예제 #1
파일: artist.c 프로젝트: halorgium/team44
 * Function: printArtistComment
 * Parameters: funcName stuct
 * Returns: (void)
 * This function checks if the current user is a librarian or not 
 * so it knows whether the user has permission to add a new artist. 
 * If they don't have permission they will recieve a message stating 
 * they are not privleged to add new artists. The function will then 
 * check that the cgi form was a success and then will add the new artist 
 * by communicating with the database.
static void doAddArtist(void)
    Boolean needAddForm = TRUE;

    int result = 0;

    /* Temporary Struct to store form data */
    artistNode_t *formdata = NULL;
    /* Array to store errors */
    int *errors = NULL;
    Boolean isAdding = FALSE;

    /* Check privileges of current user */
    if (isUserLibrarian(_currUserLogon) == FALSE) {
        fprintf(cgiOut, "You are not privileged to add new Artists\n");

    fprintf(cgiOut, "<div class=\"head1\">Adding New Artist</div>\n");

    /* if adding field is set */
    result = cgiFormIntegerBounded("adding", &isAdding, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
    if (result != cgiFormSuccess) {
        /* Some sort of failure */
        isAdding = FALSE;

    /* Malloc space for form data */
    formdata = malloc(sizeof(artistNode_t));
    if (formdata == NULL) {
        isAdding = FALSE;
    else {
        Boolean formOK = FALSE;

        formdata->name = NULL;

        /* Malloc space for error code of each field */
        errors = malloc(sizeof(int) * 1);
        if (errors == NULL) {
            isAdding = FALSE;
        else {
            /* Set errors to E_NOERROR */
            int i = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
                errors[i] = E_NOERROR;

        /* The curr data is ready for processing */
        formOK = processAddForm(errors, formdata);

        if (isAdding == TRUE && formOK == TRUE) {
            int newArtistid = -1;

            /* All form data is good */
            /* Add artist to database */
            newArtistid = addArtist(formdata->name);

            if (newArtistid > 0) {
                /* User added ok */
                needAddForm = FALSE;
                fprintf(cgiOut, "Adding successful<br />\n");
                        "<a href=\"./?page=artist&amp;artistid=%d&amp;hash=%d\">[View Artist]</a><br />\n",
                        newArtistid, _currUserLogon);
                        "<a href=\"./?page=album&amp;func=add&amp;artistid=%d&amp;hash=%d\">[Add Album by this Artist]</a><br />\n",
                        newArtistid, _currUserLogon);
                        "<a href=\"./?page=artist&amp;func=add&amp;hash=%d\">[Add Another Artist]</a>",
            else {
                /* Artist adding error */
                fprintf(cgiOut, "DB Save Error<br />\n");

    if (needAddForm == TRUE) {
        /* Need to print form */
        printAddForm(isAdding, errors, formdata);

    /* Free the memory */
    if (errors != NULL) {
    if (formdata != NULL) {
        if (formdata->name != NULL) {
예제 #2
파일: ip-toplast.c 프로젝트: fm4dd/edacs
int cgiMain() {
#ifdef MYSQL_DB
  static MYSQL *dbh;              /* database connect handle */
  static MYSQL_RES *result;       /* database query results  */
  static MYSQL_ROW values;        /* query data returned     */
  unsigned int colcount    =0;    /* number of returned columns */
  int server_version;             /* returned server version */
#ifdef ORACLE_DB
  sqlo_db_handle_t dbh;           /* database handle */
  sqlo_stmt_handle_t sth1;        /* statement handle 1 */
  char server_version[1024]="";   /* string for returned server version */
  int stat                 =0;    /* status of sqlo calls */
  int handle               =0;    /* handle of the interrupt handler */
  //const char ** colnames;         /* column names */
  const char ** values;           /* values */
  char sqlquery_str[1024]  ="";   /* SQL query string */
  int allrows              =0;    /* number of returned rows */
  int rowcount             =0;    /* row iteration counter */
  div_t oddline_calc;             /* calculates even/odd row color */
  int top_count            =0;    /* how many top ip to display */
  char start_date[11]      ="";   /* selected start date */
  char start_time[6]       ="";   /* selected start time */
  char end_date[11]        ="";   /* selected end date */
  char end_time[6]         ="";   /* selected end time */
  char order_by[13]        ="";   /* sort list by column */
  char sort_order[5]       ="";   /* ascending or descending */
  char **form_data;               /* string array for query data */
  char title[256]          = "";  /* cgi title string */
  struct tm *tm_ptr;              /* containing time structure */
  time_t now, old;                /* containing timestamp */
  char err_str[2048]       = "";  /* use for combined error string */
  int period               = 0;   /* the period to display */
  char dataunit[255] = "0 Bytes"; /* holds the calculated KB/MB */

  _abort_flag     = 0;
#ifdef ORACLE_DB
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- * 
   * ORACLE_HOME is needed for OCI8 to find tnsnames.ora                 *
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  /* initialize the connection */
  if (SQLO_SUCCESS != sqlo_init(SQLO_OFF, 1, 100))
    cgi_error("Error: Failed to init libsqlora8.");

  /* register the interrupt handler */
  sqlo_register_int_handler(&handle, sigint_handler);

  /* login to the database */
  if (SQLO_SUCCESS != sqlo_connect(&dbh, WEB_TNS_STRING))
    cgi_error("Error: Cannot connect to database.");
  RETURN_ON_ABORT; /* finish if SIGINT was catched */

  if (SQLO_SUCCESS != sqlo_server_version(dbh, server_version,
  RETURN_ON_ABORT; /* finish if SIGINT was catched */

  /* enable autocommit, each statement is commited as a single transaction */
  stat = sqlo_set_autocommit(dbh, 1);
#ifdef MYSQL_DB
  /* initialize the connection */
  dbh = mysql_init(NULL);
  if(dbh == NULL) cgi_error("Error:  Failed to init MySQL DB.");

  /* login to the database */
  if (mysql_real_connect(dbh, MYSQLIP, EDACSADMIN, ADMIN_PASS, DB_NAME, DB_PORT, NULL, 0) == 0)
    cgi_error("Error: Cannot connect to database.");

  /* Get the database version */
  server_version = mysql_get_server_version(dbh);

  /* we load the cgi form values into form_data */
  if (cgiFormEntries(&form_data) != cgiFormSuccess)
    cgi_error("Error: Could not retrieve form data.");

  if(form_data[0] == NULL) {
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- * 
     * Start the HTML output to display the query selection                *
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* define the CGI title */
    snprintf(title, sizeof(title), "Top IP Address Session Activity");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<div id=\"content\">\n");

    fprintf(cgiOut, "<form action=\"ip-toplast.cgi\" method=\"get\">\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<table class=\"inner\" width=100%%>\n");
    /* 1st row, display headers */
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Number of IP</th>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Time Frame</th>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Top by</th>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Sort Order</th>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    /* 2nd row */
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"><input type=radio value=\"24\" checked name=\"start\">Last Day</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    /* 3rd row, request values */
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner-ctr\">(choose one)</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"><input type=radio value=\"168\" name=\"start\">Last Week</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner-ctr\">(choose one)</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"><input type=radio value=\"desc\" checked name=\"sort_order\">");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "Top</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    /* 4th row, request values */
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner-ctr\"><select name=\"top_count\" size=\"1\">");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"5\">Top 5 IP</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option selected value=\"10\">Top 10 IP</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"20\">Top 20 IP</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"50\">Top 50 IP</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</select></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"><input type=radio value=\"720\" name=\"start\">Last Month</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner-ctr\"><select name=\"order_by\" size=\"1\">");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"elapsed_mins\">Elapsed Time</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"bytes_in\">Bytes In</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option selected value=\"bytes_out\">Bytes Out</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"packets_in\">Packets In</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"packets_out\">Packets Out</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"sessions\">Session Count</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</select></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"><input type=radio name=\"sort_order\" value=\"asc\">Bottom</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    /* 5th row */
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\">");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<input type=radio value=\"2160\" name=\"start\">Last 3 Months</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    /* 6th and last row, close the frame */
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\" colspan=4><input type=submit value=\"Run Query\"></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</table>\n");

    fprintf(cgiOut, "<h3>Additional Information</h3>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<hr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<p>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "This query returns a list of top IP addresses of the \"Order By\" selection for the last time period choosen.");
    fprintf(cgiOut, " It will give you a quick view who is possibly missusing the service, i.e. transferring large amounts of data in or out.");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<ul>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<li>Select the number of top IP to display (5, 10, 20, 50) from the drop down list.");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<li>The time frame can be selected from the radio menu, time is counting back from now.");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<li>The results list is grouped by the \"Order By\" list, and sorted \"Top\" down or \"Bottom\" up.");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</ul>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</p>\n");
  } /* end if for displaying the query request */
  else {
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *
   * check if we got all information to make the SQL query               *
   * --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    if ( cgiFormIntegerBounded("top_count", &top_count, 1, 50, 10) 
                                                     != cgiFormSuccess )
      cgi_error("Error retrieving IP top count.");
    if ( cgiFormIntegerBounded("start", &period, 1, 2160, 24) 
                                                     != cgiFormSuccess ) 
      cgi_error("Error retrieving start period information.");
    if ( cgiFormString("order_by", order_by, sizeof(order_by))
                                                     != cgiFormSuccess )
      cgi_error("Error retrieving order_by information.");
    if ( cgiFormString("sort_order", sort_order, sizeof(sort_order))
                                                     != cgiFormSuccess )
      cgi_error("Error retrieving sort_order information.");
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- * 
     * The calculate query start and end time from given period in hours   *
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    now = time(NULL);
    tm_ptr = localtime(&now);
    strftime(end_date, sizeof(end_date), "%d.%m.%Y", (tm_ptr));
    strftime(end_time, sizeof(end_time), "%H:%M", tm_ptr);
    old = time(NULL) - (period * 3600);
    tm_ptr = localtime(&old);
    strftime(start_date, sizeof(start_date), "%d.%m.%Y", tm_ptr);
    strftime(start_time, sizeof(start_time), "%H:%M", tm_ptr);
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *
     * check we got all parts and can start doing the SQL query below      *
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef ORACLE_DB
    snprintf(sqlquery_str, sizeof(sqlquery_str), "SELECT IP_ADDR, TO_CHAR(SUM(BYTES_IN), '999,999,999,999') BYTES_IN, TO_CHAR(SUM(BYTES_OUT), '999,999,999,999') BYTES_OUT, TO_CHAR(SUM(PACKETS_IN), '999,999,999,999') PACKETS_IN, TO_CHAR(SUM(PACKETS_OUT), '999,999,999,999') PACKETS_OUT, TO_CHAR(SUM(ELAPSED_MINS), '99,999.99') ELAPSED_MINS, COUNT (IP_ADDR) AS SESSIONS FROM %s.V_EDACS WHERE BYTES_IN IS NOT NULL AND START_DATE BETWEEN TO_DATE('%s %s', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi') and TO_DATE ('%s %s', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi') GROUP BY IP_ADDR ORDER BY %s %s",
           EDACSADMIN, start_date, start_time, end_date,
           end_time, order_by, sort_order);

    /* initialize the statement handle */
    sth1 = SQLO_STH_INIT;
    /* opens a cursor for the query statement */
    if ( 0 > (sqlo_open2(&sth1, dbh, sqlquery_str, 0, NULL))) {
      if(DEBUG == 0) cgi_error(sqlo_geterror(dbh));
      else snprintf(err_str, sizeof(err_str), "DB error %s\n\nQuery string %s",
               sqlo_geterror(dbh), sqlquery_str);
    RETURN_ON_ABORT; /* finish if SIGINT was catched */
    /* get the output column names */
    //if (SQLO_SUCCESS != sqlo_ocol_names2(sth1, &colcount, &colnames))
    //  cgi_error("Error getting the DB columns with sqlo_ocol_names2()");
    // RETURN_ON_ABORT; /* finish if SIGINT was catched */
#ifdef MYSQL_DB
    snprintf(sqlquery_str, sizeof(sqlquery_str), "SELECT ip_addr, SUM(bytes_in) bytes_in, SUM(BYTES_OUT) bytes_out, TRUNCATE((bytes_in+bytes_out)/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(elapsed_mins)),2) throughput, FORMAT(SUM(packets_in), 0) packets_in, FORMAT(SUM(packets_out), 0) packet_out, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(elapsed_mins))) elapsed_mins, COUNT(ip_addr) AS SESSIONS FROM v_edacs WHERE bytes_in IS NOT NULL AND start_date BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE('%s %s', '%s') and STR_TO_DATE('%s %s', '%s') GROUP BY ip_addr ORDER BY %s %s",
           start_date, start_time, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%i",
           end_date, end_time, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%i",
           order_by, sort_order);

  /* Prepare and execute the SQL statement */
  if(mysql_query(dbh, sqlquery_str) != 0) {
    if(DEBUG == 0) cgi_error(mysql_error(dbh));
    else snprintf(err_str, sizeof(err_str), "DB error %s\n\nQuery string %s",
             mysql_error(dbh), sqlquery_str);
 /* get query results set */
  result = mysql_store_result(dbh);
  if (result == NULL) {
    snprintf(err_str, sizeof(err_str), "No results for query: %s\n", sqlquery_str);
    cgi_error( err_str);

  allrows = mysql_num_rows(result);
  colcount = mysql_num_fields(result);

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
   * start the html output                                                    *
   * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    snprintf(title, sizeof(title), "Top %d IP Address Activity by %s", top_count, order_by);
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<div id=\"content\">\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<p>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<b>Top:</b> %d <b>Selection:</b> %s <b>Timeperiod:</b> %s %s - %s %s <b>Data Records:</b> %d",
               top_count, order_by, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, allrows);
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</p>\n");

    fprintf(cgiOut, "<table class=\"inner\" width=100%%>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">#</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">IP Address</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Data In</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Data Out</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Throughput</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Packets In</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Packets Out</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Elapsed Time</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Sessions</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    /* fetch the data */
#ifdef ORACLE_DB
    while ( SQLO_SUCCESS == (stat = (sqlo_fetch(sth1, 1)))) {
       /* get one record */
       values = sqlo_values(sth1, NULL, 1);
#ifdef MYSQL_DB
     while((values = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL) {

     /* check for even/odd rows */
     oddline_calc = div(rowcount, 2);
     if(oddline_calc.rem) fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr class=\"odd\">\n");
     else fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr class=\"even\">\n");

     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td>%d</td>\n", rowcount);
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td>");
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<a href=ip-actlast.cgi?start=%d&sort_order=%s&ipaddr=%s&order_by=start_date>",
                         period, sort_order, values[0]);
     fprintf(cgiOut, "%s</a></td>", values[0]);
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"right\">%s</td>", calc_units(values[1], dataunit));
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"right\">%s</td>", calc_units(values[2], dataunit));
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"right\">%s/s</td>", calc_units(values[3], dataunit));
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"right\">%s</td>", values[4]);
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"right\">%s</td>", values[5]);
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"right\">%s</td>", values[6]);
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"right\">%s</td>", values[7]);
     fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");

       if ( rowcount == top_count) break;
     } /* end while row */
#ifdef ORACLE_DB
    if (SQLO_SUCCESS != sqlo_close(sth1))
      cgi_error("Error Closing the SQL statment handle.");
    RETURN_ON_ABORT; /* finish if SIGINT was catched */
#ifdef MYSQL_DB

     /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *
      * IF there was no data for the selection, display a notification    *
      * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if(rowcount == 0) {
      fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
      fprintf(cgiOut, "<td colspan=9>");
      fprintf(cgiOut, "No data found for top %d IP by %s between %s %s and %s %s.",
              top_count, order_by, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time);
      fprintf(cgiOut, "</td>\n");
      fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    } /* end if rowcount is zero */
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\" colspan=9>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "&nbsp;");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</table>\n");
  } /* end else we were called with form data */

예제 #3
파일: ip-actlast.c 프로젝트: fm4dd/edacs
int cgiMain() {
#ifdef MYSQL_DB
  static MYSQL *dbh;              /* database connect handle */
  static MYSQL_RES *result;       /* database query results  */
  static MYSQL_ROW values;        /* query data returned     */
  unsigned int colcount    =0;    /* number of returned columns */
  int server_version;             /* returned server version */
#ifdef ORACLE_DB
  sqlo_db_handle_t dbh;           /* database handle */
  sqlo_stmt_handle_t sth1;        /* statement handle 1 */
  char server_version[1024]="";   /* string for returned server version */
  int stat                 =0;    /* status of sqlo calls */
  int handle               =0;    /* handle of the interrupt handler */
  const char ** values;           /* values */
  char sqlquery_str[1024]  ="";   /* SQL query string */
  int allrows              =0;    /* number of returned rows */
  int rowcount             =0;    /* row iteration counter */
  div_t oddline_calc;             /* calculates even/odd row color */
  char ipaddr[16]          ="";   /* selected IP address */
  char start_date[11]      ="";   /* selected start date */
  char start_time[6]       ="";   /* selected start time */
  char end_date[11]        ="";   /* selected end date */
  char end_time[6]         ="";   /* selected end time */
  char order_by[13]        ="";   /* sort list by column */
  char sort_order[5]       ="";   /* ascending or descending */
  char **form_data;               /* string array for query data */
  char title[256]          ="";   /* cgi title string */
  struct tm *tm_ptr;              /* containing time structure */
  time_t now, old;                /* containing timestamp */
  char err_str[2048]       ="";   /* use for combined error string */
  int period               = 0;   /* the period to display */
  char dataunit[255] = "0 Bytes"; /* holds the calculated KB/MB */
  unsigned long long sum_bin = 0;  /* summary of all bytes in */
  unsigned long long sum_bout = 0; /* summary of all bytes out */
  unsigned long long sum_ball = 0; /* summary of all bytes total */
  char sum_buf[255]  = "0";        /* summary string buffer */

  _abort_flag     = 0;
#ifdef ORACLE_DB
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- * 
   * ORACLE_HOME is needed for OCI8 to find tnsnames.ora                 *
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  /* initialize the connection */
  if (SQLO_SUCCESS != sqlo_init(SQLO_OFF, 1, 100))
    cgi_error("Error: Failed to init libsqlora8.");

  /* register the interrupt handler */
  sqlo_register_int_handler(&handle, sigint_handler);

  /* login to the database */
  if (SQLO_SUCCESS != sqlo_connect(&dbh, WEB_TNS_STRING))
    cgi_error("Error: Cannot connect to database.");
  RETURN_ON_ABORT; /* finish if SIGINT was catched */

  if (SQLO_SUCCESS != sqlo_server_version(dbh, server_version,
  RETURN_ON_ABORT; /* finish if SIGINT was catched */

  /* enable autocommit, each statement is commited as a single transaction */
  stat = sqlo_set_autocommit(dbh, 1);
#ifdef MYSQL_DB
  /* initialize the connection */
  dbh = mysql_init(NULL);
  if(dbh == NULL) cgi_error("Error:  Failed to init MySQL DB.");

  /* login to the database */
  if (mysql_real_connect(dbh, MYSQLIP, EDACSADMIN, ADMIN_PASS, DB_NAME, DB_PORT, NULL, 0) == 0)
    cgi_error("Error: Cannot connect to database.");

  /* Get the database version */
  server_version = mysql_get_server_version(dbh);

  /* we load the cgi form values into form_data */
  if (cgiFormEntries(&form_data) != cgiFormSuccess)
    cgi_error("Error: Could not retrieve form data.");

  if(form_data[0] == NULL) {
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- * 
     * Start the HTML output to display the query selection                *
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* define the CGI title */
    snprintf(title, sizeof(title), "Latest IP Address Session Activity");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<div id=\"content\">\n");

    fprintf(cgiOut, "<form action=\"ip-actlast.cgi\" method=\"get\">\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<table class=\"inner\">\n");
    /* 1st row, display headers */
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\" width=150>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "IP Address</th>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\" width=150>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "Time Frame</th>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\" width=150>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "Order By</th>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\" width=150>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "Sort Order</th>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    /* 2nd row */
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\">");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<input type=radio value=\"6\" checked name=\"start\"> Last 6 Hours</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    /* 3rd row */
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner-ctr\">");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "(</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\">");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<input type=radio value=\"12\" name=\"start\"> Last 12 Hours</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner-ctr\"> (choose one)</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\">");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<input type=radio value=\"asc\" checked name=\"sort_order\">");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "&nbsp;Ascending</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    /* 4th row, request values */
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner-ctr\">");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<input type=text name=\"ipaddr\" size=\"15\"></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\">");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<input type=radio value=\"24\" name=\"start\"> Last 24 Hours</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner-ctr\"><select name=\"order_by\" size=\"1\">");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"router\">Router</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"service\">Service</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"ip_or_phone\">IP or Phone</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option selected value=\"start_date\">Start Date</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"stop_date\">Stop Date</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"elapsed_mins\">Elapsed Time</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"bytes_in\">Bytes In</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"bytes_out\">Bytes Out</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<option value=\"throughput\">Throughput</option>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</select></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\">");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<input type=radio name=\"sort_order\" value=\"desc\">&nbsp;Descending</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    /* 5th row */
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\">");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<input type=radio value=\"168\" name=\"start\"> Last Week</td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<td class=\"inner\"></td>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    /* 6th and last row, close the frame */
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\" colspan=4>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<input type=submit value=\"Run Query\"></th>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</table>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</form>\n");

    fprintf(cgiOut, "<h3>Additional Information</h3>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<hr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<p>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "This query returns the list of user sessions for this IP address during the last time period.");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<ul>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<li>Type the IP address into the text field. If unsure, query the last sessions to see which IP's are given out.");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<li>The time frame can be selected from the radio menu, time is counting back from now.");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<li>Choosing a large time frame can result in a long query and a very large result set (thousands of rows).");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<li>The results list can be ordered using criteria from the \"Order By\" drop down list.");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</ul></font>");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</p>\n");

  } /* end if for displaying the query request */
  else {
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *
   * check if we got all information to make the SQL query               *
   * --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    if ( cgiFormString("ipaddr", ipaddr, sizeof(ipaddr))
                                                     != cgiFormSuccess )
      cgi_error("Error retrieving the IP address.");
    if ( cgiFormIntegerBounded( "start", &period, 1, 2160, 6) 
                                                     != cgiFormSuccess ) 
      cgi_error("Error retrieving start period information.");
    if ( cgiFormString("order_by", order_by, sizeof(order_by))
                                                     != cgiFormSuccess )
      cgi_error("Error retrieving order_by information.");
    if ( cgiFormString("sort_order", sort_order, sizeof(sort_order))
                                                     != cgiFormSuccess )
      cgi_error("Error retrieving sort_order information.");
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- * 
     * The calculate query start and end time from given period in hours   *
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    now = time(NULL);
    tm_ptr = localtime(&now);
    strftime(end_date, sizeof(end_date), "%d.%m.%Y", (tm_ptr));
    strftime(end_time, sizeof(end_time), "%H:%M", tm_ptr);
    old = time(NULL) - (period * 3600);
    tm_ptr = localtime(&old);
    strftime(start_date, sizeof(start_date), "%d.%m.%Y", tm_ptr);
    strftime(start_time, sizeof(start_time), "%H:%M", tm_ptr);
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *
     * check we got all parts and can start doing the SQL query below      *
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifdef ORACLE_DB
    snprintf(sqlquery_str, sizeof(sqlquery_str), "SELECT USERNAME, ROUTER, SERVICE, IP_OR_PHONE, IP_ADDR, %s, %s, ELAPSED_MINS_STR, TTY, BYTES_IN_STR, BYTES_OUT_STR, PACKETS_IN_STR, PACKETS_OUT_STR, KBS_STR FROM %s.V_EDACS WHERE IP_ADDR = '%s' AND START_DATE BETWEEN TO_DATE('%s %s', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi') and TO_DATE ('%s %s', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi') ORDER BY %s %s",
           "TO_CHAR(START_DATE, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')",
           "TO_CHAR(STOP_DATE, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')",
           EDACSADMIN, ipaddr, start_date, start_time, end_date,
           end_time, order_by, sort_order);

    /* initialize the statement handle */
    sth1 = SQLO_STH_INIT;
    /* opens a cursor for the query statement */
    if ( 0 > (sqlo_open2(&sth1, dbh, sqlquery_str, 0, NULL))) {
      if(DEBUG == 0) cgi_error(sqlo_geterror(dbh));
      else snprintf(err_str, sizeof(err_str), "DB error %s\n\nQuery string %s",
               sqlo_geterror(dbh), sqlquery_str);
    RETURN_ON_ABORT; /* finish if SIGINT was catched */
    /* get the output column names */
    //if (SQLO_SUCCESS != sqlo_ocol_names2(sth1, &colcount, &colnames))
    //  cgi_error("Error getting the DB columns with sqlo_ocol_names2()");
    //RETURN_ON_ABORT; /* finish if SIGINT was catched */
#ifdef MYSQL_DB
    snprintf(sqlquery_str, sizeof(sqlquery_str), "SELECT username, router, service, ip_or_phone, ip_addr, %s, %s, elapsed_mins_str, bytes_in, bytes_out, throughput FROM v_edacs WHERE ip_addr = '%s' AND start_date BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE('%s %s', '%s') and STR_TO_DATE('%s %s', '%s') ORDER BY %s %s",
           "DATE_FORMAT(start_date, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%s')",
           "DATE_FORMAT(stop_date, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%s')",
           start_date, start_time, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%i",
           end_date, end_time, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%i",
           order_by, sort_order);

  /* Prepare and execute the SQL statement */
  if(mysql_query(dbh, sqlquery_str) != 0) {
    if(DEBUG == 0) cgi_error(mysql_error(dbh));
    else snprintf(err_str, sizeof(err_str), "DB error %s\n\nQuery string %s",
             mysql_error(dbh), sqlquery_str);
 /* get query results set */
  result = mysql_store_result(dbh);
  if (result == NULL) {
    snprintf(err_str, sizeof(err_str), "No results for query: %s\n", sqlquery_str);
    cgi_error( err_str);

  allrows = mysql_num_rows(result);
  colcount = mysql_num_fields(result);

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
   * start the html output                                                    *
   * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    snprintf(title, sizeof(title), "Latest Session Activity for IP Address %s", ipaddr);
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<div id=\"content-wide\">\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<p>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<b>IP Address:</b> %s <b>Timeperiod:</b> %s %s - %s %s <b>Data Records:</b> %d",
               ipaddr, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, allrows);
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</p>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<table class=\"inner\" width=100%%>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">#</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">User</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Router</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Service</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">IP / Phone</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">IP Address</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Session Start</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Session End</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Duration</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Data In</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Data Out</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\">Throughput</th>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    /* fetch the data */
#ifdef ORACLE_DB
    while ( SQLO_SUCCESS == (stat = (sqlo_fetch(sth1, 1)))) {
       /* get one record */
       values = sqlo_values(sth1, NULL, 1);
#ifdef MYSQL_DB
     while((values = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL) {

     /* check for even/odd rows */
     oddline_calc = div(rowcount, 2);
     if(oddline_calc.rem) fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr class=\"odd\">\n");
     else fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr class=\"even\">\n");

     /* calculate transer data sums */
     if (values[8]) sum_bin = sum_bin + atoll(values[8]);
     if (values[9]) sum_bout = sum_bout + atoll(values[9]);

     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td>%d</td>\n", rowcount);
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td>");
     if (values[0]) fprintf(cgiOut, "%s</td>\n", values[0]); else fprintf(cgiOut, "&nbsp;</td>");
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td>");
     if (values[1]) fprintf(cgiOut, "%s</td>\n", values[1]); else fprintf(cgiOut, "&nbsp;</td>");
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td>");
     if (values[2]) fprintf(cgiOut, "%s</td>\n", values[2]); else fprintf(cgiOut, "&nbsp;</td>");
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td>");
     if (values[3]) fprintf(cgiOut, "%s</td>\n", values[3]); else fprintf(cgiOut, "&nbsp;</td>");
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td>");
     if (values[4]) fprintf(cgiOut, "%s</td>\n", values[4]); else fprintf(cgiOut, "none</td>");
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td>");
     if (values[5]) fprintf(cgiOut, "%s</td>\n", values[5]); else fprintf(cgiOut, "&nbsp;</td>");
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td>");
     if (values[6]) fprintf(cgiOut, "%s</td>\n", values[6]); else fprintf(cgiOut, "in progress</td>");
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td>");
     if (values[7]) fprintf(cgiOut, "%s</td>\n", values[7]); else fprintf(cgiOut, "&nbsp;</td>");
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td>");
     if (values[8]) fprintf(cgiOut, "%s</td>\n", calc_units(values[8], dataunit)); else fprintf(cgiOut, "&nbsp;</td>");
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td>");
     if (values[9]) fprintf(cgiOut, "%s</td>\n", calc_units(values[9], dataunit)); else fprintf(cgiOut, "&nbsp;</td>");
     fprintf(cgiOut, "<td>");
     if (values[10]) fprintf(cgiOut, "%s/s</td>\n", calc_units(values[10], dataunit)); else fprintf(cgiOut, "&nbsp;</td>");
     fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
   } /* end while fetch row data */
#ifdef ORACLE_DB
    if (SQLO_SUCCESS != sqlo_close(sth1))
      cgi_error("Error Closing the SQL statment handle.");
    RETURN_ON_ABORT; /* finish if SIGINT was catched */
#ifdef MYSQL_DB

    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *
     * IF there was no data for the selection, display a notification    *
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if(rowcount == 0) {
      fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
      fprintf(cgiOut, "<td colspan=12>");
      fprintf(cgiOut, "No data found for IP address %s between %s %s and %s %s.",
              ipaddr, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time);
      fprintf(cgiOut, "</td>\n");
      fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    } /* end if rowcount is zero */
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "<th class=\"inner\" colspan=12>Inbound Data Total:\n");
    sprintf(sum_buf, "%llu", sum_bin);
    fprintf(cgiOut, " %s Outbound Data Total:", calc_units(sum_buf, dataunit));
    sprintf(sum_buf, "%llu", sum_bout);
    fprintf(cgiOut, " %s Transfered Data Total:", calc_units(sum_buf, dataunit));
    sum_ball = sum_ball + sum_bin + sum_bout;
    sprintf(sum_buf, "%llu", sum_ball);
    fprintf(cgiOut, " %s</th>\n", calc_units(sum_buf, dataunit));
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</tr>\n");
    fprintf(cgiOut, "</table>\n");
  } /* end else we were called with form data */
