bool expr_this(pass_opt_t* opt, ast_t* ast) { typecheck_t* t = &opt->check; if(t->frame->def_arg != NULL) { ast_error(ast, "can't reference 'this' in a default argument"); return false; } sym_status_t status; ast_get(ast, stringtab("this"), &status); if(status == SYM_CONSUMED) { ast_error(ast, "can't use a consumed 'this' in an expression"); return false; } assert(status == SYM_NONE); token_id cap = cap_for_this(t); if(!cap_sendable(cap) && (t->frame->recover != NULL)) cap = TK_TAG; bool make_arrow = false; if(cap == TK_BOX) { cap = TK_REF; make_arrow = true; } ast_t* type = type_for_this(opt, ast, cap, TK_NONE, false); if(make_arrow) { BUILD(arrow, ast, NODE(TK_ARROW, NODE(TK_THISTYPE) TREE(type))); type = arrow; } // Get the nominal type, which may be the right side of an arrow type. ast_t* nominal; bool arrow; if(ast_id(type) == TK_NOMINAL) { nominal = type; arrow = false; } else { nominal = ast_childidx(type, 1); arrow = true; } ast_t* typeargs = ast_childidx(nominal, 2); ast_t* typearg = ast_child(typeargs); while(typearg != NULL) { if(!expr_nominal(opt, &typearg)) { ast_error(ast, "couldn't create a type for 'this'"); ast_free(type); return false; } typearg = ast_sibling(typearg); } if(!expr_nominal(opt, &nominal)) { ast_error(ast, "couldn't create a type for 'this'"); ast_free(type); return false; } if(arrow) type = ast_parent(nominal); else type = nominal; ast_settype(ast, type); return true; }
bool expr_this(pass_opt_t* opt, ast_t* ast) { typecheck_t* t = &opt->check; if(t->frame->def_arg != NULL) { ast_error(opt->check.errors, ast, "can't reference 'this' in a default argument"); return false; } sym_status_t status; ast_get(ast, stringtab("this"), &status); if(status == SYM_CONSUMED) { ast_error(opt->check.errors, ast, "can't use a consumed 'this' in an expression"); return false; } assert(status == SYM_NONE); token_id cap = cap_for_this(t); if(!cap_sendable(cap) && (t->frame->recover != NULL)) { ast_t* parent = ast_parent(ast); if(ast_id(parent) != TK_DOT) cap = TK_TAG; } bool make_arrow = false; if(cap == TK_BOX) { cap = TK_REF; make_arrow = true; } ast_t* type = type_for_this(opt, ast, cap, TK_NONE, false); if(make_arrow) { BUILD(arrow, ast, NODE(TK_ARROW, NODE(TK_THISTYPE) TREE(type))); type = arrow; } // Get the nominal type, which may be the right side of an arrow type. ast_t* nominal; bool arrow; if(ast_id(type) == TK_NOMINAL) { nominal = type; arrow = false; } else { nominal = ast_childidx(type, 1); arrow = true; } ast_t* typeargs = ast_childidx(nominal, 2); ast_t* typearg = ast_child(typeargs); while(typearg != NULL) { if(!expr_nominal(opt, &typearg)) { ast_error(opt->check.errors, ast, "couldn't create a type for 'this'"); ast_free(type); return false; } typearg = ast_sibling(typearg); } if(!expr_nominal(opt, &nominal)) { ast_error(opt->check.errors, ast, "couldn't create a type for 'this'"); ast_free(type); return false; } // Unless this is a field lookup, treat an incomplete `this` as a tag. ast_t* parent = ast_parent(ast); bool incomplete_ok = false; if((ast_id(parent) == TK_DOT) && (ast_child(parent) == ast)) { ast_t* right = ast_sibling(ast); assert(ast_id(right) == TK_ID); ast_t* find = lookup_try(opt, ast, nominal, ast_name(right)); if(find != NULL) { switch(ast_id(find)) { case TK_FVAR: case TK_FLET: case TK_EMBED: incomplete_ok = true; break; default: {} } } } if(!incomplete_ok && is_this_incomplete(t, ast)) { ast_t* tag_type = set_cap_and_ephemeral(nominal, TK_TAG, TK_NONE); ast_replace(&nominal, tag_type); } if(arrow) type = ast_parent(nominal); else type = nominal; ast_settype(ast, type); return true; }