예제 #1
파일: mpeg.c 프로젝트: szatmary/libcaption
cea708_t* _mpeg_bitstream_cea708_emplace_back(mpeg_bitstream_t* packet, double timestamp)
    cea708_t* cea708 = _mpeg_bitstream_cea708_back(packet);
    cea708_init(cea708, timestamp);
    return cea708;
예제 #2
파일: mpeg.c 프로젝트: szatmary/libcaption
void sei_append_708(sei_t* sei, cea708_t* cea708)
    sei_message_t* msg = sei_message_new(sei_type_user_data_registered_itu_t_t35, 0, CEA608_MAX_SIZE);
    msg->size = cea708_render(cea708, sei_message_data(msg), sei_message_size(msg));
    sei_message_append(sei, msg);
    cea708_init(cea708, sei->timestamp); // will confgure using HLS compatiable defaults
예제 #3
파일: mpeg.c 프로젝트: szatmary/libcaption
void sei_dump_messages(sei_message_t* head, double timestamp)
    cea708_t cea708;
    sei_message_t* msg;
    cea708_init(&cea708, timestamp);

    for (msg = head; msg; msg = sei_message_next(msg)) {
        uint8_t* data = sei_message_data(msg);
        size_t size = sei_message_size(msg);
        fprintf(stderr, "-- Message %p\n-- Message Type: %d\n-- Message Size: %d\n", data, sei_message_type(msg), (int)size);

        while (size) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%02X ", *data);

        fprintf(stderr, "\n");

        if (sei_type_user_data_registered_itu_t_t35 == sei_message_type(msg)) {
            if (LIBCAPTION_OK != cea708_parse_h262(sei_message_data(msg), sei_message_size(msg), &cea708)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "cea708_parse error\n");
            } else {
예제 #4
void sei_dump_messages (sei_message_t* head)
    cea708_t cea708;
    sei_message_t* msg;
    cea708_init (&cea708);

    for (msg = head ; msg ; msg = sei_message_next (msg)) {
        uint8_t* data = sei_message_data (msg);
        size_t size =  sei_message_size (msg);
        fprintf (stderr,"-- Message %p\n-- Message Type: %d\n-- Message Size: %d\n", data, sei_message_type (msg), (int) size);

        while (size) {
            fprintf (stderr,"%02X ", *data);
            ++data; --size;

        fprintf (stderr,"\n");

        if (sei_type_user_data_registered_itu_t_t35 == sei_message_type (msg)) {
            cea708_parse (sei_message_data (msg), sei_message_size (msg), &cea708);
            cea708_dump (&cea708);

예제 #5
파일: mpeg.c 프로젝트: szatmary/libcaption
libcaption_stauts_t sei_from_caption_clear(sei_t* sei)
    cea708_t cea708;
    cea708_init(&cea708, sei->timestamp); // set up a new popon frame
    cea708_add_cc_data(&cea708, 1, cc_type_ntsc_cc_field_1, eia608_control_command(eia608_control_end_of_caption, DEFAULT_CHANNEL));
    cea708_add_cc_data(&cea708, 1, cc_type_ntsc_cc_field_1, eia608_control_command(eia608_control_end_of_caption, DEFAULT_CHANNEL));
    cea708_add_cc_data(&cea708, 1, cc_type_ntsc_cc_field_1, eia608_control_command(eia608_control_erase_non_displayed_memory, DEFAULT_CHANNEL));
    cea708_add_cc_data(&cea708, 1, cc_type_ntsc_cc_field_1, eia608_control_command(eia608_control_erase_non_displayed_memory, DEFAULT_CHANNEL));
    cea708_add_cc_data(&cea708, 1, cc_type_ntsc_cc_field_1, eia608_control_command(eia608_control_erase_display_memory, DEFAULT_CHANNEL));
    cea708_add_cc_data(&cea708, 1, cc_type_ntsc_cc_field_1, eia608_control_command(eia608_control_erase_display_memory, DEFAULT_CHANNEL));
    sei_append_708(sei, &cea708);
    return LIBCAPTION_OK;
예제 #6
파일: mpeg.c 프로젝트: szatmary/libcaption
libcaption_stauts_t sei_from_scc(sei_t* sei, const scc_t* scc)
    unsigned int i;
    cea708_t cea708;
    cea708_init(&cea708, sei->timestamp); // set up a new popon frame

    for (i = 0; i < scc->cc_size; ++i) {
        if (31 == cea708.user_data.cc_count) {
            sei_append_708(sei, &cea708);

        cea708_add_cc_data(&cea708, 1, cc_type_ntsc_cc_field_1, scc->cc_data[i]);

    if (0 != cea708.user_data.cc_count) {
        sei_append_708(sei, &cea708);

    return LIBCAPTION_OK;
예제 #7
파일: mpeg.c 프로젝트: szatmary/libcaption
libcaption_stauts_t sei_to_caption_frame(sei_t* sei, caption_frame_t* frame)
    cea708_t cea708;
    sei_message_t* msg;
    libcaption_stauts_t status = LIBCAPTION_OK;

    cea708_init(&cea708, frame->timestamp);

    for (msg = sei_message_head(sei); msg; msg = sei_message_next(msg)) {
        if (sei_type_user_data_registered_itu_t_t35 == sei_message_type(msg)) {
            cea708_parse_h264(sei_message_data(msg), sei_message_size(msg), &cea708);
            status = libcaption_status_update(status, cea708_to_caption_frame(frame, &cea708));

    if (LIBCAPTION_READY == status) {
        frame->timestamp = sei->timestamp;

    return status;
예제 #8
파일: mpeg.c 프로젝트: szatmary/libcaption
// TODO move this out of sei
libcaption_stauts_t sei_from_caption_frame(sei_t* sei, caption_frame_t* frame)
    int r, c;
    int unl, prev_unl;
    cea708_t cea708;
    const char* data;
    uint16_t prev_cc_data;
    eia608_style_t styl, prev_styl;

    sei_init(sei, frame->timestamp);
    cea708_init(&cea708, frame->timestamp); // set up a new popon frame
    cea708_add_cc_data(&cea708, 1, cc_type_ntsc_cc_field_1, eia608_control_command(eia608_control_erase_non_displayed_memory, DEFAULT_CHANNEL));
    cea708_add_cc_data(&cea708, 1, cc_type_ntsc_cc_field_1, eia608_control_command(eia608_control_resume_caption_loading, DEFAULT_CHANNEL));

    for (r = 0; r < SCREEN_ROWS; ++r) {
        prev_unl = 0, prev_styl = eia608_style_white;
        // Calculate preamble
        for (c = 0; c < SCREEN_COLS && 0 == *caption_frame_read_char(frame, r, c, &styl, &unl); ++c) {

        // This row is blank
        if (SCREEN_COLS == c) {

        // Write preamble
        if (0 < c || (0 == unl && eia608_style_white == styl)) {
            int tab = c % 4;
            sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, eia608_row_column_pramble(r, c, DEFAULT_CHANNEL, 0));
            if (tab) {
                sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, eia608_tab(tab, DEFAULT_CHANNEL));
        } else {
            sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, eia608_row_style_pramble(r, DEFAULT_CHANNEL, styl, unl));
            prev_unl = unl, prev_styl = styl;

        // Write the row
        for (prev_cc_data = 0, data = caption_frame_read_char(frame, r, c, 0, 0);
             (*data) && c < SCREEN_COLS; ++c, data = caption_frame_read_char(frame, r, c, &styl, &unl)) {
            uint16_t cc_data = eia608_from_utf8_1(data, DEFAULT_CHANNEL);

            if (unl != prev_unl || styl != prev_styl) {
                sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, eia608_midrow_change(DEFAULT_CHANNEL, styl, unl));
                prev_unl = unl, prev_styl = styl;

            if (!cc_data) {
                // We do't want to write bad data, so just ignore it.
            } else if (eia608_is_basicna(prev_cc_data)) {
                if (eia608_is_basicna(cc_data)) {
                    // previous and current chars are both basicna, combine them into current
                    sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, eia608_from_basicna(prev_cc_data, cc_data));
                } else if (eia608_is_westeu(cc_data)) {
                    // extended charcters overwrite the previous charcter, so insert a dummy char thren write the extended char
                    sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, eia608_from_basicna(prev_cc_data, eia608_from_utf8_1(EIA608_CHAR_SPACE, DEFAULT_CHANNEL)));
                    sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, cc_data);
                } else {
                    // previous was basic na, but current isnt; write previous and current
                    sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, prev_cc_data);
                    sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, cc_data);

                prev_cc_data = 0; // previous is handled, we can forget it now
            } else if (eia608_is_westeu(cc_data)) {
                // extended chars overwrite the previous chars, so insert a dummy char
                // TODO create a map of alternamt chars for eia608_is_westeu instead of using space
                sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, eia608_from_utf8_1(EIA608_CHAR_SPACE, DEFAULT_CHANNEL));
                sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, cc_data);
            } else if (eia608_is_basicna(cc_data)) {
                prev_cc_data = cc_data;
            } else {
                sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, cc_data);

            if (eia608_is_specialna(cc_data)) {
                // specialna are treated as control charcters. Duplicated control charcters are discarded
                // So we write a resume after a specialna as a noop to break repetition detection
                // TODO only do this if the same charcter is repeated
                sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, eia608_control_command(eia608_control_resume_caption_loading, DEFAULT_CHANNEL));

        if (0 != prev_cc_data) {
            sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, prev_cc_data);

    sei_encode_eia608(sei, &cea708, 0); // flush
    sei->timestamp = frame->timestamp; // assumes in order frames
    // sei_dump (sei);
    return LIBCAPTION_OK;