int load_config (void) { char *cfg, *sp; int res, val, i; g_assert(check_config_dir () == 0); if (!g_file_get_contents (default_file (), &cfg, NULL, NULL)) return -1; /* If the config is incomplete we have the default values loaded */ load_default_config(); i = 0; do { switch (vars[i].type) { case TYPE_STR: cfg_get_str (cfg, vars[i].name, (char *) &prefs + vars[i].offset, vars[i].len); break; case TYPE_BOOL: case TYPE_INT: val = cfg_get_int_with_result (cfg, vars[i].name, &res); if (res) *((int *) &prefs + vars[i].offset) = val; break; } i++; } while (vars[i].name); g_free (cfg); if (prefs.hex_gui_win_height < 138) prefs.hex_gui_win_height = 138; if (prefs.hex_gui_win_width < 106) prefs.hex_gui_win_width = 106; sp = strchr (prefs.hex_irc_user_name, ' '); if (sp) sp[0] = 0; /* spaces in username would break the login */ return 0; }
void load_config (void) { char *cfg, *sp, *buf; const char *username, *realname; int res, val, i; #ifdef WIN32 char out[256]; #endif check_prefs_dir (); username = g_get_user_name (); if (!username) username = "******"; /* We hid Real name from the Network List, so don't use the user's name unnoticeably */ /* realname = g_get_real_name (); if ((realname && realname[0] == 0) || !realname) realname = username; */ realname = "realname"; username = convert_with_fallback (username, "username"); realname = convert_with_fallback (realname, "realname"); memset (&prefs, 0, sizeof (struct hexchatprefs)); /* put in default values, anything left out is automatically zero */ /* BOOLEANS */ prefs.hex_away_show_once = 1; prefs.hex_away_track = 1; prefs.hex_dcc_auto_resume = 1; #ifndef WIN32 prefs.hex_dcc_fast_send = 1; #endif prefs.hex_gui_autoopen_chat = 1; prefs.hex_gui_autoopen_dialog = 1; prefs.hex_gui_autoopen_recv = 1; prefs.hex_gui_autoopen_send = 1; prefs.hex_gui_input_icon = 1; prefs.hex_gui_input_nick = 1; prefs.hex_gui_input_spell = 1; prefs.hex_gui_input_style = 1; prefs.hex_gui_join_dialog = 1; prefs.hex_gui_quit_dialog = 1; /* prefs.hex_gui_slist_skip = 1; */ prefs.hex_gui_tab_chans = 1; prefs.hex_gui_tab_dialogs = 1; prefs.hex_gui_tab_dots = 1; prefs.hex_gui_tab_icons = 1; prefs.hex_gui_tab_server = 1; prefs.hex_gui_tab_sort = 1; prefs.hex_gui_topicbar = 1; prefs.hex_gui_tray = 1; prefs.hex_gui_tray_blink = 1; prefs.hex_gui_ulist_count = 1; prefs.hex_gui_ulist_icons = 1; prefs.hex_gui_ulist_resizable = 1; prefs.hex_gui_ulist_style = 1; prefs.hex_gui_win_save = 1; prefs.hex_identd = 1; prefs.hex_input_flash_hilight = 1; prefs.hex_input_flash_priv = 1; prefs.hex_input_tray_hilight = 1; prefs.hex_input_tray_priv = 1; /* prefs.hex_irc_who_join = 1; prevent kicks and bans caused by overwhelming who'ing after reconnects */ prefs.hex_irc_whois_front = 1; prefs.hex_net_auto_reconnect = 1; prefs.hex_net_throttle = 1; prefs.hex_stamp_log = 1; prefs.hex_stamp_text = 1; prefs.hex_text_autocopy_text = 1; prefs.hex_text_indent = 1; prefs.hex_text_replay = 1; prefs.hex_text_search_follow = 1; prefs.hex_text_show_marker = 1; prefs.hex_text_show_sep = 1; prefs.hex_text_stripcolor_replay = 1; prefs.hex_text_stripcolor_topic = 1; prefs.hex_text_thin_sep = 1; prefs.hex_text_wordwrap = 1; prefs.hex_url_grabber = 1; /* NUMBERS */ prefs.hex_away_size_max = 300; prefs.hex_away_timeout = 60; prefs.hex_completion_amount = 5; prefs.hex_dcc_auto_recv = 1; /* browse mode */ prefs.hex_dcc_blocksize = 1024; prefs.hex_dcc_permissions = 0600; prefs.hex_dcc_stall_timeout = 60; prefs.hex_dcc_timeout = 180; prefs.hex_flood_ctcp_num = 5; prefs.hex_flood_ctcp_time = 30; prefs.hex_flood_msg_num = 5; /*FIXME*/ prefs.hex_flood_msg_time = 30; prefs.hex_gui_chanlist_maxusers = 9999; prefs.hex_gui_chanlist_minusers = 5; prefs.hex_gui_dialog_height = 256; prefs.hex_gui_dialog_width = 500; prefs.hex_gui_lagometer = 1; prefs.hex_gui_lang = 15; prefs.hex_gui_pane_left_size = 128; /* with treeview icons we need a bit bigger space */ prefs.hex_gui_pane_right_size = 100; prefs.hex_gui_pane_right_size_min = 80; prefs.hex_gui_tab_layout = 2; /* 0=Tabs 1=Reserved 2=Tree */ prefs.hex_gui_tab_newtofront = 2; prefs.hex_gui_tab_pos = 1; prefs.hex_gui_tab_trunc = 20; prefs.hex_gui_throttlemeter = 1; prefs.hex_gui_ulist_pos = 3; prefs.hex_gui_win_height = 400; prefs.hex_gui_win_width = 640; prefs.hex_input_balloon_time = 20; prefs.hex_irc_ban_type = 2; prefs.hex_irc_join_delay = 3; prefs.hex_net_reconnect_delay = 10; prefs.hex_notify_timeout = 15; prefs.hex_text_max_indent = 256; prefs.hex_text_max_lines = 500; prefs.hex_text_tint_blue = 195; prefs.hex_text_tint_green = 195; prefs.hex_text_tint_red = 195; prefs.hex_url_grabber_limit = 100; /* 0 means unlimited */ /* STRINGS */ strcpy (prefs.hex_away_reason, _("I'm busy")); strcpy (prefs.hex_completion_suffix, ","); #ifdef WIN32 if (portable_mode () || !get_reg_str ("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Personal", out, sizeof (out))) { snprintf (prefs.hex_dcc_dir, sizeof (prefs.hex_dcc_dir), "%s\\downloads", get_xdir ()); } else { snprintf (prefs.hex_dcc_dir, sizeof (prefs.hex_dcc_dir), "%s\\Downloads", out); } #else if (g_get_user_special_dir(G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD)) strcpy (prefs.hex_dcc_dir, g_get_user_special_dir(G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD)); else strcpy (prefs.hex_dcc_dir, g_build_filename (g_get_home_dir (), "Downloads", NULL)); #endif strcpy (prefs.hex_dnsprogram, "host"); strcpy (prefs.hex_gui_ulist_doubleclick, "QUERY %s"); strcpy (prefs.hex_input_command_char, "/"); strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_logmask, "%n-%c.log"); strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_nick1, username); strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_nick2, username); strcat (prefs.hex_irc_nick2, "_"); strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_nick3, username); strcat (prefs.hex_irc_nick3, "__"); strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_no_hilight, "NickServ,ChanServ,InfoServ,N,Q"); strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_part_reason, _("Leaving")); strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_quit_reason, prefs.hex_irc_part_reason); strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_real_name, realname); strcpy (prefs.hex_irc_user_name, username); snprintf (prefs.hex_sound_dir, sizeof (prefs.hex_sound_dir), "%s" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "sounds", get_xdir ()); strcpy (prefs.hex_stamp_log_format, "%b %d %H:%M:%S "); strcpy (prefs.hex_stamp_text_format, "[%H:%M:%S] "); #ifdef WIN32 if (find_font ("Consolas")) { strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font, "Consolas 10"); strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font_main, "Consolas 10"); } else { strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font, DEF_FONT); strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font_main, DEF_FONT); } #else strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font, DEF_FONT); strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font_main, DEF_FONT); #endif strcpy (prefs.hex_text_font_alternative, DEF_FONT_ALTER); strcpy (prefs.hex_text_spell_langs, g_getenv ("LC_ALL") ? g_getenv ("LC_ALL") : "en_US"); /* private variables */ prefs.local_ip = 0xffffffff; g_free ((char *)username); g_free ((char *)realname); if (g_file_get_contents (default_file (), &cfg, NULL, NULL)) { i = 0; do { switch (vars[i].type) { case TYPE_STR: cfg_get_str (cfg, vars[i].name, (char *) &prefs + vars[i].offset, vars[i].len); break; case TYPE_BOOL: case TYPE_INT: val = cfg_get_int_with_result (cfg, vars[i].name, &res); if (res) *((int *) &prefs + vars[i].offset) = val; break; } i++; } while (vars[i].name); g_free (cfg); } else { #ifndef WIN32 #ifndef __EMX__ /* OS/2 uses UID 0 all the time */ if (getuid () == 0) fe_message (_("* Running IRC as root is stupid! You should\n" " create a User Account and use that to login.\n"), FE_MSG_WARN|FE_MSG_WAIT); #endif #endif /* !WIN32 */ g_mkdir (prefs.hex_dcc_dir, 0700); g_mkdir (prefs.hex_dcc_completed_dir, 0700); buf = g_strdup_printf ("%s" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "addons", get_xdir ()); g_mkdir (buf, 0700); g_free (buf); } if (prefs.hex_gui_win_height < 138) prefs.hex_gui_win_height = 138; if (prefs.hex_gui_win_width < 106) prefs.hex_gui_win_width = 106; sp = strchr (prefs.hex_irc_user_name, ' '); if (sp) sp[0] = 0; /* spaces in username would break the login */ }
void palette_load (void) { int i, j, l, fh, res; char prefname[256]; struct stat st; char *cfg; int red, green, blue; int upgrade = FALSE; fh = xchat_open_file ("colors.conf", O_RDONLY, 0, 0); if (fh == -1) { fh = xchat_open_file ("palette.conf", O_RDONLY, 0, 0); upgrade = TRUE; } if (fh != -1) { fstat (fh, &st); cfg = malloc (st.st_size + 1); if (cfg) { cfg[0] = '\0'; l = read (fh, cfg, st.st_size); if (l >= 0) cfg[l] = '\0'; if (!upgrade) { /* mIRC colors 0-31 are here */ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { snprintf (prefname, sizeof prefname, "color_%d", i); cfg_get_color (cfg, prefname, &red, &green, &blue); colors[i].red = red; colors[i].green = green; colors[i].blue = blue; } /* our special colors are mapped at 256+ */ for (i = 256, j = 32; j < MAX_COL+1; i++, j++) { snprintf (prefname, sizeof prefname, "color_%d", i); cfg_get_color (cfg, prefname, &red, &green, &blue); colors[j].red = red; colors[j].green = green; colors[j].blue = blue; } } else { /* loading 2.0.x palette.conf */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_COL+1; i++) { snprintf (prefname, sizeof prefname, "color_%d_red", i); red = cfg_get_int (cfg, prefname); snprintf (prefname, sizeof prefname, "color_%d_grn", i); green = cfg_get_int (cfg, prefname); snprintf (prefname, sizeof prefname, "color_%d_blu", i); blue = cfg_get_int_with_result (cfg, prefname, &res); if (res) { colors[remap[i]].red = red; colors[remap[i]].green = green; colors[remap[i]].blue = blue; } } /* copy 0-15 to 16-31 */ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { colors[i+16].red = colors[i].red; colors[i+16].green = colors[i].green; colors[i+16].blue = colors[i].blue; } } free (cfg); } close (fh); } }
void load_config (void) { struct stat st; char *cfg, *sp; const char *username, *realname; int res, val, i, fh; check_prefs_dir (); username = g_get_user_name (); if (!username) username = "******"; /* We hid Real name from the Network List, so don't use the user's name unnoticeably */ /* realname = g_get_real_name (); if ((realname && realname[0] == 0) || !realname) realname = username; */ realname = "realname"; username = convert_with_fallback (username, "username"); realname = convert_with_fallback (realname, "realname"); memset (&prefs, 0, sizeof (struct xchatprefs)); /* put in default values, anything left out is automatically zero */ prefs.local_ip = 0xffffffff; prefs.irc_join_delay = 3; prefs.show_marker = 1; prefs.newtabstofront = 2; prefs.completion_amount = 5; prefs.away_timeout = 60; prefs.away_size_max = 300; prefs.away_track = 1; prefs.timestamp_logs = 1; prefs.truncchans = 20; prefs.autoresume = 1; prefs.show_away_once = 1; prefs.indent_nicks = 1; prefs.thin_separator = 1; prefs._tabs_position = 2; /* 2 = left */ #ifndef WIN32 prefs.fastdccsend = 1; #endif prefs.wordwrap = 1; prefs.autodialog = 1; prefs.gui_input_spell = 1; prefs.autoreconnect = 1; prefs.recon_delay = 10; prefs.autocopy_text = 1; prefs.text_replay = 1; prefs.text_stripcolor_replay = 1; prefs.text_stripcolor_topic = 1; prefs.tabchannels = 1; prefs.tab_layout = 2; /* 0=Tabs 1=Reserved 2=Tree */ prefs.tab_icons = 1; prefs.tab_sort = 1; prefs.paned_userlist = 1; prefs.newtabstofront = 2; prefs.use_server_tab = 1; prefs.privmsgtab = 1; /* prefs.colorednicks = 1; */ prefs.style_inputbox = 1; prefs.style_namelistgad = 1; prefs.dccpermissions = 0600; prefs.max_lines = 500; prefs.mainwindow_width = 640; prefs.mainwindow_height = 400; prefs.dialog_width = 500; prefs.dialog_height = 256; prefs.gui_join_dialog = 1; prefs.gui_quit_dialog = 1; prefs.dcctimeout = 180; prefs.dccstalltimeout = 60; prefs.notify_timeout = 15; prefs.tint_red = prefs.tint_green = prefs.tint_blue = 195; prefs.auto_indent = 1; prefs.max_auto_indent = 256; prefs.show_separator = 1; prefs.dcc_blocksize = 1024; prefs.throttle = 1; /*FIXME*/ prefs.msg_time_limit = 30; prefs.msg_number_limit = 5; prefs.ctcp_time_limit = 30; prefs.ctcp_number_limit = 5; prefs.topicbar = 1; prefs.lagometer = 1; prefs.throttlemeter = 1; prefs.autoopendccrecvwindow = 1; prefs.autoopendccsendwindow = 1; prefs.autoopendccchatwindow = 1; /* prevent kicks and bans caused by overwhelming who'ing after reconnects */ /* prefs.userhost = 1; */ prefs.gui_chanlist_maxusers = 9999; prefs.gui_chanlist_minusers = 5; prefs.gui_tray = 1; prefs.gui_pane_left_size = 128; /* with treeview icons we need a bit bigger space */ prefs.gui_pane_right_size = 100; prefs.gui_pane_right_size_min = 80; prefs.mainwindow_save = 1; prefs.bantype = 2; prefs.input_balloon_time = 20; prefs.input_flash_priv = prefs.input_flash_hilight = 1; prefs.input_tray_priv = prefs.input_tray_hilight = 1; prefs.autodccsend = 2; /* browse mode */ prefs.url_grabber = 1; prefs.url_grabber_limit = 100; /* 0 means unlimited */ prefs.text_search_follow = 1; prefs.timestamp = 1; #ifdef WIN32 prefs.identd = 1; #endif strcpy (prefs.spell_langs, g_getenv ("LC_ALL") ? g_getenv ("LC_ALL") : "en_US"); strcpy (prefs.stamp_format, "[%H:%M:%S] "); strcpy (prefs.timestamp_log_format, "%b %d %H:%M:%S "); strcpy (prefs.logmask, "%n-%c.log"); strcpy (prefs.nick_suffix, ","); strcpy (prefs.cmdchar, "/"); strcpy (prefs.nick1, username); strcpy (prefs.nick2, username); strcat (prefs.nick2, "_"); strcpy (prefs.nick3, username); strcat (prefs.nick3, "__"); strcpy (prefs.realname, realname); strcpy (prefs.username, username); #ifdef WIN32 strcpy (prefs.sounddir, "./sounds"); { char out[256]; if (portable_mode () || !get_reg_str ("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", "Personal", out, sizeof (out))) { snprintf (prefs.dccdir, sizeof (prefs.dccdir), "%s\\downloads", get_xdir_utf8 ()); } else { snprintf (prefs.dccdir, sizeof (prefs.dccdir), "%s\\Downloads", out); } } #else snprintf (prefs.sounddir, sizeof (prefs.sounddir), "%s/sounds", get_xdir_utf8 ()); snprintf (prefs.dccdir, sizeof (prefs.dccdir), "%s/downloads", get_xdir_utf8 ()); #endif strcpy (prefs.doubleclickuser, "QUOTE WHOIS %s %s"); strcpy (prefs.awayreason, _("I'm busy")); strcpy (prefs.quitreason, _("Leaving")); strcpy (prefs.partreason, prefs.quitreason); strcpy (prefs.font_normal, DEF_FONT); #ifdef WIN32 strcpy (prefs.font_main, DEF_FONT); strcpy (prefs.font_alternative, DEF_FONT_ALTER); #endif strcpy (prefs.dnsprogram, "host"); strcpy (prefs.irc_no_hilight, "NickServ,ChanServ,InfoServ,N,Q"); g_free ((char *)username); g_free ((char *)realname); fh = open (default_file (), OFLAGS | O_RDONLY); if (fh != -1) { fstat (fh, &st); cfg = malloc (st.st_size + 1); cfg[0] = '\0'; i = read (fh, cfg, st.st_size); if (i >= 0) cfg[i] = '\0'; /* make sure cfg is NULL terminated */ close (fh); i = 0; do { switch (vars[i].type) { case TYPE_STR: cfg_get_str (cfg, vars[i].name, (char *) &prefs + vars[i].offset, vars[i].len); break; case TYPE_BOOL: case TYPE_INT: val = cfg_get_int_with_result (cfg, vars[i].name, &res); if (res) *((int *) &prefs + vars[i].offset) = val; break; } i++; } while (vars[i].name); free (cfg); } else { #ifndef WIN32 #ifndef __EMX__ /* OS/2 uses UID 0 all the time */ if (getuid () == 0) fe_message (_("* Running IRC as root is stupid! You should\n" " create a User Account and use that to login.\n"), FE_MSG_WARN|FE_MSG_WAIT); #endif #endif /* !WIN32 */ mkdir_utf8 (prefs.dccdir); mkdir_utf8 (prefs.dcc_completed_dir); } if (prefs.mainwindow_height < 138) prefs.mainwindow_height = 138; if (prefs.mainwindow_width < 106) prefs.mainwindow_width = 106; sp = strchr (prefs.username, ' '); if (sp) sp[0] = 0; /* spaces in username would break the login */ /* try to make sense of old ulist/tree position settings */ if (prefs.gui_ulist_pos == 0) { prefs.gui_ulist_pos = 3; /* top right */ if (prefs._gui_ulist_left) prefs.gui_ulist_pos = 2; /* bottom left */ switch (prefs._tabs_position) { case 0: prefs.tab_pos = 6; /* bottom */ break; case 1: prefs.tab_pos = 5; /* top */ break; case 2: prefs.tab_pos = 1; /* left */ break; case 3: prefs.tab_pos = 4; /* right */ break; case 4: prefs.tab_pos = 1; /* (hidden)left */ break; case 5: if (prefs._gui_ulist_left) { prefs.tab_pos = 1; /* above ulist left */ prefs.gui_ulist_pos = 2; } else { prefs.tab_pos = 3; /* above ulist right */ prefs.gui_ulist_pos = 4; } break; } } }
void load_config (void) { struct stat st; char *cfg, *sp; const char *username, *realname; int res, val, i, fh; check_prefs_dir (); username = g_get_user_name (); if (!username) username = "******"; realname = g_get_real_name (); if ((realname && realname[0] == 0) || !realname) realname = username; username = convert_with_fallback (username, "username"); realname = convert_with_fallback (realname, "realname"); memset (&prefs, 0, sizeof (struct xchatprefs)); /* put in default values, anything left out is automatically zero */ prefs.local_ip = 0xffffffff; prefs.irc_join_delay = 3; prefs.show_marker = 1; prefs.newtabstofront = 2; prefs.completion_amount = 9001; prefs.away_timeout = 60; prefs.away_size_max = 300; prefs.away_track = 1; prefs.timestamp_logs = 1; prefs.truncchans = 20; prefs.autoresume = 1; prefs.show_away_once = 1; prefs.indent_nicks = 1; prefs.thin_separator = 1; prefs._tabs_position = 2; /* 2 = left */ prefs.fastdccsend = 1; prefs.wordwrap = 1; prefs.autosave = 1; prefs.autodialog = 1; prefs.gui_input_spell = 1; prefs.autoreconnect = 1; prefs.recon_delay = 0; prefs.completion_sort = 1; prefs.tabchannels = 1; prefs.tab_layout = 2; /* 0=Tabs 1=Reserved 2=Tree */ prefs.tab_sort = 1; prefs.blink_timeout = 30; prefs.data_color = 2; /* 2 = blink once */ prefs.talk_color = 1; /* 1 = stay solid */ prefs.hilite_color = 1; prefs.paned_userlist = 1; prefs.newtabstofront = 2; prefs.use_server_tab = 1; prefs.privmsgtab = 1; /*prefs.style_inputbox = 1; */ prefs.dccpermissions = 0600; prefs.max_lines = 500; prefs.mainwindow_width = 640; prefs.mainwindow_height = 400; prefs.dialog_width = 500; prefs.dialog_height = 256; prefs.gui_join_dialog = 1; prefs.gui_quit_dialog = 1; prefs.chanmodebuttons = 1; prefs.dcctimeout = 180; prefs.dccstalltimeout = 60; prefs.notify_timeout = 15; prefs.tint_red = prefs.tint_green = prefs.tint_blue = 195; prefs.auto_indent = 1; prefs.max_auto_indent = 256; prefs.show_separator = 1; prefs.dcc_blocksize = 1024; /*FIXME*/ prefs.msg_time_limit = 30; prefs.msg_number_limit = 5; prefs.ctcp_time_limit = 30; prefs.ctcp_number_limit = 5; prefs.topicbar = 1; prefs.lagometer = 1; prefs.raw_modes = 1; prefs.throttlemeter = 1; prefs.autoopendccrecvwindow = 1; prefs.autoopendccsendwindow = 1; prefs.autoopendccchatwindow = 1; prefs.userhost = 1; prefs.gui_url_mod = 4; /* ctrl */ prefs.gui_tray = 1; prefs.gui_pane_left_size = 100; prefs.gui_pane_right_size = 100; prefs.mainwindow_save = 1; prefs.bantype = 1; prefs.colorednicks = 1; prefs.input_balloon_time = 20; prefs.input_flash_priv = prefs.input_flash_hilight = 1; prefs.input_tray_priv = prefs.input_tray_hilight = 1; prefs.autodccsend = 2; /* browse mode */ prefs.logging = 1; strcpy (prefs.stamp_format, "[%H:%M] "); strcpy (prefs.timestamp_log_format, "[%b %d %Y @ %I:%M:%S%p] "); strcpy (prefs.logmask, "%n-%c.log"); strcpy (prefs.nick_suffix, ","); strcpy (prefs.cmdchar, "/"); strcpy (prefs.nick1, username); strcpy (prefs.nick2, username); strcat (prefs.nick2, "_"); strcpy (prefs.nick3, username); strcat (prefs.nick3, "__"); strcpy (prefs.realname, realname); strcpy (prefs.username, username); strcpy (prefs.doubleclickuser, "QUERY %s"); strcpy (prefs.awayreason, _("I'm busy")); strcpy (prefs.quitreason, "GChat -"); strcpy (prefs.partreason, prefs.quitreason); strcpy (prefs.font_normal, DEF_FONT); strcpy (prefs.dnsprogram, "host"); strcpy (prefs.irc_no_hilight, "NickServ,ChanServ"); g_free ((char *) username); g_free ((char *) realname); fh = open (default_file (), OFLAGS | O_RDONLY); if (fh != -1) { fstat (fh, &st); cfg = malloc (st.st_size + 1); cfg[0] = '\0'; i = read (fh, cfg, st.st_size); if (i >= 0) cfg[i] = '\0'; /* make sure cfg is NULL terminated */ close (fh); i = 0; do { switch (vars[i].type) { case TYPE_STR: cfg_get_str (cfg, vars[i].name, (char *) &prefs + vars[i].offset, vars[i].len); break; case TYPE_BOOL: case TYPE_INT: val = cfg_get_int_with_result (cfg, vars[i].name, &res); if (res) *((int *) &prefs + vars[i].offset) = val; break; } i++; } while (vars[i].name); free (cfg); } else { #ifndef __EMX__ /* OS/2 uses UID 0 all the time */ if (getuid () == 0) fe_message (_("* Running IRC as root is stupid! You should\n" " create a User Account and use that to login.\n"), FE_MSG_WARN | FE_MSG_WAIT); #endif mkdir_utf8 (prefs.dccdir); mkdir_utf8 (prefs.dcc_completed_dir); } if (prefs.mainwindow_height < 138) prefs.mainwindow_height = 138; if (prefs.mainwindow_width < 106) prefs.mainwindow_width = 106; sp = strchr (prefs.username, ' '); if (sp) sp[0] = 0; /* spaces in username would break the login */ /* try to make sense of old ulist/tree position settings */ if (prefs.gui_ulist_pos == 0) { prefs.gui_ulist_pos = 3; /* top right */ if (prefs._gui_ulist_left) prefs.gui_ulist_pos = 2; /* bottom left */ switch (prefs._tabs_position) { case 0: prefs.tab_pos = 6; /* bottom */ break; case 1: prefs.tab_pos = 5; /* top */ break; case 2: prefs.tab_pos = 1; /* left */ break; case 3: prefs.tab_pos = 4; /* right */ break; case 4: prefs.tab_pos = 1; /* (hidden)left */ break; case 5: if (prefs._gui_ulist_left) { prefs.tab_pos = 1; /* above ulist left */ prefs.gui_ulist_pos = 2; } else { prefs.tab_pos = 3; /* above ulist right */ prefs.gui_ulist_pos = 4; } break; } } }