TEST(CSSTokenizerTest, CommentToken) { TEST_TOKENS("/*comment*/a", ident("a")); TEST_TOKENS("/**\\2f**//", delim('/')); TEST_TOKENS("/**y*a*y**/ ", whitespace()); TEST_TOKENS(",/* \n :) \n */)", comma(), rightParenthesis()); TEST_TOKENS(":/*/*/", colon()); TEST_TOKENS("/**/*", delim('*')); TEST_TOKENS(";/******", semicolon()); }
static void done (int exit_code) { if (verbose) { stack_heap_stats (); mem_usage_stats (); printf ("insns: %14s\n", comma (cycles)); } exit (exit_code); }
void PrintHandler::key(const std::string& k) { if (!_objStart) comma(); _objStart = true; _out << _tab; Stringifier::formatString(k, _out); if (!printFlat()) _out << ' '; _out << ':'; if (!printFlat()) _out << ' '; }
void var_in(){ if (str_in1 == 1) { // in1에 입력받은 수가 한자리라면 if (in1[0] >= 'A' && in1[0] <= 'Z') { // in1에 대문자 들어갈 때 if (in2[0] == '=') { var[var_num] = in1[0]; // 변수 저장 배열에 변수 이름 넣기 for (int i = 0; i <= 60; i++) var_var[var_num][i] = in3[i]; // 변수에 입력값 저장 for (int u = 0; u <= N; u++) in1[u] = var_var[var_num][u]; // in1 배열에 저장받은 변수 값 넣기 (저장한 값을 출력하기 위함) separate(); p = strlen(in1_s); printf(" = "); comma(in1_j); if (p != 0) // in1 소수 자리수가 있으면 {printf("."); // '.' 찍기 comma(in1_s);} var_num++; chosen = 1; return ; } } else if (in1[0] >= 'a' && in1[0] <= 'z') { // in1에 소문자 들어갈 때 if (in2[0] == '=') { var[var_num] = in1[0] - 32; // 대소문자 구별 안 함. 변수 저장 배열에 변수 이름 넣기 for (int i = 0; i <= 60; i++) var_var[var_num][i] = in3[i]; // 변수에 입력값 저장 for (int u = 0; u <= N; u++) in1[u] = var_var[var_num][u]; // in1 배열에 저장했던 변수값 넣기 (저장한 값 출력하기 위함) separate(); p = strlen(in1_s); printf(" = "); comma(in1_j); // 세자리마다 , 실행 if (p != 0) // in1에 소수 자리수가 있으면 {printf("."); // '.' 찍기 comma(in1_s);} var_num++; chosen = 1; // main 함수 start 부분부터 다시 시작 return ; } }} } // var_in 함수
void var_in(){ if (str_in1 == 1) { if (in1[0] >= 'A' && in1[0] <= 'Z') { if (in2[0] == '=') { var[var_num] = in1[0]; for (int i = 0; i <= 60; i++) var_var[var_num][i] = in3[i]; for (int u = 0; u <= N; u++) in1[u] = var_var[var_num][u]; separate(); p = strlen(in1_s); printf(" = "); comma(in1_j); if (p != 0) {printf("."); comma(in1_s);} var_num++; chosen = 1; return ; } } else if (in1[0] >= 'a' && in1[0] <= 'z') { if (in2[0] == '=') { var[var_num] = in1[0] - 32; for (int i = 0; i <= 60; i++) var_var[var_num][i] = in3[i]; for (int u = 0; u <= N; u++) in1[u] = var_var[var_num][u]; separate(); p = strlen(in1_s); printf(" = "); comma(in1_j); if (p != 0) {printf("."); comma(in1_s);} var_num++; chosen = 1; return ; } }} } // var_in 함수
void var_in(){ if (str_in1 == 1) { if (in1[0] >= 'A' && in1[0] <= 'Z') { scanf("%s", in2); if (in2[0] == '=') { var[var_num] = in1[0]; scanf("%s", var_var[var_num]); // 콤마 찍기 구현 안됨 for (int u = 0; u <= N; u++) in1[u] = var_var[var_num][u]; separate(); p = strlen(in1_s); printf(" = "); comma(in1_j); if (p != 0) {printf("."); comma(in1_s);} var_num++; chosen = 1; return ; } } else if (in1[0] >= 'a' && in1[0] <= 'z') { scanf("%s", in2); if (in2[0] = '=') { var[var_num] = in1[0] - 32; scanf("%s", var_var[var_num]); for (int u = 0; u <= N; u++) in1[u] = var_var[var_num][u]; separate(); p = strlen(in1_s); printf(" = "); comma(in1_j); if (p != 0) {printf("."); comma(in1_s);} var_num++; chosen = 1; return ; } }} } // var_in 함수
void ExitFlag::dump(PrintStream& out) const { if (!m_bits) { out.print("false"); return; } CommaPrinter comma("|"); if (isSet(ExitFromNotInlined)) out.print(comma, "notInlined"); if (isSet(ExitFromInlined)) out.print(comma, "inlined"); }
TEST(CSSTokenizerTest, UrlToken) { TEST_TOKENS("url(foo.gif)", url("foo.gif")); TEST_TOKENS("urL(https://example.com/cats.png)", url("https://example.com/cats.png")); TEST_TOKENS("uRl(what-a.crazy^URL~this\\ is!)", url("what-a.crazy^URL~this is!")); TEST_TOKENS("uRL(123#test)", url("123#test")); TEST_TOKENS("Url(escapes\\ \\\"\\'\\)\\()", url("escapes \"')(")); TEST_TOKENS("UrL( whitespace )", url("whitespace")); TEST_TOKENS("URl( whitespace-eof ", url("whitespace-eof")); TEST_TOKENS("URL(eof", url("eof")); TEST_TOKENS("url(not/*a*/comment)", url("not/*a*/comment")); TEST_TOKENS("urL()", url("")); TEST_TOKENS("uRl(white space),", badUrl(), comma()); TEST_TOKENS("Url(b(ad),", badUrl(), comma()); TEST_TOKENS("uRl(ba'd):", badUrl(), colon()); TEST_TOKENS("urL(b\"ad):", badUrl(), colon()); TEST_TOKENS("uRl(b\"ad):", badUrl(), colon()); TEST_TOKENS("Url(b\\\rad):", badUrl(), colon()); TEST_TOKENS("url(b\\\nad):", badUrl(), colon()); TEST_TOKENS("url(/*'bad')*/", badUrl(), delim('*'), delim('/')); TEST_TOKENS("url(ba'd\\\\))", badUrl(), rightParenthesis()); }
void PrintHandler::key(const std::string& k) { if (_value) { comma(); _value = false; } _out << _tab; Stringifier::formatString(k, _out); if (!printFlat()) _out << ' '; _out << ':'; if (!printFlat()) _out << ' '; }
void compile(context_t *ctx, int n, ...) { va_list params; va_start(params, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { word_t arg = va_arg(params, word_t); comma(ctx, arg); } va_end(params); }
/** * Write a value. * * Write the specified string to the output stream with * quotes around it and quotes inside escaped to double * quotes. * * @param s String to write. */ void write(const std::string& s) { comma(); o_ << '"'; for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) { if (s.at(i) == '"') { o_ << '"' << '"'; // double quotes } else { o_ << s.at(i); } } o_ << '"'; }
void UTC()//get the UTC data -- the time { char i; char time[9]={ '0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0' }; double t=0.0; if( ID())//check ID { comma(1);//remove 1 ',' //get the datas after headers while(1) { if(Serial.available()) { time[i] = Serial.read(); i++; } if(i==9) { i=0; t=Datatransfer(time,2);//convert data t=t-30000.00;//convert to the chinese time GMT+8 Time zone long time=t; int h=time/10000; int m=(time/100)%100; int s=time%100; // if(h>=24) //UTC+ // { // h-=24; // } if (h<0) //UTC- { h+=24; } Serial.print(h); Serial.print("h"); Serial.print(m); Serial.print("m"); Serial.print(s); Serial.println("s"); //Serial.println(t);//Print data return; } } } }
static void numbers(struct ParseData *d, int alignment, int multiple, kvec_float_t *v) { int i; wsp(d); for (;;) { for (i = 0; i < alignment; ++i) { if (i == 0) { kv_push_back(*v, number(d)); } else { comma(d); kv_push_back(*v, number(d)); } } if (!multiple) break; if (hasComma(d)) { comma(d); continue; } wsp(d); if (!hasNumber(d)) break; } }
void ExecutableBase::dump(PrintStream& out) const { ExecutableBase* realThis = const_cast<ExecutableBase*>(this); if (classInfo() == NativeExecutable::info()) { NativeExecutable* native = jsCast<NativeExecutable*>(realThis); out.print("NativeExecutable:", RawPointer(bitwise_cast<void*>(native->function())), "/", RawPointer(bitwise_cast<void*>(native->constructor()))); return; } if (classInfo() == EvalExecutable::info()) { EvalExecutable* eval = jsCast<EvalExecutable*>(realThis); if (CodeBlock* codeBlock = eval->codeBlock()) out.print(*codeBlock); else out.print("EvalExecutable w/o CodeBlock"); return; } if (classInfo() == ProgramExecutable::info()) { ProgramExecutable* eval = jsCast<ProgramExecutable*>(realThis); if (CodeBlock* codeBlock = eval->codeBlock()) out.print(*codeBlock); else out.print("ProgramExecutable w/o CodeBlock"); return; } if (classInfo() == ModuleProgramExecutable::info()) { ModuleProgramExecutable* executable = jsCast<ModuleProgramExecutable*>(realThis); if (CodeBlock* codeBlock = executable->codeBlock()) out.print(*codeBlock); else out.print("ModuleProgramExecutable w/o CodeBlock"); return; } FunctionExecutable* function = jsCast<FunctionExecutable*>(realThis); if (!function->eitherCodeBlock()) out.print("FunctionExecutable w/o CodeBlock"); else { CommaPrinter comma("/"); if (function->codeBlockForCall()) out.print(comma, *function->codeBlockForCall()); if (function->codeBlockForConstruct()) out.print(comma, *function->codeBlockForConstruct()); } }
void JsonOut::objectEnd() { indentLevel--; removeComma(); if (buf->offset >= 2 && buf->data[buf->offset - 2] == '{' && buf->data[buf->offset - 1] == '\n') buf->offset -= 1; else { buf->writestring("\n"); indent(); } buf->writestring("}"); comma(); }
format pp(options const & o) { bool unicode = get_pp_unicode(o); format r; bool first = true; char const * arrow = unicode ? g_arrow : g_assign; for_each(o.m_value, [&](sexpr const & p) { if (first) { first = false; } else { r += comma(); r += line(); } name const & n = to_name(head(p)); unsigned sz = n.size(); unsigned indent = unicode ? sz+3 : sz+4; r += group(nest(indent, pp(head(p)) + space() + format(arrow) + space() + pp(tail(p)))); }); format open = unicode ? format(g_left_angle_bracket) : lp(); format close = unicode ? format(g_right_angle_bracket) : rp(); return group(nest(1, open + r + close)); }
void JsonOut::arrayEnd() { indentLevel--; removeComma(); if (buf->offset >= 2 && buf->data[buf->offset - 2] == '[' && buf->data[buf->offset - 1] == '\n') buf->offset -= 1; else if (!(buf->offset >= 1 && buf->data[buf->offset - 1] == '[')) { buf->writestring("\n"); indent(); } buf->writestring("]"); comma(); }
static void done (int exit_code) { if (verbose) { stack_heap_stats (); mem_usage_stats (); /* Only use comma separated numbers when being very verbose. Comma separated numbers are hard to parse in awk scripts. */ if (verbose > 1) printf ("insns: %14s\n", comma (rx_cycles)); else printf ("insns: %u\n", rx_cycles); pipeline_stats (); } exit (exit_code); }
void Effects::dump(PrintStream& out) const { CommaPrinter comma("|"); if (terminal) out.print(comma, "Terminal"); if (exitsSideways) out.print(comma, "ExitsSideways"); if (controlDependent) out.print(comma, "ControlDependent"); if (writesLocalState) out.print(comma, "WritesLocalState"); if (readsLocalState) out.print(comma, "ReadsLocalState"); if (writes) out.print(comma, "Writes:", writes); if (reads) out.print(comma, "Reads:", reads); }
QString ServicesDb::_escapeIds(const vector<long>& v) const { QString str; str.reserve(v.size() * 6); QString comma(","); str.append("{"); for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) { str.append(comma); } str.append(QString::number(v[i])); } str.append("}"); return str; }
void dumpArrayModes(PrintStream& out, ArrayModes arrayModes) { if (!arrayModes) { out.print("<empty>"); return; } if (arrayModes == ALL_ARRAY_MODES) { out.print("TOP"); return; } CommaPrinter comma("|"); if (arrayModes & asArrayModes(NonArray)) out.print(comma, "NonArray"); if (arrayModes & asArrayModes(NonArrayWithInt32)) out.print(comma, "NonArrayWithInt32"); if (arrayModes & asArrayModes(NonArrayWithDouble)) out.print(comma, "NonArrayWithDouble"); if (arrayModes & asArrayModes(NonArrayWithContiguous)) out.print(comma, "NonArrayWithContiguous"); if (arrayModes & asArrayModes(NonArrayWithArrayStorage)) out.print(comma, "NonArrayWithArrayStorage"); if (arrayModes & asArrayModes(NonArrayWithSlowPutArrayStorage)) out.print(comma, "NonArrayWithSlowPutArrayStorage"); if (arrayModes & asArrayModes(ArrayClass)) out.print(comma, "ArrayClass"); if (arrayModes & asArrayModes(ArrayWithUndecided)) out.print(comma, "ArrayWithUndecided"); if (arrayModes & asArrayModes(ArrayWithInt32)) out.print(comma, "ArrayWithInt32"); if (arrayModes & asArrayModes(ArrayWithDouble)) out.print(comma, "ArrayWithDouble"); if (arrayModes & asArrayModes(ArrayWithContiguous)) out.print(comma, "ArrayWithContiguous"); if (arrayModes & asArrayModes(ArrayWithArrayStorage)) out.print(comma, "ArrayWithArrayStorage"); if (arrayModes & asArrayModes(ArrayWithSlowPutArrayStorage)) out.print(comma, "ArrayWithSlowPutArrayStorage"); }
/*! * Generate the display label * \a contact to read the data from . * \a detailList contains the details to be read from the contact * \return synthesised display label */ QString CntDisplayLabel::generateDisplayLabel( const QContact &contact, const QList<QList<QPair<QLatin1String, QLatin1String> > > detailList) const { // Default to empty display label. It is up to the client to create a // localised presentation of a contact without a name. QString displayLabel(""); //loop through the details and create display label for(int i = 0; i < detailList.count() && displayLabel.isEmpty(); i++ ) { QList<QPair<QLatin1String, QLatin1String> > detailPairList = detailList.at(i); QContactDetail contactDetail; for(int j = 0; j < detailPairList.count(); j++) { contactDetail = contact.detail(detailPairList.at(j).first); if(displayLabel.isEmpty()){ //read the value and set it as display label displayLabel = contactDetail.value(detailPairList.at(j).second); } else{ //read the value and append it to the display label QString label = contactDetail.value(detailPairList.at(j).second); if(!label.isEmpty()) { #ifdef SYMBIAN_BACKEND_USE_SQLITE // Inlcude a comma if needed in the display label if (m_nameOrder == CntOrderLastCommaFirst) displayLabel.append(comma()); #endif displayLabel.append(delimiter()); displayLabel.append(label); } } } } return displayLabel; }
int main() { static_assert(add() == int(), ""); static_assert(mul() == 1, ""); static_assert(bor() == int(), ""); static_assert(band() == -1, ""); static_assert(land() == true, ""); static_assert(lor() == false, ""); comma(); // No value to theck // These are all errors, but the error is emitted at the point // of instantiation (line 10). sub(); // { dg-message "required from here" } div(); // { dg-message "required from here" } mod(); // { dg-message "required from here" } lsh(); // { dg-message "required from here" } rsh(); // { dg-message "required from here" } assign(); // { dg-message "required from here" } addi(); // { dg-message "required from here" } subi(); // { dg-message "required from here" } muli(); // { dg-message "required from here" } divi(); // { dg-message "required from here" } modi(); // { dg-message "required from here" } bxor(); // { dg-message "required from here" } bxori(); // { dg-message "required from here" } bori(); // { dg-message "required from here" } bandi(); // { dg-message "required from here" } lshi(); // { dg-message "required from here" } rshi(); // { dg-message "required from here" } eq(); // { dg-message "required from here" } ne(); // { dg-message "required from here" } lt(); // { dg-message "required from here" } gt(); // { dg-message "required from here" } le(); // { dg-message "required from here" } ge(); // { dg-message "required from here" } dot_star(); // { dg-message "required from here" } arrow_star(); // { dg-message "required from here" } }
void lat_dir()//get dimensions { char i=0,val; if( ID()) { comma(3); while(1) { if(Serial.available()) { val = Serial.read(); Serial.write(val); Serial.println(); i++; } if(i==1) { i=0; return; } } } }
void lon_dir()//get direction data { char i=0,val; if( ID()) { comma(5); while(1) { if(Serial.available()) { val = Serial.read(); Serial.write(val); //Serial.println(val,BYTE); Serial.println(); i++; } if(i==1) { i=0; return; } } } }
void IntelDisassembler::handle_stmt(IntelSyntaxDisStmt &stmt) { if(stmt.ident == symbol_write) { write(unquotify(stmt.args[0]).c_str()); } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_space) { space(); } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_maybe_write_space_args_imm32) { if(icode->imm != get_num(stmt.args[0])) { space(); write_args(); } } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_write_args) { write_args(); } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_write_arg) { if(stmt.args.size() == 1) write_arg(get_num(stmt.args[0])); else if(stmt.args.size() == 2) write_arg(get_num(stmt.args[0]), get_num(stmt.args[1])); else if(stmt.args.size() == 3) write_arg(get_num(stmt.args[0]), get_num(stmt.args[1]), get_num(stmt.args[2])); else if(stmt.args.size() == 4) write_arg(get_num(stmt.args[0]), get_num(stmt.args[1]), get_num(stmt.args[2]), get_num(stmt.args[3])); } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_write_rep) { if(icode->lockrep == 2 || icode->lockrep == 3) write("rep "); } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_write_repcc) { if(icode->lockrep == 2) write("repnz "); else if(icode->lockrep == 3) write("repz "); } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_write_size_suffix_argsize) { write_size_suffix(icode->argsize[get_num(stmt.args[0])]); } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_write_size_suffix_osz) { write_size_suffix(2 << icode->osz); } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_write_seg_reg) { if(icode->ea.sreg <= 5) { do_write_seg_reg(icode->ea.sreg); write(" "); } } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_comma) { comma(); } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_write_osz64) { write(unquotify(stmt.args[(icode->osz == 2) ? 0 : 1]).c_str()); } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_write_stack_o16_o32_o64) { if(dsz == 2) { // 64bit mode. if(icode->osz == 0) write("o16 "); } else if(dsz != icode->osz) { write_o16_o32_o64(); } } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_do_nop_xchg) { // do_nop_xchg("nop", "xchg", 1) means: argvalue(1) is 0, nop else do xchg int a = get_num(stmt.args[2]); if(icode->argvalue[a] == 0 && state->opcode0 == 0x90 && icode->argtype[0] == IntelArgTypes::Treg_gr) write(unquotify(stmt.args[0]).c_str()); else { write(unquotify(stmt.args[1]).c_str()); space(); write_args(); } } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_write_xlat_o16_o32_o64) { if(dsz == 2) { // 64bit mode. if(icode->osz != 1) write_o16_o32_o64(); } else if(dsz != icode->osz) { write_o16_o32_o64(); } } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_write_osz) { // if osz == 0, write 1st argument. // if osz == 1, write 2nd argument. // if osz == 2, write 3rd argument. write(unquotify(stmt.args[icode->osz]).c_str()); } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_write_asz) { // if asz == 0, write 1st argument. // if asz == 1, write 2nd argument. // if asz == 2, write 3rd argument. write(unquotify(stmt.args[icode->asz]).c_str()); } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_write_far_imm) { write_far_imm(); } else if(stmt.ident == symbol_write_jrcxz_o16_o32_o64) { if(dsz != 2) { if(icode->osz != dsz) write_o16_o32_o64(); } } else { write("<unimpl-stmt>"); } }
void dumpNodeFlags(PrintStream& actualOut, NodeFlags flags) { StringPrintStream out; CommaPrinter comma("|"); if (flags & NodeResultMask) { switch (flags & NodeResultMask) { case NodeResultJS: out.print(comma, "JS"); break; case NodeResultNumber: out.print(comma, "Number"); break; case NodeResultDouble: out.print(comma, "Double"); break; case NodeResultInt32: out.print(comma, "Int32"); break; case NodeResultInt52: out.print(comma, "Int52"); break; case NodeResultBoolean: out.print(comma, "Boolean"); break; case NodeResultStorage: out.print(comma, "Storage"); break; default: RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); break; } } if (flags & NodeMustGenerate) out.print(comma, "MustGen"); if (flags & NodeHasVarArgs) out.print(comma, "VarArgs"); if (flags & NodeResultMask) { if (!(flags & NodeBytecodeUsesAsNumber) && !(flags & NodeBytecodeNeedsNegZero)) out.print(comma, "PureInt"); else if (!(flags & NodeBytecodeUsesAsNumber)) out.print(comma, "PureInt(w/ neg zero)"); else if (!(flags & NodeBytecodeNeedsNegZero)) out.print(comma, "PureNum"); if (flags & NodeBytecodeUsesAsOther) out.print(comma, "UseAsOther"); } if (flags & NodeMayHaveNonIntResult) out.print(comma, "MayHaveNonIntResult"); if (flags & NodeMayOverflowInt52) out.print(comma, "MayOverflowInt52"); if (flags & NodeMayOverflowInt32InBaseline) out.print(comma, "MayOverflowInt32InBaseline"); if (flags & NodeMayOverflowInt32InDFG) out.print(comma, "MayOverflowInt32InDFG"); if (flags & NodeMayNegZeroInBaseline) out.print(comma, "MayNegZeroInBaseline"); if (flags & NodeMayNegZeroInDFG) out.print(comma, "MayNegZeroInDFG"); if (flags & NodeBytecodeUsesAsInt) out.print(comma, "UseAsInt"); if (flags & NodeBytecodeUsesAsArrayIndex) out.print(comma, "ReallyWantsInt"); if (flags & NodeIsFlushed) out.print(comma, "IsFlushed"); CString string = out.toCString(); if (!string.length()) actualOut.print("<empty>"); else actualOut.print(string); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc > 1) { if (!strcmp (argv[1], "-r")) /* hexchat.rc/FILEVERSION, PRODUCTVERSION */ { printf ("#define COMMA_VERSION %s\n", comma ()); } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "-a")) /* hexchat.iss/AppVerName */ { #ifdef _WIN64 printf ("AppVerName=HexChat %s (x64)\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); #else printf ("AppVerName=HexChat %s (x86)\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); #endif } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "-v")) /* hexchat.iss/AppVersion */ { /* printf ("AppVersion=%s\n", point ()); this was required only for nnnn[-n] version numbers */ printf ("AppVersion=%s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "-i")) /* hexchat.iss/VersionInfoVersion */ { /* printf ("VersionInfoVersion=%s\n", point ()); this was required only for nnnn[-n] version numbers */ printf ("VersionInfoVersion=%s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "-o")) /* hexchat.iss/OutputBaseFilename */ { #ifdef _WIN64 printf ("OutputBaseFilename=HexChat %s x64\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); #else printf ("OutputBaseFilename=HexChat %s x86\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); #endif } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "-v")) /* version.txt */ { printf ("%s", PACKAGE_VERSION); } else { printf ("usage:\n\t-a\thexchat.iss/AppVerName\n\t-i\thexchat.iss/VersionInfoVersion\n\t-o\thexchat.iss/OutputBaseFilename\n\t-r\thexchat.rc/FILEVERSION, PRODUCTVERSION\n\t-v\thexchat.iss/AppVersion\n"); } } else { printf ("usage:\n\t-a\thexchat.iss/AppVerName\n\t-i\thexchat.iss/VersionInfoVersion\n\t-o\thexchat.iss/OutputBaseFilename\n\t-r\thexchat.rc/FILEVERSION, PRODUCTVERSION\n\t-v\thexchat.iss/AppVersion\n"); } #if 0 /* ugly hack */ switch ((int) argv[1][0]) { case 'r': /* hexchat.rc/FILEVERSION, PRODUCTVERSION*/ printf ("#define COMMA_VERSION \"%s\"\n", comma ()); break; case 'a': /* hexchat.iss/AppVerName */ printf ("AppVerName=HexChat %s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); break; case 'v': /* hexchat.iss/AppVersion */ printf ("AppVersion=%s\n", point ()); break; case 'i': /* hexchat.iss/VersionInfoVersion */ printf ("VersionInfoVersion=%s\n", point ()); break; case 'o': /* hexchat.iss/OutputBaseFilename */ printf ("OutputBaseFilename=HexChat %s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); break; case 'u': /* version.txt */ printf ("%s", PACKAGE_VERSION); break; default: printf ("use a, i, o, r or v.\n"); break; } #endif return 0; }
void BlockSet::dump(PrintStream& out) const { CommaPrinter comma(" "); for (BlockIndex blockIndex = m_set.findBit(0, true); blockIndex < m_set.size(); blockIndex = m_set.findBit(blockIndex + 1, true)) out.print(comma, "#", blockIndex); }
/* * Initialise the model from a file. The file must be in the same formats as those saved by the model: csv etc * * ...FileName: the file name of the file containing the respective tumour cell metabolic population data. * lattice: the lattice to populate, either T or T1. * model: the model object. */ void InitialiseModel::SetTumourComposition(const char *patFileName, const char *pantFileName, const char *qatFileName, const char *qantFileName, const char *dFileName, const LatticeType lattice, Model *model) { LatticeSite *(*l)[HEIGHT][WIDTH]; if (lattice == T) l = &(model->m_latticeT); else if (lattice == T1) l = &(model->m_latticeT1); // Open the cellular description files ifstream fPatIn(patFileName, ios_base::in); // Check for errors if (fPatIn.fail()) throw string("Error: failed to open "+string(patFileName)+"."); ifstream fPantIn(pantFileName, ios_base::in); if (fPantIn.fail()) throw string("Error: failed to open "+string(pantFileName)+"."); ifstream fQatIn(qatFileName, ios_base::in); if (fQatIn.fail()) throw string("Error: failed to open "+string(qatFileName)+"."); ifstream fQantIn(qantFileName, ios_base::in); if (fQantIn.fail()) throw string("Error: failed to open "+string(qantFileName)+"."); ifstream fDIn(dFileName, ios_base::in); if (fDIn.fail()) throw string("Error: failed to open "+string(dFileName)+"."); for (int i = 0; i < HEIGHT; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < WIDTH; ++j) { int patCellPopulation, pantCellPopulation, qatCellPopulation, qantCellPopulation, dCellPopulation; patCellPopulation = pantCellPopulation = qatCellPopulation = qantCellPopulation = dCellPopulation = 0; // Read the cell populations from file fPatIn >> patCellPopulation; fPantIn >> pantCellPopulation; fQatIn >> qatCellPopulation; fQantIn >> qantCellPopulation; fDIn >> dCellPopulation; // Set the lattice site cellular composition (*l)[i][j]->SetCells(patCellPopulation, pantCellPopulation, qatCellPopulation, qantCellPopulation, dCellPopulation, 0); // Lines end with a non-comma character if (j < WIDTH-1) { for (int i = 0 ; i < 5; ++i) { string comma(""); switch (i) { case 0: fPatIn >> comma; if (comma != ",") throw string("Error: Contrary to expectations non ',' character read, "+comma+" read instead."); break; case 1: fPantIn >> comma; if (comma != ",") throw string("Error: Contrary to expectations non ',' charactor read, "+comma+" read instead."); break; case 2: fQatIn >> comma; if (comma != ",") throw string("Error: Contrary to expectation non ',' character read, "+comma+" read instead."); break; case 3: fQantIn >> comma; if (comma != ",") throw string("Error: Contrary to expectation non ',' character read, "+comma+" read instead."); break; case 4: fDIn >> comma; if (comma != ",") throw string("Error: Contrary to expectation non ',' character read, "+comma+" read instead."); break; } } } } } fPatIn.close(); fPantIn.close(); fQatIn.close(); fQantIn.close(); fDIn.close(); }