예제 #1
void CellularAutomata::handleMouse(bool isPressed, bool isDown, const Ray & mouseRay, const Vector2 & mousePos) {
    m_transientPlayhead.position = Vector2int16(-5, -5);
    if (m_paused) {
        Point2int16 selectedPosition(-1,-1);
        for (int x = 0; x < m_width; ++x) {
            for (int y = 0; y < m_height; ++y) {
                Vector2 normalizedCoord = Vector2(x,y) * 
                    Vector2(1.0f / (m_width - 1.0f), 1.0f / (m_height - 1.0f));
                const Point3& p = normCoordTo3DPoint(normalizedCoord);
                if (intersects(mouseRay, p, collisionRadius())) {
                    selectedPosition = Vector2int16(x, y);
        if (selectedPosition.x >= 0) {
            m_transientPlayhead.position  = selectedPosition;
            m_transientPlayhead.direction = Direction::DOWN;

            // Super hackish way to select the direction to point in based on mouse position 
            // from the center (should work on in either mode, but only tested on 2D)
            // This is the first thing due for a cleanup
            float minDistance = 10.0f; // Basically infinity...
            Vector2 normalizedCoord = Vector2(selectedPosition) *
                Vector2(1.0f / (m_width - 1.0f), 1.0f / (m_height - 1.0f)); 
            const Point3& center = normCoordTo3DPoint(normalizedCoord);
            float t = mouseRay.intersectionTime(Sphere(center, collisionRadius()));
            Point3 intersectionPoint = mouseRay.origin() + mouseRay.direction() * t;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
                Vector2 npos = normalizedCoord + Vector2(vecFromDir(Direction(i)))*0.001f;
                const Point3& p = normCoordTo3DPoint(npos);
                if ((intersectionPoint - p).length() < minDistance) {
                    minDistance = (intersectionPoint - p).length();
                    m_transientPlayhead.direction = Direction(i);

            if (isPressed) {
                bool removed = false;
                for (int i = m_playhead.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                    if (selectedPosition == m_playhead[i].position) {
                        removed = true;
                if (!removed) {

// Behavior orientForOrbitBehavior(target, dist)
// Last modified: 07Nov2009
// Orients the robot with respect to the parameterized target
// such that if the robot were moving forward, it would move
// in a circular path maintaining the parameterized distance
// around the target, returning the appropriate robot behavior.
// Returns:     the appropriate robot behavior
// Parameters:
//      target  in/out  the target to orient to for orbit
//      dist    in      the distance to maintain from the target
Behavior Robot::orientForOrbitBehavior(const Vector &target,
                                       const GLfloat dist)
    GLfloat  r = target.magnitude(),       dir = 0.0f;
    if      (r > dist + collisionRadius()) dir = 0.0f;
    else if (r < dist - collisionRadius()) dir = 180.0f;
    else dir = 180.0f - r * 90.0f / collisionRadius();
    return orientToBehavior(target, dir);
}   // orientForOrbitBehavior(const Vector &, const GLfloat)
예제 #3
// void step()
// Last modified: 27Dec2010
// Executes the appropriate active behavior.
// Returns:     <none>
// Parameters:  <none>
void Robot::step()
	GLfloat collDist = collisionRadius();
    vector<Vector> rels = getObjectRelationships(collDist);
    if (rels.size() > 0)
		GLfloat minDist  = HUGE;
		GLint   minIndex = 0;
		for (GLint i = 0, n = rels.size(); i < n; ++i)
			GLfloat currDist = rels[i].magnitude();
			if (currDist < minDist)
				minDist  = currDist;
				minIndex = i;
		//avoid(rels[minIndex], collDist);
    if (behavior.isActive())
}   // step()
예제 #4
// void draw()
// Last modified: 27Aug2006
// Renders the robot as a circle with a vector heading.
// Returns:     <none>
// Parameters:  <none>
void Robot::draw()
    if ((color[GLUT_RED]   == COLOR[INVISIBLE][GLUT_RED])   &&
        (color[GLUT_BLUE]  == COLOR[INVISIBLE][GLUT_BLUE])) return;

    vector<Vector> rels = getObjectRelationships(2.0f * collisionRadius());
	for (GLint i = 0, n = rels.size(); i < n; ++i)
		rels[i].translated(x, y, z);

    // draw a circle representing the robot

    // draw a vector representing the robot heading
    if (showHeading)
            glRotated(rotate[0], 0, 0, 1);
            glRotated(rotate[1], 0, 0, 1);
            glRotated(rotate[2], 0, 0, 1);
            heading.translated(x + translate[0],
                               y + translate[1],
                               z + translate[2]);
            heading.scaled(radius / DEFAULT_ROBOT_RADIUS);
}   // draw()
예제 #5
bool Camera::collides(const Entity &e) {
//    return false;
    float cam_rad = collisionRadius();

    if (e.useBoundingBox()) {
        //      return true;
        BoundingBox bb = e.getBoundingBox();
        bb.box.min += e.getPosition();
        bb.box.max += e.getPosition();
        Eigen::Vector3f our_pos = -translations;
        if (bb.contains(our_pos)) {
            return true;

        Eigen::Vector3f displacement = (bb.box.center() - our_pos);
        float distance = displacement.norm();
        Eigen::Vector3f direction = displacement.normalized();

        if (bb.contains(direction * cam_rad + our_pos)) {
            return true;

        return false;
    else {
        Eigen::Vector3f their_pos = e.getCenterWorld();
        Eigen::Vector3f our_pos = translations;
        their_pos(1) = 0;
        our_pos(1) = 0;
        Eigen::Vector3f delta = -their_pos - our_pos;
        return std::abs(delta.norm()) < cam_rad + e.getRadius();
    std::cout << "object pos" << std::endl;
    std::cout << their_pos << std::endl;
    std::cout << "cam pos" << std::endl;
    std::cout << our_pos << std::endl;
    std::cout << " dist = " << std::abs(delta.norm()) << std::endl;
