예제 #1
extend_rule(Edge* edge, Item * item, int right)
    Edge*          newEdge = new Edge(*edge, *item, right);
    if(printDebug() > 140)
      cerr << "extend_rule " << *edge << " " << *item << endl;
    const Term* itemTerm = item->term();
    LeftRightGotIter lrgi(newEdge);
    globalGi = &lrgi;
    if(edge->loc() == edge->start())
	newEdge->prob() *= meEdgeProb(item->term(), newEdge, MCALC); 
	/*stoprightp is p of stopping after seeing what currently
	  passes for the rhs of the edge */
	newEdge->rightMerit() = computeMerit(newEdge,RUCALC);
	delete edge; // just created;
    else if(right)
	newEdge->prob() *=     meEdgeProb(item->term(),newEdge, RCALC);
    else newEdge->prob() *= meEdgeProb(item->term(),newEdge, LCALC);
	newEdge->rightMerit()  = computeMerit(newEdge,RMCALC);
	/* this is the left boundary stat for constituents that are
	   continuing left,  given the label and
	   whatever currently appears on the left boundary of the constit.
	   we only need this when going left */
	newEdge->leftMerit() = computeMerit(newEdge,LMCALC);

    if(itemTerm == Term::stopTerm) newEdge->status() = right ? 2 : 1;

    if(newEdge->status() == 2) newEdge->prob() *= endFactorComp(newEdge);

    if(printDebug() > 250 )
      cerr << "Constructed " << *newEdge << "\t"
	<< newEdge->leftMerit() << "\t"
	  << newEdge->prob() << "\t" << newEdge->rightMerit() << endl;
    int tmp = curDemerits_[newEdge->start()][newEdge->loc()];
    newEdge->demerits() = tmp;
	newEdge->rightMerit() = 0;
    //cerr << "DEM " << tmp << " " << newEdge->merit() << endl;
    globalGi = NULL;
    if(newEdge->merit() == 0)
	assert(alreadyPopedNum < 450000);
	alreadyPoped[alreadyPopedNum++] = newEdge;
	Edge* prd = newEdge->pred();
	if(prd) prd->sucs().pop_front();

    if(itemTerm != Term::stopTerm) item->needme().push_back(newEdge);
예제 #2
bool minimizeMeritFunction(std::vector< Matrix<B_DIM> >& B, std::vector< Matrix<U_DIM> >& U, beliefPenaltyMPC_params &problem, beliefPenaltyMPC_output &output, beliefPenaltyMPC_info &info, double penalty_coeff)
	LOG_DEBUG("Solving sqp problem with penalty parameter: %2.4f", penalty_coeff);

	//Matrix<B_DIM,1> b0 = B[0];

	std::vector< Matrix<B_DIM,B_DIM> > F(T-1);
	std::vector< Matrix<B_DIM,U_DIM> > G(T-1);
	std::vector< Matrix<B_DIM> > h(T-1);

	double Beps = cfg::initial_trust_box_size;
	double Ueps = cfg::initial_trust_box_size;

	double Xpos_eps = cfg::initial_Xpos_trust_box_size;
	double Xangle_eps = cfg::initial_Xangle_trust_box_size;
	double Uvel_eps = cfg::initial_Uvel_trust_box_size;
	double Uangle_eps = cfg::initial_Uangle_trust_box_size;

	double optcost;

	std::vector<Matrix<B_DIM> > Bopt(T);
	std::vector<Matrix<U_DIM> > Uopt(T-1);

	double merit, model_merit, new_merit;
	double approx_merit_improve, exact_merit_improve, merit_improve_ratio;

	int sqp_iter = 1, index = 0;
	bool success;

	Matrix<B_DIM,B_DIM> IB = identity<B_DIM>();
	Matrix<B_DIM,B_DIM> minusIB = IB;
	for(int i = 0; i < B_DIM; ++i) {
		minusIB(i,i) = -1;
	//Matrix<3*B_DIM+U_DIM, 3*B_DIM+U_DIM> HMat;
	Matrix<B_DIM,3*B_DIM+U_DIM> CMat;
	Matrix<B_DIM> eVec;
	//Matrix<S_DIM,S_DIM> Hess;

	// sqp loop
		// In this loop, we repeatedly construct a linear approximation to the nonlinear belief dynamics constraint
		LOG_DEBUG("  sqp iter: %d", sqp_iter);

		merit = computeMerit(B, U, penalty_coeff);
		LOG_DEBUG("  merit: %4.10f", merit);

		// Problem linearization and definition
		// fill in H, f, C, e
		for (int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) 
			Matrix<B_DIM>& bt = B[t];
			Matrix<U_DIM>& ut = U[t];

			linearizeBeliefDynamics(bt, ut, F[t], G[t], h[t]);

			// initialize f in cost function to penalize
			// belief dynamics slack variables
			index = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < (B_DIM+U_DIM); ++i) { f[t][index++] = 0; }
			for(int i = 0; i < 2*B_DIM; ++i) { f[t][index++] = penalty_coeff; }



			fillColMajor(C[t], CMat);

			if (t == 0) {
				fillCol(e[0], eVec);
			eVec = -h[t] + F[t]*bt + G[t]*ut;
			fillCol(e[t+1], eVec);


		// trust region size adjustment
			//std::cout << "PAUSED INSIDE MINIMIZEMERITFUNCTION" << std::endl;

			LOG_DEBUG("       trust region size: %2.6f %2.6f", Beps, Ueps);

			// solve the innermost QP here
			for(int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t)
				Matrix<B_DIM>& bt = B[t];
				Matrix<U_DIM>& ut = U[t];

				// Fill in lb, ub

				index = 0;
				// x lower bound
				//for(int i = 0; i < X_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index++] = MAX(xMin[i], bt[i] - Beps); }

				// car pos lower bound
				for(int i = 0; i < P_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index++] = MAX(xMin[i], bt[i] - Xpos_eps); }
				// car angle lower bound
				lb[t][index++] = MAX(xMin[P_DIM], bt[P_DIM] - Xangle_eps);
				// landmark pos lower bound
				for(int i = C_DIM; i < X_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index++] = MAX(xMin[i], bt[i] - Xpos_eps); }

				// sigma lower bound
				for(int i = 0; i < S_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index] = bt[index] - Beps; index++; }

				// u lower bound
				//for(int i = 0; i < U_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index++] = MAX(uMin[i], ut[i] - Ueps); }

				// u velocity lower bound
				lb[t][index++] = MAX(uMin[0], ut[0] - Uvel_eps);
				// u angle lower bound
				lb[t][index++] = MAX(uMin[1], ut[1] - Uangle_eps);

				// for lower bound on L1 slacks
				for(int i = 0; i < 2*B_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index++] = 0; }

				index = 0;
				// x upper bound
				//for(int i = 0; i < X_DIM; ++i) { ub[t][index++] = MIN(xMax[i], bt[i] + Beps); }

				// car pos upper bound
				for(int i = 0; i < P_DIM; ++i) { ub[t][index++] = MIN(xMax[i], bt[i] + Xpos_eps); }
				// car angle upper bound
				ub[t][index++] = MIN(xMax[P_DIM], bt[P_DIM] + Xangle_eps);
				// landmark pos upper bound
				for(int i = C_DIM; i < X_DIM; ++i) { ub[t][index++] = MIN(xMax[i], bt[i] + Xpos_eps); }

				// sigma upper bound
				for(int i = 0; i < S_DIM; ++i) { ub[t][index] = bt[index] + Beps; index++; }

				// u upper bound
				//for(int i = 0; i < U_DIM; ++i) { ub[t][index++] = MIN(uMax[i], ut[i] + Ueps); }

				// u velocity upper bound
				ub[t][index++] = MIN(uMax[0], ut[0] + Uvel_eps);
				// u angle upper bound
				ub[t][index++] = MIN(uMax[1], ut[1] + Uangle_eps);

			Matrix<B_DIM>& bT = B[T-1];

			// Fill in lb, ub, C, e
			index = 0;
			double finalPosDelta = .1;
			double finalAngleDelta = M_PI/4;

			// xGoal lower bound
			for(int i = 0; i < P_DIM; ++i) { lb[T-1][index++] = xGoal[i] - finalPosDelta; }
			// loose on car angles and landmarks
			lb[T-1][index++] = nearestAngleFromTo(bT[2], xGoal[2] - finalAngleDelta);
			//lb[T-1][index++] = xGoal[2] - finalAngleDelta;
			for(int i = C_DIM; i < X_DIM; ++i) { lb[T-1][index++] = MAX(xMin[i], bT[i] - Xpos_eps); }
			// sigma lower bound
			for(int i = 0; i < S_DIM; ++i) { lb[T-1][index] = bT[index] - Beps; index++;}

			index = 0;
			// xGoal upper bound
			for(int i = 0; i < P_DIM; ++i) { ub[T-1][index++] = xGoal[i] + finalPosDelta; }
			// loose on car angles and landmarks
			ub[T-1][index++] = nearestAngleFromTo(bT[2], xGoal[2] + finalAngleDelta);
			//ub[T-1][index++] = xGoal[2] + finalAngleDelta;
			for(int i = C_DIM; i < X_DIM; ++i) { ub[T-1][index++] = MIN(xMax[i], bT[i] + Xpos_eps); }
			// sigma upper bound
			for(int i = 0; i < S_DIM; ++i) { ub[T-1][index] = bT[index] + Beps; index++;}

			// Verify problem inputs
			//if (!isValidInputs()) {
			//	std::cout << "Inputs are not valid!" << std::endl;
			//	exit(-1);

			int exitflag = beliefPenaltyMPC_solve(&problem, &output, &info);
			if (exitflag == 1) {
				for(int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) {
					Matrix<B_DIM>& bt = Bopt[t];
					Matrix<U_DIM>& ut = Uopt[t];

					for(int i = 0; i < B_DIM; ++i) {
						bt[i] = z[t][i];
					for(int i = 0; i < U_DIM; ++i) {
						ut[i] = z[t][B_DIM+i];
					optcost = info.pobj;
				for(int i = 0; i < B_DIM; ++i) {
					Bopt[T-1][i] = z[T-1][i];
			else {
				LOG_ERROR("Some problem in solver");
				throw forces_exception();

			LOG_DEBUG("Optimized cost: %4.10f", optcost);

			model_merit = optcost;
			new_merit = computeMerit(Bopt, Uopt, penalty_coeff);

			LOG_DEBUG("merit: %4.10f", merit);
			LOG_DEBUG("model_merit: %4.10f", model_merit);
			LOG_DEBUG("new_merit: %4.10f", new_merit);
			approx_merit_improve = merit - model_merit;
			exact_merit_improve = merit - new_merit;
			merit_improve_ratio = exact_merit_improve / approx_merit_improve;

			LOG_DEBUG("approx_merit_improve: %1.6f", approx_merit_improve);
			LOG_DEBUG("exact_merit_improve: %1.6f", exact_merit_improve);
			LOG_DEBUG("merit_improve_ratio: %1.6f", merit_improve_ratio);
			//std::cout << "PAUSED INSIDE minimizeMeritFunction" << std::endl;
			//int num;
			//std::cin >> num;

			if (approx_merit_improve < -1e-5) {
				LOG_ERROR("Approximate merit function got worse: %1.6f", approx_merit_improve);
				//LOG_ERROR("Either convexification is wrong to zeroth order, or you are in numerical trouble");

				return false;
			} else if (approx_merit_improve < cfg::min_approx_improve) {
				LOG_DEBUG("Converged: improvement small enough");
				B = Bopt; U = Uopt;
				return true;
			} else if ((exact_merit_improve < 0) || (merit_improve_ratio < cfg::improve_ratio_threshold)) {
				Beps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Ueps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Xpos_eps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Xangle_eps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Uvel_eps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Uangle_eps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				LOG_DEBUG("Shrinking trust region size to: %2.6f %2.6f %2.6f %2.6f", Xpos_eps, Xangle_eps, Uvel_eps, Uangle_eps);
			} else {
				Beps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Ueps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Xpos_eps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Xangle_eps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Uvel_eps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Uangle_eps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				B = Bopt; U = Uopt;
				LOG_DEBUG("Accepted, Increasing trust region size to:  %2.6f %2.6f", Beps, Ueps);

			if (Beps < cfg::min_trust_box_size && Ueps < cfg::min_trust_box_size &&
					Xpos_eps < cfg::min_trust_box_size && Xangle_eps < cfg::min_trust_box_size &&
					Uvel_eps < cfg::min_trust_box_size && Uangle_eps < cfg::min_trust_box_size) {
			    LOG_DEBUG("Converged: x tolerance");
			    return true;

		} // trust region loop
	} // sqp loop

	return success;
예제 #3
bool minimizeMeritFunction(std::vector< Matrix<X_DIM> >& X, std::vector< Matrix<U_DIM> >& U, statePenaltyMPC_params& problem, statePenaltyMPC_output& output, statePenaltyMPC_info& info, double penalty_coeff, double trust_box_size)
	LOG_DEBUG("Solving sqp problem with penalty parameter: %2.4f", penalty_coeff);
	//std::cout << "Solving sqp problem with penalty parameter: " << penalty_coeff << std::endl;

	Matrix<X_DIM,1> x0 = X[0];

	// constrain initial state
	for(int i = 0; i < X_DIM; ++i) {
		e[i] = x0[i];

	double Xeps = trust_box_size;
	double Ueps = trust_box_size;

	double prevcost, optcost;

	std::vector<Matrix<X_DIM> > Xopt(T);
	std::vector<Matrix<U_DIM> > Uopt(T-1);

	double merit, model_merit, new_merit;
	double approx_merit_improve, exact_merit_improve, merit_improve_ratio;
	double constant_cost, hessian_constant, jac_constant;

	int sqp_iter = 1, index = 0;
	bool success;

	Matrix<X_DIM+U_DIM, X_DIM+U_DIM> QMat;
	Matrix<X_DIM+2*G_DIM,X_DIM+2*G_DIM> QfMat;
	Matrix<X_DIM> eVec;
	Matrix<2*G_DIM,X_DIM+2*G_DIM> AMat;
	Matrix<2*G_DIM,1> bVec;

	Matrix<X_DIM+U_DIM> zbar;

	// full Hessian from current timstep
	Matrix<XU_DIM,XU_DIM> B = identity<XU_DIM>();

	Matrix<XU_DIM> G, Gopt;
	double cost;
	int idx = 0;

	// sqp loop
		// In this loop, we repeatedly construct a linear approximation to the nonlinear belief dynamics constraint
		LOG_DEBUG("  sqp iter: %d", sqp_iter);

		merit = computeMerit(X, U, penalty_coeff);
		LOG_DEBUG("  merit: %4.10f", merit);

		// Compute gradients
		casadiComputeCostGrad(X, U, cost, G);
		finiteDifferenceCostGrad(X, U, cost, G, B);

		// Problem linearization and definition
		// fill in Q, f

		hessian_constant = 0;
		jac_constant = 0;
		idx = 0;

		for (int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) 
			Matrix<X_DIM>& xt = X[t];
			Matrix<U_DIM>& ut = U[t];

			idx = t*(X_DIM+U_DIM);
			//LOG_DEBUG("idx: %d",idx);

			for(int i = 0; i < (X_DIM+U_DIM); ++i) {
				double val = B(idx+i,idx+i);
				QMat(i,i) = (val < 0) ? 0 : val;
			for(int i=0; i < (X_DIM+U_DIM); ++i) { Q[t][i] = QMat(i,i); }
			//fillColMajor(Q[t], QMat);


			for(int i = 0; i < (X_DIM+U_DIM); ++i) {
				hessian_constant += QMat(i,i)*zbar[i]*zbar[i];
				jac_constant -= G[idx+i]*zbar[i];
				f[t][i] = G[idx+i] - QMat(i,i)*zbar[i];
		// For last stage, fill in Q, f, A, b
		Matrix<X_DIM>& xT = X[T-1];

		idx = (T-1)*(X_DIM+U_DIM);
		//LOG_DEBUG("idx: %d",idx);

		for(int i = 0; i < X_DIM; ++i) {
			double val = B(idx+i,idx+i);
			QfMat(i,i) = (val < 0) ? 0 : val;

		for(int i=0; i < (X_DIM+2*G_DIM); ++i) { Q[T-1][i] = QfMat(i,i); }
		//fillColMajor(Q[T-1], QfMat);

		for(int i = 0; i < X_DIM; ++i) {
			hessian_constant += QfMat(i,i)*xT[i]*xT[i];
			jac_constant -= G[idx+i]*xT[i];
			f[T-1][i] = G[idx+i] - QfMat(i,i)*xT[i];
		for(int i = 0; i < 2*G_DIM; ++i) {
			f[T-1][X_DIM+i] = penalty_coeff;

		// fill in A and b
		Matrix<G_DIM,X_DIM> J;
		linearizeg(xT, J);


		fillColMajor(A, AMat);

		Matrix<G_DIM> delta;
		delta [0] = delta[1] = delta[2] = goaldelta;
		bVec.insert<G_DIM,1>(0,0,posGoal - g(xT) + J*xT + delta);
		bVec.insert<G_DIM,1>(G_DIM,0,-posGoal + g(xT) - J*xT + delta);

		fillColMajor(b, bVec);
		constant_cost = 0.5*hessian_constant + jac_constant + cost;
		LOG_DEBUG("  hessian cost: %4.10f", 0.5*hessian_constant);
		LOG_DEBUG("  jacobian cost: %4.10f", jac_constant);
		LOG_DEBUG("  constant cost: %4.10f", constant_cost);

		//std::cout << "PAUSED INSIDE MINIMIZEMERITFUNCTION" << std::endl;
		//int k;
		//std::cin >> k;

		// trust region size adjustment
			LOG_DEBUG("       trust region size: %2.6f %2.6f", Xeps, Ueps);
			//std::cout << "       trust region size: " << Xeps << ", " << Ueps << std::endl;

			// solve the innermost QP here
			for(int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t)
				Matrix<X_DIM>& xt = X[t];
				Matrix<U_DIM>& ut = U[t];

				// Fill in lb, ub

				index = 0;
				// x lower bound
				for(int i = 0; i < X_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index++] = MAX(xMin[i], xt[i] - Xeps); }
				// u lower bound
				for(int i = 0; i < U_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index++] = MAX(uMin[i], ut[i] - Ueps); }

				index = 0;
				// x upper bound
				for(int i = 0; i < X_DIM; ++i) { ub[t][index++] = MIN(xMax[i], xt[i] + Xeps); }
				// u upper bound
				for(int i = 0; i < U_DIM; ++i) { ub[t][index++] = MIN(uMax[i], ut[i] + Ueps); }

			Matrix<X_DIM>& xT = X[T-1];

			// Fill in lb, ub, C, e
			index = 0;
			// xGoal lower bound
			for(int i = 0; i < X_DIM; ++i) { lb[T-1][index++] = MAX(xMin[i], xT[i] - Xeps); }
			// for lower bound on L1 slacks
			for(int i = 0; i < 2*G_DIM; ++i) { lb[T-1][index++] = 0; }

			index = 0;
			// xGoal upper bound
			for(int i = 0; i < X_DIM; ++i) { ub[T-1][index++] = MIN(xMax[i], xT[i] + Xeps); }

			// Verify problem inputs
//			if (!isValidInputs()) {
//				std::cout << "Inputs are not valid!" << std::endl;
//				exit(-1);
//			}

			//int num;
			//std::cin >> num;

			int exitflag = statePenaltyMPC_solve(&problem, &output, &info);
			if (exitflag == 1) {
				for(int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) {
					Matrix<X_DIM>& xt = Xopt[t];
					Matrix<U_DIM>& ut = Uopt[t];

					for(int i = 0; i < X_DIM; ++i) {
						xt[i] = z[t][i];
					for(int i = 0; i < U_DIM; ++i) {
						ut[i] = z[t][X_DIM+i];
					optcost = info.pobj;
				for(int i = 0; i < X_DIM; ++i) {
					Xopt[T-1][i] = z[T-1][i];
			else {
				LOG_ERROR("Some problem in solver");

			LOG_DEBUG("       Optimized cost: %4.10f", optcost);

			model_merit = optcost + constant_cost;

			new_merit = computeMerit(Xopt, Uopt, penalty_coeff);

			LOG_DEBUG("       merit: %4.10f", merit);
			LOG_DEBUG("       model_merit: %4.10f", model_merit);
			LOG_DEBUG("       new_merit: %4.10f", new_merit);
			approx_merit_improve = merit - model_merit;
			exact_merit_improve = merit - new_merit;
			merit_improve_ratio = exact_merit_improve / approx_merit_improve;

			LOG_DEBUG("       approx_merit_improve: %1.6f", approx_merit_improve);
			LOG_DEBUG("       exact_merit_improve: %1.6f", exact_merit_improve);
			LOG_DEBUG("       merit_improve_ratio: %1.6f", merit_improve_ratio);
			//std::cout << "PAUSED INSIDE minimizeMeritFunction AFTER OPTIMIZATION" << std::endl;
			//int num;
			//std::cin >> num;

			if (approx_merit_improve < -1e-5) {
				//LOG_ERROR("Approximate merit function got worse: %1.6f", approx_merit_improve);
				//LOG_ERROR("Either convexification is wrong to zeroth order, or you are in numerical trouble");

				return false;
			} else if (approx_merit_improve < cfg::min_approx_improve) {
				LOG_DEBUG("Converged: improvement small enough");
				X = Xopt; U = Uopt;
				return true;
			} else if ((exact_merit_improve < 0) || (merit_improve_ratio < cfg::improve_ratio_threshold)) {
				Xeps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Ueps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				LOG_DEBUG("Shrinking trust region size to: %2.6f %2.6f", Xeps, Ueps);
			} else {
				Xeps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Ueps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;

				casadiComputeCostGrad(Xopt, Uopt, cost, Gopt);

				Matrix<XU_DIM> s, y;

				idx = 0;
				for(int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) {
					for(int i=0; i < X_DIM; ++i) {
						s[idx+i] = Xopt[t][i] - X[t][i];
						y[idx+i] = Gopt[idx+i] - G[idx+i];
					idx += X_DIM;

					for(int i=0; i < U_DIM; ++i) {
						s[idx+i] = Uopt[t][i] - U[t][i];
						y[idx+i] = Gopt[idx+i] - G[idx+i];
					idx += U_DIM;
				for(int i=0; i < X_DIM; ++i) {
					s[idx+i] = Xopt[T-1][i] - X[T-1][i];
					y[idx+i] = Gopt[idx+i] - G[idx+i];

				double theta;
				Matrix<XU_DIM> Bs = B*s;

				bool decision = ((~s*y)[0] >= .2*(~s*Bs)[0]);
				if (decision) {
					theta = 1;
				} else {
					theta = (.8*(~s*Bs)[0])/((~s*Bs-~s*y)[0]);

				//std::cout << "theta: " << theta << std::endl;

				Matrix<XU_DIM> r = theta*y + (1-theta)*Bs;
				Matrix<XU_DIM> rBs = theta*(y -Bs);

				// SR1 update
				//B = B + (rBs*~rBs)/((~rBs*s)[0]);

				// L-BFGS update
				B = B - (Bs*~Bs)/((~s*Bs)[0]) + (r*~r)/((~s*r)[0]);

				// Do not update B
				//B = identity<XU_DIM>();

				X = Xopt; U = Uopt;

				LOG_DEBUG("Accepted, Increasing trust region size to:  %2.6f %2.6f", Xeps, Ueps);

			if (Xeps < cfg::min_trust_box_size && Ueps < cfg::min_trust_box_size) {
			    LOG_DEBUG("Converged: x tolerance");
			    return true;

		} // trust region loop
	} // sqp loop

	return success;