ScColorProfile ScLcmsColorMgmtEngineImpl::createProfile_Lab(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine) { QString internalProfilePath("memprofile://Internal Lab profile"); ScColorProfile profile = m_profileCache->profile(internalProfilePath); if (!profile.isNull()) return profile; cmsHPROFILE lcmsProf = NULL; cmsSetErrorHandler(&cmsErrorHandler); try { lcmsProf = cmsCreateLabProfile(NULL); if (lcmsProf) { ScLcmsColorProfileImpl* profData = new ScLcmsColorProfileImpl(engine, lcmsProf); profData->m_profilePath = internalProfilePath; profile = ScColorProfile(dynamic_cast<ScColorProfileData*>(profData)); m_profileCache->addProfile(profile); } if (profile.isNull() && lcmsProf) { cmsCloseProfile(lcmsProf); lcmsProf = NULL; } } catch (lcmsException& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; if (profile.isNull() && lcmsProf) cmsCloseProfile(lcmsProf); profile = ScColorProfile(); } cmsSetErrorHandler(NULL); return profile; }
ScColorProfile ScLcmsColorMgmtEngineImpl::openProfileFromMem(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine, const QByteArray& data) { ScColorProfile profile; cmsHPROFILE lcmsProf = NULL; cmsSetErrorHandler(&cmsErrorHandler); try { lcmsProf = cmsOpenProfileFromMem((LPVOID), data.size()); if (lcmsProf) { ScLcmsColorProfileImpl* profData = new ScLcmsColorProfileImpl(engine, lcmsProf); QString desc = profData->productDescription(); if (!desc.isEmpty()) profData->m_profilePath = QString("memprofile://%1").arg(desc); profData->m_profileData = data; profile = ScColorProfile(dynamic_cast<ScColorProfileData*>(profData)); } if (profile.isNull() && lcmsProf) { cmsCloseProfile(lcmsProf); lcmsProf = NULL; } } catch (lcmsException& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; if (profile.isNull() && lcmsProf) cmsCloseProfile(lcmsProf); profile = ScColorProfile(); } cmsSetErrorHandler(NULL); return profile; }
/* Do any initialization if needed to the CMS */ int gscms_create(gs_memory_t *memory) { /* Set our own error handling function */ cmsSetErrorHandler((cmsErrorHandlerFunction) gscms_error); return 0; }
ScColorProfile ScLcmsColorMgmtEngineImpl::openProfileFromFile(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine, const QString& filePath) { // Search profile in profile cache first ScColorProfile profile = m_profileCache->profile(filePath); if (!profile.isNull()) return profile; cmsHPROFILE lcmsProf = NULL; cmsSetErrorHandler(&cmsErrorHandler); try { QFile file(filePath); if ( { // We do not use lcms cmsOpenProfileFromFile() to avoid limitations // of I/O on 8bit filenames on Windows QByteArray data = file.readAll(); if (!data.isEmpty()) { lcmsProf = cmsOpenProfileFromMem(, data.size()); if (lcmsProf) { ScLcmsColorProfileImpl* profData = new ScLcmsColorProfileImpl(engine, lcmsProf); profData->m_profileData = data; profData->m_profilePath = filePath; profile = ScColorProfile(dynamic_cast<ScColorProfileData*>(profData)); m_profileCache->addProfile(profile); } if (profile.isNull() && lcmsProf) { cmsCloseProfile(lcmsProf); lcmsProf = NULL; } } file.close(); } } catch (lcmsException& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; if (profile.isNull() && lcmsProf) cmsCloseProfile(lcmsProf); profile = ScColorProfile(); } cmsSetErrorHandler(NULL); return profile; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { WORD Input[MAXCHANNELS], Output[MAXCHANNELS], PCSLab[MAXCHANNELS], PCSxyz[MAXCHANNELS]; fprintf(stderr, "little cms ColorSpace conversion calculator - v1.8\n\n"); if (argc == 1) Help(); HandleSwitches(argc, argv); cmsSetErrorHandler(MyErrorHandler); OpenTransforms(); for(;;) { if (xisatty(stdin)) printf("\nEnter values, 'q' to quit\n"); if (feof(stdin)) break; TakeValues(Input); cmsDoTransform(hTrans, Input, Output, 1); if (Verbose) { if (hTransXYZ) cmsDoTransform(hTransXYZ, Input, PCSxyz, 1); if (hTransLab) cmsDoTransform(hTransLab, Input, PCSLab, 1); } if (xisatty(stdin)) printf("\n"); PrintResults(Output, OutputColorSpace); printf("\n"); if (Verbose && hTransXYZ && hTransLab) { PrintResults(PCSxyz, icSigXYZData); printf("\n"); PrintResults(PCSLab, icSigLabData); printf("\n"); } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char *Intents[] = {"perceptual", "relative colorimetric", "saturation", "absolute colorimetric" }; HandleSwitches(argc, argv); cmsSetErrorHandler(MyErrorHandler); if ((argc - xoptind) != 2) { Help(0); } if (Verbose) { if (lIsDeviceLink) fprintf(stdout, "%s(device link) -> %s [%s]", argv[xoptind], argv[xoptind+1], Intents[Intent]); else fprintf(stdout, "%s(%s) -> %s(%s) [%s]", argv[xoptind], (cInpProf == NULL ? "sRGB": cInpProf), argv[xoptind+1], (cOutProf == NULL ? "sRGB" : cOutProf), Intents[Intent]); } OpenInput(argv[xoptind]); OpenOutput(argv[xoptind+1]); TransformImage(cInpProf, cOutProf); if (Verbose) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); Done(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int nargs; fprintf(stderr, "little cms PostScript converter - v1.5\n\n"); HandleSwitches(argc, argv); cmsSetErrorHandler(MyErrorHandler); nargs = (argc - xoptind); if (nargs != 0 && nargs != 1) Help(); if (nargs == 0) OutFile = stdout; else OutFile = fopen(argv[xoptind], "wt"); if (cInProf == NULL && cOutProf == NULL) Help(); if (cInProf != NULL) GenerateCSA(); if (cOutProf != NULL) GenerateCRD(); if (nargs == 1) { fclose(OutFile); } return 0; }
/* Do any initialization if needed to the CMS */ void gscms_create(void **contextptr) { /* Set our own error handling function */ cmsSetErrorHandler((cmsErrorHandlerFunction) gscms_error); }
/* Get ICC Profile handle from buffer */ gcmmhprofile_t gscms_get_profile_handle_mem(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int input_size) { cmsSetErrorHandler((cmsErrorHandlerFunction) gscms_error); return(cmsOpenProfileFromMem(buffer,input_size)); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { TIFF *in, *out; char *Intents[] = {"perceptual", "relative colorimetric", "saturation", "absolute colorimetric" }; HandleSwitches(argc, argv); cmsSetErrorHandler(MyErrorHandler); if ((argc - xoptind) != 2) { Help(0); } if (Verbose) { if (lIsDeviceLink) fprintf(stdout, "%s(device link) -> %s [%s]", argv[xoptind], argv[xoptind+1], Intents[Intent]); else fprintf(stdout, "%s(%s) -> %s(%s) [%s]", argv[xoptind], (cInpProf == NULL ? "sRGB": cInpProf), argv[xoptind+1], (cOutProf == NULL ? "sRGB" : cOutProf), Intents[Intent]); fflush(stdout); } TIFFSetErrorHandler(ConsoleErrorHandler); TIFFSetWarningHandler(ConsoleWarningHandler); in = TIFFOpen(argv[xoptind], "r"); if (in == NULL) FatalError("Unable to open '%s'", argv[xoptind]); out = TIFFOpen(argv[xoptind+1], "w"); if (out == NULL) { TIFFClose(in); FatalError("Unable to write '%s'", argv[xoptind+1]); } do { TransformImage(in, out, cInpProf, cOutProf); } while (TIFFReadDirectory(in)); if (Verbose) { fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fflush(stdout); } TIFFClose(in); TIFFClose(out); return 0; }
JNIEXPORT int JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *jvm, void *reserved) { javaVM = jvm; cmsSetErrorHandler(errorHandler); return JNI_VERSION_1_6; }
QList<ScColorProfileInfo> ScLcmsColorMgmtEngineImpl::getAvailableProfileInfo(const QString& directory, bool recursive) { QList<ScColorProfileInfo> profileInfos; QDir d(directory, "*", QDir::Name, QDir::Files | QDir::Readable | QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoSymLinks); if ((!d.exists()) || (d.count() == 0)) return profileInfos; QString nam = ""; cmsHPROFILE hIn = NULL; for (uint dc = 0; dc < d.count(); ++dc) { QString file = d[dc]; if (file == "." || file == "..") continue; QFileInfo fi(directory + "/" + file); if (fi.isDir() && !recursive) continue; else if (fi.isDir() && !file.startsWith('.')) { QList<ScColorProfileInfo> profileInfos2 = getAvailableProfileInfo(fi.filePath()+"/", true); profileInfos.append(profileInfos2); continue; } ScColorProfileInfo profileInfo; profileInfo.file = fi.filePath(); QFile f(fi.filePath()); QByteArray bb(40, ' '); if (! { profileInfo.debug = QString("couldn't open %1 as color profile").arg(fi.filePath()); profileInfos.append(profileInfo); continue; } int len =, 40); f.close(); if (len == 40 && bb[36] == 'a' && bb[37] == 'c' && bb[38] == 's' && bb[39] == 'p') { const QByteArray profilePath( QString(directory + "/" + file).toLocal8Bit() ); cmsSetErrorHandler(&cmsErrorHandler); try { hIn = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(, "r"); if (hIn == NULL) continue; const char* profileDescriptor = cmsTakeProductDesc(hIn); profileInfo.description = QString(profileDescriptor); if (profileInfo.description.isEmpty()) { cmsCloseProfile(hIn); profileInfo.debug = QString("Color profile %1 is broken : no valid description").arg(fi.filePath()); profileInfos.append(profileInfo); continue; } profileInfo.colorSpace = translateLcmsColorSpaceType( cmsGetColorSpace(hIn) ); profileInfo.deviceClass = translateLcmsProfileClass( cmsGetDeviceClass(hIn) ); profileInfos.append(profileInfo); cmsCloseProfile(hIn); hIn = NULL; } catch (lcmsException&) { // Profile is broken if (hIn) { cmsCloseProfile(hIn); hIn = NULL; } profileInfo.debug = QString("Color profile %1 is broken").arg(fi.filePath()); profileInfos.append(profileInfo); } cmsSetErrorHandler(NULL); } } cmsSetErrorHandler(NULL); return profileInfos; }
ScColorTransform ScLcmsColorMgmtEngineImpl::createProofingTransform(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine, const ScColorProfile& inputProfile , eColorFormat inputFormat, const ScColorProfile& outputProfile, eColorFormat outputFormat, const ScColorProfile& proofProfile , eRenderIntent renderIntent, eRenderIntent proofingIntent, long transformFlags) { ScColorTransform transform(NULL); if (inputProfile.isNull() || outputProfile.isNull()) return transform; int inputProfEngineID = inputProfile.engine().engineID(); int outputProfEngineID = outputProfile.engine().engineID(); int proofProfEngineID = proofProfile.engine().engineID(); if ((engine.engineID() != m_engineID) || (inputProfEngineID != m_engineID) || (outputProfEngineID != m_engineID) || (proofProfEngineID != m_engineID)) return transform; const ScLcmsColorProfileImpl* lcmsInputProf = dynamic_cast<const ScLcmsColorProfileImpl*>(; const ScLcmsColorProfileImpl* lcmsOutputProf = dynamic_cast<const ScLcmsColorProfileImpl*>(; const ScLcmsColorProfileImpl* lcmsProofingProf = dynamic_cast<const ScLcmsColorProfileImpl*>(; if (!lcmsInputProf || !lcmsOutputProf || !lcmsProofingProf) return transform; long strategyFlags = 0; if (m_strategy.useBlackPointCompensation) strategyFlags |= Ctf_BlackPointCompensation; if (m_strategy.useBlackPreservation) strategyFlags |= Ctf_BlackPreservation; ScColorTransformInfo transInfo; transInfo.inputProfile = inputProfile.productDescription(); transInfo.outputProfile = outputProfile.productDescription(); transInfo.proofingProfile = proofProfile.productDescription(); transInfo.inputFormat = inputFormat; transInfo.outputFormat = outputFormat; transInfo.renderIntent = renderIntent; transInfo.proofingIntent = proofingIntent; transInfo.flags = transformFlags | strategyFlags; DWORD lcmsFlags = translateFlagsToLcmsFlags(transformFlags | strategyFlags); DWORD lcmsInputFmt = translateFormatToLcmsFormat(inputFormat); DWORD lcmsOutputFmt = translateFormatToLcmsFormat(outputFormat); int lcmsIntent = translateIntentToLcmsIntent(renderIntent); int lcmsPrfIntent = translateIntentToLcmsIntent(proofingIntent); if (transInfo.inputProfile != transInfo.proofingProfile) { if (transInfo.proofingProfile == transInfo.outputProfile) { transInfo.proofingIntent = Intent_Relative_Colorimetric; lcmsPrfIntent = translateIntentToLcmsIntent(Intent_Relative_Colorimetric); } transform = m_transformPool->findTransform(transInfo); if (transform.isNull()) { cmsSetErrorHandler(&cmsErrorHandler); cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform = NULL; try { hTransform = cmsCreateProofingTransform(lcmsInputProf->m_profileHandle , lcmsInputFmt, lcmsOutputProf->m_profileHandle, lcmsOutputFmt, lcmsProofingProf->m_profileHandle, lcmsIntent, lcmsPrfIntent, lcmsFlags | cmsFLAGS_SOFTPROOFING); if (hTransform) { ScLcmsColorTransformImpl* newTrans = new ScLcmsColorTransformImpl(engine, hTransform); newTrans->setTransformInfo(transInfo); transform = ScColorTransform(dynamic_cast<ScColorTransformData*>(newTrans)); m_transformPool->addTransform(transform, true); } } catch (lcmsException& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; // #9922 : no idea why that crash in release mode /*if (transform.isNull() && hTransform) cmsDeleteTransform(hTransform);*/ transform = ScColorTransform(); } cmsSetErrorHandler(NULL); } } else { transformFlags &= (~Ctf_Softproofing); transformFlags &= (~Ctf_GamutCheck); lcmsFlags = translateFlagsToLcmsFlags(transformFlags | strategyFlags); transInfo.flags = transformFlags | strategyFlags; transInfo.renderIntent = proofingIntent; transInfo.proofingIntent = (eRenderIntent) 0; if (transInfo.inputProfile == transInfo.outputProfile) { lcmsFlags |= cmsFLAGS_NULLTRANSFORM; transInfo.inputProfile = QString(); transInfo.outputProfile = QString(); transInfo.proofingProfile = QString(); transInfo.renderIntent = (eRenderIntent) 0; transInfo.proofingIntent = (eRenderIntent) 0; transInfo.flags = 0; } transform = m_transformPool->findTransform(transInfo); if (transform.isNull()) { cmsSetErrorHandler(&cmsErrorHandler); cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform = NULL; try { hTransform = cmsCreateTransform(lcmsInputProf->m_profileHandle , lcmsInputFmt, lcmsOutputProf->m_profileHandle, lcmsOutputFmt, lcmsPrfIntent, lcmsFlags | cmsFLAGS_LOWRESPRECALC); if (hTransform) { ScLcmsColorTransformImpl* newTrans = new ScLcmsColorTransformImpl(engine, hTransform); newTrans->setTransformInfo(transInfo); transform = ScColorTransform(dynamic_cast<ScColorTransformData*>(newTrans)); m_transformPool->addTransform(transform, true); } } catch (lcmsException& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; // #9922 : no idea why that crash in release mode /*if (transform.isNull() && hTransform) cmsDeleteTransform(hTransform);*/ transform = ScColorTransform(); } cmsSetErrorHandler(NULL); } } return transform; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, nargs; cmsHPROFILE Profiles[257]; cmsHPROFILE hProfile; DWORD dwFlags = 0; cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform; fprintf(stderr, "little cms device link generator - v1.7\n"); HandleSwitches(argc, argv); cmsSetErrorHandler(MyErrorHandler); nargs = (argc - xoptind); if (nargs < 1) Help(0); if (nargs > 255) FatalError("ERROR: Holy profile! what are you trying to do with so many profiles?"); for (i=0; i < nargs; i++) { Profiles[i] = OpenProfile(argv[i + xoptind]); } switch (PrecalcMode) { case 0: dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_LOWRESPRECALC; break; case 2: dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_HIGHRESPRECALC; break; case 1: if (NumOfGridPoints > 0) dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_GRIDPOINTS(NumOfGridPoints); break; default: FatalError("ERROR: Unknown precalculation mode '%d'", PrecalcMode); } if (BlackPointCompensation) dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_BLACKPOINTCOMPENSATION; if (BlackPreservation > 0) { dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_PRESERVEBLACK; cmsSetCMYKPreservationStrategy(BlackPreservation-1); } if (TagResult) dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_GUESSDEVICECLASS; if (NoPrelinearization) dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_NOPRELINEARIZATION; if (InkLimit != 400.0) { cmsHPROFILE hInkLimit = cmsCreateInkLimitingDeviceLink( cmsGetColorSpace(Profiles[nargs-1]), InkLimit); Profiles[nargs++] = hInkLimit; } if (lUse8bits) dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_NOPRELINEARIZATION; hTransform = cmsCreateMultiprofileTransform(Profiles, nargs, 0, 0, Intent, dwFlags); if (hTransform) { size_t size = sizeof(int) + nargs * sizeof(cmsPSEQDESC); LPcmsSEQ pseq = (LPcmsSEQ) _cmsMalloc(size); ZeroMemory(pseq, size); pseq ->n = nargs; for (i=0; i < nargs; i++) { strcpy(pseq ->seq[i].Manufacturer, cmsTakeManufacturer(Profiles[i])); strcpy(pseq ->seq[1].Model, cmsTakeModel(Profiles[i])); } hProfile = cmsTransform2DeviceLink(hTransform, dwFlags); cmsAddTag(hProfile, icSigProfileDescriptionTag, (LPVOID) Description); cmsAddTag(hProfile, icSigCopyrightTag, (LPVOID) "Generated by littlecms icclink. No copyright, use freely"); cmsAddTag(hProfile, icSigProfileSequenceDescTag, (LPVOID) pseq); if (lUse8bits) _cmsSetLUTdepth(hProfile, 8); if (_cmsSaveProfile(hProfile, cOutProf)) fprintf(stderr, "Ok"); else fprintf(stderr, "Error saving file!"); cmsCloseProfile(hProfile); _cmsFree(pseq); } cmsDeleteTransform(hTransform); for (i=0; i < nargs; i++) { cmsCloseProfile(Profiles[i]); } return 0; }
void mexFunction( int nlhs, // Number of left hand side (output) arguments mxArray *plhs[], // Array of left hand side arguments int nrhs, // Number of right hand side (input) arguments const mxArray *prhs[] // Array of right hand side arguments ) { char CommandLine[4096+1]; char *pt, *argv[128]; int argc = 1; if (nrhs != 2) { PrintHelp(); return; } if(nlhs > 1) { FatalError("Too many output arguments."); } // Setup error handler cmsSetErrorHandler(MatLabErrorHandler); // Defaults Verbose = 0; cInProf = NULL; cOutProf = NULL; cProofing = NULL; lMultiProfileChain = FALSE; nProfiles = 0; Intent = INTENT_PERCEPTUAL; ProofingIntent = INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC; PrecalcMode = 0; BlackPointCompensation = FALSE; lIsDeviceLink = FALSE; // Check types. Fist parameter is array of values, second parameter is command line if (!mxIsNumeric(prhs[0])) FatalError("Type mismatch on argument 1 -- Must be numeric"); if (!mxIsChar(prhs[1])) FatalError("Type mismatch on argument 2 -- Must be string"); // Unpack string to command line buffer if (mxGetString(prhs[1], CommandLine, 4096)) FatalError("Cannot unpack command string"); // Separate to argv[] convention argv[0] = NULL; for (pt = strtok(CommandLine, " "); pt; pt = strtok(NULL, " ")) { argv[argc++] = pt; } // Parse arguments HandleSwitches(argc, argv); nBytesDepth = SizeOfArrayType(prhs[0]); OpenTransforms(argc, argv); plhs[0] = AllocateOutputArray(prhs[0], OutputChannels); ApplyTransforms(prhs[0], plhs[0]); CloseTransforms(); // Done! }