static bool has_defaults(struct confdb_ctx *cdb, const char *conf_path, const char *attrs[]) { errno_t ret; TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx; char *val; bool found_default = false; tmp_ctx = talloc_new(NULL); if (tmp_ctx == NULL) { return false; } for (size_t i = 0; attrs[i] != NULL; i++) { ret = confdb_get_string(cdb, tmp_ctx, conf_path, attrs[i], NULL, &val); if (ret != EOK) { continue; } if (val == NULL) { found_default = true; break; } } talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return found_default; }
static errno_t proxy_auth_conf(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct be_ctx *be_ctx, char **_pam_target) { char *pam_target; errno_t ret; ret = confdb_get_string(be_ctx->cdb, mem_ctx, be_ctx->conf_path, CONFDB_PROXY_PAM_TARGET, NULL, &pam_target); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Unable to read confdb [%d]: %s\n", ret, sss_strerror(ret)); return ret; } if (pam_target == NULL) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Missing option %s.\n", CONFDB_PROXY_PAM_TARGET); return EINVAL; } *_pam_target = pam_target; return EOK; }
static errno_t pam_set_2fa_prompting_options(TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx, struct confdb_ctx *cdb, const char *section, struct prompt_config ***pc_list) { bool single_2fa_prompt = false; char *first_prompt = NULL; char *second_prompt = NULL; int ret; ret = confdb_get_bool(cdb, section, CONFDB_PC_2FA_SINGLE_PROMPT, false, &single_2fa_prompt); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_OP_FAILURE, "confdb_get_bool failed, using defaults"); } ret = confdb_get_string(cdb, tmp_ctx, section, CONFDB_PC_2FA_1ST_PROMPT, NULL, &first_prompt); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_OP_FAILURE, "confdb_get_string failed, using defaults"); } if (single_2fa_prompt) { ret = pc_list_add_2fa_single(pc_list, first_prompt); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_OP_FAILURE, "pc_list_add_2fa_single failed.\n"); } return ret; } else { ret = confdb_get_string(cdb, tmp_ctx, section, CONFDB_PC_2FA_2ND_PROMPT, NULL, &second_prompt); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_OP_FAILURE, "confdb_get_string failed, using defaults"); } ret = pc_list_add_2fa(pc_list, first_prompt, second_prompt); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_OP_FAILURE, "pc_list_add_2fa failed.\n"); } return ret; } return ENOENT; }
static errno_t proxy_id_conf(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct be_ctx *be_ctx, char **_libname, char **_libpath, bool *_fast_alias) { TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx; char *libname; char *libpath; bool fast_alias; errno_t ret; tmp_ctx = talloc_new(NULL); if (tmp_ctx == NULL) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "talloc_new() failed\n"); return ENOMEM; } ret = confdb_get_string(be_ctx->cdb, tmp_ctx, be_ctx->conf_path, CONFDB_PROXY_LIBNAME, NULL, &libname); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Unable to read confdb [%d]: %s\n", ret, sss_strerror(ret)); goto done; } else if (libname == NULL) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "No library name given\n"); ret = ENOENT; goto done; } ret = confdb_get_bool(be_ctx->cdb, be_ctx->conf_path, CONFDB_PROXY_FAST_ALIAS, false, &fast_alias); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Unable to read confdb [%d]: %s\n", ret, sss_strerror(ret)); goto done; } libpath = talloc_asprintf(tmp_ctx, "", libname); if (libpath == NULL) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "talloc_asprintf() failed\n"); ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } *_libname = talloc_steal(mem_ctx, libname); *_libpath = talloc_steal(mem_ctx, libpath); *_fast_alias = fast_alias; ret = EOK; done: talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return ret; }
static errno_t get_id_provider_default_re(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct confdb_ctx *cdb, const char *conf_path, char **re_pattern) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCRE_LESSER_THAN_7 DEBUG(SSSDBG_MINOR_FAILURE, "The libpcre version on this system is too old. Only " "the user@DOMAIN name fully qualified name format will " "be supported\n"); *re_pattern = NULL; return EOK; #else int ret; size_t c; char *id_provider = NULL; struct provider_default_re { const char *name; const char *re; } provider_default_re[] = {{"ipa", IPA_AD_DEFAULT_RE}, {"ad", IPA_AD_DEFAULT_RE}, {NULL, NULL}}; ret = confdb_get_string(cdb, mem_ctx, conf_path, CONFDB_DOMAIN_ID_PROVIDER, NULL, &id_provider); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_OP_FAILURE, "Failed to read ID provider " \ "from conf db.\n"); goto done; } if (id_provider == NULL) { *re_pattern = NULL; } else { for (c = 0; provider_default_re[c].name != NULL; c++) { if (strcmp(id_provider, provider_default_re[c].name) == 0) { *re_pattern = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, provider_default_re[c].re); if (*re_pattern == NULL) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_OP_FAILURE, "talloc_strdup failed.\n"); ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } break; } } } ret = EOK; done: talloc_free(id_provider); return ret; #endif }
static errno_t pam_set_password_prompting_options(TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx, struct confdb_ctx *cdb, const char *section, struct prompt_config ***pc_list) { int ret; char *value = NULL; ret = confdb_get_string(cdb, tmp_ctx, section, CONFDB_PC_PASSWORD_PROMPT, NULL, &value); if (ret == EOK && value != NULL) { ret = pc_list_add_password(pc_list, value); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_OP_FAILURE, "pc_list_add_password failed.\n"); } return ret; } return ENOENT; }
int userdel_defaults(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct confdb_ctx *confdb, struct ops_ctx *data, int remove_home) { int ret; char *conf_path; bool dfl_remove_home; conf_path = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, CONFDB_DOMAIN_PATH_TMPL, data->domain->name); if (!conf_path) { return ENOMEM; } /* remove homedir on user creation? */ if (!remove_home) { ret = confdb_get_bool(confdb, mem_ctx, conf_path, CONFDB_LOCAL_REMOVE_HOMEDIR, DFL_REMOVE_HOMEDIR, &dfl_remove_home); if (ret != EOK) { goto done; } data->remove_homedir = dfl_remove_home; } else { data->remove_homedir = (remove_home == DO_REMOVE_HOME); } /* a directory to remove mail spools from */ ret = confdb_get_string(confdb, mem_ctx, conf_path, CONFDB_LOCAL_MAIL_DIR, DFL_MAIL_DIR, &data->maildir); if (ret != EOK) { goto done; } ret = EOK; done: talloc_free(conf_path); return ret; }
errno_t krb5_try_kdcip(struct confdb_ctx *cdb, const char *conf_path, struct dp_option *opts, int opt_id) { char *krb5_servers = NULL; errno_t ret; krb5_servers = dp_opt_get_string(opts, opt_id); if (krb5_servers == NULL) { DEBUG(4, ("No KDC found in configuration, trying legacy option\n")); ret = confdb_get_string(cdb, NULL, conf_path, "krb5_kdcip", NULL, &krb5_servers); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(1, ("confdb_get_string failed.\n")); return ret; } if (krb5_servers != NULL) { ret = dp_opt_set_string(opts, opt_id, krb5_servers); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(1, ("dp_opt_set_string failed.\n")); talloc_free(krb5_servers); return ret; } DEBUG(SSSDBG_CONF_SETTINGS, ("Set krb5 server [%s] based on legacy krb5_kdcip option\n", krb5_servers)); DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, ("Your configuration uses the deprecated option " "'krb5_kdcip' to specify the KDC. Please change the " "configuration to use the 'krb5_server' option " "instead.\n")); talloc_free(krb5_servers); } } return EOK; }
int sss_names_init(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct confdb_ctx *cdb, const char *domain, struct sss_names_ctx **out) { TALLOC_CTX *tmpctx = NULL; char *conf_path = NULL; char *re_pattern = NULL;; char *fq_fmt = NULL; int ret; tmpctx = talloc_new(NULL); if (tmpctx == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } if (domain != NULL) { conf_path = talloc_asprintf(tmpctx, CONFDB_DOMAIN_PATH_TMPL, domain); if (conf_path == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } ret = confdb_get_string(cdb, tmpctx, conf_path, CONFDB_NAME_REGEX, NULL, &re_pattern); if (ret != EOK) goto done; } /* If not found in the domain, look in globals */ if (re_pattern == NULL) { ret = confdb_get_string(cdb, tmpctx, CONFDB_MONITOR_CONF_ENTRY, CONFDB_NAME_REGEX, NULL, &re_pattern); if (ret != EOK) goto done; } if (re_pattern == NULL && conf_path != NULL) { ret = get_id_provider_default_re(tmpctx, cdb, conf_path, &re_pattern); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_OP_FAILURE, "Failed to get provider default regular " \ "expression for domain [%s].\n", domain); goto done; } } if (!re_pattern) { re_pattern = talloc_strdup(tmpctx, "(?P<name>[^@]+)@?(?P<domain>[^@]*$)"); if (!re_pattern) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCRE_LESSER_THAN_7 } else { DEBUG(SSSDBG_OP_FAILURE, "This binary was build with a version of libpcre that does " "not support non-unique named subpatterns.\n"); DEBUG(SSSDBG_OP_FAILURE, "Please make sure that your pattern [%s] only contains " "subpatterns with a unique name and uses " "the Python syntax (?P<name>).\n", re_pattern); #endif } if (conf_path != NULL) { ret = confdb_get_string(cdb, tmpctx, conf_path, CONFDB_FULL_NAME_FORMAT, NULL, &fq_fmt); if (ret != EOK) goto done; } /* If not found in the domain, look in globals */ if (fq_fmt == NULL) { ret = confdb_get_string(cdb, tmpctx, CONFDB_MONITOR_CONF_ENTRY, CONFDB_FULL_NAME_FORMAT, NULL, &fq_fmt); if (ret != EOK) goto done; } if (!fq_fmt) { fq_fmt = talloc_strdup(tmpctx, CONFDB_DEFAULT_FULL_NAME_FORMAT); if (!fq_fmt) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } } ret = sss_names_init_from_args(mem_ctx, re_pattern, fq_fmt, out); done: talloc_free(tmpctx); return ret; }
int pac_process_init(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct tevent_context *ev, struct confdb_ctx *cdb) { struct resp_ctx *rctx; struct sss_cmd_table *pac_cmds; struct be_conn *iter; struct pac_ctx *pac_ctx; int ret, max_retries; enum idmap_error_code err; int fd_limit; char *uid_str; pac_cmds = get_pac_cmds(); ret = sss_process_init(mem_ctx, ev, cdb, pac_cmds, SSS_PAC_SOCKET_NAME, -1, NULL, -1, CONFDB_PAC_CONF_ENTRY, PAC_SBUS_SERVICE_NAME, PAC_SBUS_SERVICE_VERSION, &monitor_pac_methods, "PAC", &pac_dp_methods.vtable, sss_connection_setup, &rctx); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "sss_process_init() failed\n"); return ret; } pac_ctx = talloc_zero(rctx, struct pac_ctx); if (!pac_ctx) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "fatal error initializing pac_ctx\n"); ret = ENOMEM; goto fail; } pac_ctx->rctx = rctx; pac_ctx->rctx->pvt_ctx = pac_ctx; ret = confdb_get_string(pac_ctx->rctx->cdb, pac_ctx->rctx, CONFDB_PAC_CONF_ENTRY, CONFDB_SERVICE_ALLOWED_UIDS, DEFAULT_ALLOWED_UIDS, &uid_str); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to get allowed UIDs.\n"); goto fail; } ret = csv_string_to_uid_array(pac_ctx->rctx, uid_str, true, &pac_ctx->rctx->allowed_uids_count, &pac_ctx->rctx->allowed_uids); talloc_free(uid_str); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to set allowed UIDs.\n"); goto fail; } /* Enable automatic reconnection to the Data Provider */ ret = confdb_get_int(pac_ctx->rctx->cdb, CONFDB_PAC_CONF_ENTRY, CONFDB_SERVICE_RECON_RETRIES, 3, &max_retries); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to set up automatic reconnection\n"); goto fail; } for (iter = pac_ctx->rctx->be_conns; iter; iter = iter->next) { sbus_reconnect_init(iter->conn, max_retries, pac_dp_reconnect_init, iter); } err = sss_idmap_init(sss_idmap_talloc, pac_ctx, sss_idmap_talloc_free, &pac_ctx->idmap_ctx); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "sss_idmap_init failed.\n"); ret = EFAULT; goto fail; } /* Set up file descriptor limits */ ret = confdb_get_int(pac_ctx->rctx->cdb, CONFDB_PAC_CONF_ENTRY, CONFDB_SERVICE_FD_LIMIT, DEFAULT_PAC_FD_LIMIT, &fd_limit); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to set up file descriptor limit\n"); goto fail; } responder_set_fd_limit(fd_limit); ret = confdb_get_int(pac_ctx->rctx->cdb, CONFDB_PAC_CONF_ENTRY, CONFDB_PAC_LIFETIME, 300, &pac_ctx->pac_lifetime); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to setup negative cache timeout.\n"); goto fail; } ret = schedule_get_domains_task(rctx, rctx->ev, rctx, NULL); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "schedule_get_domains_tasks failed.\n"); goto fail; } DEBUG(SSSDBG_TRACE_FUNC, "PAC Initialization complete\n"); return EOK; fail: talloc_free(rctx); return ret; }
int sssm_proxy_id_init(struct be_ctx *bectx, struct bet_ops **ops, void **pvt_data) { struct proxy_id_ctx *ctx; char *libname; char *libpath; int ret; ctx = talloc_zero(bectx, struct proxy_id_ctx); if (!ctx) { return ENOMEM; } ctx->be = bectx; ret = confdb_get_string(bectx->cdb, ctx, bectx->conf_path, CONFDB_PROXY_LIBNAME, NULL, &libname); if (ret != EOK) goto done; if (libname == NULL) { ret = ENOENT; goto done; } ret = confdb_get_bool(bectx->cdb, bectx->conf_path, CONFDB_PROXY_FAST_ALIAS, false, &ctx->fast_alias); if (ret != EOK) goto done; libpath = talloc_asprintf(ctx, "", libname); if (!libpath) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } ctx->handle = dlopen(libpath, RTLD_NOW); if (!ctx->handle) { DEBUG(0, ("Unable to load %s module with path, error: %s\n", libpath, dlerror())); ret = ELIBACC; goto done; } ctx->ops.getpwnam_r = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_getpwnam_r", libname); if (!ctx->ops.getpwnam_r) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to load NSS fns, error: %s\n", dlerror())); ret = ELIBBAD; goto done; } ctx->ops.getpwuid_r = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_getpwuid_r", libname); if (!ctx->ops.getpwuid_r) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to load NSS fns, error: %s\n", dlerror())); ret = ELIBBAD; goto done; } ctx->ops.setpwent = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_setpwent", libname); if (!ctx->ops.setpwent) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to load NSS fns, error: %s\n", dlerror())); ret = ELIBBAD; goto done; } ctx->ops.getpwent_r = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_getpwent_r", libname); if (!ctx->ops.getpwent_r) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to load NSS fns, error: %s\n", dlerror())); ret = ELIBBAD; goto done; } ctx->ops.endpwent = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_endpwent", libname); if (!ctx->ops.endpwent) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to load NSS fns, error: %s\n", dlerror())); ret = ELIBBAD; goto done; } ctx->ops.getgrnam_r = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_getgrnam_r", libname); if (!ctx->ops.getgrnam_r) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to load NSS fns, error: %s\n", dlerror())); ret = ELIBBAD; goto done; } ctx->ops.getgrgid_r = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_getgrgid_r", libname); if (!ctx->ops.getgrgid_r) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to load NSS fns, error: %s\n", dlerror())); ret = ELIBBAD; goto done; } ctx->ops.setgrent = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_setgrent", libname); if (!ctx->ops.setgrent) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to load NSS fns, error: %s\n", dlerror())); ret = ELIBBAD; goto done; } ctx->ops.getgrent_r = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_getgrent_r", libname); if (!ctx->ops.getgrent_r) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to load NSS fns, error: %s\n", dlerror())); ret = ELIBBAD; goto done; } ctx->ops.endgrent = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_endgrent", libname); if (!ctx->ops.endgrent) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to load NSS fns, error: %s\n", dlerror())); ret = ELIBBAD; goto done; } ctx->ops.initgroups_dyn = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_initgroups_dyn", libname); if (!ctx->ops.initgroups_dyn) { DEBUG(1, ("The '%s' library does not provides the " "_nss_XXX_initgroups_dyn function!\n" "initgroups will be slow as it will require " "full groups enumeration!\n", libname)); } ctx->ops.setnetgrent = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_setnetgrent", libname); if (!ctx->ops.setnetgrent) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to load _nss_%s_setnetgrent, error: %s. " "The library does not support netgroups.\n", libname, dlerror())); } ctx->ops.getnetgrent_r = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_getnetgrent_r", libname); if (!ctx->ops.getgrent_r) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to load _nss_%s_getnetgrent_r, error: %s. " "The library does not support netgroups.\n", libname, dlerror())); } ctx->ops.endnetgrent = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_endnetgrent", libname); if (!ctx->ops.endnetgrent) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to load _nss_%s_endnetgrent, error: %s. " "The library does not support netgroups.\n", libname, dlerror())); } ctx->ops.getservbyname_r = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_getservbyname_r", libname); if (!ctx->ops.getservbyname_r) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_MINOR_FAILURE, ("Failed to load _nss_%s_getservbyname_r, error: %s. " "The library does not support services.\n", libname, dlerror())); } ctx->ops.getservbyport_r = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_getservbyport_r", libname); if (!ctx->ops.getservbyport_r) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_MINOR_FAILURE, ("Failed to load _nss_%s_getservbyport_r, error: %s. " "The library does not support services.\n", libname, dlerror())); } ctx->ops.setservent = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_setservent", libname); if (!ctx->ops.setservent) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_MINOR_FAILURE, ("Failed to load _nss_%s_setservent, error: %s. " "The library does not support services.\n", libname, dlerror())); } ctx->ops.getservent_r = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_getservent_r", libname); if (!ctx->ops.getservent_r) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_MINOR_FAILURE, ("Failed to load _nss_%s_getservent_r, error: %s. " "The library does not support services.\n", libname, dlerror())); } ctx->ops.endservent = proxy_dlsym(ctx->handle, "_nss_%s_endservent", libname); if (!ctx->ops.endservent) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_MINOR_FAILURE, ("Failed to load _nss_%s_endservent, error: %s. " "The library does not support services.\n", libname, dlerror())); } *ops = &proxy_id_ops; *pvt_data = ctx; ret = EOK; done: if (ret != EOK) { talloc_free(ctx); } return ret; }
/* * Default values for add operations */ int useradd_defaults(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct confdb_ctx *confdb, struct ops_ctx *data, const char *gecos, const char *homedir, const char *shell, int create_home, const char *skeldir) { int ret; char *basedir = NULL; char *conf_path = NULL; conf_path = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, CONFDB_DOMAIN_PATH_TMPL, data->domain->name); if (!conf_path) { return ENOMEM; } /* gecos */ data->gecos = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, gecos ? gecos : data->name); if (!data->gecos) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } DEBUG(7, ("Gecos: %s\n", data->gecos)); /* homedir */ if (homedir) { data->home = talloc_strdup(data, homedir); } else { ret = confdb_get_string(confdb, mem_ctx, conf_path, CONFDB_LOCAL_DEFAULT_BASEDIR, DFL_BASEDIR_VAL, &basedir); if (ret != EOK) { goto done; } data->home = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%s/%s", basedir, data->name); } if (!data->home) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } DEBUG(7, ("Homedir: %s\n", data->home)); /* default shell */ if (!shell) { ret = confdb_get_string(confdb, mem_ctx, conf_path, CONFDB_LOCAL_DEFAULT_SHELL, DFL_SHELL_VAL, &data->shell); if (ret != EOK) { goto done; } } else { data->shell = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, shell); if (!data->shell) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } } DEBUG(7, ("Shell: %s\n", data->shell)); /* create homedir on user creation? */ if (!create_home) { ret = confdb_get_bool(confdb, mem_ctx, conf_path, CONFDB_LOCAL_CREATE_HOMEDIR, DFL_CREATE_HOMEDIR, &data->create_homedir); if (ret != EOK) { goto done; } } else { data->create_homedir = (create_home == DO_CREATE_HOME); } DEBUG(7, ("Auto create homedir: %s\n", data->create_homedir?"True":"False")); /* umask to create homedirs */ ret = confdb_get_int(confdb, mem_ctx, conf_path, CONFDB_LOCAL_UMASK, DFL_UMASK, (int *) &data->umask); if (ret != EOK) { goto done; } DEBUG(7, ("Umask: %o\n", data->umask)); /* a directory to create mail spools in */ ret = confdb_get_string(confdb, mem_ctx, conf_path, CONFDB_LOCAL_MAIL_DIR, DFL_MAIL_DIR, &data->maildir); if (ret != EOK) { goto done; } DEBUG(7, ("Mail dir: %s\n", data->maildir)); /* skeleton dir */ if (!skeldir) { ret = confdb_get_string(confdb, mem_ctx, conf_path, CONFDB_LOCAL_SKEL_DIR, DFL_SKEL_DIR, &data->skeldir); if (ret != EOK) { goto done; } } else { data->skeldir = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, skeldir); if (!data->skeldir) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } } DEBUG(7, ("Skeleton dir: %s\n", data->skeldir)); ret = EOK; done: talloc_free(basedir); talloc_free(conf_path); return ret; }
int confdb_init_db(const char *config_file, struct confdb_ctx *cdb) { TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx; int ret; int sret = EOK; int version; char timestr[21]; char *lasttimestr; bool in_transaction = false; const char *config_ldif; const char *vals[2] = { timestr, NULL }; struct ldb_ldif *ldif; struct sss_ini_initdata *init_data; tmp_ctx = talloc_new(cdb); if (tmp_ctx == NULL) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Out of memory.\n"); return ENOMEM; } init_data = sss_ini_initdata_init(tmp_ctx); if (!init_data) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Out of memory.\n"); ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } /* Open config file */ ret = sss_ini_config_file_open(init_data, config_file); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_TRACE_FUNC, "sss_ini_config_file_open failed: %s [%d]\n", strerror(ret), ret); if (ret == ENOENT) { /* sss specific error denoting missing configuration file */ ret = ERR_MISSING_CONF; } goto done; } ret = sss_ini_config_access_check(init_data); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Permission check on config file failed.\n"); ret = EPERM; goto done; } /* Determine if the conf file has changed since we last updated * the confdb */ ret = sss_ini_get_stat(init_data); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Status check on config file failed.\n"); ret = errno; goto done; } errno = 0; ret = sss_ini_get_mtime(init_data, sizeof(timestr), timestr); if (ret <= 0 || ret >= sizeof(timestr)) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to convert time_t to string ??\n"); ret = errno ? errno : EFAULT; } ret = confdb_get_string(cdb, tmp_ctx, "config", "lastUpdate", NULL, &lasttimestr); if (ret == EOK) { /* check if we lastUpdate and last file modification change differ*/ if ((lasttimestr != NULL) && (strcmp(lasttimestr, timestr) == 0)) { /* not changed, get out, nothing more to do */ ret = EOK; goto done; } } else { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to get lastUpdate attribute.\n"); goto done; } ret = sss_ini_get_config(init_data, config_file); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to load configuration\n"); goto done; } /* Make sure that the config file version matches the confdb version */ ret = sss_ini_get_cfgobj(init_data, "sssd", "config_file_version"); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Internal error determining config_file_version\n"); goto done; } ret = sss_ini_check_config_obj(init_data); if (ret != EOK) { /* No known version. Assumed to be version 1 */ DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Config file is an old version. " "Please run configuration upgrade script.\n"); ret = EINVAL; goto done; } version = sss_ini_get_int_config_value(init_data, 1, -1, &ret); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Config file version could not be determined\n"); goto done; } else if (version < CONFDB_VERSION_INT) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Config file is an old version. " "Please run configuration upgrade script.\n"); ret = EINVAL; goto done; } else if (version > CONFDB_VERSION_INT) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Config file version is newer than confdb\n"); ret = EINVAL; goto done; } /* Set up a transaction to replace the configuration */ ret = ldb_transaction_start(cdb->ldb); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to start a transaction for " "updating the configuration\n"); ret = sysdb_error_to_errno(ret); goto done; } in_transaction = true; /* Purge existing database */ ret = confdb_purge(cdb); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Could not purge existing configuration\n"); goto done; } ret = sss_confdb_create_ldif(tmp_ctx, init_data, &config_ldif); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Could not create LDIF for confdb\n"); goto done; } DEBUG(SSSDBG_TRACE_LIBS, "LDIF file to import: \n%s", config_ldif); while ((ldif = ldb_ldif_read_string(cdb->ldb, &config_ldif))) { ret = ldb_add(cdb->ldb, ldif->msg); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to initialize DB (%d,[%s]), aborting!\n", ret, ldb_errstring(cdb->ldb)); ret = EIO; goto done; } ldb_ldif_read_free(cdb->ldb, ldif); } /* now store the lastUpdate time so that we do not re-init if nothing * changed on restart */ ret = confdb_add_param(cdb, true, "config", "lastUpdate", vals); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to set last update time on db!\n"); goto done; } ret = ldb_transaction_commit(cdb->ldb); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Failed to commit transaction\n"); goto done; } in_transaction = false; ret = EOK; done: if (in_transaction) { sret = ldb_transaction_cancel(cdb->ldb); if (sret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Failed to cancel transaction\n"); } } sss_ini_config_destroy(init_data); sss_ini_close_file(init_data); talloc_zfree(tmp_ctx); return ret; }
int sdap_get_map(TALLOC_CTX *memctx, struct confdb_ctx *cdb, const char *conf_path, struct sdap_attr_map *def_map, int num_entries, struct sdap_attr_map **_map) { struct sdap_attr_map *map; char *name; int i, ret; map = talloc_array(memctx, struct sdap_attr_map, num_entries); if (!map) { return ENOMEM; } for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { map[i].opt_name = def_map[i].opt_name; map[i].def_name = def_map[i].def_name; map[i].sys_name = def_map[i].sys_name; ret = confdb_get_string(cdb, map, conf_path, map[i].opt_name, map[i].def_name, &name); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, ("Failed to retrieve value for %s\n", map[i].opt_name)); talloc_zfree(map); return EINVAL; } if (name) { ret = sss_filter_sanitize(map, name, &map[i].name); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, ("Could not sanitize attribute [%s]\n", name)); talloc_zfree(map); return EINVAL; } talloc_zfree(name); } else { map[i].name = NULL; } if (map[i].def_name && !map[i].name) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, ("Failed to retrieve value for %s\n", map[i].opt_name)); talloc_zfree(map); return EINVAL; } DEBUG(SSSDBG_TRACE_FUNC, ("Option %s has%s value %s\n", map[i].opt_name, map[i].name ? "" : " no", map[i].name ? map[i].name : "")); } *_map = map; return EOK; }
int run_userdel_cmd(struct tools_ctx *tctx) { int ret, status; char *userdel_cmd = NULL; char *conf_path = NULL; pid_t pid, child_pid; conf_path = talloc_asprintf(tctx, CONFDB_DOMAIN_PATH_TMPL, tctx->local->name); if (!conf_path) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } ret = confdb_get_string(tctx->confdb, tctx, conf_path, CONFDB_LOCAL_USERDEL_CMD, NULL, &userdel_cmd); if (ret != EOK || !userdel_cmd) { goto done; } errno = 0; pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { /* child */ execl(userdel_cmd, userdel_cmd, tctx->octx->name, (char *) NULL); exit(errno); } else { /* parent */ if (pid == -1) { DEBUG(1, ("fork failed [%d]: %s\n")); ret = errno; goto done; } while((child_pid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0)) > 0) { if (WIFEXITED(status)) { ret = WEXITSTATUS(status); if (ret != 0) { DEBUG(5, ("command [%s] returned nonzero status %d.\n", userdel_cmd, ret)); ret = EOK; /* Ignore return code of the command */ goto done; } } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { DEBUG(5, ("command [%s] was terminated by signal %d.\n", userdel_cmd, WTERMSIG(status))); ret = EIO; goto done; } else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) { DEBUG(5, ("command [%s] was stopped by signal %d.\n", userdel_cmd, WSTOPSIG(status))); continue; } else { DEBUG(1, ("Unknown status from WAITPID\n")); ret = EIO; goto done; } } if (child_pid == -1) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, ("waitpid failed\n")); ret = errno; goto done; } } ret = EOK; done: talloc_free(userdel_cmd); talloc_free(conf_path); return ret; }
int ifp_process_init(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct tevent_context *ev, struct confdb_ctx *cdb) { struct resp_ctx *rctx; struct sss_cmd_table *ifp_cmds; struct ifp_ctx *ifp_ctx; struct be_conn *iter; int ret; int max_retries; char *uid_str; char *attr_list_str; char *wildcard_limit_str; ifp_cmds = get_ifp_cmds(); ret = sss_process_init(mem_ctx, ev, cdb, ifp_cmds, NULL, -1, NULL, -1, CONFDB_IFP_CONF_ENTRY, SSS_IFP_SBUS_SERVICE_NAME, SSS_IFP_SBUS_SERVICE_VERSION, &monitor_ifp_methods, "InfoPipe", &ifp_dp_methods.vtable, &rctx); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "sss_process_init() failed\n"); return ret; } ifp_ctx = talloc_zero(rctx, struct ifp_ctx); if (ifp_ctx == NULL) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "fatal error initializing ifp_ctx\n"); ret = ENOMEM; goto fail; } ifp_ctx->rctx = rctx; ifp_ctx->rctx->pvt_ctx = ifp_ctx; ret = sss_names_init_from_args(ifp_ctx, "(?P<name>[^@]+)@?(?P<domain>[^@]*$)", "%1$s@%2$s", &ifp_ctx->snctx); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "fatal error initializing regex data\n"); goto fail; } ret = confdb_get_string(ifp_ctx->rctx->cdb, ifp_ctx->rctx, CONFDB_IFP_CONF_ENTRY, CONFDB_SERVICE_ALLOWED_UIDS, DEFAULT_ALLOWED_UIDS, &uid_str); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to get allowed UIDs.\n"); goto fail; } ret = csv_string_to_uid_array(ifp_ctx->rctx, uid_str, true, &ifp_ctx->rctx->allowed_uids_count, &ifp_ctx->rctx->allowed_uids); talloc_free(uid_str); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to set allowed UIDs.\n"); goto fail; } ret = confdb_get_string(ifp_ctx->rctx->cdb, ifp_ctx->rctx, CONFDB_IFP_CONF_ENTRY, CONFDB_IFP_USER_ATTR_LIST, NULL, &attr_list_str); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to get user attribute list.\n"); goto fail; } ifp_ctx->user_whitelist = ifp_parse_user_attr_list(ifp_ctx, attr_list_str); talloc_free(attr_list_str); if (ifp_ctx->user_whitelist == NULL) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to parse the allowed attribute list\n"); goto fail; } /* Enable automatic reconnection to the Data Provider */ ret = confdb_get_int(ifp_ctx->rctx->cdb, CONFDB_IFP_CONF_ENTRY, CONFDB_SERVICE_RECON_RETRIES, 3, &max_retries); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to set up automatic reconnection\n"); goto fail; } /* A bit convoluted way until we have a confdb_get_uint32 */ ret = confdb_get_string(ifp_ctx->rctx->cdb, ifp_ctx->rctx, CONFDB_IFP_CONF_ENTRY, CONFDB_IFP_WILDCARD_LIMIT, NULL, /* no limit by default */ &wildcard_limit_str); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Failed to retrieve limit for a wildcard search\n"); goto fail; } if (wildcard_limit_str) { ifp_ctx->wildcard_limit = strtouint32(wildcard_limit_str, NULL, 10); ret = errno; if (ret != EOK) { goto fail; } } for (iter = ifp_ctx->rctx->be_conns; iter; iter = iter->next) { sbus_reconnect_init(iter->conn, max_retries, ifp_dp_reconnect_init, iter); } /* Connect to the D-BUS system bus and set up methods */ ret = sysbus_init(ifp_ctx, ifp_ctx->rctx->ev, IFACE_IFP, ifp_ctx, &ifp_ctx->sysbus); if (ret == ERR_NO_SYSBUS) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_MINOR_FAILURE, "The system bus is not available..\n"); /* Explicitly ignore, the D-Bus daemon will start us */ } else if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Failed to connect to the system message bus\n"); talloc_free(ifp_ctx); return EIO; } ret = schedule_get_domains_task(rctx, rctx->ev, rctx, NULL); if (ret != EOK) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "schedule_get_domains_tasks failed.\n"); goto fail; } DEBUG(SSSDBG_TRACE_FUNC, "InfoPipe Initialization complete\n"); return EOK; fail: talloc_free(rctx); return ret; }