/*! Return a string containing the PVD's publisher id with trailing blanks removed. */ bool iso9660_ifs_get_volumeset_id(iso9660_t *p_iso, /*out*/ cdio_utf8_t **p_psz_volumeset_id) { if (!p_iso) { *p_psz_volumeset_id = NULL; return false; } #ifdef HAVE_JOLIET if (p_iso->i_joliet_level) { /* TODO: check that we haven't reached the maximum size. If we have, perhaps we've truncated and if we can get longer results *and* have the same character using the PVD, do that. */ if ( cdio_charset_to_utf8(p_iso->svd.volume_set_id, ISO_MAX_VOLUMESET_ID, p_psz_volumeset_id, "UCS-2BE") ) return true; } #endif /*HAVE_JOLIET*/ *p_psz_volumeset_id = iso9660_get_volumeset_id( &(p_iso->pvd) ); return *p_psz_volumeset_id != NULL && strlen(*p_psz_volumeset_id); }
/*! Core procedure for the iso9660_ifs_get_###_id() calls. pvd_member/svd_member is a pointer to an achar_t or dchar_t ID string which we can superset as char. If the Joliet converted string is the same as the achar_t/dchar_t one, we fall back to using the latter, as it may be longer. */ static inline bool get_member_id(iso9660_t *p_iso, cdio_utf8_t **p_psz_member_id, char* pvd_member, char* svd_member, size_t max_size) { int j; bool strip; if (!p_iso) { *p_psz_member_id = NULL; return false; } #ifdef HAVE_JOLIET if (p_iso->u_joliet_level) { /* Translate USC-2 string from Secondary Volume Descriptor */ if (cdio_charset_to_utf8(svd_member, max_size, p_psz_member_id, "UCS-2BE")) { /* NB: *p_psz_member_id is never NULL on success. */ if (strncmp(*p_psz_member_id, pvd_member, strlen(*p_psz_member_id)) != 0) { /* Strip trailing spaces */ for (j = strlen(*p_psz_member_id)-1; j >= 0; j--) { if ((*p_psz_member_id)[j] != ' ') break; (*p_psz_member_id)[j] = '\0'; } if ((*p_psz_member_id)[0] != 0) { /* Joliet string is not empty and differs from non Joliet one => use it */ return true; } } /* Joliet string was either empty or same */ free(*p_psz_member_id); } } #endif /*HAVE_JOLIET*/ *p_psz_member_id = calloc(max_size+1, sizeof(cdio_utf8_t)); if (!*p_psz_member_id) { cdio_warn("Memory allocation error"); return false; } /* Copy string while removing trailing spaces */ (*p_psz_member_id)[max_size] = 0; for (strip=true, j=max_size-1; j>=0; j--) { if (strip && (pvd_member[j] == ' ')) continue; strip = false; (*p_psz_member_id)[j] = pvd_member[j]; } if (strlen(*p_psz_member_id) == 0) { free(*p_psz_member_id); *p_psz_member_id = NULL; return false; } return true; }
/*! Sets the given field at the given track to the given value. Recodes to UTF-8 if charset is not NULL. @param p_cdtext the CD-TEXT object @param key field to set @param value value to set @param track track to work on @param charset charset to convert from */ void cdtext_set(cdtext_t *p_cdtext, cdtext_field_t key, const uint8_t *value, track_t track, const char *charset) { if (NULL == value || key == CDTEXT_FIELD_INVALID || CDIO_CD_MAX_TRACKS < track) return; /* free old memory */ if (p_cdtext->block[p_cdtext->block_i].track[track].field[key]) free(p_cdtext->block[p_cdtext->block_i].track[track].field[key]); /* recode to UTF-8 */ if (NULL != charset) { cdio_utf8_t *utf8_str = NULL; cdio_charset_to_utf8((const char*) value, strlen((const char*)value), &utf8_str, charset); p_cdtext->block[p_cdtext->block_i].track[track].field[key] = (char *)utf8_str; } else p_cdtext->block[p_cdtext->block_i].track[track].field[key] = strdup((const char *)value); }
/* Convert unicode16 to UTF-8. The returned string is allocated and must be freed by the caller */ static char* unicode16_decode(const uint8_t *data, int i_len) { int i; char* r = NULL; switch (data[0]) { case 8: r = (char*)calloc(i_len, 1); if (r == NULL) return r; for (i=0; i<i_len-1; i++) r[i] = data[i+1]; return r; case 16: cdio_charset_to_utf8((char*)&data[1], i_len-1, &r, "UCS-2BE"); return r; default: /* Empty string, as some existing sections can't take a NULL pointer */ r = (char*)calloc(1, 1); return r; } }
static iso9660_stat_t * _iso9660_dir_to_statbuf (iso9660_dir_t *p_iso9660_dir, bool_3way_t b_xa, uint8_t i_joliet_level) { uint8_t dir_len= iso9660_get_dir_len(p_iso9660_dir); iso711_t i_fname; unsigned int stat_len; iso9660_stat_t *p_stat; if (!dir_len) return NULL; i_fname = from_711(p_iso9660_dir->filename_len); /* .. string in statbuf is one longer than in p_iso9660_dir's listing '\1' */ stat_len = sizeof(iso9660_stat_t)+i_fname+2; p_stat = calloc(1, stat_len); if (!p_stat) { cdio_warn("Couldn't calloc(1, %d)", stat_len); return NULL; } p_stat->type = (p_iso9660_dir->file_flags & ISO_DIRECTORY) ? _STAT_DIR : _STAT_FILE; p_stat->lsn = from_733 (p_iso9660_dir->extent); p_stat->size = from_733 (p_iso9660_dir->size); p_stat->secsize = _cdio_len2blocks (p_stat->size, ISO_BLOCKSIZE); p_stat->rr.b3_rock = dunno; /*FIXME should do based on mask */ p_stat->b_xa = false; { char rr_fname[256] = ""; int i_rr_fname = #ifdef HAVE_ROCK get_rock_ridge_filename(p_iso9660_dir, rr_fname, p_stat); #else 0; #endif if (i_rr_fname > 0) { if (i_rr_fname > i_fname) { /* realloc gives valgrind errors */ iso9660_stat_t *p_stat_new = calloc(1, sizeof(iso9660_stat_t)+i_rr_fname+2); if (!p_stat_new) { cdio_warn("Couldn't calloc(1, %d)", sizeof(iso9660_stat_t)+i_rr_fname+2); return NULL; } memcpy(p_stat_new, p_stat, stat_len); free(p_stat); p_stat = p_stat_new; } strncpy(p_stat->filename, rr_fname, i_rr_fname+1); } else { if ('\0' == p_iso9660_dir->filename[0] && 1 == i_fname) strncpy (p_stat->filename, ".", sizeof(".")); else if ('\1' == p_iso9660_dir->filename[0] && 1 == i_fname) strncpy (p_stat->filename, "..", sizeof("..")); #ifdef HAVE_JOLIET else if (i_joliet_level) { int i_inlen = i_fname; cdio_utf8_t *p_psz_out = NULL; if (cdio_charset_to_utf8(p_iso9660_dir->filename, i_inlen, &p_psz_out, "UCS-2BE")) { strncpy(p_stat->filename, p_psz_out, i_fname); free(p_psz_out); } else { return NULL; } } #endif /*HAVE_JOLIET*/ else { strncpy (p_stat->filename, p_iso9660_dir->filename, i_fname); } } } iso9660_get_dtime(&(p_iso9660_dir->recording_time), true, &(p_stat->tm)); if (dir_len < sizeof (iso9660_dir_t)) { free(p_stat->rr.psz_symlink); free(p_stat); return NULL; } { int su_length = iso9660_get_dir_len(p_iso9660_dir) - sizeof (iso9660_dir_t); su_length -= i_fname; if (su_length % 2) su_length--; if (su_length < 0 || su_length < sizeof (iso9660_xa_t)) return p_stat; if (nope == b_xa) { return p_stat; } else { iso9660_xa_t *xa_data = (void *) (((char *) p_iso9660_dir) + (iso9660_get_dir_len(p_iso9660_dir) - su_length)); cdio_log_level_t loglevel = (yep == b_xa) ? CDIO_LOG_WARN : CDIO_LOG_INFO; if (xa_data->signature[0] != 'X' || xa_data->signature[1] != 'A') { cdio_log (loglevel, "XA signature not found in ISO9660's system use area;" " ignoring XA attributes for this file entry."); cdio_debug ("%d %d %d, '%c%c' (%d, %d)", iso9660_get_dir_len(p_iso9660_dir), i_fname, su_length, xa_data->signature[0], xa_data->signature[1], xa_data->signature[0], xa_data->signature[1]); return p_stat; } p_stat->b_xa = true; p_stat->xa = *xa_data; } } return p_stat; }