예제 #1
End the command
cmdEnd(int code, const String *errorMessage)
        FUNCTION_LOG_PARAM(INT, code);
        FUNCTION_LOG_PARAM(STRING, errorMessage);

    ASSERT(cfgCommand() != cfgCmdNone);

    // Skip this log message if it won't be output.  It's not too expensive but since we skipped cmdBegin(), may as well.
    if (logWill(cfgLogLevelDefault()))
            // Basic info on command end
            String *info = strNewFmt("%s command end: ", cfgCommandName(cfgCommand()));

            if (errorMessage == NULL)
                strCat(info, "completed successfully");

                if (cfgOptionValid(cfgOptLogTimestamp) && cfgOptionBool(cfgOptLogTimestamp))
                    strCatFmt(info, " (%" PRIu64 "ms)", timeMSec() - timeBegin);
                strCat(info, strPtr(errorMessage));

            LOG(cfgLogLevelDefault(), 0, strPtr(info));

    // Reset timeBegin in case there is another command following this one
    timeBegin = timeMSec();

예제 #2
파일: get.c 프로젝트: cmwshang/pgbackrest
Get an archive file from the repository (WAL segment, history file, etc.)

    // Set the result assuming the archive file will not be found
    int result = 1;

        // Check the parameters
        const StringList *commandParam = cfgCommandParam();

        if (strLstSize(commandParam) != 2)
            if (strLstSize(commandParam) == 0)
                THROW(ParamRequiredError, "WAL segment to get required");

            if (strLstSize(commandParam) == 1)
                THROW(ParamRequiredError, "path to copy WAL segment required");

            THROW(ParamInvalidError, "extra parameters found");

        // Get the segment name
        String *walSegment = strBase(strLstGet(commandParam, 0));

        // Destination is wherever we were told to move the WAL segment
        const String *walDestination =
            walPath(strLstGet(commandParam, 1), cfgOptionStr(cfgOptPgPath), STR(cfgCommandName(cfgCommand())));

        // Async get can only be performed on WAL segments, history or other files must use synchronous mode
        if (cfgOptionBool(cfgOptArchiveAsync) && walIsSegment(walSegment))
            bool found = false;                                         // Has the WAL segment been found yet?
            bool queueFull = false;                                     // Is the queue half or more full?
            bool forked = false;                                        // Has the async process been forked yet?
            bool confessOnError = false;                                // Should we confess errors?

            // Loop and wait for the WAL segment to be pushed
            Wait *wait = waitNew((TimeMSec)(cfgOptionDbl(cfgOptArchiveTimeout) * MSEC_PER_SEC));

                // Check for errors or missing files.  For archive-get ok indicates that the process succeeded but there is no WAL
                // file to download.
                if (archiveAsyncStatus(archiveModeGet, walSegment, confessOnError))
                        strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN "/%s" STATUS_EXT_OK, strPtr(walSegment)), .errorOnMissing = true);

                // Check if the WAL segment is already in the queue
                found = storageExistsNP(storageSpool(), strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN "/%s", strPtr(walSegment)));

                // If found then move the WAL segment to the destination directory
                if (found)
                    // Source is the WAL segment in the spool queue
                    StorageFileRead *source = storageNewReadNP(
                        storageSpool(), strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN "/%s", strPtr(walSegment)));

                    // A move will be attempted but if the spool queue and the WAL path are on different file systems then a copy
                    // will be performed instead.
                    // It looks scary that we are disabling syncs and atomicity (in case we need to copy intead of move) but this
                    // is safe because if the system crashes Postgres will not try to reuse a restored WAL segment but will instead
                    // request it again using the restore_command. In the case of a move this hardly matters since path syncs are
                    // cheap but if a copy is required we could save a lot of writes.
                    StorageFileWrite *destination = storageNewWriteP(
                        storageLocalWrite(), walDestination, .noCreatePath = true, .noSyncFile = true, .noSyncPath = true,
                        .noAtomic = true);

                    // Move (or copy if required) the file
                    storageMoveNP(storageSpoolWrite(), source, destination);

                    // Return success
                    result = 0;

                    // Get a list of WAL segments left in the queue
                    StringList *queue = storageListP(
                        storageSpool(), STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN_STR, .expression = WAL_SEGMENT_REGEXP_STR);

                    if (strLstSize(queue) > 0)
                        // Get size of the WAL segment
                        uint64_t walSegmentSize = storageInfoNP(storageLocal(), walDestination).size;

                        // Use WAL segment size to estimate queue size and determine if the async process should be launched
                        queueFull = strLstSize(queue) * walSegmentSize > cfgOptionUInt64(cfgOptArchiveGetQueueMax) / 2;

                // If the WAL segment has not already been found then start the async process to get it.  There's no point in
                // forking the async process off more than once so track that as well.  Use an archive lock to prevent forking if
                // the async process was launched by another process.
                if (!forked && (!found || !queueFull)  &&
                    lockAcquire(cfgOptionStr(cfgOptLockPath), cfgOptionStr(cfgOptStanza), cfgLockType(), 0, false))
                    // Get control info
                    PgControl pgControl = pgControlFromFile(cfgOptionStr(cfgOptPgPath));

                    // Create the queue
                    storagePathCreateNP(storageSpoolWrite(), STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN_STR);

                    // The async process should not output on the console at all
                    KeyValue *optionReplace = kvNew();

                    kvPut(optionReplace, VARSTR(CFGOPT_LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE_STR), VARSTRDEF("off"));
                    kvPut(optionReplace, VARSTR(CFGOPT_LOG_LEVEL_STDERR_STR), VARSTRDEF("off"));

                    // Generate command options
                    StringList *commandExec = cfgExecParam(cfgCmdArchiveGetAsync, optionReplace);
                    strLstInsert(commandExec, 0, cfgExe());

                    // Clean the current queue using the list of WAL that we ideally want in the queue.  queueNeed()
                    // will return the list of WAL needed to fill the queue and this will be passed to the async process.
                    const StringList *queue = queueNeed(
                        walSegment, found, cfgOptionUInt64(cfgOptArchiveGetQueueMax), pgControl.walSegmentSize,

                    for (unsigned int queueIdx = 0; queueIdx < strLstSize(queue); queueIdx++)
                        strLstAdd(commandExec, strLstGet(queue, queueIdx));

                    // Release the lock so the child process can acquire it

                    // Fork off the async process
                    if (forkSafe() == 0)
                        // Disable logging and close log file

                        // Detach from parent process

                        // Execute the binary.  This statement will not return if it is successful.
                            execvp(strPtr(cfgExe()), (char ** const)strLstPtr(commandExec)) == -1,
                            ExecuteError, "unable to execute '" CFGCMD_ARCHIVE_GET_ASYNC "'");

                    // Mark the async process as forked so it doesn't get forked again.  A single run of the async process should be
                    // enough to do the job, running it again won't help anything.
                    forked = true;

                // Exit loop if WAL was found
                if (found)

                // Now that the async process has been launched, confess any errors that are found
                confessOnError = true;
            while (waitMore(wait));
        // Else perform synchronous get
예제 #3
Build list of parameters to use for perl main
String *

    // Add command arguments to pass to main
    String *commandParam = strNew("");

    for (unsigned int paramIdx = 0; paramIdx < strLstSize(cfgCommandParam()); paramIdx++)
        strCatFmt(commandParam, ",'%s'", strPtr(strLstGet(cfgCommandParam(), paramIdx)));

    // Construct Perl main call
    String *mainCall = strNewFmt(
        "($iResult, $bErrorC, $strMessage) = " PGBACKREST_MAIN "('%s'%s)", cfgCommandName(cfgCommand()), strPtr(commandParam));

예제 #4
Begin the command
cmdBegin(bool logOption)
        FUNCTION_LOG_PARAM(BOOL, logOption);

    ASSERT(cfgCommand() != cfgCmdNone);

    // This is fairly expensive log message to generate so skip it if it won't be output
    if (logWill(cfgLogLevelDefault()))
            // Basic info on command start
            String *info = strNewFmt("%s command begin", cfgCommandName(cfgCommand()));

            if (logOption)
                strCatFmt(info, " %s:", PROJECT_VERSION);

                // Add command parameters if they exist
                const StringList *commandParamList = cfgCommandParam();

                if (strLstSize(commandParamList) != 0)
                    strCatFmt(info, " [");

                    for (unsigned int commandParamIdx = 0; commandParamIdx < strLstSize(commandParamList); commandParamIdx++)
                        const String *commandParam = strLstGet(commandParamList, commandParamIdx);

                        if (commandParamIdx != 0)
                            strCatFmt(info, ", ");

                        if (strchr(strPtr(commandParam), ' ') != NULL)
                            commandParam = strNewFmt("\"%s\"", strPtr(commandParam));

                        strCat(info, strPtr(commandParam));

                    strCatFmt(info, "]");

                // Loop though options and add the ones that are interesting
                for (ConfigOption optionId = 0; optionId < CFG_OPTION_TOTAL; optionId++)
                    // Skip the option if it is not valid
                    if (!cfgOptionValid(optionId))

                    // If option was negated
                    if (cfgOptionNegate(optionId))
                        strCatFmt(info, " --no-%s", cfgOptionName(optionId));
                    // If option was reset
                    else if (cfgOptionReset(optionId))
                        strCatFmt(info, " --reset-%s", cfgOptionName(optionId));
                    // Else set and not default
                    else if (cfgOptionSource(optionId) != cfgSourceDefault && cfgOptionTest(optionId))
                        ConfigDefineOption optionDefId = cfgOptionDefIdFromId(optionId);

                        // Don't show redacted options
                        if (cfgDefOptionSecure(optionDefId))
                            strCatFmt(info, " --%s=<redacted>", cfgOptionName(optionId));
                        // Output boolean option
                        else if (cfgDefOptionType(optionDefId) == cfgDefOptTypeBoolean)
                            strCatFmt(info, " --%s", cfgOptionName(optionId));
                        // Output other options
                            StringList *valueList = NULL;

                            // Generate the values of hash options
                            if (cfgDefOptionType(optionDefId) == cfgDefOptTypeHash)
                                valueList = strLstNew();

                                const KeyValue *optionKv = cfgOptionKv(optionId);
                                const VariantList *keyList = kvKeyList(optionKv);

                                for (unsigned int keyIdx = 0; keyIdx < varLstSize(keyList); keyIdx++)
                                            "%s=%s", strPtr(varStr(varLstGet(keyList, keyIdx))),
                                                strPtr(varStrForce(kvGet(optionKv, varLstGet(keyList, keyIdx))))));
                            // Generate values for list options
                            else if (cfgDefOptionType(optionDefId) == cfgDefOptTypeList)
                                valueList = strLstNewVarLst(cfgOptionLst(optionId));
                            // Else only one value
                                valueList = strLstNew();
                                strLstAdd(valueList, varStrForce(cfgOption(optionId)));

                            // Output options and values
                            for (unsigned int valueListIdx = 0; valueListIdx < strLstSize(valueList); valueListIdx++)
                                const String *value = strLstGet(valueList, valueListIdx);

                                strCatFmt(info, " --%s", cfgOptionName(optionId));

                                if (strchr(strPtr(value), ' ') != NULL)
                                    value = strNewFmt("\"%s\"", strPtr(value));

                                strCatFmt(info, "=%s", strPtr(value));

            LOG(cfgLogLevelDefault(), 0, strPtr(info));

예제 #5
Do cleanup and return result code
exitSafe(int result, bool error, SignalType signalType)
        FUNCTION_LOG_PARAM(INT, result);
        FUNCTION_LOG_PARAM(BOOL, error);
        FUNCTION_LOG_PARAM(ENUM, signalType);

    // Report error if one was thrown
    if (error)
        // Don't log the error if it has already been logged by Perl
        if (strcmp(errorMessage(), PERL_EMBED_ERROR) != 0)
            LogLevel logLevel = errorCode() == errorTypeCode(&AssertError) ? logLevelAssert : logLevelError;

            // Assert errors always output a stack trace
            if (logLevel == logLevelAssert)
                LOG(logLevel, errorCode(), "%s\nSTACK TRACE:\n%s", errorMessage(), errorStackTrace());
                // Log just the error to non-debug levels
                LOG_INTERNAL(logLevel, LOG_LEVEL_MIN, logLevelDetail, 0, errorCode(), errorMessage());

                // Log the stack trace debug levels
                if (logAny(logLevelDebug))
                        logLevel, logLevelDebug, LOG_LEVEL_MAX, 0, errorCode(), "%s\nSTACK TRACE:\n%s", errorMessage(),

        result = errorCode();

    // Free protocol objects but ignore errors

    // Free Perl but ignore errors

    // Log command end if a command is set
    if (cfgCommand() != cfgCmdNone)
        String *errorMessage = NULL;

        // On error generate an error message
        if (result != 0)
            // On process terminate
            if (result == errorTypeCode(&TermError))
                errorMessage = strNew("terminated on signal ");

                // Terminate from a child
                if (signalType == signalTypeNone)
                    strCat(errorMessage, "from child process");
                // Else terminated directly
                    strCatFmt(errorMessage, "[SIG%s]", exitSignalName(signalType));
            // Standard error exit message
            else if (error)
                errorMessage = strNewFmt("aborted with exception [%03d]", result);

        cmdEnd(result, errorMessage);

    // Release any locks but ignore errors

    // Return result - caller should immediate pass this result to exit()
예제 #6
Test run

    // Static tests against known values -- these may break as options change so will need to be kept up to date.  The tests have
    // generally been selected to favor values that are not expected to change but adjustments are welcome as long as the type of
    // test is not drastically changed.
    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("check known values"))
        TEST_ERROR(cfgCommandId(BOGUS_STR), AssertError, "invalid command 'BOGUS'");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgCommandId("archive-push"), cfgCmdArchivePush, "command id from name");

            cfgCommandDefIdFromId(CFG_COMMAND_TOTAL), AssertError, "assertion 'commandId < cfgCmdNone' failed");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgCommandDefIdFromId(cfgCmdBackup), cfgDefCmdBackup, "command id to def id");

        TEST_RESULT_STR(cfgCommandName(cfgCmdBackup), "backup", "command name from id");

        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionDefIdFromId(cfgOptPgHost + 6), cfgDefOptPgHost, "option id to def id");

        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionId("target"), cfgOptTarget, "option id from name");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionId(BOGUS_STR), -1, "option id from invalid option name");

            cfgOptionIdFromDefId(cfgDefOptionTotal(), 6), AssertError,
            "assertion 'optionDefId < cfgDefOptionTotal()' failed");
            cfgOptionIdFromDefId(0, 999999), AssertError,
            "assertion 'index < cfgDefOptionIndexTotal(optionDefId)' failed");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionIdFromDefId(cfgDefOptPgHost, 6), cfgOptPgHost + 6, "option def id to id");

        TEST_ERROR(cfgOptionIndex(CFG_OPTION_TOTAL), AssertError, "assertion 'optionId < CFG_OPTION_TOTAL' failed");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionIndex(cfgOptPgHostCmd + 6), 6, "option index");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionIndex(cfgOptCompressLevel), 0, "option index");

        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionIndexTotal(cfgOptPgPath), 8, "option index total");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionIndexTotal(cfgOptLogLevelConsole), 1, "option index total");

        TEST_RESULT_STR(cfgOptionName(cfgOptBackupStandby), "backup-standby", "option id from name");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("configuration"))
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgInit(), "config init");

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgCommand(), cfgCmdNone, "command begins as none");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgCommandSet(cfgCmdBackup), "command set to backup");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgCommand(), cfgCmdBackup, "command is backup");

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgCommandSet(cfgCmdBackup), "command set to backup");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgLogLevelDefault(), logLevelInfo, "default log level is info");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgLogFile(), true, "log file is on");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgLockRequired(), true, "lock is required");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgLockRemoteRequired(cfgCmdBackup), true, "remote lock is required");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgLockType(), lockTypeBackup, "lock is type backup");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgLockRemoteType(cfgCmdBackup), lockTypeBackup, "remote lock is type backup");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgParameterAllowed(), false, "parameters not allowed");

        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgCommandSet(cfgCmdInfo), "command set to info");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgLogLevelDefault(), logLevelDebug, "default log level is debug");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgLogLevelStdErrMax(), logLevelTrace, "max stderr log level is trace");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgLogFile(), false, "log file is off");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgLockRequired(), false, "lock is not required");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgLockRemoteRequired(cfgCmdInfo), false, "remote lock is not required");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgLockType(), lockTypeNone, "lock is type none");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgLockRemoteType(cfgCmdInfo), lockTypeNone, "remote lock is type none");

        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgCommandSet(cfgCmdStanzaCreate), "command set to stanza-create");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgLockRequired(), true, "lock is required");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgLockType(), lockTypeAll, "lock is type all");

        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgCommandSet(cfgCmdLocal), "command set to local");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgLogLevelStdErrMax(), logLevelError, "max stderr log level is error");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgLogFile(), true, "log file is on");

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgCommandHelp(), false, "command help defaults to false");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgCommandHelpSet(true), "set command help");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgCommandHelp(), true, "command help is set");

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TEST_RESULT_INT(strLstSize(cfgCommandParam()), 0, "command param list defaults to empty");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgCommandParamSet(strLstAddZ(strLstNew(), "param")), "set command param list");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(strLstSize(cfgCommandParam()), 1, "command param list is set");

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TEST_RESULT_PTR(cfgExe(), NULL, "exe defaults to null");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgExeSet(strNew("/path/to/exe")), "set exe");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(cfgExe()), "/path/to/exe", "exe is set");

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgOptionNegate(cfgOptConfig), false, "negate defaults to false");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionNegateSet(cfgOptConfig, true), "set negate");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgOptionNegate(cfgOptConfig), true, "negate is set");

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgOptionReset(cfgOptConfig), false, "reset defaults to false");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionResetSet(cfgOptConfig, true), "set reset");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgOptionReset(cfgOptConfig), true, "reset is set");

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgOptionValid(cfgOptConfig), false, "valid defaults to false");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgOptionTest(cfgOptConfig), false, "option not valid for the command");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionValidSet(cfgOptConfig, true), "set valid");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgOptionValid(cfgOptConfig), true, "valid is set");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgOptionTest(cfgOptConfig), false, "option valid but value is null");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionSet(cfgOptConfig, cfgSourceParam, varNewStrZ("cfg")), "set option config");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgOptionTest(cfgOptConfig), true, "option valid and value not null");

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TEST_RESULT_PTR(cfgOption(cfgOptOnline), NULL, "online is null");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionSet(cfgOptOnline, cfgSourceParam, varNewBool(false)), "set online");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgOptionBool(cfgOptOnline), false, "online is set");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionSet(cfgOptOnline, cfgSourceParam, varNewStrZ("1")), "set online");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(cfgOptionBool(cfgOptOnline), true, "online is set");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionSource(cfgOptOnline), cfgSourceParam, "online source is set");
            cfgOptionDbl(cfgOptOnline), AssertError,
            "assertion 'varType(configOptionValue[optionId].value) == varTypeDouble' failed");
            cfgOptionInt64(cfgOptOnline), AssertError,
            "assertion 'varType(configOptionValue[optionId].value) == varTypeInt64' failed");

        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionSet(cfgOptCompressLevel, cfgSourceParam, varNewInt64(1)), "set compress-level");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionInt(cfgOptCompressLevel), 1, "compress-level is set");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionSet(cfgOptCompressLevel, cfgSourceDefault, varNewStrZ("3")), "set compress-level");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionUInt(cfgOptCompressLevel), 3, "compress-level is set");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionSource(cfgOptCompressLevel), cfgSourceDefault, "compress source is set");
            cfgOptionBool(cfgOptCompressLevel), AssertError,
            "assertion 'varType(configOptionValue[optionId].value) == varTypeBool' failed");

            cfgOptionSet(cfgOptArchivePushQueueMax, cfgSourceParam, varNewInt64(999999999999)), "set archive-push-queue-max");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionInt64(cfgOptArchivePushQueueMax), 999999999999, "archive-push-queue-max is set");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionUInt64(cfgOptArchivePushQueueMax), 999999999999, "archive-push-queue-max is set");

        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionSet(cfgOptProtocolTimeout, cfgSourceParam, varNewDbl(1.1)), "set protocol-timeout");
        TEST_RESULT_DOUBLE(cfgOptionDbl(cfgOptProtocolTimeout), 1.1, "protocol-timeout is set");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionSet(cfgOptProtocolTimeout, cfgSourceConfig, varNewStrZ("3.3")), "set protocol-timeout");
        TEST_RESULT_DOUBLE(cfgOptionDbl(cfgOptProtocolTimeout), 3.3, "protocol-timeout is set");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgOptionSource(cfgOptProtocolTimeout), cfgSourceConfig, "protocol-timeout source is set");
            cfgOptionKv(cfgOptProtocolTimeout), AssertError,
            "assertion 'varType(configOptionValue[optionId].value) == varTypeKeyValue' failed");

        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionSet(cfgOptProtocolTimeout, cfgSourceConfig, NULL), "set protocol-timeout to NULL");
        TEST_RESULT_PTR(cfgOption(cfgOptProtocolTimeout), NULL, "protocol-timeout is not set");

            cfgOptionSet(cfgOptRecoveryOption, cfgSourceParam, varNewDbl(1.1)), AssertError,
            "option 'recovery-option' must be set with KeyValue variant");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionSet(cfgOptRecoveryOption, cfgSourceConfig, varNewKv(kvNew())), "set recovery-option");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(varLstSize(kvKeyList(cfgOptionKv(cfgOptRecoveryOption))), 0, "recovery-option is set");
            cfgOptionLst(cfgOptRecoveryOption), AssertError,
            "assertion 'configOptionValue[optionId].value == NULL"
                " || varType(configOptionValue[optionId].value) == varTypeVariantList' failed");

        TEST_RESULT_INT(varLstSize(cfgOptionLst(cfgOptDbInclude)), 0, "db-include defaults to empty");
            cfgOptionSet(cfgOptDbInclude, cfgSourceParam, varNewDbl(1.1)), AssertError,
            "option 'db-include' must be set with VariantList variant");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionSet(cfgOptDbInclude, cfgSourceConfig, varNewVarLst(varLstNew())), "set db-include");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(varLstSize(cfgOptionLst(cfgOptDbInclude)), 0, "db-include is set");
            cfgOptionStr(cfgOptDbInclude), AssertError,
            "assertion 'configOptionValue[optionId].value == NULL"
                " || varType(configOptionValue[optionId].value) == varTypeString' failed");

        TEST_RESULT_PTR(cfgOptionStr(cfgOptStanza), NULL, "stanza defaults to null");
            cfgOptionSet(cfgOptStanza, cfgSourceParam, varNewDbl(1.1)), AssertError,
            "option 'stanza' must be set with String variant");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionSet(cfgOptStanza, cfgSourceConfig, varNewStrZ("db")), "set stanza");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(cfgOptionStr(cfgOptStanza)), "db", "stanza is set");
            cfgOptionInt(cfgOptStanza), AssertError,
            "assertion 'varType(configOptionValue[optionId].value) == varTypeInt64' failed");

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgInit(), "config init resets value");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(cfgCommand(), cfgCmdNone, "command begins as none");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("cfgOptionHostPort()"))
        unsigned int port = 55555;


        cfgOptionValidSet(cfgOptRepoS3Host, true);
        cfgOptionSet(cfgOptRepoS3Host, cfgSourceConfig, varNewStrZ("host.com")) ;
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(cfgOptionHostPort(cfgOptRepoS3Host, &port)), "host.com", "check plain host");
        TEST_RESULT_UINT(port, 55555, "check that port was not updated");

        cfgOptionSet(cfgOptRepoS3Host, cfgSourceConfig, varNewStrZ("myhost.com:777")) ;
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(cfgOptionHostPort(cfgOptRepoS3Host, &port)), "myhost.com", "check host with port");
        TEST_RESULT_UINT(port, 777, "check that port was updated");

        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(cfgOptionHostPort(cfgOptRepoS3Endpoint, &port)), NULL, "check null host");
        TEST_RESULT_UINT(port, 777, "check that port was not updated");

        cfgOptionSet(cfgOptRepoS3Host, cfgSourceConfig, varNewStrZ("myhost.com:777:888")) ;
            cfgOptionHostPort(cfgOptRepoS3Host, &port), OptionInvalidError,
            "'myhost.com:777:888' is not valid for option 'repo1-s3-host'"
                "\nHINT: is more than one port specified?");
        TEST_RESULT_UINT(port, 777, "check that port was not updated");

        cfgOptionValidSet(cfgOptRepoS3Endpoint, true);
        cfgOptionSet(cfgOptRepoS3Endpoint, cfgSourceConfig, varNewStrZ("myendpoint.com:ZZZ")) ;
            cfgOptionHostPort(cfgOptRepoS3Endpoint, &port), OptionInvalidError,
            "'myendpoint.com:ZZZ' is not valid for option 'repo1-s3-endpoint'"
                "\nHINT: port is not a positive integer.");
        TEST_RESULT_UINT(port, 777, "check that port was not updated");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("cfgOptionDefault() and cfgOptionDefaultSet()"))
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgInit(), "config init");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgCommandSet(cfgCmdBackup), "backup command");

        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(varStr(cfgOptionDefault(cfgOptType))), "incr", "backup type default");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(varBool(cfgOptionDefault(cfgOptCompress)), "true", "backup compress default");
        TEST_RESULT_DOUBLE(varDbl(cfgOptionDefault(cfgOptProtocolTimeout)), 1830, "backup protocol-timeout default");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(varIntForce(cfgOptionDefault(cfgOptCompressLevel)), 6, "backup compress-level default");
        TEST_RESULT_PTR(cfgOptionDefault(cfgOptDbInclude), NULL, "backup db-include default is null");

        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionSet(cfgOptPgHost, cfgSourceParam, varNewStrZ("backup")), "backup host set");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionDefaultSet(cfgOptPgHost, varNewStrZ("backup-default")), "backup host default");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionDefaultSet(cfgOptPgHost, varNewStrZ("backup-default2")), "reset backup host default");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(varStr(cfgOption(cfgOptPgHost))), "backup", "backup host value");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(varStr(cfgOptionDefault(cfgOptPgHost))), "backup-default2", "backup host default");

        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionSet(cfgOptPgSocketPath, cfgSourceDefault, NULL), "backup pg-socket-path set");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionDefaultSet(cfgOptPgSocketPath, varNewStrZ("/to/socket")), "backup pg-socket-path default");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(cfgOptionDefaultSet(cfgOptPgSocketPath, varNewStrZ("/to/socket2")), "reset backup pg-socket-path default");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(varStr(cfgOption(cfgOptPgSocketPath))), "/to/socket2", "backup pg-socket-path value");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(varStr(cfgOptionDefault(cfgOptPgSocketPath))), "/to/socket2", "backup pg-socket-path value default");
