static void tomap(int argc, char *argv[]) { int next_arg; int force; double resolution; char *input_filename, *output_filename; carmen_map_t *map; carmen_FILE *out_fp; char buf[1024]; gtk_init (&argc, &argv); next_arg = handle_options(argc, argv, &force); if(argc - next_arg != 4) { carmen_warn("\nError: wrong number of parameters.\n"); carmen_die("\nUsage: %s tomap <resolution> <ppm filename> " "<map filename>\n\n", argv[0]); } resolution = (double)atof(argv[next_arg+1]); if (resolution == 0) carmen_die("%s translated to a resolution of 0.\n" "A positive, non-zero resolution is required.\n", argv[next_arg+1]); input_filename = argv[next_arg+2]; if(!carmen_file_exists(input_filename)) carmen_die("Image file %s does not exist.\n", input_filename); output_filename = check_output(argv[next_arg+3], force); map = carmen_map_imagefile_to_map(input_filename, resolution); out_fp = carmen_fopen(output_filename, "w"); if (carmen_map_write_id(out_fp) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't write map id to %s", output_filename); sprintf(buf, "Created from %s", input_filename); if (carmen_map_write_creator_chunk(out_fp, "img_to_map", buf) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't write creator chunk to %s", output_filename); if (carmen_map_write_gridmap_chunk(out_fp, map->map, map->config.x_size, map->config.y_size, map->config.resolution) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't write gridmap chunk to %s", output_filename); carmen_fclose(out_fp); }
static void toppm(int argc, char *argv[]) { int err; int next_arg; int force; char *input_filename, *output_filename; carmen_map_t map; next_arg = handle_options(argc, argv, &force); if(argc - next_arg != 3) { carmen_warn("\nError: wrong number of parameters.\n"); carmen_die("\nUsage: %s toppm <map filename> <ppm filename>\n\n", argv[0]); } input_filename = check_mapfile(argv[next_arg+1]); output_filename = check_output(argv[next_arg+2], force); if(carmen_map_read_gridmap_chunk(input_filename, &map) < 0) carmen_die("Error: %s did not contain a gridmap.\n", input_filename); carmen_map_read_offlimits_chunk_into_map(input_filename, &map); err = carmen_map_write_to_ppm(&map, output_filename); if (err < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not write ppm to %s", output_filename); }
carmen_camera_image_t *carmen_camera_start(int argc, char **argv) { carmen_camera_image_t *image; read_parameters(argc, argv); carmen_warn("Opening camera\n"); camera_fd = open(camera_dev, O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY); if (camera_fd < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not open %s as camera device", camera_dev); check_camera_type(); setup_camera(); image = (carmen_camera_image_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(carmen_camera_image_t)); image->width = image_width; image->height = image_height; image->bytes_per_pixel = 3; image->image_size = image->width*image->height*image->bytes_per_pixel; image->is_new = 0; image->timestamp = 0; image->image = (char *)calloc(image->image_size, sizeof(char)); carmen_test_alloc(image->image); memset(image->image, 0, image->image_size*sizeof(char)); return image; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *in_filename, *out_filename; carmen_FILE *out_fp; char buf[1024]; carmen_map_p map; if (argc != 3) carmen_die("Usage: %s <bee_filename> <carmen_filename>\n", argv[0]); in_filename = argv[1]; out_filename = argv[2]; if (carmen_file_exists(out_filename)) { printf("Overwrite %s? ", out_filename); scanf("%s", buf); if (tolower(buf[0]) != 'y') exit(0); } map = read_beesoft_map(in_filename); out_fp = carmen_fopen(out_filename, "w"); if (out_fp == NULL) carmen_die("Couldn't open %s for writing : %s\n", out_filename, strerror(errno)); if (carmen_map_write_id(out_fp) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't write map id to %s", out_filename); sprintf(buf, "Created from %s", out_filename); if (carmen_map_write_creator_chunk(out_fp, "bee2carmen", buf) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't write creator chunk to %s", out_filename); if (carmen_map_write_gridmap_chunk(out_fp, map->map, map->config.x_size, map->config.y_size, map->config.resolution) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't write gridmap chunk to %s", out_filename); carmen_fclose(out_fp); return 0; }
carmen_map_p read_beesoft_map(char *filename) { FILE *in_fp; carmen_map_p map; int x_index, y_index; double *map_ptr; char buf[1024]; map = (carmen_map_p)calloc(1, sizeof(carmen_map_t)); carmen_test_alloc(map); in_fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (in_fp == NULL) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't open %s for reading", filename); while (fgets(buf, 1024, in_fp) != NULL && strncmp("global_map[0]", buf, 13) != 0) { if (strncmp("robot_specifications->resolution", buf, 32) == 0) { sscanf(buf+32, "%lf", &(map->config.resolution)); map->config.resolution /= 100.0; } } sscanf(buf, "%*s %d %d", &(map->config.y_size), &(map->config.x_size)); map->complete_map = (double *) calloc(map->config.x_size*map->config.y_size, sizeof(double)); carmen_test_alloc(map->complete_map); map->map = (double **)calloc(map->config.x_size, sizeof(double *)); carmen_test_alloc(map->map); for (x_index = 0; x_index < map->config.x_size; x_index++) map->map[x_index] = map->complete_map+x_index*map->config.y_size; map_ptr = map->complete_map; for (x_index = 0; x_index < map->config.x_size; x_index++) for (y_index = 0; y_index < map->config.y_size; y_index++) { fscanf(in_fp, "%f", map_ptr); if (*map_ptr >= 0) *map_ptr = 1- *map_ptr; map_ptr++; } fclose(in_fp); return map; }
static void strip(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *input_filename, *output_filename, *chunk_type; carmen_FILE *fp_in, *fp_out; int next_arg; int force; next_arg = handle_options(argc, argv, &force); next_arg++; if(argc - next_arg != 4) { carmen_warn("\nError: wrong number of parameters.\n"); carmen_die("\nUsage: %s strip <in map filename> " "<out map filename> <chunk type>\n\n", argv[0]); } input_filename = check_mapfile(argv[next_arg]); output_filename = check_output(argv[next_arg+1], force); chunk_type = argv[next_arg+2]; fp_in = carmen_fopen(input_filename, "r"); if(fp_in == NULL) carmen_die_syserror("Could not open %s for reading", input_filename); fp_out = carmen_fopen(output_filename, "w"); if(fp_out == NULL) carmen_die_syserror("Could not open %s for writing", output_filename); if (carmen_strcasecmp(chunk_type, "laserscans") == 0) { if (carmen_map_strip(fp_in, fp_out, CARMEN_MAP_LASERSCANS_CHUNK) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Error: could not strip file"); } else if (carmen_strcasecmp(chunk_type, "gridmap") == 0) { if (carmen_map_strip(fp_in, fp_out, CARMEN_MAP_GRIDMAP_CHUNK) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Error: could not strip file"); } else if (carmen_strcasecmp(chunk_type, "offlimits") == 0) { if (carmen_map_strip(fp_in, fp_out, CARMEN_MAP_OFFLIMITS_CHUNK) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Error: could not strip file"); } else if (carmen_strcasecmp(chunk_type, "expected") == 0) { if (carmen_map_strip(fp_in, fp_out, CARMEN_MAP_EXPECTED_CHUNK) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Error: could not strip file"); } else if (carmen_strcasecmp(chunk_type, "places") == 0) { if (carmen_map_strip(fp_in, fp_out, CARMEN_MAP_PLACES_CHUNK) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Error: could not strip file"); } carmen_fclose(fp_in); carmen_fclose(fp_out); }
carmen_map_p carmen_map_imagefile_to_map(char *filename, double resolution) { carmen_map_p map; GdkPixbuf* buf; GError *error; error = NULL; buf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(filename, &error); if (buf == NULL) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't open %s for reading", filename); map = carmen_pixbuf_to_map(buf, resolution); g_object_unref(buf); return map; }
static void add_offset(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *input_filename; int next_arg; int force; char cmd[1024]; char tmp_filename[1024]; carmen_FILE *fp_in, *fp_out; carmen_global_offset_t offset; int system_err; int num_args; int response; next_arg = handle_options(argc, argv, &force); next_arg++; num_args = argc - next_arg; if(num_args != 4) { carmen_warn("\nError: wrong number of parameters.\n"); carmen_warn("\nUsage: %s <mapfilename> <x> <y> <theta>\n", argv[0]); carmen_warn(" <theta> should be given in degrees.\n"); } input_filename = check_mapfile(argv[next_arg]); next_arg++; if(!carmen_map_file(input_filename)) carmen_die("Error: %s does not appear to be a valid carmen map file;\n" "if it is gzipped, make sure it has a \".gz\" extension.\n", input_filename); if(carmen_map_chunk_exists(input_filename, CARMEN_MAP_GLOBAL_OFFSET_CHUNK)) { carmen_warn("Offset chunk exists already. Replace? [y/n] "); response = getchar(); if (tolower(response) != 'y') exit(0); carmen_warn("Replacing...\n"); } offset.x = atof(argv[next_arg]); offset.y = atof(argv[next_arg+1]); offset.theta = carmen_degrees_to_radians(atof(argv[next_arg+2])); fprintf(stderr, "Set (%s %s %s) to (%.2f m, %.2f m, %.2f rad)\n", argv[next_arg], argv[next_arg+1], argv[next_arg+2], offset.x, offset.y, offset.theta); fp_in = carmen_fopen(input_filename, "r"); if(fp_in == NULL) carmen_die_syserror("Error: file %s could not be opened for reading", input_filename); strcpy(tmp_filename, "/tmp/newmapXXXXXX"); system_err = mkstemp(tmp_filename); if (system_err == -1) carmen_die_syserror("I need to create a temporary file in /tmp, but I " "can't for the\n following reason\n"); fp_out = carmen_fopen(tmp_filename, "w"); if(fp_out == NULL) carmen_die_syserror("Error: file could not be opened for writing"); if(carmen_map_strip(fp_in, fp_out, CARMEN_MAP_GLOBAL_OFFSET_CHUNK) < 0) carmen_die("Error: could not strip global offset from map file.\n"); if(carmen_map_write_global_offset_chunk(fp_out, &offset) < 0) carmen_die("Error: could not write offset chunk.\n"); carmen_fclose(fp_in); carmen_fclose(fp_out); sprintf(cmd, "mv -f %s %s", tmp_filename, input_filename); system_err = system(cmd); if (system_err != 0) carmen_die("I created a temporary file contained the map with the new " "place name\nat %s. I tried to copy the new file onto your " "old file, but the copy\nfailed for the following reason: %s\n" "\n" "You will have to copy the new file over yourself.\n", tmp_filename, strerror(errno)); }
static void add_place(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *input_filename; int next_arg; int force; char cmd[1024]; char tmp_filename[1024]; carmen_FILE *fp_in, *fp_out; carmen_map_placelist_t place_list; carmen_place_p places; int system_err; int num_args; next_arg = handle_options(argc, argv, &force); next_arg++; num_args = argc - next_arg; if(num_args != 4 && num_args != 5 && num_args != 8) { carmen_warn("\nError: wrong number of parameters.\n"); carmen_warn("\nUsage: %s <mapfilename> <placename> <place params>\n", argv[0]); carmen_warn(" 2, 3, or 6 place parameters can be given.\n"); } input_filename = check_mapfile(argv[next_arg]); next_arg++; if(!carmen_map_file(input_filename)) carmen_die("Error: %s does not appear to be a valid carmen map file;\n" "if it is gzipped, make sure it has a \".gz\" extension.\n", input_filename); if(!carmen_map_chunk_exists(input_filename, CARMEN_MAP_PLACES_CHUNK)) { place_list.num_places = 1; place_list.places = (carmen_place_p)calloc(1, sizeof(carmen_place_t)); carmen_test_alloc(place_list.places); } else { carmen_map_read_places_chunk(input_filename, &place_list); place_list.num_places++; place_list.places = (carmen_place_p)realloc (place_list.places, sizeof(carmen_place_t) * place_list.num_places); /* check_alloc checked */ } carmen_test_alloc(place_list.places); places = place_list.places; if(num_args == 4) { strcpy(places[place_list.num_places - 1].name, argv[next_arg]); places[place_list.num_places - 1].type = CARMEN_NAMED_POSITION_TYPE; places[place_list.num_places - 1].x = atof(argv[next_arg+1]); places[place_list.num_places - 1].y = atof(argv[next_arg+2]); } else if(num_args == 5) { strcpy(places[place_list.num_places - 1].name, argv[next_arg]); places[place_list.num_places - 1].type = CARMEN_NAMED_POSE_TYPE; places[place_list.num_places - 1].x = atof(argv[next_arg+1]); places[place_list.num_places - 1].y = atof(argv[next_arg+2]); places[place_list.num_places - 1].theta = carmen_degrees_to_radians(atof(argv[next_arg+3])); fprintf(stderr, "Set (%s %s %s) to (%f.2m, %f.2m, %f.2 rad)\n", argv[4], argv[5], argv[6], places[place_list.num_places - 1].x, places[place_list.num_places - 1].y, places[place_list.num_places - 1].theta); } else { strcpy(places[place_list.num_places - 1].name, argv[next_arg]); places[place_list.num_places - 1].type = CARMEN_LOCALIZATION_INIT_TYPE; places[place_list.num_places - 1].x = atof(argv[next_arg+1]); places[place_list.num_places - 1].y = atof(argv[next_arg+2]); places[place_list.num_places - 1].theta = carmen_degrees_to_radians(atof(argv[next_arg+3])); places[place_list.num_places - 1].x_std = atof(argv[next_arg+4]); places[place_list.num_places - 1].y_std = atof(argv[next_arg+5]); places[place_list.num_places - 1].theta_std = carmen_degrees_to_radians(atof(argv[next_arg+6])); fprintf(stderr, "Set (%s %s %s %s %s %s) to:\n(%f.2m +/- %f.2m, %f.2m " "+/- %f.2m, %f.2 +/- %f.2 rad)\n", argv[next_arg+1], argv[next_arg+2], argv[next_arg+3], argv[next_arg+4], argv[next_arg+5], argv[next_arg+6], places[place_list.num_places - 1].x, places[place_list.num_places - 1].x_std, places[place_list.num_places - 1].y, places[place_list.num_places - 1].y_std, places[place_list.num_places - 1].theta, places[place_list.num_places - 1].theta_std); } fp_in = carmen_fopen(input_filename, "r"); if(fp_in == NULL) carmen_die_syserror("Error: file %s could not be opened for reading", input_filename); strcpy(tmp_filename, "/tmp/newmapXXXXXX"); system_err = mkstemp(tmp_filename); if (system_err == -1) carmen_die_syserror("I need to create a temporary file in /tmp, but I " "can't for the\n following reason\n"); fp_out = carmen_fopen(tmp_filename, "w"); if(fp_out == NULL) carmen_die_syserror("Error: file could not be opened for writing"); if(carmen_map_strip(fp_in, fp_out, CARMEN_MAP_PLACES_CHUNK) < 0) carmen_die("Error: could not strip places from map file.\n"); if(carmen_map_write_places_chunk(fp_out, place_list.places, place_list.num_places) < 0) carmen_die("Error: could not write places chunk.\n"); carmen_fclose(fp_in); carmen_fclose(fp_out); sprintf(cmd, "mv -f %s %s", tmp_filename, input_filename); system_err = system(cmd); if (system_err != 0) carmen_die("I created a temporary file contained the map with the new " "place name\nat %s. I tried to copy the new file onto your " "old file, but the copy\nfailed for the following reason: %s\n" "\n" "You will have to copy the new file over yourself.\n", tmp_filename, strerror(errno)); }
static void minimize(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *input_filename, *output_filename; int next_arg; carmen_FILE *in_fp, *out_fp; int ret_val; carmen_map_t map; int x_offset, y_offset; carmen_offlimits_list_t offlimits_list; carmen_map_placelist_t places; int force; int previous_num_places; next_arg = handle_options(argc, argv, &force); next_arg++; if(argc - next_arg != 2) { carmen_warn("\nError: wrong number of parameters.\n"); carmen_die("\nUsage: %s minimize <in map filename> <out map filename>\n\n", argv[0]); } input_filename = check_mapfile(argv[next_arg]); output_filename = check_output(argv[next_arg+1], force); /* * Read the gridmap, places and offlimits chunks and minimize them */ if (carmen_map_read_gridmap_chunk(input_filename, &map) < 0) { carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't read GRIDMAP_CHUNK from %s", input_filename); } carmen_warn("Map size was %d x %d, ",map.config.x_size, map.config.y_size); carmen_minimize_gridmap(&map, &x_offset, &y_offset); carmen_warn("is now %d x %d (offset %d, %d)\n", map.config.x_size, map.config.y_size, x_offset, y_offset); ret_val = carmen_map_chunk_exists(input_filename, CARMEN_MAP_OFFLIMITS_CHUNK); if (ret_val > 0) { ret_val = carmen_map_read_offlimits_chunk (input_filename, &(offlimits_list.offlimits), &(offlimits_list.list_length)); if (ret_val < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't read OFFLIMITS_CHUNK in %s", input_filename); carmen_minimize_offlimits(&offlimits_list, x_offset*map.config.resolution, y_offset*map.config.resolution); } else offlimits_list.list_length = 0; ret_val = carmen_map_chunk_exists(input_filename, CARMEN_MAP_PLACES_CHUNK); if (ret_val > 0) { ret_val = carmen_map_read_places_chunk(input_filename, &places); if (ret_val < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't read PLACES_CHUNK in %s", input_filename); previous_num_places = places.num_places; carmen_minimize_places(&places, x_offset*map.config.resolution, y_offset*map.config.resolution, map.config.x_size*map.config.resolution, map.config.y_size*map.config.resolution); if (places.num_places < previous_num_places) carmen_warn("%d place locations were dropped from the map after " "minimization.\n", previous_num_places-places.num_places); } else places.num_places = 0; /* * Pass everything else through untouched, and then write the rotated * chunks at the end. */ in_fp = carmen_fopen(input_filename, "r"); if (in_fp == NULL) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't open %s for reading", input_filename); out_fp = carmen_fopen(output_filename, "w"); if (out_fp == NULL) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't open %s for writing", output_filename); if (carmen_map_vstrip(in_fp, out_fp, 3, CARMEN_MAP_GRIDMAP_CHUNK, CARMEN_MAP_OFFLIMITS_CHUNK, CARMEN_MAP_PLACES_CHUNK) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't strip map to %s", output_filename); if (carmen_map_write_gridmap_chunk(out_fp,, map.config.x_size, map.config.y_size, map.config.resolution) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't write gridmap to %s", output_filename); if (offlimits_list.list_length > 0) { if (carmen_map_write_offlimits_chunk(out_fp, offlimits_list.offlimits, offlimits_list.list_length) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't write offlimits list to %s", output_filename); } if (places.num_places > 0) { if (carmen_map_write_places_chunk(out_fp, places.places, places.num_places) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't write places list to %s", output_filename); } carmen_fclose(in_fp); carmen_fclose(out_fp); }
static void rotate(int argc, char *argv[]) { int force; char *input_filename, *output_filename; int next_arg; carmen_FILE *in_fp, *out_fp; int ret_val; carmen_map_t map; int rotation = 0; double remain; int degrees_angle; carmen_offlimits_list_t offlimits_list; carmen_map_placelist_t places_list; next_arg = handle_options(argc, argv, &force); next_arg++; if(argc - next_arg != 4) { carmen_warn("\nError: wrong number of parameters.\n"); carmen_die("\nUsage: %s rotate <rotation in degrees> <in map filename> " "<out map filename>\n\n", argv[0]); } degrees_angle = (int)(atof(argv[next_arg]) / 90); remain = fabs(degrees_angle*90 - atof(argv[next_arg])); if (carmen_radians_to_degrees(remain) > 2) carmen_die("Rotations only supported in increments of 90 degrees.\n"); else rotation = (int)atof(argv[next_arg]) / 90; input_filename = check_mapfile(argv[next_arg+1]); output_filename = check_output(argv[next_arg+2], force); carmen_warn("Rotating by %d degrees\n", rotation*90); /* * Read the gridmap, places and offlimits chunks and rotate them */ ret_val = carmen_map_chunk_exists(input_filename, CARMEN_MAP_GRIDMAP_CHUNK); if (ret_val < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't check existence of GRIDMAP_CHUNK in %s", input_filename); if (carmen_map_read_gridmap_chunk(input_filename, &map) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't read GRIDMAP_CHUNK from %s", input_filename); carmen_rotate_gridmap(&map, rotation); ret_val = carmen_map_chunk_exists(input_filename, CARMEN_MAP_OFFLIMITS_CHUNK); if (ret_val > 0) { ret_val = carmen_map_read_offlimits_chunk (input_filename, &(offlimits_list.offlimits), &(offlimits_list.list_length)); if (ret_val < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't read OFFLIMITS_CHUNK in %s", input_filename); carmen_rotate_offlimits(map.config, &offlimits_list, rotation); } else offlimits_list.list_length = 0; ret_val = carmen_map_chunk_exists(input_filename, CARMEN_MAP_PLACES_CHUNK); if (ret_val > 0) { ret_val = carmen_map_read_places_chunk(input_filename, &places_list); if (ret_val < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't read PLACES_CHUNK in %s", input_filename); carmen_rotate_places(map.config, &places_list, rotation); } else places_list.num_places = 0; /* * Pass everything else through untouched, and then write the rotated * chunks at the end. */ in_fp = carmen_fopen(input_filename, "r"); if (in_fp == NULL) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't open %s for reading", input_filename); out_fp = carmen_fopen(output_filename, "w"); if (out_fp == NULL) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't open %s for writing", output_filename); if (carmen_map_vstrip(in_fp, out_fp, 3, CARMEN_MAP_GRIDMAP_CHUNK, CARMEN_MAP_OFFLIMITS_CHUNK, CARMEN_MAP_PLACES_CHUNK) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't strip map to %s", output_filename); if (carmen_map_write_gridmap_chunk(out_fp,, map.config.x_size, map.config.y_size, map.config.resolution) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't write gridmap to %s", output_filename); if (offlimits_list.list_length > 0) { if (carmen_map_write_offlimits_chunk(out_fp, offlimits_list.offlimits, offlimits_list.list_length) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't write offlimits list to %s", output_filename); } if (places_list.num_places > 0) { if (carmen_map_write_places_chunk(out_fp, places_list.places, places_list.num_places) < 0) carmen_die_syserror("Couldn't write places list to %s", output_filename); } carmen_fclose(in_fp); carmen_fclose(out_fp); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct stat buf; double x, y, theta, tv, rv; double left_disp, right_disp, delta_time; int fd; int unused_return_value; if (argc != 2 || carmen_strncasecmp(argv[1], "-h", 2) == 0 || carmen_strncasecmp(argv[1], "--h", 3) == 0) { if (argc > 2) carmen_warn("Too many arguments.\n\n"); else if (argc < 2) carmen_warn("Not enough arguments.\n\n"); carmen_die("Usage: %s <serial dev name>\n", argv[0]); } // Does the device exist? carmen_warn("Device exists test: "); if (stat(argv[1], &buf) == 0) carmen_warn("OK\n"); else { carmen_warn("FAILED\n"); carmen_die_syserror("Device exists test"); } // Can we open the device? carmen_warn("Device open test: "); fd = open(argv[1], O_RDWR | O_SYNC | O_NOCTTY, 0); if (fd >= 0) carmen_warn("OK\n"); else { carmen_warn("FAILED\n"); carmen_die_syserror("Device open test"); } // close(fd); // Can we talk to the orc board properly? carmen_warn("Orc recognized test: "); if (carmen_base_direct_initialize_robot("orc", argv[1]) == 0) carmen_warn("OK\n"); else { carmen_die("FAILED\n"); } // Can we move the wheels? carmen_warn("Orc drive test: %sMAKE SURE THE ROBOT IS ON BLOCKS%s.\n", carmen_red_code, carmen_normal_code); carmen_warn("Hit return to start the orc drive test...."); unused_return_value = scanf("%*c"); if (1) { // Move left wheel carmen_warn("Left wheel forwards test: "); carmen_base_command_velocity(1, 0, 0); sleep(1); carmen_base_command_velocity(0, 0, 0); sleep(1); carmen_base_query_low_level(&left_disp, &right_disp, &delta_time); // carmen_warn("%f %f %f\n", left_disp, right_disp, delta_time); if (0 && fabs(right_disp) > 1e-3) carmen_die("FAILED\nRight encoder moved. The motors need " "to be swapped.\n"); if (left_disp < -1e-3) carmen_die("FAILED\n Left encoder moved backwards. The motor is " "upside-down.\n"); if (fabs(left_disp) < 1e-3) carmen_die("FAILED\nEncoder failed to move. Did the wheel move?\n"); carmen_warn("OK\n"); carmen_warn("Left wheel backwards test: "); carmen_base_command_velocity(-1, 0, 0); sleep(1); carmen_base_command_velocity(0, 0, 0); sleep(1); carmen_base_query_low_level(&left_disp, &right_disp, &delta_time); // carmen_warn("%f %f %f\n", left_disp, right_disp, delta_time); if (0 && fabs(right_disp) > 1e-3) carmen_die("FAILED\nRight encoder moved. Very odd.\n"); if (left_disp > 1e-3) carmen_die("FAILED\n Left encoder moved forwards. Very odd.\n"); if (fabs(left_disp) < 1e-3) carmen_die("FAILED\nEncoder failed to move. Did the wheel move?\n"); carmen_warn("OK\n"); // Move right wheel carmen_warn("Right wheel forwards test: "); carmen_base_command_velocity(1, 0, 2); sleep(1); carmen_base_command_velocity(0, 0, 2); sleep(1); carmen_base_query_low_level(&left_disp, &right_disp, &delta_time); // carmen_warn("%f %f %f\n", left_disp, right_disp, delta_time); if (0 && fabs(left_disp) > 1e-3) carmen_die("FAILED\nLeft encoder moved. This is very odd, since it" "also moved with\nthe other wheel.\n"); if (right_disp < -1e-3) carmen_die("FAILED\nRight encoder moved backwards. The motor is " "upside-down.\n"); if (fabs(right_disp) < 1e-3) carmen_die("FAILED\nEncoder failed to move. Did the wheel move?\n"); carmen_warn("OK\n"); carmen_warn("Right wheel backwards test: "); carmen_base_command_velocity(-1, 0, 2); sleep(1); carmen_base_command_velocity(0, 0, 2); sleep(1); carmen_base_query_low_level(&left_disp, &right_disp, &delta_time); // carmen_warn("%f %f %f\n", left_disp, right_disp, delta_time); if (0 && fabs(left_disp) > 1e-3) carmen_die("FAILED\nLeft encoder moved. Very odd.\n"); if (right_disp > 1e-3) carmen_die("FAILED\nRight encoder moved forwards. Very odd.\n"); if (fabs(right_disp) < 1e-3) carmen_die("FAILED\nEncoder failed to move. Did the wheel move?\n"); } carmen_warn("OK\n"); carmen_base_direct_reset(); carmen_warn("Orc drive test: "); if (carmen_base_direct_set_velocity(1.0, 0.0) == 0) carmen_warn("OK\n"); else carmen_die("FAILED\n"); // Let some encoder data build up carmen_warn("Sleep\n"); sleep(1); carmen_base_direct_set_velocity(0.0, 0.0); // Are we getting encoder data? carmen_warn("Orc encoder test: "); if (carmen_base_direct_get_integrated_state(&x, &y, &theta, &tv, &rv) == 0) carmen_warn("OK\n"); else carmen_die("FAILED\n"); // Is encoder data valid? carmen_warn("Orc encoder data validity test: "); if (fabs(x) > 0 && fabs(y) < 1e-2 && fabs(carmen_radians_to_degrees(theta)) < 10) carmen_warn("OK (%.2f)\n", x); else carmen_die("FAILED (%.2f %.2f %.2f)\n", x, y, carmen_radians_to_degrees(theta)); carmen_base_direct_shutdown_robot(); return 0; }
static void setup_camera(void) { struct video_picture svp; struct pwc_whitebalance pw; struct video_window svw; int tmp = 1; if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCPWCSCQUAL, &tmp) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); if(useagc) { tmp = -1; if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCPWCSAGC, &tmp) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); } else { if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCPWCSAGC, &gain) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); } if(useautoshutter) { tmp = -1; if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCPWCSSHUTTER, &tmp) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); } else { if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCPWCSSHUTTER, &shutterlength) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); } if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCPWCGAWB, &pw) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); if (carmen_strcasecmp(awbmode, "Auto") == 0) { pw.mode = PWC_WB_AUTO; } else if(carmen_strcasecmp(awbmode, "Custom") == 0) { pw.mode = PWC_WB_MANUAL; pw.manual_red = awbred; pw.manual_blue = awbblue; } else if(carmen_strcasecmp(awbmode, "Indoor") == 0) { pw.mode = PWC_WB_INDOOR; } else if(carmen_strcasecmp(awbmode, "Outdoor") == 0) { pw.mode = PWC_WB_OUTDOOR; } else if(carmen_strcasecmp(awbmode, "Fluorescent") == 0) { pw.mode = PWC_WB_FL; } else { carmen_warn("Unknown white balance mode %s!\n", awbmode); pw.mode = PWC_WB_AUTO; } if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCPWCSAWB, &pw) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); // [fix] do something with the led? if(useautosharpen) { tmp = -1; if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCPWCSCONTOUR, &tmp) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); } else { if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCPWCSCONTOUR, &sharpenstrength) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); } if(backlightcompensation) { tmp = 1; if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCPWCSBACKLIGHT, &tmp) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); } else { tmp = 0; if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCPWCSBACKLIGHT, &tmp) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); } if(antiflicker) { tmp = 1; if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCPWCSFLICKER, &tmp) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); } else { tmp = 0; if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCPWCSFLICKER, &tmp) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); } if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCPWCSDYNNOISE, &denoisestrength) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCGPICT, &svp) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); if(brightness != -1) svp.brightness = brightness; if(hue != -1) svp.hue = hue; if(saturation != -1) svp.colour = saturation; if(contrast != -1) svp.contrast = contrast; if(camera_gamma != -1) svp.whiteness = camera_gamma; if(dospecial) svp.palette = VIDEO_PALETTE_YUV420P; if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCSPICT, &svp) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCGWIN, &svw) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); if(dospecial) svw.width = image_width; if(dospecial) svw.height = image_height; svw.flags &= ~PWC_FPS_FRMASK; svw.flags |= (fps << PWC_FPS_SHIFT); if(ioctl(camera_fd, VIDIOCSWIN, &svw) != 0) carmen_die_syserror("Could not set camera parameters"); }