예제 #1
  Preallocate scratch work arrays, arrays to hold row lhs bound information,
  and an array of random numbers.
void CoinPresolveMatrix::initializeStuff ()
  usefulRowInt_ = new int [3*nrows_] ;
  usefulRowDouble_ = new double [2*nrows_] ;
  usefulColumnInt_ = new int [2*ncols_] ;
  usefulColumnDouble_ = new double[ncols_] ;
  int k = CoinMax(ncols_+1,nrows_+1) ;
  randomNumber_ = new double [k] ;
  coin_init_random_vec(randomNumber_,k) ;
  infiniteUp_ = new int [nrows_] ;
  sumUp_ = new double [nrows_] ;
  infiniteDown_ = new int [nrows_] ;
  sumDown_ = new double [nrows_] ;
  return ;
예제 #2
// Initialize random numbers etc (nonzero if infeasible)
  // Allocate useful arrays
  usefulRowInt_ = new int [3*nrows_];
  usefulRowDouble_ = new double [nrows_];
  usefulColumnInt_ = new int [2*ncols_];
  usefulColumnDouble_ = new double[ncols_];
  int k=CoinMax(ncols_+1,nrows_+1);
  randomNumber_ = new double [k];
  infiniteUp_ = new int [nrows_];
  sumUp_ = new double [nrows_];
  infiniteDown_ = new int [nrows_];
  sumDown_ = new double [nrows_];
  // return recomputeSums(-1);
  return 0;