예제 #1
void GraphicsLayerClutter::flushCompositingStateForThisLayerOnly()
    float pageScaleFactor;
    FloatPoint offset = computePositionRelativeToBase(pageScaleFactor);
    commitLayerChangesBeforeSublayers(pageScaleFactor, offset);
void CoordinatedGraphicsLayer::computePixelAlignment(FloatPoint& position, FloatSize& size, FloatPoint3D& anchorPoint, FloatSize& alignmentOffset)
    if (isIntegral(effectiveContentsScale())) {
        position = m_position;
        size = m_size;
        anchorPoint = m_anchorPoint;
        alignmentOffset = FloatSize();

    FloatPoint positionRelativeToBase = computePositionRelativeToBase();

    FloatRect baseRelativeBounds(positionRelativeToBase, m_size);
    FloatRect scaledBounds = baseRelativeBounds;

    // Scale by the effective scale factor to compute the screen-relative bounds.

    // Round to integer boundaries.
    // NOTE: When using enclosingIntRect (as mac) it will have different sizes depending on position.
    FloatRect alignedBounds = enclosingIntRect(scaledBounds);

    // Convert back to layer coordinates.
    alignedBounds.scale(1 / effectiveContentsScale());

    // Convert back to layer coordinates.
    alignmentOffset = baseRelativeBounds.location() - alignedBounds.location();

    position = m_position - alignmentOffset;
    size = alignedBounds.size();

    // Now we have to compute a new anchor point which compensates for rounding.
    float anchorPointX = m_anchorPoint.x();
    float anchorPointY = m_anchorPoint.y();

    if (alignedBounds.width())
        anchorPointX = (baseRelativeBounds.width() * anchorPointX + alignmentOffset.width()) / alignedBounds.width();

    if (alignedBounds.height())
        anchorPointY = (baseRelativeBounds.height() * anchorPointY + alignmentOffset.height()) / alignedBounds.height();

    anchorPoint = FloatPoint3D(anchorPointX, anchorPointY, m_anchorPoint.z() * effectiveContentsScale());