ColorChooserPopupUIController::~ColorChooserPopupUIController() { #if !ENABLE(OILPAN) closePopup(); #endif // ~ColorChooserUIController ends the ColorChooser. }
void SelectPopupClient::setValueAndClosePopup(int, const String& stringValue) { ASSERT(m_element); static const char* cancelValue = "-1"; if (stringValue == cancelValue) { closePopup(); return; } if (m_size > 0) { bool selecteds[m_size]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_size; i++) selecteds[i] = stringValue[i] - '0'; const Vector<HTMLElement*>& items = m_element->listItems(); if (items.size() != static_cast<unsigned int>(m_size)) return; HTMLOptionElement* option; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_size; i++) { if (items[i]->hasTagName(HTMLNames::optionTag)) { option = static_cast<HTMLOptionElement*>(items[i]); option->setSelectedState(selecteds[i]); } } } // Force repaint because we do not send mouse events to the select element // and the element doesn't automatically repaint itself. if (m_element->renderer()) m_element->renderer()->repaint(); m_notifyChangeTimer.startOneShot(0); }
void ColorChooserPopupUIController::endChooser() { if (m_chooser) m_chooser->endChooser(); closePopup(); }
void SelectPopupClient::setValueAndClosePopup(int, const String& stringValue) { ASSERT(m_size == stringValue.length()); if (m_size > 0) { bool selecteds[m_size]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_size; i++) selecteds[i] = stringValue[i] - '0'; const WTF::Vector<HTMLElement*>& items = m_element->listItems(); if (items.size() != static_cast<unsigned int>(m_size)) return; HTMLOptionElement* option; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_size; i++) { if (items[i]->hasTagName(HTMLNames::optionTag)) { option = static_cast<HTMLOptionElement*>(items[i]); option->setSelectedState(selecteds[i]); } } } // Force repaint because we do not send mouse events to the select element // and the element doesn't automatically repaint itself. m_element->dispatchFormControlChangeEvent(); m_element->renderer()->repaint(); closePopup(); }
void ConfirmDialog::clickCloseCallback(cocos2d::CCObject *sender) { if (_closeCallback && _closeTarget) { (_closeTarget->*_closeCallback)(sender); } closePopup(); }
bool PreferencesForm::handleControlSelected(const EventType& event) { switch ( { case modulesButton: if (pageModules == displayPage_) break; setDisplayPage(pageModules); update(); break; case displayButton: if (pageDisplay == displayPage_) break; setDisplayPage(pageDisplay); update(); break; case okButton: handleOkButton(); break; case cancelButton: closePopup(); break; case layoutPopupTrigger: return false; default: assert(false); } return true; }
void LocationCompleter::indexShiftActivated(const QModelIndex &index) { Q_ASSERT(index.isValid()); if ( { BookmarkItem* bookmark = static_cast<BookmarkItem*>(<void*>()); bookmark->updateVisitCount(); } const QUrl url =; const int tabPos =; // Load url (instead of switching to tab) with shift activation if (tabPos > -1) { loadUrl(url); return; } closePopup(); // Clear locationbar emit clearCompletion(); // Open new window mApp->createWindow(Qz::BW_NewWindow, url); }
void LocationCompleter::indexDeleteRequested(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid()) { return; } if ( { BookmarkItem* bookmark = static_cast<BookmarkItem*>(<void*>()); mApp->bookmarks()->removeBookmark(bookmark); } else { int id =; mApp->history()->deleteHistoryEntry(id); } s_view->setUpdatesEnabled(false); s_model->removeRow(index.row(), index.parent()); s_view->setUpdatesEnabled(true); // Close popup when removing last item if (s_model->rowCount() == 0) { closePopup(); } else { adjustPopupSize(); } }
QvisScreenPositionEdit::QvisScreenPositionEdit(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this); hLayout->setMargin(0); hLayout->setSpacing(0); lineEdit = new QLineEdit(this); connect(lineEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(returnPressed())); hLayout->addWidget(lineEdit); turnDown = new QvisTurnDownButton(this); connect(turnDown, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(popup())); hLayout->addWidget(turnDown); lineEdit->setMinimumHeight(turnDown->height()); screenPositionPopup = new QvisScreenPositioner(this, Qt::Popup); screenPositionPopup->setFixedSize(QSize(150,150)); connect(screenPositionPopup, SIGNAL(intermediateScreenPositionChanged(double,double)), this, SLOT(updateText(double, double))); connect(screenPositionPopup, SIGNAL(screenPositionChanged(double,double)), this, SLOT(newScreenPosition(double, double))); popupTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(popupTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(closePopup())); setPosition(0.5f, 0.5f); }
void ColorChooserUIController::endChooser() { if (m_chooser) m_chooser->endChooser(); if (m_popup) closePopup(); }
void DatePickerClient::setValueAndClosePopup(int, const String& value) { // Return -1 if user cancel the selection. ASSERT(m_element); if (value != "-1") m_element->setValue(value); closePopup(); }
void LocationCompleter::loadUrl(const QUrl &url) { closePopup(); // Show url in locationbar emit showCompletion(url.toEncoded()); // Load url emit loadCompletion(); }
void QvisScreenPositionEdit::newScreenPosition(double x, double y) { screenX = x; screenY = y; updateText(screenX, screenY); closePopup(); emit screenPositionChanged(screenX, screenY); }
void LocationCompleter::loadRequest(const LoadRequest &request) { closePopup(); // Show url in locationbar emit showCompletion(request.url().toString(), false); // Load request emit loadRequested(request); }
void ColorChooserUIController::setValueAndClosePopup(int numValue, const String& stringValue) { ASSERT(m_popup); ASSERT(m_client); if (numValue == ColorPickerPopupActionSetValue) m_client->didChooseColor(WebCore::Color(stringValue)); if (numValue == ColorPickerPopupActionChooseOtherColor) openColorChooser(); closePopup(); }
void DatePickerClient::setValueAndClosePopup(int, const String& value) { // Return -1 if user cancel the selection. ASSERT(m_element); // We hide caret when we select date input field, restore it when we close date picker. m_element->document()->frame()->selection()->setCaretVisible(true); if (value != "-1") m_element->setValue(value); closePopup(); }
KoContextHelpAction::KoContextHelpAction( KActionCollection* parent, QWidget* /*popupParent*/ ) : KToggleAction( KIcon(BarIcon("help-contents")), i18n("Context Help"), parent) { Q_ASSERT(parent); setShortcut(KShortcut("CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+F1")); m_popup = new KoContextHelpPopup( 0L ); connect( m_popup, SIGNAL( wantsToBeClosed() ), this, SLOT( closePopup() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_popup, SLOT( setShown( bool ) ) ); connect( m_popup, SIGNAL( linkClicked( const QString& ) ), this, SIGNAL( linkClicked( const QString& ) ) ); parent->addAction("help_context", this ); }
void LocationCompleter::indexCtrlActivated(const QModelIndex &index) { Q_ASSERT(index.isValid()); Q_ASSERT(m_window); closePopup(); // Clear locationbar emit clearCompletion(); // Load request in new tab m_window->tabWidget()->addView(createLoadRequest(index), Qz::NT_CleanSelectedTab); }
void BookmarksWidget::toggleSpeedDial() { const SpeedDial::Page page = m_speedDial->pageForUrl(m_view->url()); if (page.url.isEmpty()) { QString title = m_view->title(); m_speedDial->addPage(m_view->url(), title); } else { m_speedDial->removePage(page); } closePopup(); }
void LocationCompleter::indexShiftActivated(const QModelIndex &index) { Q_ASSERT(index.isValid()); closePopup(); // Clear locationbar emit clearCompletion(); // Load request if ( { loadRequest(LoadRequest(QUrl(m_originalText))); } else { loadRequest(createLoadRequest(index)); } }
void PreferencesForm::handleOkButton() { bool changed = false; MoriartyModule* modules = application().modules(); for (uint_t i = 0; i<MORIARTY_MODULES_COUNT; ++i) { bool moduleDisabled = !bool(modulesTable_.itemInt(i, tableItemCheckbox)); changed = changed || (moduleDisabled != modules[i].disabledByUser); modules[i].disabledByUser = moduleDisabled; } Preferences* prefs = &application().preferences(); if (prefs->mainFormView != layoutPopupIndex_) { prefs->mainFormView = layoutPopupIndex_; changed = true; } closePopup(); if (changed) sendEvent(MoriartyApplication::appActiveModulesCountChangedEvent); }
void LocationCompleter::indexCtrlActivated(const QModelIndex &index) { Q_ASSERT(index.isValid()); Q_ASSERT(m_window); if ( { BookmarkItem* bookmark = static_cast<BookmarkItem*>(<void*>()); bookmark->updateVisitCount(); } const QUrl url =; const QString title =; closePopup(); // Clear locationbar emit clearCompletion(); // Open url in new tab m_window->tabWidget()->addView(url, title, Qz::NT_CleanSelectedTab); }
void LocationCompleter::indexActivated(const QModelIndex &index) { Q_ASSERT(index.isValid()); closePopup(); // Clear locationbar emit clearCompletion(); bool ok; const int tabPos =; // Switch to tab with simple index activation if (ok && tabPos > -1) { BrowserWindow* window = static_cast<BrowserWindow*>(<void*>()); Q_ASSERT(window); switchToTab(window, tabPos); return; } loadRequest(createLoadRequest(index)); }
bool StringSelectForm::handleEvent(EventType& event) { int selection = noListSelection; switch (event.eType) { case lstSelectEvent: okButton_.hit(); return true; case ctlSelectEvent: if (okButton == selection = choicesList_.selection(); if (noListSelection != selection || cancelButton == { closePopup(); StringSelectNotifyData notifyData(selection); sendEvent(notifyEvent_, notifyData); } return true; case keyDownEvent: { int option = ExtendedList::optionScrollPagesWithLeftRight; if (application().runningOnTreo600()) option = 0; if (choicesList_.handleKeyDownEvent(event, option | ExtendedList::optionFireListSelectOnCenter)) return true; if (chrCarriageReturn == || chrLineFeed == { okButton_.hit(); return true; } // intentional fall-through } default: return MoriartyForm::handleEvent(event); } }
void LocationCompleter::switchToTab(BrowserWindow* window, int tab) { Q_ASSERT(window); Q_ASSERT(tab >= 0); closePopup(); // Clear locationbar emit clearCompletion(); TabWidget* tabWidget = window->tabWidget(); if (window->isActiveWindow() || tabWidget->currentIndex() != tab) { tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(tab); window->show(); window->activateWindow(); window->raise(); } else { window->weView()->setFocus(); } }
void BookmarksWidget::toggleBookmark() { if (m_bookmark) { if (m_edited) { // Change folder m_bookmarks->removeBookmark(m_bookmark); m_bookmarks->addBookmark(ui->folderButton->selectedFolder(), m_bookmark); } else { // Remove m_bookmarks->removeBookmark(m_bookmark); } } else { // Save bookmark BookmarkItem* bookmark = new BookmarkItem(BookmarkItem::Url); bookmark->setTitle(m_view->title()); bookmark->setUrl(m_view->url()); m_bookmarks->addBookmark(ui->folderButton->selectedFolder(), bookmark); } closePopup(); }
void ColorChooserPopupUIController::dispose() { // Finalized earlier so as to access m_chromeClient while alive. closePopup(); }
void ColorToolButton::selectColor(QColor c) { m_color = c; emit colorChanged(c); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(closePopup())); }
void SelectPopupClient::notifySelectionChange(WebCore::Timer<SelectPopupClient>*) { if (m_element) m_element->dispatchFormControlChangeEvent(); closePopup(); }
void ChangeLocationForm::handleControlSelect(const EventType& event) { bool pretendCancelPressed = true; char_t * newLocation = NULL; if (okButton == { newLocation = locationField_.textCopy(); if (NULL == newLocation) goto ClosePopup; StrStrip(newLocation); if (StrEmpty(newLocation)) goto ClosePopup; LookupManager* lookupManager = application().lookupManager; Preferences& prefs = application().preferences(); switch (whenOk_) { case moviesMode: { const String& curLocation = prefs.moviesLocation; // TODO: now that there's a chance, that the text we use is // different than the string user gave, maybe it's a good idea // to popup a confirmation dialog box with "Get movies for location $FOO" // and "OK", "Cancel" so that the user has a chance to preview // location he gave. Changing locations shouldn't be frequent so // we can annoy users like that. // "Cancel" would get us back to entering location form // change only if different than previous if (!equalsIgnoreCase(newLocation, curLocation)) lookupManager->fetchMovies(newLocation); break; } case weatherMode: { const String& curLocation = prefs.weatherPreferences.weatherLocation; // change only if different than previous if (!equalsIgnoreCase(curLocation, newLocation)) lookupManager->fetchWeather(newLocation, newLocation); break; } } pretendCancelPressed = false; } ClosePopup: if( NULL != newLocation) free(newLocation); closePopup(); if (cancelButton == || pretendCancelPressed) { Preferences& prefs = application().preferences(); switch (whenOk_) { case moviesMode: if (prefs.moviesLocation.empty()) application().runMainForm(); break; case weatherMode: if (prefs.weatherPreferences.weatherLocationToServer.empty()) application().runMainForm(); break; } } }