int __cdecl compare(const void *arg1,const void *arg2) { FileName * File1; FileName * File2; INT ret; File1 = cmd_alloc(sizeof(FileName)); if (!File1) return 0; File2 = cmd_alloc(sizeof(FileName)); if (!File2) { cmd_free(File1); return 0; } memcpy(File1,arg1,sizeof(FileName)); memcpy(File2,arg2,sizeof(FileName)); /* ret = _tcsicmp(File1->Name, File2->Name); */ ret = lstrcmpi(File1->Name, File2->Name); cmd_free(File1); cmd_free(File2); return ret; }
static VOID PrintAlias (VOID) { LPTSTR Aliases; LPTSTR ptr; DWORD len; len = GetConsoleAliasesLength(_T("cmd.exe")); if (len == 0) return; /* allocate memory for an extra \0 char to make parsing easier */ ptr = cmd_alloc(len + sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!ptr) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for ptr!\n"); return; } Aliases = ptr; ZeroMemory(Aliases, len + sizeof(TCHAR)); if (GetConsoleAliases(Aliases, len, _T("cmd.exe")) != 0) { while (*Aliases != '\0') { ConOutPrintf(_T("%s\n"), Aliases); Aliases = Aliases + lstrlen(Aliases); Aliases++; } } cmd_free(ptr); }
VOID InitHistory(VOID) { size=0; Top = cmd_alloc(sizeof(HIST_ENTRY)); Bottom = cmd_alloc(sizeof(HIST_ENTRY)); Top->prev = Bottom; Top->next = NULL; Top->string = NULL; Bottom->prev = NULL; Bottom->next = Top; Bottom->string = NULL; curr_ptr=Bottom; }
static VOID add_at_bottom(LPTSTR string) { LPHIST_ENTRY tmp; /*delete first entry if maximum number of entries is reached*/ while(size>=max_size) del(Top->prev); while (_istspace(*string)) string++; if (*string==_T('\0')) return; /*if new entry is the same than the last do not add it*/ if(size) if(_tcscmp(string,Bottom->next->string)==0) return; /*fill bottom with string, it will become Bottom->next*/ Bottom->string=cmd_alloc((_tcslen(string)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); _tcscpy(Bottom->string,string); /*save Bottom value*/ tmp=Bottom; /*create new void Bottom*/ Bottom=cmd_alloc(sizeof(HIST_ENTRY)); Bottom->next=tmp; Bottom->prev=NULL; Bottom->string=NULL; tmp->prev=Bottom; /*set new size*/ size++; }
static VOID ConWrite(TCHAR *str, DWORD len, DWORD nStdHandle) { DWORD dwWritten; HANDLE hOutput = GetStdHandle(nStdHandle); if (WriteConsole(hOutput, str, len, &dwWritten, NULL)) return; /* We're writing to a file or pipe instead of the console. Convert the * string from TCHARs to the desired output format, if the two differ */ if (bUnicodeOutput) { #ifndef _UNICODE WCHAR *buffer = cmd_alloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!buffer) { error_out_of_memory(); return; } len = MultiByteToWideChar(OutputCodePage, 0, str, len, buffer, len); str = (PVOID)buffer; #endif WriteFile(hOutput, str, len * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); #ifndef _UNICODE cmd_free(buffer); #endif } else { #ifdef _UNICODE CHAR *buffer = cmd_alloc(len * MB_LEN_MAX * sizeof(CHAR)); if (!buffer) { error_out_of_memory(); return; } len = WideCharToMultiByte(OutputCodePage, 0, str, len, buffer, len * MB_LEN_MAX, NULL, NULL); str = (PVOID)buffer; #endif WriteFile(hOutput, str, len, &dwWritten, NULL); #ifdef _UNICODE cmd_free(buffer); #endif } }
static INT PrintAllAssociations() { DWORD return_val = 0; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD numKeys = 0; DWORD extLength = 0; LPTSTR extName = NULL; DWORD keyCtr = 0; return_val = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SOFTWARE\\Classes"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (return_val != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return -1; } return_val = RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &numKeys, &extLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (return_val != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return -2; } extLength++; extName = cmd_alloc(extLength * sizeof(TCHAR)); for(keyCtr = 0; keyCtr < numKeys; keyCtr++) { DWORD buffer_size = extLength; return_val = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, keyCtr, extName, &buffer_size, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (return_val == ERROR_SUCCESS || return_val == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { if (*extName == _T('.')) PrintAssociation(extName); } else { cmd_free(extName); RegCloseKey(hKey); return -1; } } RegCloseKey(hKey); if (extName) cmd_free(extName); return numKeys; }
bool ConsoleManager::RunCommand(char* buf) { if (strcmp(buf, "user") == 0) { go_user(); } //! exit command if (strcmp(buf, "exit") == 0) { return true; } //! clear screen else if (strcmp(buf, "cls") == 0) { console.Clear(); } //! help else if (strcmp(buf, "help") == 0) { console.Print("Orange OS Console Help\n"); console.Print(" - exit: quits and halts the system\n"); console.Print(" - cls: clears the display\n"); console.Print(" - help: displays this message\n"); console.Print(" - read: reads a file\n"); console.Print(" - reset: Resets and recalibrates floppy for reading\n"); console.Print(" - proc: Run process\n"); } //! read sector else if (strcmp(buf, "read") == 0) { cmd_read(); } else if (strcmp(buf, "memstate") == 0) { cmd_memstate(); } else if (strcmp(buf, "alloc") == 0) { cmd_alloc(); } else if (strcmp(buf, "memtask") == 0) { cmd_memtask(); } //! run process else if (strcmp(buf, "proc") == 0) { cmd_proc(); } else { console.Print("Unknown Command\n"); } return false; }
INT CommandAssoc (LPTSTR param) { /* print help */ if (!_tcsncmp (param, _T("/?"), 2)) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_ASSOC_HELP); return 0; } nErrorLevel = 0; if (_tcslen(param) == 0) PrintAllAssociations(); else { LPTSTR lpEqualSign = _tcschr(param, _T('=')); if (lpEqualSign != NULL) { LPTSTR fileType = lpEqualSign + 1; LPTSTR extension = cmd_alloc((lpEqualSign - param + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); _tcsncpy(extension, param, lpEqualSign - param); extension[lpEqualSign - param] = (TCHAR)0; if (_tcslen(fileType) == 0) /* if the equal sign is the last character in the string, then delete the key */ { RemoveAssociation(extension); } else /* otherwise, add the key and print out the association*/ { AddAssociation( extension, fileType); PrintAssociation(extension); } cmd_free(extension); } else { /* no equal sign, print all associations */ INT retval = PrintAssociation(param); if (retval == 0) /* if nothing printed out */ ConOutResPrintf(STRING_ASSOC_ERROR, param); } } return 0; }
INT cmd_path (LPTSTR param) { if (!_tcsncmp (param, _T("/?"), 2)) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_PATH_HELP1); return 0; } nErrorLevel = 0; /* if param is empty, display the PATH environment variable */ if (!param || !*param) { DWORD dwBuffer; LPTSTR pszBuffer; pszBuffer = (LPTSTR)cmd_alloc (ENV_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(TCHAR)); dwBuffer = GetEnvironmentVariable (_T("PATH"), pszBuffer, ENV_BUFFER_SIZE); if (dwBuffer == 0) { cmd_free(pszBuffer); ConOutResPrintf(STRING_VOL_HELP2, _T("PATH")); return 0; } else if (dwBuffer > ENV_BUFFER_SIZE) { pszBuffer = (LPTSTR)cmd_realloc (pszBuffer, dwBuffer * sizeof (TCHAR)); GetEnvironmentVariable (_T("PATH"), pszBuffer, dwBuffer); } ConOutPrintf (_T("PATH=%s\n"), pszBuffer); cmd_free (pszBuffer); return 0; } /* skip leading '=' */ if (*param == _T('=')) param++; /* set PATH environment variable */ if (!SetEnvironmentVariable (_T("PATH"), param)) { nErrorLevel = 1; return 1; } return 0; }
static void cmd_pool_oper(void) { int32_t ret = OPER_OK; printf("command pool test!\n"); if((ret = cmd_pool_create()) != OPER_OK) { printf("Create command pool fail!\n"); } else { cmd_t* cmd_buf[5]; int32_t i = 0; int32_t count = 0; printf("Create command pool success!!!\n"); memset(cmd_buf,0,sizeof(cmd_buf)); for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { printf("alloc \n"); if(cmd_alloc(&cmd_buf[i]) != OPER_OK) { printf("Alloc buffer fail : %d\n",i); count = i; break; } cmd_buf[i]->fd = i+1; strcpy((char*)cmd_buf[i]->data,"hello"); } printf("Alloc complete success!\n"); // if(i >= 5) count = i; for(i = 0 ; i < 5; i++) { printf("command %d fd : %d,data : %s\n",(i+1),cmd_buf[i]->fd,(char*)cmd_buf[i]->data); cmd_free(cmd_buf[i]); } if((ret = cmd_pool_destroy()) != OPER_OK) printf("command pool destroy fail, still in use\n"); else printf("command pool destroy success!\n"); } }
LPTSTR BatchParams (LPTSTR s1, LPTSTR s2) { LPTSTR dp = (LPTSTR)cmd_alloc ((_tcslen(s1) + _tcslen(s2) + 3) * sizeof (TCHAR)); /* JPP 20-Jul-1998 added error checking */ if (dp == NULL) { error_out_of_memory(); return NULL; } if (s1 && *s1) { s1 = _stpcpy (dp, s1); *s1++ = _T('\0'); } else s1 = dp; while (*s2) { BOOL inquotes = FALSE; /* Find next parameter */ while (_istspace(*s2) || (*s2 && _tcschr(_T(",;="), *s2))) s2++; if (!*s2) break; /* Copy it */ do { if (!inquotes && (_istspace(*s2) || _tcschr(_T(",;="), *s2))) break; inquotes ^= (*s2 == _T('"')); *s1++ = *s2++; } while (*s2); *s1++ = _T('\0'); } *s1 = _T('\0'); return dp; }
/* * Load batch file into memory * */ void BatchFile2Mem(HANDLE hBatchFile) { TRACE ("BatchFile2Mem ()\n"); bc->memsize = GetFileSize(hBatchFile, NULL); bc->mem = (char *)cmd_alloc(bc->memsize+1); /* 1 extra for '\0' */ /* if memory is available, read it in and close the file */ if (bc->mem != NULL) { TRACE ("BatchFile2Mem memory %08x - %08x\n",bc->mem,bc->memsize); SetFilePointer (hBatchFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadFile(hBatchFile, (LPVOID)bc->mem, bc->memsize, &bc->memsize, NULL); bc->mem[bc->memsize]='\0'; /* end this, so you can dump it as a string */ bc->memfree=TRUE; /* this one needs to be freed */ } else { bc->memsize=0; /* this will prevent mem being accessed */ bc->memfree=FALSE; } bc->mempos = 0; /* set position to the start */ }
VOID ConInString (LPTSTR lpInput, DWORD dwLength) { DWORD dwOldMode; DWORD dwRead = 0; HANDLE hFile; LPTSTR p; PCHAR pBuf; #ifdef _UNICODE pBuf = (PCHAR)cmd_alloc(dwLength - 1); #else pBuf = lpInput; #endif ZeroMemory (lpInput, dwLength * sizeof(TCHAR)); hFile = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE); GetConsoleMode (hFile, &dwOldMode); SetConsoleMode (hFile, ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT); ReadFile (hFile, (PVOID)pBuf, dwLength - 1, &dwRead, NULL); #ifdef _UNICODE MultiByteToWideChar(InputCodePage, 0, pBuf, dwRead, lpInput, dwLength - 1); cmd_free(pBuf); #endif for (p = lpInput; *p; p++) { if (*p == _T('\x0d')) { *p = _T('\0'); break; } } SetConsoleMode (hFile, dwOldMode); }
static INT PushDirectory (LPTSTR pszPath) { LPDIRENTRY lpDir = cmd_alloc(FIELD_OFFSET(DIRENTRY, szPath[_tcslen(pszPath) + 1])); if (!lpDir) { error_out_of_memory (); return -1; } lpDir->prev = NULL; lpDir->next = lpStackTop; if (lpStackTop == NULL) lpStackBottom = lpDir; else lpStackTop->prev = lpDir; lpStackTop = lpDir; _tcscpy(lpDir->szPath, pszPath); nStackDepth++; return nErrorLevel = 0; }
static VOID ConWrite(TCHAR *str, DWORD len, DWORD nStdHandle) { DWORD dwWritten; HANDLE hOutput = GetStdHandle(nStdHandle); PVOID p; /* Check whether we are writing to a console and if so, write to it */ if (IsConsoleHandle(hOutput)) { if (WriteConsole(hOutput, str, len, &dwWritten, NULL)) return; } /* We're writing to a file or pipe instead of the console. Convert the * string from TCHARs to the desired output format, if the two differ */ if (bUnicodeOutput) { #ifndef _UNICODE WCHAR *buffer = cmd_alloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!buffer) { error_out_of_memory(); return; } len = (DWORD)MultiByteToWideChar(OutputCodePage, 0, str, (INT)len, buffer, (INT)len); str = (PVOID)buffer; #endif /* * Find any newline character in the buffer, * send the part BEFORE the newline, then send * a carriage-return + newline, and then send * the remaining part of the buffer. * * This fixes output in files and serial console. */ while (str && *(PWCHAR)str && len > 0) { p = wcspbrk((PWCHAR)str, L"\r\n"); if (p) { len -= ((PWCHAR)p - (PWCHAR)str) + 1; WriteFile(hOutput, str, ((PWCHAR)p - (PWCHAR)str) * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); WriteFile(hOutput, L"\r\n", 2 * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); str = (PVOID)((PWCHAR)p + 1); } else { WriteFile(hOutput, str, len * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); break; } } // WriteFile(hOutput, str, len * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); #ifndef _UNICODE cmd_free(buffer); #endif } else { #ifdef _UNICODE CHAR *buffer = cmd_alloc(len * MB_LEN_MAX * sizeof(CHAR)); if (!buffer) { error_out_of_memory(); return; } len = WideCharToMultiByte(OutputCodePage, 0, str, len, buffer, len * MB_LEN_MAX, NULL, NULL); str = (PVOID)buffer; #endif /* * Find any newline character in the buffer, * send the part BEFORE the newline, then send * a carriage-return + newline, and then send * the remaining part of the buffer. * * This fixes output in files and serial console. */ while (str && *(PCHAR)str && len > 0) { p = strpbrk((PCHAR)str, "\r\n"); if (p) { len -= ((PCHAR)p - (PCHAR)str) + 1; WriteFile(hOutput, str, ((PCHAR)p - (PCHAR)str), &dwWritten, NULL); WriteFile(hOutput, "\r\n", 2, &dwWritten, NULL); str = (PVOID)((PCHAR)p + 1); } else { WriteFile(hOutput, str, len, &dwWritten, NULL); break; } } // WriteFile(hOutput, str, len, &dwWritten, NULL); #ifdef _UNICODE cmd_free(buffer); #endif } }
/* ** Perform a reduce action and the shift that must immediately ** follow the reduce. */ static void yy_reduce( yyParser *yypParser, /* The parser */ int yyruleno /* Number of the rule by which to reduce */ ){ int yygoto; /* The next state */ int yyact; /* The next action */ YYMINORTYPE yygotominor; /* The LHS of the rule reduced */ yyStackEntry *yymsp; /* The top of the parser's stack */ int yysize; /* Amount to pop the stack */ LineParserARG_FETCH; yymsp = &yypParser->yystack[yypParser->yyidx]; #ifndef NDEBUG if( yyTraceFILE && yyruleno>=0 && yyruleno<(int)(sizeof(yyRuleName)/sizeof(yyRuleName[0])) ){ fprintf(yyTraceFILE, "%sReduce [%s].\n", yyTracePrompt, yyRuleName[yyruleno]); } #endif /* NDEBUG */ /* Silence complaints from purify about yygotominor being uninitialized ** in some cases when it is copied into the stack after the following ** switch. yygotominor is uninitialized when a rule reduces that does ** not set the value of its left-hand side nonterminal. Leaving the ** value of the nonterminal uninitialized is utterly harmless as long ** as the value is never used. So really the only thing this code ** accomplishes is to quieten purify. ** ** 2007-01-16: The wireshark project ( reports that ** without this code, their parser segfaults. I'm not sure what there ** parser is doing to make this happen. This is the second bug report ** from wireshark this week. Clearly they are stressing Lemon in ways ** that it has not been previously stressed... (SQLite ticket #2172) */ /*memset(&yygotominor, 0, sizeof(yygotominor));*/ yygotominor = yyzerominor; switch( yyruleno ){ /* Beginning here are the reduction cases. A typical example ** follows: ** case 0: ** #line <lineno> <grammarfile> ** { ... } // User supplied code ** #line <lineno> <thisfile> ** break; */ case 0: /* redirection ::= REDIRECT_INPUT_FROM_FILE ARGUMENT */ #line 51 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy4 = redir_alloc(); BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy4->left_fd = redir_parse_left_fd(yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 1, STDIN_FILENO); yygotominor.yy4->type = REDIRECT_INPUT_FROM_FILE; yygotominor.yy4->right_file = yymsp[0].minor.yy0; } #line 770 "line_parser.c" break; case 1: /* redirection ::= REDIRECT_INPUT_FROM_FILE_DESCRIPTOR ARGUMENT */ #line 59 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy4 = redir_alloc(); BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy4->left_fd = redir_parse_left_fd(yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 2, STDIN_FILENO); yygotominor.yy4->type = REDIRECT_INPUT_FROM_FILE_DESCRIPTOR; yygotominor.yy4->right_fd = redir_parse_fd(yymsp[0].minor.yy0); free(yymsp[0].minor.yy0); } #line 783 "line_parser.c" break; case 2: /* redirection ::= REDIRECT_OUTPUT_TO_FILE ARGUMENT */ #line 68 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy4 = redir_alloc(); BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy4->left_fd = redir_parse_left_fd(yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 1, STDOUT_FILENO); yygotominor.yy4->type = REDIRECT_OUTPUT_TO_FILE; yygotominor.yy4->right_file = yymsp[0].minor.yy0; } #line 795 "line_parser.c" break; case 3: /* redirection ::= REDIRECT_OUTPUT_TO_FILE_DESCRIPTOR ARGUMENT */ #line 76 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy4 = redir_alloc(); BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy4->left_fd = redir_parse_left_fd(yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 2, STDOUT_FILENO); yygotominor.yy4->type = REDIRECT_OUTPUT_TO_FILE_DESCRIPTOR; yygotominor.yy4->right_fd = redir_parse_fd(yymsp[0].minor.yy0); free(yymsp[0].minor.yy0); } #line 808 "line_parser.c" break; case 4: /* redirection ::= REDIRECT_OUTPUT_APPEND_TO_FILE ARGUMENT */ #line 85 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy4 = redir_alloc(); BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy4->left_fd = redir_parse_left_fd(yymsp[-1].minor.yy0, 2, STDOUT_FILENO); yygotominor.yy4->type = REDIRECT_OUTPUT_APPEND_TO_FILE; yygotominor.yy4->right_file = yymsp[0].minor.yy0; } #line 820 "line_parser.c" break; case 5: /* command ::= ARGUMENT */ #line 94 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy2 = cmd_alloc(); BREAK_IF_ERRNO strarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy2->args), yymsp[0].minor.yy0); } #line 830 "line_parser.c" break; case 6: /* command ::= redirection */ #line 100 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy2 = cmd_alloc(); BREAK_IF_ERRNO ptrarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy2->redirs), yymsp[0].minor.yy4); } #line 840 "line_parser.c" break; case 7: /* command ::= command ARGUMENT */ #line 106 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy2 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy2; strarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy2->args), yymsp[0].minor.yy0); } #line 849 "line_parser.c" break; case 8: /* command ::= command redirection */ #line 111 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy2 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy2; ptrarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy2->redirs), yymsp[0].minor.yy4); } #line 858 "line_parser.c" break; case 9: /* commandList ::= command */ #line 117 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy13 = cmd_list_alloc(); BREAK_IF_ERRNO ptrarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy13->cmds), yymsp[0].minor.yy2); } #line 868 "line_parser.c" break; case 10: /* commandList ::= commandList PIPE command */ #line 123 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy13 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy13; intarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy13->ops), PIPE); ptrarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy13->cmds), yymsp[0].minor.yy2); yy_destructor(yypParser,7,&yymsp[-1].minor); } #line 879 "line_parser.c" break; case 11: /* commandList ::= commandList OR command */ #line 129 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy13 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy13; intarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy13->ops), OR); ptrarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy13->cmds), yymsp[0].minor.yy2); yy_destructor(yypParser,8,&yymsp[-1].minor); } #line 890 "line_parser.c" break; case 12: /* commandList ::= commandList AND command */ #line 135 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy13 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy13; intarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy13->ops), AND); ptrarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy13->cmds), yymsp[0].minor.yy2); yy_destructor(yypParser,9,&yymsp[-1].minor); } #line 901 "line_parser.c" break; case 13: /* commandList ::= commandList BACKGROUND command */ #line 141 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy13 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy13; intarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy13->ops), BACKGROUND); ptrarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy13->cmds), yymsp[0].minor.yy2); yy_destructor(yypParser,10,&yymsp[-1].minor); } #line 912 "line_parser.c" break; case 14: /* commandList ::= commandList BACKGROUND */ #line 147 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy13 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy13; intarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy13->ops), BACKGROUND); yy_destructor(yypParser,10,&yymsp[0].minor); } #line 922 "line_parser.c" break; case 15: /* commandList ::= commandList SEMICOLON command */ #line 152 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy13 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy13; intarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy13->ops), SEMICOLON); ptrarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy13->cmds), yymsp[0].minor.yy2); yy_destructor(yypParser,11,&yymsp[-1].minor); } #line 933 "line_parser.c" break; case 16: /* commandList ::= commandList SEMICOLON */ #line 158 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO yygotominor.yy13 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy13; intarr_append(&(yygotominor.yy13->ops), SEMICOLON); yy_destructor(yypParser,11,&yymsp[0].minor); } #line 943 "line_parser.c" break; case 17: /* start ::= commandList */ #line 164 "line_parser.y" { BREAK_IF_ERRNO // Save our AST from being freed by Lemon! *cmd_list_p = yymsp[0].minor.yy13; } #line 952 "line_parser.c" break; default: break; }; yygoto = yyRuleInfo[yyruleno].lhs; yysize = yyRuleInfo[yyruleno].nrhs; yypParser->yyidx -= yysize; yyact = yy_find_reduce_action(yymsp[-yysize].stateno,(YYCODETYPE)yygoto); if( yyact < YYNSTATE ){ #ifdef NDEBUG /* If we are not debugging and the reduce action popped at least ** one element off the stack, then we can push the new element back ** onto the stack here, and skip the stack overflow test in yy_shift(). ** That gives a significant speed improvement. */ if( yysize ){ yypParser->yyidx++; yymsp -= yysize-1; yymsp->stateno = (YYACTIONTYPE)yyact; yymsp->major = (YYCODETYPE)yygoto; yymsp->minor = yygotominor; }else #endif { yy_shift(yypParser,yyact,yygoto,&yygotominor); } }else{ assert( yyact == YYNSTATE + YYNRULE + 1 ); yy_accept(yypParser); } }
/* * DirReadParameters * * Parse the parameters and switches of the command line and exports them */ static BOOL DirReadParam(LPTSTR Line, /* [IN] The line with the parameters & switches */ LPTSTR** params, /* [OUT] The parameters after parsing */ LPINT entries, /* [OUT] The number of parameters after parsing */ LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS lpFlags) /* [IN/OUT] The flags after calculating switches */ { TCHAR cCurSwitch; /* The current switch */ TCHAR cCurChar; /* Current examing character */ TCHAR cCurUChar; /* Current upper examing character */ BOOL bNegative; /* Negative switch */ BOOL bPNegative; /* Negative switch parameter */ BOOL bIntoQuotes; /* A flag showing if we are in quotes (") */ LPTSTR ptrStart; /* A pointer to the first character of a parameter */ LPTSTR ptrEnd; /* A pointer to the last character of a parameter */ BOOL bOrderByNoPar; /* A flag to indicate /O with no switch parameter */ LPTSTR temp; /* Initialize parameter array */ *params = NULL; *entries = 0; /* Initialize variables; */ cCurSwitch = _T(' '); bNegative = FALSE; bPNegative = FALSE; /* We suppose that switch parameters were given to avoid setting them to default if the switch was not given */ bOrderByNoPar = FALSE; /* Main Loop (see README_DIR.txt) */ /* scan the command line char per char, and we process its char */ while (*Line) { /* we save current character as it is and its upper case */ cCurChar = *Line; cCurUChar = _totupper(*Line); /* 1st section (see README_DIR.txt) */ /* When a switch is expecting */ if (cCurSwitch == _T('/')) { while (*Line == _T(' ')) Line++; bNegative = (*Line == _T('-')); Line += bNegative; cCurChar = *Line; cCurUChar = _totupper(*Line); if ((cCurUChar == _T('A')) ||(cCurUChar == _T('T')) || (cCurUChar == _T('O'))) { /* If positive, prepare for parameters... if negative, reset to defaults */ switch (cCurUChar) { case _T('A'): lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal = 0L; lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask = 0L; if (bNegative) lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; break; case _T('T'): if (bNegative) lpFlags->stTimeField.eTimeField = TF_MODIFIEDDATE; break; case _T('O'): bOrderByNoPar = !bNegative; lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount = 0; break; } if (!bNegative) { /* Positive switch, so it can take parameters. */ cCurSwitch = cCurUChar; Line++; /* Skip optional leading colon */ if (*Line == _T(':')) Line++; continue; } } else if (cCurUChar == _T('L')) lpFlags->bLowerCase = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('B')) lpFlags->bBareFormat = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('C')) lpFlags->bTSeperator = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('W')) lpFlags->bWideList = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('D')) lpFlags->bWideListColSort = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('N')) lpFlags->bNewLongList = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('P')) lpFlags->bPause = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('Q')) lpFlags->bUser = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('S')) lpFlags->bRecursive = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('X')) lpFlags->bShortName = ! bNegative; else if (cCurChar == _T('4')) lpFlags->b4Digit = ! bNegative; else if (cCurChar == _T('?')) { DirHelp(); return FALSE; } else { error_invalid_switch ((TCHAR)_totupper (*Line)); return FALSE; } /* Make sure there's no extra characters at the end of the switch */ if (Line[1] && Line[1] != _T('/') && Line[1] != _T(' ')) { error_parameter_format(Line[1]); return FALSE; } cCurSwitch = _T(' '); } else if (cCurSwitch == _T(' ')) { /* 2nd section (see README_DIR.txt) */ /* We are expecting parameter or the unknown */ if (cCurChar == _T('/')) cCurSwitch = _T('/'); else if (cCurChar == _T(' ')) /* do nothing */; else { /* This is a file/directory name parameter. Find its end */ ptrStart = Line; bIntoQuotes = FALSE; while (*Line) { if (!bIntoQuotes && (*Line == _T('/') || *Line == _T(' '))) break; bIntoQuotes ^= (*Line == _T('"')); Line++; } ptrEnd = Line; /* Copy it to the entries list */ temp = cmd_alloc((ptrEnd - ptrStart + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); if(!temp) return FALSE; memcpy(temp, ptrStart, (ptrEnd - ptrStart) * sizeof (TCHAR)); temp[ptrEnd - ptrStart] = _T('\0'); StripQuotes(temp); if(!add_entry(entries, params, temp)) { cmd_free(temp); freep(*params); return FALSE; } cmd_free(temp); continue; } } else { /* 3rd section (see README_DIR.txt) */ /* We are waiting for switch parameters */ /* Check if there are no more switch parameters */ if ((cCurChar == _T('/')) || ( cCurChar == _T(' '))) { /* Wrong desicion path, reprocess current character */ cCurSwitch = _T(' '); continue; } /* Process parameter switch */ switch(cCurSwitch) { case _T('A'): /* Switch parameters for /A (attributes filter) */ if(cCurChar == _T('-')) bPNegative = TRUE; else if(cCurUChar == _T('D')) { lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; if (bPNegative) lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; else lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; } else if(cCurUChar == _T('R')) { lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; if (bPNegative) lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; else lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; } else if(cCurUChar == _T('H')) { lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; if (bPNegative) lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; else lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; } else if(cCurUChar == _T('A')) { lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; if (bPNegative) lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; else lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; } else if(cCurUChar == _T('S')) { lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; if (bPNegative) lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; else lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; } else { error_parameter_format((TCHAR)_totupper (*Line)); return FALSE; } break; case _T('T'): /* Switch parameters for /T (time field) */ if(cCurUChar == _T('C')) lpFlags->stTimeField.eTimeField= TF_CREATIONDATE ; else if(cCurUChar == _T('A')) lpFlags->stTimeField.eTimeField= TF_LASTACCESSEDDATE ; else if(cCurUChar == _T('W')) lpFlags->stTimeField.eTimeField= TF_MODIFIEDDATE ; else { error_parameter_format((TCHAR)_totupper (*Line)); return FALSE; } break; case _T('O'): /* Switch parameters for /O (order) */ /* Ok a switch parameter was given */ bOrderByNoPar = FALSE; if(cCurChar == _T('-')) bPNegative = TRUE; else if(cCurUChar == _T('N')) { if (lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount < 3) lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount++; lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = bPNegative; lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = ORDER_NAME; } else if(cCurUChar == _T('S')) { if (lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount < 3) lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount++; lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = bPNegative; lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = ORDER_SIZE; } else if(cCurUChar == _T('G')) { if (lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount < 3) lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount++; lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = bPNegative; lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = ORDER_DIRECTORY; } else if(cCurUChar == _T('E')) { if (lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount < 3) lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount++; lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = bPNegative; lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = ORDER_EXTENSION; } else if(cCurUChar == _T('D')) { if (lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount < 3) lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount++; lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = bPNegative; lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = ORDER_TIME; } else { error_parameter_format((TCHAR)_totupper (*Line)); return FALSE; } } /* We check if we calculated the negative value and realese the flag */ if ((cCurChar != _T('-')) && bPNegative) bPNegative = FALSE; } Line++; } /* /O with no switch parameters acts like /O:GN */ if (bOrderByNoPar) { lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount = 2; lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[0] = ORDER_DIRECTORY; lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[0] = FALSE; lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[1] = ORDER_NAME; lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[1] = FALSE; } return TRUE; }
INT cmd_copy(LPTSTR param) { LPTSTR *arg; INT argc, i, nFiles, nOverwrite = 0, nSrc = -1, nDes = -1; /* this is the path up to the folder of the src and dest ie C:\windows\ */ TCHAR szDestPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szSrcPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwFlags = 0; /* If this is the type of copy where we are adding files */ BOOL bAppend = FALSE; WIN32_FIND_DATA findBuffer; HANDLE hFile = NULL; BOOL bTouch = FALSE; /* Used when something like "copy c*.exe d*.exe" during the process of figuring out the new name */ /* Pointer to keep track of how far through the append input(file1+file2+file3) we are */ TCHAR * appendPointer = _T("\0"); /* The full path to src and dest. This has drive letter, folders, and filename */ TCHAR tmpDestPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR tmpSrcPath[MAX_PATH]; /* A bool on weather or not the destination name will be taking from the input */ BOOL bSrcName = FALSE; /* Seems like a waste but it is a pointer used to copy from input to PreserveName */ TCHAR * UseThisName; /* for CMDCOPY env */ TCHAR *evar; int size; TCHAR * szTouch; BOOL bHasWildcard, bDone = FALSE, bMoreFiles = FALSE; BOOL bMultipleSource = FALSE, bMultipleDest = FALSE; /* Show help/usage info */ if (!_tcsncmp(param, _T("/?"), 2)) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE, STRING_COPY_HELP2); return 0; } nErrorLevel = 0; /* Get the envor value if it exists */ evar = cmd_alloc(512 * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (evar == NULL) size = 0; else size = GetEnvironmentVariable (_T("COPYCMD"), evar, 512); if (size > 512) { TCHAR *old_evar = evar; evar = cmd_realloc(evar,size * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (evar!=NULL) size = GetEnvironmentVariable (_T("COPYCMD"), evar, size); else { size=0; evar = old_evar; } } /* check see if we did get any env variable */ if (size != 0) { int t = 0; /* scan and set the flags */ for (t = 0; t < size; t++) { if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/A"),&evar[t],2) == 0) { dwFlags |=COPY_ASCII; t++; } else if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/B"),&evar[t],2) == 0) { dwFlags |= COPY_BINARY; t++; } else if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/D"),&evar[t],2) == 0) { dwFlags |= COPY_DECRYPT; t++; } else if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/V"),&evar[t],2) == 0) { dwFlags |= COPY_VERIFY; t++; } else if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/N"),&evar[t],2) == 0) { dwFlags |= COPY_SHORTNAME; t++; } else if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/Y"),&evar[t],2) == 0) { dwFlags |= COPY_NO_PROMPT; t++; } else if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/-Y"),&evar[t],3) == 0) { dwFlags |= COPY_PROMPT; t+=2; } else if (_tcsncicmp(_T("/Z"),&evar[t],2) == 0) { dwFlags |= COPY_PROMPT; t++; } } } cmd_free(evar); /* Split the user input into array */ arg = split(param, &argc, FALSE, TRUE); nFiles = argc; /* Read switches and count files */ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (*arg[i] == _T('/')) { if (_tcslen(arg[i]) >= 2) { switch (_totupper(arg[i][1])) { case _T('A'): dwFlags |= COPY_ASCII; break; case _T('B'): dwFlags |= COPY_BINARY; break; case _T('D'): dwFlags |= COPY_DECRYPT; break; case _T('V'): dwFlags |= COPY_VERIFY; break; case _T('N'): dwFlags |= COPY_SHORTNAME; break; case _T('Y'): dwFlags |= COPY_NO_PROMPT; dwFlags &= ~COPY_PROMPT; break; case _T('-'): if (_tcslen(arg[i]) >= 3) if (_totupper(arg[i][2]) == _T('Y')) { dwFlags &= ~COPY_NO_PROMPT; dwFlags |= COPY_PROMPT; } break; case _T('Z'): dwFlags |= COPY_RESTART; break; default: /* Invalid switch */ ConOutResPrintf(STRING_ERROR_INVALID_SWITCH, _totupper(arg[i][1])); nErrorLevel = 1; freep (arg); return 1; break; } } /* If it was a switch, subtract from total arguments */ nFiles--; } else { /* If it isn't a switch then it is the source or destination */ if (nSrc == -1) { nSrc = i; } else if (*arg[i] == _T('+')) { /* Next file should be appended */ bMoreFiles = TRUE; nFiles -= 1; } else if (bMoreFiles) { /* Add this file to the source string this way we can do all checks directly on source string later on */ TCHAR * ptr; int length = (_tcslen(arg[nSrc]) + _tcslen(arg[i]) + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR); ptr = cmd_alloc(length); if (ptr) { _tcscpy(ptr, arg[nSrc]); _tcscat(ptr, _T("|")); _tcscat(ptr, arg[i]); cmd_free(arg[nSrc]); arg[nSrc] = ptr; nFiles -= 1; } bMoreFiles = FALSE; } else if (nDes == -1) { nDes = i; } } } /* keep quiet within batch files */ if (bc != NULL) { dwFlags |= COPY_NO_PROMPT; dwFlags &= ~COPY_PROMPT; } if (nFiles < 1) { /* There are not enough files, there has to be at least 1 */ ConOutResPuts(STRING_ERROR_REQ_PARAM_MISSING); freep(arg); return 1; } if (nFiles > 2) { /* There are too many file names in command */ ConErrResPrintf(STRING_ERROR_TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS,_T("")); nErrorLevel = 1; freep(arg); return 1; } if ((_tcschr(arg[nSrc], _T('|')) != NULL) || (_tcschr(arg[nSrc], _T('*')) != NULL) || (_tcschr(arg[nSrc], _T('?')) != NULL) || IsExistingDirectory(arg[nSrc])) { bMultipleSource = TRUE; } /* Reusing the number of files variable */ nFiles = 0; /* Check if no destination argument is passed */ if (nDes == -1) { /* If no destination was entered then just use the current directory as the destination */ GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szDestPath); } else { /* Check if the destination is 'x:' */ if ((arg[nDes][1] == _T(':')) && (arg[nDes][2] == _T('\0'))) { GetRootPath(arg[nDes], szDestPath, MAX_PATH); } else { /* If the user entered two file names then form the full string path */ GetFullPathName(arg[nDes], MAX_PATH, szDestPath, NULL); } /* Make sure there is an ending slash to the path if the dest is a folder */ if ((_tcschr(szDestPath, _T('*')) == NULL) && IsExistingDirectory(szDestPath)) { bMultipleDest = TRUE; if (szDestPath[_tcslen(szDestPath) - 1] != _T('\\')) _tcscat(szDestPath, _T("\\")); } /* Check if the destination uses wildcards */ if ((_tcschr(arg[nDes], _T('*')) != NULL) || (_tcschr(arg[nDes], _T('?')) != NULL)) { bMultipleDest = TRUE; } } if (nDes != -1) /* you can only append files when there is a destination */ { if (bMultipleSource && !bMultipleDest) { /* We have multiple source files, but not multiple destination files. This means we are appending the soruce files. */ bAppend = TRUE; if (_tcschr(arg[nSrc], _T('|')) != NULL) appendPointer = arg[nSrc]; } } /* Save the name the user entered */ UseThisName = _tcsrchr(szDestPath,_T('\\')); if (UseThisName) { /* Split the name from the path */ *UseThisName++ = _T('\0'); /* Check if the dest path ends with '\*' or '\' */ if (((UseThisName[0] == _T('*')) && (UseThisName[1] == _T('\0'))) || (UseThisName[0] == _T('\0'))) { /* In this case we will be using the same name as the source file for the destination file because destination is a folder */ bSrcName = TRUE; UseThisName = NULL; } } else { /* Something's seriously wrong! */ UseThisName = szDestPath; } do { /* Get the full string of the path to the source file */ if (_tcschr(arg[nSrc], _T('|')) != NULL) { /* Reset the source path */ szSrcPath[0] = _T('\0'); /* Loop through the source file name and copy all the chars one at a time until it gets too + */ while(TRUE) { if (appendPointer[0] == _T('|')) { /* Skip the | and go to the next file name */ appendPointer++; break; } else if (appendPointer[0] == _T('\0')) { bDone = TRUE; break; } _tcsncat(szSrcPath, appendPointer, 1); appendPointer++; } if (_tcschr(arg[nSrc], _T(',')) != NULL) { /* Only time there is a , in the source is when they are using touch Cant have a destination and can only have on ,, at the end of the string Cant have more then one file name */ szTouch = _tcsstr(arg[nSrc], _T("|")); if (_tcsncmp(szTouch,_T("|,,\0"), 4) || (nDes != -1)) { ConErrResPrintf(STRING_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_FORMAT,arg[nSrc]); nErrorLevel = 1; freep (arg); return 1; } bTouch = TRUE; bDone = TRUE; } } else { bDone = TRUE; _tcscpy(szSrcPath, arg[nSrc]); } /* "x:" is not a valid source path format. */ if ((szSrcPath[1] == _T(':')) && (szSrcPath[2] == _T('\0'))) { ConOutPrintf(_T("%s\n"), szSrcPath); ConOutFormatMessage(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, szSrcPath); nErrorLevel = 1; break; } /* From this point on, we can assume that the shortest path is 3 letters long and that would be [DriveLetter]:\ */ /* Check if the path has a wildcard */ bHasWildcard = (_tcschr(szSrcPath, _T('*')) != NULL); /* If there is no * in the path name and it is a folder then we will need to add a wildcard to the pathname so FindFirstFile comes up with all the files in that folder */ if (!bHasWildcard && IsExistingDirectory(szSrcPath)) { /* If it doesnt have a \ at the end already then on needs to be added */ if (szSrcPath[_tcslen(szSrcPath) - 1] != _T('\\')) _tcscat(szSrcPath, _T("\\")); _tcscat(szSrcPath, _T("*")); bHasWildcard = TRUE; } /* If the path ends with '\' add a wildcard at the end */ if (szSrcPath[_tcslen(szSrcPath) - 1] == _T('\\')) { _tcscat(szSrcPath, _T("*")); bHasWildcard = TRUE; } /* Get a list of all the files */ hFile = FindFirstFile(szSrcPath, &findBuffer); /* If it couldnt open the file handle, print out the error */ if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { /* only print source name when more then one file */ if (bMultipleSource) ConOutPrintf(_T("%s\n"), szSrcPath); ConOutFormatMessage(GetLastError(), szSrcPath); freep(arg); nErrorLevel = 1; return 1; } /* Strip the paths back to the folder they are in */ for (i = (_tcslen(szSrcPath) - 1); i > -1; i--) if (szSrcPath[i] != _T('\\')) szSrcPath[i] = _T('\0'); else break; do { /* Check Breaker */ if (CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT)) { FindClose(hFile); freep(arg); return 1; } /* Set the override to yes each new file */ nOverwrite = 1; /* Ignore the . and .. files */ if (!_tcscmp(findBuffer.cFileName, _T(".")) || !_tcscmp(findBuffer.cFileName, _T("..")) || findBuffer.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { continue; } /* Copy the base folder over to a tmp string */ _tcscpy(tmpDestPath, szDestPath); _tcscat(tmpDestPath, _T("\\")); /* Can't put a file into a folder that isn't there */ if (_tcscmp(tmpDestPath, _T("\\\\.\\")) && !IsExistingDirectory(tmpDestPath)) { FindClose(hFile); ConOutFormatMessage(GetLastError(), szSrcPath); freep(arg); nErrorLevel = 1; return 1; } /* Copy over the destination path name */ if (bSrcName) _tcscat(tmpDestPath, findBuffer.cFileName); else { /* If there is no wildcard you can use the name the user entered */ if ((_tcschr(UseThisName, _T('*')) == NULL) && (_tcschr(UseThisName, _T('?')) == NULL)) { _tcscat(tmpDestPath, UseThisName); } else { TCHAR DoneFile[MAX_PATH]; BuildFileName(findBuffer.cFileName, UseThisName, DoneFile); /* Add the filename to the tmp string path */ _tcscat(tmpDestPath, DoneFile); } } /* Build the string path to the source file */ _tcscpy(tmpSrcPath,szSrcPath); _tcscat (tmpSrcPath, findBuffer.cFileName); /* Check to see if the file is the same file */ if (!bTouch && !_tcscmp(tmpSrcPath, tmpDestPath)) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_COPY_ERROR2); nErrorLevel = 1; break; } /* only print source name when more then one file */ if (bMultipleSource) ConOutPrintf(_T("%s\n"), tmpSrcPath); /* Handle any overriding / prompting that needs to be done */ if (((!(dwFlags & COPY_NO_PROMPT) && IsExistingFile (tmpDestPath)) || dwFlags & COPY_PROMPT) && !bTouch) nOverwrite = CopyOverwrite(tmpDestPath); if (nOverwrite == PROMPT_NO || nOverwrite == PROMPT_BREAK) continue; if (nOverwrite == PROMPT_ALL || (nOverwrite == PROMPT_YES && bAppend)) dwFlags |= COPY_NO_PROMPT; /* Tell weather the copy was successful or not */ if (copy(tmpSrcPath,tmpDestPath, bAppend, dwFlags, bTouch)) { nFiles++; //LoadString(CMD_ModuleHandle, STRING_MOVE_ERROR1, szMsg, RC_STRING_MAX_SIZE); } else { /* print out the error message */ ConOutResPrintf(STRING_COPY_ERROR3); ConOutFormatMessage (GetLastError(), szSrcPath); nErrorLevel = 1; } /* Loop through all wildcard files */ } while (FindNextFile(hFile, &findBuffer)); /* Loop through all files in src string with a + */ } while(!bDone); /* print out the number of files copied */ ConOutResPrintf(STRING_COPY_FILE, bAppend ? 1 : nFiles); if (hFile) FindClose(hFile); if (arg != NULL) freep(arg); return 0; }
command_t * cmd_parse(parsestate_t *parsestate) { int i = 0; command_t *cmd = cmd_alloc(); if (!cmd) return NULL; while (1) { // Read the next token from 'parsestate'. token_t token; parse_gettoken(parsestate, &token); // Normal tokens go in the cmd->argv[] array. // Redirection file names go into cmd->redirect_filename[]. // Open parenthesis tokens indicate a subshell command. // Other tokens complete the current command // and are not actually part of it; // we use parse_ungettoken() to save those tokens for later. switch (token.type) { case TOK_NORMAL: // Overflow on normal tokens if (i >= MAXTOKENS || cmd->subshell) goto error; cmd->argv[i] = strdup(token.buffer); i++; break; case TOK_LESS_THAN: case TOK_GREATER_THAN: case TOK_2_GREATER_THAN: { int fd = token.type - TOK_LESS_THAN; // Can't redirect nothing if (i == 0 && !cmd->subshell) goto error; // Redirection tokens (<, >, 2>) must be followed by // TOK_NORMAL tokens containing file names. parse_gettoken(parsestate, &token); if (token.type != TOK_NORMAL) goto error; free(cmd->redirect_filename[fd]); cmd->redirect_filename[fd] = strdup(token.buffer); break; } case TOK_OPEN_PAREN: // EXERCISE: Handle parentheses. // NOTE the following: // --Parentheses in the shell do not act like // mathematical parentheses. // --In particular, a parenthesized subcommand cannot // be part of the same command as other normal tokens. // For example, "echo ( echo foo )", // "( echo foo ) echo", and // "(echo foo) (echo foo)" // // are all syntax errors. (You should figure out // exactly how to check for this kind of error. Try // interacting with the actual 'bash' shell for some // ideas.) // // Some hints for the code: // --An open parenthesis should recursively call // cmd_line_parse(). The command_t structure has a slot // you can use. // --'goto error' when you encounter an error, // which frees the current command and returns NULL. // --You will need to adjust the logic in the "done:" // block, below. Otherwise, a subshell will be regarded as // an error (why?) // --You don't have to write a lot of code here, but // you will have to understand how the pieces that you // have been given fit together. (It may be helpful to // look over cmdparse.h again.) /* Your code here. */ cmd->subshell = cmd_line_parse(parsestate, 1); if(!cmd->subshell){ goto error; } break; default: parse_ungettoken(parsestate); goto done; } } done: // NULL-terminate the argv list cmd->argv[i] = 0; if (i == 0 && !cmd->subshell) { /* Empty command */ cmd_free(cmd); return NULL; } else return cmd; error: cmd_free(cmd); return NULL; }
bool workflow_try_compile( workflow_type * script , const subst_list_type * context) { if (util_file_exists( script->src_file )) { const char * src_file = script->src_file; char * tmp_file = NULL; bool update = false; if (context != NULL) { tmp_file = util_alloc_tmp_file("/tmp" , "ert-workflow" , false ); update = subst_list_filter_file( context , script->src_file , tmp_file ); if (update) { script->compiled = false; src_file = tmp_file; } else { remove( tmp_file ); free( tmp_file ); tmp_file = NULL; } } { time_t src_mtime = util_file_mtime( script->src_file ); if (script->compiled) { if (util_difftime_seconds( src_mtime , script->compile_time ) > 0 ) return true; else { // Script has been compiled succesfully, but then changed afterwards. // We try to recompile; if that fails we are left with 'nothing'. } } } { // Try to compile config_parser_type * config_compiler = workflow_joblist_get_compiler( script->joblist ); script->compiled = false; workflow_clear( script ); { config_content_type * content = config_parse( config_compiler , src_file , WORKFLOW_COMMENT_STRING , WORKFLOW_INCLUDE , NULL , CONFIG_UNRECOGNIZED_ERROR , true ); if (config_content_is_valid( content )) { int cmd_line; for (cmd_line = 0; cmd_line < config_content_get_size(content); cmd_line++) { const config_content_node_type * node = config_content_iget_node( content , cmd_line ); const char * jobname = config_content_node_get_kw( node ); const workflow_job_type * job = workflow_joblist_get_job( script->joblist , jobname ); cmd_type * cmd = cmd_alloc( job , config_content_node_get_stringlist( node )); workflow_add_cmd( script , cmd ); } script->compiled = true; } else workflow_store_error( script , config_content_get_errors( content )); config_content_free( content ); } } if (tmp_file != NULL) { if (script->compiled) remove( tmp_file ); free( tmp_file ); } } // It is legal to remove the script after successfull compilation but // then the context will not be applied at subsequent invocations. return script->compiled; }
BOOL SearchForExecutable (LPCTSTR pFileName, LPTSTR pFullName) { static TCHAR pszDefaultPathExt[] = _T(".com;.exe;.bat;.cmd"); LPTSTR pszPathExt, pszPath; LPTSTR pCh; DWORD dwBuffer; TRACE ("SearchForExecutable: \'%s\'\n", debugstr_aw(pFileName)); /* load environment variable PATHEXT */ pszPathExt = (LPTSTR)cmd_alloc (ENV_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(TCHAR)); dwBuffer = GetEnvironmentVariable (_T("PATHEXT"), pszPathExt, ENV_BUFFER_SIZE); if (dwBuffer > ENV_BUFFER_SIZE) { LPTSTR pszOldPathExt = pszPathExt; pszPathExt = (LPTSTR)cmd_realloc (pszPathExt, dwBuffer * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (pszPathExt == NULL) { cmd_free(pszOldPathExt); return FALSE; } GetEnvironmentVariable (_T("PATHEXT"), pszPathExt, dwBuffer); _tcslwr(pszPathExt); } else if (0 == dwBuffer) { _tcscpy(pszPathExt, pszDefaultPathExt); } else { _tcslwr(pszPathExt); } /* Check if valid directly on specified path */ if (SearchForExecutableSingle(pFileName, pFullName, pszPathExt, NULL)) { cmd_free(pszPathExt); return TRUE; } /* If an explicit directory was given, stop here - no need to search PATH. */ if (pFileName[1] == _T(':') || _tcschr(pFileName, _T('\\'))) { cmd_free(pszPathExt); return FALSE; } /* load environment variable PATH into buffer */ pszPath = (LPTSTR)cmd_alloc (ENV_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(TCHAR)); dwBuffer = GetEnvironmentVariable (_T("PATH"), pszPath, ENV_BUFFER_SIZE); if (dwBuffer > ENV_BUFFER_SIZE) { LPTSTR pszOldPath = pszPath; pszPath = (LPTSTR)cmd_realloc (pszPath, dwBuffer * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (pszPath == NULL) { cmd_free(pszOldPath); cmd_free(pszPathExt); return FALSE; } GetEnvironmentVariable (_T("PATH"), pszPath, dwBuffer); } TRACE ("SearchForExecutable(): Loaded PATH: %s\n", debugstr_aw(pszPath)); /* search in PATH */ pCh = _tcstok(pszPath, _T(";")); while (pCh) { if (SearchForExecutableSingle(pFileName, pFullName, pszPathExt, pCh)) { cmd_free(pszPath); cmd_free(pszPathExt); return TRUE; } pCh = _tcstok(NULL, _T(";")); } cmd_free(pszPath); cmd_free(pszPathExt); return FALSE; }
static INT PrintAssociation(LPTSTR extension) { DWORD return_val; HKEY hKey = NULL, hInsideKey = NULL; DWORD fileTypeLength = 0; LPTSTR fileType = NULL; return_val = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SOFTWARE\\Classes"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (return_val != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return -1; } return_val = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, extension, 0, KEY_READ, &hInsideKey); if (return_val != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); RegCloseKey(hInsideKey); return 0; } /* obtain string length */ return_val = RegQueryValueEx(hInsideKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &fileTypeLength); if (return_val == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) /* no default value, don't display */ { RegCloseKey(hInsideKey); RegCloseKey(hKey); return 0; } if (return_val != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hInsideKey); RegCloseKey(hKey); return -2; } fileType = cmd_alloc(fileTypeLength * sizeof(TCHAR)); /* obtain actual file type */ return_val = RegQueryValueEx(hInsideKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) fileType, &fileTypeLength); RegCloseKey(hInsideKey); RegCloseKey(hKey); if (return_val != ERROR_SUCCESS) { cmd_free(fileType); return -2; } if (fileTypeLength != 0) /* if there is a default key, display relevant information */ { ConOutPrintf(_T("%s=%s\n"), extension, fileType); } if (fileTypeLength) cmd_free(fileType); return 1; }
/* specified routines */ VOID ExpandAlias (LPTSTR cmd, INT maxlen) { LPTSTR buffer; TCHAR *position, *in, *out; LPTSTR Token; LPTSTR tmp; tmp = cmd_dup(cmd); if (!tmp) return; /* first part is the macro name */ position = tmp + _tcscspn(tmp, _T(" \n")); if (position == tmp) { cmd_free(tmp); return; } *position++ = _T('\0'); position += _tcsspn(position, _T(" ")); buffer = cmd_alloc(maxlen); if (!buffer) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for alias buffer!\n"); cmd_free(tmp); return; } if (GetConsoleAlias(tmp, buffer, maxlen, _T("cmd.exe")) == 0) { cmd_free(tmp); cmd_free(buffer); return; } in = buffer; out = cmd; while (*in) { if (*in == _T('$')) { Token = position; if (in[1] >= _T('1') && in[1] <= _T('9')) { /* Copy a single space-delimited token from the input line */ INT num; for (num = in[1] - _T('1'); num > 0; num--) { Token += _tcscspn(Token, _T(" \n")); Token += _tcsspn(Token, _T(" ")); } while (!_tcschr(_T(" \n"), *Token)) { if (out >= &cmd[maxlen - 1]) break; *out++ = *Token++; } in += 2; continue; } else if (in[1] == _T('*')) { /* Copy the entire remainder of the line */ while (*Token && *Token != _T('\n')) { if (out >= &cmd[maxlen - 1]) break; *out++ = *Token++; } in += 2; continue; } } if (out >= &cmd[maxlen - 1]) break; *out++ = *in++; } *out++ = _T('\n'); *out = _T('\0'); cmd_free(buffer); cmd_free(tmp); }