inline bool check_multiplicable(const char* function, const char* name1, const T1& y1, const char* name2, const T2& y2) { check_positive_size(function, name1, "rows()", y1.rows()); check_positive_size(function, name2, "cols()", y2.cols()); check_size_match(function, "Columns of ", name1, y1.cols(), "Rows of ", name2, y2.rows()); check_positive_size(function, name1, "cols()", y1.cols()); return true; }
inline void check_pos_definite(const char* function, const char* name, const Eigen::Matrix<T_y, -1, -1>& y) { check_symmetric(function, name, y); check_positive_size(function, name, "rows", y.rows()); if (y.rows() == 1 && !(y(0, 0) > CONSTRAINT_TOLERANCE)) domain_error(function, name, "is not positive definite.", ""); Eigen::LDLT<Eigen::MatrixXd> cholesky = value_of_rec(y).ldlt(); if ( != Eigen::Success || !cholesky.isPositive() || (cholesky.vectorD().array() <= 0.0).any()) domain_error(function, name, "is not positive definite.", ""); check_not_nan(function, name, y); }