예제 #1
extern "C" void
magma_ctrdtype1cbHLsym_withQ_v2(magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nb,
                                magmaFloatComplex *A, magma_int_t lda,
                                magmaFloatComplex *V, magma_int_t ldv,
                                magmaFloatComplex *TAU,
                                magma_int_t st, magma_int_t ed,
                                magma_int_t sweep, magma_int_t Vblksiz,
                                magmaFloatComplex *work)
    WORK (workspace) float complex array, dimension N

    magma_int_t ione = 1;
    magma_int_t vpos, taupos, len;

    magmaFloatComplex c_one    =  MAGMA_C_ONE;

    magma_bulge_findVTAUpos(n, nb, Vblksiz, sweep-1, st-1, ldv, &vpos, &taupos);
    //printf("voici vpos %d taupos %d  tpos %d  blkid %d \n", vpos, taupos, tpos, blkid);

    len     = ed-st+1;
    *V(vpos)  = c_one;

    cblas_ccopy(len-1, A(st+1, st-1), ione, V(vpos+1), ione);
    //memcpy(V(vpos+1), A(st+1, st-1), (len-1)*sizeof(magmaFloatComplex));
    memset(A(st+1, st-1), 0, (len-1)*sizeof(magmaFloatComplex));

    /* Eliminate the col  at st-1 */
    lapackf77_clarfg( &len, A(st, st-1), V(vpos+1), &ione, TAU(taupos) );

    /* apply left and right on A(st:ed,st:ed)*/
    magma_clarfxsym_v2(len, A(st,st), lda-1, V(vpos), TAU(taupos), work);
예제 #2
VrArrayPtrCF32 BlasComplexSingle::vec_copy(const int ndims, VrArrayPtrCF32 X,  const int incX , const int incY ){
         int N=1;
        for(int i=0;i<ndims;i++){
	VrArrayPtrCF32 Y=vrAllocArrayF32CM(ndims,0,(int*)VR_GET_DIMS_CF32(X));
        cblas_ccopy (N, (float*)VR_GET_DATA_CF32(X),incX, (float*)VR_GET_DATA_CF32(Y),incY);
	return Y;
예제 #3
void phi_copy(const int N, const Complex *X, const int incX,
                 Complex *Y, const int incY){
#ifndef NOBLAS
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < N; ++i){
        Y[i] = X[i];
예제 #4
extern "C" void
magma_ctrdtype2cbHLsym_withQ_v2(magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nb,
                                magmaFloatComplex *A, magma_int_t lda,
                                magmaFloatComplex *V, magma_int_t ldv,
                                magmaFloatComplex *TAU,
                                magma_int_t st, magma_int_t ed,
                                magma_int_t sweep, magma_int_t Vblksiz,
                                magmaFloatComplex *work)
     WORK (workspace) float complex array, dimension NB

    magma_int_t ione = 1;
    magma_int_t vpos, taupos;

    magmaFloatComplex conjtmp;

    magmaFloatComplex c_one = MAGMA_C_ONE;

    magma_int_t ldx = lda-1;
    magma_int_t len = ed - st + 1;
    magma_int_t lem = min(ed+nb, n) - ed;

    if (lem > 0) {
        magma_bulge_findVTAUpos(n, nb, Vblksiz, sweep-1, st-1, ldv, &vpos, &taupos);
        /* apply remaining right coming from the top block */
        lapackf77_clarfx("R", &lem, &len, V(vpos), TAU(taupos), A(ed+1, st), &ldx, work);
    if (lem > 1) {
        magma_bulge_findVTAUpos(n, nb, Vblksiz, sweep-1, ed, ldv, &vpos, &taupos);

        /* remove the first column of the created bulge */
        *V(vpos)  = c_one;
        //memcpy(V(vpos+1), A(ed+2, st), (lem-1)*sizeof(magmaFloatComplex));
        cblas_ccopy(lem-1, A(ed+2, st), ione, V(vpos+1), ione);
        memset(A(ed+2, st),0,(lem-1)*sizeof(magmaFloatComplex));

        /* Eliminate the col at st */
        lapackf77_clarfg( &lem, A(ed+1, st), V(vpos+1), &ione, TAU(taupos) );

        /* apply left on A(J1:J2,st+1:ed) */
        len = len-1; /* because we start at col st+1 instead of st. col st is the col that has been removed; */
        conjtmp = MAGMA_C_CNJG(*TAU(taupos));
        lapackf77_clarfx("L", &lem, &len, V(vpos),  &conjtmp, A(ed+1, st+1), &ldx, work);
예제 #5
extern "C" magma_int_t
magma_cheevdx_2stage_m(magma_int_t nrgpu, char jobz, char range, char uplo,
                       magma_int_t n,
                       magmaFloatComplex *a, magma_int_t lda,
                       float vl, float vu, magma_int_t il, magma_int_t iu,
                       magma_int_t *m, float *w,
                       magmaFloatComplex *work, magma_int_t lwork,
                       float *rwork, magma_int_t lrwork,
                       magma_int_t *iwork, magma_int_t liwork,
                       magma_int_t *info)
/*  -- MAGMA (version 1.4.0) --
       Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
       Univ. of California, Berkeley
       Univ. of Colorado, Denver
       August 2013

    CHEEVD_2STAGE computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a
    complex Hermitian matrix A. It uses a two-stage algorithm for the tridiagonalization.
    If eigenvectors are desired, it uses a divide and conquer algorithm.

    The divide and conquer algorithm makes very mild assumptions about
    floating point arithmetic. It will work on machines with a guard
    digit in add/subtract, or on those binary machines without guard
    digits which subtract like the Cray X-MP, Cray Y-MP, Cray C-90, or
    Cray-2. It could conceivably fail on hexadecimal or decimal machines
    without guard digits, but we know of none.

    JOBZ    (input) CHARACTER*1
            = 'N':  Compute eigenvalues only;
            = 'V':  Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

    RANGE   (input) CHARACTER*1
            = 'A': all eigenvalues will be found.
            = 'V': all eigenvalues in the half-open interval (VL,VU]
                   will be found.
            = 'I': the IL-th through IU-th eigenvalues will be found.

    UPLO    (input) CHARACTER*1
            = 'U':  Upper triangle of A is stored;
            = 'L':  Lower triangle of A is stored.

    N       (input) INTEGER
            The order of the matrix A.  N >= 0.

    A       (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDA, N)
            On entry, the Hermitian matrix A.  If UPLO = 'U', the
            leading N-by-N upper triangular part of A contains the
            upper triangular part of the matrix A.  If UPLO = 'L',
            the leading N-by-N lower triangular part of A contains
            the lower triangular part of the matrix A.
            On exit, if JOBZ = 'V', then if INFO = 0, the first m columns
            of A contains the required
            orthonormal eigenvectors of the matrix A.
            If JOBZ = 'N', then on exit the lower triangle (if UPLO='L')
            or the upper triangle (if UPLO='U') of A, including the
            diagonal, is destroyed.

    LDA     (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,N).

    VL      (input) DOUBLE PRECISION
    VU      (input) DOUBLE PRECISION
            If RANGE='V', the lower and upper bounds of the interval to
            be searched for eigenvalues. VL < VU.
            Not referenced if RANGE = 'A' or 'I'.

    IL      (input) INTEGER
    IU      (input) INTEGER
            If RANGE='I', the indices (in ascending order) of the
            smallest and largest eigenvalues to be returned.
            1 <= IL <= IU <= N, if N > 0; IL = 1 and IU = 0 if N = 0.
            Not referenced if RANGE = 'A' or 'V'.

    M       (output) INTEGER
            The total number of eigenvalues found.  0 <= M <= N.
            If RANGE = 'A', M = N, and if RANGE = 'I', M = IU-IL+1.

    W       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)
            If INFO = 0, the required m eigenvalues in ascending order.

    WORK    (workspace/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (MAX(1,LWORK))
            On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK.

    LWORK   (input) INTEGER
            The length of the array WORK.
            If N <= 1,                LWORK >= 1.
            If JOBZ  = 'N' and N > 1, LWORK >= LQ2 + N * (NB + 1).
            If JOBZ  = 'V' and N > 1, LWORK >= LQ2 + 2*N + N**2.
                                      where LQ2 is the size needed to store
                                      the Q2 matrix and is returned by

            If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
            only calculates the optimal sizes of the WORK, RWORK and
            IWORK arrays, returns these values as the first entries of
            the WORK, RWORK and IWORK arrays, and no error message
            related to LWORK or LRWORK or LIWORK is issued by XERBLA.

    RWORK   (workspace/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array,
                                           dimension (LRWORK)
            On exit, if INFO = 0, RWORK(1) returns the optimal LRWORK.

    LRWORK  (input) INTEGER
            The dimension of the array RWORK.
            If N <= 1,                LRWORK >= 1.
            If JOBZ  = 'N' and N > 1, LRWORK >= N.
            If JOBZ  = 'V' and N > 1, LRWORK >= 1 + 5*N + 2*N**2.

            If LRWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the
            routine only calculates the optimal sizes of the WORK, RWORK
            and IWORK arrays, returns these values as the first entries
            of the WORK, RWORK and IWORK arrays, and no error message
            related to LWORK or LRWORK or LIWORK is issued by XERBLA.

    IWORK   (workspace/output) INTEGER array, dimension (MAX(1,LIWORK))
            On exit, if INFO = 0, IWORK(1) returns the optimal LIWORK.

    LIWORK  (input) INTEGER
            The dimension of the array IWORK.
            If N <= 1,                LIWORK >= 1.
            If JOBZ  = 'N' and N > 1, LIWORK >= 1.
            If JOBZ  = 'V' and N > 1, LIWORK >= 3 + 5*N.

            If LIWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the
            routine only calculates the optimal sizes of the WORK, RWORK
            and IWORK arrays, returns these values as the first entries
            of the WORK, RWORK and IWORK arrays, and no error message
            related to LWORK or LRWORK or LIWORK is issued by XERBLA.

    INFO    (output) INTEGER
            = 0:  successful exit
            < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
            > 0:  if INFO = i and JOBZ = 'N', then the algorithm failed
                  to converge; i off-diagonal elements of an intermediate
                  tridiagonal form did not converge to zero;
                  if INFO = i and JOBZ = 'V', then the algorithm failed
                  to compute an eigenvalue while working on the submatrix
                  lying in rows and columns INFO/(N+1) through

    Further Details
    Based on contributions by
       Jeff Rutter, Computer Science Division, University of California
       at Berkeley, USA

    Modified description of INFO. Sven, 16 Feb 05.
    =====================================================================   */

    char uplo_[2] = {uplo, 0};
    char jobz_[2] = {jobz, 0};
    char range_[2] = {range, 0};
    magmaFloatComplex c_one  = MAGMA_C_ONE;
    magma_int_t ione = 1;
    magma_int_t izero = 0;
    float d_one = 1.;

    float d__1;

    float eps;
    float anrm;
    magma_int_t imax;
    float rmin, rmax;
    float sigma;
    //magma_int_t iinfo;
    magma_int_t lwmin, lrwmin, liwmin;
    magma_int_t lower;
    magma_int_t wantz;
    magma_int_t iscale;
    float safmin;
    float bignum;
    float smlnum;
    magma_int_t lquery;
    magma_int_t alleig, valeig, indeig;

    /* determine the number of threads */
    magma_int_t threads = magma_get_numthreads();

    wantz = lapackf77_lsame(jobz_, MagmaVecStr);
    lower = lapackf77_lsame(uplo_, MagmaLowerStr);

    alleig = lapackf77_lsame( range_, "A" );
    valeig = lapackf77_lsame( range_, "V" );
    indeig = lapackf77_lsame( range_, "I" );

    lquery = lwork == -1 || lrwork == -1 || liwork == -1;

    *info = 0;
    if (! (wantz || lapackf77_lsame(jobz_, MagmaNoVecStr))) {
        *info = -1;
    } else if (! (alleig || valeig || indeig)) {
        *info = -2;
    } else if (! (lower || lapackf77_lsame(uplo_, MagmaUpperStr))) {
        *info = -3;
    } else if (n < 0) {
        *info = -4;
    } else if (lda < max(1,n)) {
        *info = -6;
    } else {
        if (valeig) {
            if (n > 0 && vu <= vl) {
                *info = -8;
        } else if (indeig) {
            if (il < 1 || il > max(1,n)) {
                *info = -9;
            } else if (iu < min(n,il) || iu > n) {
                *info = -10;

    magma_int_t nb = magma_get_cbulge_nb(n, threads);
    magma_int_t Vblksiz = magma_cbulge_get_Vblksiz(n, nb, threads);

    magma_int_t ldt = Vblksiz;
    magma_int_t ldv = nb + Vblksiz;
    magma_int_t blkcnt = magma_bulge_get_blkcnt(n, nb, Vblksiz);
    magma_int_t lq2 = magma_cbulge_get_lq2(n, threads);

    if (wantz) {
        lwmin = lq2 + 2 * n + n * n;
        lrwmin = 1 + 5 * n + 2 * n * n;
        liwmin = 5 * n + 3;
    } else {
        lwmin = lq2 + n * (nb + 1);
        lrwmin = n;
        liwmin = 1;

    work[0]  = MAGMA_C_MAKE( lwmin * (1. + lapackf77_slamch("Epsilon")), 0.);  // round up
    rwork[0] = lrwmin * (1. + lapackf77_slamch("Epsilon"));
    iwork[0] = liwmin;

    if ((lwork < lwmin) && !lquery) {
        *info = -14;
    } else if ((lrwork < lrwmin) && ! lquery) {
        *info = -16;
    } else if ((liwork < liwmin) && ! lquery) {
        *info = -18;

    if (*info != 0) {
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(*info) );
        return *info;
    else if (lquery) {
        return *info;

    /* Quick return if possible */
    if (n == 0) {
        return *info;

    if (n == 1) {
        w[0] = MAGMA_C_REAL(a[0]);
        if (wantz) {
            a[0] = MAGMA_C_ONE;
        return *info;

    printf("using %d threads\n", threads);

    /* Check if matrix is very small then just call LAPACK on CPU, no need for GPU */
    magma_int_t ntiles = n/nb;
    if( ( ntiles < 2 ) || ( n <= 128 ) ){
        #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG
        printf("  warning matrix too small N=%d NB=%d, calling lapack on CPU  \n", (int) n, (int) nb);
        lapackf77_cheevd(jobz_, uplo_, &n, 
                        a, &lda, w, 
                        work, &lwork, 
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
                        rwork, &lrwork, 
                        iwork, &liwork, 
        *m = n; 
        return *info;
    /* Get machine constants. */
    safmin = lapackf77_slamch("Safe minimum");
    eps = lapackf77_slamch("Precision");
    smlnum = safmin / eps;
    bignum = 1. / smlnum;
    rmin = magma_ssqrt(smlnum);
    rmax = magma_ssqrt(bignum);

    /* Scale matrix to allowable range, if necessary. */
    anrm = lapackf77_clanhe("M", uplo_, &n, a, &lda, rwork);
    iscale = 0;
    if (anrm > 0. && anrm < rmin) {
        iscale = 1;
        sigma = rmin / anrm;
    } else if (anrm > rmax) {
        iscale = 1;
        sigma = rmax / anrm;
    if (iscale == 1) {
        lapackf77_clascl(uplo_, &izero, &izero, &d_one, &sigma, &n, &n, a,
                         &lda, info);

    magma_int_t indT2   = 0;
    magma_int_t indTAU2 = indT2  + blkcnt*ldt*Vblksiz;
    magma_int_t indV2   = indTAU2+ blkcnt*Vblksiz;
    magma_int_t indtau1 = indV2  + blkcnt*ldv*Vblksiz;
    magma_int_t indwrk  = indtau1+ n;
    magma_int_t indwk2  = indwrk + n * n;
    magma_int_t llwork = lwork - indwrk;
    magma_int_t llwrk2 = lwork - indwk2;
    magma_int_t inde = 0;
    magma_int_t indrwk = inde + n;
    magma_int_t llrwk = lrwork - indrwk;

    magma_timestr_t start, st1, st2, end;
    start = get_current_time();

    magmaFloatComplex *dT1;

    if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_cmalloc( &dT1, n*nb)) {
        *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC;
        return *info;
    #ifdef ENABLE_TIMER
    tband1 = get_current_time();
    magma_chetrd_he2hb(uplo, n, nb, a, lda, &work[indtau1], &work[indwrk], llwork, dT1, threads, info);
    #ifdef ENABLE_TIMER
    tband2 = get_current_time();
    printf("    1 GPU seq code time chetrd_he2hb only = %7.4f\n" , GetTimerValue(tband1,tband2)/1000.);
    magma_int_t nstream = max(3,nrgpu+2);
    magma_queue_t streams[MagmaMaxGPUs][20];
    magmaFloatComplex *da[MagmaMaxGPUs],*dT1[MagmaMaxGPUs];
    magma_int_t ldda = ((n+31)/32)*32;

    magma_int_t ver = 0;
    magma_int_t distblk = max(256, 4*nb);

    #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG
    printf("voici ngpu %d distblk %d NB %d nstream %d version %d \n ",nrgpu,distblk,nb,nstream,ver);

    #ifdef ENABLE_TIMER
    magma_timestr_t tband1, tband2, t1, t2, ta1, ta2;
    t1 = get_current_time();
    for( magma_int_t dev = 0; dev < nrgpu; ++dev ) {
        magma_int_t mlocal = ((n / distblk) / nrgpu + 1) * distblk;
        magma_setdevice( dev );
        magma_cmalloc(&da[dev], ldda*mlocal );
        magma_cmalloc(&dT1[dev], (n*nb) );
        for( int i = 0; i < nstream; ++i ) {
            magma_queue_create( &streams[dev][i] );

    #ifdef ENABLE_TIMER
    t2 = get_current_time();
    magma_csetmatrix_1D_col_bcyclic( n, n, a, lda, da, ldda, nrgpu, distblk);

    #ifdef ENABLE_TIMER
    tband1 = get_current_time();
        magma_chetrd_he2hb_mgpu_spec(uplo, n, nb, a, lda, &work[indtau1], &work[indwrk], llwork, da, ldda, dT1, nb, nrgpu, distblk, streams, nstream, threads, info);
        magma_chetrd_he2hb_mgpu(uplo, n, nb, a, lda, &work[indtau1], &work[indwrk], llwork, da, ldda, dT1, nb, nrgpu, distblk, streams, nstream, threads, info);

    #ifdef ENABLE_TIMER
    tband2 = get_current_time();
    printf("    time alloc %7.4f, ditribution %7.4f, chetrd_he2hb only = %7.4f\n" , GetTimerValue(t1,t2)/1000., GetTimerValue(t2,tband1)/1000., GetTimerValue(tband1,tband2)/1000.);

    for( magma_int_t dev = 0; dev < nrgpu; ++dev ) {
        magma_setdevice( dev );
        magma_free( da[dev] );
        magma_free( dT1[dev] );
        for( int i = 0; i < nstream; ++i ) {
            magma_queue_destroy( streams[dev][i] );

    st1 = get_current_time();
    printf("    time chetrd_he2hb_mgpu = %6.2f\n" , GetTimerValue(start,st1)/1000.);

    /* copy the input matrix into WORK(INDWRK) with band storage */
    /* PAY ATTENTION THAT work[indwrk] should be able to be of size lda2*n which it should be checked in any future modification of lwork.*/
    magma_int_t lda2 = 2*nb; //nb+1+(nb-1);
    magmaFloatComplex* A2 = &work[indwrk];
    memset(A2 , 0, n*lda2*sizeof(magmaFloatComplex));

    for (magma_int_t j = 0; j < n-nb; j++)
        cblas_ccopy(nb+1, &a[j*(lda+1)], 1, &A2[j*lda2], 1);
        memset(&a[j*(lda+1)], 0, (nb+1)*sizeof(magmaFloatComplex));
        a[nb + j*(lda+1)] = c_one;
    for (magma_int_t j = 0; j < nb; j++)
        cblas_ccopy(nb-j, &a[(j+n-nb)*(lda+1)], 1, &A2[(j+n-nb)*lda2], 1);
        memset(&a[(j+n-nb)*(lda+1)], 0, (nb-j)*sizeof(magmaFloatComplex));

    st2 = get_current_time();
    printf("    time chetrd_convert = %6.2f\n" , GetTimerValue(st1,st2)/1000.);

    magma_chetrd_hb2st(threads, uplo, n, nb, Vblksiz, A2, lda2, w, &rwork[inde], &work[indV2], ldv, &work[indTAU2], wantz, &work[indT2], ldt);

    end = get_current_time();
    printf("    time chetrd_hb2st = %6.2f\n" , GetTimerValue(st2,end)/1000.);
    printf("  time chetrd = %6.2f\n", GetTimerValue(start,end)/1000.);

    /* For eigenvalues only, call SSTERF.  For eigenvectors, first call
     CSTEDC to generate the eigenvector matrix, WORK(INDWRK), of the
     tridiagonal matrix, then call CUNMTR to multiply it to the Householder
     transformations represented as Householder vectors in A. */
    if (! wantz) {
        start = get_current_time();

        lapackf77_ssterf(&n, w, &rwork[inde], info);
        magma_smove_eig(range, n, w, &il, &iu, vl, vu, m);

        end = get_current_time();
        printf("  time dstedc = %6.2f\n", GetTimerValue(start,end)/1000.);

    } else {

        start = get_current_time();

        magma_cstedx_m(nrgpu, range, n, vl, vu, il, iu, w, &rwork[inde],
                       &work[indwrk], n, &rwork[indrwk],
                       llrwk, iwork, liwork, info);

        end = get_current_time();
        printf("  time cstedx_m = %6.2f\n", GetTimerValue(start,end)/1000.);
        start = get_current_time();

        magma_smove_eig(range, n, w, &il, &iu, vl, vu, m);
        magmaFloatComplex *dZ;
        magma_int_t lddz = n;

        if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_cmalloc( &dZ, *m*lddz)) {
            *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC;
            return *info;

        magma_cbulge_back(threads, uplo, n, nb, *m, Vblksiz, &work[indwrk + n * (il-1)], n, dZ, lddz,
                          &work[indV2], ldv, &work[indTAU2], &work[indT2], ldt, info);

        magma_cgetmatrix( n, *m, dZ, lddz, &work[indwrk], n);



        magma_cbulge_back_m(nrgpu, threads, uplo, n, nb, *m, Vblksiz, &work[indwrk + n * (il-1)], n,
                            &work[indV2], ldv, &work[indTAU2], &work[indT2], ldt, info);

        st1 = get_current_time();
        printf("    time cbulge_back_m = %6.2f\n" , GetTimerValue(start,st1)/1000.);

        magma_cunmqr_m(nrgpu, MagmaLeft, MagmaNoTrans, n-nb, *m, n-nb, a+nb, lda, &work[indtau1],
                       &work[indwrk + n * (il-1) + nb], n, &work[indwk2], llwrk2, info);

        lapackf77_clacpy("A", &n, m, &work[indwrk  + n * (il-1)], &n, a, &lda);

        end = get_current_time();
        printf("    time cunmqr_m + copy = %6.2f\n", GetTimerValue(st1,end)/1000.);
        printf("  time eigenvectors backtransf. = %6.2f\n" , GetTimerValue(start,end)/1000.);


    /* If matrix was scaled, then rescale eigenvalues appropriately. */
    if (iscale == 1) {
        if (*info == 0) {
            imax = n;
        } else {
            imax = *info - 1;
        d__1 = 1. / sigma;
        blasf77_sscal(&imax, &d__1, w, &ione);

    work[0]  = MAGMA_C_MAKE((float) lwmin, 0.);
    rwork[0] = (float) lrwmin;
    iwork[0] = liwmin;

    return *info;
} /* magma_cheevdx_2stage_m */
예제 #6
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    magma_timestr_t  start, end;
    float      flops, magma_perf, cuda_perf, error, work[1];
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    magmaFloatComplex c_neg_one = MAGMA_C_NEG_ONE;
    magma_int_t n_local[4];

    FILE        *fp ; 
    magma_int_t N, m, i, j, lda, LDA, M;
    magma_int_t matsize;
    magma_int_t vecsize;
    magma_int_t istart = 64;
    magma_int_t incx = 1;
    char        uplo = MagmaLower;

    magmaFloatComplex alpha = MAGMA_C_MAKE(1., 0.); // MAGMA_C_MAKE(  1.5, -2.3 );
    magmaFloatComplex beta  = MAGMA_C_MAKE(0., 0.); // MAGMA_C_MAKE( -0.6,  0.8 );
    magmaFloatComplex *A, *X, *Y[4], *Ycublas, *Ymagma;
    magmaFloatComplex *dA, *dX[4], *dY[4], *d_lA[4], *dYcublas ;

    magma_queue_t stream[4][10];
    magmaFloatComplex *C_work;
    magmaFloatComplex *dC_work[4];

    int max_num_gpus;
    magma_int_t num_gpus = 1, nb;
    magma_int_t blocks, lwork;
    magma_int_t offset = 0;

    M = 0;
    N = 0;
    if (argc != 1){
        for(i = 1; i<argc; i++){
            if (strcmp("-N", argv[i])==0)
                N = atoi(argv[++i]);
                istart = N;
            else if (strcmp("-M", argv[i])==0)
                M = atoi(argv[++i]);
            else if (strcmp("-NGPU", argv[i])==0)
              num_gpus = atoi(argv[++i]);
            else if (strcmp("-offset", argv[i])==0)
              offset = atoi(argv[++i]);
        if ( M == 0 ) {
            M = N;
        if ( N == 0 ) {
            N = M;
        if (M>0 && N>0)
        {    printf("  testing_chemv_mgpu -M %d -N %d -NGPU %d\n\n", (int) M, (int) N, (int) num_gpus);
            printf("  in %c side \n", uplo);
                printf("\nUsage: \n");
                printf("  testing_chemv_mgpu -M %d -N %d -NGPU %d\n\n", 
                       1024, 1024, 1);
    else {
#if defined(PRECISION_z)
        M = N = 8000;
        M = N = 12480;
        num_gpus = 2;
        offset = 0;
        printf("\nUsage: \n");
        printf("  testing_chemv_mgpu -M %d -N %d -NGPU %d\n\n", (int) M, (int) N, (int) num_gpus);

    if (num_gpus > max_num_gpus){
      printf("More GPUs requested than available. Have to change it.\n");
      num_gpus = max_num_gpus;
    printf("Number of GPUs to be used = %d\n", (int) num_gpus);
    for(int i=0; i< num_gpus; i++)

    LDA = ((N+31)/32)*32;
    matsize = N*LDA;
    vecsize = N*incx;
    nb = 32;
    //nb = 64;

    printf("block size = %d\n", (int) nb);
    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( A,       magmaFloatComplex, matsize );
    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( X,       magmaFloatComplex, vecsize );
    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( Ycublas, magmaFloatComplex, vecsize );
    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( Ymagma,  magmaFloatComplex, vecsize );
    for(i=0; i<num_gpus; i++)
        TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( Y[i], magmaFloatComplex, vecsize );

    TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dA,       magmaFloatComplex, matsize );
    TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dYcublas, magmaFloatComplex, vecsize );

    for(i=0; i<num_gpus; i++)
        n_local[i] = ((N/nb)/num_gpus)*nb;
        if (i < (N/nb)%num_gpus)
            n_local[i] += nb;
        else if (i == (N/nb)%num_gpus)
            n_local[i] += N%nb;
        TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_lA[i], magmaFloatComplex, LDA*n_local[i] );// potentially bugged 
        TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dX[i],   magmaFloatComplex, vecsize );
        TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dY[i],   magmaFloatComplex, vecsize );
        printf("device %2d n_local = %4d\n", (int) i, (int) n_local[i]); 



    /* Initialize the matrix */
    lapackf77_clarnv( &ione, ISEED, &matsize, A );
    magma_cmake_hermitian( N, A, LDA );

    blocks = N / nb + (N % nb != 0);
    lwork = LDA * (blocks + 1);
    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( C_work, magmaFloatComplex, lwork );
    for(i=0; i<num_gpus; i++){
           TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dC_work[i], magmaFloatComplex, lwork );
           //fillZero(dC_work[i], lwork);

    fp = fopen ("results_chemv_mgpu.csv", "w") ;
    if( fp == NULL ){ printf("Couldn't open output file\n"); exit(1);}

    printf("CHEMV magmaFloatComplex precision\n\n");

    printf( "   n   CUBLAS,Gflop/s   MAGMABLAS,Gflop/s      \"error\"\n" 
    fprintf(fp, "   n   CUBLAS,Gflop/s   MAGMABLAS,Gflop/s      \"error\"\n" 

//    for( offset = 0; offset< N; offset ++ )
    for(int size = istart ; size <= N ; size += 128)
    //    printf("offset = %d ", offset);
        m = size ;
    //    m = N;
        // lda = ((m+31)/32)*32;// 
        lda = LDA; 
        flops = FLOPS( (float)m ) / 1e6;

        printf(      "N %5d ", (int) m );
        fprintf( fp, "%5d, ", (int) m );

        vecsize = m * incx;
        lapackf77_clarnv( &ione, ISEED, &vecsize, X );
        lapackf77_clarnv( &ione, ISEED, &vecsize, Y[0] );

        /* =====================================================================
           Performs operation using CUDA-BLAS
           =================================================================== */
        magma_csetmatrix_1D_col_bcyclic(m, m, A, LDA, d_lA, lda, num_gpus, nb); 

    magma_csetmatrix( m, m, A, LDA, dA, lda );
        magma_csetvector( m, Y[0], incx, dYcublas, incx );
        for(i=0; i<num_gpus; i++){
            magma_csetvector( m, X, incx, dX[i], incx );
            magma_csetvector( m, Y[0], incx, dY[i], incx );

            blocks    = m / nb + (m % nb != 0);
            magma_csetmatrix( lda, blocks, C_work, LDA, dC_work[i], lda );

        start = get_current_time();
        cublasChemv( uplo, m-offset, alpha, dA + offset + offset * lda, lda, dX[0] + offset, incx, beta, dYcublas + offset, incx );
        end = get_current_time();

        magma_cgetvector( m, dYcublas, incx, Ycublas, incx );
        cuda_perf = flops / GetTimerValue(start,end);
        printf(     "%11.2f", cuda_perf );
        fprintf(fp, "%11.2f,", cuda_perf );

        start = get_current_time();

        if(nb == 32)

        magmablas_chemv2_mgpu_32_offset( uplo, m, alpha, d_lA, lda, dX, incx, beta, dY, incx, 
                dC_work, lwork, num_gpus, nb, offset);
        else // nb = 64

        magmablas_chemv2_mgpu_offset( uplo, m, alpha, d_lA, lda, dX, incx, beta, dY, incx, 
                dC_work, lwork, num_gpus, nb, offset);
        for(i=1; i<num_gpus; i++)
        end = get_current_time();
        magma_perf = flops / GetTimerValue(start,end); 
        printf(     "%11.2f", magma_perf );
        fprintf(fp, "%11.2f,", magma_perf );

        for(i=0; i<num_gpus; i++)
            magma_cgetvector( m, dY[i], incx, Y[i], incx );

#ifdef validate        

        for( j= offset;j<m;j++)
            for(i=1; i<num_gpus; i++)

//            printf("Y[%d][%d] = %15.14f\n", i, j, Y[i][j].x);
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
            Y[0][j].x = Y[0][j].x + Y[i][j].x;
                        Y[0][j].y = Y[0][j].y + Y[i][j].y;
            Y[0][j] = Y[0][j] + Y[i][j];



#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
        for( j=offset;j<m;j++)
            if(Y[0][j].x != Ycublas[j].x)
                     printf("Y-multi[%d] = %f, %f\n",  j, Y[0][j].x, Y[0][j].y );
                     printf("Ycublas[%d] = %f, %f\n",  j, Ycublas[j].x, Ycublas[j].y);


        for( j=offset;j<m;j++)
            if(Y[0][j] != Ycublas[j])
                     printf("Y-multi[%d] = %f\n",  j, Y[0][j] );
                     printf("Ycublas[%d] = %f\n",  j, Ycublas[j]);


        /* =====================================================================
           Computing the Difference Cublas VS Magma
           =================================================================== */
        magma_int_t nw = m - offset ;
        blasf77_caxpy( &nw, &c_neg_one, Y[0] + offset, &incx, Ycublas + offset, &incx);
        error = lapackf77_clange( "M", &nw, &ione, Ycublas + offset, &nw, work );
#if  0
        printf(      "\t\t %8.6e", error / m );
        fprintf( fp, "\t\t %8.6e", error / m );

         * Extra check with cblas vs magma
        cblas_ccopy( m, Y, incx, Ycublas, incx );
        cblas_chemv( CblasColMajor, CblasLower, m, 
                     CBLAS_SADDR(alpha), A, LDA, X, incx, 
                     CBLAS_SADDR(beta), Ycublas, incx );
        blasf77_caxpy( &m, &c_neg_one, Ymagma, &incx, Ycublas, &incx);
        error = lapackf77_clange( "M", &m, &ione, Ycublas, &m, work );

        printf(      "\t\t %8.6e", error / m );
        fprintf( fp, "\t\t %8.6e", error / m );
        fprintf(fp, "\n");        
    fclose( fp ) ; 

    /* Free Memory */
    TESTING_FREE_CPU( Ycublas );
    TESTING_FREE_CPU( Ymagma  );
    TESTING_FREE_CPU( C_work  );

    TESTING_FREE_DEV( dYcublas );
    for(i=0; i<num_gpus; i++)
        TESTING_FREE_CPU( Y[i] );

        TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_lA[i]    );
        TESTING_FREE_DEV( dX[i]      );
        TESTING_FREE_DEV( dY[i]      );
        TESTING_FREE_DEV( dC_work[i] );


    /* Free device */
    return 0;
예제 #7
int CORE_ctsqrt(int M, int N, int IB,
                PLASMA_Complex32_t *A1, int LDA1,
                PLASMA_Complex32_t *A2, int LDA2,
                PLASMA_Complex32_t *T, int LDT,
                PLASMA_Complex32_t *TAU, PLASMA_Complex32_t *WORK)
    static PLASMA_Complex32_t zone  = 1.0;
    static PLASMA_Complex32_t zzero = 0.0;

    PLASMA_Complex32_t alpha;
    int i, ii, sb;

    /* Check input arguments */
    if (M < 0) {
        coreblas_error(1, "Illegal value of M");
        return -1;
    if (N < 0) {
        coreblas_error(2, "Illegal value of N");
        return -2;
    if (IB < 0) {
        coreblas_error(3, "Illegal value of IB");
        return -3;
    if ((LDA2 < max(1,M)) && (M > 0)) {
        coreblas_error(8, "Illegal value of LDA2");
        return -8;

    /* Quick return */
    if ((M == 0) || (N == 0) || (IB == 0))
        return PLASMA_SUCCESS;

    for(ii = 0; ii < N; ii += IB) {
        sb = min(N-ii, IB);
        for(i = 0; i < sb; i++) {
             * Generate elementary reflector H( II*IB+I ) to annihilate
             * A( II*IB+I:M, II*IB+I )
            LAPACKE_clarfg_work(M+1, &A1[LDA1*(ii+i)+ii+i], &A2[LDA2*(ii+i)], 1, &TAU[ii+i]);

            if (ii+i+1 < N) {
                 * Apply H( II*IB+I ) to A( II*IB+I:M, II*IB+I+1:II*IB+IB ) from the left
                alpha = -conjf(TAU[ii+i]);
                    &A1[LDA1*(ii+i+1)+(ii+i)], LDA1,
                    WORK, 1);
#ifdef COMPLEX
                LAPACKE_clacgv_work(sb-i-1, WORK, 1);
                    CblasColMajor, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)PlasmaConjTrans,
                    M, sb-i-1,
                    CBLAS_SADDR(zone), &A2[LDA2*(ii+i+1)], LDA2,
                    &A2[LDA2*(ii+i)], 1,
                    CBLAS_SADDR(zone), WORK, 1);
#ifdef COMPLEX
                LAPACKE_clacgv_work(sb-i-1, WORK, 1 );
                    sb-i-1, CBLAS_SADDR(alpha),
                    WORK, 1,
                    &A1[LDA1*(ii+i+1)+ii+i], LDA1);
#ifdef COMPLEX
                LAPACKE_clacgv_work(sb-i-1, WORK, 1 );
                    CblasColMajor, M, sb-i-1, CBLAS_SADDR(alpha),
                    &A2[LDA2*(ii+i)], 1,
                    WORK, 1,
                    &A2[LDA2*(ii+i+1)], LDA2);
             * Calculate T
            alpha = -TAU[ii+i];
                CblasColMajor, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)PlasmaConjTrans, M, i,
                CBLAS_SADDR(alpha), &A2[LDA2*ii], LDA2,
                &A2[LDA2*(ii+i)], 1,
                CBLAS_SADDR(zzero), &T[LDT*(ii+i)], 1);

                CblasColMajor, (CBLAS_UPLO)PlasmaUpper,
                (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)PlasmaNoTrans, (CBLAS_DIAG)PlasmaNonUnit, i,
                &T[LDT*ii], LDT,
                &T[LDT*(ii+i)], 1);

            T[LDT*(ii+i)+i] = TAU[ii+i];
        if (N > ii+sb) {
                PlasmaLeft, PlasmaConjTrans,
                sb, N-(ii+sb), M, N-(ii+sb), IB, IB,
                &A1[LDA1*(ii+sb)+ii], LDA1,
                &A2[LDA2*(ii+sb)], LDA2,
                &A2[LDA2*ii], LDA2,
                &T[LDT*ii], LDT,
                WORK, sb);
    return PLASMA_SUCCESS;
예제 #8
test_copy (void) {
const double flteps = 1e-4, dbleps = 1e-6;
   int N = 1;
   float X[] = { 0.898f };
   int incX = 1;
   float Y[] = { 0.699f };
   int incY = -1;
   float expected[] = { 0.898f };
   cblas_scopy(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
       gsl_test_rel(Y[i], expected[i], flteps, "scopy(case 76)");

   int N = 1;
   double X[] = { 0.002 };
   int incX = 1;
   double Y[] = { -0.921 };
   int incY = -1;
   double expected[] = { 0.002 };
   cblas_dcopy(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
       gsl_test_rel(Y[i], expected[i], dbleps, "dcopy(case 77)");

   int N = 1;
   float X[] = { -0.166f, 0.639f };
   int incX = 1;
   float Y[] = { 0.863f, 0.613f };
   int incY = -1;
   float expected[] = { -0.166f, 0.639f };
   cblas_ccopy(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
       gsl_test_rel(Y[2*i], expected[2*i], flteps, "ccopy(case 78) real");
       gsl_test_rel(Y[2*i+1], expected[2*i+1], flteps, "ccopy(case 78) imag");

   int N = 1;
   double X[] = { 0.315, -0.324 };
   int incX = 1;
   double Y[] = { -0.312, -0.748 };
   int incY = -1;
   double expected[] = { 0.315, -0.324 };
   cblas_zcopy(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
       gsl_test_rel(Y[2*i], expected[2*i], dbleps, "zcopy(case 79) real");
       gsl_test_rel(Y[2*i+1], expected[2*i+1], dbleps, "zcopy(case 79) imag");

   int N = 1;
   float X[] = { 0.222f };
   int incX = -1;
   float Y[] = { 0.522f };
   int incY = 1;
   float expected[] = { 0.222f };
   cblas_scopy(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
       gsl_test_rel(Y[i], expected[i], flteps, "scopy(case 80)");

   int N = 1;
   double X[] = { 0.021 };
   int incX = -1;
   double Y[] = { 0.898 };
   int incY = 1;
   double expected[] = { 0.021 };
   cblas_dcopy(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
       gsl_test_rel(Y[i], expected[i], dbleps, "dcopy(case 81)");

   int N = 1;
   float X[] = { 0.376f, 0.229f };
   int incX = -1;
   float Y[] = { 0.143f, -0.955f };
   int incY = 1;
   float expected[] = { 0.376f, 0.229f };
   cblas_ccopy(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
       gsl_test_rel(Y[2*i], expected[2*i], flteps, "ccopy(case 82) real");
       gsl_test_rel(Y[2*i+1], expected[2*i+1], flteps, "ccopy(case 82) imag");

   int N = 1;
   double X[] = { -0.265, -0.84 };
   int incX = -1;
   double Y[] = { -0.156, 0.939 };
   int incY = 1;
   double expected[] = { -0.265, -0.84 };
   cblas_zcopy(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
       gsl_test_rel(Y[2*i], expected[2*i], dbleps, "zcopy(case 83) real");
       gsl_test_rel(Y[2*i+1], expected[2*i+1], dbleps, "zcopy(case 83) imag");

   int N = 1;
   float X[] = { 0.074f };
   int incX = -1;
   float Y[] = { -0.802f };
   int incY = -1;
   float expected[] = { 0.074f };
   cblas_scopy(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
       gsl_test_rel(Y[i], expected[i], flteps, "scopy(case 84)");

   int N = 1;
   double X[] = { -0.374 };
   int incX = -1;
   double Y[] = { -0.161 };
   int incY = -1;
   double expected[] = { -0.374 };
   cblas_dcopy(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
       gsl_test_rel(Y[i], expected[i], dbleps, "dcopy(case 85)");

   int N = 1;
   float X[] = { 0.084f, 0.778f };
   int incX = -1;
   float Y[] = { 0.31f, -0.797f };
   int incY = -1;
   float expected[] = { 0.084f, 0.778f };
   cblas_ccopy(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
       gsl_test_rel(Y[2*i], expected[2*i], flteps, "ccopy(case 86) real");
       gsl_test_rel(Y[2*i+1], expected[2*i+1], flteps, "ccopy(case 86) imag");

   int N = 1;
   double X[] = { 0.831, -0.282 };
   int incX = -1;
   double Y[] = { -0.62, 0.32 };
   int incY = -1;
   double expected[] = { 0.831, -0.282 };
   cblas_zcopy(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
       gsl_test_rel(Y[2*i], expected[2*i], dbleps, "zcopy(case 87) real");
       gsl_test_rel(Y[2*i+1], expected[2*i+1], dbleps, "zcopy(case 87) imag");

예제 #9
// Overloaded function for dispatching to
// * CBLAS backend, and
// * complex<float> value-type.
inline void copy( const int n, const std::complex<float>* x, const int incx,
        std::complex<float>* y, const int incy ) {
    cblas_ccopy( n, x, incx, y, incy );
예제 #10
파일: c_cblas1.c 프로젝트: 34985086/meshlab
void F77_ccopy(const int *N, void *X, const int *incX, 
                    void *Y, const int *incY)
   cblas_ccopy(*N, X, *incX, Y, *incY);
예제 #11
int CORE_cttqrt(int M, int N, int IB,
                PLASMA_Complex32_t *A1, int LDA1,
                PLASMA_Complex32_t *A2, int LDA2,
                PLASMA_Complex32_t *T, int LDT,
                PLASMA_Complex32_t *TAU, PLASMA_Complex32_t *WORK)
    static PLASMA_Complex32_t zone  = 1.0;
    static PLASMA_Complex32_t zzero = 0.0;
    static int                ione  = 1;

    PLASMA_Complex32_t alpha;
    int i, j, ii, sb, mi, ni;

    /* Check input arguments */
    if (M < 0) {
        coreblas_error(1, "Illegal value of M");
        return -1;
    if (N < 0) {
        coreblas_error(2, "Illegal value of N");
        return -2;
    if (IB < 0) {
        coreblas_error(3, "Illegal value of IB");
        return -3;
    if ((LDA2 < max(1,M)) && (M > 0)) {
        coreblas_error(7, "Illegal value of LDA2");
        return -7;

    /* Quick return */
    if ((M == 0) || (N == 0) || (IB == 0))
        return PLASMA_SUCCESS;

    for(ii = 0; ii < N; ii += IB) {
        sb = min(N-ii, IB);
        for(i = 0; i < sb; i++) {
             * Generate elementary reflector H( II*IB+I ) to annihilate
             * A( II*IB+I:mi, II*IB+I ).
            mi = ii + i + 1;
            LAPACKE_clarfg_work(mi+1, &A1[LDA1*(ii+i)+ii+i], &A2[LDA2*(ii+i)], ione, &TAU[ii+i]);

            if (sb-i-1>0) {
                 * Apply H( II*IB+I ) to A( II*IB+I:M, II*IB+I+1:II*IB+IB ) from the left.
                ni = sb-i-1;
                    &A1[LDA1*(ii+i+1)+(ii+i)], LDA1,
                    WORK, 1);

#ifdef COMPLEX
                LAPACKE_clacgv_work(ni, WORK, ione);
                    CblasColMajor, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)PlasmaConjTrans,
                    mi, ni,
                    CBLAS_SADDR(zone), &A2[LDA2*(ii+i+1)], LDA2,
                    &A2[LDA2*(ii+i)], 1,
                    CBLAS_SADDR(zone), WORK, 1);
#ifdef COMPLEX
                LAPACKE_clacgv_work(ni, WORK, ione);
                alpha = -conjf(TAU[ii+i]);
                    ni, CBLAS_SADDR(alpha),
                    WORK, 1,
                    &A1[LDA1*(ii+i+1)+ii+i], LDA1);
#ifdef COMPLEX
                LAPACKE_clacgv_work(ni, WORK, ione);
                    CblasColMajor, mi, ni,
                    CBLAS_SADDR(alpha), &A2[LDA2*(ii+i)], 1,
                    WORK, 1,
                    &A2[LDA2*(ii+i+1)], LDA2);

             * Calculate T.

            if (i > 0 ) {

                cblas_ccopy(i, &A2[LDA2*(ii+i)+ii], 1, &WORK[ii], 1);
                    CblasColMajor, (CBLAS_UPLO)PlasmaUpper,
                    (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)PlasmaConjTrans, (CBLAS_DIAG)PlasmaNonUnit,
                    i, &A2[LDA2*ii+ii], LDA2,
                    &WORK[ii], 1);
                alpha = -(TAU[ii+i]);
                for(j = 0; j < i; j++) {
                    WORK[ii+j] = alpha * WORK[ii+j];
                if (ii > 0) {
                        CblasColMajor, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)PlasmaConjTrans, ii, i,
                        CBLAS_SADDR(alpha), &A2[LDA2*ii], LDA2,
                        &A2[LDA2*(ii+i)], 1,
                        CBLAS_SADDR(zzero), WORK, 1);
                    cblas_caxpy(i, CBLAS_SADDR(zone), &WORK[ii], 1, WORK, 1);
                cblas_ccopy(i, WORK, 1, &T[LDT*(ii+i)], 1);
                    CblasColMajor, (CBLAS_UPLO)PlasmaUpper,
                    (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)PlasmaNoTrans, (CBLAS_DIAG)PlasmaNonUnit,
                    i, &T[LDT*ii], LDT,
                    &T[LDT*(ii+i)], 1);


            T[LDT*(ii+i)+i] = TAU[ii+i];

        /* Apply Q' to the rest of the matrix to the left  */
        if (N > ii+sb) {
                PlasmaLeft, PlasmaConjTrans,
                PlasmaForward, PlasmaColumnwise,
                sb, N-(ii+sb), ii+sb, N-(ii+sb), sb,
                &A1[LDA1*(ii+sb)+ii], LDA1,
                &A2[LDA2*(ii+sb)], LDA2,
                &A2[LDA2*ii], LDA2,
                &T[LDT*ii], LDT,
                WORK, sb);
    return PLASMA_SUCCESS;