예제 #1
 void train(Matrix sampleInputs, Matrix targetOutputs){
     for(int i = 0; i < sampleInputs.size(); i++){
         inputs = sampleInputs[i];
         outputs = computeOutputs(sampleInputs[i]);
         updateWeights(targetOutputs[i], 0.5, 0.3);
예제 #2
    void update(Array in, int reward){
        if(reward > 0 && random(5) % 2 == 0){
            updateWeights(outputs, 0.5, 0.3);

        if(trainingInputs.size() > 300){

        inputs = in;
        outputs = computeOutputs(inputs);
예제 #3
evaluator_online(char *dir, const int *eval_inputs, int num_eval_inputs,
                 int num_chained_gcs, ChainingType chainingType,
                 uint64_t *tot_time, uint64_t *tot_time_no_load)
    /* Performs the online stage of the evaluator.
     * The first part of the function loads data from disk
     * that was saved during the online phase. 
     * Next, perform OT correction to acquire input labels
     * corresponding to the evaluators' inputs.
     * Next, receive instructions on how to evaluate and chain 
     * the garbled circuits.
     * Next, receive garbler labels and the output instructions.
     * The output instructions are unary gates mapping output labels to 0 or 1.
     * Next, we call evaluator_evaluate to evaluate the garbled circuits using 
     * the information acquired.
     * Finally, use the output instructions to process the output of the 
     * evaluation subprocedure to acquire actual bits of the output.
     * @param dir the director which OT and gc data are saved during the offline phase
     * @param eval_inputs an array of the evaluator's inputs; either 0 or 1
     * @param num_eval_inputs the length of the eval_inputs array
     * @param num_chained_gcs the number of garbled circuits saved to disk.
     * @param chainingType indicates whether to do standard or SIMD-style chaining.
     *        WARNING: SIMD-style chaining is deprecated.
     * @param tot_time an unpopulated int* (of length 1). evaluator_online populates
     *        value with the total amount of time it took to evaluate.
     * @param tot_time_no_load an unpopulated int* (of length 1). evaluator_online populates
     *        value with the total amount of time it took to evaluate, not including 
     *        the time to load data from disk.
    ChainedGarbledCircuit* chained_gcs;
    FunctionSpec function;
    block *garb_labels = NULL, *eval_labels = NULL,
        *outputmap = NULL, *offsets = NULL;
    int *corrections = NULL, *circuitMapping, sockfd;
    uint64_t start, end, _start, _end, loading_time;
    int num_garb_inputs = 0; /* later received from garbler */
    size_t tmp;

    block *labels[num_chained_gcs + 1];

    /* start timing after socket connection */
    _start = current_time_();
        /* Load things from disk */
        chained_gcs = calloc(num_chained_gcs, sizeof(ChainedGarbledCircuit));
        loadChainedGarbledCircuits(chained_gcs, num_chained_gcs, dir, chainingType);
        loadOTPreprocessing(&eval_labels, &corrections, dir);
        for (int i = 1; i < num_chained_gcs + 1; i++) {
            labels[i] = garble_allocate_blocks(chained_gcs[i-1].gc.n);
    _end = current_time_();
    loading_time = _end - _start;
    fprintf(stderr, "Load components: %llu\n", (_end - _start));

    if ((sockfd = net_init_client(HOST, PORT)) == FAILURE) {

    start = current_time_();

    /* Receive eval labels: OT correction */
    _start = current_time_();
    if (num_eval_inputs > 0) {
        block *recvLabels;
        uint64_t _start, _end;
        for (int i = 0; i < num_eval_inputs; ++i) {
            assert(corrections[i] == 0 || corrections[i] == 1);
            assert(eval_inputs[i] == 0 || eval_inputs[i] == 1);
            corrections[i] ^= eval_inputs[i];
        recvLabels = garble_allocate_blocks(2 * num_eval_inputs);
        /* valgrind is saying corrections is unitialized, but it seems to be */
        _start = current_time_();
            net_send(sockfd, corrections, sizeof(int) * num_eval_inputs, 0);
        _end = current_time_();
        fprintf(stderr, "OT correction (send): %llu\n", _end - _start);
        _start = current_time_();
            tmp = g_bytes_received;
            net_recv(sockfd, recvLabels, sizeof(block) * 2 * num_eval_inputs, 0);
        _end = current_time_();
        fprintf(stderr, "OT correction (receive): %llu\n", _end - _start);
        fprintf(stderr, "\tBytes: %lu\n", g_bytes_received - tmp);

        for (int i = 0; i < num_eval_inputs; ++i) {
            eval_labels[i] = garble_xor(eval_labels[i],
                                        recvLabels[2 * i + eval_inputs[i]]);
    _end = current_time_();
    fprintf(stderr, "OT correction: %llu\n", _end - _start);

    /* Receive circuit mapping which maps instructions-gc-id to disk-gc-id */
    _start = current_time_();
        int size;
        tmp = g_bytes_received;
        net_recv(sockfd, &size, sizeof(int), 0);
        circuitMapping = malloc(sizeof(int) * size);
        net_recv(sockfd, circuitMapping, sizeof(int) * size, 0);
    _end = current_time_();
    fprintf(stderr, "Receive circuit map: %llu\n", _end - _start);
    fprintf(stderr, "\tBytes: %lu\n", g_bytes_received - tmp);

    /* receive garbler labels */
    _start = current_time_();
        tmp = g_bytes_received;
        net_recv(sockfd, &num_garb_inputs, sizeof(int), 0);
        if (num_garb_inputs > 0) {
            garb_labels = garble_allocate_blocks(sizeof(block) * num_garb_inputs);
            net_recv(sockfd, garb_labels, sizeof(block) * num_garb_inputs, 0);
    _end = current_time_();
    fprintf(stderr, "Receive garbler labels: %llu\n", _end - _start);
    fprintf(stderr, "\tBytes: %lu\n", g_bytes_received - tmp);

    /* Receive output instructions */
    OutputInstructions output_instructions;
    _start = current_time_();
        tmp = g_bytes_received;
        net_recv(sockfd, &output_instructions.size, 
                sizeof(output_instructions.size), 0);
        output_instructions.output_instruction = 
            malloc(output_instructions.size * sizeof(OutputInstruction));

        net_recv(sockfd, output_instructions.output_instruction, 
                output_instructions.size * sizeof(OutputInstruction), 0);
    _end = current_time_();
    fprintf(stderr, "Receive output instructions: %llu\n", _end - _start);
    fprintf(stderr, "\tBytes: %lu\n", g_bytes_received - tmp);

    _start = current_time_();
        tmp = g_bytes_received;
        recvInstructions(sockfd, &function.instructions, &offsets);
    _end = current_time_();
    fprintf(stderr, "Receive instructions: %llu\n", _end - _start);
    fprintf(stderr, "\tBytes: %lu\n", g_bytes_received - tmp);

    /* Done with socket, so close */

    /* Follow instructions and evaluate */
    _start = current_time_();
    block **computedOutputMap = malloc(sizeof(block *) * (num_chained_gcs + 1));
        computedOutputMap[0] = garble_allocate_blocks(num_garb_inputs + num_eval_inputs);
        labels[0] = garble_allocate_blocks(num_garb_inputs + num_eval_inputs);
        memcpy(&computedOutputMap[0][0], garb_labels, sizeof(block) * num_garb_inputs);
        memcpy(&computedOutputMap[0][num_garb_inputs], eval_labels, sizeof(block) * num_eval_inputs);
        memcpy(&labels[0][0], garb_labels, sizeof(block) * num_garb_inputs);
        memcpy(&labels[0][num_garb_inputs], eval_labels, sizeof(block) * num_eval_inputs);
        for (int i = 1; i < num_chained_gcs + 1; i++) {
            computedOutputMap[i] = garble_allocate_blocks(chained_gcs[i-1].gc.m);
        evaluator_evaluate(chained_gcs, num_chained_gcs, &function.instructions,
                           labels, circuitMapping, computedOutputMap, offsets, chainingType);
    _end = current_time_();
    fprintf(stderr, "Evaluate: %llu\n", _end - _start);

    _start = current_time_();
    int *output = calloc(output_instructions.size, sizeof(int));
        int res = computeOutputs(&output_instructions, output, computedOutputMap);
        if (res == FAILURE) {
            fprintf(stderr, "computeOutputs failed\n");
            /* return FAILURE; */
    _end = current_time_();
    fprintf(stderr, "Map outputs: %llu\n", _end - _start);

    /* cleanup */
    for (int i = 0; i < num_chained_gcs; ++i) {
        freeChainedGarbledCircuit(&chained_gcs[i], false, chainingType);


        computedOutputMap[i] = NULL;


    if (function.instructions.instr) {
        function.instructions.instr = NULL;


    end = current_time_();
    if (tot_time)
        *tot_time = end - start + loading_time;
    if (tot_time_no_load)
        *tot_time_no_load = end - start;
    return SUCCESS;