static void
clamp_adjustments (ChamplainKineticScrollView *scroll)
  ChamplainKineticScrollViewPrivate *priv = scroll->priv;

  if (priv->viewport)
      ChamplainAdjustment *hadj, *vadj;
      gdouble d, value, lower, step_increment;

      champlain_viewport_get_adjustments (CHAMPLAIN_VIEWPORT (priv->viewport),
          &hadj, &vadj);

      /* Snap to the nearest step increment on hadjustment */

      champlain_adjustment_get_values (hadj, &value, &lower, NULL,
      d = (rint ((value - lower) / step_increment) *
           step_increment) + lower;
      champlain_adjustment_set_value (hadj, d);

      /* Snap to the nearest step increment on vadjustment */
      champlain_adjustment_get_values (vadj, &value, &lower, NULL,
      d = (rint ((value - lower) / step_increment) *
           step_increment) + lower;
      champlain_adjustment_set_value (vadj, d);
static void
deceleration_new_frame_cb (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
    gint frame_num,
    ChamplainKineticScrollView *scroll)
  ChamplainKineticScrollViewPrivate *priv = scroll->priv;

  if (priv->viewport)
      gdouble value, lower, upper;
      ChamplainAdjustment *hadjust, *vadjust;
      gint i;
      gboolean stop = TRUE;

      champlain_viewport_get_adjustments (CHAMPLAIN_VIEWPORT (priv->viewport),

      for (i = 0; i < clutter_timeline_get_delta (timeline) / 15; i++)
          champlain_adjustment_set_value (hadjust,
              priv->dx +
              champlain_adjustment_get_value (hadjust));
          champlain_adjustment_set_value (vadjust,
              priv->dy +
              champlain_adjustment_get_value (vadjust));
          priv->dx = (priv->dx / priv->decel_rate);
          priv->dy = (priv->dy / priv->decel_rate);

      /* Check if we've hit the upper or lower bounds and stop the timeline */
      champlain_adjustment_get_values (hadjust, &value, &lower, &upper,
      if (((priv->dx > 0) && (value < upper)) ||
          ((priv->dx < 0) && (value > lower)))
        stop = FALSE;

      if (stop)
          champlain_adjustment_get_values (vadjust, &value, &lower, &upper,
          if (((priv->dy > 0) && (value < upper)) ||
              ((priv->dy < 0) && (value > lower)))
            stop = FALSE;

      if (stop)
          clutter_timeline_stop (timeline);
          deceleration_completed_cb (timeline, scroll);
static void
champlain_viewport_get_property (GObject *object,
    guint prop_id,
    GValue *value,
    GParamSpec *pspec)
  ChamplainAdjustment *adjustment;

  ChamplainViewportPrivate *priv = CHAMPLAIN_VIEWPORT (object)->priv;

  switch (prop_id)
    case PROP_X_ORIGIN:
      g_value_set_int (value, priv->x);

    case PROP_Y_ORIGIN:
      g_value_set_int (value, priv->y);

    case PROP_HADJUST:
      champlain_viewport_get_adjustments (CHAMPLAIN_VIEWPORT (object), &adjustment, NULL);
      g_value_set_object (value, adjustment);

    case PROP_VADJUST:
      champlain_viewport_get_adjustments (CHAMPLAIN_VIEWPORT (object), NULL, &adjustment);
      g_value_set_object (value, adjustment);

      g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->sync_adjustments);

      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
static gboolean
button_release_event_cb (ClutterActor *stage,
    ClutterButtonEvent *event,
    ChamplainKineticScrollView *scroll)
  ChamplainKineticScrollViewPrivate *priv = scroll->priv;
  ClutterActor *actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (scroll);
  gboolean decelerating = FALSE;

  if ((event->type != CLUTTER_MOTION || event->modifier_state & CLUTTER_BUTTON1_MASK) &&
      (event->type != CLUTTER_BUTTON_RELEASE || event->button != 1) && 
      (event->type != CLUTTER_TOUCH_END || priv->sequence != clutter_event_get_event_sequence ((ClutterEvent *) event)))
    return FALSE;

  g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (stage,
  g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (stage,

  if (priv->kinetic && priv->viewport)
      gfloat x, y;

      if (clutter_actor_transform_stage_point (actor,
              &x, &y))
          double frac, x_origin, y_origin;
          GTimeVal release_time, motion_time;
          ChamplainAdjustment *hadjust, *vadjust;
          glong time_diff;
          gint i;

          /* Get time delta */
          g_get_current_time (&release_time);

          /* Get average position/time of last x mouse events */
          x_origin = y_origin = 0;
          motion_time = (GTimeVal){ 0, 0 };
          for (i = 0; i < priv->last_motion; i++)
              ChamplainKineticScrollViewMotion *motion =
                &g_array_index (priv->motion_buffer, ChamplainKineticScrollViewMotion, i);

              /* FIXME: This doesn't guard against overflows - Should
               *        either fix that, or calculate the correct maximum
               *        value for the buffer size

              x_origin += motion->x;
              y_origin += motion->y;
              motion_time.tv_sec += motion->time.tv_sec;
              motion_time.tv_usec += motion->time.tv_usec;
          x_origin /= priv->last_motion;
          y_origin /= priv->last_motion;
          motion_time.tv_sec /= priv->last_motion;
          motion_time.tv_usec /= priv->last_motion;

          if (motion_time.tv_sec == release_time.tv_sec)
            time_diff = release_time.tv_usec - motion_time.tv_usec;
            time_diff = release_time.tv_usec +
              (G_USEC_PER_SEC - motion_time.tv_usec);

          /* On a macbook that's running Ubuntu 9.04 sometimes 'time_diff' is 0
             and this causes a division by 0 when computing 'frac'. This check
             avoids this error.
          if (time_diff != 0)
              /* Work out the fraction of 1/60th of a second that has elapsed */
              frac = (time_diff / 1000.0) / (1000.0 / 60.0);

              /* See how many units to move in 1/60th of a second */
              priv->dx = (x_origin - x) / frac;
              priv->dy = (y_origin - y) / frac;

              /* Get adjustments to do step-increment snapping */
              champlain_viewport_get_adjustments (CHAMPLAIN_VIEWPORT (priv->viewport),

              if (ABS (priv->dx) > 1 ||
                  ABS (priv->dy) > 1)
                  gdouble value, lower, step_increment, d, a, x, y, n;

                  /* TODO: Convert this all to fixed point? */

                  /* We want n, where x / y    n < z,
                   * x = Distance to move per frame
                   * y = Deceleration rate
                   * z = maximum distance from target
                   * Rearrange to n = log (x / z) / log (y)
                   * To simplify, z = 1, so n = log (x) / log (y)
                   * As z = 1, this will cause stops to be slightly abrupt -
                   * add a constant 15 frames to compensate.
                  x = MAX (ABS (priv->dx), ABS (priv->dy));
                  y = priv->decel_rate;
                  n = logf (x) / logf (y) + 15.0;

                  /* Now we have n, adjust dx/dy so that we finish on a step
                   * boundary.
                   * Distance moved, using the above variable names:
                   * d = x + x/y + x/y    2 + ... + x/y    n
                   * Using geometric series,
                   * d = (1 - 1/y    (n+1))/(1 - 1/y)*x
                   * Let a = (1 - 1/y    (n+1))/(1 - 1/y),
                   * d = a * x
                   * Find d and find its nearest page boundary, then solve for x
                   * x = d / a

                  /* Get adjustments, work out y    n */
                  a = (1.0 - 1.0 / pow (y, n + 1)) / (1.0 - 1.0 / y);

                  /* Solving for dx */
                  d = a * priv->dx;
                  champlain_adjustment_get_values (hadjust, &value, &lower, NULL,
                  d = ((rint (((value + d) - lower) / step_increment) *
                        step_increment) + lower) - value;
                  priv->dx = (d / a);

                  /* Solving for dy */
                  d = a * (priv->dy);
                  champlain_adjustment_get_values (vadjust, &value, &lower, NULL,
                  d = ((rint (((value + d) - lower) / step_increment) *
                        step_increment) + lower) - value;
                  priv->dy = (d / a);

                  priv->deceleration_timeline = clutter_timeline_new ((n / 60) * 1000.0);
                  gdouble value, lower, step_increment, d, a, y;

                  /* Start a short effects timeline to snap to the nearest step
                   * boundary (see equations above)
                  y = priv->decel_rate;
                  a = (1.0 - 1.0 / pow (y, 4 + 1)) / (1.0 - 1.0 / y);

                  champlain_adjustment_get_values (hadjust, &value, &lower, NULL,
                  d = ((rint ((value - lower) / step_increment) *
                        step_increment) + lower) - value;
                  priv->dx = (d / a);

                  champlain_adjustment_get_values (vadjust, &value, &lower, NULL,
                  d = ((rint ((value - lower) / step_increment) *
                        step_increment) + lower) - value;
                  priv->dy = (d / a);

                  priv->deceleration_timeline = clutter_timeline_new (250);

              g_signal_connect (priv->deceleration_timeline, "new_frame",
                  G_CALLBACK (deceleration_new_frame_cb), scroll);
              g_signal_connect (priv->deceleration_timeline, "completed",
                  G_CALLBACK (deceleration_completed_cb), scroll);
              clutter_timeline_start (priv->deceleration_timeline);
              decelerating = TRUE;

  priv->sequence = NULL;

  /* Reset motion event buffer */
  priv->last_motion = 0;

  if (!decelerating)
      clamp_adjustments (scroll);
      g_signal_emit_by_name (scroll, "panning-completed", NULL);

  /* Due to the way gestures in progress connect to the stage in order to
   * receive events, we must let these events go through, as they could be
   * essential for the management of the ClutterZoomGesture in the
   * ChamplainView.
  return FALSE;
static gboolean
motion_event_cb (ClutterActor *stage,
    ClutterMotionEvent *event,
    ChamplainKineticScrollView *scroll)
  ChamplainKineticScrollViewPrivate *priv = scroll->priv;
  ClutterActor *actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (scroll);
  gfloat x, y;

  if ((event->type != CLUTTER_MOTION || !(event->modifier_state & CLUTTER_BUTTON1_MASK)) &&
      (event->type != CLUTTER_TOUCH_UPDATE || priv->sequence != clutter_event_get_event_sequence ((ClutterEvent *) event)))
    return FALSE;

  if (clutter_actor_transform_stage_point (actor,
          &x, &y))
      ChamplainKineticScrollViewMotion *motion;

      if (priv->viewport)
          gdouble dx, dy;
          ChamplainAdjustment *hadjust, *vadjust;

          champlain_viewport_get_adjustments (CHAMPLAIN_VIEWPORT (priv->viewport),

          motion = &g_array_index (priv->motion_buffer,
                ChamplainKineticScrollViewMotion, priv->last_motion);
          if (hadjust)
              dx = (motion->x - x) +
                champlain_adjustment_get_value (hadjust);
              champlain_adjustment_set_value (hadjust, dx);

          if (vadjust)
              dy = (motion->y - y) +
                champlain_adjustment_get_value (vadjust);
              champlain_adjustment_set_value (vadjust, dy);

      if (priv->last_motion == priv->motion_buffer->len)
          priv->motion_buffer = g_array_remove_index (priv->motion_buffer, 0);
          g_array_set_size (priv->motion_buffer, priv->last_motion);

      motion = &g_array_index (priv->motion_buffer,
            ChamplainKineticScrollViewMotion, priv->last_motion);
      motion->x = x;
      motion->y = y;
      g_get_current_time (&motion->time);

  /* Due to the way gestures in progress connect to the stage in order to
   * receive events, we must let these events go through, as they could be
   * essential for the management of the ClutterZoomGesture in the
   * ChamplainView.
  return FALSE;
static gboolean
motion_event_cb (ClutterActor *stage,
    ClutterMotionEvent *event,
    ChamplainKineticScrollView *scroll)
  ChamplainKineticScrollViewPrivate *priv = scroll->priv;
  ClutterActor *actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (scroll);
  gfloat x, y;

  if (event->type != CLUTTER_MOTION || !(event->modifier_state & CLUTTER_BUTTON1_MASK))
    return FALSE;
  if (clutter_actor_transform_stage_point (actor,
          &x, &y))
      ChamplainKineticScrollViewMotion *motion;

      if (priv->viewport)
          gdouble dx, dy;
          ChamplainAdjustment *hadjust, *vadjust;

          champlain_viewport_get_adjustments (CHAMPLAIN_VIEWPORT (priv->viewport),

          motion = &g_array_index (priv->motion_buffer,
                ChamplainKineticScrollViewMotion, priv->last_motion);
          if (hadjust)
              dx = (motion->x - x) +
                champlain_adjustment_get_value (hadjust);
              champlain_adjustment_set_value (hadjust, dx);

          if (vadjust)
              dy = (motion->y - y) +
                champlain_adjustment_get_value (vadjust);
              champlain_adjustment_set_value (vadjust, dy);

      if (priv->last_motion == priv->motion_buffer->len)
          priv->motion_buffer = g_array_remove_index (priv->motion_buffer, 0);
          g_array_set_size (priv->motion_buffer, priv->last_motion);

      motion = &g_array_index (priv->motion_buffer,
            ChamplainKineticScrollViewMotion, priv->last_motion);
      motion->x = x;
      motion->y = y;
      g_get_current_time (&motion->time);

  return TRUE;