예제 #1
파일: triangle.c 프로젝트: ybits/rubymesh
triangle_circumcircle(Triangle *t)
	if (t->circumcircle->radius) {
		Point *center = triangle_circumcenter(t);
		t->circumcircle = circle_new(center, triangle_circumcircle_radius(t, center));
	return t->circumcircle;
예제 #2
static void _test_circle(void)
    int x, y;
    double rad;
    const void *clazz;
    void *circle;

    const struct _propinfo props[] = {
        { MUME_TYPE_DOUBLE, "radian",

    const struct _property props1[] = {
        { "name", "world" },
        { "coord", "40, 30" },
        { "radian", "3.140000000000" },

    const struct _property props2[] = {
        { "name", "diff world" },
        { "coord", "0, -1024" },
        { "radian", "-1.110000000000" },

    _test_properties(circle_class(), props, COUNT_OF(props));
    circle = circle_new("world", 40, 30, 3.14);
    test_assert(strcmp(point_get_name(circle), "world") == 0);
    _test_get_properties(circle, props1, COUNT_OF(props1));
    point_get_coord(circle, &x, &y);
    test_assert(40 == x && 30 == y);
    point_move(circle, 50, 60);
    point_get_coord(circle, &x, &y);
    test_assert(50 == x && 60 == y);
    rad = circle_get_radian(circle);
    test_assert(fabs(rad - 3.14) < 0.001);
    _test_set_properties(circle, props2, COUNT_OF(props2));
    _test_get_properties(circle, props2, COUNT_OF(props2));
    draw_result = 0;
    test_assert((DRAW_POINT | DRAW_CIRCLE) == draw_result);
    clazz = mume_class_of(circle);
    test_assert(circle_class() == clazz);
    test_assert(0 == strcmp(mume_class_name(clazz), "circle"));
    test_assert(mume_super_class(clazz) == point_class());
    test_assert(mume_size_of(circle) == sizeof(struct _circle));
    test_assert(mume_size_of(circle_class()) == sizeof(struct _circle_class));
    test_assert(mume_is_a(circle, circle_class()));
    test_assert(!mume_is_a(circle, point_class()));
    test_assert(mume_is_of(circle, point_class()));
예제 #3
//GUI calls this method to try to add a new shape drawn by user
cpShape *core_add_new_shape ( cpSpace *space, const int type, const double p1x, const double p1y, const double p2x, const double p2y, Color *color, const double orientation, const double friction, const double elasticity, const double density, const int index ) {
    //if the new shape is a circle, store the values in a circle struct, make the circle shape, and destroy the struct
    if ( type == CIRCLE_TYPE ) {
        Circle *circ = circle_new();
        //set radius
        if ( abs ( p1x - p2x ) > abs ( p1y - p2y ) ){
            circ->radius = abs ( p2y - p1y ) / 2;
        else {
            circ->radius = abs ( p2x - p1x ) / 2;
        //set centerx
        if ( p1x > p2x ) {
            circ->x = p1x - circ->radius;
        else { 
            circ->x = p1x + circ->radius;
        //set centery
        if ( p1y > p2y ) {
            circ->y = p1y - circ->radius;
        else {
            circ->y = p1y + circ->radius;
        circ->color->r = color->r;
        circ->color->g = color->g;
        circ->color->b = color->b;
        circ->orientation = orientation;
        circ->friction = friction;
        circ->elasticity = elasticity;
        circ->density = density;
        cpShape * circ_shape = core_add_circle_shape ( space, circ, index );
        circle_destroy ( circ );
        return circ_shape;
    //if the new shape is a box, store the values in a box struct, make the box shape, and destroy the struct
    if ( type == BOX_TYPE ) {
        Box *box = box_new();
        box->x = p1x + ( p2x - p1x ) / 2;
        box->y = p1y + ( p2y - p1y) / 2;
        box->width = abs ( p2x - p1x );
        box->height = abs ( p2y - p1y );
        box->color->r = color->r;
        box->color->g = color->g;
        box->color->b = color->b;
        box->orientation = orientation;
        box->friction = friction;
        box->elasticity = elasticity;
        box->density = density;
        if ( box->width < .001 || box->height < .001 ){
            box_destroy ( box );
            return NULL;
        cpShape *box_shape = core_add_box_shape ( space, box, index );
        box_destroy ( box );
        return box_shape;
    return NULL;
예제 #4
// core_load_level
// reads contents of file, adds corresponding cpShapes to cpSpace
// returns EXIT_SUCCESS if level loaded successfully
// returns EXIT_FAILURE if level loaded unsuccessfully (bad syntax)
static int core_load_level_parse ( cpSpace *space, FILE * fp ) { 
    int max_line_size = 40; // maximum length of line that we want to read in
    // array to hold contents of each line
    char line [max_line_size];
    char * line_place = line; // holds address of start of line
    fgets ( line, max_line_size, fp );
    // check to see that first line has correct content
    if( strncmp ( line, "gravity ", 8 ) != 0 ) return EXIT_FAILURE;
    line_place = &line[8]; // advance line to next chars to be read
    double gravity = atof ( line_place ); // saves gravity input into a double
    core_set_gravity ( space, gravity ); // set gravity
    // check that next line is blank
    fgets ( line, max_line_size, fp );
    int exit = 1; // keeps track of whether to continue reading lines
    while ( exit == 1 ) {
        if ( fgets ( line, max_line_size, fp ) == 0 ) return EXIT_SUCCESS; // get next line.  If EOF, return
        if ( strncmp ( line, "box STATIC", 10 ) == 0 ) { // static box information to follow
            Box * box = box_new();
            if ( parse_box ( fp, &(box->x), &(box->y), &(box->width), &(box->height), &(box->angle), (box->color), &(box->friction), &(box->elasticity), &(box->density)) == EXIT_FAILURE ) {
                fprintf ( stderr, "Parsing error in box STATIC\n" );
                box_destroy ( box );
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
            // add static box to space and destroy temporary box data 
            core_add_static_box_shape ( space, box );
            box_destroy ( box );
        } else if ( strncmp ( line, "box NONSTATIC", 13 ) == 0 ) {
            Box * box = box_new();
            if( parse_box ( fp, &(box->x), &(box->y), &(box->width), &(box->height), &(box->angle), (box->color), &(box->friction), &(box->elasticity), &(box->density) ) == EXIT_FAILURE ) {
                fprintf ( stderr, "Parsing error in box NONSTATIC\n" );
                box_destroy ( box );
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
            // need to add mass, inertia since body moves
            core_add_box_shape ( space, box, 0 );
            box_destroy ( box );
        } else if ( strncmp ( line, "ball NONSTATIC", 14 ) == 0 ) {
            Circle * circ = circle_new ();
            if ( parse_ball ( fp, &(circ->x), &(circ->y), &(circ->radius), &(circ->angle), circ->color, &(circ->friction), &(circ->elasticity), &(circ->density)) == EXIT_FAILURE ) {
                fprintf ( stderr, "Parsing error in ball NONSTATIC\n" );
                circle_destroy ( circ );
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
            // need to add mass, inertia since body moves
            core_add_circle_shape ( space, circ, 0 );
            circle_destroy ( circ );
        } else if ( strncmp ( line, "ball STATIC", 11) == 0 ) {
            Circle * circ = circle_new();
            if ( parse_ball ( fp, &(circ->x), &(circ->y), &(circ->radius), &(circ->angle), circ->color, &(circ->friction), &(circ->elasticity), &(circ->density) ) == EXIT_FAILURE ) {
                fprintf ( stderr, "Parsing error in ball STATIC\n" );
                circle_destroy ( circ );
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
            core_add_static_circle_shape ( space, circ );
            circle_destroy ( circ );
        } else  // invalid input
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        if ( fgets ( line, max_line_size, fp ) == NULL ) exit = 0; // get next line.  If EOF, get out
    cpSpaceEachBody ( space, &core_update_body, (void *) NULL );
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
예제 #5
// make a homebase
void core_make_homebase ( cpSpace *space, const double x, const double y, const int start_index, const int planet_num){
    Box *defense[4]; 
    double r = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
    double g = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
    double b = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
    for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        defense[i] = box_new();
        defense[i]->color->r = r;
        defense[i]->color->g = g;
        defense[i]->color->b = b;
        defense[i]->orientation = 0;
        defense[i]->friction = 0;
        defense[i]->elasticity = 1;
        defense[i]->density = 20;
        defense[i]->width = SIDE_WIDTH;
        defense[i]->height = SIDE_HEIGHT;
    defense[0]->x = x-SIDE_HEIGHT/2;
    defense[0]->y = y-SIDE_OFFSET;
    defense[1]->x = x-SIDE_OFFSET;
    defense[1]->y = y+SIDE_HEIGHT/2;
    defense[2]->x = x+SIDE_HEIGHT/2;
    defense[2]->y = y+SIDE_OFFSET;
    defense[3]->x = x+SIDE_OFFSET;
    defense[3]->y = y-SIDE_HEIGHT/2;
    cpShape *side;
    BodyInfo *sidebi;

    for(int i = 0; i< 4; i++){

        side = core_add_box_shape (space, defense[i], start_index+i);
        cpBodySetAngle(side->body, PI*i/2);
        sidebi = (BodyInfo *) (side->body->data);
        sidebi->space_shape_type = -1; // make it so sides don't timeout

    for(int i = 0; i< 4; i++){
       box_destroy (defense[i]); 
    Circle *planet; 
    planet = circle_new();
    planet->color->r = r;
    planet->color->g = g;
    planet->color->b = b;
    planet->orientation = 0;
    planet->friction = 0;
    planet->elasticity = 1;
    planet->density = 200;
    planet->radius = CORE_RADIUS;
    planet->x = x;
    planet->y = y;
    cpShape *core = core_add_circle_shape (space, planet, start_index+4);
    cpShapeSetCollisionType ( core, GOAL_COLLISION_TYPE );

    //pjw midnite
    DrawShapeInfo *info = (DrawShapeInfo *)cpShapeGetUserData(core);
    info->originx = x;
    info->originy = y;

    BodyInfo *bi = (BodyInfo *)core->body->data;
    bi->originx = x;
    bi->originy = y;
    bi->space_shape_type = planet_num;
    info->space_shape_type = planet_num;
    circle_destroy (planet);