char *get_exits( CHAR_DATA * ch ) { static char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; EXIT_DATA *pexit; bool found = FALSE; buf[0] = '\0'; if ( !check_blind( ch ) ) return buf; set_char_color( AT_EXITS, ch ); mudstrlcpy( buf, "[Exits:", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); for ( pexit = ch->in_room->first_exit; pexit; pexit = pexit->next ) { if ( IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) ) /* * Immortals see all exits, even secret ones */ { if ( pexit->to_room ) { found = TRUE; mudstrlcat( buf, " ", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); mudstrlcat( buf, capitalize( dir_name[pexit->vdir] ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); /* * New code added to display closed, or otherwise invisible exits to immortals * Installed by Samson 1-25-98 */ if ( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) ) mudstrlcat( buf, "->(Closed)", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); if ( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_DIG ) ) mudstrlcat( buf, "->(Dig)", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); if ( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_WINDOW ) ) mudstrlcat( buf, "->(Window)", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); if ( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_HIDDEN ) ) mudstrlcat( buf, "->(Hidden)", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); if ( xIS_SET( pexit->to_room->room_flags, ROOM_DEATH ) ) mudstrlcat( buf, "->(Deathtrap)", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); } } else { if ( pexit->to_room && !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_SECRET ) && ( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_WINDOW ) || IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_ISDOOR ) ) && !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_HIDDEN ) ) { found = TRUE; mudstrlcat( buf, " ", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); mudstrlcat( buf, capitalize( dir_name[pexit->vdir] ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); if ( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) ) mudstrlcat( buf, "->(Closed)", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_DETECTTRAPS ) && xIS_SET( pexit->to_room->room_flags, ROOM_DEATH ) ) mudstrlcat( buf, "->(Deathtrap)", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); } } } if ( !found ) mudstrlcat( buf, " none]", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); else mudstrlcat( buf, "]", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); mudstrlcat( buf, "\r\n", MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); return buf; }
void do_scan( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) { EXIT_DATA *pexit; ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room; ROOM_INDEX_DATA *in_room; DESCRIPTOR_DATA * d; extern char *const dir_name[]; char buf[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; char exitname[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; int lookdoor, door, iter; int distance, max_dist; int mob_count, mob_count_new; bool darkness = FALSE; const char *dir_long_name[] = { "pó³noc", "wschód", "po³udnie", "zachód", "góra", "dó³" }; lookdoor = -1; door = -1; if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pcdata->mind_in ) { in_room = ch->pcdata->mind_in; } else { if ( !check_blind( ch ) ) { return ; } in_room = ch->in_room; } if ( argument[0] != '\0' ) { if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_MAZE ) ) { send_to_char("Nie bardzo wiesz w która stronê popatrzeæ.\n\r", ch); return; } //wieza obserwacyjna if( !str_prefix( argument, "around" ) ) { if ( !EXT_IS_SET( ch->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_WATCH_TOWER ) ) { send_to_char( "Musisz byæ na szczycie wie¿y obserwacyjnej.\n\r", ch ); return; } if ( ch->position != POS_STANDING ) { send_to_char( "Najpierw wstañ.\n\r", ch ); return; } send_to_char( "Ze szczytu wie¿y ogl±dasz uwa¿nie ca³± okolicê.\n\r", ch ); act( "Stoj±c na szczycie wie¿y $n uwa¿nie omiata wzrokiem ca³± okolicê.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d->next ) { if ( !d->character || d->connected < 0 ) { continue; } if( d->connected != CON_PLAYING || d->character == ch || d->character->in_room == NULL ) { continue; } if ( !SAME_AREA( d->character->in_room->area, ch->in_room->area ) || !SAME_AREA_PART( d->character, ch ) ) { continue; } if ( !can_see( ch, d->character ) ) { continue; } if ( EXT_IS_SET( d->character->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_INDOORS ) || IS_SET( sector_table[ d->character->in_room->sector_type ].flag, SECT_NOWEATHER ) ) { continue; } if ( ch->in_room == d->character->in_room ) { continue; } print_char( ch, "{x%s - Widzisz tam {C%s{x.\n\r", d->character->in_room->name, d->character->name4 ); } return; } door = get_door( ch, argument ); if ( door >= 0 && check_vname( ch, door, FALSE ) ) { send_to_char("W ktorym kierunku chcesz siê rozejrzeæ?\n\r", ch); return; } if ( door < 0 ) { door = -1; for ( iter = 0; iter <= 5; iter++ ) { if ( ( pexit = in_room->exit[iter] ) != NULL && !str_prefix( argument, pexit->vName ) && !( (IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_SECRET) || IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_HIDDEN))&& !IS_AFFECTED(ch,AFF_DETECT_HIDDEN) ) ) { door = iter; break; } } } if ( door < 0 || in_room->exit[door] == NULL ) { send_to_char("W ktorym kierunku chcesz siê rozejrzeæ?\n\r", ch); return; } lookdoor = door; door = -1; } if ( lookdoor < 0 ) { if ( IS_NPC( ch ) || !ch->pcdata->mind_in ) { act("$n rozgl±da siê dooko³a.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM); } send_to_char("Rozgl±daj±c siê dooko³a widzisz:\n\r", ch); sprintf( buf, "{CTutaj{x\n\r" ); mob_count = 0; mob_count_new = scan_room (ch, in_room, buf, 0); if ( mob_count_new < 0 ) { send_to_char( "{CTutaj{x{c - nieprzenikniona ciemno¶æ.{x\n\r", ch ); darkness = TRUE; } else { mob_count += mob_count_new; } strcat(buf, "{x"); if ( mob_count > 0 ) { send_to_char ( buf, ch ); } else { if ( mob_count == 0 && !darkness) { send_to_char( "{CTutaj{x{c - nikogo nie ma.{x\n\r", ch ); } } } darkness = FALSE; if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && !EXT_IS_SET( ch->act, PLR_HOLYLIGHT ) ) { if ( room_is_dark(ch, in_room) && !IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_INFRARED) ) { send_to_char("Jest tutaj zbyt ciemno aby powiedzieæ co¶ o okolicy.\n\r", ch); return; } } for ( door = 0; door < MAX_DIR; door++ ) { room = in_room; if ( lookdoor >= 0 && door != lookdoor ) { continue; } if ( ( pexit = room->exit[door] ) == NULL ) { continue; } if ( lookdoor >= 0 || !( ( IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_SECRET) && !IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_HIDDEN) ) || ( IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_HIDDEN) && !IS_AFFECTED(ch,AFF_DETECT_HIDDEN) ) ) ) { if ( pexit ) { if ( pexit->vName && pexit->vName[0] != '\0' ) { sprintf( exitname, "%s", pexit->vName ); } else { if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_MAZE ) ) { sprintf ( exitname, "%s", capitalize( dir_long_name[ number_range( 0, 5 ) ] ) ); } else { sprintf( exitname, "%s", capitalize( dir_name[door] ) ); } } } else { exitname[0] = '\0'; } if ( !room_is_dark( ch, in_room ) ) { if ( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_HIDDEN ) ) { sprintf( buf, "{C%s{x{c - kto¶ stara³ siê ukryæ to przej¶cie.{x\n\r", exitname ); send_to_char( buf, ch ); continue; } else if ( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) && !IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_PIERCING_SIGHT) ) { if ( pexit->biernik != NULL && pexit->biernik[ 0 ] != '\0' && pexit->biernik[ 0 ] != ' ' ) { if( !pexit->liczba_mnoga ) { sprintf( buf, "{C%s{x{c - nic nie widzisz przez zamkniêt± %s.{x\n\r", exitname, pexit->biernik ); } else { sprintf( buf, "{C%s{x{c - nic nie widzisz przez zamkniête %s.{x\n\r", exitname, pexit->biernik ); } send_to_char( buf, ch ); } else { sprintf( buf, "{C%s{x{c - nic nie widzisz przez zamkniête drzwi.{x\n\r", exitname ); send_to_char( buf, ch ); } continue; } else if ( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_WALL_OF_MIST ) && !IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_PIERCING_SIGHT) ) { sprintf( buf, "{C%s{x{c - ¶ciana mg³y zas³ania ci widoczno¶æ.{x\n\r", exitname ); send_to_char( buf, ch ); continue; } } buf[0] = '\0'; mob_count = 0; max_dist = (lookdoor < 0)? 2:4; /** * imorovmen range for elfs * */ if(!str_cmp( race_table[ GET_RACE(ch) ].name, "elf" )) { max_dist += number_range(0, 2); } for ( distance = 1 ; distance < max_dist; distance++ ) { pexit = room->exit[door]; if ( !pexit || !pexit->u1.to_room || ( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) && !IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_PIERCING_SIGHT) ) || ( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_WALL_OF_MIST ) && !IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_PIERCING_SIGHT) )) { break; } darkness = FALSE; mob_count_new = scan_room ( ch, pexit->u1.to_room, buf, distance); if ( mob_count_new < 0) { printf_to_char( ch, "{C%s{x{c - panuje tam nieprzenikniona ciemno¶æ.{x\n\r", exitname ); darkness = TRUE; } else { mob_count += mob_count_new; } room = pexit->u1.to_room; } strcat(buf, "{x"); if ( mob_count > 0 && !darkness ) { if ( room_is_dark( ch, in_room ) ) { printf_to_char( ch, "{C%s{x{c - widaæ tam chyba kogo¶.{x\n\r", exitname ); } else { print_char( ch, "{C%s{x\n\r", exitname ); send_to_char ( buf, ch ); } } else if ( !room_is_dark( ch, in_room ) && !darkness ) { if ( mob_count == 0 && in_room->exit[door]) { printf_to_char( ch, "{C%s{x{c - nikogo tam nie widaæ.{x\n\r", exitname ); } } darkness = FALSE; } } if ( room_is_dark( ch, in_room ) ) { send_to_char("\n\rJest tutaj zbyt ciemno aby powiedzieæ co¶ dok³adniej o okolicy.\n\r", ch); return; } return; }