예제 #1
void main (void) {
	gl_FragColor = clamp(effectColorAdd + texture2D(diffuseTextureUnit, gl_PointCoord) * fragColor * effectColorMul, 0.0, 1.0);
예제 #2
파일: ai.cpp 프로젝트: sjuxax2/cube2
 float viewfieldx(int x)
     return x <= 100 ? clamp((VIEWMIN+(VIEWMAX-VIEWMIN))/100.f*float(x), float(VIEWMIN), float(VIEWMAX)) : float(VIEWMAX);
예제 #3
	template <typename T> GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER T saturate(T x){return clamp(x, T(0), T(1));}														//!< \brief Returns clamp(x, 0, 1) for each component in x. (From GLM_GTX_compatibility)
예제 #4
int CMenus::PopupFilter(CMenus *pMenus, CUIRect View)
	CUIRect ServerFilter = View, FilterHeader;
	const float FontSize = 12.0f;

	// slected filter
	CBrowserFilter *pFilter = &pMenus->m_lFilters[pMenus->m_SelectedFilter];
	CServerFilterInfo FilterInfo;

	// server filter
	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(ms_ListheaderHeight, &FilterHeader, &ServerFilter);
	pMenus->RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&FilterHeader, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f), CUI::CORNER_T, 4.0f);
	pMenus->RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&ServerFilter, vec4(0,0,0,0.15f), CUI::CORNER_B, 4.0f);
	pMenus->UI()->DoLabelScaled(&FilterHeader, Localize("Server filter"), FontSize+2.0f, CUI::ALIGN_CENTER);
	CUIRect Button;

	ServerFilter.VSplitLeft(5.0f, 0, &ServerFilter);
	ServerFilter.Margin(3.0f, &ServerFilter);
	ServerFilter.VMargin(5.0f, &ServerFilter);

	int NewSortHash = FilterInfo.m_SortHash;
	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Button, &ServerFilter);
	static int s_BrFilterEmpty = 0;
	if(pMenus->DoButton_CheckBox(&s_BrFilterEmpty, Localize("Has people playing"), FilterInfo.m_SortHash&IServerBrowser::FILTER_EMPTY, &Button))
		NewSortHash = FilterInfo.m_SortHash^IServerBrowser::FILTER_EMPTY;

	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Button, &ServerFilter);
	static int s_BrFilterSpectators = 0;
	if(pMenus->DoButton_CheckBox(&s_BrFilterSpectators, Localize("Count players only"), FilterInfo.m_SortHash&IServerBrowser::FILTER_SPECTATORS, &Button))
		NewSortHash = FilterInfo.m_SortHash^IServerBrowser::FILTER_SPECTATORS;

	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Button, &ServerFilter);
	static int s_BrFilterFull = 0;
	if(pMenus->DoButton_CheckBox(&s_BrFilterFull, Localize("Server not full"), FilterInfo.m_SortHash&IServerBrowser::FILTER_FULL, &Button))
		NewSortHash = FilterInfo.m_SortHash^IServerBrowser::FILTER_FULL;

	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Button, &ServerFilter);
	static int s_BrFilterFriends = 0;
	if(pMenus->DoButton_CheckBox(&s_BrFilterFriends, Localize("Show friends only"), FilterInfo.m_SortHash&IServerBrowser::FILTER_FRIENDS, &Button))
		NewSortHash = FilterInfo.m_SortHash^IServerBrowser::FILTER_FRIENDS;

	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Button, &ServerFilter);
	static int s_BrFilterPw = 0;
	if(pMenus->DoButton_CheckBox(&s_BrFilterPw, Localize("No password"), FilterInfo.m_SortHash&IServerBrowser::FILTER_PW, &Button))
		NewSortHash = FilterInfo.m_SortHash^IServerBrowser::FILTER_PW;

	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Button, &ServerFilter);
	static int s_BrFilterCompatversion = 0;
	if(pMenus->DoButton_CheckBox(&s_BrFilterCompatversion, Localize("Compatible version"), FilterInfo.m_SortHash&IServerBrowser::FILTER_COMPAT_VERSION, &Button))
		NewSortHash = FilterInfo.m_SortHash^IServerBrowser::FILTER_COMPAT_VERSION;

	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Button, &ServerFilter);
	static int s_BrFilterPure = 0;
	if(pMenus->DoButton_CheckBox(&s_BrFilterPure, Localize("Standard gametype"), FilterInfo.m_SortHash&IServerBrowser::FILTER_PURE, &Button))
		NewSortHash = FilterInfo.m_SortHash^IServerBrowser::FILTER_PURE;

	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Button, &ServerFilter);
	static int s_BrFilterPureMap = 0;
	if(pMenus->DoButton_CheckBox(&s_BrFilterPureMap, Localize("Standard map"), FilterInfo.m_SortHash&IServerBrowser::FILTER_PURE_MAP, &Button))
		NewSortHash = FilterInfo.m_SortHash^IServerBrowser::FILTER_PURE_MAP;

	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Button, &ServerFilter);
	static int s_BrFilterGametypeStrict = 0;
	if(pMenus->DoButton_CheckBox(&s_BrFilterGametypeStrict, Localize("Strict gametype filter"), FilterInfo.m_SortHash&IServerBrowser::FILTER_GAMETYPE_STRICT, &Button))
		NewSortHash = FilterInfo.m_SortHash^IServerBrowser::FILTER_GAMETYPE_STRICT;
	if(FilterInfo.m_SortHash != NewSortHash)
		FilterInfo.m_SortHash = NewSortHash;

	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(5.0f, 0, &ServerFilter);

	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(19.0f, &Button, &ServerFilter);
	pMenus->UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Button, Localize("Game types:"), FontSize, CUI::ALIGN_LEFT);
	Button.VSplitRight(60.0f, 0, &Button);
	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(3.0f, 0, &ServerFilter);
	static float Offset = 0.0f;
	static int s_BrFilterGametype = 0;
	if(pMenus->DoEditBox(&s_BrFilterGametype, &Button, FilterInfo.m_aGametype, sizeof(FilterInfo.m_aGametype), FontSize, &Offset))

		ServerFilter.HSplitTop(19.0f, &Button, &ServerFilter);
		CUIRect EditBox;
		Button.VSplitRight(60.0f, &Button, &EditBox);

		pMenus->UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Button, Localize("Maximum ping:"), FontSize, CUI::ALIGN_LEFT);

		char aBuf[5];
		str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d", FilterInfo.m_Ping);
		static float Offset = 0.0f;
		static int s_BrFilterPing = 0;
		pMenus->DoEditBox(&s_BrFilterPing, &EditBox, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), FontSize, &Offset);
		int NewPing = clamp(str_toint(aBuf), 0, 999);
		if(NewPing != FilterInfo.m_Ping)
			FilterInfo.m_Ping = NewPing;

	// server address
	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(3.0f, 0, &ServerFilter);
	ServerFilter.HSplitTop(19.0f, &Button, &ServerFilter);
	pMenus->UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Button, Localize("Server address:"), FontSize, CUI::ALIGN_LEFT);
	Button.VSplitRight(60.0f, 0, &Button);
	static float OffsetAddr = 0.0f;
	static int s_BrFilterServerAddress = 0;
	if(pMenus->DoEditBox(&s_BrFilterServerAddress, &Button, FilterInfo.m_aAddress, sizeof(FilterInfo.m_aAddress), FontSize, &OffsetAddr))

	// player country
		CUIRect Rect;
		ServerFilter.HSplitTop(3.0f, 0, &ServerFilter);
		ServerFilter.HSplitTop(26.0f, &Button, &ServerFilter);
		Button.VSplitRight(60.0f, &Button, &Rect);
		Button.HMargin(3.0f, &Button);
		static int s_BrFilterCountry = 0;
		if(pMenus->DoButton_CheckBox(&s_BrFilterCountry, Localize("Player country:"), FilterInfo.m_SortHash&IServerBrowser::FILTER_COUNTRY, &Button))
			FilterInfo.m_SortHash = FilterInfo.m_SortHash^IServerBrowser::FILTER_COUNTRY;

		float OldWidth = Rect.w;
		Rect.w = Rect.h*2;
		Rect.x += (OldWidth-Rect.w)/2.0f;
		vec4 Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, FilterInfo.m_SortHash^IServerBrowser::FILTER_COUNTRY?1.0f: 0.5f);
		pMenus->m_pClient->m_pCountryFlags->Render(FilterInfo.m_Country, &Color, Rect.x, Rect.y, Rect.w, Rect.h);

		static int s_BrFilterCountryIndex = 0;
		if(FilterInfo.m_SortHash^IServerBrowser::FILTER_COUNTRY && pMenus->UI()->DoButtonLogic(&s_BrFilterCountryIndex, "", 0, &Rect))
			pMenus->m_Popup = POPUP_COUNTRY;

	return 0;
예제 #5
void CBeam::InputColorBlueValue( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	int nNewColor = clamp( inputdata.value.Int(), 0, 255 );
	SetColor( m_clrRender->r, m_clrRender->g, nNewColor );
예제 #6
// This is called after sending this entity's recording state
void C_ParticleSmokeGrenade::CleanupToolRecordingState( KeyValues *msg )
	if ( !ToolsEnabled() )

	BaseClass::CleanupToolRecordingState( msg );
	m_SmokeTrail.CleanupToolRecordingState( msg );

	// Generally, this is used to allow the entity to clean up
	// allocated state it put into the message, but here we're going
	// to use it to send particle system messages because we
	// know the grenade has been recorded at this point
	if ( !clienttools->IsInRecordingMode() )
	// NOTE: Particle system destruction message will be sent by the particle effect itself.
	if ( m_bVolumeFilled && GetToolParticleEffectId() == TOOLPARTICLESYSTEMID_INVALID )
		// Needed for retriggering of the smoke grenade
		m_bVolumeFilled = false;

		int nId = AllocateToolParticleEffectId();

		KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues( "ParticleSystem_Create" );
		msg->SetString( "name", "C_ParticleSmokeGrenade" );
		msg->SetInt( "id", nId );
		msg->SetFloat( "time", gpGlobals->curtime );

		KeyValues *pEmitter = msg->FindKey( "DmeSpriteEmitter", true );
		pEmitter->SetFloat( "duration", 0 );
		pEmitter->SetString( "material", "particle/particle_smokegrenade1" );
		pEmitter->SetInt( "active", true );

		KeyValues *pInitializers = pEmitter->FindKey( "initializers", true );

		KeyValues *pPosition = pInitializers->FindKey( "DmeVoxelPositionInitializer", true );
		pPosition->SetFloat( "centerx", m_SmokeBasePos.x );
		pPosition->SetFloat( "centery", m_SmokeBasePos.y );
		pPosition->SetFloat( "centerz", m_SmokeBasePos.z );
		pPosition->SetFloat( "particlesPerDimension", m_xCount );
		pPosition->SetFloat( "particleSpacing", m_SpacingRadius );

		KeyValues *pLifetime = pInitializers->FindKey( "DmeRandomLifetimeInitializer", true );
		pLifetime->SetFloat( "minLifetime", m_FadeEndTime );
 		pLifetime->SetFloat( "maxLifetime", m_FadeEndTime );

		KeyValues *pVelocity = pInitializers->FindKey( "DmeAttachmentVelocityInitializer", true );
		pVelocity->SetPtr( "entindex", (void*)entindex() );
 		pVelocity->SetFloat( "minRandomSpeed", 10 );
 		pVelocity->SetFloat( "maxRandomSpeed", 20 );

		KeyValues *pRoll = pInitializers->FindKey( "DmeRandomRollInitializer", true );
		pRoll->SetFloat( "minRoll", -6.0f );
 		pRoll->SetFloat( "maxRoll", 6.0f );

		KeyValues *pRollSpeed = pInitializers->FindKey( "DmeRandomRollSpeedInitializer", true );
		pRollSpeed->SetFloat( "minRollSpeed", -ROTATION_SPEED );
 		pRollSpeed->SetFloat( "maxRollSpeed", ROTATION_SPEED );

		KeyValues *pColor = pInitializers->FindKey( "DmeRandomInterpolatedColorInitializer", true );
		Color c1( 
			clamp( m_MinColor.x * 255.0f, 0, 255 ),
			clamp( m_MinColor.y * 255.0f, 0, 255 ),
			clamp( m_MinColor.z * 255.0f, 0, 255 ), 255 );
		Color c2( 
			clamp( m_MaxColor.x * 255.0f, 0, 255 ),
			clamp( m_MaxColor.y * 255.0f, 0, 255 ),
			clamp( m_MaxColor.z * 255.0f, 0, 255 ), 255 );
		pColor->SetColor( "color1", c1 );
		pColor->SetColor( "color2", c2 );

		KeyValues *pAlpha = pInitializers->FindKey( "DmeRandomAlphaInitializer", true );
		pAlpha->SetInt( "minStartAlpha", 255 );
		pAlpha->SetInt( "maxStartAlpha", 255 );
		pAlpha->SetInt( "minEndAlpha", 0 );
		pAlpha->SetInt( "maxEndAlpha", 0 );

		KeyValues *pSize = pInitializers->FindKey( "DmeRandomSizeInitializer", true );
		pSize->SetFloat( "minStartSize", SMOKEPARTICLE_SIZE );
		pSize->SetFloat( "maxStartSize", SMOKEPARTICLE_SIZE );
		pSize->SetFloat( "minEndSize", SMOKEPARTICLE_SIZE );
		pSize->SetFloat( "maxEndSize", SMOKEPARTICLE_SIZE );

		pInitializers->FindKey( "DmeSolidKillInitializer", true );

		KeyValues *pUpdaters = pEmitter->FindKey( "updaters", true );

		pUpdaters->FindKey( "DmeRollUpdater", true );
		pUpdaters->FindKey( "DmeColorUpdater", true );

		KeyValues *pAlphaCosineUpdater = pUpdaters->FindKey( "DmeAlphaCosineUpdater", true );
		pAlphaCosineUpdater->SetFloat( "duration", m_FadeEndTime - m_FadeStartTime );
		pUpdaters->FindKey( "DmeColorDynamicLightUpdater", true );

		KeyValues *pSmokeGrenadeUpdater = pUpdaters->FindKey( "DmeSmokeGrenadeUpdater", true );
 		pSmokeGrenadeUpdater->SetFloat( "centerx", m_SmokeBasePos.x );
		pSmokeGrenadeUpdater->SetFloat( "centery", m_SmokeBasePos.y );
		pSmokeGrenadeUpdater->SetFloat( "centerz", m_SmokeBasePos.z );
		pSmokeGrenadeUpdater->SetFloat( "particlesPerDimension", m_xCount );
		pSmokeGrenadeUpdater->SetFloat( "particleSpacing", m_SpacingRadius );
		pSmokeGrenadeUpdater->SetFloat( "radiusExpandTime", SMOKESPHERE_EXPAND_TIME );
		pSmokeGrenadeUpdater->SetFloat( "cutoffFraction", 0.7f );

		ToolFramework_PostToolMessage( HTOOLHANDLE_INVALID, msg );
float AI_Car_Experimental::RampBetween(float val, float startat, float endat)
	assert(endat > startat);
	return (clamp(val,startat,endat)-startat)/(endat-startat);
예제 #8
inline void Colour::setGreen(double g)
    _g = clamp(g, 0.0, 1.0);
예제 #9
// Parses the key-value pairs in the detail.rad file
static void ParseDetailGroup( int detailId, KeyValues* pGroupKeyValues )
	// Sort the group by alpha
	float alpha = pGroupKeyValues->GetFloat( "alpha", 1.0f );
	int i = s_DetailObjectDict[detailId].m_Groups.Count();
	while ( --i >= 0 )
		if (alpha > s_DetailObjectDict[detailId].m_Groups[i].m_Alpha)

	// Insert after the first guy who's more transparent that we are!
	i = s_DetailObjectDict[detailId].m_Groups.InsertAfter(i);
	DetailObjectGroup_t& group = s_DetailObjectDict[detailId].m_Groups[i];

	group.m_Alpha = alpha;

	// Add in all the model groups
	KeyValues* pIter = pGroupKeyValues->GetFirstSubKey();
	float totalAmount = 0.0f;
	while( pIter )
		if (pIter->GetFirstSubKey())
			int i = group.m_Models.AddToTail();

			DetailModel_t &model = group.m_Models[i];

			model.m_ModelName = pIter->GetString( "model", 0 );
			if (model.m_ModelName != UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL)
				model.m_Type = DETAIL_PROP_TYPE_MODEL;
				const char *pSpriteData = pIter->GetString( "sprite", 0 );
				if (pSpriteData)
					const char *pProcModelType = pIter->GetString( "sprite_shape", 0 );

					if ( pProcModelType )
						if ( !Q_stricmp( pProcModelType, "cross" ) )
							model.m_Type = DETAIL_PROP_TYPE_SHAPE_CROSS;
						else if ( !Q_stricmp( pProcModelType, "tri" ) )
							model.m_Type = DETAIL_PROP_TYPE_SHAPE_TRI;
							model.m_Type = DETAIL_PROP_TYPE_SPRITE;
						// card sprite
                        model.m_Type = DETAIL_PROP_TYPE_SPRITE;


					float x = 0, y = 0, flWidth = 64, flHeight = 64, flTextureSize = 512;
					int nValid = sscanf( pSpriteData, "%f %f %f %f %f", &x, &y, &flWidth, &flHeight, &flTextureSize ); 
					if ( (nValid != 5) || (flTextureSize == 0) )
						Error( "Invalid arguments to \"sprite\" in detail.vbsp!\n" );

					model.m_Tex[0].x = ( x + 0.5f ) / flTextureSize;
					model.m_Tex[0].y = ( y + 0.5f ) / flTextureSize;
					model.m_Tex[1].x = ( x + flWidth - 0.5f ) / flTextureSize;
					model.m_Tex[1].y = ( y + flHeight - 0.5f ) / flTextureSize;

					model.m_Pos[0].Init( -10, 20 );
					model.m_Pos[1].Init( 10, 0 );

					pSpriteData = pIter->GetString( "spritesize", 0 );
					if (pSpriteData)
						sscanf( pSpriteData, "%f %f %f %f", &x, &y, &flWidth, &flHeight );

						float ox = flWidth * x;
						float oy = flHeight * y;

						model.m_Pos[0].x = -ox;
						model.m_Pos[0].y = flHeight - oy;
						model.m_Pos[1].x = flWidth - ox;
						model.m_Pos[1].y = -oy;

					model.m_flRandomScaleStdDev = pIter->GetFloat( "spriterandomscale", 0.0f );

					// sway is a percent of max sway, cl_detail_max_sway
					float flSway = clamp( pIter->GetFloat( "sway", 0.0f ), 0.0, 1.0 );
					model.m_SwayAmount = (unsigned char)( 255.0 * flSway );

					// shape angle
					// for the tri shape, this is the angle each side is fanned out
					model.m_ShapeAngle = pIter->GetInt( "shape_angle", 0 );

					// shape size
					// for the tri shape, this is the distance from the origin to the center of a side
					float flShapeSize = clamp( pIter->GetFloat( "shape_size", 0.0f ), 0.0, 1.0 );
					model.m_ShapeSize = (unsigned char)( 255.0 * flShapeSize );

			model.m_Amount = pIter->GetFloat( "amount", 1.0 ) + totalAmount;
			totalAmount = model.m_Amount;

			model.m_Flags = 0;
			if (pIter->GetInt( "upright", 0 ))
				model.m_Flags |= MODELFLAG_UPRIGHT;

			// These are used to prevent emission on steep surfaces
			float minAngle = pIter->GetFloat( "minAngle", 180 );
			float maxAngle = pIter->GetFloat( "maxAngle", 180 );
			model.m_MinCosAngle = cos(minAngle * M_PI / 180.f);
			model.m_MaxCosAngle = cos(maxAngle * M_PI / 180.f);
			model.m_Orientation = pIter->GetInt( "detailOrientation", 0 );

			// Make sure minAngle < maxAngle
			if ( model.m_MinCosAngle < model.m_MaxCosAngle)
				model.m_MinCosAngle = model.m_MaxCosAngle;
		pIter = pIter->GetNextKey();

	// renormalize the amount if the total > 1
	if (totalAmount > 1.0f)
		for (i = 0; i < group.m_Models.Count(); ++i)
			group.m_Models[i].m_Amount /= totalAmount;
예제 #10
inline void Colour::setBlue(double b)
    _b = clamp(b, 0.0, 1.0);
예제 #11
inline void Colour::setRed(double r)
    _r = clamp(r, 0.0, 1.0);
예제 #12
void player::consume_effects( const item &food )
    if( !food.is_comestible() ) {
        debugmsg( "called player::consume_effects with non-comestible" );
    const auto &comest = *food.type->comestible;

    const int capacity = stomach_capacity();
    if( has_trait( trait_id( "THRESH_PLANT" ) ) && food.type->can_use( "PLANTBLECH" ) ) {
        // Just keep nutrition capped, to prevent vomiting
        cap_nutrition_thirst( *this, capacity, true, true );
    if( ( has_trait( trait_id( "HERBIVORE" ) ) || has_trait( trait_id( "RUMINANT" ) ) ) &&
        food.has_any_flag( herbivore_blacklist ) ) {
        // No good can come of this.

    // Rotten food causes health loss
    const float relative_rot = food.get_relative_rot();
    if( relative_rot > 1.0f && !has_trait( trait_id( "SAPROPHAGE" ) ) &&
        !has_trait( trait_id( "SAPROVORE" ) ) && !has_bionic( bio_digestion ) ) {
        const float rottedness = clamp( 2 * relative_rot - 2.0f, 0.1f, 1.0f );
        // ~-1 health per 1 nutrition at halfway-rotten-away, ~0 at "just got rotten"
        // But always round down
        int h_loss = -rottedness * comest.nutr;
        mod_healthy_mod( h_loss, -200 );
        add_msg( m_debug, "%d health from %0.2f%% rotten food", h_loss, rottedness );

    const auto nutr = nutrition_for( food );
    mod_hunger( -nutr );
    mod_thirst( -comest.quench );
    mod_stomach_food( nutr );
    mod_stomach_water( comest.quench );
    if( comest.healthy != 0 ) {
        // Effectively no cap on health modifiers from food
        mod_healthy_mod( comest.healthy, ( comest.healthy >= 0 ) ? 200 : -200 );

    if( comest.stim != 0 &&
        ( abs( stim ) < ( abs( comest.stim ) * 3 ) ||
          sgn( stim ) != sgn( comest.stim ) ) ) {
        if( comest.stim < 0 ) {
            stim = std::max( comest.stim * 3, stim + comest.stim );
        } else {
            stim = std::min( comest.stim * 3, stim + comest.stim );
    add_addiction( comest.add, comest.addict );
    if( addiction_craving( comest.add ) != MORALE_NULL ) {
        rem_morale( addiction_craving( comest.add ) );

    // Morale is in minutes
    int morale_time = HOURS( 2 ) / MINUTES( 1 );
    if( food.has_flag( "HOT" ) && food.has_flag( "EATEN_HOT" ) ) {
        morale_time = HOURS( 3 ) / MINUTES( 1 );
        int clamped_nutr = std::max( 5, std::min( 20, nutr / 10 ) );
        add_morale( MORALE_FOOD_HOT, clamped_nutr, 20, morale_time, morale_time / 2 );

    std::pair<int, int> fun = fun_for( food );
    if( fun.first < 0 ) {
        add_morale( MORALE_FOOD_BAD, fun.first, fun.second, morale_time, morale_time / 2, false,
                    food.type );
    } else if( fun.first > 0 ) {
        add_morale( MORALE_FOOD_GOOD, fun.first, fun.second, morale_time, morale_time / 2, false,
                    food.type );

    const bool hibernate = has_active_mutation( trait_id( "HIBERNATE" ) );
    if( hibernate ) {
        if( ( nutr > 0 && get_hunger() < -60 ) || ( comest.quench > 0 && get_thirst() < -60 ) ) {
            //Tell the player what's going on
            add_msg_if_player( _( "You gorge yourself, preparing to hibernate." ) );
            if( one_in( 2 ) ) {
                //50% chance of the food tiring you
                mod_fatigue( nutr );
        if( ( nutr > 0 && get_hunger() < -200 ) || ( comest.quench > 0 && get_thirst() < -200 ) ) {
            //Hibernation should cut burn to 60/day
            add_msg_if_player( _( "You feel stocked for a day or two. Got your bed all ready and secured?" ) );
            if( one_in( 2 ) ) {
                //And another 50%, intended cumulative
                mod_fatigue( nutr );

        if( ( nutr > 0 && get_hunger() < -400 ) || ( comest.quench > 0 && get_thirst() < -400 ) ) {
                _( "Mmm.  You can still fit some more in...but maybe you should get comfortable and sleep." ) );
            if( !one_in( 3 ) ) {
                //Third check, this one at 66%
                mod_fatigue( nutr );
        if( ( nutr > 0 && get_hunger() < -600 ) || ( comest.quench > 0 && get_thirst() < -600 ) ) {
            add_msg_if_player( _( "That filled a hole!  Time for bed..." ) );
            // At this point, you're done.  Schlaf gut.
            mod_fatigue( nutr );

    // Moved here and changed a bit - it was too complex
    // Incredibly minor stuff like this shouldn't require complexity
    if( !is_npc() && has_trait( trait_id( "SLIMESPAWNER" ) ) &&
        ( get_hunger() < capacity + 40 || get_thirst() < capacity + 40 ) ) {
        add_msg_if_player( m_mixed,
                           _( "You feel as though you're going to split open!  In a good way?" ) );
        mod_pain( 5 );
        std::vector<tripoint> valid;
        for( const tripoint &dest : g->m.points_in_radius( pos(), 1 ) ) {
            if( g->is_empty( dest ) ) {
                valid.push_back( dest );
        int numslime = 1;
        for( int i = 0; i < numslime && !valid.empty(); i++ ) {
            const tripoint target = random_entry_removed( valid );
            if( monster *const slime = g->summon_mon( mon_player_blob, target ) ) {
                slime->friendly = -1;
        mod_hunger( 40 );
        mod_thirst( 40 );
        //~slimespawns have *small voices* which may be the Nice equivalent
        //~of the Rat King's ALL CAPS invective.  Probably shared-brain telepathy.
        add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "hey, you look like me! let's work together!" ) );

    // Last thing that happens before capping hunger
    if( get_hunger() < capacity && has_trait( trait_id( "EATHEALTH" ) ) ) {
        int excess_food = capacity - get_hunger();
        add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You feel the %s filling you out." ),
                               _( "<npcname> looks better after eating the %s." ),
                               food.tname().c_str() );
        // Guaranteed 1 HP healing, no matter what.  You're welcome.  ;-)
        if( excess_food <= 5 ) {
            healall( 1 );
        } else {
            // Straight conversion, except it's divided amongst all your body parts.
            healall( excess_food /= 5 );

        // Note: We want this here to prevent "you can't finish this" messages
        set_hunger( capacity );

    cap_nutrition_thirst( *this, capacity, nutr > 0, comest.quench > 0 );
예제 #13
파일: imageinput.cpp 프로젝트: D-POWER/oiio
ImageInput::read_tiles (int xbegin, int xend, int ybegin, int yend,
                        int zbegin, int zend, 
                        int chbegin, int chend,
                        TypeDesc format, void *data,
                        stride_t xstride, stride_t ystride, stride_t zstride)
    if (! m_spec.valid_tile_range (xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, zbegin, zend))
        return false;

    chend = clamp (chend, chbegin+1, m_spec.nchannels);
    int nchans = chend - chbegin;
    // native_pixel_bytes is the size of a pixel in the FILE, including
    // the per-channel format.
    stride_t native_pixel_bytes = (stride_t) m_spec.pixel_bytes (chbegin, chend, true);
    // perchanfile is true if the file has different per-channel formats
    bool perchanfile = m_spec.channelformats.size();
    // native_data is true if the user asking for data in the native format
    bool native_data = (format == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN ||
                        (format == m_spec.format && !perchanfile));
    if (format == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN && xstride == AutoStride)
        xstride = native_pixel_bytes;
    m_spec.auto_stride (xstride, ystride, zstride, format, nchans,
                        xend-xbegin, yend-ybegin);
    // Do the strides indicate that the data area is contiguous?
    bool contiguous = (native_data && xstride == native_pixel_bytes) ||
        (!native_data && xstride == (stride_t)m_spec.pixel_bytes(false));
    contiguous &= (ystride == xstride*(xend-xbegin) &&
                   (zstride == ystride*(yend-ybegin) || (zend-zbegin) <= 1));

    int nxtiles = (xend - xbegin + m_spec.tile_width - 1) / m_spec.tile_width;
    int nytiles = (yend - ybegin + m_spec.tile_height - 1) / m_spec.tile_height;
    int nztiles = (zend - zbegin + m_spec.tile_depth - 1) / m_spec.tile_depth;

    // If user's format and strides are set up to accept the native data
    // layout, and we're asking for a whole number of tiles (no partial
    // tiles at the edges), then read the tile directly into the user's
    // buffer.
    if (native_data && contiguous &&
        (xend-xbegin) == nxtiles*m_spec.tile_width &&
        (yend-ybegin) == nytiles*m_spec.tile_height &&
        (zend-zbegin) == nztiles*m_spec.tile_depth) {
        if (chbegin == 0 && chend == m_spec.nchannels)
            return read_native_tiles (xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, zbegin, zend,
                                      data);  // Simple case
            return read_native_tiles (xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, zbegin, zend,
                                      chbegin, chend, data);

    // No such luck.  Just punt and read tiles individually.
    bool ok = true;
    stride_t pixelsize = native_data ? native_pixel_bytes 
                                     : (format.size() * nchans);
    stride_t full_pixelsize = native_data ? m_spec.pixel_bytes(true)
                                          : (format.size() * m_spec.nchannels);
    stride_t full_tilewidthbytes = full_pixelsize * m_spec.tile_width;
    stride_t full_tilewhbytes = full_tilewidthbytes * m_spec.tile_height;
    stride_t full_tilebytes = full_tilewhbytes * m_spec.tile_depth;
    size_t prefix_bytes = m_spec.pixel_bytes (0,chbegin,true);
    std::vector<char> buf;
    for (int z = zbegin;  z < zend;  z += std::max(1,m_spec.tile_depth)) {
        int zd = std::min (zend-z, m_spec.tile_depth);
        for (int y = ybegin;  y < yend;  y += m_spec.tile_height) {
            char *tilestart = ((char *)data + (z-zbegin)*zstride
                               + (y-ybegin)*ystride);
            int yh = std::min (yend-y, m_spec.tile_height);
            for (int x = xbegin;  ok && x < xend;  x += m_spec.tile_width) {
                int xw = std::min (xend-x, m_spec.tile_width);
                // Full tiles are read directly into the user buffer,
                // but partial tiles (such as at the image edge) or
                // partial channel subsets are read into a buffer and
                // then copied.
                if (xw == m_spec.tile_width && yh == m_spec.tile_height &&
                      zd == m_spec.tile_depth && !perchanfile &&
                      chbegin == 0 && chend == m_spec.nchannels) {
                    // Full tile, either native data or not needing
                    // per-tile data format conversion.
                    ok &= read_tile (x, y, z, format, tilestart,
                                     xstride, ystride, zstride);
                } else {
                    buf.resize (full_tilebytes);
                    ok &= read_tile (x, y, z, 
                                     perchanfile ? TypeDesc::UNKNOWN : format,
                                     &buf[0], full_pixelsize,
                                     full_tilewidthbytes, full_tilewhbytes);
                    if (ok)
                        copy_image (nchans, xw, yh, zd, &buf[prefix_bytes],
                                    pixelsize, full_pixelsize,
                                    full_tilewidthbytes, full_tilewhbytes,
                                    tilestart, xstride, ystride, zstride);
                    // N.B. It looks like read_tiles doesn't handle the
                    // per-channel data types case fully, but it does!
                    // The call to read_tile() above handles the case of
                    // per-channel data types, converting to to desired
                    // format, so all we have to do on our own is the
                    // copy_image.
                tilestart += m_spec.tile_width * xstride;
            if (! ok)

    if (! ok)
        error ("ImageInput::read_tiles : no support for format %s",
    return ok;
예제 #14
파일: imageinput.cpp 프로젝트: D-POWER/oiio
ImageInput::read_scanlines (int ybegin, int yend, int z,
                            int chbegin, int chend,
                            TypeDesc format, void *data,
                            stride_t xstride, stride_t ystride)
    chend = clamp (chend, chbegin+1, m_spec.nchannels);
    int nchans = chend - chbegin;
    yend = std::min (yend, spec().y+spec().height);
    size_t native_pixel_bytes = m_spec.pixel_bytes (chbegin, chend, true);
    imagesize_t native_scanline_bytes = clamped_mult64 ((imagesize_t)m_spec.width,
    bool native = (format == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN);
    size_t pixel_bytes = native ? native_pixel_bytes : format.size()*nchans;
    if (native && xstride == AutoStride)
        xstride = pixel_bytes;
    stride_t zstride = AutoStride;
    m_spec.auto_stride (xstride, ystride, zstride, format, nchans,
                        m_spec.width, m_spec.height);
    bool contiguous = (xstride == (stride_t) native_pixel_bytes &&
                       ystride == (stride_t) native_scanline_bytes);
    // If user's format and strides are set up to accept the native data
    // layout, read the scanlines directly into the user's buffer.
    bool rightformat = (format == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN) ||
        (format == m_spec.format && m_spec.channelformats.empty());
    if (rightformat && contiguous) {
        if (chbegin == 0 && chend == m_spec.nchannels)
            return read_native_scanlines (ybegin, yend, z, data);
            return read_native_scanlines (ybegin, yend, z, chbegin, chend, data);

    // No such luck.  Read scanlines in chunks.

    const imagesize_t limit = 16*1024*1024;   // Allocate 16 MB, or 1 scanline
    int chunk = std::max (1, int(limit / native_scanline_bytes));
    boost::scoped_array<char> buf (new char [chunk * native_scanline_bytes]);

    bool ok = true;
    int scanline_values = m_spec.width * nchans;
    for (;  ok && ybegin < yend;  ybegin += chunk) {
        int y1 = std::min (ybegin+chunk, yend);
        ok &= read_native_scanlines (ybegin, y1, z, chbegin, chend, &buf[0]);
        if (! ok)

        int nscanlines = y1 - ybegin;
        int chunkvalues = scanline_values * nscanlines;
        if (m_spec.channelformats.empty()) {
            // No per-channel formats -- do the conversion in one shot
            if (contiguous) {
                ok = convert_types (m_spec.format, &buf[0], format, data, chunkvalues);
            } else {
                ok = parallel_convert_image (nchans, m_spec.width, nscanlines, 1, 
                                    &buf[0], m_spec.format, AutoStride, AutoStride, AutoStride,
                                    data, format, xstride, ystride, zstride);
        } else {
            // Per-channel formats -- have to convert/copy channels individually
            size_t offset = 0;
            for (int c = 0;  ok && c < nchans;  ++c) {
                TypeDesc chanformat = m_spec.channelformats[c+chbegin];
                ok = convert_image (1 /* channels */, m_spec.width, nscanlines, 1, 
                                    &buf[offset], chanformat, 
                                    native_pixel_bytes, AutoStride, AutoStride,
                                    (char *)data + c*format.size(),
                                    format, xstride, ystride, zstride);
                offset += chanformat.size ();
        if (! ok)
            error ("ImageInput::read_scanlines : no support for format %s",
        data = (char *)data + ystride*nscanlines;
    return ok;
예제 #15
static void ReadReverbDef (int lump)
	FScanner sc;
	const ReverbContainer *def;
	ReverbContainer *newenv;
	char *name;
	int id1, id2, i, j;
	bool inited[NUM_REVERB_FIELDS];
	BYTE bools[32];

	while (sc.GetString ())
		name = copystring (sc.String);
		sc.MustGetNumber ();
		id1 = sc.Number;
		sc.MustGetNumber ();
		id2 = sc.Number;
		sc.MustGetStringName ("{");
		memset (inited, 0, sizeof(inited));
		props.Instance = 0;
		props.Flags = 0;
		while (sc.MustGetString (), NUM_REVERB_FIELDS > (i = sc.MustMatchString (ReverbFieldNames)))
			if (ReverbFields[i].Float)
				sc.MustGetFloat ();
				props.*ReverbFields[i].Float = (float)clamp (sc.Float,
			else if (ReverbFields[i].Int)
				sc.MustGetNumber ();
				props.*ReverbFields[i].Int = (j = clamp (sc.Number,
					ReverbFields[i].Min, ReverbFields[i].Max));
				if (i == 0 && j != sc.Number)
					sc.ScriptError ("The Environment field is out of range.");
				sc.MustGetString ();
				bools[ReverbFields[i].Flag] = sc.MustMatchString (BoolNames);
			inited[i] = true;
		if (!inited[0])
			sc.ScriptError ("Sound %s is missing an Environment field.", name);

		// Add the new environment to the list, filling in uninitialized fields
		// with values from the standard environment specified.
		def = DefaultEnvironments[props.Environment];
		for (i = 0; i < NUM_REVERB_FIELDS; ++i)
			if (ReverbFields[i].Float)
				if (!inited[i])
					props.*ReverbFields[i].Float = def->Properties.*ReverbFields[i].Float;
			else if (ReverbFields[i].Int)
				if (!inited[i])
					props.*ReverbFields[i].Int = def->Properties.*ReverbFields[i].Int;
				if (!inited[i])
					int mask = 1 << ReverbFields[i].Flag;
					if (def->Properties.Flags & mask)
						props.Flags |= mask;
					if (bools[ReverbFields[i].Flag])
						props.Flags |= 1 << ReverbFields[i].Flag;

		newenv = new ReverbContainer;
		newenv->Next = NULL;
		newenv->Name = name;
		newenv->ID = (id1 << 8) | id2;
		newenv->Builtin = false;
		newenv->Properties = props;
		newenv->SoftwareWater = false;
		S_AddEnvironment (newenv);
예제 #16
int compare_llhh(const void *a, const void *b)
  return (int)clamp(((float *)a)[0]*N, 0, N-1) - (int)clamp(((float *)b)[0]*N, 0, N-1);
예제 #17
// ***************************************************************************
void		CQuadGridClipClusterQTreeNode::clip(CClipTrav *clipTrav)
	// if empty (test important for branch and leave clusters)

	H_BEFORE( NL3D_QuadClip_NodeClip );

	// Then clip against pyramid
	bool	unspecified= false;
	bool	visible= true;
	for(sint i=0;i<(sint)clipTrav->WorldPyramid.size();i++)
		// We are sure that pyramid has normalized plane normals.
			visible= false;
		// else test is the bbox is partially or fully in the plane
		else if(!unspecified)
			// if clipFront AND clipBack, it means partially.
				unspecified= true;

	H_AFTER( NL3D_QuadClip_NodeClip );

	// if visible, parse sons
		// clip sons or cluster sons
			if( LeafNode)
				// clip DistMax.
				CVector		c= BBoxExt.getCenter();
				float		dist= (c - clipTrav->CamPos).norm();
				dist-= BBoxExt.getRadius();
				sint	minDistSetup= (sint)floor(Owner->_NumDist*dist/Owner->_DistMax);
				// NB if too far, set _NumDist (ie will clip only the infinite objects ones)
				clamp(minDistSetup, 0, (sint)Owner->_NumDist);

				// clip the sons individually
				H_AUTO( NL3D_QuadClip_SonsClip );
				// clip cluster sons
			// udpdate the sons, but don't clip, because we know they are fully visible.
			clipTrav->ForceNoFrustumClip= true;

			// show all cluster sons or sons

			// reset flag
			clipTrav->ForceNoFrustumClip= false;
예제 #18
int main(int argc, char *arg[])
  if(argc < 2)
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s input.pfm [-c a1 b1]\n", arg[0]);
  int wd, ht;
  float *input = read_pfm(arg[1], &wd, &ht);
  float max = 0.0f;
  // sanity checks:
  // for(int k=0;k<3*wd*ht;k++) input[k] = clamp(input[k], 0.0f, 1.0f);

  // correction requested?
  if(argc >= 9 && !strcmp(arg[2], "-c"))
    const float a[3] = {atof(arg[3]), atof(arg[4]), atof(arg[5])}, b[3] = {atof(arg[6]), atof(arg[7]), atof(arg[8])};
    // const float m[3] = {1, 1, 1};
    //   2.0f*sqrt(a[0]*1.0f+b[0])/a[0],
    //   2.0f*sqrt(a[1]*1.0f+b[1])/a[1],
    //   2.0f*sqrt(a[2]*1.0f+b[2])/a[2]};
#if 1
    // dump curves:
    for(int k=0;k<N;k++)
      for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
        // const float y = k/(N-1.0f);
        // const float x = m[c]*m[c]*a[c]*y*y/4.0f - b[c]/a[c];
        float x = k/(N-1.0f)/a[c];
        const float d = fmaxf(0.0f, x + 3./8. + (b[c]/a[c])*(b[c]/a[c]));
        x = 2.0f*sqrtf(d);
        fprintf(stderr, "%f ", x);
      fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    for(int k=0;k<wd*ht;k++)
      for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
        // input[3*k+c] = 2.0f*sqrtf(a[c]*input[3*k+c]+b[c])/(a[c]*m[c]);
        input[3*k+c] = input[3*k+c] / a[c];
        const float d = fmaxf(0.0f, input[3*k+c] + 3./8. + (b[c]/a[c])*(b[c]/a[c]));
        input[3*k+c] = 2.0f*sqrtf(d);
        max = fmaxf(max, input[3*k+c]);
    for(int k=0;k<3*wd*ht;k++) input[k] /= max;
  else if(argc >= 4 && !strcmp(arg[2], "-h"))
    int bins = 0;
    float *hist = read_histogram(arg[3], &bins);
    float *inv_hist = (float *)malloc(3*sizeof(float)*bins);
    invert_histogram(hist, inv_hist, bins);
#if 1
    // output curves and their inverse:
    for(int k=0;k<bins;k++)
      // fprintf(stderr, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", k/(float)bins, hist[3*k], hist[3*k+1], hist[3*k+2], inv_hist[3*k], inv_hist[3*k+1], inv_hist[3*k+2]);
      fprintf(stderr, "%f %f %f\n", inv_hist[3*k], inv_hist[3*k+1], inv_hist[3*k+2]);
    // fprintf(stderr,"scanned %d bins\n", bins);
    for(int k=0;k<wd*ht;k++)
      for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
        float f = clamp(input[3*k+c]*bins, 0, bins-2);
        const int bin = (int)f;
        f -= bin;
        input[3*k+c] = (1.0f-f)*inv_hist[3*bin+c] + f*inv_hist[3*(bin+1)+c];

  float std[N][3] = {{0.0f}};
  float cnt[N][3] = {{0.0f}};

  // one level haar decomposition, separable, decimated, lifting scheme
  for(int j=0;j<ht;j++)
    for(int i=0;i<wd-1;i+=2)
      float *buf = input + 3*(wd*j + i);
      for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
        buf[c] += buf[3+c];
        buf[c] *= .5f;
        buf[3+c] -= buf[c];
      // buf += 3;
  for(int i=0;i<wd;i++)
    for(int j=0;j<ht-1;j+=2)
      float *buf = input + 3*(wd*j + i);
      for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
        buf[c] += buf[3*wd+c];
        buf[c] *= .5f;
        buf[3*wd+c] -= buf[c];
      // buf += 3*wd;

#if 0
  // debug: write full wavelet transform:
  write_pfm("wt.pfm", input, wd, ht);
  // debug: write LL
  float *out = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*3*wd/2*ht/2);
  for(int j=0;j<ht-1;j+=2)
    for(int i=0;i<wd-1;i+=2)
      for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
        out[3*((wd/2)*(j/2)+(i/2))+c] = input[3*(wd*j+i)+c];
  write_pfm("LL.pfm", out, wd/2, ht/2);

  // sort pairs (LL,HH) for each color channel:
  float *llhh = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*wd*ht/2);
  for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
    int k = 0;
    for(int j=0;j<ht-1;j+=2)
      for(int i=0;i<wd-1;i+=2)
        llhh[2*k]   = input[3*(wd*j+i)+c];
        llhh[2*k+1] = fabsf(input[3*(wd*(j+1)+(i+1))+c]);
    qsort(llhh, k, 2*sizeof(float), compare_llhh);
    // estimate std deviation for every bin we've got:
    for(int begin=0;begin<k;)
      // LL is used to estimate brightness:
      const int bin = (int)clamp(llhh[2*begin]*N, 0, N-1);
      int end = begin+1;
      while((end < k) && ((int)clamp(llhh[2*end]*N, 0, N-1) == bin))
      assert(end >= k || bin <= (int)clamp(llhh[2*end]*N, 0, N-1));
      // fprintf(stderr, "from %d (%d) -- %d (%d)\n", begin, bin, end, (int)clamp(llhh[2*end]*N, 0, N-1));

      // estimate noise by robust statistic (assumes zero mean of HH band):
      // MAD: median(|Y - med(Y)|) = 0.6745 sigma
      // if(end - begin > 10)
        // fprintf(stdout, "%d %f %d\n", bin, median(llhh+2*begin, end-begin)/0.6745, end - begin);
      std[bin][c] += median(llhh+2*begin, end-begin)/0.6745;
      cnt[bin][c] = end - begin;

      begin = end;

#if 0
  // recover noise curve:
  for(int k=0;k<wd*ht;k++)
    for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
      const int i = clamp(ref[3*k+c]*N, 0, N-1);
      cnt[i][c] ++;
      const float diff = input[3*k+c] - ref[3*k+c];
      // assume zero mean:
      var[i][c] += diff*diff; // - E(X^2)
#if 0

  // normalize
  for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
    for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
      if(cnt[i][c] > 0.0f)
        std[i][c] /= cnt[i][c];
        std[i][c] = 0.0f;

  // scale back in case we needed to bin it down:
  if(max > 0.0f)
    for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
      for(int k=0;k<3;k++) std[i][k] *= max;
  // output variance per brightness level:
  // fprintf(stdout, "# bin std_r std_g std_b hist_r hist_g hist_b cdf_r cdf_g cdf_b\n");
  float sum[3] = {0.0f};
  for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
    for(int k=0;k<3;k++) sum[k] += std[i][k];
  float cdf[3] = {0.0f};
  for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
    fprintf(stdout, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", i/(float)N, std[i][0], std[i][1], std[i][2],
        cnt[i][0], cnt[i][1], cnt[i][2],
        cdf[0]/sum[0], cdf[1]/sum[1], cdf[2]/sum[2]);
        // cdf[0], cdf[1], cdf[2]);
    for(int k=0;k<3;k++) cdf[k] += std[i][k];

void AI_Car_Experimental::updateSteer()

	const BEZIER *curr_patch_ptr = GetCurrentPatch(car);

	//if car has no contact with track, just let it roll
	if (!curr_patch_ptr || isRecovering)
		last_patch = getNearestPatch(last_patch);

		//if car is off track, steer the car towards the last patch it was on
		//this should get the car back on track
		curr_patch_ptr = last_patch;

		//recover to the road.

	last_patch = curr_patch_ptr; //store the last patch car was on

	BEZIER curr_patch = RevisePatch(curr_patch_ptr, use_racingline);


	//if there is no next patch (probably a non-closed track), let it roll
	if (!curr_patch.GetNextPatch()) return;

	BEZIER next_patch = RevisePatch(curr_patch.GetNextPatch(), use_racingline);

	//find the point to steer towards
	float track_width = GetPatchWidthVector(curr_patch).Magnitude();
	float lookahead = track_width * LOOKAHEAD_FACTOR1 +
			car->GetVelocity().Magnitude() * LOOKAHEAD_FACTOR2;
	lookahead = 1.0;
	float length = 0.0;
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> dest_point = GetPatchFrontCenter(next_patch);

	while (length < lookahead)

		length += GetPatchDirection(next_patch).Magnitude();
		dest_point = GetPatchFrontCenter(next_patch);

		//if there is no next patch for whatever reason, stop lookahead
		if (!next_patch.GetNextPatch())
			length = lookahead;

		next_patch = RevisePatch(next_patch.GetNextPatch(), use_racingline);

		//if next patch is a very sharp corner, stop lookahead
		if (GetPatchRadius(next_patch) < LOOKAHEAD_MIN_RADIUS)
			length = lookahead;

	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> next_position = TransformToWorldspace(dest_point);
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> car_position = car->GetCenterOfMassPosition();
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> car_orientation = direction::Forward;

	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> desire_orientation = next_position - car_position;

	//car's direction on the horizontal plane
	car_orientation[2] = 0;
	//desired direction on the horizontal plane
	desire_orientation[2] = 0;

	car_orientation = car_orientation.Normalize();
	desire_orientation = desire_orientation.Normalize();

	//the angle between car's direction and unit y vector (forward direction)
	double alpha = Angle(car_orientation[0], car_orientation[1]);

	//the angle between desired direction and unit y vector (forward direction)
	double beta = Angle(desire_orientation[0], desire_orientation[1]);

	//calculate steering angle and direction
	double angle = beta - alpha;

	//angle += steerAwayFromOthers(c, dt, othercars, angle); //sum in traffic avoidance bias

	if (angle > -360.0 && angle <= -180.0)
		angle = -(360.0 + angle);
	else if (angle > -180.0 && angle <= 0.0)
		angle = - angle;
	else if (angle > 0.0 && angle <= 180.0)
		angle = - angle;
	else if (angle > 180.0 && angle <= 360.0)
		angle = 360.0 - angle;

	float optimum_range = car->GetOptimumSteeringAngle();
	angle = clamp(angle, -optimum_range, optimum_range);

	float steer_value = angle / car->GetMaxSteeringAngle();
	if (steer_value > 1.0) steer_value = 1.0;
	else if (steer_value < -1.0) steer_value = -1.0;

		// If we are driving backwards, we need to invert steer direction.
		steer_value = steer_value > 0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0;
	inputs[CARINPUT::STEER_RIGHT] = steer_value;
예제 #20
	qualityLevel = 5.0;
	CFG_GET_VAL("materialmgr.quality", Float, qualityLevel);
	qualityLevel = clamp(qualityLevel, 0.0f, 10.0f);
void AI_Car_Experimental::analyzeOthers(float dt, const std::list <CAR> & checkcars)
	//const float speed = std::max(1.0f,car->GetVelocity().Magnitude());
	const float half_carlength = 1.25; //in meters

	//std::cout << speed << ": " << authority << std::endl;

	//const MATHVECTOR <float, 3> steer_right_axis = direction::Right;
	const MATHVECTOR <float, 3> throttle_axis = direction::Forward;


	for (std::list <CAR>::const_iterator i = checkcars.begin(); i != checkcars.end(); ++i)
		if (&(*i) != car)
			struct AI_Car_Experimental::OTHERCARINFO & info = othercars[&(*i)];

			//find direction of other cars in our frame
			MATHVECTOR <float, 3> relative_position = i->GetCenterOfMassPosition() - car->GetCenterOfMassPosition();

			//std::cout << relative_position.dot(throttle_axis) << ", " << relative_position.dot(steer_right_axis) << std::endl;

			//only make a move if the other car is within our distance limit
			float fore_position = relative_position.dot(throttle_axis);
			//float speed_diff = i->GetVelocity().dot(throttle_axis) - car->GetVelocity().dot(throttle_axis); //positive if other car is faster

			MATHVECTOR <float, 3> myvel = car->GetVelocity();
			MATHVECTOR <float, 3> othervel = i->GetVelocity();
			float speed_diff = othervel.dot(throttle_axis) - myvel.dot(throttle_axis); //positive if other car is faster

			//std::cout << speed_diff << std::endl;
			//float distancelimit = clamp(distancelimitcoeff*-speed_diff, distancelimitmin, distancelimitmax);
			const float fore_position_offset = -half_carlength;
			if (fore_position > fore_position_offset)// && fore_position < distancelimit) //only pay attention to cars roughly in front of us
				//float horizontal_distance = relative_position.dot(steer_right_axis); //fallback method if not on a patch
				//float orig_horiz = horizontal_distance;

				const BEZIER * othercarpatch = GetCurrentPatch(&(*i));
				const BEZIER * mycarpatch = GetCurrentPatch(car);

				if (othercarpatch && mycarpatch)
					float my_track_placement = GetHorizontalDistanceAlongPatch(*mycarpatch, TransformToPatchspace(car->GetCenterOfMassPosition()));
					float their_track_placement = GetHorizontalDistanceAlongPatch(*othercarpatch, TransformToPatchspace(i->GetCenterOfMassPosition()));

					float speed_diff_denom = clamp(speed_diff, -100, -0.01);
					float eta = (fore_position-fore_position_offset)/-speed_diff_denom;

					info.fore_distance = fore_position;

					if (!info.active)
						info.eta = eta;
						info.eta = RateLimit(info.eta, eta, 10.f*dt, 10000.f*dt);

					float horizontal_distance = their_track_placement - my_track_placement;
					//if (!info.active)
						info.horizontal_distance = horizontal_distance;
						info.horizontal_distance = RateLimit(info.horizontal_distance, horizontal_distance, spacingdistance*dt, spacingdistance*dt);*/

					//std::cout << info.horizontal_distance << ", " << info.eta << std::endl;

					info.active = true;
					info.active = false;

				//std::cout << orig_horiz << ", " << horizontal_distance << ",    " << fore_position << ", " << speed_diff << std::endl;

				/*if (!min_horizontal_distance)
					min_horizontal_distance = optional <float> (horizontal_distance);
				else if (std::abs(min_horizontal_distance.get()) > std::abs(horizontal_distance))
					min_horizontal_distance = optional <float> (horizontal_distance);*/
				info.active = false;

			if (info.active)
				MATHVECTOR <float, 3> feeler1(speed*info.eta,0,0);
				MATHVECTOR <float, 3> feeler2(0,-info.horizontal_distance,0);
예제 #22
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) try

	physics_driftmax = 0.0025f;

	GLWin glwin("point cloud push interaction");
	RSCam dcam;
	dcam.Init((argc == 2) ? argv[1] : NULL);
	Image<unsigned short> dimage(dcam.dcamera());

	glwin.ViewAngle = dcam.fov().y;
	float viewdist = 2.0f;
	float yaw = 120;
	int mousexold = 0;
	Mesh   mesh;

	bool   pause = false;
	bool   debuglines=false;
	int    center = 0;
	bool   chains = true;
	bool   usehull = false;
	std::vector<RigidBody*> rigidbodies;
	std::vector < std::pair<RigidBody*, RigidBody*>> links;
	for (float x = -0.2f; x < 0.2f; x+= 0.07f)  
		for(float z: {0.350f})
			for (float y = -0.2f; y <= 0.2f; y += 0.07f)
				rigidbodies.push_back(new RigidBody({ AsShape(WingMeshDual(WingMeshCube(0.025f),0.028f)) }, { x,y,z }));
				//rigidbodies.push_back(new RigidBody({ AsShape(WingMeshCube(0.025f)                       ) }, { x,y,z }));
				links.push_back({(y > -0.2f)?rigidbodies[rigidbodies.size() - 2]:NULL , rigidbodies.back()});

	//rigidbodies.push_back(new RigidBody({ AsShape(WingMeshCube(0.05f)) }, { 0,0,0.50f }));

	auto seesaw = new RigidBody({ AsShape(WingMeshBox({ 0.20f, 0.015f,  0.05f })) }, { 0,0,0.45f });

	glwin.keyboardfunc = [&](unsigned char key, int x, int y)->void
		switch (std::tolower(key))
		case 'q': case 27:  exit(0); break;   // 27 is ESC
		case ' ': pause = !pause; break;
		case 'c': chains = !chains; break;
		case 'd': debuglines = !debuglines; break;
		case 'h': usehull = !usehull; break;
		case 'r': for (auto &rb : rigidbodies) { rb->angular_momentum = rb->linear_momentum = float3(0.0f);rb->pose() = { rb->position_start,rb->orientation_start }; }  break;
		default:  std::cout << "unassigned key (" << (int)key << "): '" << key << "'\n";   break;

	if (dcam.dev->supports_option(rs::option::r200_lr_auto_exposure_enabled))
		dcam.dev->set_option(rs::option::r200_lr_auto_exposure_enabled, 1);

	while (glwin.WindowUp())
		if (glwin.MouseState)
			yaw += glwin.mousepos.x - mousexold;
		mousexold = glwin.mousepos.x;
		viewdist *= powf(1.1f, (float)glwin.mousewheel);

		if (!pause)
			dimage = dcam.GetDepth();

		glViewport(0, 0, glwin.res.x, glwin.res.y);
		glClearColor(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.15f, 1);

		gluPerspective(glwin.ViewAngle, (double)glwin.aspect_ratio(), 0.01f, 50.0f);

		gluLookAt(0, 0, viewdist, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0);

		glTranslatef(0, 0, 0.35f);
		glRotatef(yaw, 0, 1, 0);
		glTranslatef(0, 0, -0.35f);

		std::vector<float3> pts;
		std::vector<float3> outliers;
		std::vector<float3> vpts;

		float2 wrange = { 0.20f,0.60f };

		auto dp_image_c = Transform(dimage, [](unsigned short s) {return byte3((unsigned char)clamp(255 - s / 4, 0, 255)); });
		drawimage(dp_image_c, { 0.78f,0.22f }, { 0.2f,-0.2f }, 3);

		float depth_scale = (dcam.dev) ? dcam.dev->get_depth_scale() : 0.001f;  // to put into meters    // if file assume file is mm

		for (auto p : rect_iteration(dimage.dim())) // p is int2 from 0,0 to w,h of dcam
			float d = dimage.pixel(p) * depth_scale;  // d is in meters, whereas depth[i] is in camera units  mm for R200, .125mm for SR300 ivycam
			if (p.x<5 || p.x> dimage.dim().x - 5 || p.y<5 || p.y>dimage.dim().y - 5) continue;  // crop, seems to be lots of noise at the edges
			if (d > 1.0f)  // just too far
			float3 v = dimage.cam.deprojectz(asfloat2(p), d);
			if (d>wrange.x && d < wrange.y) 

		vpts = ObtainVoxelPointCloud(pts, 0.0082f, 8);

		std::vector<std::pair<float3, float3>> lines;
		std::vector<std::pair<float3, float3>> glines;

		if (1)// && pts.size())
			std::vector<LimitLinear>  linears;
			std::vector<LimitAngular> angulars;
			physics_gravity = { 0,  (float) chains,0 };  // ugg y is down

			if(!usehull) for(auto rb:rigidbodies) 
				if (!rb->shapes[0].planes.size())
					rb->shapes[0].planes = Planes(rb->shapes[0].verts, rb->shapes[0].tris);
				auto planes = Transform(rb->shapes[0].planes, [&](float4 p) { return rb->pose().TransformPlane(p);});
				rb->gravscale = (float)chains;
				float separation = FLT_MAX;
				float3 pushpoint = float3(0, 0, 0);  //
				float4 pushplane;
				for (auto p : vpts)
						auto plane = mostabove(planes, p);
						float sep;
						if ((sep = dot(plane, float4(p, 1))) < separation)
							pushpoint = p;
							pushplane = plane;
							separation = sep;
				if (separation > 0.1f)
				float3 closestpoint = ProjectOntoPlane(pushplane, pushpoint);
				pushplane = float4({ -pushplane.xyz(), -dot(-pushplane.xyz(),pushpoint) });
				linears.push_back(ConstrainAlongDirection(NULL, pushpoint, rb, rb->pose().inverse()*closestpoint, pushplane.xyz(), 0, 100.0f)); //  FLT_MAX));
				lines.push_back({ closestpoint,pushpoint });
				auto cp=Separated(rb->shapes[0].verts, rb->position, rb->orientation, { pushpoint }, { 0,0,0 }, { 0,0,0,1 }, 1);
				glines.push_back({ cp.p0w, cp.p1w });
			Append(linears, ConstrainPositionNailed(NULL, seesaw->position_start, seesaw, { 0, 0, 0 }));
			Append(angulars, ConstrainAngularRange(NULL, seesaw, { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 0,-20 }, { 0, 0,20 }));

			if (chains) for (auto link : links)
				Append(linears, ConstrainPositionNailed(link.first,link.first? float3(0, 0.035f, 0) : link.second->position_start-float3(0, -0.035f, 0) , link.second, { 0,-0.035f,0 }));
				if(usehull && vpts.size()>5) 
					PhysicsUpdate(rigidbodies, linears, angulars, { &vpts });
					PhysicsUpdate(rigidbodies, linears, angulars, std::vector<std::vector<float3>*>());

		glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
		glwirefrustumz(dcam.deprojectextents(), { 0.1f,1.0f });  // draw the camera frustum volume

		glColor3f(0, 1, 0.5f);
		for (auto p : pts)
		glColor3f(1, 0.15f, 0.15f);
		for (auto p : outliers)

		glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
		for (auto p : vpts)  // was: spts


		if (debuglines)
			glColor3f(0, 1, 1);
			if (0)for (auto line : lines)
				glVertex3fv(line.first), glVertex3fv(line.second);
			glColor3f(1, 1, 0);
			for (auto line : glines)
				glVertex3fv(line.first), glVertex3fv(line.second);
		if (usehull && vpts.size() > 5)
			auto tris = calchull(vpts, 0);
			glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
			for (auto t : tris) for( int i : {0,1,1,2,2,0})

		if (chains)
			glColor3f(1, 0, 1);
			for (auto link : links)
					glVertex3fv(link.first->pose()* float3(0, 0, 0)), glVertex3fv(link.first->pose()* float3(0, 0.035f, 0));
				glVertex3fv(link.second->pose()* float3(0, 0, 0)) , glVertex3fv(link.second->pose()* float3(0, -0.035f, 0));
		glColor3f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
		for (auto &rb : rigidbodies)
		glPopAttrib();   // Restore state

		// Restore state
		glPopMatrix();  //should be currently in modelview mode

		glwin.PrintString({ 0,0 }, "esc to quit.");
		glwin.PrintString({ 0,1 }, "[h] collision %s  ",(usehull)?"hull":"points");

	return 0;
catch (const char *c)
	MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), c, "FAIL", 0);
catch (std::exception e)
	MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), e.what(), "FAIL", 0);
예제 #23
void CBeam::InputColorRedValue( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	int nNewColor = clamp( inputdata.value.Int(), 0, 255 );
	SetColor( nNewColor, m_clrRender->g, m_clrRender->b );
예제 #24
void CSpectator::OnRender()
			if(m_SelectedSpectatorID != NO_SELECTION)
			m_WasActive = false;

	m_WasActive = true;
	m_SelectedSpectatorID = NO_SELECTION;

	// draw background
	float Width = 400*3.0f*Graphics()->ScreenAspect();
	float Height = 400*3.0f;

	Graphics()->MapScreen(0, 0, Width, Height);

	Graphics()->SetColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f);
	RenderTools()->DrawRoundRect(Width/2.0f-300.0f, Height/2.0f-300.0f, 600.0f, 600.0f, 20.0f);

	// clamp mouse position to selector area
	m_SelectorMouse.x = clamp(m_SelectorMouse.x, -280.0f, 280.0f);
	m_SelectorMouse.y = clamp(m_SelectorMouse.y, -280.0f, 280.0f);

	// draw selections
	float FontSize = 20.0f;
	float StartY = -190.0f;
	float LineHeight = 60.0f;
	bool Selected = false;

	if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID == SPEC_FREEVIEW)
		Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f);
		RenderTools()->DrawRoundRect(Width/2.0f-280.0f, Height/2.0f-280.0f, 270.0f, 60.0f, 20.0f);

	if(m_SelectorMouse.x >= -280.0f && m_SelectorMouse.x <= -10.0f &&
		m_SelectorMouse.y >= -280.0f && m_SelectorMouse.y <= -220.0f)
		m_SelectedSpectatorID = SPEC_FREEVIEW;
		Selected = true;
	TextRender()->TextColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Selected?1.0f:0.5f);
	TextRender()->Text(0, Width/2.0f-240.0f, Height/2.0f-265.0f, FontSize, Localize("Free-View"), -1);

	float x = -270.0f, y = StartY;
	for(int i = 0, Count = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i)
		if(!m_pClient->m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[i] || m_pClient->m_Snap.m_paPlayerInfos[i]->m_Team == TEAM_SPECTATORS)

		if(++Count%9 == 0)
			x += 290.0f;
			y = StartY;

		if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID == i)
			Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f);
			RenderTools()->DrawRoundRect(Width/2.0f+x-10.0f, Height/2.0f+y-10.0f, 270.0f, 60.0f, 20.0f);

		Selected = false;
		if(m_SelectorMouse.x >= x-10.0f && m_SelectorMouse.x <= x+260.0f &&
			m_SelectorMouse.y >= y-10.0f && m_SelectorMouse.y <= y+50.0f)
			m_SelectedSpectatorID = i;
			Selected = true;
		TextRender()->TextColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Selected?1.0f:0.5f);
		TextRender()->Text(0, Width/2.0f+x+50.0f, Height/2.0f+y+5.0f, FontSize, m_pClient->m_aClients[i].m_aName, 220.0f);

		CTeeRenderInfo TeeInfo = m_pClient->m_aClients[i].m_RenderInfo;
		RenderTools()->RenderTee(CAnimState::GetIdle(), &TeeInfo, EMOTE_NORMAL, vec2(1.0f, 0.0f), vec2(Width/2.0f+x+20.0f, Height/2.0f+y+20.0f));

		y += LineHeight;
	TextRender()->TextColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	// draw cursor
	Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadItem(m_SelectorMouse.x+Width/2.0f, m_SelectorMouse.y+Height/2.0f, 48.0f, 48.0f);
	Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1);
예제 #25
std::vector<float> Synthesizer::generate_frame()
    // shift the signal left to get space for the new signal
    sig = sig.shift(R);

    for(int i = 0; i < R; i++)

        if(update_params() >= 0 || finished)
            finished = true;

        fpoint in = samples[sample_idx - last_phoneme_sample_idx];

        // append the signal at the end
        sig[L - R + i] = in;

    // apply analysis window
    std::valarray<complex> seg = sig * window, tmp(L);


    auto env = spectral_envelope(seg);
    //for(auto a : env) std::cout << std::fixed << a << ",";
    //std::cout << "\n\n";

    const fpoint expect = 2 * M_PI / Ov;

    // frequency between two bins
    const fpoint bin_freq = fpoint(Fs) / L;

    std::valarray<fpoint> tmp_mag(L / 2 + 1);
    std::valarray<fpoint> tmp_frq(L / 2 + 1);

    for(unsigned i = 0; i <= L / 2; i++)
        // compute magnitude and phase
        fpoint magn = abs(seg[i]) * 2;
        fpoint phas = arg(seg[i]);

        // compute phase difference
        fpoint pdiff = phas - last_phase[i];
        last_phase[i] = phas;

        // subtract expected phase difference
        pdiff -= i * expect;

        // map delta phase into +/- Pi interval
        pdiff -= 2 * M_PI * floor(pdiff / (2 * M_PI) + 0.5);

        // get deviation from bin frequency from the +/- Pi interval
        fpoint fdev = Ov * pdiff / (2 * M_PI);

        // compute the k-th partials' true frequency
        fpoint true_freq = i * bin_freq + fdev * bin_freq;

        // store magnitude and true frequency in analysis arrays
        tmp_mag[i] = magn;
        tmp_frq[i] = true_freq;

    // copy buffers
    std::valarray<fpoint> seg_mag(L / 2 + 1);
    std::valarray<fpoint> seg_frq(L / 2 + 1);

    // pitch shifting
    fpoint pitch_shift = 1.5;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i <= L / 2; i++)
        unsigned index = i * pitch_shift;
        if (index <= L / 2)
            seg_mag[index] += tmp_mag[i];// / env[i];
            seg_frq[index] = tmp_frq[i] * pitch_shift;

    // synthesis
    for (unsigned i = 0; i <= L / 2; i++)
        // get magnitude and true frequency from synthesis arrays
        fpoint mag = seg_mag[i];
        fpoint frq = seg_frq[i];

        // subtract bin mid frequency
        frq -= i * bin_freq;

        // get bin deviation from freq deviation
        frq /= bin_freq;

        // take osamp into account
        frq = 2 * M_PI * frq / Ov;

        // add the overlap phase advance back in
        frq += i * expect;

        // accumulate delta phase to get bin phase
        sum_phase[i] += frq;
        fpoint phase = sum_phase[i];

        // get real and imag part
        seg[i] = std::polar(mag, phase);
        seg[L - i - 1] = 0;


    ova = ova.shift(R) + seg * window;

    std::vector<float> out(R, 0);

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < R; i++)
        out[i] = (float)clamp(-1, 1, ova[i].real());

    return out;
예제 #26
    void BVH4Intersector4Hybrid<PrimitiveIntersector4>::occluded(sseb* valid_i, BVH4* bvh, Ray4& ray)
      /* load ray */
      const sseb valid = *valid_i;
      sseb terminated = !valid;
      sse3f ray_org = ray.org, ray_dir = ray.dir;
      ssef ray_tnear = ray.tnear, ray_tfar  = ray.tfar;
#if defined(__FIX_RAYS__)
      const ssef float_range = 0.1f*FLT_MAX;
      ray_org = clamp(ray_org,sse3f(-float_range),sse3f(+float_range));
      ray_dir = clamp(ray_dir,sse3f(-float_range),sse3f(+float_range));
      ray_tnear = max(ray_tnear,FLT_MIN); 
      ray_tfar  = min(ray_tfar,float(inf)); 
      const sse3f rdir = rcp_safe(ray_dir);
      const sse3f org(ray_org), org_rdir = org * rdir;
      ray_tnear = select(valid,ray_tnear,ssef(pos_inf));
      ray_tfar  = select(valid,ray_tfar ,ssef(neg_inf));
      const ssef inf = ssef(pos_inf);
      /* allocate stack and push root node */
      ssef    stack_near[stackSizeChunk];
      NodeRef stack_node[stackSizeChunk];
      stack_node[0] = BVH4::invalidNode;
      stack_near[0] = inf;
      stack_node[1] = bvh->root;
      stack_near[1] = ray_tnear; 
      NodeRef* stackEnd = stack_node+stackSizeChunk;
      NodeRef* __restrict__ sptr_node = stack_node + 2;
      ssef*    __restrict__ sptr_near = stack_near + 2;
      while (1)
        /* pop next node from stack */
        assert(sptr_node > stack_node);
        NodeRef curNode = *sptr_node;
        if (unlikely(curNode == BVH4::invalidNode)) {
          assert(sptr_node == stack_node);

        /* cull node if behind closest hit point */
        ssef curDist = *sptr_near;
        const sseb active = curDist < ray_tfar;
        if (unlikely(none(active))) 
        /* switch to single ray traversal */
#if !defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__X86_64__)
        size_t bits = movemask(active);
        if (unlikely(__popcnt(bits) <= SWITCH_THRESHOLD)) {
          for (size_t i=__bsf(bits); bits!=0; bits=__btc(bits,i), i=__bsf(bits)) {
            if (occluded1(bvh,curNode,i,ray,ray_org,ray_dir,rdir,ray_tnear,ray_tfar))
              terminated[i] = -1;
          if (all(terminated)) break;
          ray_tfar = select(terminated,ssef(neg_inf),ray_tfar);

        while (1)
          /* test if this is a leaf node */
          if (unlikely(curNode.isLeaf()))
          const sseb valid_node = ray_tfar > curDist;
          const Node* __restrict__ const node = curNode.node();
          /* pop of next node */
          assert(sptr_node > stack_node);
          curNode = *sptr_node;
          curDist = *sptr_near;
#pragma unroll(4)
          for (unsigned i=0; i<4; i++)
            const NodeRef child = node->children[i];
            if (unlikely(child == BVH4::emptyNode)) break;
#if defined(__AVX2__)
            const ssef lclipMinX = msub(node->lower_x[i],rdir.x,org_rdir.x);
            const ssef lclipMinY = msub(node->lower_y[i],rdir.y,org_rdir.y);
            const ssef lclipMinZ = msub(node->lower_z[i],rdir.z,org_rdir.z);
            const ssef lclipMaxX = msub(node->upper_x[i],rdir.x,org_rdir.x);
            const ssef lclipMaxY = msub(node->upper_y[i],rdir.y,org_rdir.y);
            const ssef lclipMaxZ = msub(node->upper_z[i],rdir.z,org_rdir.z);
            const ssef lclipMinX = (node->lower_x[i] - org.x) * rdir.x;
            const ssef lclipMinY = (node->lower_y[i] - org.y) * rdir.y;
            const ssef lclipMinZ = (node->lower_z[i] - org.z) * rdir.z;
            const ssef lclipMaxX = (node->upper_x[i] - org.x) * rdir.x;
            const ssef lclipMaxY = (node->upper_y[i] - org.y) * rdir.y;
            const ssef lclipMaxZ = (node->upper_z[i] - org.z) * rdir.z;
#if defined(__SSE4_1__)
            const ssef lnearP = maxi(maxi(mini(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), mini(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY)), mini(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
            const ssef lfarP  = mini(mini(maxi(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), maxi(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY)), maxi(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
            const sseb lhit   = maxi(lnearP,ray_tnear) <= mini(lfarP,ray_tfar);      
            const ssef lnearP = max(max(min(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), min(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY)), min(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
            const ssef lfarP  = min(min(max(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), max(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY)), max(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
            const sseb lhit   = max(lnearP,ray_tnear) <= min(lfarP,ray_tfar);      
            /* if we hit the child we choose to continue with that child if it 
               is closer than the current next child, or we push it onto the stack */
            if (likely(any(lhit)))
              assert(sptr_node < stackEnd);
              assert(child != BVH4::emptyNode);
              const ssef childDist = select(lhit,lnearP,inf);
              /* push cur node onto stack and continue with hit child */
              if (any(childDist < curDist))
                *(sptr_node-1) = curNode;
                *(sptr_near-1) = curDist; 
                curDist = childDist;
                curNode = child;
              /* push hit child onto stack */
              else {
                *(sptr_node-1) = child;
                *(sptr_near-1) = childDist; 
        /* return if stack is empty */
        if (unlikely(curNode == BVH4::invalidNode)) {
          assert(sptr_node == stack_node);
        /* intersect leaf */
        const sseb valid_leaf = ray_tfar > curDist;
        size_t items; const Primitive* prim = (Primitive*) curNode.leaf(items);
        terminated |= PrimitiveIntersector4::occluded(!terminated,ray,prim,items,bvh->geometry);
        if (all(terminated)) break;
        ray_tfar = select(terminated,ssef(neg_inf),ray_tfar);
      store4i(valid & terminated,&ray.geomID,0);
예제 #27
파일: DFT.cpp 프로젝트: mit-gfx/ImageStack
void FFTConvolve::convolveSingle(Image im, Image filter, Image out, Convolve::BoundaryCondition b) {

    // Deal with the homogeneous case recursively. This is slightly
    // inefficient because we construct and transform the filter
    // twice, but it makes the code much simpler
    if (b == Convolve::Homogeneous) {
        Image result = apply(im, filter, Convolve::Zero, Multiply::Outer);
        Image weight(im.width, im.height, im.frames, 1);
        Image resultW = apply(weight, filter, Convolve::Zero, Multiply::Outer);
        out += Stats(filter).sum() * result / resultW;

    assert(filter.width % 2 == 1 &&
           filter.height % 2 == 1 &&
           filter.frames % 2 == 1,
           "The filter must have odd dimensions\n");

    int xPad = filter.width/2;
    int yPad = filter.height/2;
    int tPad = filter.frames/2;

    if (b == Convolve::Wrap) {
        xPad = yPad = tPad = 0;

    Image weightT;

    Image imT = Image(im.width+xPad*2, im.height+yPad*2, im.frames+tPad*2, 2);

    //printf("1\n"); fflush(stdout);
    // 1) Make the padded complex image
    if (b == Convolve::Clamp) {
        for (int t = 0; t < imT.frames; t++) {
            int st = clamp(t-tPad, 0, im.frames-1);
            for (int y = 0; y < imT.height; y++) {
                int sy = clamp(y-yPad, 0, im.height-1);
                for (int x = 0; x < imT.width; x++) {
                    int sx = clamp(x-xPad, 0, im.width-1);
                    imT(x, y, t, 0) = im(sx, sy, st, 0);
    } else { // Zero or Wrap
        imT.region(xPad, yPad, tPad, 0,
                   im.width, im.height, im.frames, 1).set(im);

    //printf("2\n"); fflush(stdout);
    // 2) Transform the padded image

    //printf("3\n"); fflush(stdout);
    // 3) Make a padded complex filter of the same size
    Image filterT(imT.width, imT.height, imT.frames, 2);
    for (int t = 0; t < filter.frames; t++) {
        int ft = t - filter.frames/2;
        if (ft < 0) ft += filterT.frames;
        for (int y = 0; y < filter.height; y++) {
            int fy = y - filter.height/2;
            if (fy < 0) fy += filterT.height;
            for (int x = 0; x < filter.width; x++) {
                int fx = x - filter.width/2;
                if (fx < 0) fx += filterT.width;
                filterT(fx, fy, ft, 0) = filter(x, y, t, 0);

    //printf("4\n"); fflush(stdout);
    // 4) Transform the padded filter

    //printf("5\n"); fflush(stdout);
    // 5) Multiply the two into a padded complex transformed result
    ComplexMultiply::apply(imT, filterT);

    //printf("6\n"); fflush(stdout);
    // 6) Inverse transorm the result

    //printf("7\n"); fflush(stdout);
    // 7) Remove the padding, and convert back to real numbers
    out += imT.region(xPad, yPad, tPad, 0,
                      im.width, im.height, im.frames, 1);
예제 #28
static int clamp_thread(void *arg)
	int cpunr = (unsigned long)arg;
	DEFINE_TIMER(wakeup_timer, noop_timer, 0, 0);
	static const struct sched_param param = {
		.sched_priority = MAX_USER_RT_PRIO/2,
	unsigned int count = 0;
	unsigned int target_ratio;

	set_bit(cpunr, cpu_clamping_mask);
	sched_setscheduler(current, SCHED_FIFO, &param);

	while (true == clamping && !kthread_should_stop() &&
		cpu_online(cpunr)) {
		int sleeptime;
		unsigned long target_jiffies;
		unsigned int guard;
		unsigned int compensation = 0;
		int interval; /* jiffies to sleep for each attempt */
		unsigned int duration_jiffies = msecs_to_jiffies(duration);
		unsigned int window_size_now;

		 * make sure user selected ratio does not take effect until
		 * the next round. adjust target_ratio if user has changed
		 * target such that we can converge quickly.
		target_ratio = set_target_ratio;
		guard = 1 + target_ratio/20;
		window_size_now = window_size;

		 * systems may have different ability to enter package level
		 * c-states, thus we need to compensate the injected idle ratio
		 * to achieve the actual target reported by the HW.
		compensation = get_compensation(target_ratio);
		interval = duration_jiffies*100/(target_ratio+compensation);

		/* align idle time */
		target_jiffies = roundup(jiffies, interval);
		sleeptime = target_jiffies - jiffies;
		if (sleeptime <= 0)
			sleeptime = 1;
		 * only elected controlling cpu can collect stats and update
		 * control parameters.
		if (cpunr == control_cpu && !(count%window_size_now)) {
			should_skip =
							guard, window_size_now);

		if (should_skip)

		target_jiffies = jiffies + duration_jiffies;
		mod_timer(&wakeup_timer, target_jiffies);
		if (unlikely(local_softirq_pending()))
		 * stop tick sched during idle time, interrupts are still
		 * allowed. thus jiffies are updated properly.
		/* mwait until target jiffies is reached */
		while (time_before(jiffies, target_jiffies)) {
			unsigned long ecx = 1;
			unsigned long eax = target_mwait;

			 * REVISIT: may call enter_idle() to notify drivers who
			 * can save power during cpu idle. same for exit_idle()
			mwait_idle_with_hints(eax, ecx);
	clear_bit(cpunr, cpu_clamping_mask);

	return 0;

 * 1 HZ polling while clamping is active, useful for userspace
 * to monitor actual idle ratio.
static void poll_pkg_cstate(struct work_struct *dummy);
static DECLARE_DELAYED_WORK(poll_pkg_cstate_work, poll_pkg_cstate);
static void poll_pkg_cstate(struct work_struct *dummy)
	static u64 msr_last;
	static u64 tsc_last;
	static unsigned long jiffies_last;

	u64 msr_now;
	unsigned long jiffies_now;
	u64 tsc_now;
	u64 val64;

	msr_now = pkg_state_counter();
	jiffies_now = jiffies;

	/* calculate pkg cstate vs tsc ratio */
	if (!msr_last || !tsc_last)
		pkg_cstate_ratio_cur = 1;
	else {
		if (tsc_now - tsc_last) {
			val64 = 100 * (msr_now - msr_last);
			do_div(val64, (tsc_now - tsc_last));
			pkg_cstate_ratio_cur = val64;

	/* update record */
	msr_last = msr_now;
	jiffies_last = jiffies_now;
	tsc_last = tsc_now;

	if (true == clamping)
		schedule_delayed_work(&poll_pkg_cstate_work, HZ);

static int start_power_clamp(void)
	unsigned long cpu;
	struct task_struct *thread;

	/* check if pkg cstate counter is completely 0, abort in this case */
	if (!has_pkg_state_counter()) {
		pr_err("pkg cstate counter not functional, abort\n");
		return -EINVAL;

	set_target_ratio = clamp(set_target_ratio, 0U, MAX_TARGET_RATIO - 1);
	/* prevent cpu hotplug */

	/* prefer BSP */
	control_cpu = 0;
	if (!cpu_online(control_cpu))
		control_cpu = smp_processor_id();

	clamping = true;
	schedule_delayed_work(&poll_pkg_cstate_work, 0);

	/* start one thread per online cpu */
	for_each_online_cpu(cpu) {
		struct task_struct **p =
			per_cpu_ptr(powerclamp_thread, cpu);

		thread = kthread_create_on_node(clamp_thread,
						(void *) cpu,
						"kidle_inject/%ld", cpu);
		/* bind to cpu here */
		if (likely(!IS_ERR(thread))) {
			kthread_bind(thread, cpu);
			*p = thread;


	return 0;
예제 #29
	template <typename T> GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tvec3<T> saturate(const detail::tvec3<T>& x){return clamp(x, T(0), T(1));}					//!< \brief Returns clamp(x, 0, 1) for each component in x. (From GLM_GTX_compatibility)
int RageFileObjMem::SeekInternal( int offset )
	m_iFilePos = clamp( offset, 0, GetFileSize() );
	return m_iFilePos;