset the CAN controller chip \li \c CONFIG configure some of the device properties like acceptance filtering, bit timings, mode of the output control register or the optional software message filter configuration(not implemented yet). \li \c STATUS request the CAN controllers status \li \c SEND a single message over the \a ioctl interface \li \c RECEIVE poll a receive message \li \c CONFIGURERTR configure automatic rtr responses(not implemented) The third argument is a parameter structure depending on the request. These are \code struct Command_par struct Config_par struct CanSja1000Status_par struct ConfigureRTR_par struct Receive_par struct Send_par \endcode described in can4linux.h \par Acceptance Filtering \b Basic \b CAN. In the case of using standard identifiers in Basic CAN mode for receiving CAN messages only the low bytes are used to set acceptance code and mask for bits ID.10 ... ID.3 \par \b PeliCAN. For acceptance filtering the entries \c AccCode and \c AccMask are used like specified in the controllers manual for \b Single \b Filter \b Configuration . Both are 4 byte entries. In the case of using standard identifiers for receiving CAN messages also all 4 bytes can be used. In this case two bytes are used for acceptance code and mask for all 11 identifier bits plus additional the first two data bytes. The SJA1000 is working in the \b Single \b Filter \ Mode . \code Bits mask 31 30 ..... 4 3 2 1 0 code ------------------------------------------- ID 28 27 ..... 1 0 R +--+-> unused T R \endcode \returns On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately. \par Example \code Config_par_t cfg; volatile Command_par_t cmd; cmd.cmd = CMD_STOP; ioctl(can_fd, COMMAND, &cmd); cfg.target = CONF_ACCM; cfg.val = acc_mask; ioctl(can_fd, CONFIG, &cfg); cfg.target = CONF_ACCC; cfg.val = acc_code; ioctl(can_fd, CONFIG, &cfg); cmd.cmd = CMD_START; ioctl(can_fd, COMMAND, &cmd); \endcode */ int can_ioctl( __LDDK_IOCTL_PARAM ) { void *argp; int retval = -EIO; DBGin("can_ioctl"); DBGprint(DBG_DATA,("cmd=%d", cmd)); Can_errno = 0; switch(cmd){ case COMMAND: if( verify_area(VERIFY_READ, (void *)arg, sizeof(Command_par_t))) { DBGout(); return(retval); } if( verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *)arg, sizeof(Command_par_t))) { DBGout(); return(retval); } argp = (void *) kmalloc( sizeof(Command_par_t) +1 , GFP_KERNEL ); __lddk_copy_from_user( (void *) argp,(Command_par_t *) arg, sizeof(Command_par_t)); ((Command_par_t *) argp)->retval = can_Command(inode, ((Command_par_t *) argp)->cmd ); ((Command_par_t *) argp)->error = Can_errno; __lddk_copy_to_user( (Command_par_t *)arg, (void *)argp, sizeof(Command_par_t)); kfree(argp); break; case CONFIG: if( verify_area(VERIFY_READ, (void *) arg, sizeof(Config_par_t))) { DBGout(); return(retval); } if( verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg, sizeof(Config_par_t))) { DBGout(); return(retval); } argp = (void *) kmalloc( sizeof(Config_par_t) +1 ,GFP_KERNEL); __lddk_copy_from_user( (void *) argp,(Config_par_t *) arg, sizeof(Config_par_t)); ((Config_par_t *) argp)->retval = can_Config(inode, ((Config_par_t *) argp)->target, ((Config_par_t *) argp)->val1, ((Config_par_t *) argp)->val2 ); ((Config_par_t *) argp)->error = Can_errno; __lddk_copy_to_user( (Config_par_t *) arg, (void *) argp, sizeof(Config_par_t)); kfree(argp); break; case SEND: if( verify_area(VERIFY_READ, (void *) arg, sizeof(Send_par_t))) { DBGout(); return(retval); } if( verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg, sizeof(Send_par_t))) { DBGout(); return(retval); } argp = (void *)kmalloc( sizeof(Send_par_t) +1 ,GFP_KERNEL ); __lddk_copy_from_user( (void *) argp, (Send_par_t *)arg, sizeof(Send_par_t)); ((Send_par_t *) argp)->retval = can_Send(inode, ((Send_par_t *) argp)->Tx ); ((Send_par_t *) argp)->error = Can_errno; __lddk_copy_to_user( (Send_par_t *) arg, (void *)argp, sizeof(Send_par_t)); kfree(argp); break; case RECEIVE: if( verify_area(VERIFY_READ, (void *) arg, sizeof(Receive_par_t))) { DBGout(); return(retval); } if( verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg, sizeof(Receive_par_t))) { DBGout(); return(retval); } argp = (void *)kmalloc( sizeof(Receive_par_t) +1 ,GFP_KERNEL ); __lddk_copy_from_user( (void *)argp, (Receive_par_t *)arg, sizeof(Receive_par_t)); ((Receive_par_t *) argp)->retval = can_Receive(inode, ((Receive_par_t *) argp)->Rx); ((Receive_par_t *) argp)->error = Can_errno; __lddk_copy_to_user( (Receive_par_t *)arg, (void *) argp, sizeof(Receive_par_t)); kfree(argp); break; case STATUS: if( verify_area(VERIFY_READ, (void *) arg, sizeof(CanStatusPar_t))) { DBGout(); return(retval); } if( verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg, sizeof(CanStatusPar_t))) { DBGout(); return(retval); } argp = (void *)kmalloc( sizeof(CanStatusPar_t) +1 ,GFP_KERNEL ); ((CanStatusPar_t *) argp)->retval = can_GetStat(inode, ((CanStatusPar_t *)argp)); __lddk_copy_to_user( (CanStatusPar_t *)arg, (void *) argp, sizeof(CanStatusPar_t)); kfree(argp); break; #ifdef CAN_RTR_CONFIG case CONFIGURERTR: if( verify_area(VERIFY_READ, (void *) arg, sizeof(ConfigureRTR_par_t))){ DBGout(); return(retval); } if( verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg, sizeof(ConfigureRTR_par_t))){ DBGout(); return(retval); } argp = (void *)kmalloc( sizeof(ConfigureRTR_par_t) +1 ,GFP_KERNEL ); __lddk_copy_from_user( (void *) argp,(ConfigureRTR_par_t *) arg, sizeof(ConfigureRTR_par_t)); ((ConfigureRTR_par_t *) argp)->retval = can_ConfigureRTR(inode, ((ConfigureRTR_par_t *) argp)->message, ((ConfigureRTR_par_t *) argp)->Tx ); ((ConfigureRTR_par_t *) argp)->error = Can_errno; __lddk_copy_to_user( (ConfigureRTR_par_t *) arg, (void *) argp, sizeof(ConfigureRTR_par_t)); kfree(argp); break; #endif /* CAN_RTR_CONFIG */ default: DBGout(); return -EINVAL; } DBGout(); return 1; }