void record_and_check_timestamp(TIME_TYPE *next)
    pthread_once(&key_init, init_key);
    void *prev = pthread_getspecific(key);
        if(!compare_timestamps((TIME_TYPE *) prev, next))
            char time1[sizeof(TIME_TYPE)*2 + 1];
            char time2[sizeof(TIME_TYPE)*2 + 1];
            int i;
            for(i = 0; i < sizeof(TIME_TYPE); ++i)
                sprintf(time1+i*2, "%02x", ((unsigned char *)prev)[i]);
                sprintf(time2+i*2, "%02x", ((unsigned char *)next)[i]);
            if(backwards_timestamp_callback) (*backwards_timestamp_callback)(time1, time2);
        prev = malloc(sizeof(TIME_TYPE));
        pthread_setspecific(key, prev);
    *((TIME_TYPE *) prev) = *next;
예제 #2
파일: gl-util.c 프로젝트: GNOME/gnome-logs
 * gl_util_timestamp_to_display:
 * @microsecs: number of microseconds since the Unix epoch in UTC
 * @now: the time to compare with
 * @format: clock format (12 or 24 hour)
 * Return a human readable time, corresponding to @microsecs, using an
 * appropriate @format after comparing it to @now and discarding unnecessary
 * elements (for example, return only time if the date is today).
 * Returns: a newly-allocated human readable string which represents @microsecs
gchar *
gl_util_timestamp_to_display (guint64 microsecs,
                              GDateTime *now,
                              GlUtilClockFormat format,
                              gboolean show_second)
    GDateTime *datetime;
    GDateTime *local;
    gchar *time = NULL;

    datetime = g_date_time_new_from_unix_utc (microsecs / G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND);

    if (datetime == NULL)
        g_warning ("Error converting timestamp to time value");
        goto out;

    local = g_date_time_to_local (datetime);

    switch (format)
        case GL_UTIL_CLOCK_FORMAT_12HR:
            switch (compare_timestamps (local, now))
                case GL_UTIL_TIMESTAMPS_SAME_DAY:
                    if (show_second)
                        /* Translators: timestamp format for events on the
                         * current day, showing the time with seconds in
                         * 12-hour format. */
                        time = g_date_time_format (local, _("%l:%M:%S %p"));
                        /* Translators: timestamp format for events on the
                         * current day, showing the time without seconds in
                         * 12-hour format. */
                        time = g_date_time_format (local, _("%l:%M %p"));
                case GL_UTIL_TIMESTAMPS_SAME_YEAR:
                    if (show_second)
                        time = g_date_time_format (local,
                               /* Translators: timestamp format for events in
                                * the current year, showing the abbreviated
                                * month name, day of the month and the time
                                * with seconds in 12-hour format. */
                                                   _("%b %e %l:%M:%S %p"));
                        /* Translators: timestamp format for events in the
                         * current year, showing the abbreviated month name,
                         * day of the month and the time without seconds in
                         * 12-hour format. */
                        time = g_date_time_format (local, _("%b %e %l:%M %p"));
                    if (show_second)
                        time = g_date_time_format (local,
                               /* Translators: timestamp format for events in
                                * a different year, showing the abbreviated
                                * month name, day of the month, year and the
                                * time with seconds in 12-hour format. */
                                                   _("%b %e %Y %l:%M:%S %p"));
                        time = g_date_time_format (local,
                               /* Translators: timestamp format for events in
                                * a different year, showing the abbreviated
                                * month name day of the month, year and the
                                * time without seconds in 12-hour format. */
                                                   _("%b %e %Y %l:%M %p"));
                    g_assert_not_reached ();

        case GL_UTIL_CLOCK_FORMAT_24HR:
            switch (compare_timestamps (local, now))
                case GL_UTIL_TIMESTAMPS_SAME_DAY:
                    if (show_second)
                        /* Translators: timestamp format for events on the
                         * current day, showing the time with seconds in
                         * 24-hour format. */
                        time = g_date_time_format (local, _("%H:%M:%S"));
                        /* Translators: timestamp format for events on the
                         * current day, showing the time without seconds in
                         * 24-hour format. */
                        time = g_date_time_format (local, _("%H:%M"));
                case GL_UTIL_TIMESTAMPS_SAME_YEAR:
                    if (show_second)
                        /* Translators: timestamp format for events in the
                         * current year, showing the abbreviated month name,
                         * day of the month and the time with seconds in
                         * 24-hour format. */
                        time = g_date_time_format (local, _("%b %e %H:%M:%S"));
                        /* Translators: timestamp format for events in the
                         * current year, showing the abbreviated month name,
                         * day of the month and the time without seconds in
                         * 24-hour format. */
                        time = g_date_time_format (local, _("%b %e %H:%M"));
                    if (show_second)
                        time = g_date_time_format (local,
                               /* Translators: timestamp format for events in
                                * a different year, showing the abbreviated
                                * month name, day of the month, year and the
                                * time with seconds in 24-hour format. */
                                                   _("%b %e %Y %H:%M:%S"));
                        /* Translators: timestamp format for events in a
                         * different year, showing the abbreviated month name,
                         * day of the month, year and the time without seconds
                         * in 24-hour format. */
                        time = g_date_time_format (local, _("%b %e %Y %H:%M"));
                    g_assert_not_reached ();

            g_assert_not_reached ();

    g_date_time_unref (datetime);
    g_date_time_unref (local);

    if (time == NULL)
        g_warning ("Error converting datetime to string");

    return time;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    //print usage if needed
    if (argc != 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s totalRecordNumber\n", argv[0]);
    //get total record number from argument
    int totalRecordNumber = atoi(argv[1]);

    // time the program
    struct timeval sysTimeStart, sysTimeEnd;
    gettimeofday(&sysTimeStart, NULL);

    // set up directories;
    mkdir("cities", 0777);
    mkdir("datestamps", 0777);
    mkdir("messages", 0777);
    mkdir("states", 0777);
    mkdir("timestamps", 0777);
    mkdir("users", 0777);
    mkdir("bplus", 0777);

    // set up some counters, etc.
    unsigned int recordCount = 0,
    userCount = 0,
    cityCount = 0,
    stateCount = 0,
    timestampCount = 0,
    datestampCount = 0,
    messageCount = 0,

    // cities
    city_node *cityHT[HASH_SIZE];
    for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++)
        cityHT[i] = malloc(sizeof(city_node));
        cityHT[i] = NULL;

    // states
    state_node *stateHT[HASH_SIZE];
    for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++)
        stateHT[i] = malloc(sizeof(state_node));
        stateHT[i] = NULL;

    // timestamps
    timestamp_node *timestampHT[HASH_SIZE];
    for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++)
        timestampHT[i] = malloc(sizeof(timestamp_node));
        timestampHT[i] = NULL;

    // datestamps
    datestamp_node *datestampHT[HASH_SIZE];
    for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++)
        datestampHT[i] = malloc(sizeof(datestamp_node));
        datestampHT[i] = NULL;

    char filename[1024];
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    for (i = 0; i < totalRecordNumber; i++) {
        //open the corresponding file
        sprintf(filename, "record_%06d.dat", i);
        fp = fopen(filename,"rb");
        if (!fp) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s\n", filename);
        record_t *record = read_record(fp);

        // split location into city and state, as best we can
        char cityStr[TEXT_SHORT];
        char stateStr[TEXT_SHORT];

        // there's one record where the location is \0, which strtok breaks on
        if (record->location[0] == '\0')
            strncpy(cityStr, "", TEXT_SHORT);
            strncpy(stateStr, "", TEXT_SHORT);
            char loc[TEXT_SHORT];
            strncpy(loc, record->location, TEXT_SHORT);
            strncpy(cityStr, strtok(loc, ","), TEXT_SHORT);
            strncpy(stateStr, strtok(NULL, ","), TEXT_SHORT);

        // create state
        state_t state;
        strncpy(state.name, stateStr, TEXT_SHORT);

        // get stateId from hash if we have it already
        unsigned int stateHash = hash_state(&state) % HASH_SIZE;
        state_node *s;
        int stateId = -1;
        for(s = stateHT[stateHash]; (s != NULL) && (stateId == -1); s = s->next)
            if (compare_states(&state, &(s->state)) == 0)
                stateId = s->state.stateId;

        // assign stateId, add to hash table, and write file if we don't have it
        if (stateId == -1)
            state.stateId = stateCount;
            stateId = stateCount;
            write_state(stateCount, &state);

            s = malloc(sizeof(state_node));
            s->state = state;
            s->next = stateHT[stateHash];
            stateHT[stateHash] = s;

        // create city
        city_t city;
        city.stateId = stateId;
        strncpy(city.name, cityStr, TEXT_SHORT);

        // get cityId from hash if we have it already
        unsigned int cityHash = hash_city(&city) % HASH_SIZE;
        city_node *c;
        int cityId = -1;
        for(c = cityHT[cityHash]; (c != NULL) && (cityId == -1); c = c->next)
            if (compare_cities(&city, &(c->city)) == 0)
                cityId = c->city.cityId;

        // assign cityId, add to hash table, and write file if we don't have it
        if (cityId == -1)
            city.cityId = cityCount;
            cityId = cityCount;
            write_city(cityCount, &city);

            c = malloc(sizeof(city_node));
            c->city = city;
            c->next = cityHT[cityHash];
            cityHT[cityHash] = c;

        // create and write user
        user_t user;
        user.userId = record->id;
        user.cityId = cityId;
        user.stateId = stateId;
        strncpy(user.name, record->name, TEXT_SHORT);
        write_user(userCount, &user);

        // loop over messages
        for(j = 0; j < record->message_num; j++) {
            // create timestamp
            timestamp_t timestamp;
            timestamp.hour = record->messages[j].hour;
            timestamp.minute = record->messages[j].minute;

            // get timestampId from hash if we have it already
            unsigned int timestampHash = hash_timestamp(&timestamp) % HASH_SIZE;
            timestamp_node *t;
            int tsId = -1;
            for(t = timestampHT[timestampHash]; (t != NULL) && (tsId == -1); t = t->next)
                if (compare_timestamps(&timestamp, &(t->timestamp)) == 0)
                    tsId = t->timestamp.timestampId;

            // assign timestampId, add to hash table, and write file if we don't have it
            if (tsId == -1)
                timestamp.timestampId = timestampCount;
                tsId = timestampCount;
                write_timestamp(timestampCount, &timestamp);

                t = malloc(sizeof(timestamp_node));
                t->timestamp = timestamp;
                t->next = timestampHT[timestampHash];
                timestampHT[timestampHash] = t;

            // create datestamp
            datestamp_t datestamp;
            datestamp.year = record->messages[j].year;
            datestamp.month = record->messages[j].month;
            datestamp.day = record->messages[j].day;

            // get datestampId from hash if we have it already
            unsigned int datestampHash = hash_datestamp(&datestamp) % HASH_SIZE;
            datestamp_node *d;
            int dsId = -1;
            for(d = datestampHT[datestampHash]; (d != NULL) && (dsId == -1); d = d->next)
                if (compare_datestamps(&datestamp, &(d->datestamp)) == 0)
                    dsId = d->datestamp.datestampId;

            // assign datestampId, add to hash table, and write file if we don't have it
            if (dsId == -1)
                datestamp.datestampId = datestampCount;
                dsId = datestampCount;
                write_datestamp(datestampCount, &datestamp);

                d = malloc(sizeof(datestamp_node));
                d->datestamp = datestamp;
                d->next = datestampHT[datestampHash];
                datestampHT[datestampHash] = d;

            // create and write message
            message_t message;
            strncpy(message.text, record->messages[j].text, TEXT_LONG);
            message.userId = user.userId;
            message.timestampId = tsId;
            message.datestampId = dsId;
            message.messageId = messageCount;

            write_message(messageCount, &message);

        // free and close record

    // free city nodes
    city_node *cNode;
    for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++)
    	cNode = cityHT[i];
    	while (cNode != NULL)
    		city_node* tmp = cNode;
    		cNode = cNode->next;
    		free (tmp);

    // free state nodes
    state_node *sNode;
    for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++)
    	sNode = stateHT[i];
    	while (sNode != NULL)
    		state_node* tmp = sNode;
    		sNode = sNode->next;
    		free (tmp);

    // free timestamp nodes
    timestamp_node *tNode;
    for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++)
    	tNode = timestampHT[i];
    	while (tNode != NULL)
    		timestamp_node* tmp = tNode;
    		tNode = tNode->next;
    		free (tmp);

    // free datestamp nodes
    datestamp_node *dNode;
    for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++)
    	dNode = datestampHT[i];
    	while (dNode != NULL)
    		datestamp_node* tmp = dNode;
    		dNode = dNode->next;
    		free (tmp);

    // create, write, print file count information file
    file_count_t fc;
    fc.users = userCount;
    fc.cities = cityCount;
    fc.states = stateCount;
    fc.messages = messageCount;
    fc.timestamps = timestampCount;
    fc.datestamps = datestampCount;


    // end timing the program
    gettimeofday(&sysTimeEnd, NULL);
    float totaltime2 = (sysTimeEnd.tv_sec - sysTimeStart.tv_sec)
    + (sysTimeEnd.tv_usec - sysTimeStart.tv_usec) / 1000000.0f;
    printf("Process time %f seconds\n", totaltime2);

    return 0;