/*! Propagate a loitering trajectory, filling the lists of sampleTimes
 *  and samples with the results of each step. Errors during propagation
 *  are indicated by setting the error flag in the PropagationFeedback
 *  object.
 *  The return value of propagate is the final state after propagation
 *  is complete (i.e. the last entry in the samples list.)
ScenarioLoiteringTrajectory::propagate(PropagationFeedback& propFeedback,
                                       const sta::StateVector& initialState,
                                       QList<double>& sampleTimes,
                                       QList<sta::StateVector>& samples)

    QTextStream out (stdout);

    double mu = centralBody()->mu();

    const ScenarioExtendedTimeline* timeline = simulationParameters()->timeline();

    // Creating the list of perturbations that will influence the propagation
    ScenarioSpaceVehicle* spacevehicle = dynamic_cast<ScenarioSpaceVehicle*>(this->parent()->parent());
    ScenarioProperties* vehicleproperties = spacevehicle->properties();

    QList<Perturbations*> perturbationsList = environment()->createListPerturbations(vehicleproperties);

    double timelineDuration = sta::daysToSecs(timeline->endTime() - timeline->startTime());
    double dt = trajectoryPropagation()->timeStep();

    if (dt == 0.0)
        propFeedback.raiseError(QObject::tr("Time step is zero!"));
        return initialState;

    // We don't output values at every integration step. Instead use the time step
    // from simulation parameters. The actual output step used will not necessarily
    // match the requested output step: the code below sets it to be an integer
    // multiple of the integration step.
    double requestedOutputTimeStep = simulationParameters()->timeline()->timeStep();
    double outputTimeStep;
    unsigned int outputRate;
    if (requestedOutputTimeStep < dt)
        outputRate = 1;
        outputTimeStep = dt;
        outputRate = (unsigned int) floor(requestedOutputTimeStep / dt + 0.5);
        outputTimeStep = outputRate * dt;

    if (timelineDuration / outputTimeStep > MAX_OUTPUT_STEPS)
        propFeedback.raiseError(QObject::tr("Number of propagation steps exceeds %1. Try increasing the simulation time step.").arg(MAX_OUTPUT_STEPS));
        return initialState;

    // Calculate initial keplerian elements in case the propagator Two Body will be used
    sta::KeplerianElements foundKeplerianElements = cartesianTOorbital(mu, initialState);

    double sma            = foundKeplerianElements.SemimajorAxis;
    double e              = foundKeplerianElements.Eccentricity;
    double inclination    = foundKeplerianElements.Inclination;
    double raan           = foundKeplerianElements.AscendingNode;
    double argOfPeriapsis = foundKeplerianElements.ArgumentOfPeriapsis;
    double meanAnomaly    = foundKeplerianElements.MeanAnomaly;

    double perigee = sma * (1-e);

    if (perigee<centralBody()->meanRadius())
        QMessageBox::warning(NULL, QObject::tr("The trajectory has been not propagated"),
                             QObject::tr("The perigee distance is smaller than the main body radius."));
        return initialState.zero();

    sta::StateVector stateVector = initialState;

    // deviation, reference, and q will be used only in Encke propagation
    sta::StateVector deviation(Vector3d::Zero(), Vector3d::Zero());
    sta::StateVector reference = initialState;
    double q = 0.0;

    sampleTimes << timeline->startTime();
    samples << stateVector;

    double time = timeline->startTime(); //mjd
    QFile ciccio("data/PerturbationsData.stae");
    QTextStream cicciostream(&ciccio);

    unsigned int steps = 0;
    for (double t = dt; t < timelineDuration + dt; t += dt)
        JulianDate jd = timeline->startTime() + sta::secsToDays(t);

        // Choosing the propagator and propagating the trajectory
        if (trajectoryPropagation()->propagator() == "TWO BODY")
            double perigee=sma*(1-e);
            if (perigee<centralBody()->meanRadius())
                                     QObject::tr("The trajectory has been not propagated"),
                                     QObject::tr("The perigee distance is smaller than the main body radius."));
                return stateVector.zero();

            double argOfPeriapsisUpdated      = 0.0;
            double meanAnomalyUpdated         = 0.0;
            double raanUpdated                = 0.0;
            stateVector = propagateTWObody(mu, sma, e, inclination, argOfPeriapsis, raan, meanAnomaly,
                                           trajectoryPropagation()->timeStep(), raanUpdated, argOfPeriapsisUpdated,

            argOfPeriapsis = argOfPeriapsisUpdated;
            meanAnomaly    = meanAnomalyUpdated;
            raan           = raanUpdated;

        else if (trajectoryPropagation()->propagator() == "COWELL")
            stateVector = propagateCOWELL(mu, stateVector, trajectoryPropagation()->timeStep(), perturbationsList, time, trajectoryPropagation()->integrator(), propFeedback);

        else if (trajectoryPropagation()->propagator() == "ENCKE")
            deviation = propagateENCKE(mu, reference, trajectoryPropagation()->timeStep(),perturbationsList, time, stateVector, deviation,  q, trajectoryPropagation()->integrator(), propFeedback);

            // PropagateTWObody is used to propagate the reference trajectory
            double argOfPeriapsisUpdated      = 0.0;
            double meanAnomalyUpdated         = 0.0;
            double raanUpdated                = 0.0;
            reference = propagateTWObody(mu, sma, e, inclination, argOfPeriapsis, raan, meanAnomaly,
                                         trajectoryPropagation()->timeStep(), raanUpdated, argOfPeriapsisUpdated,

            argOfPeriapsis = argOfPeriapsisUpdated;
            meanAnomaly    = meanAnomalyUpdated;
            raan           = raanUpdated;

            // Calculating the perturbed trajectory
            stateVector = reference + deviation;
            q = deviation.position.dot(reference.position + 0.5 * deviation.position) / pow(reference.position.norm(), 2.0);

//            // Rectification of the reference trajectory, when the deviation is too large.
//            if (q > 0.01)
//            {
//               sta::KeplerianElements keplerian = cartesianTOorbital(mu, stateVector);
//               sma = keplerian.SemimajorAxis;
//               e = keplerian.Eccentricity;
//               inclination = keplerian.Inclination;
//               argOfPeriapsis = keplerian.ArgumentOfPeriapsis;
//               raan = keplerian.AscendingNode;
//               meanAnomaly = keplerian.MeanAnomaly;
//               q = 0;
//               reference = stateVector;
//               deviation = sta::StateVector(null, null);
//            }

        else if (trajectoryPropagation()->propagator() == "GAUSS")
            stateVector = propagateGAUSS(mu, stateVector, trajectoryPropagation()->timeStep(), perturbationsList, time, trajectoryPropagation()->integrator());

        KeplerianElements kep = cartesianTOorbital(mu, stateVector);

        //cicciostream << kep.SemimajorAxis << "      ";
        //cicciostream << kep.Eccentricity << "      ";
        cicciostream << kep.Inclination << "      ";
        //cicciostream << kep.ArgumentOfPeriapsis << "      ";
        //cicciostream << kep.AscendingNode << "      ";
        //cicciostream << kep.TrueAnomaly << "      ";

//        //Treat the debris perturbation if selected by the user
//        foreach (Perturbations* perturbation, perturbationsList)
//        if (dynamic_cast<DebrisPerturbations*>(perturbation))
//        {
//            DebrisPerturbations* debris = dynamic_cast<DebrisPerturbations*>(perturbation);
//            double gravityAcceleration = (-pow(initialState.position.norm(),-3.0) * mu * initialState.position).norm();
//            double perturbedAcceleration = gravityAcceleration + debris->calculatePerturbingEffect(initialState, sta::daysToSecs(jd));
//        }

        // Append a trajectory sample every outputRate integration steps (and
        // always at the last step.)
        if (steps % outputRate == 0 || t >= timelineDuration)
            sampleTimes << jd;
            samples << stateVector;

        time += sta::secsToDays(dt);

    //out << "samples size: " << samples.size() << endl;
    return stateVector;
예제 #2
파일: Mappe.cpp 프로젝트: Bicocca/UserCode
int main (int argc, char** argv)

  TChain * chain = new TChain ("EcalCosmicsAnalysis") ;
  chain->Add ("/afs/cern.ch/user/m/mattia/MuonTree_43439/MuonTree_43439_*.root") ;

  EcalCosmicsAnalysisVariables treeVars ;

  chain->SetBranchAddress ("runId", &treeVars.runId) ;                           
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("eventId", &treeVars.eventId) ;                       
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("timeStampLow", &treeVars.timeStampLow) ;             
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("timeStampHigh", &treeVars.timeStampHigh) ;           
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("isECALL1", &treeVars.isECALL1) ;                     
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("isHCALL1", &treeVars.isHCALL1) ;                     
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("isDTL1", &treeVars.isDTL1) ;                         
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("isRPCL1", &treeVars.isRPCL1) ;                       
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("isCSCL1", &treeVars.isCSCL1) ;                       
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("nCosmicsCluster", &treeVars.nCosmicsCluster) ;       
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicClusterEnergy", treeVars.cosmicClusterEnergy) ;
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicClusterE1", treeVars.cosmicClusterE1) ;        
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicClusterE2", treeVars.cosmicClusterE2) ;        
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicClusterE9", treeVars.cosmicClusterE9) ;        
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicClusterE25", treeVars.cosmicClusterE25) ;      
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicClusterTime", treeVars.cosmicClusterTime) ;    
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicClusterEta", treeVars.cosmicClusterEta) ;      
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicClusterPhi", treeVars.cosmicClusterPhi) ;      
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicClusterXtals", treeVars.cosmicClusterXtals) ;  
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicClusterXtalsAbove3Sigma", treeVars.cosmicClusterXtalsAbove3Sigma) ;    
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicClusterMaxId", treeVars.cosmicClusterMaxId) ;      
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicCluster2ndId", treeVars.cosmicCluster2ndId) ;      
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("nRecoMuons", &treeVars.nRecoMuons) ;                     
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonPt", treeVars.muonPt) ;                              
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonEta", treeVars.muonEta) ;                            
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonPhi", treeVars.muonPhi) ;                            
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonNChi2", treeVars.muonNChi2) ;                        
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonNDof", treeVars.muonNDof) ;                          
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonNHits", treeVars.muonNHits) ;                        
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonCharge", treeVars.muonCharge) ;                      
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonQOverP", treeVars.muonQOverP) ;                      
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muond0", treeVars.muond0) ;                              
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muondz", treeVars.muondz) ;                              
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonTkAtEcalEta", treeVars.muonTkAtEcalEta) ;            
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonTkAtEcalPhi", treeVars.muonTkAtEcalPhi) ;            
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonTkAtHcalEta", treeVars.muonTkAtHcalEta) ;            
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonTkAtHcalPhi", treeVars.muonTkAtHcalPhi) ;            
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonEcalEnergy3x3", treeVars.muonEcalEnergy3x3) ;        
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonEcalEnergy5x5", treeVars.muonEcalEnergy5x5) ;        
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonEcalEnergyCrossed", treeVars.muonEcalEnergyCrossed) ;
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonHcalEnergy3x3", treeVars.muonHcalEnergy3x3) ;        
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonHcalEnergyCrossed", treeVars.muonHcalEnergyCrossed) ;
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonNCrossedEcalDetId", treeVars.muonNCrossedEcalDetId) ;
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("muonMaxEneEcalDetIdCrossed", treeVars.muonMaxEneEcalDetIdCrossed) ; 
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicClusterEnergyXtals", treeVars.cosmicClusterEnergyXtals) ;
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicClusterLengthXtals_0", treeVars.cosmicClusterLengthXtals_0) ; 
  chain->SetBranchAddress ("cosmicClusterLengthXtals_1", treeVars.cosmicClusterLengthXtals_1) ; 

  TApplication *theApp = new TApplication( "app", &argc, argv );

  //eta phi
  //TH2F Occupancy("Occupancy","Occupancy",170,-1.47,1.47,360,-3.14,3.14); 
  TH2F Occupancy("Occupancy","Occupancy",170,-85.,85.,360,0.,360.); 
  TH2F EnergyOnCrystals("EnergyOnCrystals","EnergyOnCrystals",170,-1.47,1.47,360,-3.14,3.14);
  TH2F MeanEnergy("MeanEnergy","MeanEnergy",170,-85.,85.,360,0.,360.);  
  TH2F EoPCrystals("EoPCrystals","EoPCrystals",170,-1.47,1.47,360,-3.14,3.14);
  int nEvents = (int) chain->GetEntries () ;
  //PG loop over entries
  for (int iEvent = 0 ; iEvent < nEvents ; ++iEvent)
    //for (int iEvent = 0 ; iEvent < 1000000 ; ++iEvent)
      if(iEvent%10000 == 0) std::cout << "event n. " << iEvent << std::endl;
      chain->GetEntry (iEvent) ;
     //base selections
      if (treeVars.nCosmicsCluster != 2) continue ;
      if(deltaPhi(treeVars.cosmicClusterPhi[0],treeVars.cosmicClusterPhi[1]) < 3.14159265358979 / 2./*90gradi*/) continue; //TAGLIO IN DELTAPHI
      EBDetId ciccio(treeVars.cosmicClusterMaxId);
    } //PG loop over entries 
    //MF loop over crystals    
    double nOverCrystals = 0; //numero eventi per cristallo
    double EOverCrystals = 0; //energia x cristallo
    for(int indexeta = 0 ; indexeta < 170 ; indexeta++)  // eta 170,-1.47,1.47,
    for(int indexphi = 0 ; indexphi < 360 ; indexphi++)  // phi 360,-3.14,3.14
    nOverCrystals = Occupancy.GetBinContent(indexeta,indexphi);
    EOverCrystals = EnergyOnCrystals.GetBinContent(indexeta,indexphi);
    if(nOverCrystals==0) EOverCrystals = 0;
    //MF loop over crystals
  //Writing Histos
  TFile out ("Mappe.root","recreate") ;
  TDirectory* Rings = gDirectory->mkdir("Rings");
  TDirectory* Slices = gDirectory->mkdir("Slices");