예제 #1
    void TearDown()



        cldenseInitMatrix( &deviceMatB );
        cldenseInitMatrix( &deviceMatC );

예제 #2
    void SetUp()
        // alpha and beta scalars are not yet supported in generating reference result;
        alpha = T(CSRE::alpha);
        beta = T(CSRE::beta);

        B = uBLASDenseM(CSRE::n_cols, B_num_cols, T(B_values));
        C = uBLASDenseM(CSRE::n_rows, B_num_cols, T(0));

        cl_int status;
        cldenseInitMatrix( &deviceMatB );
        deviceMatB.values = clCreateBuffer( CLSE::context,
                                   CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
                                   B.data().size( ) * sizeof( T ), B.data().begin(), &status );

        deviceMatB.num_rows = B.size1();
        deviceMatB.num_cols = B.size2();
        deviceMatB.lead_dim = std::min(B.size1(), B.size2());

        ASSERT_EQ(CL_SUCCESS, status);

        cldenseInitMatrix( &deviceMatC );
        deviceMatC.values = clCreateBuffer( CLSE::context,
                                   CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
                                   C.data().size( ) * sizeof( T ), C.data().begin(), &status );

        deviceMatC.num_rows = C.size1();
        deviceMatC.num_cols = C.size2();
        deviceMatC.lead_dim = std::min(C.size1(), C.size2());
        ASSERT_EQ(CL_SUCCESS, status);

        clsparseInitScalar( &gAlpha );
        gAlpha.value = clCreateBuffer(CLSE::context,
                                      CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
                                      sizeof(T), &alpha, &status);
        ASSERT_EQ(CL_SUCCESS, status);

        clsparseInitScalar( &gBeta );
        gBeta.value = clCreateBuffer(CLSE::context,
                                     CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
                                     sizeof(T), &beta, &status);
        ASSERT_EQ(CL_SUCCESS, status);

예제 #3
    void setup_buffer(double pAlpha, double pBeta, const std::string& path)
        sparseFile = path;

        // Read sparse data from file and construct a CSR matrix from it
        int nnz;
        int row;
        int col;
        clsparseStatus fileError = clsparseHeaderfromFile(&nnz, &row, &col, sparseFile.c_str());
        if (clsparseSuccess != fileError)
            throw std::runtime_error("Could not read matrix market header from disk");

        // Now initialize a CSR matrix from the CSR matrix
        // VK we have to handle other cases if input mtx file is not in CSR format
        csrMtx.num_nonzeros = nnz;
        csrMtx.num_rows     = row;
        csrMtx.num_cols     = col;
        clsparseCsrMetaSize( &csrMtx, control );

        cl_int status;
        csrMtx.values = ::clCreateBuffer(ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, csrMtx.num_nonzeros * sizeof(T), NULL, &status);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "::clCreateBuffer csrMtx.values");

        csrMtx.colIndices = ::clCreateBuffer(ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, csrMtx.num_nonzeros * sizeof(cl_int), NULL, &status);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "::clCreateBuffer csrMtx.colIndices");

        csrMtx.rowOffsets = ::clCreateBuffer(ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, (csrMtx.num_rows + 1) * sizeof(cl_int), NULL, &status);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "::clCreateBuffer csrMtx.rowOffsets");

        csrMtx.rowBlocks = ::clCreateBuffer(ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, csrMtx.rowBlockSize * sizeof(cl_ulong), NULL, &status);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "::clCreateBuffer csrMtx.rowBlocks");

		if (typeid(T) == typeid(float))
			fileError = clsparseSCsrMatrixfromFile(&csrMtx, sparseFile.c_str(), control);
		else if (typeid(T) == typeid(double))
			fileError = clsparseDCsrMatrixfromFile(&csrMtx, sparseFile.c_str(), control);
			fileError = clsparseInvalidType;

        if (fileError != clsparseSuccess)
            throw std::runtime_error("Could not read matrix market data from disk");

        // Initialize the output dense matrix
        denseMtx.major    = rowMajor;
        denseMtx.num_rows = row;
        denseMtx.num_cols = col;
		denseMtx.lead_dim = col;  // To Check!! VK;
        denseMtx.values = ::clCreateBuffer(ctx, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY,
                                            denseMtx.num_rows * denseMtx.num_cols * sizeof(T), NULL, &status);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "::clCreateBuffer denseMtx.values");
    }// end
예제 #4
    void setup_buffer(double pAlpha, double pBeta, const std::string& path)
        sparseFile = path;

        // Read sparse data from file and construct a CSR matrix from it
        clsparseIdx_t nnz;
        clsparseIdx_t row;
        clsparseIdx_t col;
        clsparseStatus fileError = clsparseHeaderfromFile(&nnz, &row, &col, sparseFile.c_str());
        if (clsparseSuccess != fileError)
             throw clsparse::io_exception( "Could not read matrix market header from disk: " + sparseFile );

        // Now initialize a CSR matrix from the CSR matrix
        csrMtx.num_nonzeros = nnz;
        csrMtx.num_rows     = row;
        csrMtx.num_cols     = col;

        cl_int status;
        csrMtx.values = ::clCreateBuffer(ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, csrMtx.num_nonzeros * sizeof(T), NULL, &status);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "::clCreateBuffer csrMtx.values");

        csrMtx.col_indices = ::clCreateBuffer(ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, csrMtx.num_nonzeros * sizeof(clsparseIdx_t), NULL, &status);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "::clCreateBuffer csrMtx.col_indices");

        csrMtx.row_pointer = ::clCreateBuffer(ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, (csrMtx.num_rows + 1) * sizeof(clsparseIdx_t), NULL, &status);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "::clCreateBuffer csrMtx.row_pointer");

		if (typeid(T) == typeid(float))
			fileError = clsparseSCsrMatrixfromFile( &csrMtx, sparseFile.c_str(), control, explicit_zeroes );
		else if (typeid(T) == typeid(double))
			fileError = clsparseDCsrMatrixfromFile( &csrMtx, sparseFile.c_str(), control, explicit_zeroes );
			fileError = clsparseInvalidType;

        if (fileError != clsparseSuccess)
            throw std::runtime_error("Could not read matrix market data from disk: " + sparseFile);

        clsparseCsrMetaCreate(&csrMtx, control);

        // Initialize the output dense matrix
        denseMtx.major    = rowMajor;
        denseMtx.num_rows = row;
        denseMtx.num_cols = col;
        denseMtx.lead_dim = col;  // To Check!! VK;
        denseMtx.values = ::clCreateBuffer(ctx, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY,
                                            denseMtx.num_rows * denseMtx.num_cols * sizeof(T), NULL, &status);
        CLSPARSE_V(status, "::clCreateBuffer denseMtx.values");
    }// end
예제 #5
    void setup_buffer( double pAlpha, double pBeta, const std::string& path )
        sparseFile = path;

        // Read sparse data from file and construct a COO matrix from it
		int nnz;
		int row;
		int col;
        clsparseStatus fileError = clsparseHeaderfromFile( &nnz, &row, &col, sparseFile.c_str( ) );
        if( fileError != clsparseSuccess )
            throw std::runtime_error( "Could not read matrix market header from disk" );

        // Now initialise a CSR matrix from the COO matrix
        clsparseInitCsrMatrix( &csrMtx );
        csrMtx.num_nonzeros = nnz;
        csrMtx.num_rows     = row;
        csrMtx.num_cols     = col;
		//clsparseCsrMetaSize( &csrMtx, control );

        cl_int status;
        csrMtx.values = ::clCreateBuffer( ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY,
            csrMtx.num_nonzeros * sizeof( T ), NULL, &status );
        CLSPARSE_V( status, "::clCreateBuffer csrMtx.values" );

        csrMtx.colIndices = ::clCreateBuffer( ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY,
            csrMtx.num_nonzeros * sizeof( cl_int ), NULL, &status );
        CLSPARSE_V( status, "::clCreateBuffer csrMtx.colIndices" );

        csrMtx.rowOffsets = ::clCreateBuffer( ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY,
            ( csrMtx.num_rows + 1 ) * sizeof( cl_int ), NULL, &status );
        CLSPARSE_V( status, "::clCreateBuffer csrMtx.rowOffsets" );

        if(typeid(T) == typeid(float))
            fileError = clsparseSCsrMatrixfromFile( &csrMtx, sparseFile.c_str( ), control );
        else if (typeid(T) == typeid(double))
            fileError = clsparseDCsrMatrixfromFile( &csrMtx, sparseFile.c_str( ), control );
            fileError = clsparseInvalidType;

        if( fileError != clsparseSuccess )
            throw std::runtime_error( "Could not read matrix market data from disk" );

		// Initialize the input dense matrix
		A.major    = rowMajor;
		A.num_rows = row;
		A.num_cols = col;
		A.lead_dim = col;  // To Check!! VK;
		A.values = clCreateBuffer(ctx, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
			                      row * col * sizeof(T), NULL, &status);
		CLSPARSE_V(status, "::clCreateBuffer A.values");
        if(typeid(T) == typeid(float))
			clsparseScsr2dense(&csrMtx, &A, control);
		else if (typeid(T) == typeid(double))
			clsparseDcsr2dense(&csrMtx, &A, control);
		// Check whether we need any barrier here: clFinish(queue)

		// Output CSR Matrix
		csrMatx.num_cols     = csrMtx.num_cols;
		csrMatx.num_rows     = csrMtx.num_rows;
		csrMatx.num_nonzeros = csrMtx.num_nonzeros;

        csrMatx.values = ::clCreateBuffer( ctx, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY,
                                           csrMtx.num_nonzeros * sizeof( T ), NULL, &status );
		CLSPARSE_V(status, "::clCreateBuffer csrMatx.values");

        csrMatx.colIndices = ::clCreateBuffer( ctx, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY,
                                           csrMtx.num_nonzeros * sizeof( cl_int ), NULL, &status );
		CLSPARSE_V(status, "::clCreateBuffer csrMatx.colIndices");

        csrMatx.rowOffsets = ::clCreateBuffer( ctx, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY,
                                           (csrMtx.num_rows + 1) * sizeof( cl_int ), NULL, &status );
		CLSPARSE_V(status, "::clCreateBuffer csrMatx.rowOffsets");                       
    }// End of function