예제 #1
파일: pr56348.c 프로젝트: 0day-ci/gcc
cholmod_l_drop (double tol, cholmod_sparse * A)
  double aij;
  double *Ax;
  long long *Ap, *Ai, *Anz;
  long long packed, i, j, nrow, ncol, p, pend, nz, values;
  Ap = A->p;
  ncol = A->ncol;
  nz = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
    for (; p < pend; p++)
        i = Ai[p];
        aij = Ax[p];
        if (i <= j && (fabs (aij) > tol || ((aij) != (aij))))
  Ap[ncol] = nz;
  cholmod_l_reallocate_sparse (nz, A, 0);
예제 #2
파일: mread.c 프로젝트: sergiud/SuiteSparse
void mexFunction
    int	nargout,
    mxArray *pargout [ ],
    int	nargin,
    const mxArray *pargin [ ]
    void *G ;
    cholmod_dense *X = NULL ;
    cholmod_sparse *A = NULL, *Z = NULL ;
    cholmod_common Common, *cm ;
    Long *Ap = NULL, *Ai ;
    double *Ax, *Az = NULL ;
    char filename [MAXLEN] ;
    Long nz, k, is_complex = FALSE, nrow = 0, ncol = 0, allzero ;
    int mtype ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* start CHOLMOD and set parameters */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    cm = &Common ;
    cholmod_l_start (cm) ;
    sputil_config (SPUMONI, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get inputs */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 2 || nargout > 2)
        mexErrMsgTxt ("usage: [A Z] = mread (filename, prefer_binary)") ;
    if (!mxIsChar (pargin [0]))
        mexErrMsgTxt ("mread requires a filename") ;
    mxGetString (pargin [0], filename, MAXLEN) ;
    sputil_file = fopen (filename, "r") ;
    if (sputil_file == NULL)
        mexErrMsgTxt ("cannot open file") ;
    if (nargin > 1)
        cm->prefer_binary = (mxGetScalar (pargin [1]) != 0) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* read the matrix, as either a dense or sparse matrix */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    G = cholmod_l_read_matrix (sputil_file, 1, &mtype, cm) ;
    fclose (sputil_file) ;
    sputil_file = NULL ;
    if (G == NULL)
        mexErrMsgTxt ("could not read file") ;

    /* get the specific matrix (A or X), and change to ZOMPLEX if needed */
    if (mtype == CHOLMOD_SPARSE)
        A = (cholmod_sparse *) G ;
        nrow = A->nrow ;
        ncol = A->ncol ;
        is_complex = (A->xtype == CHOLMOD_COMPLEX) ;
        Ap = A->p ;
        Ai = A->i ;
        if (is_complex)
            /* if complex, ensure A is ZOMPLEX */
            cholmod_l_sparse_xtype (CHOLMOD_ZOMPLEX, A, cm) ;
        Ax = A->x ;
        Az = A->z ;
    else if (mtype == CHOLMOD_DENSE)
        X = (cholmod_dense *) G ;
        nrow = X->nrow ;
        ncol = X->ncol ;
        is_complex = (X->xtype == CHOLMOD_COMPLEX) ;
        if (is_complex)
            /* if complex, ensure X is ZOMPLEX */
            cholmod_l_dense_xtype (CHOLMOD_ZOMPLEX, X, cm) ;
        Ax = X->x ;
        Az = X->z ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("invalid file") ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* if requested, extract the zero entries and place them in Z */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (nargout > 1)
        if (mtype == CHOLMOD_SPARSE)
            /* A is a sparse real/zomplex double matrix */
            Z = sputil_extract_zeros (A, cm) ;
            /* input is full; just return an empty Z matrix */
            Z = cholmod_l_spzeros (nrow, ncol, 0, CHOLMOD_REAL, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* prune the zero entries from A and set nzmax(A) to nnz(A) */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (mtype == CHOLMOD_SPARSE)
        sputil_drop_zeros (A) ;
        cholmod_l_reallocate_sparse (cholmod_l_nnz (A, cm), A, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* change a complex matrix to real if its imaginary part is all zero */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (is_complex)
        if (mtype == CHOLMOD_SPARSE)
            nz = Ap [ncol] ;
            nz = nrow * ncol ;
        allzero = TRUE ;
        for (k = 0 ; k < nz ; k++)
            if (Az [k] != 0)
                allzero = FALSE ;
                break ;
        if (allzero)
            /* discard the all-zero imaginary part */
            if (mtype == CHOLMOD_SPARSE)
                cholmod_l_sparse_xtype (CHOLMOD_REAL, A, cm) ;
                cholmod_l_dense_xtype (CHOLMOD_REAL, X, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* return results to MATLAB */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (mtype == CHOLMOD_SPARSE)
        pargout [0] = sputil_put_sparse (&A, cm) ;
        pargout [0] = sputil_put_dense (&X, cm) ;
    if (nargout > 1)
        pargout [1] = sputil_put_sparse (&Z, cm) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* free workspace */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    cholmod_l_finish (cm) ;
    cholmod_l_print_common (" ", cm) ;
예제 #3
template <typename Entry> SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> *spqr_1factor
    // inputs, not modified
    int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
    double tol,             // only accept singletons above tol.  If tol <= -2,
                            // then use the default tolerance
    Int bncols,             // number of columns of B
    int keepH,              // if TRUE, keep the Householder vectors
    cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
    Int ldb,                // if dense, the leading dimension of B
    Int *Bp,                // size bncols+1, column pointers of B
    Int *Bi,                // size bnz = Bp [bncols], row indices of B
    Entry *Bx,              // size bnz, numerical values of B

    // workspace and parameters
    cholmod_common *cc
    spqr_symbolic *QRsym ;
    spqr_numeric <Entry> *QRnum ;
    SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> *QR ;
    Int *Yp, *Yi, *Q1fill, *R1p, *R1j, *P1inv, *Ap, *Ai ;
    Entry *Yx, *R1x, *Ax ;
    Int noY, anz, a2nz, r1nz, ynz, i, j, k, p, p2, bnz, py, n1rows,
        n1cols, n2, Bsparse, d, iold, inew, m, n ;
    cholmod_sparse *Y ;

#ifdef TIMING
    double t0 = spqr_time ( ) ;
    double t1, t2 ;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // get inputs and allocate result
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    m = A->nrow ;
    n = A->ncol ;
    Ap = (Int *) A->p ;
    Ai = (Int *) A->i ;
    Ax = (Entry *) A->x ;

    QR = (SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> *)
        cholmod_l_malloc (1, sizeof (SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry>), cc) ;

    if (cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
        // out of memory
        return (NULL) ;

    QR->QRsym = NULL ;
    QR->QRnum = NULL ;

    QR->R1p = NULL ;
    QR->R1j = NULL ;
    QR->R1x = NULL ;
    QR->P1inv = NULL ;
    QR->Q1fill = NULL ;
    QR->Rmap = NULL ;
    QR->RmapInv = NULL ;
    QR->HP1inv = NULL ;

    QR->narows = m ;
    QR->nacols = n ;
    QR->bncols = bncols ;
    QR->n1rows = 0 ;
    QR->n1cols = 0 ;

    QR->r1nz = 0 ;
    r1nz = 0 ;

    // B is an optional input.  It can be sparse or dense
    Bsparse = (Bp != NULL && Bi != NULL) ;
    if (Bx == NULL)
        // B is not present; force bncols to be zero
        bncols = 0 ;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // find the default tol, if requested
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (tol <= SPQR_DEFAULT_TOL)
        tol = spqr_tol <Entry> (A, cc) ; 
    if (tol < 0)
        // no rank detection will be performed
        QR->allow_tol = FALSE ;
        tol = EMPTY ;
        QR->allow_tol = TRUE ;
    QR->tol = tol ;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // find singletons and construct column pointers for the A part of Y
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // These return R1p, P1inv, and Y; but they are all NULL if out of memory.
    // Note that only Y->p is allocated (Y->i and Y->x are dummy placeholders
    // of one Int and one Entry, each, actually).  The entries of Y are
    // allocated later, below.

    if (ordering == SPQR_ORDERING_GIVEN)
        ordering = SPQR_ORDERING_FIXED ;

    if (ordering == SPQR_ORDERING_FIXED)
        // fixed ordering: find column singletons without permuting columns
        Q1fill = NULL ;
        spqr_1fixed <Entry> (tol, bncols, A,
            &R1p, &P1inv, &Y, &n1cols, &n1rows, cc) ;
        // natural or fill-reducing ordering: find column singletons with
        // column permutations allowed, then permute the pruned submatrix with
        // a fill-reducing ordering if ordering is not SPQR_ORDERING_NATURAL.
        spqr_1colamd <Entry> (ordering, tol, bncols, A, &Q1fill,
            &R1p, &P1inv, &Y, &n1cols, &n1rows, cc) ;
        ordering = cc->SPQR_istat [7]  ;

    if (cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
        // out of memory
        spqr_freefac (&QR, cc) ;
        return (NULL) ;

    QR->R1p = R1p ;
    QR->P1inv = P1inv ;
    QR->Q1fill = Q1fill ;
    QR->n1rows = n1rows ;
    QR->n1cols = n1cols ;

    noY = (Y == NULL) ;                         // A will be factorized, not Y
    ASSERT (noY == (n1cols == 0 && bncols == 0)) ;
    Yp = noY ? NULL : (Int *) Y->p ;
    anz = Ap [n] ;                              // nonzeros in A
    a2nz = noY ? anz : Yp [n-n1cols] ;          // nonzeros in S2
    n2 = n - n1cols ;                           // number of columns of S2

    // Y is NULL, or of size (m-n1rows)-by-(n-n1cols+bncols)
    ASSERT (IMPLIES (Y != NULL, ((Int) Y->nrow == m-n1rows))) ;
    ASSERT (IMPLIES (Y != NULL, ((Int) Y->ncol == n-n1cols+bncols))) ;

    // Y, if allocated, has no space for any entries yet
    ynz = 0 ;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // construct the column pointers for the B or B2 part of Y
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (noY)

        // A will be factorized instead of Y.  There is no B.  C or X can exist
        // as empty matrices with rows but no columns
        ASSERT (Yp == NULL) ;
        ASSERT (R1p == NULL) ;
        ASSERT (P1inv == NULL) ;
        ASSERT (n1rows == 0) ;
        ASSERT (a2nz == Ap [n]) ;
        ASSERT (bncols == 0) ;

    else if (n1cols == 0)

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // construct the column pointers for the B part of Y = [S B]
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        ASSERT (R1p == NULL) ;
        ASSERT (P1inv == NULL) ;
        ASSERT (n1rows == 0) ;
        ASSERT (a2nz == Ap [n]) ;

        ynz = a2nz ;
        if (Bsparse)
            // B is sparse
            for (k = 0 ; k < bncols ; k++)
                Yp [(n-n1cols)+k] = ynz ;
                d = Bp [k+1] - Bp [k] ;
                ynz += d ;
            // B is dense
            Entry *B1 = Bx ;
            for (k = 0 ; k < bncols ; k++)
                // count the nonzero entries in column k of B
                Yp [(n-n1cols)+k] = ynz ;
                d = 0 ;
                for (i = 0 ; i < m ; i++)
                    if (B1 [i] != (Entry) 0)
                        d++ ;
                B1 += ldb ;
                ynz += d ;
        Yp [(n-n1cols)+bncols] = ynz ;


        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // construct the column pointers for the B2 part of Y = [S2 B2]
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        ynz = a2nz ;
        if (Bsparse)
            // B is sparse
            for (k = 0 ; k < bncols ; k++)
                // count the nonzero entries in column k of B2
                Yp [(n-n1cols)+k] = ynz ;
                d = 0 ;
                for (p = Bp [k] ; p < Bp [k+1] ; p++)
                    iold = Bi [p] ;
                    inew = P1inv [iold] ;
                    if (inew >= n1rows)
                        d++ ;
                ynz += d ;
            // B is dense
            Entry *B1 = Bx ;
            for (k = 0 ; k < bncols ; k++)
                // count the nonzero entries in column k of B2
                Yp [(n-n1cols)+k] = ynz ;
                d = 0 ;
                for (iold = 0 ; iold < m ; iold++)
                    inew = P1inv [iold] ;
                    if (inew >= n1rows && B1 [iold] != (Entry) 0)
                        d++ ;
                B1 += ldb ;
                ynz += d ;
        Yp [(n-n1cols)+bncols] = ynz ;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // allocate the nonzeros for Y
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (noY)
        // no singletons found, and B is empty.  pass Y=A to QR factorization,
        // and pass in Q1fill as the "user-provided" ordering
        ASSERT (Yp == NULL) ;
        Yi = NULL ;
        Yx = NULL ;
        cholmod_l_reallocate_sparse (ynz, Y, cc) ;
        Yi = (Int   *) Y->i ;
        Yx = (Entry *) Y->x ;

    if (cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
        // out of memory
        spqr_freefac (&QR, cc) ;
        cholmod_l_free_sparse (&Y, cc) ;
        return (NULL) ;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // create the pattern and values of Y and R1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (noY)

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // R1 does not exist
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        ASSERT (R1p == NULL) ;
        R1j = NULL ;
        R1x = NULL ;

    else if (n1cols == 0)

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // R1 does not exist
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        ASSERT (R1p == NULL) ;
        R1j = NULL ;
        R1x = NULL ;

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // construct the A part of Y = [S B]
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        ASSERT (anz == a2nz) ;
        py = 0 ;
        for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
            j = Q1fill ? Q1fill [k] : k ;
            ASSERT (py == Yp [k]) ;
            for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
                Yi [py] = Ai [p] ;
                Yx [py] = Ax [p] ;
                py++ ;
        ASSERT (py == anz) ;
        ASSERT (py == Yp [n]) ;

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // construct the B part of Y = [S B]
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        if (Bsparse)
            // B is sparse
            bnz = Bp [bncols] ;
            for (p = 0 ; p < bnz ; p++)
                Yi [py++] = Bi [p] ;
            py = anz ;
            for (p = 0 ; p < bnz ; p++)
                Yx [py++] = Bx [p] ;
            // B is dense
            Entry *B1 = Bx ;
            for (k = 0 ; k < bncols ; k++)
                ASSERT (py == Yp [n+k]) ;
                for (i = 0 ; i < m ; i++)
                    Entry bij = B1 [i] ;
                    if (bij != (Entry) 0)
                        Yi [py] = i ;
                        Yx [py] = bij ;
                        py++ ;
                B1 += ldb ;
        ASSERT (py == ynz) ;


        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // R1p = cumsum ([0 R1p])
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        r1nz = spqr_cumsum (n1rows, R1p) ;      // Int overflow cannot occur
        PR (("total nonzeros in R1: %ld\n", r1nz)) ;

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // allocate R1
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        R1j = (Int   *) cholmod_l_malloc (r1nz, sizeof (Int  ), cc) ;
        R1x = (Entry *) cholmod_l_malloc (r1nz, sizeof (Entry), cc) ;
        QR->R1j = R1j ;
        QR->R1x = R1x ;
        QR->r1nz = r1nz ;

        if (cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
            // out of memory
            spqr_freefac (&QR, cc) ;
            cholmod_l_free_sparse (&Y, cc) ;
            return (NULL) ;

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // scan A and construct R11
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        // At this point, R1p [i] points to the start of row i:
        // for (Int t = 0 ; t <= n1rows ; t++) Rsave [t] = R1p [t] ;

        for (k = 0 ; k < n1cols ; k++)
            j = Q1fill ? Q1fill [k] : k ;
            for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
                // row i of A is row inew after singleton permutation
                i = Ai [p] ;
                inew = P1inv [i] ;
                ASSERT (inew < n1rows) ;
                // A (i,j) is in a singleton row.  It becomes R1 (inew,k)
                p2 = R1p [inew]++ ;
                ASSERT (p2 < R1p [inew+1]) ;
                R1j [p2] = k ;
                R1x [p2] = Ax [p] ;

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // scan A and construct R12 and the S2 part of Y = [S2 B2]
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        py = 0 ;
        for ( ; k < n ; k++)
            j = Q1fill ? Q1fill [k] : k ;
            ASSERT (py == Yp [k-n1cols]) ;
            for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
                // row i of A is row inew after singleton permutation
                i = Ai [p] ;
                inew = P1inv [i] ;
                if (inew < n1rows)
                    // A (i,j) is in a singleton row.  It becomes R1 (inew,k)
                    p2 = R1p [inew]++ ;
                    ASSERT (p2 < R1p [inew+1]) ;
                    R1j [p2] = k ;
                    R1x [p2] = Ax [p] ;
                    // A (i,j) is not in a singleton row.  Place it in
                    // Y (inew-n1rows, k-n1cols)
                    Yi [py] = inew - n1rows ;
                    Yx [py] = Ax [p] ;
                    py++ ;
        ASSERT (py == Yp [n-n1cols]) ;

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // restore the row pointers for R1
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        spqr_shift (n1rows, R1p) ;

        // the row pointers are back to what they were:
        // for (Int t = 0 ; t <= n1rows ; t++) ASSERT (Rsave [t] == R1p [t]) ;

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // construct the B2 part of Y = [S2 B2]
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        if (Bsparse)
            // B is sparse
            for (k = 0 ; k < bncols ; k++)
                // construct the nonzero entries in column k of B2
                ASSERT (py == Yp [k+(n-n1cols)]) ;
                for (p = Bp [k] ; p < Bp [k+1] ; p++)
                    iold = Bi [p] ;
                    inew = P1inv [iold] ;
                    if (inew >= n1rows)
                        Yi [py] = inew - n1rows ;
                        Yx [py] = Bx [p] ;
                        py++ ;
            // B is dense
            Entry *B1 = Bx ;
            for (k = 0 ; k < bncols ; k++)
                // construct the nonzero entries in column k of B2
                ASSERT (py == Yp [k+(n-n1cols)]) ;
                for (iold = 0 ; iold < m ; iold++)
                    inew = P1inv [iold] ;
                    if (inew >= n1rows)
                        Entry bij = B1 [iold] ;
                        if (bij != (Entry) 0)
                            Yi [py] = inew - n1rows ;
                            Yx [py] = bij ;
                            py++ ;
                B1 += ldb ;
        ASSERT (py == ynz) ;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // QR factorization of A or Y
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (noY)
        // factorize A, with fill-reducing ordering already given in Q1fill
        QRsym = spqr_analyze (A, SPQR_ORDERING_GIVEN, Q1fill,
            tol >= 0, keepH, cc) ;
#ifdef TIMING
        t1 = spqr_time ( ) ;
        QRnum = spqr_factorize <Entry> (&A, FALSE, tol, n, QRsym, cc) ;
        // fill-reducing ordering is already applied to Y; free Y when loaded
        QRsym = spqr_analyze (Y, SPQR_ORDERING_FIXED, NULL,
            tol >= 0, keepH, cc) ;
#ifdef TIMING
        t1 = spqr_time ( ) ;
        QRnum = spqr_factorize <Entry> (&Y, TRUE, tol, n2, QRsym, cc) ;
        // Y has been freed
        ASSERT (Y == NULL) ;

    // record the actual ordering used (this will have been changed to GIVEN
    // or FIXED, in spqr_analyze, but change it back to the ordering used by
    // spqr_1fixed or spqr_1colamd.
    cc->SPQR_istat [7] = ordering ;

    QR->QRsym = QRsym ;
    QR->QRnum = QRnum ;

    if (cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
        // out of memory
        spqr_freefac (&QR, cc) ;
        return (NULL) ;

    cc->SPQR_istat [0] += r1nz ;       // nnz (R)

    // rank estimate of A, including singletons but excluding the columns of
    // of B, in case [A B] was factorized.
    QR->rank = n1rows + QRnum->rank1 ;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // construct global row permutation if H is kept and singletons exist
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // If there are no singletons, then HP1inv [0:m-1] and HPinv [0:m-1] would
    // be identical, so HP1inv is not needed.

    ASSERT ((n1cols == 0) == (P1inv == NULL)) ;
    ASSERT (IMPLIES (n1cols == 0, n1rows == 0)) ;

    if (keepH && n1cols > 0)
        // construct the global row permutation.  Currently, the row indices
        // in H reflect the global R.  P1inv is the singleton permutation,
        // where a row index of Y = (P1inv (row of A) - n1rows), and
        // row of R2 = QRnum->HPinv (row of Y).   Combine these two into
        // HP1inv, where a global row of R = HP1inv (a row of A)

        Int kk ;
        Int *HP1inv, *HPinv ;
        QR->HP1inv = HP1inv = (Int *) cholmod_l_malloc (m, sizeof (Int), cc) ;
        HPinv = QRnum->HPinv ;

        if (cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
            // out of memory
            spqr_freefac (&QR, cc) ;
            return (NULL) ;

        for (i = 0 ; i < m ; i++)
            // i is a row of A, k is a row index after row singletons are
            // permuted.  Then kk is a row index of the global R.
            k = P1inv ? P1inv [i] : i ;
            ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < m) ;
            if (k < n1rows)
                kk = k ;
                // k-n1rows is a row index of Y, the matrix factorized by
                // the QR factorization kernels (in QRsym and QRnum).
                // HPinv [k-n1rows] gives a row index of R2, to which n1rows
                // must be added to give a row of the global R.
                kk = HPinv [k - n1rows] + n1rows ;
            ASSERT (kk >= 0 && kk < m) ;
            HP1inv [i] = kk ;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // find the mapping for the squeezed R, if A is rank deficient
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (QR->rank < n && !spqr_rmap <Entry> (QR, cc))
        // out of memory
        spqr_freefac (&QR, cc) ;
        return (NULL) ;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // output statistics
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    cc->SPQR_istat [4] = QR->rank ;         // estimated rank of A
    cc->SPQR_istat [5] = n1cols ;           // number of columns singletons
    cc->SPQR_istat [6] = n1rows ;           // number of singleton rows
    cc->SPQR_xstat [1] = tol ;              // tol used

#ifdef TIMING
    t2 = spqr_time ( ) ;
    cc->other1 [1] = t1 - t0 ;  // analyze time, including singletons
    cc->other1 [2] = t2 - t1 ;  // factorize time

    return (QR) ;