예제 #1
 * Config handling
static int vlclua_config_get( lua_State *L )
    vlc_object_t * p_this = vlclua_get_this( L );
    const char *psz_name = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 );
    switch( config_GetType( p_this, psz_name ) )
        case VLC_VAR_STRING:
            char *psz = config_GetPsz( p_this, psz_name );
            lua_pushstring( L, psz );
            free( psz );

        case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
            lua_pushinteger( L, config_GetInt( p_this, psz_name ) );

        case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
            lua_pushboolean( L, config_GetInt( p_this, psz_name ) );

        case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
            lua_pushnumber( L, config_GetFloat( p_this, psz_name ) );

            return vlclua_error( L );

    return 1;
예제 #2
파일: variables.c 프로젝트: chouquette/vlc
 * Finds the value of a variable. If the specified object does not hold a
 * variable with the specified name, try the parent object, and iterate until
 * the top of the tree. If no match is found, the value is read from the
 * configuration.
int var_Inherit( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_name, int i_type,
                 vlc_value_t *p_val )
    i_type &= VLC_VAR_CLASS;
    for( vlc_object_t *obj = p_this; obj != NULL; obj = obj->obj.parent )
        if( var_GetChecked( obj, psz_name, i_type, p_val ) == VLC_SUCCESS )
            return VLC_SUCCESS;

    /* else take value from config */
    switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_CLASS )
        case VLC_VAR_STRING:
            p_val->psz_string = config_GetPsz( p_this, psz_name );
            if( !p_val->psz_string ) p_val->psz_string = strdup("");
        case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
            p_val->f_float = config_GetFloat( p_this, psz_name );
        case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
            p_val->i_int = config_GetInt( p_this, psz_name );
        case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
            p_val->b_bool = config_GetInt( p_this, psz_name );
        case VLC_VAR_ADDRESS:
            return VLC_ENOOBJ;
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
예제 #3
 * Finds the value of a variable. If the specified object does not hold a
 * variable with the specified name, try the parent object, and iterate until
 * the top of the tree. If no match is found, the value is read from the
 * configuration.
int var_Inherit( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_name, int i_type,
                 vlc_value_t *p_val )
#ifndef NDEBUG
    if (p_this != VLC_OBJECT(p_this->p_libvlc)
     && unlikely(p_this->p_parent == NULL))
        msg_Info (p_this, "%s(%s) on detached object", __func__, psz_name);
        //vlc_backtrace ();
    i_type &= VLC_VAR_CLASS;
    for( vlc_object_t *obj = p_this; obj != NULL; obj = obj->p_parent )
        if( var_GetChecked( obj, psz_name, i_type, p_val ) == VLC_SUCCESS )
            return VLC_SUCCESS;
#ifndef NDEBUG
        if (obj != p_this && obj != VLC_OBJECT(p_this->p_libvlc)
         && unlikely(obj->p_parent == NULL))
            msg_Info (p_this, "%s(%s) on detached tree [%p] %s", __func__,
                      psz_name, obj, obj->psz_object_type);
            //vlc_backtrace ();

    /* else take value from config */
    switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_CLASS )
        case VLC_VAR_STRING:
            p_val->psz_string = config_GetPsz( p_this, psz_name );
            if( !p_val->psz_string ) p_val->psz_string = strdup("");
        case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
            p_val->f_float = config_GetFloat( p_this, psz_name );
        case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
            p_val->i_int = config_GetInt( p_this, psz_name );
        case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
            p_val->b_bool = config_GetInt( p_this, psz_name );
        case VLC_VAR_ADDRESS:
            return VLC_ENOOBJ;
            msg_Warn( p_this, "Could not inherit value for var %s "
                              "from config. Invalid Type", psz_name );
            return VLC_ENOOBJ;
    /*msg_Dbg( p_this, "Inherited value for var %s from config", psz_name );*/
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
예제 #4
SoundWidget::SoundWidget( QWidget *_parent, intf_thread_t * _p_intf,
                          bool b_shiny, bool b_special )
                         : QWidget( _parent ), p_intf( _p_intf),
                           b_is_muted( false ), b_ignore_valuechanged( false )
    /* We need a layout for this widget */
    QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
    layout->setSpacing( 0 ); layout->setMargin( 0 );

    /* We need a Label for the pix */
    volMuteLabel = new QLabel;
    volMuteLabel->setPixmap( QPixmap( ":/toolbar/volume-medium" ) );

    /* We might need a subLayout too */
    QVBoxLayout *subLayout;

    volMuteLabel->installEventFilter( this );

    /* Normal View, click on icon mutes */
    if( !b_special )
        volumeMenu = NULL; subLayout = NULL;
        volumeControlWidget = NULL;

        /* And add the label */
        layout->addWidget( volMuteLabel, 0, b_shiny? Qt::AlignBottom : Qt::AlignCenter );
        /* Special view, click on button shows the slider */
        b_shiny = false;

        volumeControlWidget = new QFrame( this );
        subLayout = new QVBoxLayout( volumeControlWidget );
        subLayout->setContentsMargins( 4, 4, 4, 4 );
        volumeMenu = new QMenu( this );

        QWidgetAction *widgetAction = new QWidgetAction( volumeControlWidget );
        widgetAction->setDefaultWidget( volumeControlWidget );
        volumeMenu->addAction( widgetAction );

        /* And add the label */
        layout->addWidget( volMuteLabel );

    /* Slider creation: shiny or clean */
    if( b_shiny )
        volumeSlider = new SoundSlider( this,
            config_GetFloat( p_intf, "volume-step" ),
            var_InheritString( p_intf, "qt-slider-colours" ),
            var_InheritInteger( p_intf, "qt-max-volume") );
        volumeSlider = new QSlider( NULL );
        volumeSlider->setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacSmallSize);
        volumeSlider->setOrientation( b_special ? Qt::Vertical
                                                : Qt::Horizontal );
        volumeSlider->setMaximum( 200 );

    volumeSlider->setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus );
    if( b_special )
        subLayout->addWidget( volumeSlider );
        layout->addWidget( volumeSlider, 0, b_shiny? Qt::AlignBottom : Qt::AlignCenter );

    /* Set the volume from the config */
    float volume = playlist_VolumeGet( THEPL );
    libUpdateVolume( (volume >= 0.f) ? volume : 1.f );
    /* Sync mute status */
    if( playlist_MuteGet( THEPL ) > 0 )
        updateMuteStatus( true );

    /* Volume control connection */
    volumeSlider->setTracking( true );
    CONNECT( volumeSlider, valueChanged( int ), this, valueChangedFilter( int ) );
    CONNECT( this, valueReallyChanged( int ), this, userUpdateVolume( int ) );
    CONNECT( THEMIM, volumeChanged( float ), this, libUpdateVolume( float ) );
    CONNECT( THEMIM, soundMuteChanged( bool ), this, updateMuteStatus( bool ) );
예제 #5
/* Video Panel constructor */
wxPanel *ExtraPanel::VideoPanel( wxWindow *parent )
    char *psz_filters;

    wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel( parent, -1 );
    wxBoxSizer *panel_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );

    /* Create static box to surround the adjust controls */
    wxStaticBox *adjust_box =
           new wxStaticBox( panel, -1, wxU(_("Adjust Image")) );
    wxStaticBoxSizer *adjust_sizer =
        new wxStaticBoxSizer( adjust_box, wxVERTICAL );
    adjust_sizer->SetMinSize( -1, 50 );

    /* Create flex grid */
    wxFlexGridSizer *adjust_gridsizer =
        new wxFlexGridSizer( 6, 2, 0, 0);

    /* Create the adjust button */
    wxCheckBox * adjust_check = new wxCheckBox( panel, Adjust_Event,

    /* Create the restore to defaults button */
    restoredefaults_button =
        new wxButton( panel, RestoreDefaults_Event,
        wxU(_("Restore Defaults")), wxDefaultPosition);

    wxStaticText *hue_text = new wxStaticText( panel, -1,
                                       wxU(_("Hue")) );
    hue_slider = new wxSlider ( panel, Hue_Event, 0, 0,
                                360, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize );

    wxStaticText *contrast_text = new wxStaticText( panel, -1,
                                       wxU(_("Contrast")) );
    contrast_slider = new wxSlider ( panel, Contrast_Event, 0, 0,
                                200, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);

    wxStaticText *brightness_text = new wxStaticText( panel, -1,
                                       wxU(_("Brightness")) );
    brightness_slider = new wxSlider ( panel, Brightness_Event, 0, 0,
                           200, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize) ;

    wxStaticText *saturation_text = new wxStaticText( panel, -1,
                                          wxU(_("Saturation")) );
    saturation_slider = new wxSlider ( panel, Saturation_Event, 0, 0,
                           300, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize );

    wxStaticText *gamma_text = new wxStaticText( panel, -1,
                                          wxU(_("Gamma")) );
    gamma_slider = new wxSlider ( panel, Gamma_Event, 0, 0,
                           100, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize );

    adjust_gridsizer->Add( adjust_check, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 2 );
    adjust_gridsizer->Add( restoredefaults_button, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 2 );
    adjust_gridsizer->Add( hue_text, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 2 );
    adjust_gridsizer->Add( hue_slider, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 2 );
    adjust_gridsizer->Add( contrast_text, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 2 );
    adjust_gridsizer->Add( contrast_slider, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 2 );
    adjust_gridsizer->Add( brightness_text, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 2 );
    adjust_gridsizer->Add( brightness_slider, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 2 );
    adjust_gridsizer->Add( saturation_text, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 2 );
    adjust_gridsizer->Add( saturation_slider, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 2 );
    adjust_gridsizer->Add( gamma_text, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 2 );
    adjust_gridsizer->Add( gamma_slider, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 2 );

    adjust_sizer->Add( adjust_gridsizer, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 2);

    panel_sizer->Add( adjust_sizer , 1, wxTOP, 2 );

#if 0
    /* Create sizer to surround the other controls */
    wxBoxSizer *other_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );

    wxStaticBox *video_box =
            new wxStaticBox( panel, -1, wxU(_("Video Options")) );
    /* Create the sizer for the frame */
    wxStaticBoxSizer *video_sizer =
       new wxStaticBoxSizer( video_box, wxVERTICAL );
    video_sizer->SetMinSize( -1, 50 );

    static const wxString ratio_array[] =

    wxBoxSizer *ratio_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
    wxStaticText *ratio_text = new wxStaticText( panel, -1,
                                          wxU(_("Aspect Ratio")) );

    ratio_combo = new wxComboBox( panel, Ratio_Event, wxT(""),
                                  wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 80 , -1),
                                  WXSIZEOF(ratio_array), ratio_array,
                                  0 );

    ratio_sizer->Add( ratio_text, 0, wxALL, 2 );
    ratio_sizer->Add( ratio_combo, 0, wxALL, 2 );

    video_sizer->Add( ratio_sizer  , 0 , wxALL , 2 );

    wxStaticBox *filter_box =
                  new wxStaticBox( panel, -1, wxU(_("Video Filters")) );
    wxStaticBoxSizer *filter_sizer =
                   new wxStaticBoxSizer( filter_box, wxHORIZONTAL );

    wxBoxSizer *t_col_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );

    for( int i = 0 ; vfilters[i].psz_filter != NULL ; i++ )
        wxCheckBox *box = new wxCheckBox( panel, Filter0_Event + i,
                                          wxU( _( vfilters[i].psz_name ) ) );
        t_col_sizer->Add( box, 0, wxALL, 4 );
        box->SetToolTip( wxU( _( vfilters[i].psz_help ) ) );

    filter_sizer->Add( t_col_sizer );
    filter_sizer->Add( new wxButton( panel, FiltersInfo_Event,
                            wxU(_("More info" ) ) ), 0, wxALL, 4 );
#if 0
    other_sizer->Add( video_sizer, 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND , 0);
    other_sizer->Add( filter_sizer, 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND , 0);
    panel_sizer->Add(other_sizer , 1 );

    panel_sizer->Add( filter_sizer, 1, wxTOP|wxLEFT, 2 );

    panel->SetSizerAndFit( panel_sizer );

    /* Layout the whole panel */

    panel_sizer->SetSizeHints( panel );

    /* Write down initial values */
    psz_filters = config_GetPsz( p_intf, "filter" );
    if( psz_filters && strstr( psz_filters, "adjust" ) )
        adjust_check->SetValue( 1 );
        adjust_check->SetValue( 0 );
    if( psz_filters ) free( psz_filters );

    int i_value = config_GetInt( p_intf, "hue" );
    if( i_value > 0 && i_value < 360 )
        hue_slider->SetValue( i_value );
    float f_value;
    f_value = config_GetFloat( p_intf, "saturation" );
    if( f_value > 0 && f_value < 5 )
        saturation_slider->SetValue( (int)(100 * f_value) );
    f_value = config_GetFloat( p_intf, "contrast" );
    if( f_value > 0 && f_value < 4 )
        contrast_slider->SetValue( (int)(100 * f_value) );
    f_value = config_GetFloat( p_intf, "brightness" );
    if( f_value > 0 && f_value < 2 )
        brightness_slider->SetValue( (int)(100 * f_value) );
    f_value = config_GetFloat( p_intf, "gamma" );
    if( f_value > 0 && f_value < 10 )
        gamma_slider->SetValue( (int)(10 * f_value) );

    return panel;
예제 #6
MainInterface::MainInterface( intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) : QVLCMW( _p_intf )
    /* Variables initialisation */
    // need_components_update = false;
    bgWidget             = NULL;
    videoWidget          = NULL;
    playlistWidget       = NULL;
#ifndef HAVE_MAEMO
    sysTray              = NULL;
    videoIsActive        = false;
    playlistVisible      = false;
    input_name           = "";
    fullscreenControls   = NULL;
    cryptedLabel         = NULL;
    controls             = NULL;
    inputC               = NULL;
    b_shouldHide         = false;

    bgWasVisible         = false;
    i_bg_height          = 0;

    /* Ask for privacy */

     *  Configuration and settings
     *  Pre-building of interface
    /* Main settings */
    setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
    setAcceptDrops( true );
    setWindowRole( "vlc-main" );
    setWindowIcon( QApplication::windowIcon() );
    setWindowOpacity( config_GetFloat( p_intf, "qt-opacity" ) );

    /* Set The Video In emebedded Mode or not */
    videoEmbeddedFlag = config_GetInt( p_intf, "embedded-video" );

    /* Does the interface resize to video size or the opposite */
    b_keep_size = !config_GetInt( p_intf, "qt-video-autoresize" );

    /* Are we in the enhanced always-video mode or not ? */
    i_visualmode = config_GetInt( p_intf, "qt-display-mode" );

        /* Do we want anoying popups or not */
    notificationEnabled = (bool)config_GetInt( p_intf, "qt-notification" );

    /* Set the other interface settings */
    settings = getSettings();
    settings->beginGroup( "MainWindow" );

     * Retrieve saved sizes for main window
     *   mainBasedSize = based window size for normal mode
     *                  (no video, no background)
     *   mainVideoSize = window size with video (all modes)
    mainBasedSize = settings->value( "mainBasedSize", QSize( 350, 120 ) ).toSize();
    mainVideoSize = settings->value( "mainVideoSize", QSize( 400, 300 ) ).toSize();

     * Status Bar *

     *  UI and Widgets design
    createMainWidget( settings );

     * Menu Bar *
    QVLCMenu::createMenuBar( this, p_intf );
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), voutListChanged( vout_thread_t **, int ),
             this, destroyPopupMenu() );

#if 0
    /* Create a Dock to get the playlist */
    dockPL = new QDockWidget( qtr( "Playlist" ), this );
    dockPL->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred,
                           QSizePolicy::Expanding );
    dockPL->setFeatures( QDockWidget::AllDockWidgetFeatures );
    dockPL->setAllowedAreas( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea
                           | Qt::RightDockWidgetArea
                           | Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea );

     * Create the Systray Management *

     * Input Manager    *
    MainInputManager::getInstance( p_intf );

     * Connect the input manager to the GUI elements it manages *
     * Connects on nameChanged()
     * Those connects are different because options can impeach them to trigger.
    /* Main Interface statusbar */
    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), nameChanged( const QString& ),
             this, setName( const QString& ) );
    /* and systray */
#ifndef HAVE_MAEMO
    if( sysTray )
        CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), nameChanged( const QString& ),
                 this, updateSystrayTooltipName( const QString& ) );
    /* and title of the Main Interface*/
    if( config_GetInt( p_intf, "qt-name-in-title" ) )
        CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), nameChanged( const QString& ),
                 this, setVLCWindowsTitle( const QString& ) );
예제 #7
 * Constructor.
SubsFileDialog::SubsFileDialog( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, wxWindow* _p_parent ):
    wxDialog( _p_parent, -1, wxU(_("Subtitle options")),
              wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE )
    /* Initializations */
    p_intf = _p_intf;
    p_parent = _p_parent;
    SetIcon( *p_intf->p_sys->p_icon );

    /* Create a panel to put everything in */
    wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel( this, -1 );
    panel->SetAutoLayout( TRUE );
    wxBoxSizer *main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
    wxBoxSizer *panel_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );

    /* Create the subtitles file textctrl */
    wxBoxSizer *file_sizer_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
    wxStaticBox *file_box = new wxStaticBox( panel, -1,
                                             wxU(_("Subtitles file")) );
    wxStaticBoxSizer *file_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( file_box,
                                                        wxHORIZONTAL );
    char *psz_subsfile = config_GetPsz( p_intf, "sub-file" );
    if( !psz_subsfile ) psz_subsfile = strdup("");
    file_combo = new wxComboBox( panel, -1, wxL2U(psz_subsfile),
                                 wxPoint(20,25), wxSize(300, -1), 0, NULL );
    if( psz_subsfile ) free( psz_subsfile );
    wxButton *browse_button = new wxButton( panel, FileBrowse_Event,
                                            wxU(_("Browse...")) );
    file_sizer->Add( file_combo, 1, wxALL, 5 );
    file_sizer->Add( browse_button, 0, wxALL, 5 );
    file_sizer_sizer->Add( file_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );
    panel_sizer->Add( file_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );

    /* Subtitles encoding */
    encoding_combo = NULL;
    module_config_t *p_item =
        config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), "subsdec-encoding" );
    if( p_item )
        wxBoxSizer *enc_sizer_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
        wxStaticBox *enc_box = new wxStaticBox( panel, -1,
                                                wxU(_("Subtitles encoding")) );
        wxStaticBoxSizer *enc_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( enc_box,
                                                            wxHORIZONTAL );
        wxStaticText *label =
            new wxStaticText(panel, -1, wxU(p_item->psz_text));
        encoding_combo = new wxComboBox( panel, -1, wxU(p_item->psz_value),
                                         wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                                         0, NULL, wxCB_READONLY );

        /* build a list of available options */
        for( int i_index = 0; p_item->ppsz_list && p_item->ppsz_list[i_index];
             i_index++ )
            encoding_combo->Append( wxU(p_item->ppsz_list[i_index]) );
            if( p_item->psz_value && !strcmp( p_item->psz_value,
                                              p_item->ppsz_list[i_index] ) )
                encoding_combo->SetSelection( i_index );

        if( p_item->psz_value )
        encoding_combo->SetValue( wxU(p_item->psz_value) );
        encoding_combo->SetToolTip( wxU(p_item->psz_longtext) );

        enc_sizer->Add( label, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER, 5 );
        enc_sizer->Add( encoding_combo, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER, 5 );
        enc_sizer_sizer->Add( enc_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );
        panel_sizer->Add( enc_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );

    /* Misc Subtitles options */
    wxBoxSizer *misc_sizer_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
    wxStaticBox *misc_box = new wxStaticBox( panel, -1,
                                             wxU(_("Subtitles options")) );

    wxStaticBoxSizer *misc_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( misc_box,
                                                         wxVERTICAL );

    wxFlexGridSizer *grid_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 2, 1, 20 );

    /* Font size */
    p_item =
        config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), "freetype-rel-fontsize" );
    if( p_item )
        wxBoxSizer *size_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
        wxStaticText *label =
            new wxStaticText(panel, -1, wxU(p_item->psz_text));
        size_combo = new wxComboBox( panel, -1, wxT(""),
                                     wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                                     0, NULL, wxCB_READONLY );

        /* build a list of available options */
        for( int i_index = 0; i_index < p_item->i_list; i_index++ )
            size_combo->Append( wxU(p_item->ppsz_list_text[i_index]),
                                (void *)p_item->pi_list[i_index] );
            if( p_item->i_value == p_item->pi_list[i_index] )
                size_combo->SetSelection( i_index );

        size_combo->SetToolTip( wxU(p_item->psz_longtext) );

        size_sizer->Add( label, 0,  wxRIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER, 5 );
        size_sizer->Add( size_combo, 0, wxLEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER, 5 );
        grid_sizer->Add( size_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );

    p_item =
        config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), "subsdec-align" );
    if( p_item )
        wxBoxSizer *align_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
        wxStaticText *label =
            new wxStaticText(panel, -1, wxU(p_item->psz_text));
        align_combo = new wxComboBox( panel, -1, wxT(""),
                                     wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                                     0, NULL, wxCB_READONLY );

        /* build a list of available options */
        for( int i_index = 0; i_index < p_item->i_list; i_index++ )
            align_combo->Append( wxU(p_item->ppsz_list_text[i_index]),
                                (void *)p_item->pi_list[i_index] );
            if( p_item->i_value == p_item->pi_list[i_index] )
                align_combo->SetSelection( i_index );

        align_combo->SetToolTip( wxU(p_item->psz_longtext) );

        align_sizer->Add( label, 0,  wxRIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER, 5 );
        align_sizer->Add( align_combo, 0, wxLEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER, 5 );
        grid_sizer->Add( align_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );

    misc_sizer->Add( grid_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL , 5 );

    grid_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 4, 1, 20 );

    wxStaticText *label =
        new wxStaticText(panel, -1, wxU(_("Frames per second")));

    float f_fps = config_GetFloat( p_intf, "sub-fps" );
    /* Outside the new wxSpinCtrl to avoid an internal error in gcc2.95 ! */
    wxString format_fps(wxString::Format(wxT("%d"),(int)f_fps));
    fps_spinctrl = new wxSpinCtrl( panel, -1, format_fps,
                                   wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                                   0, 16000, (int)f_fps );
    fps_spinctrl->SetToolTip( wxU(_("Override frames per second. "
               "It will only work with MicroDVD and SubRIP subtitles.")) );
    grid_sizer->Add( label, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 5 );
    grid_sizer->Add( fps_spinctrl, 0,wxALIGN_CENTER, 5 );

    wxStaticText *label_delay =
        new wxStaticText(panel, -1, wxU(_("Delay")));

    int i_delay = config_GetInt( p_intf, "sub-delay" );
    /* Outside the new wxSpinCtrl to avoid an internal error in gcc2.95 ! */
    wxString format_delay(wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), i_delay ));
    delay_spinctrl = new wxSpinCtrl( panel, -1, format_delay,
                                     wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                                     0, 16000, i_delay );
    delay_spinctrl->SetToolTip( wxU(_("Set subtitle delay (in 1/10s)" ) ) );

    grid_sizer->Add( label_delay , 0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 5 );
    grid_sizer->Add( delay_spinctrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 5 );

    misc_sizer->Add( grid_sizer, 0, wxALL, 5 );

    misc_sizer_sizer->Add( misc_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );

    panel_sizer->Add( misc_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );

    /* Separation */
    wxStaticLine *static_line = new wxStaticLine( panel, wxID_OK );

    /* Create the buttons */
    wxButton *ok_button = new wxButton( panel, wxID_OK, wxU(_("OK")) );
    wxButton *cancel_button = new wxButton( panel, wxID_CANCEL,
                                            wxU(_("Cancel")) );

    /* Place everything in sizers */
    wxBoxSizer *button_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
    button_sizer->Add( ok_button, 0, wxALL, 5 );
    button_sizer->Add( cancel_button, 0, wxALL, 5 );

    panel_sizer->Add( static_line, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );
    panel_sizer->Add( button_sizer, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_BOTTOM |
                      wxALL, 5 );
    panel->SetSizerAndFit( panel_sizer );
    main_sizer->Add( panel, 1, wxGROW, 0 );
    SetSizerAndFit( main_sizer );
예제 #8
 * InheritValue: try to inherit the value of this variable from the same one
 *               in our closest parent.
static int InheritValue( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_name,
                         vlc_value_t *p_val, int i_type )
    int i_var;
    variable_t *p_var;

    /* No need to take the structure lock,
     * we are only looking for our parents */

    if( !p_this->p_parent )
        switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE )
        case VLC_VAR_FILE:
        case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY:
        case VLC_VAR_STRING:
        case VLC_VAR_MODULE:
            p_val->psz_string = config_GetPsz( p_this, psz_name );
            if( !p_val->psz_string ) p_val->psz_string = strdup("");
        case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
            p_val->f_float = config_GetFloat( p_this, psz_name );
        case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
        case VLC_VAR_HOTKEY:
            p_val->i_int = config_GetInt( p_this, psz_name );
        case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
            p_val->b_bool = config_GetInt( p_this, psz_name );
        case VLC_VAR_LIST:
            char *psz_orig, *psz_var;
            vlc_list_t *p_list = malloc(sizeof(vlc_list_t));
            p_val->p_list = p_list;
            p_list->i_count = 0;

            psz_var = psz_orig = config_GetPsz( p_this, psz_name );
            while( psz_var && *psz_var )
                char *psz_item = psz_var;
                vlc_value_t val;
                while( *psz_var && *psz_var != ',' ) psz_var++;
                if( *psz_var == ',' )
                    *psz_var = '\0';
                val.i_int = strtol( psz_item, NULL, 0 );
                INSERT_ELEM( p_list->p_values, p_list->i_count,
                             p_list->i_count, val );
                /* p_list->i_count is incremented twice by INSERT_ELEM */
                INSERT_ELEM( p_list->pi_types, p_list->i_count,
                             p_list->i_count, VLC_VAR_INTEGER );
            if( psz_orig ) free( psz_orig );
            return VLC_ENOOBJ;

        return VLC_SUCCESS;

    /* Look for the variable */
    vlc_mutex_lock( &p_this->p_parent->var_lock );

    i_var = Lookup( p_this->p_parent->p_vars, p_this->p_parent->i_vars,
                    psz_name );

    if( i_var >= 0 )
        /* We found it! */
        p_var = &p_this->p_parent->p_vars[i_var];

        /* Really get the variable */
        *p_val = p_var->val;

        /* Duplicate value if needed */
        p_var->pf_dup( p_val );

        vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_this->p_parent->var_lock );
        return VLC_SUCCESS;

    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_this->p_parent->var_lock );

    /* We're still not there */

    return InheritValue( p_this->p_parent, psz_name, p_val, i_type );
예제 #9
파일: rpn.c 프로젝트: Kafay/vlc
void EvaluateRPN( intf_thread_t *p_intf, mvar_t  *vars,
                      rpn_stack_t *st, char *exp )
    intf_sys_t    *p_sys = p_intf->p_sys;

    while( exp != NULL && *exp != '\0' )
        char *p, *s;

        /* skip space */
        while( *exp == ' ' )

        if( *exp == '\'' )
            /* extract string */
            p = FirstWord( exp, exp );
            SSPush( st, exp );
            exp = p;

        /* extract token */
        p = FirstWord( exp, exp );
        s = exp;
        if( p == NULL )
            exp += strlen( exp );
            exp = p;

        if( *s == '\0' )

        /* 1. Integer function */
        if( !strcmp( s, "!" ) )
            SSPushN( st, ~SSPopN( st, vars ) );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "^" ) )
            SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) ^ SSPopN( st, vars ) );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "&" ) )
            SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) & SSPopN( st, vars ) );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "|" ) )
            SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) | SSPopN( st, vars ) );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "+" ) )
            SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) + SSPopN( st, vars ) );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "-" ) )
            int j = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i = SSPopN( st, vars );
            SSPushN( st, i - j );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "*" ) )
            SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) * SSPopN( st, vars ) );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "/" ) )
            int i, j;

            j = SSPopN( st, vars );
            i = SSPopN( st, vars );

            SSPushN( st, j != 0 ? i / j : 0 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "%" ) )
            int i, j;

            j = SSPopN( st, vars );
            i = SSPopN( st, vars );

            SSPushN( st, j != 0 ? i % j : 0 );
        /* 2. integer tests */
        else if( !strcmp( s, "=" ) )
            SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) == SSPopN( st, vars ) ? -1 : 0 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "!=" ) )
            SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) != SSPopN( st, vars ) ? -1 : 0 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "<" ) )
            int j = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i = SSPopN( st, vars );

            SSPushN( st, i < j ? -1 : 0 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, ">" ) )
            int j = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i = SSPopN( st, vars );

            SSPushN( st, i > j ? -1 : 0 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "<=" ) )
            int j = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i = SSPopN( st, vars );

            SSPushN( st, i <= j ? -1 : 0 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, ">=" ) )
            int j = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i = SSPopN( st, vars );

            SSPushN( st, i >= j ? -1 : 0 );
        /* 3. string functions */
        else if( !strcmp( s, "strcat" ) )
            char *s2 = SSPop( st );
            char *s1 = SSPop( st );
            char *str = malloc( strlen( s1 ) + strlen( s2 ) + 1 );

            strcpy( str, s1 );
            strcat( str, s2 );

            SSPush( st, str );
            free( s1 );
            free( s2 );
            free( str );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "strcmp" ) )
            char *s2 = SSPop( st );
            char *s1 = SSPop( st );

            SSPushN( st, strcmp( s1, s2 ) );
            free( s1 );
            free( s2 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "strncmp" ) )
            int n = SSPopN( st, vars );
            char *s2 = SSPop( st );
            char *s1 = SSPop( st );

            SSPushN( st, strncmp( s1, s2 , n ) );
            free( s1 );
            free( s2 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "strsub" ) )
            int n = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int m = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i_len;
            char *s = SSPop( st );
            char *str;

            if( n >= m )
                i_len = n - m + 1;
                i_len = 0;

            str = malloc( i_len + 1 );

            memcpy( str, s + m - 1, i_len );
            str[ i_len ] = '\0';

            SSPush( st, str );
            free( s );
            free( str );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "strlen" ) )
            char *str = SSPop( st );

            SSPushN( st, strlen( str ) );
            free( str );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "str_replace" ) )
            char *psz_to = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_from = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_in = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_in_current = psz_in;
            char *psz_out = malloc( strlen(psz_in) * strlen(psz_to) + 1 );
            char *psz_out_current = psz_out;

            while( (p = strstr( psz_in_current, psz_from )) != NULL )
                memcpy( psz_out_current, psz_in_current, p - psz_in_current );
                psz_out_current += p - psz_in_current;
                strcpy( psz_out_current, psz_to );
                psz_out_current += strlen(psz_to);
                psz_in_current = p + strlen(psz_from);
            strcpy( psz_out_current, psz_in_current );
            psz_out_current += strlen(psz_in_current);
            *psz_out_current = '\0';

            SSPush( st, psz_out );
            free( psz_to );
            free( psz_from );
            free( psz_in );
            free( psz_out );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "url_extract" ) )
            const char *url = mvar_GetValue( vars, "url_value" );
            char *name = SSPop( st );
            char *value = ExtractURIString( url, name );
            if( value != NULL )
                decode_URI( value );
                SSPush( st, value );
                free( value );
                SSPush( st, "" );

            free( name );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "url_encode" ) )
            char *url = SSPop( st );
            char *value = vlc_UrlEncode( url );
            free( url );
            SSPush( st, value );
            free( value );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "xml_encode" )
              || !strcmp( s, "htmlspecialchars" ) )
            char *url = SSPop( st );
            char *value = convert_xml_special_chars( url );
            free( url );
            SSPush( st, value );
            free( value );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "addslashes" ) )
            char *psz_src = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_dest;
            char *str = psz_src;

            p = psz_dest = malloc( strlen( str ) * 2 + 1 );

            while( *str != '\0' )
                if( *str == '"' || *str == '\'' || *str == '\\' )
                    *p++ = '\\';
                *p++ = *str;
            *p = '\0';

            SSPush( st, psz_dest );
            free( psz_src );
            free( psz_dest );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "stripslashes" ) )
            char *psz_src = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_dest;
            char *str = psz_src;

            p = psz_dest = strdup( psz_src );

            while( *str )
                if( *str == '\\' && *(str + 1) )
                *p++ = *str++;
            *p = '\0';

            SSPush( st, psz_dest );
            free( psz_src );
            free( psz_dest );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "realpath" ) )
            char *psz_src = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_dir = RealPath( psz_src );

            SSPush( st, psz_dir );
            free( psz_src );
            free( psz_dir );
        /* 4. stack functions */
        else if( !strcmp( s, "dup" ) )
            char *str = SSPop( st );
            SSPush( st, str );
            SSPush( st, str );
            free( str );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "drop" ) )
            char *str = SSPop( st );
            free( str );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "swap" ) )
            char *s1 = SSPop( st );
            char *s2 = SSPop( st );

            SSPush( st, s1 );
            SSPush( st, s2 );
            free( s1 );
            free( s2 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "flush" ) )
            SSClean( st );
            SSInit( st );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "store" ) )
            char *value = SSPop( st );
            char *name  = SSPop( st );

            mvar_PushNewVar( vars, name, value );
            free( name );
            free( value );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "value" ) )
            char *name  = SSPop( st );
            const char *value = mvar_GetValue( vars, name );

            SSPush( st, value );

            free( name );
        /* 5. player control */
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_play" ) )
            int i_id = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i_ret;

            playlist_Lock( p_sys->p_playlist );
            i_ret = playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_VIEWPLAY,
                                      pl_Locked, NULL,
                                      playlist_ItemGetById( p_sys->p_playlist,
                                      i_id ) );
            playlist_Unlock( p_sys->p_playlist );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist item: %i", i_id );
            SSPushN( st, i_ret );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_stop" ) )
            playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_STOP, pl_Unlocked );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist stop" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_pause" ) )
            playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_PAUSE, pl_Unlocked );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist pause" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_next" ) )
            playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_SKIP, pl_Unlocked, 1 );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist next" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_previous" ) )
            playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_SKIP, pl_Unlocked, -1 );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist previous" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_seek" ) )
            char *psz_value = SSPop( st );
            HandleSeek( p_intf, psz_value );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist seek: %s", psz_value );
            free( psz_value );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_var_type" )
                  || !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_type" ) )
            vlc_object_t *p_object;
            const char *psz_type = NULL;
            int i_type = 0;

            if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_var_type" ) )
                char *psz_object = SSPop( st );
                char *psz_variable = SSPop( st );
                bool b_need_release;

                p_object = GetVLCObject( p_intf, psz_object, &b_need_release );

                if( p_object != NULL )
                    i_type = var_Type( p_object, psz_variable );
                free( psz_variable );
                free( psz_object );
                if( b_need_release && p_object != NULL )
                    vlc_object_release( p_object );
                char *psz_variable = SSPop( st );
                p_object = VLC_OBJECT(p_intf);
                i_type = config_GetType( p_object, psz_variable );
                free( psz_variable );

            if( p_object != NULL )
                switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE )
                case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_BOOL";
                case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_INTEGER";
                case VLC_VAR_HOTKEY:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_HOTKEY";
                case VLC_VAR_STRING:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_STRING";
                case VLC_VAR_MODULE:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_MODULE";
                case VLC_VAR_FILE:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_FILE";
                case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY";
                case VLC_VAR_VARIABLE:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_VARIABLE";
                case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_FLOAT";
                    psz_type = "UNDEFINED";
                psz_type = "INVALID";

            SSPush( st, psz_type );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_var_set" ) )
            char *psz_object = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_variable = SSPop( st );
            bool b_need_release;

            vlc_object_t *p_object = GetVLCObject( p_intf, psz_object,
                                                   &b_need_release );

            if( p_object != NULL )
                bool b_error = false;
                char *psz_value = NULL;
                vlc_value_t val;
                int i_type;

                i_type = var_Type( p_object, psz_variable );

                switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE )
                case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
                    val.b_bool = SSPopN( st, vars );
                    msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested %s var change: %s->%d",
                             psz_object, psz_variable, val.b_bool );
                case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
                case VLC_VAR_HOTKEY:
                    val.i_int = SSPopN( st, vars );
                    msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested %s var change: %s->%d",
                             psz_object, psz_variable, val.i_int );
                case VLC_VAR_STRING:
                case VLC_VAR_MODULE:
                case VLC_VAR_FILE:
                case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY:
                case VLC_VAR_VARIABLE:
                    val.psz_string = psz_value = SSPop( st );
                    msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested %s var change: %s->%s",
                             psz_object, psz_variable, psz_value );
                case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
                    psz_value = SSPop( st );
                    val.f_float = atof( psz_value );
                    msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested %s var change: %s->%f",
                             psz_object, psz_variable, val.f_float );
                    SSPopN( st, vars );
                    msg_Warn( p_intf, "invalid %s variable type %d (%s)",
                              psz_object, i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE, psz_variable );
                    b_error = true;

                if( !b_error )
                    var_Set( p_object, psz_variable, val );
                if( psz_value != NULL )
                    free( psz_value );
                msg_Warn( p_intf, "vlc_var_set called without an object" );
            free( psz_variable );
            free( psz_object );

            if( b_need_release && p_object != NULL )
                vlc_object_release( p_object );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_var_get" ) )
            char *psz_object = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_variable = SSPop( st );
            bool b_need_release;

            vlc_object_t *p_object = GetVLCObject( p_intf, psz_object,
                                                   &b_need_release );

            if( p_object != NULL )
                vlc_value_t val;
                int i_type;

                i_type = var_Type( p_object, psz_variable );
                var_Get( p_object, psz_variable, &val );

                switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE )
                case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
                    SSPushN( st, val.b_bool );
                case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
                case VLC_VAR_HOTKEY:
                    SSPushN( st, val.i_int );
                case VLC_VAR_STRING:
                case VLC_VAR_MODULE:
                case VLC_VAR_FILE:
                case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY:
                case VLC_VAR_VARIABLE:
                    SSPush( st, val.psz_string );
                    free( val.psz_string );
                case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
                    char psz_value[20];
                    lldiv_t value = lldiv( val.f_float * 1000000, 1000000 );
                    snprintf( psz_value, sizeof(psz_value), "%lld.%06u",
                                    value.quot, (unsigned int)value.rem );
                    SSPush( st, psz_value );
                    msg_Warn( p_intf, "invalid %s variable type %d (%s)",
                              psz_object, i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE, psz_variable );
                    SSPush( st, "" );
                msg_Warn( p_intf, "vlc_var_get called without an object" );
                SSPush( st, "" );
            free( psz_variable );
            free( psz_object );

            if( b_need_release && p_object != NULL )
                vlc_object_release( p_object );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_object_exists" ) )
            char *psz_object = SSPop( st );
            bool b_need_release;

            vlc_object_t *p_object = GetVLCObject( p_intf, psz_object,
                                                   &b_need_release );
            if( b_need_release && p_object != NULL )
                vlc_object_release( p_object );

            if( p_object != NULL )
                SSPush( st, "1" );
                SSPush( st, "0" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_set" ) )
            char *psz_variable = SSPop( st );
            int i_type = config_GetType( p_intf, psz_variable );

            switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE )
            case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
            case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
                config_PutInt( p_intf, psz_variable, SSPopN( st, vars ) );
            case VLC_VAR_STRING:
            case VLC_VAR_MODULE:
            case VLC_VAR_FILE:
            case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY:
                char *psz_string = SSPop( st );
                config_PutPsz( p_intf, psz_variable, psz_string );
                free( psz_string );
            case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
                char *psz_string = SSPop( st );
                config_PutFloat( p_intf, psz_variable, atof(psz_string) );
                free( psz_string );
                msg_Warn( p_intf, "vlc_config_set called on unknown var (%s)",
                          psz_variable );
            free( psz_variable );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_get" ) )
            char *psz_variable = SSPop( st );
            int i_type = config_GetType( p_intf, psz_variable );

            switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE )
            case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
            case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
                SSPushN( st, config_GetInt( p_intf, psz_variable ) );
            case VLC_VAR_STRING:
            case VLC_VAR_MODULE:
            case VLC_VAR_FILE:
            case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY:
                char *psz_string = config_GetPsz( p_intf, psz_variable );
                SSPush( st, psz_string );
                free( psz_string );
            case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
                char psz_string[20];
                lldiv_t value = lldiv( config_GetFloat( p_intf, psz_variable )
                                       * 1000000, 1000000 );
                snprintf( psz_string, sizeof(psz_string), "%lld.%06u",
                          value.quot, (unsigned int)value.rem );
                SSPush( st, psz_string );
                msg_Warn( p_intf, "vlc_config_get called on unknown var (%s)",
                          psz_variable );
                SSPush( st, "" );
            free( psz_variable );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_save" ) )
            char *psz_module = SSPop( st );
            int i_result;

            if( !*psz_module )
                free( psz_module );
                psz_module = NULL;
            i_result = config_SaveConfigFile( p_intf, psz_module );

            if( psz_module != NULL )
                free( psz_module );
            SSPushN( st, i_result );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_reset" ) )
            config_ResetAll( p_intf );
        /* 6. playlist functions */
        else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_add" ) )
            char *psz_name = SSPop( st );
            char *mrl = SSPop( st );
            input_item_t *p_input;
            int i_ret;

            p_input = MRLParse( p_intf, mrl, psz_name );

            char *psz_uri = input_item_GetURI( p_input );
            if( !p_input || !psz_uri || !*psz_uri )
                i_ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
                msg_Dbg( p_intf, "invalid requested mrl: %s", mrl );
                i_ret = playlist_AddInput( p_sys->p_playlist, p_input,
                                   PLAYLIST_APPEND, PLAYLIST_END, true,
                                   pl_Unlocked );
                if( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS )
                    playlist_item_t *p_item;
                    msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested mrl add: %s", mrl );
                    playlist_Lock( p_sys->p_playlist );
                    p_item = playlist_ItemGetByInput( p_sys->p_playlist,
                                                      p_input );
                    if( p_item )
                        i_ret = p_item->i_id;
                    playlist_Unlock( p_sys->p_playlist );
                    msg_Warn( p_intf, "adding mrl %s failed", mrl );
                vlc_gc_decref( p_input );
            free( psz_uri );
            SSPushN( st, i_ret );

            free( mrl );
            free( psz_name );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_empty" ) )
            playlist_Clear( p_sys->p_playlist, pl_Unlocked );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist empty" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_delete" ) )
            int i_id = SSPopN( st, vars );
            playlist_Lock( p_sys->p_playlist );
            playlist_item_t *p_item = playlist_ItemGetById( p_sys->p_playlist,
                                                            i_id );
            if( p_item )
                playlist_DeleteFromInput( p_sys->p_playlist,
                                          p_item->p_input, pl_Locked );
                msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist delete: %d", i_id );
                msg_Dbg( p_intf, "couldn't find playlist item to delete (%d)",
                         i_id );
            playlist_Unlock( p_sys->p_playlist );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_move" ) )
            /*int i_newpos =*/ SSPopN( st, vars );
            /*int i_pos =*/ SSPopN( st, vars );
            do not release before fixing this
            if ( i_pos < i_newpos )
                playlist_Move( p_sys->p_playlist, i_pos, i_newpos + 1 );
                playlist_Move( p_sys->p_playlist, i_pos, i_newpos );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested to move playlist item %d to %d",
                     i_pos, i_newpos);
            msg_Err( p_intf, "moving using indexes is obsolete. We need to update this function" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_sort" ) )
            int i_order = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i_sort = SSPopN( st, vars );
            i_order = i_order % 2;
            i_sort = i_sort % 9;
            do not release before fixing this
            playlist_RecursiveNodeSort(  p_sys->p_playlist,
                                         i_sort, i_order );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested sort playlist by : %d in order : %d",
                     i_sort, i_order );
            msg_Err( p_intf, "this needs to be fixed to use the new playlist framework" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "services_discovery_add" ) )
            char *psz_sd = SSPop( st );
            playlist_ServicesDiscoveryAdd( p_sys->p_playlist, psz_sd );
            free( psz_sd );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "services_discovery_remove" ) )
            char *psz_sd = SSPop( st );
            playlist_ServicesDiscoveryRemove( p_sys->p_playlist, psz_sd );
            free( psz_sd );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "services_discovery_is_loaded" ) )
            char *psz_sd = SSPop( st );
            SSPushN( st,
            playlist_IsServicesDiscoveryLoaded( p_sys->p_playlist, psz_sd ) );
            free( psz_sd );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_volume_set" ) )
            char *psz_vol = SSPop( st );
            int i_value;
            audio_volume_t i_volume;
            aout_VolumeGet( p_intf, &i_volume );
            if( psz_vol[0] == '+' )
                i_value = atoi( psz_vol );
                if( (i_volume + i_value) > AOUT_VOLUME_MAX )
                    aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, AOUT_VOLUME_MAX );
                    aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, i_volume + i_value );
            else if( psz_vol[0] == '-' )
                i_value = atoi( psz_vol );
                if( (i_volume + i_value) < AOUT_VOLUME_MIN )
                    aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, AOUT_VOLUME_MIN );
                    aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, i_volume + i_value );
            else if( strstr( psz_vol, "%") != NULL )
                i_value = atoi( psz_vol );
                if( i_value < 0 ) i_value = 0;
                if( i_value > 400 ) i_value = 400;
                aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, (i_value * (AOUT_VOLUME_MAX - AOUT_VOLUME_MIN))/400+AOUT_VOLUME_MIN);
                i_value = atoi( psz_vol );
                if( i_value > AOUT_VOLUME_MAX ) i_value = AOUT_VOLUME_MAX;
                if( i_value < AOUT_VOLUME_MIN ) i_value = AOUT_VOLUME_MIN;
                aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, i_value );
            aout_VolumeGet( p_intf, &i_volume );
            free( psz_vol );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_get_meta" ) )
            char *psz_meta = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_val = NULL;
            if( p_sys->p_input && input_GetItem(p_sys->p_input) )
#define p_item input_GetItem( p_sys->p_input )
                if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "ARTIST" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetArtist( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "TITLE" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetTitle( p_item );
                    if( !psz_val )
                        psz_val = input_item_GetName( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "ALBUM" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetAlbum( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "GENRE" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetGenre( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "COPYRIGHT" ) )
                     psz_val = input_item_GetCopyright( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "TRACK_NUMBER" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetTrackNum( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "DESCRIPTION" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetDescription( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "RATING" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetRating( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "DATE" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetDate( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "URL" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetURL( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "LANGUAGE" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetLanguage( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "NOW_PLAYING" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetNowPlaying( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "PUBLISHER" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetPublisher( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "ENCODED_BY" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetEncodedBy( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "ART_URL" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetEncodedBy( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "TRACK_ID" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetTrackID( p_item );
#undef p_item
            if( psz_val == NULL ) psz_val = strdup( "" );
            SSPush( st, psz_val );
            free( psz_meta );
            free( psz_val );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlm_command" ) || !strcmp( s, "vlm_cmd" ) )
            char *psz_elt;
            char *psz_cmd = strdup( "" );
            char *psz_error;
            vlm_message_t *vlm_answer;

            /* make sure that we have a vlm object */
            if( p_intf->p_sys->p_vlm == NULL )
                p_intf->p_sys->p_vlm = vlm_New( p_intf );

            /* vlm command uses the ';' delimiter
             * (else we can't know when to stop) */
            while( strcmp( psz_elt = SSPop( st ), "" )
                   && strcmp( psz_elt, ";" ) )
                char* psz_buf;
                if( asprintf( &psz_buf, "%s %s", psz_cmd, psz_elt ) == -1 )
                    psz_buf = NULL;
                free( psz_cmd );
                free( psz_elt );
                psz_cmd = psz_buf;

            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "executing vlm command: %s", psz_cmd );
            vlm_ExecuteCommand( p_intf->p_sys->p_vlm, psz_cmd, &vlm_answer );

            if( vlm_answer->psz_value == NULL )
                psz_error = strdup( "" );
                if( asprintf( &psz_error , "%s : %s" , vlm_answer->psz_name,
                              vlm_answer->psz_value ) == -1 )
                    psz_error = NULL;

            mvar_AppendNewVar( vars, "vlm_error", psz_error );
            /* this is kind of a duplicate but we need to have the message
             * without the command name for the "export" command */
            mvar_AppendNewVar( vars, "vlm_value", vlm_answer->psz_value );
            vlm_MessageDelete( vlm_answer );

            free( psz_cmd );
            free( psz_error );
#endif /* ENABLE_VLM */
        else if( !strcmp( s, "snapshot" ) )
            if( p_sys->p_input )
                vout_thread_t *p_vout = input_GetVout( p_sys->p_input );
                if( p_vout )
                    var_TriggerCallback( p_vout, "video-snapshot" );
                    vlc_object_release( p_vout );
                    msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested snapshot" );

            SSPush( st, s );
예제 #10
파일: param_eq.c 프로젝트: FLYKingdom/vlc
 * Open:
static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    aout_filter_t     *p_filter = (aout_filter_t *)p_this;
    aout_filter_sys_t *p_sys;
    bool         b_fit = true;
    int                i_samplerate;

    if( p_filter->input.i_format != VLC_CODEC_FL32 ||
        p_filter->output.i_format != VLC_CODEC_FL32 )
        b_fit = false;
        p_filter->input.i_format = VLC_CODEC_FL32;
        p_filter->output.i_format = VLC_CODEC_FL32;
        msg_Warn( p_filter, "bad input or output format" );
    if ( !AOUT_FMTS_SIMILAR( &p_filter->input, &p_filter->output ) )
        b_fit = false;
        memcpy( &p_filter->output, &p_filter->input,
                sizeof(audio_sample_format_t) );
        msg_Warn( p_filter, "input and output formats are not similar" );

    if ( ! b_fit )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    p_filter->pf_do_work = DoWork;
    p_filter->b_in_place = true;

    /* Allocate structure */
    p_sys = p_filter->p_sys = malloc( sizeof( aout_filter_sys_t ) );

    p_sys->f_lowf = config_GetFloat( p_this, "param-eq-lowf");
    p_sys->f_lowgain = config_GetFloat( p_this, "param-eq-lowgain");
    p_sys->f_highf = config_GetFloat( p_this, "param-eq-highf");
    p_sys->f_highgain = config_GetFloat( p_this, "param-eq-highgain");
    p_sys->f_f1 = config_GetFloat( p_this, "param-eq-f1");
    p_sys->f_Q1 = config_GetFloat( p_this, "param-eq-q1");
    p_sys->f_gain1 = config_GetFloat( p_this, "param-eq-gain1");
    p_sys->f_f2 = config_GetFloat( p_this, "param-eq-f2");
    p_sys->f_Q2 = config_GetFloat( p_this, "param-eq-q2");
    p_sys->f_gain2 = config_GetFloat( p_this, "param-eq-gain2");

    p_sys->f_f3 = config_GetFloat( p_this, "param-eq-f3");
    p_sys->f_Q3 = config_GetFloat( p_this, "param-eq-q3");
    p_sys->f_gain3 = config_GetFloat( p_this, "param-eq-gain3");

    i_samplerate = p_filter->input.i_rate;
    CalcPeakEQCoeffs(p_sys->f_f1, p_sys->f_Q1, p_sys->f_gain1,
                     i_samplerate, p_sys->coeffs+0*5);
    CalcPeakEQCoeffs(p_sys->f_f2, p_sys->f_Q2, p_sys->f_gain2,
                     i_samplerate, p_sys->coeffs+1*5);
    CalcPeakEQCoeffs(p_sys->f_f3, p_sys->f_Q3, p_sys->f_gain3,
                     i_samplerate, p_sys->coeffs+2*5);
    CalcShelfEQCoeffs(p_sys->f_lowf, 1, p_sys->f_lowgain, 0,
                      i_samplerate, p_sys->coeffs+3*5);
    CalcShelfEQCoeffs(p_sys->f_highf, 1, p_sys->f_highgain, 0,
                      i_samplerate, p_sys->coeffs+4*5);
    p_sys->p_state = (float*)calloc( p_filter->input.i_channels*5*4,
                                     sizeof(float) );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
예제 #11
BookmarksDialog::BookmarksDialog( intf_thread_t *_p_intf ):QVLCFrame( _p_intf )
    setWindowFlags( Qt::Tool );
    setWindowOpacity( config_GetFloat( p_intf, "qt-opacity" ) );
    setWindowTitle( qtr( "Edit Bookmarks" ) );
    setWindowRole( "vlc-bookmarks" );

    QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout( this );

    QPushButton *addButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "Create" ) );
    addButton->setToolTip( qtr( "Create a new bookmark" ) );
    QPushButton *delButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "Delete" ) );
    delButton->setToolTip( qtr( "Delete the selected item" ) );
    QPushButton *clearButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "Clear" ) );
    clearButton->setToolTip( qtr( "Delete all the bookmarks" ) );
#if 0
    QPushButton *extractButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "Extract" ) );
    extractButton->setToolTip( qtr() );
    QPushButton *closeButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "&Close" ) );

    bookmarksList = new QTreeWidget( this );
    bookmarksList->setRootIsDecorated( false );
    bookmarksList->setAlternatingRowColors( true );
    bookmarksList->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection );
    bookmarksList->setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView::SelectRows );
    bookmarksList->setEditTriggers( QAbstractItemView::SelectedClicked );
    bookmarksList->setColumnCount( 3 );
    bookmarksList->resize( sizeHint() );

    QStringList headerLabels;
    headerLabels << qtr( "Description" );
    headerLabels << qtr( "Bytes" );
    headerLabels << qtr( "Time" );
    bookmarksList->setHeaderLabels( headerLabels );

    layout->addWidget( addButton, 0, 0 );
    layout->addWidget( delButton, 1, 0 );
    layout->addWidget( clearButton, 2, 0 );
    layout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding ), 4, 0 );
#if 0
    layout->addWidget( extractButton, 5, 0 );
    layout->addWidget( bookmarksList, 0, 1, 6, 2);
    layout->setColumnStretch( 1, 1 );
    layout->addWidget( closeButton, 7, 2 );

    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), bookmarksChanged(),
             this, update() );

    CONNECT( bookmarksList, activated( QModelIndex ), this,
             activateItem( QModelIndex ) );
    CONNECT( bookmarksList, itemChanged( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ),
             this, edit( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ) );

    BUTTONACT( addButton, add() );
    BUTTONACT( delButton, del() );
    BUTTONACT( clearButton, clear() );
#if 0
    BUTTONACT( extractButton, extract() );
    BUTTONACT( closeButton, close() );

    readSettings( "Bookmarks", QSize( 435, 280 ) );