예제 #1
파일: SelfTuning.cpp 프로젝트: 8l/rose
RealT estimateNDistinctCollisionsFromDSPoint(IntT nPoints, IntT dim, PPointT *dataSet, IntT queryIndex, BooleanT useUfunctions, IntT k, IntT LorM, RealT R){
  RealT sumCollisions = 0;
  for(IntT i = 0; i < nPoints; i++){
    if (queryIndex != i) {
      RealT dist = distance(dim, dataSet[queryIndex], dataSet[i]);
      if (!useUfunctions){
	// Pi:
	if ( R < Pi_EPSILON )
	  sumCollisions += 1-POW(1-POW(computeFunctionP(PARAMETER_W_DEFAULT, dist), k), LorM);
	  sumCollisions += 1-POW(1-POW(computeFunctionP(PARAMETER_W_DEFAULT, dist / R), k), LorM);
	RealT mu;
	RealT x;
	// Pi:
	if ( R < Pi_EPSILON )
	  mu = 1 - POW(computeFunctionP(PARAMETER_W_DEFAULT, dist), k / 2);
	  mu = 1 - POW(computeFunctionP(PARAMETER_W_DEFAULT, dist / R), k / 2);
	x = POW(mu, LorM - 1);
	sumCollisions += 1 - mu * x - LorM * (1 - mu) * x;
  return sumCollisions;
예제 #2
파일: SelfTuning.cpp 프로젝트: 8l/rose
RealT estimateNCollisionsFromDSPoint(IntT nPoints, IntT dim, PPointT *dataSet, IntT queryIndex, IntT k, IntT L, RealT R){
  RealT sumCollisions = 0;
  for(IntT i = 0; i < nPoints; i++){
    if (queryIndex != i) {
      RealT dist = distance(dim, dataSet[queryIndex], dataSet[i]);
      // Pi:
      if ( R < Pi_EPSILON )
	sumCollisions += POW(computeFunctionP(PARAMETER_W_DEFAULT, dist), k);
	sumCollisions += POW(computeFunctionP(PARAMETER_W_DEFAULT, dist / R), k);
  return L * sumCollisions;
예제 #3
//estimateNDistinctCollisions(nPoints, dimension, dataSet, sampleQueries[i], TRUE, k, m, R);
RealT estimateNDistinctCollisions(IntT nPoints, IntT dim, PPointT *dataSet, PPointT query, BooleanT useUfunctions, IntT k, IntT LorM, RealT R){
  RealT sumCollisions = 0;
  for(IntT i = 0; i < nPoints; i++){
    if (query != dataSet[i]) {
      RealT dist = distance(dim, query, dataSet[i]);
      if (!useUfunctions){ 
	sumCollisions += 1-POW(1-POW(computeFunctionP(PARAMETER_W_DEFAULT, dist / R), k), LorM);        //1-(1-p1^k)^L,两点冲突的概率
	RealT mu = 1 - POW(computeFunctionP(PARAMETER_W_DEFAULT, dist / R), k / 2);
	RealT x = POW(mu, LorM - 1);
	sumCollisions += 1 - mu * x - LorM * (1 - mu) * x;    //查询点与数据集点冲突的概率总和,为能查询到的近邻点的数目
  return sumCollisions;
예제 #4
RealT estimateNCollisions(IntT nPoints, IntT dim, PPointT *dataSet, PPointT query, IntT k, IntT L, RealT R){
  RealT sumCollisions = 0;
  for(IntT i = 0; i < nPoints; i++){
    if (query != dataSet[i]) {
      RealT dist = distance(dim, query, dataSet[i]);     //计算在桶中查询点与数据集中点的距离
      sumCollisions += POW(computeFunctionP(PARAMETER_W_DEFAULT, dist / R), k);    // dist很有可能就是表示r2,dist越大算出来的概率越小。
  return L * sumCollisions;        //求冲突的期望值   //sumCollosions是在所有桶中的冲突点的数目
예제 #5
RealT estimateNCollisions(IntT nPoints, IntT dim, PPointT *dataSet, PPointT query, IntT k, IntT L, RealT R){
  RealT sumCollisions = 0;
  for(IntT i = 0; i < nPoints; i++){
    if (query != dataSet[i]) {
      RealT dist = distance(dim, query, dataSet[i]);
      sumCollisions += POW(computeFunctionP(PARAMETER_W_DEFAULT, dist / R), k);
  return L * sumCollisions;
예제 #6
// Computes the parameter <m> of the algorithm, given the parameter
// <k> and the desired success probability <successProbability>. Only
// meaningful when functions <g> are interdependent (pairs of
// functions <u>, where the <m> functions <u> are each k/2-tuples of
// independent LSH functions).    //g函数是相关时,有用! 为了减少计算时间
IntT computeMForULSH(IntT k, RealT successProbability){
  ASSERT((k & 1) == 0); // k should be even in order to use ULSH.
  RealT mu = 1 - POW(computeFunctionP(PARAMETER_W_DEFAULT, 1), k / 2);    //1-p1^(k/2)   ,为1 说明c=1
  RealT P = successProbability;
  RealT d = (1-mu)/(1-P)*1/LOG(1/mu) * POW(mu, -1/(1-mu));     //(p1^k/2)/delta*log(1/(p1^k/2))*((1-p1^k/2)^(-1/(p1^(k/2)))) 
  RealT y = LOG(d);
  IntT m = CEIL(1 - y/LOG(mu) - 1/(1-mu));
  while (POW(mu, m-1) * (1 + m * (1-mu)) > 1 - P){      //13
  return m;
예제 #7
// Computes the parameter <L> of the algorithm, given the parameter
// <k> and the desired success probability
// <successProbability>. Functions <g> are considered all independent
// (original scheme).
IntT computeLfromKP(IntT k, RealT successProbability){
  return CEIL(LOG(1 - successProbability) / LOG(1 - POW(computeFunctionP(PARAMETER_W_DEFAULT, 1), k)));   //向上取整,LOG=ln ,公式6,返回L的值