예제 #1
파일: unifdef.c 프로젝트: ganwell/chirp
 * Write a line to the output or not, according to command line options.
 * If writing fails, closeio() will print the error and exit.
static void
flushline(bool keep)
	if (symlist)
	if (keep ^ complement) {
		bool blankline = tline[strspn(tline, " \t\r\n")] == '\0';
		if (blankline && compblank && blankcount != blankmax) {
			delcount += 1;
			blankcount += 1;
		} else {
			if (lnnum && delcount > 0)
			if (fputs(tline, output) == EOF)
			delcount = 0;
			blankmax = blankcount = blankline ? blankcount + 1 : 0;
	} else {
		if (lnblank && fputs(newline, output) == EOF)
		altered = true;
		delcount += 1;
		blankcount = 0;
	if (debugging && fflush(output) == EOF)
예제 #2
파일: unifdef.c 프로젝트: ganwell/chirp
 * The last state transition function. When this is called,
 * lineval == LT_EOF, so the process() loop will terminate.
static void
	if (incomment)
		error("EOF in comment");
예제 #3
파일: plan9.c 프로젝트: aahud/harvey
addenv(var *v)
	char envname[Maxenvname];
	word *w;
	int f;
	io *fd;
		v->changed = 0;
		snprint(envname, sizeof envname, "/env/%s", v->name);
		if((f = Creat(envname))<0)
			pfmt(err, "rc: can't open %s: %r\n", envname);
			for(w = v->val;w;w = w->next)
				write(f, w->word, strlen(w->word)+1L);
		v->fnchanged = 0;
		snprint(envname, sizeof envname, "/env/fn#%s", v->name);
		if((f = Creat(envname))<0)
			pfmt(err, "rc: can't open %s: %r\n", envname);
				fd = openfd(f);
				pfmt(fd, "fn %q %s\n", v->name, v->fn[v->pc-1].s);
예제 #4
파일: io.c 프로젝트: rennis250/sam
writef(File *f)
	Posn n;
	char *name;
	int i, samename, newfile;
	ulong dev;
	uvlong qid;
	long mtime, appendonly, length;

	newfile = 0;
	samename = Strcmp(&genstr, &f->name) == 0;
	name = Strtoc(&f->name);
	i = statfile(name, &dev, &qid, &mtime, 0, 0);
	if(i == -1)
	else if(samename &&
	        (f->dev!=dev || f->qidpath!=qid || f->mtime<mtime)){
		f->dev = dev;
		f->qidpath = qid;
		f->mtime = mtime;
		warn_S(Wdate, &genstr);
	genc = Strtoc(&genstr);
	if((io=create(genc, 1, 0666L)) < 0)
		error_r(Ecreate, genc);
	dprint("%s: ", genc);
	if(statfd(io, 0, 0, 0, &length, &appendonly) > 0 && appendonly && length>0){
	n = writeio(f);
	if(f->name.s[0]==0 || samename){
		if(addr.r.p1==0 && addr.r.p2==f->b.nc)
			f->cleanseq = f->seq;
		state(f, f->cleanseq==f->seq? Clean : Dirty);
		dprint("(new file) ");
	if(addr.r.p2>0 && filereadc(f, addr.r.p2-1)!='\n')
	if(f->name.s[0]==0 || samename){
		if(statfile(name, &dev, &qid, &mtime, 0, 0) > 0){
			f->dev = dev;
			f->qidpath = qid;
			f->mtime = mtime;
예제 #5
파일: unifdef.c 프로젝트: ganwell/chirp
 * Format of #line directives depends on whether we know the input filename.
static void
	int e;

	if (linefile == NULL)
		e = fprintf(output, "#line %d%s", linenum, newline);
		e = fprintf(output, "#line %d \"%s\"%s",
		    linenum, linefile, newline);
	if (e < 0)
예제 #6
파일: io.c 프로젝트: 4ad/sam
writef(File *f)
	Rune c;
	Posn n;
	char *name;
	int i, samename, newfile;
	ulong dev, qid;
	long mtime, appendonly, length;

	newfile = 0;
	samename = Strcmp(&genstr, &f->name) == 0;
	name = Strtoc(&f->name);
	i = statfile(name, &dev, &qid, &mtime, 0, 0);
	if(i == -1)
	else if(samename &&
	        (f->dev!=dev || f->qid!=qid || f->date<mtime)){
		f->dev = dev;
		f->qid = qid;
		f->date = mtime;
		warn_S(Wdate, &genstr);
	genc = Strtoc(&genstr);
	if((io=create(genc, 1, 0666L)) < 0)
		error_s(Ecreate, genc);
	dprint("%s: ", genc);
	if(statfd(io, 0, 0, 0, &length, &appendonly) > 0 && appendonly && length>0)
	n = writeio(f);
	if(f->name.s[0]==0 || samename)
		state(f, addr.r.p1==0 && addr.r.p2==f->nrunes? Clean : Dirty);
		dprint("(new file) ");
	if(addr.r.p2>0 && Fchars(f, &c, addr.r.p2-1, addr.r.p2) && c!='\n')
	if(f->name.s[0]==0 || samename){
		if(statfile(name, &dev, &qid, &mtime, 0, 0) > 0){
			f->dev = dev;
			f->qid = qid;
			f->date = mtime;
예제 #7
파일: code.c 프로젝트: 00001/plan9port
fnstr(tree *t)
	io *f = openstr();
	char *v;
	extern char nl;
	char svnl = nl;
	pfmt(f, "%t", t);
	nl = svnl;
	v = f->strp;
	f->strp = 0;
	return v;
예제 #8
파일: tree.c 프로젝트: dancrossnyc/harvey
simplemung(tree *t)
	tree *u;
	struct io *s;

	t = tree1(SIMPLE, t);
	s = openstr();
	pfmt(s, "%t", t);
	t->str = strdup((char *)s->strp);
	for(u = t->child[0];u->type==ARGLIST;u = u->child[0]){
		|| u->child[1]->type==REDIR){
			u->child[1]->child[1] = t;
			t = u->child[1];
			u->child[1] = 0;
	return t;
예제 #9
파일: exec.c 프로젝트: kisom/site-tools
	struct thread *p = runq;
	word *prompt;
	nerror = 0;
	if(flag['s'] && !truestatus())
		pfmt(err, "status=%v\n", vlook("status")->val);
		prompt = vlook("prompt")->val;
			promptstr = prompt->word;
			promptstr="% ";
		if(!p->iflag || p->eof && !Eintr()){
			Xreturn();	/* should this be omitted? */
				pchr(err, '\n');
				p->eof = 0;
			--p->pc;	/* go back for next command */
		ntrap = 0;	/* avoid double-interrupts during blocked writes */
		--p->pc;	/* re-execute Xrdcmds after codebuf runs */
		start(codebuf, 1, runq->local);
예제 #10
파일: BenPost.c 프로젝트: Haider-BA/CU-BENs
// This function frees all allocated memory
int free_all (long **pp2p2l, int nl, double **pp2p2d, int nd)
    // Initialize function variables
    int i;
    // Free allocated memory for arrays of type long
    for (i = 0; i < nl; ++i) {
        if (*(pp2p2l+i) != NULL) {
            free (*(pp2p2l+i));
            *(pp2p2l+i) = NULL;
    // Free allocated memory for arrays of type double
    for (i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
        if (*(pp2p2d+i) != NULL) {
            free (*(pp2p2d+i));
            *(pp2p2d+i) = NULL;
    return closeio(0);
예제 #11
파일: var.c 프로젝트: JamesLinus/inferno
addenv(Var *v)
	char buf[100], *p;
	Io *f;
	Word *w;
	int i, n;

		p = 0;
		n = 0;
		if(v->val) {
			for(w=v->val; w; w=w->next) {
				i = strlen(w->word);
				p = realloc(p, n+i+1);
				memmove(p+n, w->word, i);
				p[n++] = IWS;
			p[n-1] = 0;
			envput(v->name, p);
		} else
			envput(v->name, "");

		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "fn#%s", v->name);
		f = openstr();
		pfmt(f, "fn %s %s\n", v->name, v->fn[v->pc-1].s);
		envput(buf, f->strp);
예제 #12
파일: shell.c 프로젝트: 00001/plan9port
plan9(File *f, int type, String *s, int nest)
	long l;
	int m;
	int volatile pid;
	int fd;
	int retcode;
	int pipe1[2], pipe2[2];

	if(s->s[0]==0 && plan9cmd.s[0]==0)
	else if(s->s[0])
		Strduplstr(&plan9cmd, s);
	if(type!='!' && pipe(pipe1)==-1)
		snarf(f, addr.r.p1, addr.r.p2, &plan9buf, 1);
	if((pid=fork()) == 0){
		if(downloaded){	/* also put nasty fd's into errfile */
			fd = create(errfile, 1, 0666L);
			if(fd < 0)
				fd = create("/dev/null", 1, 0666L);
			dup(fd, 2);
			/* 2 now points at err file */
			if(type == '>')
				dup(2, 1);
			else if(type=='!'){
				dup(2, 1);
				fd = open("/dev/null", 0);
				dup(fd, 0);
		if(type != '!') {
			if(type=='<' || type=='|')
				dup(pipe1[1], 1);
			else if(type == '>')
				dup(pipe1[0], 0);
		if(type == '|'){
			if(pipe(pipe2) == -1)
			if((pid = fork())==0){
				 * It's ok if we get SIGPIPE here
				io = pipe2[1];
				if(retcode=!setjmp(mainloop)){	/* assignment = */
					char *c;
					for(l = 0; l<plan9buf.nc; l+=m){
						m = plan9buf.nc-l;
							m = BLOCKSIZE-1;
						bufread(&plan9buf, l, genbuf, m);
						genbuf[m] = 0;
						c = Strtoc(tmprstr(genbuf, m+1));
						Write(pipe2[1], c, strlen(c));
				exits(retcode? "error" : 0);
				fprint(2, "Can't fork?!\n");
			dup(pipe2[0], 0);
			close(0);	/* so it won't read from terminal */
			open("/dev/null", 0);
		execl(SHPATH, SH, "-c", Strtoc(&plan9cmd), (char *)0);
	if(pid == -1)
	if(type=='<' || type=='|'){
		int nulls;
		if(downloaded && addr.r.p1 != addr.r.p2)
			outTl(Hsnarflen, addr.r.p2-addr.r.p1);
		snarf(f, addr.r.p1, addr.r.p2, &snarfbuf, 0);
		logdelete(f, addr.r.p1, addr.r.p2);
		io = pipe1[0];
		f->tdot.p1 = -1;
		f->ndot.r.p2 = addr.r.p2+readio(f, &nulls, 0, FALSE);
		f->ndot.r.p1 = addr.r.p2;
	}else if(type=='>'){
		io = pipe1[1];
		bpipeok = 1;
		bpipeok = 0;
	retcode = waitfor(pid);
	if(type=='|' || type=='<')
	return retcode;
예제 #13
파일: BenPost.c 프로젝트: Haider-BA/CU-BENs
int main (void)
    // Initialize function variables
    long nj, ne_tr, ne_fr, ne_sh, neq;	
	long ne_sbr = 0;
	long ne_fbr = 0;
    long i, j, k, ptr;
    double lpf;
    char junk_char[20], file[25];
    int fsi_flag;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        sprintf(file, "results%ld.txt", i + 1);
        // Force input file to open
        do {
            ifp[i] = fopen(file, "r");
        } while (ifp[i] == 0);
    // Force output file to open
    do {
        ofp = fopen(OUTPUT, "w");
    } while (ofp == 0);
	// Begin skipping through data in input file
    for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
        fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    // Determine whether FSI analysis
    if (strcmp(junk_char, "Fluid") == 0) {fsi_flag = 1;}
    else {fsi_flag = 0;}
    printf("fsi_flag = %d\n",fsi_flag);
    fsi_flag = 1;

    // Resume skipping through data in input file
    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    if (strcmp(junk_char, "Direct") == 0 || strcmp(junk_char, "Newton") == 0 || strcmp(junk_char, "Dynamic") == 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    } else if (strcmp(junk_char, "Modified") == 0) {
        fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
        if (strcmp(junk_char, "Newton") == 0) {
            for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
                fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
        } else if (strcmp(junk_char, "Spherical") == 0) {
            for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
                fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    // Read number of joints and elements from input file
    fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld", &nj);
    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld", &ne_tr);
    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld", &ne_fr);
    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld", &ne_sh);
	for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
		fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
	fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld", &ne_sbr);
	for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
		fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
	fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld", &ne_fbr);

    // Memory management variables
    /* Pointer-to-pointer-to-double array (2 arrays of type double are defined during
     program execution) */
    double *p2p2d[5];
    // Counter to track number of arrays of type double for which memory is allocated
    int nd = 0;
    /* Pointer-to-pointer-to-long array (2 arrays of type long are defined during program
     execution) */
    long *p2p2l[2];
    // Counter to track number of arrays of type long for which memory is allocated
    int nl = 0;
    // Joint coordinates
    double *x = alloc_dbl (nj*3);
    if (x == NULL) {
        // Pass control to closeio function
        return closeio(0);
    p2p2d[nd] = x;
    // Joint constraint code
    long *jcode = alloc_long (nj*7);
    if (jcode == NULL) {
        // Pass control to free_all function
        return free_all (p2p2l, nl, p2p2d, nd);
    p2p2l[nl] = jcode;
    // Member incidence
    long *minc = alloc_long (ne_tr*2+ne_fr*2+ne_sh*3+ne_sbr*8+ne_fbr*8);
    if (minc == NULL) {
        // Pass control to free_all function
        return free_all (p2p2l, nl, p2p2d, nd);
    p2p2l[nl] = minc;
    // Truss element forces
    double *ef_tr = alloc_dbl (ne_tr);
    if (ef_tr == NULL) {
        // Pass control to free_all function
        return free_all (p2p2l, nl, p2p2d, nd);
    p2p2d[nd] = ef_tr;
    // Frame element forces
    double *ef_fr = alloc_dbl (ne_fr * 7);
    if (ef_fr == NULL) {
        // Pass control to free_all function
        return free_all (p2p2l, nl, p2p2d, nd);
    p2p2d[nd] = ef_fr;
    // Shell element forces
    double *ef_sh = alloc_dbl (ne_sh * 6);
    if (ef_sh == NULL) {
        // Pass control to free_all function
        return free_all (p2p2l, nl, p2p2d, nd);
    p2p2d[nd] = ef_sh;
    // Resume skipping through data in input file
    fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    if (strcmp(junk_char, "***WARNING***") == 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    // Read truss member incidence data from input file
    if (ne_tr > 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
        for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld\t%ld", &minc[i*2], &minc[i*2+1]);
    // Read frame member incidence data from input file
    if (ne_fr > 0 && ne_tr > 0) {
        ptr = ne_tr * 2;
        for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
        for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld\t%ld", &minc[ptr+i*2], &minc[ptr+i*2+1]);
    } else if (ne_fr > 0) {
        ptr = ne_tr * 2;
        for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
        for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld\t%ld", &minc[ptr+i*2], &minc[ptr+i*2+1]);
    // Read shell member incidence data from input file
    if (ne_sh > 0 && (ne_tr > 0 || ne_fr > 0)) {
        ptr = ne_tr * 2 + ne_fr * 2;
        for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
        for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld\t%ld\t%ld", &minc[ptr+i*3], &minc[ptr+i*3+1],
    } else if (ne_sh > 0) {
        ptr = ne_tr * 2 + ne_fr * 2;
        for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
        for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld\t%ld\t%ld", &minc[ptr+i*3], &minc[ptr+i*3+1],
	// Read solid brick member incidence data from input file
    if (ne_sbr > 0 && (ne_tr > 0 || ne_fr > 0 || ne_sh > 0)) {
        ptr = ne_tr * 2 + ne_fr * 2 + ne_sh * 3;
        for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
        for (i = 0; i < ne_sbr; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld", &minc[ptr+i*8], &minc[ptr+i*8+1],
				   &minc[ptr+i*8+2], &minc[ptr+i*8+3], &minc[ptr+i*8+4], 
				   &minc[ptr+i*8+5], &minc[ptr+i*8+6], &minc[ptr+i*8+7]);			
    } else if (ne_sbr > 0) {
        ptr = ne_tr * 2 + ne_fr * 2 + ne_sh * 3;
        for (i = 0; i < 11; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
			printf("%s\n", junk_char);
        for (i = 0; i < ne_sbr; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld", &minc[ptr+i*8], &minc[ptr+i*8+1],
				   &minc[ptr+i*8+2], &minc[ptr+i*8+3], &minc[ptr+i*8+4], 
				   &minc[ptr+i*8+5], &minc[ptr+i*8+6], &minc[ptr+i*8+7]);
	// Read fluid brick member incidence data from input file
    if (ne_fbr > 0 && (ne_tr > 0 || ne_fr > 0 || ne_sh > 0 || ne_sbr > 0)) {
        ptr = ne_tr * 2 + ne_fr * 2 + ne_sh * 3 + ne_sbr * 8;
        for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
        for (i = 0; i < ne_fbr; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld", &minc[ptr+i*8], &minc[ptr+i*8+1],
				   &minc[ptr+i*8+2], &minc[ptr+i*8+3], &minc[ptr+i*8+4], 
				   &minc[ptr+i*8+5], &minc[ptr+i*8+6], &minc[ptr+i*8+7]);
    } else if (ne_fbr > 0) {
        ptr = ne_tr * 2 + ne_fr * 2 + ne_sh * 3 + ne_sbr * 8;
        for (i = 0; i < 11; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
        for (i = 0; i < ne_fbr; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
            fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld", &minc[ptr+i*8], &minc[ptr+i*8+1],
				   &minc[ptr+i*8+2], &minc[ptr+i*8+3], &minc[ptr+i*8+4], 
				   &minc[ptr+i*8+5], &minc[ptr+i*8+6], &minc[ptr+i*8+7]);
    // Resume skipping through data in input file
    do {
        fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    } while (strcmp(junk_char, "Number") != 0);
    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld", &neq);
    for (i = 0; i < 11; ++i) {
        fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    // Total generalized nodal displacement
    double *d = alloc_dbl (neq);
    if (d == NULL) {
        // Pass control to free_all function
        return free_all (p2p2l, nl, p2p2d, nd);
    p2p2d[nd] = d;
    // Read initial joint coordinates from input file
    for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
        fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
        fscanf(ifp[0], "%lf\t%lf\t%lf", &x[i*3], &x[i*3+1], &x[i*3+2]);
    // Resume skipping through data in input file
    for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
        fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
    // Read jcode from input file
    for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
        fscanf(ifp[0], "%s", junk_char);
        fscanf(ifp[0], "%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld", &jcode[i*7], &jcode[i*7+1],
               &jcode[i*7+2], &jcode[i*7+3], &jcode[i*7+4], &jcode[i*7+5], &jcode[i*7+6]);
    // Write front matter for *.pvd file
	printf("**Begin writing to master.pvd**\n");
    fprintf(ofp, "<VTKFile type=\"Collection\" version=\"0.1\"");
    fprintf(ofp, " byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">\n");
	printf("**Finish writing to master.pvd**\n");    fprintf(ofp, " <Collection>\n");
    //  Create directory for storage of vtu files
    if (mkdir("./vtu_files", S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) != 0) {
        rmdir("./vtu_files", S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
        mkdir("./vtu_files", S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
	printf("**Begin writing to slave_0.vtu**\n");
    sprintf(file, "vtu_files//slave_0.vtu");
    // Force output file to open
    do {
        ofp2 = fopen(file, "w");
    } while (ofp2 == 0);
    // Write front matter for *.vtu file
    fprintf(ofp2, "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\"");
    fprintf(ofp2, " byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">\n");
    fprintf(ofp2, " <UnstructuredGrid>\n");
    fprintf(ofp2, "  <Piece NumberOfPoints=\"%ld\"", nj);
    fprintf(ofp2, " NumberOfCells=\"%ld\">\n", ne_tr + ne_fr + ne_sh + ne_sbr + ne_fbr);
    fprintf(ofp2, "   <PointData Scalars=\"scalars\">\n");
    // Write initial load proportioniality factor data to output file
    fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
    if (fsi_flag == 0) {fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Load Proportionality Factor\">\n");}
    else {fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Time\">\n");}
    for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
    fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
	printf("**Write initial x-translation data to output file**\n");
    // Write initial x-translation data to output file
    fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
    fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"X-Translation\">\n");
    for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
    fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
    printf("**Write initial y-translation data to output file**\n");
	// Write initial y-translation data to output file
    fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
    fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Y-Translation\">\n");
    for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
    fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
    printf("**Write initial z-translation data to output file**\n");
	// Write initial z-translation data to output file
    fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
    fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Z-Translation\">\n");
    for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
    fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
    printf("**Write initial x-rotation data to output file**\n");
	// Write initial x-rotation data to output file
    fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
    fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"X-Rotation\">\n");
    for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
    fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
	printf("**Write initial y-rotation data to output file**\n");
	// Write initial y-rotation data to output file
    fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
    fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Y-Rotation\">\n");
    for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
    fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
	printf("**Write initial z-rotation data to output file**\n");
	// Write initial z-rotation data to output file
    fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
    fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Z-Rotation\">\n");
    for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
    fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
    // Write initial warping data to output file
    fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
    if (fsi_flag == 0) {fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Warping\">\n");}
    else {fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Pressure\">\n");}
    for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
    fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
    fprintf(ofp2, "   </PointData>\n");
    // Write element force data if non fsi analysis
    if (fsi_flag == 0) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "   <CellData>\n");
        // Write initial x-force data to output file
        fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
        fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"X-Force\">\n");
        for (i = 0; i < ne_tr + ne_fr + ne_sh + ne_sbr + ne_fbr; ++i) {
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr + ne_fr + ne_sh; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
            fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
            // Write initial y-force data to output file
            fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
            fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Y-Force\">\n");
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr + ne_fr + ne_sh; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
            fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
            // Write initial z-force data to output file
            fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
            fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Z-Force\">\n");
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr + ne_fr + ne_sh; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
            fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
            // Write initial x-moment data to output file
            fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
            fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"X-Moment\">\n");
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr + ne_fr + ne_sh; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
            fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
            // Write initial y-moment data to output file
            fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
            fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Y-Moment\">\n");
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr + ne_fr + ne_sh; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
            fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
            // Write initial z-moment data to output file
            fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
            fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Z-Moment\">\n");
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr + ne_fr + ne_sh; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
            fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
            // Write initial bi-moment data to output file
            fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
            fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Bi-Moment\">\n");
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr + ne_fr + ne_sh; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
            fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
            fprintf(ofp2, "   </CellData>\n");
    fprintf(ofp2, "   <Points>\n");
    // Write initial joint coordinates to output files
    fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"\"");
    fprintf(ofp2, " NumberOfComponents=\"3\">\n");
    for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf %0.15lf %0.15lf\n", x[i*3], x[i*3+1], x[i*3+2]);
    fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
    fprintf(ofp2, "   </Points>\n");
    fprintf(ofp2, "   <Cells>\n");
    // Write truss member incidence data to output file
    fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"connectivity\">\n");
    for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld %ld\n", minc[i*2] - 1, minc[i*2+1] - 1);
    // Write frame member incidence data to output file
    ptr = ne_tr * 2;
    for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld %ld\n", minc[ptr+i*2] - 1, minc[ptr+i*2+1] - 1);
    // Write shell member incidence data to output file
    ptr += ne_fr * 2;
    for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld %ld %ld\n", minc[ptr+i*3] - 1, minc[ptr+i*3+1] - 1,
                minc[ptr+i*3+2] - 1);
    // Write solid brick element incidence data to output file
    ptr += ne_sh * 3;
    for (i = 0; i < ne_sbr; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", minc[ptr+i*8] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+1] - 1,
                minc[ptr+i*8+2] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+3] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+4] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+5] - 1,
                minc[ptr+i*8+6] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+7] - 1);
    // Write fluid brick element incidence data to output file
    ptr += ne_sbr * 8;
    for (i = 0; i < ne_fbr; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", minc[ptr+i*8] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+1] - 1,
                minc[ptr+i*8+2] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+3] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+4] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+5] - 1,
                minc[ptr+i*8+6] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+7] - 1);
    fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
    // Write member incidence offsets to output file
    fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"offsets\">\n");
    for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld\n", i * 2 + 2);
    ptr = ne_tr * 2;
    for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld\n", ptr + i * 2 + 2);
    ptr += ne_fr * 2;
    for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld\n", ptr + i * 3 + 3);
    ptr += ne_sh * 3;
    for (i = 0; i < ne_sbr; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld\n", ptr + i * 8 + 8);
    ptr += ne_sbr * 8;
    for (i = 0; i < ne_fbr; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld\n", ptr + i * 8 + 8);
    fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
    // Write cell type data to output file
    fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"UInt8\" Name=\"types\">\n");
    for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     3\n");
    for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     3\n");
    for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     5\n");
    for (i = 0; i < ne_sbr; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     12\n");
    for (i = 0; i < ne_fbr; ++i) {
        fprintf(ofp2, "     12\n");
    fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
    // Write back matter for *.vtu file
    fprintf(ofp2, "   </Cells>\n");
    fprintf(ofp2, "  </Piece>\n");
    fprintf(ofp2, " </UnstructuredGrid>\n");
    fprintf(ofp2, "</VTKFile>\n");
    // Write *vtu file data to *.pvd file
    fprintf(ofp, "  <DataSet timestep=\"0\" part=\"0\"");
    fprintf(ofp, " file=\"vtu_files/slave_0.vtu\"/>\n");
    // Begin skipping through data in model displacements input file
    for (i = 0; i < neq * 2 + 4; ++i) {
        fscanf(ifp[1], "%s", junk_char);
    // Begin skipping through data in truss element forces input file
    for (i = 0; i < ne_tr * 2 + 6; ++i) {
        fscanf(ifp[2], "%s", junk_char);
    // Begin skipping through data in frame element forces input file
    for (i = 0; i < ne_fr * 9 + 6; ++i) {
        fscanf(ifp[3], "%s", junk_char);
    // Begin skipping through data in shell element forces input file
    for (i = 0; i < ne_sh * 8 + 6; ++i) {
        fscanf(ifp[4], "%s", junk_char);
    // Step through load increments until solution was terminated
    k = 1;
    do {
        sprintf(file, "vtu_files//slave_%ld.vtu", k);
        // Force output file to open
        do {
            ofp2 = fopen(file, "w");
        } while (ofp2 == NULL);
        // Write front matter for *.vtu file
        fprintf(ofp2, "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\"");
        fprintf(ofp2, " byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">\n");
        fprintf(ofp2, " <UnstructuredGrid>\n");
        fprintf(ofp2, "  <Piece NumberOfPoints=\"%ld\"", nj);
        fprintf(ofp2, " NumberOfCells=\"%ld\">\n", ne_tr + ne_fr + ne_sh + ne_sbr + ne_fbr);
        fprintf(ofp2, "   <PointData Scalars=\"scalars\">\n");
        // Read load proportionality factor from model displacements input file
        fscanf(ifp[1], "%lf", &lpf);
        // Write load proportioniality factor data to output file
        fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
        if (fsi_flag == 0) {fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Load Proportionality Factor\">\n");}
        else {fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Time\">\n");}
        for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", lpf);
        fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
        // Read total generalized nodal displacements from model displacements input file
        fscanf(ifp[1], "%s", junk_char);
        for (i = 0; i < neq; ++i) {
            fscanf(ifp[1], "%lf", &d[i]);
        // Write x-translation data to output file
        fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
        fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"X-Translation\">\n");
        for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
            if (jcode[i*7] != 0) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", d[jcode[i*7]-1]);
            } else {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
        fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
        // Write y-translation data to output file
        fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
        fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Y-Translation\">\n");
        for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
            if (jcode[i*7+1] != 0) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", d[jcode[i*7+1]-1]);
            } else {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
        fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
        // Write z-translation data to output file
        fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
        fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Z-Translation\">\n");
        for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
            if (jcode[i*7+2] != 0) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", d[jcode[i*7+2]-1]);
            } else {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
        fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
        // Write x-rotation data to output file
        fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
        fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"X-Rotation\">\n");
        for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
            if (jcode[i*7+3] != 0) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", d[jcode[i*7+3]-1]);
            } else {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
        fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
        // Write y-rotation data to output file
        fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
        fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Y-Rotation\">\n");
        for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
            if (jcode[i*7+4] != 0) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", d[jcode[i*7+4]-1]);
            } else {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
        fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
        // Write z-rotation data to output file
        fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
        fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Z-Rotation\">\n");
        for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
            if (jcode[i*7+5] != 0) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", d[jcode[i*7+5]-1]);
            } else {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
        fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
        // Write warping data to output file
        fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
        if (fsi_flag == 0) {fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Warping\">\n");}
        else {fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Pressure\">\n");}
        for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
            if (jcode[i*7+6] != 0) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", d[jcode[i*7+6]-1]);
            } else {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
        fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
        fprintf(ofp2, "   </PointData>\n");
        if (fsi_flag == 0) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "   <CellData>\n");
            // Read truss element forces from truss element forces input file
            fscanf(ifp[2], "%s", junk_char);
            fscanf(ifp[2], "%s", junk_char);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
                fscanf(ifp[2], "%lf", &ef_tr[i]);
            // Read frame element forces from frame element forces input file
            fscanf(ifp[3], "%s", junk_char);
            fscanf(ifp[3], "%s", junk_char);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
                for (j = 0; j < 7; ++j) {
                    fscanf(ifp[3], "%lf", &ef_fr[i*7+j]);
            // Read shell element forces from shell element forces input file
            fscanf(ifp[4], "%s", junk_char);
            fscanf(ifp[4], "%s", junk_char);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
                for (j = 0; j < 6; ++j) {
                    fscanf(ifp[4], "%lf", &ef_sh[i*6+j]);
            // Write x-force data to output file
            fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
            fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"X-Force\">\n");
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", ef_tr[i]);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", ef_fr[i*7]);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", ef_sh[i*6]);
            fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
            // Write y-force data to output file
            fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
            fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Y-Force\">\n");
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", ef_fr[i*7+1]);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", ef_sh[i*6+1]);
            fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
            // Write z-force data to output file
            fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
            fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Z-Force\">\n");
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", ef_fr[i*7+2]);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", ef_sh[i*6+2]);
            fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
            // Write x-moment data to output file
            fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
            fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"X-Moment\">\n");
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", ef_fr[i*7+3]);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", ef_sh[i*6+3]);
            fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
            // Write y-moment data to output file
            fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
            fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Y-Moment\">\n");
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", ef_fr[i*7+4]);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", ef_sh[i*6+4]);
            fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
            // Write z-moment data to output file
            fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
            fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Z-Moment\">\n");
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", ef_fr[i*7+5]);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", ef_sh[i*6+5]);
            fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
            // Write bi-moment data to output file
            fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\"");
            fprintf(ofp2, " Name=\"Bi-Moment\">\n");
            for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", ef_fr[i*7+6]);
            for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf\n", 0.0);
            fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
            fprintf(ofp2, "   </CellData>\n");
        fprintf(ofp2, "   <Points>\n");
        // Write current joint coordinates to output files
        fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"\"");
        fprintf(ofp2, " NumberOfComponents=\"3\">\n");
        for (i = 0; i < nj; ++i) {
            if (jcode[i*7] != 0) {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf", x[i*3] + d[jcode[i*7]-1]);
            } else {
                fprintf(ofp2, "     %0.15lf", x[i*3]);
            if (jcode[i*7+1] != 0) {
                fprintf(ofp2, " %0.15lf", x[i*3+1] + d[jcode[i*7+1]-1]);
            } else {
                fprintf(ofp2, " %0.15lf", x[i*3+1]);
            if (jcode[i*7+2] != 0) {
                fprintf(ofp2, " %0.15lf\n", x[i*3+2] + d[jcode[i*7+2]-1]);
            } else {
                fprintf(ofp2, " %0.15lf\n", x[i*3+2]);
        fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
        fprintf(ofp2, "   </Points>\n");
        fprintf(ofp2, "   <Cells>\n");
        // Write truss member incidence data to output file
        fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"connectivity\">\n");
        for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld %ld\n", minc[i*2] - 1, minc[i*2+1] - 1);
        // Write frame member incidence data to output file
        ptr = ne_tr * 2;
        for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld %ld\n", minc[ptr+i*2] - 1,
                    minc[ptr+i*2+1] - 1);
        // Write shell member incidence data to output file
        ptr += ne_fr * 2;
        for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld %ld %ld\n", minc[ptr+i*3] - 1,
                    minc[ptr+i*3+1] - 1, minc[ptr+i*3+2] - 1);
        // Write solid brick member incidence data to output file
        ptr += ne_sh * 3;
        for (i = 0; i < ne_sbr; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", minc[ptr+i*8] - 1,
                    minc[ptr+i*8+1] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+2] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+3] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+4] - 1,
                    minc[ptr+i*8+5] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+6] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+7] - 1);
        // Write fluid brick member incidence data to output file
        ptr += ne_sbr * 8;
        for (i = 0; i < ne_fbr; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", minc[ptr+i*8] - 1,
                    minc[ptr+i*8+1] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+2] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+3] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+4] - 1,
                    minc[ptr+i*8+5] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+6] - 1, minc[ptr+i*8+7] - 1);
        fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
        // Write member incidence offset data to output file
        fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"offsets\">\n");
        for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld\n", i * 2 + 2);
        ptr = ne_tr * 2;
        for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld\n", ptr + i * 2 + 2);
        ptr += ne_fr * 2;
        for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld\n", ptr + i * 3 + 3);
        ptr += ne_sh * 3;
        for (i = 0; i < ne_sbr; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld\n", ptr + i * 8 + 8);
        ptr += ne_sbr * 8;
        for (i = 0; i < ne_fbr; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     %ld\n", ptr + i * 8 + 8);
        fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
        // Write cell type data to output file
        fprintf(ofp2, "    <DataArray type=\"UInt32\" Name=\"types\">\n");
        for (i = 0; i < ne_tr; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     3\n");
        for (i = 0; i < ne_fr; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     3\n");
        for (i = 0; i < ne_sh; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     5\n");
        for (i = 0; i < ne_sbr; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     12\n");
        for (i = 0; i < ne_fbr; ++i) {
            fprintf(ofp2, "     12\n");
        fprintf(ofp2, "    </DataArray>\n");
        // Write back matter for *.vtu file
        fprintf(ofp2, "   </Cells>\n");
        fprintf(ofp2, "  </Piece>\n");
        fprintf(ofp2, " </UnstructuredGrid>\n");
        fprintf(ofp2, "</VTKFile>\n");
        k++; // Increment step counter
        // Write *vtu file data to *.pvd file
        fprintf(ofp, "  <DataSet timestep=\"%ld\" part=\"0\"", k - 1);
        fprintf(ofp, " file=\"vtu_files/slave_%ld.vtu\"/>\n", k - 1);
    } while (getc(ifp[1]) != EOF);
    // Write back matter for *.pvd file
    fprintf(ofp, " </Collection>\n");
    fprintf(ofp, "</VTKFile>");
    return free_all (p2p2l, nl, p2p2d, nd);