static void got_unexempt(struct chanset_t *chan, char *nick, char *from, char *who, char *ch, struct userrec *u) { masklist *e = chan->channel.exempt, *old = NULL; masklist *b; int match = 0; while (e && e->mask[0] && rfc_casecmp(e->mask, who)) { old = e; e = e->next; } if (e && e->mask[0]) { if (old) old->next = e->next; else chan->channel.exempt = e->next; nfree(e->mask); nfree(e->who); nfree(e); } check_tcl_mode(nick, from, u, chan->dname, "-e", who); if (!(chan = modebind_refresh(ch, from, &user, NULL, NULL))) return; if (channel_pending(chan)) return; if (u_sticky_mask(chan->exempts, who) || u_sticky_mask(global_exempts, who)) add_mode(chan, '+', 'e', who); /* If exempt was removed by master then leave it else check for bans */ if (!nick[0] && glob_bot(user) && !glob_master(user) && !chan_master(user)) { b = chan->channel.ban; while (b->mask[0] && !match) { if (mask_match(b->mask, who)) { add_mode(chan, '+', 'e', who); match = 1; } else b = b->next; } } if ((u_equals_mask(global_exempts, who) || u_equals_mask(chan->exempts, who)) && me_op(chan) && !channel_dynamicexempts(chan) && (!glob_bot(user) || !(bot_flags(u) & BOT_SHARE))) add_mode(chan, '+', 'e', who); }
static void check_expired_chanstuff() { masklist *b, *e; memberlist *m, *n; char *key, s[UHOSTLEN]; struct chanset_t *chan; struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if (!server_online) return; for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) { if (channel_active(chan)) { if (me_op(chan) || me_halfop(chan)) { if (channel_dynamicbans(chan) && chan->ban_time) for (b = chan->channel.ban; b->mask[0]; b = b->next) if (now - b->timer > 60 * chan->ban_time && !u_sticky_mask(chan->bans, b->mask) && !u_sticky_mask(global_bans, b->mask) && expired_mask(chan, b->who)) { putlog(LOG_MODES, chan->dname, "(%s) Channel ban on %s expired.", chan->dname, b->mask); add_mode(chan, '-', 'b', b->mask); b->timer = now; } if (use_exempts && channel_dynamicexempts(chan) && chan->exempt_time) for (e = chan->channel.exempt; e->mask[0]; e = e->next) if (now - e->timer > 60 * chan->exempt_time && !u_sticky_mask(chan->exempts, e->mask) && !u_sticky_mask(global_exempts, e->mask) && expired_mask(chan, e->who)) { /* Check to see if it matches a ban */ int match = 0; for (b = chan->channel.ban; b->mask[0]; b = b->next) if (mask_match(b->mask, e->mask)) { match = 1; break; } /* Leave this extra logging in for now. Can be removed later * Jason */ if (match) { putlog(LOG_MODES, chan->dname, "(%s) Channel exemption %s NOT expired. Exempt still set!", chan->dname, e->mask); } else { putlog(LOG_MODES, chan->dname, "(%s) Channel exemption on %s expired.", chan->dname, e->mask); add_mode(chan, '-', 'e', e->mask); } e->timer = now; } if (use_invites && channel_dynamicinvites(chan) && chan->invite_time && !(chan->channel.mode & CHANINV)) for (b = chan->channel.invite; b->mask[0]; b = b->next) if (now - b->timer > 60 * chan->invite_time && !u_sticky_mask(chan->invites, b->mask) && !u_sticky_mask(global_invites, b->mask) && expired_mask(chan, b->who)) { putlog(LOG_MODES, chan->dname, "(%s) Channel invitation on %s expired.", chan->dname, b->mask); add_mode(chan, '-', 'I', b->mask); b->timer = now; } if (chan->idle_kick) for (m = chan->channel.member; m && m->nick[0]; m = m->next) if (now - m->last >= chan->idle_kick * 60 && !match_my_nick(m->nick) && !chan_issplit(m)) { sprintf(s, "%s!%s", m->nick, m->userhost); get_user_flagrec(m->user ? m->user : get_user_by_host(s), &fr, chan->dname); if ((!(glob_bot(fr) || glob_friend(fr) || (glob_op(fr) && !chan_deop(fr)) || chan_friend(fr) || chan_op(fr))) && (me_op(chan) || (me_halfop(chan) && !chan_hasop(m)))) { dprintf(DP_SERVER, "KICK %s %s :idle %d min\n", chan->name, m->nick, chan->idle_kick); m->flags |= SENTKICK; } } } for (m = chan->channel.member; m && m->nick[0]; m = n) { n = m->next; if (m->split && now - m->split > wait_split) { sprintf(s, "%s!%s", m->nick, m->userhost); check_tcl_sign(m->nick, m->userhost, m->user ? m->user : get_user_by_host(s), chan->dname, "lost in the netsplit"); putlog(LOG_JOIN, chan->dname, "%s (%s) got lost in the net-split.", m->nick, m->userhost); killmember(chan, m->nick); } m = n; } check_lonely_channel(chan); } else if (!channel_inactive(chan) && !channel_pending(chan)) { key = chan->channel.key[0] ? chan->channel.key : chan->key_prot; if (key[0]) dprintf(DP_SERVER, "JOIN %s %s\n", chan->name[0] ? chan->name : chan->dname, key); else dprintf(DP_SERVER, "JOIN %s\n", chan->name[0] ? chan->name : chan->dname); } } }
static void channels_report(int idx, int details) { int i; char s[1024], s1[100], s2[100]; struct chanset_t *chan; struct flag_record fr = { FR_CHAN | FR_GLOBAL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) { /* Get user's flags if output isn't going to stdout */ if (idx != DP_STDOUT) get_user_flagrec(dcc[idx].user, &fr, chan->dname); /* Don't show channel information to someone who isn't a master */ if ((idx != DP_STDOUT) && !glob_master(fr) && !chan_master(fr)) continue; s[0] = 0; sprintf(s, " %-20s: ", chan->dname); if (channel_inactive(chan)) strcat(s, "(inactive)"); else if (channel_pending(chan)) strcat(s, "(pending)"); else if (!channel_active(chan)) strcat(s, "(not on channel)"); else { s1[0] = 0; sprintf(s1, "%3d member%s", chan->channel.members, (chan->channel.members == 1) ? "" : "s"); strcat(s, s1); s2[0] = 0; get_mode_protect(chan, s2); if (s2[0]) { s1[0] = 0; sprintf(s1, ", enforcing \"%s\"", s2); strcat(s, s1); } s2[0] = 0; if (channel_greet(chan)) strcat(s2, "greet, "); if (channel_autoop(chan)) strcat(s2, "auto-op, "); if (channel_bitch(chan)) strcat(s2, "bitch, "); if (s2[0]) { s2[strlen(s2) - 2] = 0; s1[0] = 0; sprintf(s1, " (%s)", s2); strcat(s, s1); } /* If it's a !chan, we want to display it's unique name too <cybah> */ if (chan->dname[0] == '!') { s1[0] = 0; sprintf(s1, ", unique name %s", chan->name); strcat(s, s1); } } dprintf(idx, "%s\n", s); if (details) { s[0] = 0; i = 0; if (channel_enforcebans(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "enforcebans "); if (channel_dynamicbans(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamicbans "); if (!channel_nouserbans(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "userbans "); if (channel_autoop(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "autoop "); if (channel_bitch(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "bitch "); if (channel_greet(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "greet "); if (channel_protectops(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "protectops "); if (channel_protecthalfops(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "protecthalfops "); if (channel_protectfriends(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "protectfriends "); if (channel_dontkickops(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dontkickops "); if (channel_logstatus(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "statuslog "); if (channel_revenge(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "revenge "); if (channel_revenge(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "revengebot "); if (channel_secret(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "secret "); if (channel_shared(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "shared "); if (!channel_static(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamic "); if (channel_autovoice(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "autovoice "); if (channel_autohalfop(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "autohalfop "); if (channel_cycle(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "cycle "); if (channel_seen(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "seen "); if (channel_dynamicexempts(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamicexempts "); if (!channel_nouserexempts(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "userexempts "); if (channel_dynamicinvites(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamicinvites "); if (!channel_nouserinvites(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "userinvites "); if (channel_inactive(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "inactive "); if (channel_nodesynch(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "nodesynch "); dprintf(idx, " Options: %s\n", s); if (chan->need_op[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get ops, I do: %s\n", chan->need_op); if (chan->need_invite[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get invited, I do: %s\n", chan->need_invite); if (chan->need_limit[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get the channel limit raised, I do: %s\n", chan->need_limit); if (chan->need_unban[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get unbanned, I do: %s\n", chan->need_unban); if (chan->need_key[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get the channel key, I do: %s\n", chan->need_key); if (chan->idle_kick) dprintf(idx, " Kicking idle users after %d minute%s\n", chan->idle_kick, (chan->idle_kick != 1) ? "s" : ""); if (chan->stopnethack_mode) dprintf(idx, " stopnethack-mode: %d\n", chan->stopnethack_mode); if (chan->revenge_mode) dprintf(idx, " revenge-mode: %d\n", chan->revenge_mode); dprintf(idx, " ban-type: %d\n", chan->ban_type); dprintf(idx, " Bans last %d minute%s.\n", chan->ban_time, (chan->ban_time == 1) ? "" : "s"); dprintf(idx, " Exemptions last %d minute%s.\n", chan->exempt_time, (chan->exempt_time == 1) ? "" : "s"); dprintf(idx, " Invitations last %d minute%s.\n", chan->invite_time, (chan->invite_time == 1) ? "" : "s"); } } }
/* * Note: * - We write chanmode "" too, so that the bot won't use default-chanmode * instead of "" * - We will write empty need-xxxx too, why not? (less code + lazyness) */ static void write_channels() { FILE *f; char s[121], w[1024], w2[1024], name[163]; char need1[242], need2[242], need3[242], need4[242], need5[242]; struct chanset_t *chan; struct udef_struct *ul; if (!chanfile[0]) return; sprintf(s, "%s~new", chanfile); f = fopen(s, "w"); chmod(s, userfile_perm); if (f == NULL) { putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "ERROR writing channel file."); return; } if (!quiet_save) putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "Writing channel file..."); fprintf(f, "#Dynamic Channel File for %s (%s) -- written %s\n", botnetnick, ver, ctime(&now)); for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) { convert_element(chan->dname, name); get_mode_protect(chan, w); convert_element(w, w2); convert_element(chan->need_op, need1); convert_element(chan->need_invite, need2); convert_element(chan->need_key, need3); convert_element(chan->need_unban, need4); convert_element(chan->need_limit, need5); fprintf(f, "channel add %s { chanmode %s idle-kick %d stopnethack-mode %d " "revenge-mode %d need-op %s need-invite %s need-key %s " "need-unban %s need-limit %s flood-chan %d:%d flood-ctcp %d:%d " "flood-join %d:%d flood-kick %d:%d flood-deop %d:%d " "flood-nick %d:%d aop-delay %d:%d ban-type %d ban-time %d " "exempt-time %d invite-time %d %cenforcebans %cdynamicbans " "%cuserbans %cautoop %cautohalfop %cbitch %cgreet %cprotectops " "%cprotecthalfops %cprotectfriends %cdontkickops %cstatuslog " "%crevenge %crevengebot %cautovoice %csecret %cshared %ccycle " "%cseen %cinactive %cdynamicexempts %cuserexempts %cdynamicinvites " "%cuserinvites %cnodesynch %cstatic }" "\n", name, w2, chan->idle_kick, chan->stopnethack_mode, chan->revenge_mode, need1, need2, need3, need4, need5, chan->flood_pub_thr, chan->flood_pub_time, chan->flood_ctcp_thr, chan->flood_ctcp_time, chan->flood_join_thr, chan->flood_join_time, chan->flood_kick_thr, chan->flood_kick_time, chan->flood_deop_thr, chan->flood_deop_time, chan->flood_nick_thr, chan->flood_nick_time, chan->aop_min, chan->aop_max, chan->ban_type, chan->ban_time, chan->exempt_time, chan->invite_time, PLSMNS(channel_enforcebans(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_dynamicbans(chan)), PLSMNS(!channel_nouserbans(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_autoop(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_autohalfop(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_bitch(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_greet(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_protectops(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_protecthalfops(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_protectfriends(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_dontkickops(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_logstatus(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_revenge(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_revengebot(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_autovoice(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_secret(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_shared(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_cycle(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_seen(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_inactive(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_dynamicexempts(chan)), PLSMNS(!channel_nouserexempts(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_dynamicinvites(chan)), PLSMNS(!channel_nouserinvites(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_nodesynch(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_static(chan))); for (ul = udef; ul; ul = ul->next) { if (ul->defined && ul->name) { if (ul->type == UDEF_FLAG) fprintf(f, "channel set %s %c%s%s\n", name, getudef(ul->values, chan->dname) ? '+' : '-', "udef-flag-", ul->name); else if (ul->type == UDEF_INT) fprintf(f, "channel set %s %s%s %d\n", name, "udef-int-", ul->name, (int) getudef(ul->values, chan->dname)); else if (ul->type == UDEF_STR) { char *p = (char *) getudef(ul->values, chan->dname); if (!p) p = "{}"; fprintf(f, "channel set %s udef-str-%s %s\n", name, ul->name, p); } else debug1("UDEF-ERROR: unknown type %d", ul->type); } } if (fflush(f)) { putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "ERROR writing channel file."); fclose(f); return; } } fclose(f); unlink(chanfile); movefile(s, chanfile); }
void channels_report(int idx, int details) { int i; char s[1024] = "", s2[100] = ""; struct flag_record fr = {FR_CHAN | FR_GLOBAL, 0, 0, 0 }; for (struct chanset_t *chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) { if (idx != DP_STDOUT) get_user_flagrec(dcc[idx].user, &fr, chan->dname, chan); if (!privchan(fr, chan, PRIV_OP) && ((idx == DP_STDOUT) || glob_master(fr) || chan_master(fr))) { s[0] = 0; if (chan_bitch(chan)) strlcat(s, "bitch, ", sizeof(s)); if (s[0]) s[strlen(s) - 2] = 0; if (!s[0]) strlcpy(s, "lurking", sizeof(s)); get_mode_protect(chan, s2, sizeof(s2)); if (channel_closed(chan)) { if (chan->closed_invite) strlcat(s2, "i", sizeof(s2)); if (chan->closed_private) strlcat(s2, "p", sizeof(s2)); } if (shouldjoin(chan)) { if (channel_active(chan)) { /* If it's a !chan, we want to display it's unique name too <cybah> */ if (chan->dname[0]=='!') { dprintf(idx, " %-20s: %2d member%s enforcing \"%s\" (%s), " "unique name %s\n", chan->dname, chan->channel.members, (chan->channel.members==1) ? "," : "s,", s2, s, chan->name); } else { dprintf(idx, " %-20s: %2d member%s enforcing \"%s\" (%s)\n", chan->dname, chan->channel.members, chan->channel.members == 1 ? "," : "s,", s2, s); } } else { if (!>hub) dprintf(idx, " %-20s: (%s), enforcing \"%s\" (%s)\n", chan->dname, channel_pending(chan) ? "pending" : "not on channel", s2, s); else dprintf(idx, " %-20s: (%s), enforcing \"%s\" (%s)\n", chan->dname, "limbo", s2, s); } } else { dprintf(idx, " %-20s: channel is set +inactive\n", chan->dname); } if (details) { s[0] = 0; i = 0; i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamic "); if (channel_enforcebans(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "enforcebans "); if (channel_dynamicbans(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamicbans "); if (!channel_nouserbans(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "userbans "); if (channel_bitch(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "bitch "); /* if (channel_revenge(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "revenge "); if (channel_revenge(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "revengebot "); */ if (channel_secret(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "secret "); if (channel_cycle(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "cycle "); if (channel_dynamicexempts(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamicexempts "); if (!channel_nouserexempts(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "userexempts "); if (channel_dynamicinvites(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamicinvites "); if (!channel_nouserinvites(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "userinvites "); if (!shouldjoin(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "inactive "); if (channel_nodesynch(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "nodesynch "); if (channel_closed(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "closed "); if (HAVE_TAKE && channel_take(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "take "); if (channel_voice(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "voice "); if (channel_autoop(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "autoop "); if (channel_meankicks(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "meankicks "); if (channel_rbl(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "rbl "); if (channel_voicebitch(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "voicebitch "); if (channel_protect(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "protect "); /* Chanflag template * if (channel_temp(chan)) * i += my_strcpy(s + i, "temp "); */ if (channel_nomassjoin(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "nomassjoin "); if (channel_botbitch(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "botbitch "); if (channel_backup(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "backup "); if (channel_fastop(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "fastop "); if (channel_privchan(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "private "); dprintf(idx, " Options: %s\n", s); if (chan->limitraise) dprintf(idx, " Raising limit +%d every 2 minutes\n", chan->limitraise); /* if (chan->revenge_mode) dprintf(idx, " revenge-mode %d\n", chan->revenge_mode); */ dprintf(idx, " Bans last %d mins.\n", chan->ban_time); dprintf(idx, " Exemptions last %d mins.\n", chan->exempt_time); dprintf(idx, " Invitations last %d mins.\n", chan->invite_time); } } } }
static void cmd_chaninfo(int idx, char *par) { char *chname = NULL, work[512] = ""; struct chanset_t *chan = NULL; int cnt = 0; if (!par[0]) { chname = dcc[idx]>con_chan; if (chname[0] == '*') { dprintf(idx, "Your console channel is invalid.\n"); return; } } else { chname = newsplit(&par); get_user_flagrec(dcc[idx].user, &user, chname); if (!glob_master(user) && !chan_master(user)) { dprintf(idx, "You don't have access to %s.\n", chname); return; } } if (!strcasecmp(chname, "default")) chan = chanset_default; else chan = findchan_by_dname(chname); if (!chan || (chan && privchan(user, chan, PRIV_OP))) { dprintf(idx, "No such channel.\n"); return; } else { char nick[HANDLEN + 1] = "", date[81] = ""; int deflag = 0; if (chan->added_ts) { strftime(date, sizeof date, "%c %Z", gmtime(&(chan->added_ts))); } else date[0] = 0; if (chan->added_by && chan->added_by[0]) strlcpy(nick, chan->added_by, sizeof(nick)); else nick[0] = 0; putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# chaninfo %s", dcc[idx].nick, chname); if (nick[0] && date[0]) dprintf(idx, "Settings for channel %s (Added %s by %s%s%s):\n", chan->dname, date, BOLD(idx), nick, BOLD_END(idx)); else dprintf(idx, "Settings for channel %s:\n", chan->dname); /* FIXME: SHOW_CHAR() here */ get_mode_protect(chan, work, sizeof(work)); dprintf(idx, "Protect modes (chanmode): %s\n", work[0] ? work : "None"); dprintf(idx, "Groups: %s\n", chan->groups && chan->groups->length() ? static_cast<bd::String>(chan->groups->join(" ")).c_str() : "None"); dprintf(idx, "FiSH Key: %s\n", chan->fish_key[0] ? chan->fish_key : "not set"); // dprintf(idx, "Protect topic (topic) : %s\n", chan->topic[0] ? chan->topic : ""); /* Chanchar template * dprintf(idx, "String temp: %s\n", chan->temp[0] ? chan->temp : "NULL"); */ dprintf(idx, "Channel flags:\n"); work[0] = 0; SHOW_FLAG("autoop", channel_autoop(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("backup", channel_backup(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("bitch", channel_bitch(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("botbitch", channel_botbitch(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("closed", channel_closed(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("cycle", channel_cycle(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("enforcebans", channel_enforcebans(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("fastop", channel_fastop(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("floodban", channel_floodban(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("inactive", channel_inactive(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("nodesynch", channel_nodesynch(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("private", channel_privchan(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("protect", channel_protect(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("rbl", channel_rbl(chan)); if (HAVE_TAKE) SHOW_FLAG("take", channel_take(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("voice", channel_voice(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("voicebitch", channel_voicebitch(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("", 0); SHOW_FLAG("dynamicbans", channel_dynamicbans(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("userbans", !channel_nouserbans(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("dynamicexempts", channel_dynamicexempts(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("userexempts", !channel_nouserexempts(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("dynamicinvites", channel_dynamicinvites(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("userinvites", !channel_nouserinvites(chan)); SHOW_FLAG("", 0); work[0] = 0; /* Chanflag template * SHOW_FLAG("template", channel_template(chan)); * also include %ctemp in dprintf. */ work[0] = cnt = 0; /* Chanint template * SHOW_INT("Desc: ", integer, "YES", "NO"); */ dprintf(idx, "Channel settings:\n"); deflag = chan->bad_cookie; SHOW_INT("Auto-delay: ", chan->auto_delay, NULL, "None"); SHOW_INT("Bad-cookie:" , chan->bad_cookie, DEFLAG_STR, "Ignore"); SHOW_INT("Ban-time: ", chan->ban_time, NULL, "Forever"); SHOW_INT("Ban-type: ", chan->ban_type, NULL, "3"); SHOW_INT("Closed-ban: ", chan->closed_ban, NULL, "Don't!"); SHOW_INT("Closed-invite:", chan->closed_invite, NULL, "Don't!"); SHOW_INT("Closed-Private:", chan->closed_private, NULL, "Don't!"); SHOW_INT("Closed-Exempt:", chan->closed_exempt_mode, F_STR(chan->closed_exempt_mode), "None"); SHOW_INT("Exempt-time: ", chan->exempt_time, NULL, "Forever"); SHOW_INT("Flood-exempt: ", chan->flood_exempt_mode, F_STR(chan->flood_exempt_mode), "None"); SHOW_INT("Flood-lock-time: ", chan->flood_lock_time, NULL, "Don't"); SHOW_INT("Caps-Limit(%): ", chan->capslimit, NULL, "None"); SHOW_INT("Color-Limit: ", chan->colorlimit, NULL, "None"); SHOW_INT("Invite-time: ", chan->invite_time, NULL, "Forever"); SHOW_INT("Knock: ", chan->knock_flags, F_STR(chan->knock_flags), "None"); SHOW_INT("Limit raise (limit): ", chan->limitraise, NULL, "Disabled"); deflag = chan->manop; SHOW_INT("Manop: ", chan->manop, DEFLAG_STR, "Ignore"); deflag = chan->mdop; SHOW_INT("Mdop: ", chan->mdop, DEFLAG_STR, "Ignore"); deflag = chan->mop; SHOW_INT("Mop: ", chan->mop, DEFLAG_STR, "Ignore"); deflag = chan->revenge; SHOW_INT("Revenge: ", chan->revenge, DEFLAG_STR, "Ignore"); SHOW_INT("Protect-backup: ", chan->protect_backup, "Do!", "Don't!"); SHOW_INT("Voice-non-ident: ", chan->voice_non_ident, "Do!", "Don't!"); SHOW_INT("Voice-moderate:", chan->voice_moderate, "Do!", "Don't!"); dprintf(idx, "Flood settings: chan bytes ctcp join kick deop nick mjoin mpub mbytes mctcp\n"); dprintf(idx, " number: %3d %4d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %4d %3d\n", chan->flood_pub_thr, chan->flood_bytes_thr, chan->flood_ctcp_thr, chan->flood_join_thr, chan->flood_kick_thr, chan->flood_deop_thr, chan->flood_nick_thr, chan->flood_mjoin_thr, chan->flood_mpub_thr, chan->flood_mbytes_thr, chan->flood_mctcp_thr); dprintf(idx, " time : %3u %4u %3u %3u %3u %3u %3u %3u %3u %4u %4u\n", chan->flood_pub_time, chan->flood_bytes_time, chan->flood_ctcp_time, chan->flood_join_time, chan->flood_kick_time, chan->flood_deop_time, chan->flood_nick_time, chan->flood_mjoin_time, chan->flood_mpub_time, chan->flood_mbytes_time, chan->flood_mctcp_time); } }
static void channels_report(int idx, int details) { struct chanset_t *chan; int i; char s[1024], s2[100]; struct flag_record fr = { FR_CHAN | FR_GLOBAL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) { if (idx != DP_STDOUT) get_user_flagrec(dcc[idx].user, &fr, chan->dname); if ((idx == DP_STDOUT) || glob_master(fr) || chan_master(fr)) { s[0] = 0; if (channel_greet(chan)) strcat(s, "greet, "); if (channel_autoop(chan)) strcat(s, "auto-op, "); if (channel_bitch(chan)) strcat(s, "bitch, "); if (s[0]) s[strlen(s) - 2] = 0; if (!s[0]) strcpy(s, MISC_LURKING); get_mode_protect(chan, s2); if (!channel_inactive(chan)) { if (channel_active(chan)) { /* If it's a !chan, we want to display it's unique name too <cybah> */ if (chan->dname[0] == '!') { dprintf(idx, " %-20s: %3d member%s enforcing \"%s\" (%s), " "unique name %s\n", chan->dname, chan->channel.members, (chan->channel.members == 1) ? "," : "s,", s2, s, chan->name); } else { dprintf(idx, " %-20s: %3d member%s enforcing \"%s\" (%s)\n", chan->dname, chan->channel.members, chan->channel.members == 1 ? "," : "s,", s2, s); } } else { dprintf(idx, " %-20s: (%s), enforcing \"%s\" (%s)\n", chan->dname, channel_pending(chan) ? "pending" : "not on channel", s2, s); } } else { dprintf(idx, " %-20s: channel is set +inactive\n", chan->dname); } if (details) { s[0] = 0; i = 0; if (channel_enforcebans(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "enforcebans "); if (channel_dynamicbans(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamicbans "); if (!channel_nouserbans(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "userbans "); if (channel_autoop(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "autoop "); if (channel_bitch(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "bitch "); if (channel_greet(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "greet "); if (channel_protectops(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "protectops "); if (channel_protecthalfops(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "protecthalfops "); if (channel_protectfriends(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "protectfriends "); if (channel_dontkickops(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dontkickops "); if (channel_logstatus(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "statuslog "); if (channel_revenge(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "revenge "); if (channel_revenge(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "revengebot "); if (channel_secret(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "secret "); if (channel_shared(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "shared "); if (!channel_static(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamic "); if (channel_autovoice(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "autovoice "); if (channel_autohalfop(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "autohalfop "); if (channel_cycle(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "cycle "); if (channel_dynamicexempts(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamicexempts "); if (!channel_nouserexempts(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "userexempts "); if (channel_dynamicinvites(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamicinvites "); if (!channel_nouserinvites(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "userinvites "); if (channel_inactive(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "inactive "); if (channel_nodesynch(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "nodesynch "); dprintf(idx, " Options: %s\n", s); if (chan->need_op[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get ops, I do: %s\n", chan->need_op); if (chan->need_invite[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get invited, I do: %s\n", chan->need_invite); if (chan->need_limit[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get the channel limit raised, I do: %s\n", chan->need_limit); if (chan->need_unban[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get unbanned, I do: %s\n", chan->need_unban); if (chan->need_key[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get the channel key, I do: %s\n", chan->need_key); if (chan->stopnethack_mode) dprintf(idx, " stopnethack-mode: %d\n", chan->stopnethack_mode); if (chan->revenge_mode) dprintf(idx, " revenge-mode: %d\n", chan->revenge_mode); dprintf(idx, " Bans last %d minute%s.\n", chan->ban_time, (chan->ban_time != 1) ? "s" : ""); dprintf(idx, " Exemptions last %d minute%s.\n", chan->exempt_time, (chan->exempt_time != 1) ? "s" : ""); dprintf(idx, " Invitations last %d minute%s.\n", chan->invite_time, (chan->invite_time != 1) ? "s" : ""); } } } }
static void channels_report(int idx, int details) { struct chanset_t *chan; int i; char s[1024], s2[100]; struct flag_record fr = {FR_CHAN | FR_GLOBAL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; chan = chanset; while (chan != NULL) { if (idx != DP_STDOUT) get_user_flagrec(dcc[idx].user, &fr, chan->name); if ((idx == DP_STDOUT) || glob_master(fr) || chan_master(fr)) { s[0] = 0; if (channel_greet(chan)) strcat(s, "greet, "); if (channel_autoop(chan)) strcat(s, "auto-op, "); if (channel_bitch(chan)) strcat(s, "bitch, "); if (s[0]) s[strlen(s) - 2] = 0; if (!s[0]) strcpy(s, MISC_LURKING); get_mode_protect(chan, s2); if (!channel_inactive(chan)) { if (channel_active(chan)) { dprintf(idx, " %-10s: %2d member%s enforcing \"%s\" (%s)\n", chan->name, chan->channel.members, chan->channel.members == 1 ? "," : "s,", s2, s); } else { dprintf(idx, " %-10s: (%s), enforcing \"%s\" (%s)\n", chan->name, channel_pending(chan) ? "pending" : "inactive", s2, s); } } else { dprintf(idx, " %-10s: no IRC support for this channel\n", chan->name); } if (details) { s[0] = 0; i = 0; if (channel_clearbans(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "clear-bans "); if (channel_enforcebans(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "enforce-bans "); if (channel_dynamicbans(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamic-bans "); if (channel_nouserbans(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "forbid-user-bans "); if (channel_autoop(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "op-on-join "); if (channel_bitch(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "bitch "); if (channel_greet(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "greet "); if (channel_protectops(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "protect-ops "); if (channel_protectfriends(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "protect-friends "); if (channel_dontkickops(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dont-kick-ops "); if (channel_wasoptest(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "was-op-test "); if (channel_logstatus(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "log-status "); if (channel_revenge(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "revenge "); if (channel_stopnethack(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "stopnethack "); if (channel_secret(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "secret "); if (channel_shared(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "shared "); if (!channel_static(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamic "); if (channel_autovoice(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "autovoice "); if (channel_cycle(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "cycle "); if (channel_seen(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "seen "); if (channel_dynamicexempts(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamic-exempts "); if (channel_nouserexempts(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "forbid-user-exempts "); if (channel_dynamicinvites(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamic-invites "); if (channel_nouserinvites(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "forbid-user-invites "); if (channel_inactive(chan)) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "inactive "); dprintf(idx, " Options: %s\n", s); if (chan->need_op[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get ops I do: %s\n", chan->need_op); if (chan->need_invite[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get invited I do: %s\n", chan->need_invite); if (chan->need_limit[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get the channel limit up'd I do: %s\n", chan->need_limit); if (chan->need_unban[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get unbanned I do: %s\n", chan->need_unban); if (chan->need_key[0]) dprintf(idx, " To get the channel key I do: %s\n", chan->need_key); if (chan->idle_kick) dprintf(idx, " Kicking idle users after %d min\n", chan->idle_kick); } } chan = chan->next; } if (details) { dprintf(idx, " Bans last %d mins.\n", ban_time); dprintf(idx, " Exemptions last %d mins.\n", exempt_time); dprintf(idx, " Invitations last %d mins.\n", invite_time); } }
static void write_channels() { FILE *f; char s[121], w[1024], w2[1024], name[163]; char need1[242], need2[242], need3[242], need4[242], need5[242]; struct chanset_t *chan; Context; if (!chanfile[0]) return; sprintf(s, "%s~new", chanfile); f = fopen(s, "w"); chmod(s, 0600); if (f == NULL) { putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "ERROR writing channel file."); return; } if (!quiet_save) putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "Writing channel file ..."); fprintf(f, "#Dynamic Channel File for %s (%s) -- written %s\n", origbotname, ver, ctime(&now)); for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) { convert_element(chan->name, name); get_mode_protect(chan, w); convert_element(w, w2); convert_element(chan->need_op, need1); convert_element(chan->need_invite, need2); convert_element(chan->need_key, need3); convert_element(chan->need_unban, need4); convert_element(chan->need_limit, need5); fprintf(f, "channel %s %s%schanmode %s idle-kick %d \ need-op %s need-invite %s need-key %s need-unban %s need-limit %s \ flood-chan %d:%d flood-ctcp %d:%d flood-join %d:%d \ flood-kick %d:%d flood-deop %d:%d \ %cclearbans %cenforcebans %cdynamicbans %cuserbans %cautoop %cbitch \ %cgreet %cprotectops %cprotectfriends %cdontkickops %cwasoptest \ %cstatuslog %cstopnethack %crevenge %crevengebot %cautovoice %csecret \ %cshared %ccycle %cseen %cinactive %cdynamicexempts %cuserexempts \ %cdynamicinvites %cuserinvites%s\n", channel_static(chan) ? "set" : "add", name, channel_static(chan) ? " " : " { ", w2, /* now bot write chanmode "" too, * so bot wont use default-chanmode instead of "" -- bugfix */ chan->idle_kick, /* idle-kick 0 is same as dont-idle-kick (less code)*/ need1, need2, need3, need4, need5, /* yes we will write empty need-xxxx too, why not? (less code + lazyness) */ chan->flood_pub_thr, chan->flood_pub_time, chan->flood_ctcp_thr, chan->flood_ctcp_time, chan->flood_join_thr, chan->flood_join_time, chan->flood_kick_thr, chan->flood_kick_time, chan->flood_deop_thr, chan->flood_deop_time, PLSMNS(channel_clearbans(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_enforcebans(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_dynamicbans(chan)), PLSMNS(!channel_nouserbans(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_autoop(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_bitch(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_greet(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_protectops(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_protectfriends(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_dontkickops(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_wasoptest(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_logstatus(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_stopnethack(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_revenge(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_revengebot(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_autovoice(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_secret(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_shared(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_cycle(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_seen(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_inactive(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_dynamicexempts(chan)), PLSMNS(!channel_nouserexempts(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_dynamicinvites(chan)), PLSMNS(!channel_nouserinvites(chan)), channel_static(chan) ? "" : " }"); if (fflush(f)) { putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "ERROR writing channel file."); fclose(f); return; } } fclose(f); unlink(chanfile); movefile(s, chanfile); }
/* * Note: * - We write chanmode "" too, so that the bot won't use default-chanmode * instead of "" * - We will write empty need-xxxx too, why not? (less code + lazyness) */ static void write_channels() { FILE *f; char s[121], w[1024], w2[1024], name[163]; char need1[242], need2[242], need3[242], need4[242], need5[242]; struct chanset_t *chan; struct udef_struct *ul; Context; if (!chanfile[0]) return; sprintf(s, "%s~new", chanfile); f = fopen(s, "w"); chmod(s, userfile_perm); if (f == NULL) { putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "ERROR writing channel file."); return; } if (!quiet_save) putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "Writing channel file ..."); fprintf(f, "#Dynamic Channel File for %s (%s) -- written %s\n", origbotname, ver, ctime(&now)); for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) { convert_element(chan->dname, name); get_mode_protect(chan, w); convert_element(w, w2); convert_element(chan->need_op, need1); convert_element(chan->need_invite, need2); convert_element(chan->need_key, need3); convert_element(chan->need_unban, need4); convert_element(chan->need_limit, need5); fprintf(f, "channel %s %s%schanmode %s idle-kick %d stopnethack-mode %d \ need-op %s need-invite %s need-key %s need-unban %s need-limit %s \ flood-chan %d:%d flood-ctcp %d:%d flood-join %d:%d \ flood-kick %d:%d flood-deop %d:%d flood-nick %d:%d \ %cclearbans %cenforcebans %cdynamicbans %cuserbans %cautoop %cbitch \ %cgreet %cprotectops %cprotectfriends %cdontkickops \ %cstatuslog %crevenge %crevengebot %cautovoice %csecret \ %cshared %ccycle %cseen %cinactive %cdynamicexempts %cuserexempts \ %cdynamicinvites %cuserinvites %cnodesynch ", channel_static(chan) ? "set" : "add", name, channel_static(chan) ? " " : " { ", w2, chan->idle_kick, /* idle-kick 0 is same as dont-idle-kick (less code)*/ chan->stopnethack_mode, need1, need2, need3, need4, need5, chan->flood_pub_thr, chan->flood_pub_time, chan->flood_ctcp_thr, chan->flood_ctcp_time, chan->flood_join_thr, chan->flood_join_time, chan->flood_kick_thr, chan->flood_kick_time, chan->flood_deop_thr, chan->flood_deop_time, chan->flood_nick_thr, chan->flood_nick_time, PLSMNS(channel_clearbans(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_enforcebans(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_dynamicbans(chan)), PLSMNS(!channel_nouserbans(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_autoop(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_bitch(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_greet(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_protectops(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_protectfriends(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_dontkickops(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_logstatus(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_revenge(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_revengebot(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_autovoice(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_secret(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_shared(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_cycle(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_seen(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_inactive(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_dynamicexempts(chan)), PLSMNS(!channel_nouserexempts(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_dynamicinvites(chan)), PLSMNS(!channel_nouserinvites(chan)), PLSMNS(channel_nodesynch(chan))); for (ul = udef; ul; ul = ul->next) { if (ul->defined && ul->name) { if (ul->type == UDEF_FLAG) fprintf(f, "%c%s%s ", getudef(ul->values, chan->dname) ? '+' : '-', "udef-flag-", ul->name); else if (ul->type == UDEF_INT) fprintf(f, "%s%s %d ", "udef-int-", ul->name, getudef(ul->values, chan->dname)); else debug1("UDEF-ERROR: unknown type %d", ul->type); } } fprintf(f, "%s\n", channel_static(chan) ? "" : "}"); if (fflush(f)) { putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "ERROR writing channel file."); fclose(f); return; } } fclose(f); unlink(chanfile); movefile(s, chanfile); }