예제 #1
void getLongestSymmetrySubString_helper(string & s, int pos, int &longestLen) {
    int left=pos-1;
    int right=pos;
    // even len
    checkSymmetry(s, left, right, longestLen);
    left = pos-1;
    right = pos+1;
    checkSymmetry(s, left, right, longestLen);
예제 #2
//Recursion to verify the symmetry of the tree.
bool checkSymmetry(struct TreeNode* l, struct TreeNode* r) {
    if (!l && !r)
        return true;
    if (!l || !r)
        return false;
    if (l->val == r->val)    
        return checkSymmetry(l->left, r->right) && checkSymmetry(l->right, r->left);
    else return false; 
예제 #3
 * Determine if a tree is symmetric or not
bool isSymmetric(struct TreeNode* root) {
       return true;
    return checkSymmetry(root->left,root->right);   
예제 #4
파일: rk_export.cpp 프로젝트: OspreyX/acado
returnValue RungeKuttaExport::initializeButcherTableau( const DMatrix& _AA, const DVector& _bb, const DVector& _cc ) {

	if( _cc.isEmpty() || !_AA.isSquare() || _AA.getNumRows() != _bb.getDim() || _bb.getDim() != _cc.getDim() ) return RET_INVALID_OPTION;

	numStages = _cc.getDim();
	is_symmetric = checkSymmetry( _cc );
//	std::cout << "Symmetry of the chosen method: " << is_symmetric << "\n";
	AA = _AA;
	bb = _bb;
	cc = _cc;

예제 #5
// This is the main MFE calculator.  Actually finds all suboptimal folds
// with energy below fixedSubOptRange, which if < 0, does MFE
DBL_TYPE mfeFullWithSym_SubOpt( int inputSeq[], int seqLen, 
                               dnaStructures *mfeStructures, int complexity, int naType, 
                               int dangles, DBL_TYPE temperature, int symmetry, DBL_TYPE fixedSubOptRange,
                               int onlyOne, DBL_TYPE sodiumconc, DBL_TYPE magnesiumconc, 
                               int uselongsalt) {
  //if fixedSubOptRange > 0, then enumerate all structures with fsor, rather than find mfe

  DBL_TYPE result;
  int seqlength;


  DBL_TYPE *Fx_1 = NULL;
  DBL_TYPE *Fx_2 = NULL;

  DBL_TYPE *Fz = NULL;  //O(N^2)
  DBL_TYPE *Fg = NULL; //O(N^4)

  DBL_TYPE *FgIx_1 = NULL;
  DBL_TYPE *FgIx_2 = NULL;
  DBL_TYPE *Fgls = NULL;
  DBL_TYPE *Fgrs = NULL;

  DBL_TYPE *Fgr = NULL; //O(N^4) space

  /*  F-type matrices are dynamically allocated matrices that
  contain minimum energies restricted to a subsequence of the
  strand.  Each of the above should be accessed by the call
  F[ pf_index(i, j, seqlength)] to indicate the partition function between
  i and j, inclusive. 

  Descriptions of each are in the referenced paper (see pfunc.c)

  int i, j, k; // the beginning and end bases for F
  long int maxIndex;
  int L; //This the length of the current subsequence
  DBL_TYPE min_energy;
  int pf_ij;
  DBL_TYPE tempMin;

  extern long int maxGapIndex;
  short *possiblePairs;

  int nicks[ MAXSTRANDS];  //the entries must be strictly increasing
  //nicks[i] = N means a strand ends with base N, and a new one starts at N+1

  int **etaN;
  int arraySize;
  int nStrands;
  int *seq;
  int *foldparens;

  DBL_TYPE mfeEpsilon;
  DBL_TYPE *minILoopEnergyBySize;
  int *maxILoopSize;

  DBL_TYPE localEnergy;
  int oldp1;
  int symmetryOfStruct = 1; // Must be initialized
  int *thepairs;  

  //assign global variables
  TEMP_K = temperature + ZERO_C_IN_KELVIN;
  DANGLETYPE = dangles;
  SODIUM_CONC = sodiumconc;
  MAGNESIUM_CONC = magnesiumconc;

  // Get dG_salt. It will be used to calculate 
  DBL_TYPE salt_correction = computeSaltCorrection(sodiumconc,magnesiumconc,uselongsalt);

  seqlength = getSequenceLengthInt( inputSeq, &nStrands);

  mfeEpsilon = kB*TEMP_K*LOG_FUNC(symmetry); //max range to search when looking for mfe

  if( fixedSubOptRange > 0) {
   mfeEpsilon = fixedSubOptRange + mfeEpsilon;

  for( i = 0; i < MAXSTRANDS; i++) { //initialize nicks array
   nicks[i] = -1;

  seq = (int *) malloc( (seqLen+1)*sizeof( int) );
  processMultiSequence( inputSeq, seqlength, nStrands, seq, nicks);
  foldparens = (int*) malloc( (seqLen+nStrands)*sizeof(int));

  if( nStrands >= 2 && complexity >= 5) {
   printf("Warning, pseudoknots not allowed for multi-stranded complexes!");
   printf("  Pseudoknots disabled.\n");
   complexity = 3;

  if( complexity >= 5) //pseudoknotted
   initMfe( seqlength);

  arraySize = seqlength*(seqlength+1)/2 + (seqlength+1);
  // Allocate and Initialize Matrices
  InitLDoublesMatrix( &F, arraySize, "F");
  InitLDoublesMatrix( &Fb, arraySize, "Fb");
  InitLDoublesMatrix( &Fm, arraySize, "Fm");

  etaN = (int**) malloc( arraySize*sizeof( int*));
  InitEtaN( etaN, nicks, seqlength);

  maxILoopSize = (int*) malloc( arraySize*sizeof( int));
  minILoopEnergyBySize = (DBL_TYPE*) malloc( seqlength*sizeof( DBL_TYPE));

  if( complexity == 3) {
   InitLDoublesMatrix( &Fs, arraySize, "Fs");
   InitLDoublesMatrix( &Fms, arraySize, "Fms");

  if( complexity >= 5) {
   InitLDoublesMatrix( &Fp, arraySize, "Fp");
   InitLDoublesMatrix( &Fz, arraySize, "Fz");
   InitLDoublesMatrix( &Fg, maxGapIndex, "Fg");
   if( complexity == 5) {
     InitLDoublesMatrix( &Fgl, maxGapIndex, "Fgl");
     InitLDoublesMatrix( &Fgr, maxGapIndex, "Fgr");
     InitLDoublesMatrix( &Fgls, maxGapIndex, "Fgls");
     InitLDoublesMatrix( &Fgrs, maxGapIndex, "Fgrs");
     CheckPossiblePairs( &possiblePairs, seqlength, seq);

  //Initialization to NAD_INFINITY

  if( complexity >= 5) 
   maxIndex = maxGapIndex; //beware overflow
   maxIndex = arraySize;

  for( i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++) {    
   if(  i < arraySize ) {
     F[i] = Fb[i] = Fm[i] = NAD_INFINITY; 
     if( complexity == 3)
       Fs[i] = Fms[i] = NAD_INFINITY;
     if( complexity >= 5) 
       Fp[i] = Fz[i] = NAD_INFINITY; 
   if( complexity >= 5) {
     Fg[i] = NAD_INFINITY;
     if( complexity == 5)
       Fgl[i] = Fgr[i] = Fgls[i] = Fgrs[i] = NAD_INFINITY;

  for( i = 0; i <= seqlength; i++) {
   pf_ij = pf_index( i, i-1, seqlength);
   F[ pf_ij] = NickDangle(i, i-1, nicks, etaN, FALSE, seq, seqlength);
   if( complexity >= 5)
     Fz[ pf_ij] = F[ pf_ij];

  for( L = 1; L <= seqlength; L++) {
   /* Calculate all sub energies for
    length = 0, then 1, then 2.... */
    int iMin = 0;
    int iMax = seqlength - L;

    if( complexity == 3) 
      manageFx( &Fx, &Fx_1, &Fx_2, L-1, seqlength);   
   //allocate/deallocate memory
    if( complexity == 5) 
      manageFgIx( &FgIx, &FgIx_1, &FgIx_2, L-1, seqlength);
   //manageQgIx manages the temporary matrices needed for 
   //calculating Qg_closed in time n^5
    for( i = iMin; i <= iMax; i++) {
      j = i + L - 1;
      pf_ij = pf_index( i, j, seqlength);
     //store the maximum iloop size with mfeEpsilon of mfe
     for( k = 0; k < L; k++) minILoopEnergyBySize[k] = NAD_INFINITY; //initialize to zero;
     /* Recursions for Fb */
     /* bp = base pairs, pk = pseudoknots */
     min_energy = NAD_INFINITY;
     if( CanPair( seq[ i], seq[ j]) == FALSE) {
       Fb[ pf_ij] = NAD_INFINITY;
     else {
       min_energy = MinHairpin( i, j, seq, seqlength, etaN);
       // Exactly 1 bp
       if( complexity == 3) {
         if( etaN[ EtaNIndex(i+0.5, i+0.5, seqlength)][0] == 0 &&
            etaN[ EtaNIndex(j-0.5, j-0.5, seqlength)][0] == 0) {
              //regular multiloop.  No top-level nicks
              tempMin = MinMultiloops(i, j, seq, Fms, Fm,
                                      seqlength, etaN);
              min_energy = MIN( tempMin, min_energy);
         if( etaN[ EtaNIndex(i+0.5, j-0.5, seqlength)][0] >= 1) {
           //Exterior loop (created by nick)
           tempMin = MinExteriorLoop( i, j, seq, seqlength, 
                                     F, nicks, etaN); 
           min_energy = MIN( tempMin, min_energy);
       if( complexity != 3) {
         // Interior Loop and Multiloop Case
         tempMin = MinInterior_Multi( i, j, seq, seqlength, Fm, Fb, nicks, etaN);
         min_energy = MIN( tempMin, min_energy);
       if( complexity >= 5) {
         tempMin =  MinFb_Pk( i, j, seq, seqlength, Fp, Fm );
         min_energy = MIN( tempMin, min_energy);
     if( complexity == 3) 
       MinFastILoops( i, j, L, seqlength, seq, etaN, Fb, Fx, Fx_2, minILoopEnergyBySize);
     Fb[pf_ij] = MIN( Fb[ pf_ij], min_energy);

     maxILoopSize[ pf_ij] = 0;
     if( CanPair( seq[i], seq[j]) == TRUE) { 
       for( k = 0; k < L; k++) {
        if( minILoopEnergyBySize[k] < Fb[ pf_ij] + mfeEpsilon + ENERGY_TOLERANCE ) {
         maxILoopSize[ pf_ij] = k;
     // Recursions for Fg, Fgls, Fgrs, Fgl, Fgr
     if( complexity == 5) {
       MakeFg_N5(i, j, seq, seqlength, Fg, Fm, Fgls, Fgrs, FgIx, FgIx_2,
       MakeFgls( i, j, seq, seqlength, Fg, Fm, Fgls);
       MakeFgrs( i, j, seq, seqlength, Fg, Fm, Fgrs);
       MakeFgl(i, j, seq, seqlength, Fg, Fgl, Fz);
       MakeFgr(i, j, seq, seqlength, Fgr, Fgl, Fz);
       Fp[ pf_ij] = MinFp_N5( i, j, seq, seqlength, Fgl, Fgr, Fg, Fz);
     else if( complexity == 8) {
       //MakeFg_N8( i, j, seq, seqlength, Fg, Fm);
       //Fp[ pf_ij] = MinFp_N8( i, j, seq, seqlength, Fg, Fz);
     if( complexity == 3) {
       /* Recursions for Fms, Fs */
       MakeFs_Fms( i, j, seq, seqlength, Fs, Fms, Fb, nicks, etaN);
       /* Recursions for Q, Qm, Qz */
       MakeF_Fm_N3( i, j, seq, seqlength, F, Fs, Fms, Fm,
#ifdef test
     if( complexity == 4) 
        MakeF_Fm_N4( i, j, seq, seqlength, F, Fm, Fb);
      if( complexity >= 5)
        MakeF_Fm_Fz(i, j, seq, seqlength, F, Fm, Fz, Fb, Fp);
    result = F[ pf_index(0,seqlength-1,seqlength)];  
    if( result < NAD_INFINITY/2.0) {

     initMfeStructures( mfeStructures, seqlength);
     if( complexity == 3) {
       if( fixedSubOptRange <= 0) {
         bktrF_Fm_N3( 0, seqlength - 1, seq, seqlength, F, Fb, Fm, Fs, Fms,
                     nicks, etaN, mfeStructures, "F", maxILoopSize, 0, onlyOne && !NUPACK_VALIDATE);
         thepairs = mfeStructures->validStructs[0].theStruct;
         symmetryOfStruct = checkSymmetry( thepairs, seqlength, nicks, symmetry,
         mfeEpsilon = kB*TEMP_K*LOG_FUNC( (DBL_TYPE) symmetryOfStruct);
         //default search space is within RT log( sym) of the mfe
         if( mfeEpsilon > ENERGY_TOLERANCE) {
           for( i = 0; i < seqlength; i++) { 
             //check structures that differ by one base pair before doing full enumeration
             oldp1 = thepairs[i];
             if( oldp1 >= 0) {
               thepairs[i] = -1;
               thepairs[ oldp1] = -1;
               //no symmetry is possible if the original structure was symmetric
               localEnergy = naEnergyPairsOrParensFull( thepairs, NULL, inputSeq, naType,
                    dangles, temperature, SODIUM_CONC,
                    USE_LONG_HELIX_FOR_SALT_CORRECTION) - 
                 ( BIMOLECULAR + SALT_CORRECTION ) *(nStrands-1); //for comparison purposes, remove bimolecular term
               mfeEpsilon = MIN( mfeEpsilon, localEnergy - result);

               thepairs[i] = oldp1;
               thepairs[oldp1] = i;

       //find all structures within mfeEpsilon of the mfe
       if (fixedSubOptRange > 0 || symmetryOfStruct > 1) {
         clearDnaStructures( mfeStructures);
         initMfeStructures( mfeStructures, seqlength);
         bktrF_Fm_N3( 0, seqlength - 1, seq, seqlength, F, Fb, Fm, Fs, Fms,
                     nicks, etaN, mfeStructures, "F", maxILoopSize, mfeEpsilon, FALSE);
    else if( complexity == 5) {
      if( fixedSubOptRange < 0) mfeEpsilon = 0;
      bktrF_Fm_FzN5( 0, seqlength - 1, seq, seqlength, F, Fb, Fm, Fp,
                    Fz, Fg, Fgls, Fgrs, Fgl, Fgr, mfeStructures, nicks,
                    etaN, mfeEpsilon, "F");
#ifdef test
    else if( complexity == 4)
       bktrF_Fm_N4( 0, seqlength - 1, seq, seqlength, result, F, Fb, Fm, 
                  , "F");
    else if( complexity == 8)