
	for(int j=0; j < M; j++)

		int target_base=j*d;	    	
		for(int k=0; k<K; k++){

			int center_base=k*d;

			double  target_center_distance_square=0.0;
			for(int i=0; i<d; i++){
				target_center_distance_square += dy[i]*dy[i];
				if (target_center_distance_square > ry_square[k]) break;

			if (target_center_distance_square <= ry_square[k]){
				double g=exp(-target_center_distance_square/h_square);
				for(int alpha=0; alpha<p_max_total; alpha++){

예제 #2
파일: subarray.cpp 프로젝트: bugamn/esesc
Subarray::Subarray(const DynamicParameter & dp_, bool is_fa_):
  dp(dp_), num_rows(dp.num_r_subarray), num_cols(dp.num_c_subarray),
  num_cols_fa_cam(dp.tag_num_c_subarray), num_cols_fa_ram(dp.data_num_c_subarray),
  cell(dp.cell), cam_cell(dp.cam_cell), is_fa(is_fa_)
	//cout<<"num_cols ="<< num_cols <<endl;
  if (!(is_fa || dp.pure_cam))
	  num_cols +=(g_ip->add_ecc_b_ ? (int)ceil(num_cols / num_bits_per_ecc_b_) : 0);   // ECC overhead
	  uint32_t ram_num_cells_wl_stitching =
		  (dp.ram_cell_tech_type == lp_dram)   ? dram_num_cells_wl_stitching_ :
	  (dp.ram_cell_tech_type == comm_dram) ? comm_dram_num_cells_wl_stitching_ : sram_num_cells_wl_stitching_;

	  area.h = cell.h * num_rows;
	  area.w = cell.w * num_cols +
	  ceil(num_cols / ram_num_cells_wl_stitching) * g_tp.ram_wl_stitching_overhead_;  // stitching overhead
  else  //cam fa

	  //should not add dummy row here since the dummy row do not need decoder
	  if (is_fa)// fully associative cache
		  num_cols_fa_cam  += g_ip->add_ecc_b_ ? (int)ceil(num_cols_fa_cam / num_bits_per_ecc_b_) : 0;
		  num_cols_fa_ram  += (g_ip->add_ecc_b_ ? (int)ceil(num_cols_fa_ram / num_bits_per_ecc_b_) : 0);
		  num_cols = num_cols_fa_cam + num_cols_fa_ram;
		  num_cols_fa_cam  += g_ip->add_ecc_b_ ? (int)ceil(num_cols_fa_cam / num_bits_per_ecc_b_) : 0;
		  num_cols_fa_ram  = 0;
		  num_cols = num_cols_fa_cam;

	  area.h = cam_cell.h * (num_rows + 1);//height of subarray is decided by CAM array. blank space in sram array are filled with dummy cells
	  area.w = cam_cell.w * num_cols_fa_cam + cell.w * num_cols_fa_ram
	  + ceil((num_cols_fa_cam + num_cols_fa_ram) / sram_num_cells_wl_stitching_)*g_tp.ram_wl_stitching_overhead_
	  + 16*g_tp.wire_local.pitch //the overhead for the NAND gate to connect the two halves
	  + 128*g_tp.wire_local.pitch;//the overhead for the drivers from matchline to wordline of RAM

예제 #3
파일: SCFPotential.c 프로젝트: smoh/galpy
//Compute the Potential
double SCFPotentialEval(double R,double Z, double phi,
                        double t,
                        struct potentialArg * potentialArgs)
    double * args= potentialArgs->args;
    //Get args
    double a = *args++;
    int isNonAxi = (int)*args++;
    int N = *args++;
    int L = *args++;
    int M = *args++;
    double* Acos = args;
    double* Asin;
    if (isNonAxi==1) //LCOV_EXCL_START
        Asin = args + N*L*M;
    //convert R,Z to r, theta
    double r;
    double theta;
    cyl_to_spher(R, Z,&r, &theta);
    double xi;
    calculateXi(r, a, &xi);

    //Compute the gegenbauer polynomials and its derivative.
    double C[N*L];

    compute_C(xi, N, L, &C[0]);

    //Compute phiTilde and its derivative
    double phiTilde[L*N];
    compute_phiTilde(r, a, N, L, &C[0], &phiTilde[0]);
    //Compute Associated Legendre Polynomials

    int M_eff = M;
    int size = 0;
    if (isNonAxi==0)
    M_eff = 1;
    size = L;    
    } else{ //LCOV_EXCL_START
    size = L*L - L*(L-1)/2;
    double P[size];

    compute_P(cos(theta), L,M_eff, &P[0]);

    double potential;

    double (*PhiTilde_Pointer[1]) = {&phiTilde[0]};
    double (*P_Pointer[1]) = {&P[0]};

    double Constant[1] = {1.};

    if (isNonAxi==1) //LCOV_EXCL_START
        double (*Eq[1])(double, double, double, double, double, double, int) = {&computePhi};
        equations e = {Eq,&PhiTilde_Pointer[0],&P_Pointer[0],&Constant[0]};
        computeNonAxi(a, N, L, M,r, theta, phi, Acos, Asin, 1, e, &potential);
        double (*Eq[1])(double, double, double) = {&computeAxiPhi};
        axi_equations e = {Eq,&PhiTilde_Pointer[0],&P_Pointer[0],&Constant[0]};
        compute(a, N, L, M,r, theta, phi, Acos, 1, e, &potential);

    return potential;
예제 #4
파일: SCFPotential.c 프로젝트: smoh/galpy
//Compute the Derivatives
void computeDeriv(double R,double Z, double phi,
		  double t,
		  struct potentialArg * potentialArgs, double * F)
    double * args= potentialArgs->args;
    //Get args
    double a = *args++;
    int isNonAxi = (int)*args++;
    int N = *args++;
    int L = *args++;
    int M = *args++;
    double* Acos = args;

    double * caching_i = (args + (isNonAxi + 1)*N*L*M);
    double *Asin;
    if (isNonAxi == 1)
        Asin = args + N*L*M;

    double *cached_type = caching_i;
    double * cached_coords = (caching_i+ 1);
    double * cached_values = (caching_i + 4);
    if ((int)*cached_type==DERIV)
        if (*cached_coords == R && *(cached_coords + 1) == Z && *(cached_coords + 2) == phi)
            *F = *cached_values;
            *(F + 1) = *(cached_values + 1);
            *(F + 2) = *(cached_values + 2);

    double r;
    double theta;
    cyl_to_spher(R, Z, &r, &theta);

    double xi;
    calculateXi(r, a, &xi);

//Compute the gegenbauer polynomials and its derivative.
    double C[N*L];
    double dC[N*L];
    double d2C[N*L];

    compute_C(xi, N, L, &C[0]);
    compute_dC(xi, N, L, &dC[0]);
    compute_d2C(xi, N, L, &d2C[0]);

//Compute phiTilde and its derivative
    double phiTilde[L*N];
    compute_phiTilde(r, a, N, L, &C[0], &phiTilde[0]);

    double dphiTilde[L*N];
    compute_dphiTilde(r, a, N, L, &C[0], &dC[0], &dphiTilde[0]);

    double d2phiTilde[L*N];
    compute_d2phiTilde(r, a, N, L, &C[0], &dC[0], &d2C[0], &d2phiTilde[0]);

//Compute Associated Legendre Polynomials
    int M_eff = M;
    int size = 0;
    if (isNonAxi==0)
    M_eff = 1;
    size = L;    
    } else{
    size = L*L - L*(L-1)/2;
    double P[size];

    compute_P(cos(theta), L,M_eff, &P[0]);

    double (*PhiTilde_Pointer[3])= {&d2phiTilde[0],&phiTilde[0],&dphiTilde[0]};
    double (*P_Pointer[3]) = {&P[0], &P[0], &P[0]};

    double Constant[3] = {1., 1., 1.};

    if (isNonAxi==1)
        double (*Eq[3])(double, double, double, double, double, double, int) = {&computeF_rr, &computeF_phiphi, &computeF_rphi};
        equations e = {Eq,&PhiTilde_Pointer[0],&P_Pointer[0],&Constant[0]};
        computeNonAxi(a, N, L, M,r, theta, phi, Acos, Asin, 3, e, F);
        double (*Eq[3])(double, double, double) = {&computeAxiF_rr, &computeAxiF_phiphi, &computeAxiF_rphi};
        axi_equations e = {Eq,&PhiTilde_Pointer[0],&P_Pointer[0],&Constant[0]};
        compute(a, N, L, M,r, theta, phi, Acos, 3, e, F);


    *cached_type = (double)DERIV;

    * cached_coords = R;
    * (cached_coords + 1) = Z;
    * (cached_coords + 2) = phi;
    * (cached_values) = *F;
    * (cached_values + 1) = *(F + 1);
    * (cached_values + 2) = *(F + 2);

예제 #5
static void compute_csas(ConsensusSA *csa)
  unsigned long i, sa_i, sa_i_size = 0, sa_prime, sa_prime_size;
  GtArray *splice_form;
  GtBittab **C, **left, **right, **L, **R, *U_i, *SA_i, *SA_prime;
#ifndef NDEBUG
  unsigned long u_i_size, u_i_minus_1_size;
  gt_assert(csa && csa->set_of_sas);

  /* init sets */
  C     = gt_malloc(sizeof (GtBittab*) * csa->number_of_sas);
  left  = gt_malloc(sizeof (GtBittab*) * csa->number_of_sas);
  right = gt_malloc(sizeof (GtBittab*) * csa->number_of_sas);
  L     = gt_malloc(sizeof (GtBittab*) * csa->number_of_sas);
  R     = gt_malloc(sizeof (GtBittab*) * csa->number_of_sas);

  for (i = 0; i < csa->number_of_sas; i++) {
    C[i]     = gt_bittab_new(csa->number_of_sas);
    left[i]  = gt_bittab_new(csa->number_of_sas);
    right[i] = gt_bittab_new(csa->number_of_sas);
    L[i]     = gt_bittab_new(csa->number_of_sas);
    R[i]     = gt_bittab_new(csa->number_of_sas);

  U_i      = gt_bittab_new(csa->number_of_sas);
  SA_i     = gt_bittab_new(csa->number_of_sas);
  SA_prime = gt_bittab_new(csa->number_of_sas);

  splice_form = gt_array_new(sizeof (unsigned long));

  /* compute sets */
  compute_C(C, csa);
  compute_left(left, csa);
  compute_right(right, csa);
  compute_L(L, C, left, csa->number_of_sas);
  compute_R(R, C, right, csa->number_of_sas);

  /* U_0 = SA */
  for (i = 0; i < csa->number_of_sas; i++)
    gt_bittab_set_bit(U_i, i);

#ifndef NDEBUG
  /* preparation for assertion below */
  u_i_minus_1_size = gt_bittab_count_set_bits(U_i);
  while (gt_bittab_is_true(U_i)) {
    sa_i = GT_UNDEF_ULONG;
    for (sa_prime  = gt_bittab_get_first_bitnum(U_i);
         sa_prime != gt_bittab_get_last_bitnum(U_i);
         sa_prime  = gt_bittab_get_next_bitnum(U_i, sa_prime)) {
      if (sa_i == GT_UNDEF_ULONG) {
        sa_i = sa_prime;
        gt_bittab_or(SA_i, L[sa_i], R[sa_i]);
        sa_i_size = gt_bittab_count_set_bits(SA_i);
      else {
        gt_bittab_or(SA_prime, L[sa_prime], R[sa_prime]);
        sa_prime_size = gt_bittab_count_set_bits(SA_prime);
        if (sa_prime_size > sa_i_size) {
          sa_i = sa_prime;
          sa_i_size = sa_prime_size;
          gt_bittab_equal(SA_i, SA_prime);

    /* make sure the computed splice form is maximal w.r.t. to compatibility */
    gt_assert(splice_form_is_valid(SA_i, csa));

    /* process splice form */
    if (csa->process_splice_form) {
      gt_bittab_get_all_bitnums(SA_i, splice_form);
      csa->process_splice_form(splice_form, csa->set_of_sas, csa->number_of_sas,
                               csa->size_of_sa, csa->userdata);

    /* U_i = U_i-1 \ SA_i */
    gt_bittab_nand(U_i, U_i, SA_i);

#ifndef NDEBUG
    /* ensure that |U_i| < |U_i-1| */
    u_i_size = gt_bittab_count_set_bits(U_i);
    gt_assert(u_i_size < u_i_minus_1_size);
    u_i_minus_1_size = u_i_size;

  /* free sets */
  for (i = 0; i < csa->number_of_sas; i++) {