예제 #1
    forAll (cellFaces_, cellI)
        const faceList& curFaces = cellFaces_[cellI];

        // Get model faces
        faceList shapeFaces = cellShapes_[cellI].faces();

        forAll (shapeFaces, faceI)
            bool found = false;

            forAll (curFaces, i)
                if (shapeFaces[faceI] == curFaces[i])
                    found = true;

            if (!found)
                Info << "Purging cell shape " << cellI << endl;
                cellShapes_[cellI] = cellShape(*unknownPtr_, labelList(0));
예제 #2
void Foam::rotatedBoxToCell::combine(topoSet& set, const bool add) const
    // Define a cell for the box
    pointField boxPoints(8);
    boxPoints[0] = origin_;
    boxPoints[1] = origin_ + i_;
    boxPoints[2] = origin_ + i_ + j_;
    boxPoints[3] = origin_ + j_;
    boxPoints[4] = origin_ + k_;
    boxPoints[5] = origin_ + k_ + i_;
    boxPoints[6] = origin_ + k_ + i_ + j_;
    boxPoints[7] = origin_ + k_ + j_;

    labelList boxVerts(8);
    forAll(boxVerts, i)
        boxVerts[i] = i;

    const cellModel& hex = *(cellModeller::lookup("hex"));

    // Get outwards pointing faces.
    faceList boxFaces(cellShape(hex, boxVerts).faces());

    // Precalculate normals
    vectorField boxFaceNormals(boxFaces.size());
    forAll(boxFaces, i)
        boxFaceNormals[i] = boxFaces[i].normal(boxPoints);

        Pout<< "Face:" << i << " position:" << boxFaces[i].centre(boxPoints)
            << " normal:" << boxFaceNormals[i] << endl;
예제 #3
void sammMesh::addSAMMcell
    const label typeFlag,
    const labelList& globalLabels,
    const label nCreatedCells

    // grab the shape from the table
    if (!sammShapeLookup[typeFlag] || !sammAddressingTable[typeFlag])
            "sammMesh::addRegularCell(const labelList& labels, "
            "const label nCreatedCells)"
        )   << "SAMM type " << typeFlag << " has no registered label. BUG!"
            << abort(FatalError);

     const cellModel& curModel = *(sammShapeLookup[typeFlag]);

    // get reference to the addressing list
    const label* addressing = sammAddressingTable[typeFlag];

    // make a list of labels
    labelList sammCellLabels(curModel.nPoints(), -1);

    forAll(sammCellLabels, labelI)
        sammCellLabels[labelI] = globalLabels[addressing[labelI]];

    cellShapes_[nCreatedCells] = cellShape(curModel, sammCellLabels);
예제 #4
파일: tetCell.C 프로젝트: Brzous/WindFOAM
Foam::cellShape Foam::tetCell::tetCellShape() const
    static const cellModel* tetModelPtr_ = NULL;

    if (!tetModelPtr_)
        tetModelPtr_ = cellModeller::lookup("tet");

    const cellModel& tet = *tetModelPtr_;

    return cellShape(tet, *this);
예제 #5
Foam::cellShape Foam::degenerateMatcher::match
    const faceList& faces,
    const labelList& owner,
    const label cellI,
    const labelList& cellFaces
    // Recognize in order of assumed occurrence.

    if (hex.matchShape(false, faces, owner, cellI, cellFaces))
        return cellShape(hex.model(), hex.vertLabels());
    else if (tet.matchShape(false, faces, owner, cellI, cellFaces))
        return cellShape(tet.model(), tet.vertLabels());
    else if (prism.matchShape(false, faces, owner, cellI, cellFaces))
        return cellShape(prism.model(), prism.vertLabels());
    else if (pyr.matchShape(false, faces, owner, cellI, cellFaces))
        return cellShape(pyr.model(), pyr.vertLabels());
    else if (wedge.matchShape(false, faces, owner, cellI, cellFaces))
        return cellShape(wedge.model(), wedge.vertLabels());
    else if (tetWedge.matchShape(false, faces, owner, cellI, cellFaces))
        return cellShape(tetWedge.model(), tetWedge.vertLabels());
        return cellShape(*(cellModeller::lookup(0)), labelList(0));
void starMesh::addRegularCell
    const labelList& labels,
    const label nCreatedCells
    // Momory management
    static labelList labelsHex(8);
    static labelList labelsPrism(6);
    static labelList labelsPyramid(5);
    static labelList labelsTet(4);
    static labelList labelsTetWedge(5);

    label regularTypeFlag = -1;

    // grab the shape from the table
    const cellModel* curModelPtr = reinterpret_cast<cellModel*>(NULL);

    if      // Tetrahedron
        labels[2] == labels[3]
     && labels[4] == labels[5]
     && labels[5] == labels[6]
     && labels[6] == labels[7]
        regularTypeFlag = 0;
        curModelPtr = tetPtr_;
    else if // Square-based pyramid
        labels[4] == labels[5]
     && labels[5] == labels[6]
     && labels[6] == labels[7]
        regularTypeFlag = 1;
        curModelPtr = pyrPtr_;
    else if // Tet Wedge
        labels[2] == labels[3]
     && labels[4] == labels[5]
     && labels[6] == labels[7]
        regularTypeFlag = 2;
        curModelPtr = tetWedgePtr_;
    else if // Triangular prism
        labels[2] == labels[3]
     && labels[6] == labels[7]
        regularTypeFlag = 3;
        curModelPtr = prismPtr_;
    else if // Wedge
        labels[4] == labels[7]
        regularTypeFlag = 4;
        curModelPtr = wedgePtr_;
    else    // Hex
        regularTypeFlag = 5;
        curModelPtr = hexPtr_;

    labelList regularCellLabels(curModelPtr->nPoints(), -1);
    // get reference to the addressing list
    const label* addressing = regularAddressingTable[regularTypeFlag];

    forAll (regularCellLabels, labelI)
        regularCellLabels[labelI] = labels[addressing[labelI]];

    cellShapes_[nCreatedCells] = cellShape(*curModelPtr, regularCellLabels);
void starMesh::addSAMMcell
    const labelList& labels,
    const label nCreatedCells
    // get type, reg and permutation flag
    label typeFlag = labels[21];
//     label regularityFlag = labels[22];  // Not used. 
    label permutationFlag = labels[23];

    // grab the shape from the table
    label sammTypeFlag = -1;
    const cellModel* curModelPtr = reinterpret_cast<cellModel*>(NULL);

    switch (typeFlag)
        case 1:
            sammTypeFlag = 1;
            curModelPtr = sammTrim1Ptr_;

        case 2:
            sammTypeFlag = 2;
            curModelPtr = sammTrim2Ptr_;

        case 7:
            if (labels[0] != -1)
                sammTypeFlag = 3;
                curModelPtr = sammTrim3Ptr_;
                sammTypeFlag = 5;
                curModelPtr = sammTrim5Ptr_;


        case 8:
            sammTypeFlag = 4;
            curModelPtr = sammTrim4Ptr_;

        case 85:
            sammTypeFlag = 8;
            curModelPtr = sammTrim8Ptr_;

                "(const labelList& labels, const label nCreatedCells)"
            )   << "SAMM type " << sammTypeFlag << " is invalid"
                << abort(FatalError);

    // make a list of labels
    labelList sammCellLabels(curModelPtr->nPoints(), -1);
    // get reference to the addressing list
    const label* addressing = sammAddressingTable[sammTypeFlag];

    forAll (sammCellLabels, labelI)
        sammCellLabels[labelI] = labels[addressing[labelI]];

    cellShapes_[nCreatedCells] = cellShape(*curModelPtr, sammCellLabels);

    // set permutation flag for cell
    starCellPermutation_[nCreatedCells] = permutationFlag;
예제 #8
void sammMesh::addRegularCell
    const labelList& labels,
    const label nCreatedCells
    // Momory management
    static labelList labelsHex(8);
    static labelList labelsWedge(7);
    static labelList labelsPrism(6);
    static labelList labelsPyramid(5);
    static labelList labelsTet(4);
    static labelList labelsTetWedge(5);

    if      // Tetrahedron
        labels[2] == labels[3]
     && labels[4] == labels[5]
     && labels[5] == labels[6]
     && labels[6] == labels[7]
        labelsTet[0] = labels[0];
        labelsTet[1] = labels[1];
        labelsTet[2] = labels[2];
        labelsTet[3] = labels[4];
        cellShapes_[nCreatedCells] = cellShape(*tetPtr_, labelsTet);

    else if // Square-based pyramid
        labels[4] == labels[5]
     && labels[5] == labels[6]
     && labels[6] == labels[7]
        labelsPyramid[0] = labels[0];
        labelsPyramid[1] = labels[1];
        labelsPyramid[2] = labels[2];
        labelsPyramid[3] = labels[3];
        labelsPyramid[4] = labels[4];
        cellShapes_[nCreatedCells] = cellShape(*pyrPtr_, labelsPyramid);

    else if // Tet Wedge
        labels[2] == labels[3]
     && labels[4] == labels[5]
     && labels[6] == labels[7]
        labelsTetWedge[0] = labels[0];
        labelsTetWedge[1] = labels[1];
        labelsTetWedge[2] = labels[2];
        labelsTetWedge[3] = labels[4];
        labelsTetWedge[4] = labels[6];
        cellShapes_[nCreatedCells] = cellShape(*tetWedgePtr_, labelsTetWedge);

    else if // Triangular prism
        labels[2] == labels[3]
     && labels[6] == labels[7]
        labelsPrism[0] = labels[0];
        labelsPrism[1] = labels[1];
        labelsPrism[2] = labels[2];
        labelsPrism[3] = labels[4];
        labelsPrism[4] = labels[5];
        labelsPrism[5] = labels[6];
        cellShapes_[nCreatedCells] = cellShape(*prismPtr_, labelsPrism);

    else if // Wedge
        labels[4] == labels[7]
        labelsWedge[0] = labels[7];
        labelsWedge[1] = labels[6];
        labelsWedge[2] = labels[5];
        labelsWedge[3] = labels[3];
        labelsWedge[4] = labels[2];
        labelsWedge[5] = labels[1];
        labelsWedge[6] = labels[0];
        cellShapes_[nCreatedCells] = cellShape(*wedgePtr_, labelsWedge);

    else    // Hex
        labelsHex[0] = labels[0];
        labelsHex[1] = labels[1];
        labelsHex[2] = labels[2];
        labelsHex[3] = labels[3];
        labelsHex[4] = labels[4];
        labelsHex[5] = labels[5];
        labelsHex[6] = labels[6];
        labelsHex[7] = labels[7];
        cellShapes_[nCreatedCells] = cellShape(*hexPtr_, labelsHex);