void V8LazyEventListener::prepareListenerObject(ExecutionContext* context)
    if (context->isDocument() && !toDocument(context)->allowInlineEventHandlers(m_node, this, m_sourceURL, m_position.m_line)) {

    if (hasExistingListenerObject())


    v8::Isolate* isolate = toIsolate(context);
    v8::HandleScope handleScope(isolate);

    // Use the outer scope to hold context.
    v8::Local<v8::Context> v8Context = toV8Context(context, world());
    // Bail out if we cannot get the context.
    if (v8Context.IsEmpty())

    v8::Context::Scope scope(v8Context);

    String listenerSource =  InspectorInstrumentation::preprocessEventListener(toDocument(context)->frame(), m_code, m_sourceURL, m_functionName);

    // FIXME: Remove the following 'with' hack.
    // Nodes other than the document object, when executing inline event
    // handlers push document, form owner, and the target node on the scope chain.
    // We do this by using 'with' statement.
    // See chrome/fast/forms/form-action.html
    //     chrome/fast/forms/selected-index-value.html
    //     base/fast/overflow/onscroll-layer-self-destruct.html
    // Don't use new lines so that lines in the modified handler
    // have the same numbers as in the original code.
    // FIXME: V8 does not allow us to programmatically create object environments so
    //        we have to do this hack! What if m_code escapes to run arbitrary script?
    // Call with 4 arguments instead of 3, pass additional null as the last parameter.
    // By calling the function with 4 arguments, we create a setter on arguments object
    // which would shadow property "3" on the prototype.
    String code = "(function() {"
        "with (this[2]) {"
        "with (this[1]) {"
        "with (this[0]) {"
            "return function(" + m_eventParameterName + ") {" +
                listenerSource + "\n" // Insert '\n' otherwise //-style comments could break the handler.

    v8::Handle<v8::String> codeExternalString = v8String(isolate, code);

    v8::Local<v8::Value> result = V8ScriptRunner::compileAndRunInternalScript(codeExternalString, isolate, m_sourceURL, m_position, 0);
    if (result.IsEmpty())

    // Call the outer function to get the inner function.
    v8::Local<v8::Function> intermediateFunction = result.As<v8::Function>();

    HTMLFormElement* formElement = 0;
    if (m_node && m_node->isHTMLElement())
        formElement = toHTMLElement(m_node)->formOwner();

    v8::Handle<v8::Object> nodeWrapper = toObjectWrapper<Node>(m_node, isolate);
    v8::Handle<v8::Object> formWrapper = toObjectWrapper<HTMLFormElement>(formElement, isolate);
    v8::Handle<v8::Object> documentWrapper = toObjectWrapper<Document>(m_node ? m_node->ownerDocument() : 0, isolate);

    v8::Local<v8::Object> thisObject = v8::Object::New(isolate);
    if (thisObject.IsEmpty())
    if (!thisObject->ForceSet(v8::Integer::New(isolate, 0), nodeWrapper))
    if (!thisObject->ForceSet(v8::Integer::New(isolate, 1), formWrapper))
    if (!thisObject->ForceSet(v8::Integer::New(isolate, 2), documentWrapper))

    // FIXME: Remove this code when we stop doing the 'with' hack above.
    v8::Local<v8::Value> innerValue = V8ScriptRunner::callInternalFunction(intermediateFunction, thisObject, 0, 0, isolate);
    if (innerValue.IsEmpty() || !innerValue->IsFunction())

    v8::Local<v8::Function> wrappedFunction = innerValue.As<v8::Function>();

    // Change the toString function on the wrapper function to avoid it
    // returning the source for the actual wrapper function. Instead it
    // returns source for a clean wrapper function with the event
    // argument wrapping the event source code. The reason for this is
    // that some web sites use toString on event functions and eval the
    // source returned (sometimes a RegExp is applied as well) for some
    // other use. That fails miserably if the actual wrapper source is
    // returned.
    v8::Local<v8::Function> toStringFunction = v8::Function::New(isolate, V8LazyEventListenerToString);
    String toStringString = "function " + m_functionName + "(" + m_eventParameterName + ") {\n  " + m_code + "\n}";
    setHiddenValue(isolate, wrappedFunction, "toStringString", v8String(isolate, toStringString));
    wrappedFunction->Set(v8AtomicString(isolate, "toString"), toStringFunction);
    wrappedFunction->SetName(v8String(isolate, m_functionName));

    // FIXME: Remove the following comment-outs.
    // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85152 for more details.
    // For the time being, we comment out the following code since the
    // second parsing can happen.
    // // Since we only parse once, there's no need to keep data used for parsing around anymore.
    // m_functionName = String();
    // m_code = String();
    // m_eventParameterName = String();
    // m_sourceURL = String();

예제 #2
void V8LazyEventListener::prepareListenerObject(ExecutionContext* executionContext)
    if (!executionContext)

    // A ScriptState used by the event listener needs to be calculated based on
    // the ExecutionContext that fired the the event listener and the world
    // that installed the event listener.
    v8::HandleScope handleScope(toIsolate(executionContext));
    v8::Local<v8::Context> v8Context = toV8Context(executionContext, world());
    if (v8Context.IsEmpty())
    ScriptState* scriptState = ScriptState::from(v8Context);
    if (!scriptState->contextIsValid())

    if (!executionContext->isDocument())

    if (!toDocument(executionContext)->allowInlineEventHandlers(m_node, this, m_sourceURL, m_position.m_line)) {

    if (hasExistingListenerObject())

    ScriptState::Scope scope(scriptState);

    // Nodes other than the document object, when executing inline event
    // handlers push document, form owner, and the target node on the scope chain.
    // We do this by using 'with' statement.
    // See fast/forms/form-action.html
    //     fast/forms/selected-index-value.html
    //     fast/overflow/onscroll-layer-self-destruct.html
    HTMLFormElement* formElement = 0;
    if (m_node && m_node->isHTMLElement())
        formElement = toHTMLElement(m_node)->formOwner();

    v8::Local<v8::Object> scopes[3];

    scopes[2] = toObjectWrapper<Node>(m_node, scriptState);
    scopes[1] = toObjectWrapper<HTMLFormElement>(formElement, scriptState);
    scopes[0] = toObjectWrapper<Document>(m_node ? m_node->ownerDocument() : 0, scriptState);

    v8::Local<v8::String> parameterName = v8String(isolate(), m_eventParameterName);
    v8::ScriptOrigin origin(
        v8String(isolate(), m_sourceURL),
        v8::Integer::New(isolate(), m_position.m_line.zeroBasedInt()),
        v8::Integer::New(isolate(), m_position.m_column.zeroBasedInt()),
    v8::ScriptCompiler::Source source(v8String(isolate(), m_code), origin);

    v8::Local<v8::Function> wrappedFunction;
        // JavaScript compilation error shouldn't be reported as a runtime
        // exception because we're not running any program code.  Instead,
        // it should be reported as an ErrorEvent.
        v8::TryCatch block(isolate());
        wrappedFunction = v8::ScriptCompiler::CompileFunctionInContext(isolate(), &source, v8Context, 1, &parameterName, 3, scopes);
        if (block.HasCaught()) {
            fireErrorEvent(v8Context, executionContext, block.Message());

    // Change the toString function on the wrapper function to avoid it
    // returning the source for the actual wrapper function. Instead it
    // returns source for a clean wrapper function with the event
    // argument wrapping the event source code. The reason for this is
    // that some web sites use toString on event functions and eval the
    // source returned (sometimes a RegExp is applied as well) for some
    // other use. That fails miserably if the actual wrapper source is
    // returned.
    v8::Local<v8::Function> toStringFunction = v8::Function::New(isolate(), V8LazyEventListenerToString);
    if (toStringFunction.IsEmpty())
    String toStringString = "function " + m_functionName + "(" + m_eventParameterName + ") {\n  " + m_code + "\n}";
    V8HiddenValue::setHiddenValue(scriptState, wrappedFunction, V8HiddenValue::toStringString(isolate()), v8String(isolate(), toStringString));
    if (!v8CallBoolean(wrappedFunction->Set(scriptState->context(), v8AtomicString(isolate(), "toString"), toStringFunction)))
    wrappedFunction->SetName(v8String(isolate(), m_functionName));

    // FIXME: Remove the following comment-outs.
    // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85152 for more details.
    // For the time being, we comment out the following code since the
    // second parsing can happen.
    // // Since we only parse once, there's no need to keep data used for parsing around anymore.
    // m_functionName = String();
    // m_code = String();
    // m_eventParameterName = String();
    // m_sourceURL = String();
    setListenerObject(wrappedFunction, scriptState);